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電子化政府與組織法制作業之研究王瑜纓 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 基於組織再造將帶動組織法制作業頻繁,爰就採行電子化政府策略建置「組織案件管理資訊系統」並兼採作業流程簡化、標準化等創新作法,對組織法制作業效率所產生之效益進行檢視。
二、 綜合研究結果與發現,在實務方面作為政府推動電子化政府及組織案件審議之參考,而在學術單位和研究機構方面,提供未來從事相關研究之建議。
本研究在經由理論探討與研究個案實作之後,得知組織法制作業效率除可藉由組織調整、法制鬆綁、流程再造等方法獲致,但電子化政府策略之採行的確可使組織法制作業獲致「作業流程簡化」、「文書減量」、「時間節省」等大幅、迅速的效益提升,本研究之有關命題爰能得到支持、驗證,且實為推展網路化行政、深化數位化行政的必要政策工具之一。 / Government agency is established according by law. The structure and personnel system of a government agency not only constraint by legal statutes, but also need to be amended as environment change. However, the timeliness of amendment is always a government-wide problem that affects administrative efficiency. Since the government reform movement from 1998, lots of efforts have been put on simplifying organization structure, enlarging organization design flexibility, and reducing time for amendment. Also, the enactment of organization basic law, personnel quota, and the restructuring of the Executive Yuan are three most important things.
As a member of the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, which organization is responsible for the reviewing of organization law of government agency and promoting electronic government, this researcher has conducted a case study on applying electronic government strategy in reviewing organization law. This research is focus on “the task force for organization law management information system”, which is a cross agency team effort. Through the study of applying Internet technology, redesigning the review process, standardization of procedure, and simplification of legislation, this research has served two purposes:
1. To assess the effectiveness of applying electronic government strategy to the reviewing process of the organization law.
2. Through the in-depth analysis of this case, the research finding and conclusion can explore how e-government strategy can be applied on reviewing the organization law of government agency.
This research has conducted extensive study of theory, administrative records and the practical operation of the information system for reviewing organization laws. It can be inferred that e-government strategy does help to streamline the review process, to reduce paperwork, and to save time for reviewing. Thus, this case study can contribute to the emerging framework for so called e-administration.
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推動「型塑學習型政府行動方案」過程之研究: / A Study on the Implementation Process for“Action Plan for Molding Learning Government”陳秀美 Unknown Date (has links)
為達研究之目的,本論文主要研究方法為文獻回顧及深度訪談;文獻回顧部分乃試圖從標竿機關成功案例的經驗分享中,萃取出驅動團隊未來最關鍵的動力來源。由於注意的焦點是標竿機關成功的顛峰經驗,它的能量是非常高的,大家就有信心在此基礎上,並運用Peter Senge五項修練方法透過「系統思考」模型分別探討:
【關鍵字】:組織學習、學習型政府、政府改造 / The Central Personnel Administration, Executive Yaun, ROC (hereafter ‘CPA’ has issued “Forming Learning Organization Program” (hereafter ‘Program’) to assist public organizations to implement the organizational learning activities for making both government and public employees to develop and grow sustainably. However, what effects would this Program arise still needs further evaluation, for there haven’t been any successful precedents of learning government. Reason for the lack of the above mentioned precedents might be various elements of the Program haven’t been explored and researched. This background invites the interests of author to process the research on what learning organization impact to government reform.
In order to achieve the goals of this research, the research methods utilized by the author are the document method and the deep interview method. The aim of document method is to absorb the essential vitality that empowers a team to success from targeting successful cases. Because the focus is put on the supreme successful experiences of the targeting team, the energy developed is very high. Furthermore the Fifth Discipline will be used via systems thinking to deal with the following subjects:
I. to aquire the meaning, goals, the implementing results, and the differences between controlling systems by analyzing the Program proposed on October 2000 and the other one proposed on February 2004。
II. to understand what public employees reflect and react to the Program.
Based on the above mentioned the author will draft the questionnaires for deep interview, and submit them to the public employees of all levels of institutes which have implemented the Program. The evolution should take place from individual parts and expand to others, and it is needed to exam how the system function for realizing a meaningful result. However, there are too many issues and objectives involved in the Program. And without considering different characters of each public institution, the application of the Program not only causes disturbance and pressure to public institutes, but also raises the complaints from public employees. According to the results gain form many interviewed objectives of the operating institutions, there is still lacking of confidence on operating this Program. In the process of operating the Program, CPA should take the difficulties of operating the Program and its practice seriously. And the CPA should also improve the resources of organizational learning, so as to make the goals of organizational learning realized smoothly.
Keywords: organizational learning, learning government, government reform
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組織重組理論與實踐-第二階段精省作業對內政部組織重組影響之實證分析 / The theory and practice of reorganization: the practical analysis of the reorganization's effect on the Ministry of Interior in the second stage of streamlined-provincial project李玉惠 Unknown Date (has links)
一九八0年以來政府再造蔚為世界風潮,組織改造工程為各國因應財政壓力及行政效率低落的重要基礎建設。蕭萬長內閣啟動精省列車,陳水扁總統重啟行政院組織法修正,皆有龐大政治效應,如何經驗接軌,為本文研究之動機。經由分析整理相關理論,探討組織重組可能的成因和動力,並藉由內政部精省第二階段組織調整作業之個案分析,希望透過理論的粹煉和展演,提昇組織重組的執行力,俾全面提昇政府效能,最後作者提出八項結論及八項建議。結論部分計列:一、影響公共組織組織重組因素中,以政治因素居首,其次為經濟因素,管理因素影響最微。二、組織重組機會之窗的開啟需以有重大事件為先決條件。三、組織重組的動力依序源於民意機關、上級機關及行政首長。四、組織重組方案係理性規劃或非理性規劃,端視其內、外推拉力量而定。五、組織調整方案應重視配套法案及其立法優先順序。六、組織調整方案應兼具穩健及開創性。七、第二階段精省作業強調員額精簡。八、第二階段精省組織調整之最大特色即組織法律制(修)定及暫行組織規程修訂案雙軌併行等八項。建議部分計列:一、組織改造核心理念應為政府職能調整,即為塑身,非瘦身。二、重視組織法制變革作業,且應有配套及優先審議順序。三、為顧及原省府員工權益,行政院應同意部會地區辦公室職務列等得逕依部會標準調列。四、組織重組方案應兼及穩健及開創性。五、組織重組方案合法化過程,應建立立法、行政及輿論之多數聯盟以爭取政治支持。六、應強化機關首長執行之意志。七、組織重組過程應重視員工權益,惟亦應避免人才反淘汰。八、訂定日出條款以縮短組織調整過渡期,避免組織動盪不安等八項。 / Since 1980 the government restructuring is the trend, the enginge of the organization reform is an important infrastructure to deal with the financial pressure and the loweringly administrative efficiency. The Shuie Cabinet starts the streamlined-provincial project,The President Chen Shui-bian starts the reform of the Executive Yuan Organization Act. There are both giganticly political effect.The motive of this paper is how to connect experience of both reforms.Through the analysis of relective theories and by the case study of the Ministry of Interior in the second stge of streamlined- provincial project to discuss on the possible cause and driver of reorganization. We hope to evaluate the implementing ability of reorganization to increase the government's efficiency wholesale.
In the end the writer has some suggestions:
一.The focus concept of the organizational reform is to accommate the government's function.In short way, it is shapping, not thinning.
二.To emphasis the modification of organization regulation and set its priority.
三.For pre-provincal employee's interest,the position-setting standards must be similar.
四.The reorganizational reform project must both be stable and innovative.
五.The legalization process of the reorganization project must build the majority of legal, administrative and public opponines to win the political support.
六.To reforce the implementing will of the executive.
七.To emphasis employee's interest, but avoid the talented's turnover.
八.To set the sunrise clause to shorten the passage of organization reform.
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勞工退休基金監理會行政法人化之研究陳立儒, Chen, Li-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
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