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Vizstory:視覺化數位童話故事 / VizStory: Visualization of Digital Narrative for Fairy Tales黃詰仁, Huang, Chieh-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本論文研究將文字形式的童話故事文本轉換為影像的視覺化技術。我們利用童話故事的敘事結構、角色等特性,將童話故事依故事劇情分段。從中找出代表每個段落主題與故事全文的關鍵字,並利用全球資訊網的影像搜尋引擎來找出初步的影像集合。最後再為每一段落找尋適合的影像,進而達到視覺化的效果。實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出的視覺化技術,在還原童話故事的敘事結構上,準確率約70%。 / Stories are often accompanied with images, in order to emphasize the effect of stories. In particular, most fairy tales written for children are decorated by images to attract children’s interest.
This thesis focuses on story visualization technology which transforms text of a fairy tale into s series of visual images. The proposed visualization technology is developed based on the narrative structure of fairy tales. First, the input fairy tale is divided into segments in accordance with the plot of the story. Then, global keywords for the whole story and segment keywords for each segment are extracted. Moreover, expanded keywords which are important but infrequent in each segment are discovered. These three types of keywords are fed into Web Image Search Engine to find the initial image set. At last, the proposed system filters out the irrelevant images from the initial image set, and selects the representative image for each segment. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves 70% accuracy for the reconstruction of narrative structures of fairy tales.
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數位繪本結合互動遊戲之創作與體驗分析 / The Analysis of Creating and Experiencing Digital Picture Book in Combination with Interactive Games張耀穗, Chang,Yao Suei Unknown Date (has links)
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「觸景生情」---一個數位敘事的思考與實驗郭家融 Unknown Date (has links)
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「無語良師」: 一個數位互動敘事之初探與實踐 / The silent mentor: a preliminary delving and practices of digital interactive narration賴睿伶, Lai, Rei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容具有「數值化的再現」(numerical representation)、「模組化」(modularity)、「自動化」(automation)、「變異性╱液態化」(variability / liquidity)與「轉碼化」(transcoding)(Manovich,2001)之特性,並以其「非線性」與「節點」等之敘事模式創造互動與多元對話的可能。本研究將爬梳數位互動敘事之原理,並以「無語良師」紀錄片之素材作為原料,以實驗性質,嘗試將原線性敘事之故事轉化為數位互動內容作品。 / The Silent Mentor” tells the stories of the body donators who contributed their cadavers to teach the medical students the way to respect and cherish human body. The body donators of the Medical School of Tzu Chi University signed the will to give up any progressive treatment so that they may donate the bodies to the students to carry out surgery practices. Before the students practice dissection they are urged to visit donator’s family and write the life stories of donators, so that students may come to know that they are not dissecting a cadaver but an altruistic spirit and a giving soul. Students bow to the silent mentor every time before practicing dissection. At the end of the practices, students will stitch the body of silent mentor inch to inch, to insure that the body has been reinstated. Aftermath, students put clothes on silent mentors and participate their memorial ceremonies to express their deep gratitude and farewell to silent mentors. The program of dissection that combines both medical knowledge and humanity has been the paradigm of modern medical education. The body donators thus, named as “The Silent Mentor”.
At the time I am producing a documentary on this extraordinary story for Da Ai TV Station, I extensively gather relative data and conduct interviews on this subject. Before I go for editing, the digital narration increasingly becomes an alternative trend of new media technology. It is especially true that the Internet interactive format and interactive DVD have developed the nonlinear narrative advantage and thus, provide an accessible platform for the viewers to mutually interact with the content providers.
Digital content accommodates the characteristics of numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability / liquidity, and transcoding, furthermore, via the nonlinear and plots, it provides the accessibility of multiple and interactive dialogues. My research will aim to delve and develop the principles and techniques of digital interactive narration. Then the documentary of “The Silent Mentor” will be my illustration, from which, I am going to experimentally develop a model describing how would the traditional linear narrative element, which “The Silent Mentor” should be carried, transform into nonlinear digital interactive narrative model.
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敘述創作電腦輔助系統 / A Computer-aided System for Narrative Creation張允泰, Yun-Tai Chang Unknown Date (has links)
對於許多人而言,在寫作時要寫什麼題材、元素常另人傷透腦筋。本研究的目的為透過設計一個輔助敘事創作的電腦系統,來激發使用者在素材上的創造力,以期幫助使用者創作出一個題材新穎的故事。許多電腦輔助系統 (如 CAD, CAI, ITS等),已經注意到協助創意思考的重要性。Liu (2000) 利用電腦運算將形狀重組,讓原本單一的形狀能延伸出許多不同的形狀,提供更多的變異性以激發使用者的創造力;因而本研究擬對於圖片、文字等以內容為主的元素,嘗試以Liu所提出的方式再生多樣的訊息;然而目前電腦要產生內容性的元素仍十分困難,因此人們對同樣一件事物的不同的想法,便成了提供變異內容的最佳資料庫,例如,Huang, Li, Wang & Chang (2007) 便利用腦力激盪的合作方式達成創意學習的目標。
本研究針對敘事創作,提出一個Picture-Attributed-Note (PAN) 架構,期望能激發使用者的敘事創意並協助其完成故事創作。在激發創意的部份,我們利用圖片、分類和筆記來呈現和記錄資料。其中分類筆記是以文字方式呈現,我們採用 Rabiger (2000) 所提出的 Character, Location, Object, Situation, Action, and Theme (CLOSAT) 來進行分類,藉圖片和分類資料的刺激,讓使用者能對故事中各樣的元素有更多的想法或聯想,以達到透過變異資料來激發創造力的目的。我們以PAN架構為基礎實作了一個電腦輔助系統來了解系統對使用者所產生的影響,並驗證所設計系統的有效性。本研究邀請了四位受測者來創作故事,其中一位在創作過程中沒有系統的輔助。在創作完畢後,四位受測者皆立刻觀看實施影音回溯來說明創作的過程。此資料最後用內容分析法,透過Chen (2002) 針對電腦系統所提出涵蓋 Conceptual, Operation, Perceptual和 Evaluation四個構面的編碼予以分析比較。實驗結果說明PAN 系統能幫助激發使用者尋找元素且不會改變使用者敘事創作的過程,同時PAN系統的介面設計能讓使用者能更專注於敘事創作的過程。 / It is difficult to find elements or topics for many people when they are writing a story. The goal of this research is to design a computer-aided system for narrative, which can stimulate user’s creativity on finding story elements. Many computer-aided systems (e.g. CAD, CAI, ITS etc.) have noticed the importance of assisting creative thinking. Liu (2000) reassembled a shape to provide different shapes for users, so their creativity can be stimulated through seeing more variables. This study uses pictures and texts as the elements and tries to use Liu’s method to reproduce more elements. However, it is difficult for computer to automatically generate pictures and texts that can deliver appropriate meanings and contexts. Nevertheless, people’s divergent thinking is a good source for computer to leverage. For instance, Huang, Li, Wang & Chang (2007) proposed a method to assist creative learning by brainstorming and cooperation.
In this study, we focus on narrative creation and propose a Picture-Attributed-Note (PAN) framework to assist a writer’s creating process. We use picture and attributed notes to present and record story elements and to stimulate creativity. The attributed notes are presented by texts and in this study we utilize six attributes: Character, Location, Object, Situation, Action, and Theme (CLOSAT), which were proposed by Rabiger (2000), to categorize the text. We attempt to stimulate user’s creativity through the pictures and attributed notes and make the user think and associate elements for his/her story. In this study, we have implemented the PAN framework as a computer-aided system and conducted experiments to know how a user uses the PAN system for story writing. We invited four participants to create a story, one without the PAN system. When they completed their stories, they were asked to do video/audio protocol immediately. We used content analysis to analyze the data through four main categories: Conceptual, Operational, Perceptional and Evaluation (COPE) coding system, proposed by Chen (2002), to analyze and compare data. The analysis on our experimental results reveals that the PAN system can help stimulate user’s creativity and does not change the writer’s main creating process. In addition, the user interface of the PAN system can allow the user to concentrate more on the creating process.
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具地理位置訊息之無所不在行動協作數位敘事平台 / Ubiquitous mobile collaborative digital narrative platform with location information林思采, Lin, Si Cai Unknown Date (has links)
我們建置了這個平台以APP的型式在Android系統上呈現,並作田野實驗,以研究此新的行動協作敘事型態。我們針對平台進行兩個部分的評估與分析,其一為使用者介面的評估,我們以放聲思考法進行,並隨後對介面做出修正;其二為平台系統使用評估,此部分以訪談法進行,並同時與系統Log作比對驗證。平台實驗發現的設計元素以及使用行為,希望可以在未來對此領域欲進一步研究者,提供很好的建議。 / Technologies could change users’ behaviors. As the recent growth of mobile smartphones, digital narrative would have a new way to create mobile content. Through interactive design components and features of “mobile narrative”, we design a "Mobile Collaboration Digital Narrative Platform" to facilitate this change. A user can retrieve nearby mobile content, and also have the ability to add, edit or record what is happening at his/her present location. By adding the feature of “collaborative content creation” to the platform, the content can be made more diverse and rich and the reader can better immerse him or herself in it. Moreover, by the enhanced network technology, the platform can also work in offline mode to make it function ubiquitously.
In order to study the new type of mobile collaborative narration, we develop the system (an Android App) and do field trial. We evaluate and analyze the system for two parts: one for the assessment of the user interface, and the other for system usage evaluation. We use the think aloud method for the former to amend interface design. For the latter, we interview with users, which are also compared with the system log for justification. The design components and the results for usage behaviors that we found from the new platform will provide a good recommendation for future further study in the field.
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帶走一首曲子:結合音樂與敘事之數位繪本創作 ─以《心弦之歌》App為例 / Bring back a piece of music: a creative project of combining music and storytelling in the interactive music picture app-”Song of Heartstrings”游馨婷, Yu, Hsin Ting Unknown Date (has links)
創作完成後進行作品實測與評估,施測對象根據目標對象及評估目標,由21-30歲具繪本閱讀經驗者及潛在讀者、具數位繪本或音樂相關互動App使用經驗者、具音樂背景者所組成,分別就內容及形式兩個面向,透過作品實測、問卷和深入訪談的方式來評估是否達成創作目的,並針對問卷及訪談的結果進行歸納分析,最後提出結論和建議。 / The purpose of this research is to develop an interactive digital picture book app which combines musical and narrative elements by adding musical narration into non-linear narrative structure. This digital project, “Song of Heartstrings”, is aimed at creating a new reading experience of picture book by designing the reading form: “Bring Back a Song”.
“Song of Heartstrings” shows auditory and visual changes through the interactions between protagonist and other characters. Through the reading process, audience can select one or more characters among all, and collect corresponding soundtrack after finishing the character’s storyline.
The goal of this app is evaluated by readers’ experiences test, questionnaires and in-depth interviews. After that, we use inductive approach to analyze the result of questionnaires and in-depth interviews, and make conclusion and recommendation.
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DVD-ROM資料庫之敘事結構、觀點轉換分析:以迷城計劃「Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986」作品為例 / Structure and P.O.V in DVD-ROM database narratives:analyzing "Bleeding through layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986"劉佳惠, Liu,Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
藉由文獻分析之過程,探究傳統敘事理論與數位敘事理論之間的可能關係,並透過所選個案文本【Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986】,進行「敘事結構」、「敘事觀點轉換」兩大面向之分析,試圖瞭解在數位的浪潮下,人們說故事的方式、故事的樣貌是否有變化的可能性,以提供數位敘事設計者一些理論與實務上的思考。本研究結果歸納如下:1. 開放的敘事結構啟動讀者更多闡釋,2.互為文本的兼蓄性讓敘事有最大程度展示空間,3. 互動敘事達到讀者實質與文本互動。 / Fiction performs through text. Photography performs through images. Movie performs with video; with the help of montage, video has meanings. All of them are traditional narratives, and digital narrative contains all of the above. How does digital narrative work these out? This research aims to discuss “the database narratives”. As a type of digital narrative, how does database narrative completely dismantle the traditional narrative elements into a digital format?
By analyzing the reference documents, we could find the relation between theories of the traditional narrative and digital narrative. Through the selected piece of work “Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986”, this research focuses on "narrative structure," and "point of view," trying to understand the way of storytelling in digital times. This research concludes with the following:
1. Open narrative structure renders a text more interpretations.
2. Inter-textuality enhances the scale of narrative to the most.
3. Interactive narrative enables readers more interactions with the text.
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