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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新興市場區域的精耕模式─以高科技業為例 / Operation model in emerging market

洪繼硯 Unknown Date (has links)
新興市場區域(emerging market)為世界上人均收入屬中或低水平,正經歷重大改革與經濟發展,成長重心由外銷逐漸轉為內需市場,擁有強大成長動能的國家。在成熟已開發市場成長趨緩呈現穩定狀態的今日,新興市場區域的成長動能在世界經濟成長中扮演著重要的角色。過往企業在國際化經營時,仍多以總體環境完善的已開發國家為目標,在相對穩定的情境下進行國際化的策略演進。新興市場區域由於經營環境較不完善且資訊不透明程度高,在業務開拓上難度較高,許多企業雖已進入新興市場區域,但對於新興市場區域的資源投入與承諾遠遠不及於已開發市場的投資,因此企業尚無法掌握新興市場區域的動能,針對新興市場區域進行精耕,化市場機會為企業商機。 個案公司為世界工業電腦產業的領導廠商,擁有在各國經營的經驗,多年前即已進入新興市場區域,然該區域對於業績貢獻佔比尚低。個案公司之經營團隊欲掌握新興市場區域的成長動能,提高新興市場區域對於企業的重要性,期盼能在既有基礎上進行改善,針對新興市場區域進行精耕,徹底發揮市場潛力。藉由實習的機會,研究者得以進入個案公司內部瞭解其新興市場區域經營情形,藉由次級資料蒐集、主管與相關人員深度訪談與個案研討會的舉辦,本論文統整、歸納對個案公司而言之新興市場區域總體分析與所遭遇到的問題,進而提出完整的新興市場區域精耕模式,提供企業在已進入的新興市場區域進行精耕開發之參考。 本論文之研究發現為:(1) 企業以成立專職單位來精耕新興市場區域;(2) 企業於新興市場區域經營宜採漸進方式,並建立相關漸進機制。研究者並於論文最後提出研究限制與相關建議。

新興市場新創企業之商業模式創新-以中國新創企業為例 / Business Model Innovation in Emerging Markets: Startups in China

曾冠穎, Tseng, Kuan Ying Unknown Date (has links)

條件式資產訂價模型在新興市場之實證研究 / Empirical Analysis of Conditional Asset Pricing Model in Emerging Markets

何裕傑, Ho, Yu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
The task of this paper is to employ the global asset pricing theory suggested by Ferson and Harvey (1995) to study the stock markets in the devoloping countries. Ferson and Harvey (1998) clarified the relationship in the developed countries under the global asset pricing model between mispricing and risks to cross-sectional explanatory power of conditional beta constructed by predetermined lagged variable such as book-to-market-value, cash-flow, P/E ratios and other determinants. There is also significant evidence of conditional betas in the three-factor model by Fama and French (1993), and the four-factor model by Elton, Gruber, and Blake (1995), and in the following research by Ferson and Harvey (1999). This paper focuses on the recently fast growing emerging markets to provide analysis of the debate on explanatory power coming from risk exposure or mispricing, and also tries to provide evidence for the global conditional asset pricing model, identifying other patterns of conditional asset pricing model for emerging markets.


鄭瑜, Zheng, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
許多中小企業在成長之後都會選擇跨入新的市場或者新的產業,為自己尋找新的成長 空間,以回應資本市場對其的要求。然而在所經營的事業變得越來越大,成為了橫跨多國別 涉足多產業之後,如何有效地將各個事業、各個國家、各個產業、各個價值鏈有效地連結起 來形成協同作用以產生綜效,就成為了一個新的需要解決的問題。 同樣採取了多角化經營的策略,同樣面對動盪的環境,綜合商社卻從泡沫經濟的底谷 走出, 2000年之後經營狀況逐步改善,並在迎來了歷史最佳業績,而索尼、松下及夏普等傳 統生產企業卻因沒有處理好相關議題,從高處跌落,面臨巨額虧損,進而縮編事業部。這樣 的一起一落讓人不禁想要發問綜合商社到底是如何在眾多產業別間和動盪的環境中游刃有餘, 本研究就是要透過對個案企業的剖析,找出一個在日本產業結構高度化背景下,針對新興市 場成功的跨境跨產業營運模式。 由於綜合商社涉足的產業極多,不能指其一端,在此本研究僅選取與新興市場嚼起過 程中需求量最大的資源產業來作為個案產業,單點切入,橫向展間,來看看綜合商社是如何 進行跨產業的組織協調,從而實現新市場的進入與收益獲取的。而個案企業則選取的是在資 源產業成績最為出彩的老牌商社一一三井物產。 本研究的目的即是試圖從文獻研究與個案企業的資料整理出綜合商社這一組織成功的 跨境跨產業營運模式。透過對這種模式成功經驗的探究和提煉,相信許多希望走向多角化的 生產企業、意圖跨足另一個產品別或地理別新市場的貿易企業、或是希望切入新興市場擴大 事業版圓的企業都能從中得到敢發,暸解到如何連結各個價值鏈以形成綜合力,如何利用現 有優勢連結陌生的產業、新興的市場,在選擇與集中策略中如何選擇與某些產業建立連結或 取消連結,以及實務地如何切入一個新興市場並策略應如何制訂,從本研究中借鑑到一二。 針對前輩對綜合商社的研究成果,本研究運用文獻提供的綜合商社定義、組織和功能 體系的研究來確認綜合商社的核心能力所在以及他們發生貿易的模式,並探討其給予目前的 狀況在未來有哪些新的發展模式。然後通過個案的探索,針對日本綜合商社在特定歷史階段 在特定產業上跨境運作時所經歷的產業環境的變化,其優劣勢及風險所在, 最後透過個案公 司在特定時期,在新興市場跨境跨產業的開發模式何種面貌的,分不同時期不同策略對其進 行剖析。力求能展現綜合商社全面性之萬一。 當企業發展到一定階段之後,是否要進行以及如何進行多角化經營就成了每個企業都 燒不闊的議題。特別是跨境、跨產業的多角化對於任何一個企業來說都不是易事,但卻是跨 國企業燒不闊的一個議題。因此如何從詰於此道的綜合商社上汲取到其精華的養分, 實是非 常佳得深思。

影響新興市場企業出口績效之因素分析—以中國中小企業為例 / The determinants of export performance in emerging markets: Take Chinese SMEs for example

陳亭如, Chen, Ting Ju Unknown Date (has links)
全球化時代的來臨,促進企業的國際化並加速了國際貿易的成長。企業進行海外拓展國際化的第一步便是出口,也因此出口績效儼然成為許多國際商業或經濟學者探討的重要議題。然而,在如此眾多的出口績效研究中,研究目標卻鮮少為新興市場企業。 新興市場如今已於全球市場竄起,許多投資者皆對新興市場趨之若鶩。在與已開發經濟體大相逕庭的環境中,新興市場企業之出口績效決定因素又與已開發經濟體是否相異,本研究將以新興市場為主要目標探討出口績效因素以補齊過去文獻之不足。 本研究於B2B電子商務平台中隨機蒐集了319個樣本,透過後進者觀點切入,加入過去未受詳盡探討之因素並搭配樣本特性,歸納出五項因素:創新能力、產品品質控管、電子商務使用時間、海外地區多樣性、是否天生全球化,並在控制公司規模的情況下以階層式迴歸進行實證分析。 研究結果發現,雖然各變數對出口績效皆呈現正向影響,但創新能力與海外地區多樣性並未達到顯著水準,故無法使假設成立。而產品品質控管愈佳或使用電子商務時間愈久皆可提升出口績效。另外,天生全球化企業之出口績效也會較遵循傳統國際化步驟企業之出口績效為佳。希望本研究結果可提供欲於新興市場中成立之新企業提升出口績效的方向,或已立足於新興市場中之成熟企業欲改善出口績效之方法。 / Globalization makes the amount of international trade growing rapidly than before. Firms do more international activities and seek for superior export performance. Researchers of International Business and Economics see this trend as an important topic to discuss. However, among so many literatures of the determinants of export performance, there seems to be little about the export performance in emerging markets. To make the researches of determinants of export performance become more complete, I will take firms in emerging markets as the study subject. I randomly collected data of 319 firms from a B2B e-commerce marketplace. With the aspect of late mover advantage, I take innovation as one of the determinants of export performance. Also, product quality and international diversity are both considered. Firms in emerging markets think e-commerce as an efficiency tool to expand markets and this is the reason I put e-commerce usage time in the structure. Finally, some firms from the sample are so-called “born-globals,” I also study the relationship between born-global and export performance. In this paper, I found product quality and e-commerce usage time positively affect the export performance; while innovation and international diversity do not provide a significant result. Besides, export performance of born-globals in emerging markets is better than other firms, which were not born-global. Hope this paper can make people who are interested in export performance in emerging market understand the situation more.

從企業社會責任角度探討商業模式創新 / New business model innovation from the perspective of corporate social responsibility

潘啟宇, Pan, Chi Yu Unknown Date (has links)
新興市場正快速的累積經濟實力。新興市場成為企業下一波的重要成長動能,但其具備貧富差距大、所得不穩、生活差、基礎建設落後、對產品服務不熟悉…等特點,舊商業模式窒礙難行。企業為掌握新興市場全新挑戰,回應企業社會責任超越的要求,企業必須著眼這些獨特的利害關係人,從商業模式的創新來創造利潤及包括社會利益的共享價值,創造共贏局面。本研究運用聯合國開發計劃署(United Nation Development Programme, UNDP)的個案庫來檢視World Economic Forum(2009)提出的新興市場新商業模式的觀點,並經由個案的探討歸納新商業模式組成的本質的改變還有管理的意涵。 新商業模式設計觀點包含「可負擔的使用權」、「槓桿運用社會隱藏資產」、「建構公共財之間的橋梁」、「在地化規模與規模化經濟的平衡」、與「影響力治理」。新的觀點使舊商業模式的組成產生質變。從「強化生活機能價值」出發,新商業模式必須1)提供貼近當地水準的價格;2)替當地量身打造產生獨特的產品及服務;3)自給自足。以「教育的行銷與溝通」企業得1)運用正式控制以外的企業實質影響力建立信任;2)運用關鍵人物建立口碑;3)傳達商業模式利益,來將企業從價值的提供者轉換成價值的連結者並且建立信任,透過「重塑跨邊界的立體價值鏈」企業必須1)連結當地生產活動;2)善用當地的固有配銷體系;3)跨越基礎建設限制。建立「創意式的合作關係」來提供信任、永續、自給自足的商業模式。新商業模式開展需要「釋放組織束縛」的支援,企業勢必1)展現高階管理階層承諾;2)建構彈性可調整模組化的團隊;3)建立清楚的目標價值及短期戰果。 企業必須跨越組織的迷思與規模的迷思,並接受新興市場的消費者獨特的需求(低價、高品質)、運用影響力而非正式的控制體系、從價值的提供者轉換為價值的連結者。才能夠有效的接觸到下一個百億商機。

經商環境對已開發國家銀行跨國併購新興國家銀行之績效影響 / The affect of the ease of doing business to the developed country mergers the EME

林亮璇, Lin, Liang Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著新興國家金融管制的鬆綁,國際間銀行業併購的標的已逐漸由美國、歐洲等已開發國家延伸至拉丁美洲、東南亞等新興國家。本論文以事件研究法對2005年到2014年,已開發國家銀行跨國併購新興國家金融產業的併購活動,共49個樣本進行分析,藉由迴歸分析的結果去觀察目標國家的經商環境對於併購績效的影響。 本研究的立論在於,過去文獻表示銀行跨國併購的主要動機之一為追隨客戶,而如今許多銀行的客戶為了降低勞動成本,紛紛前往新興國家設廠,而新興國家相較於已開發國家的其中一個特點為,其經商環境尚未發展健全,不如已開發國家穩定,故目標國的經商環境好壞很可能是影響主併銀行客戶決定是否進入或擴大投資的因素,進而成為影響主併銀行跨國併購的成敗因素之一。 而本論文的結果可分為三個層級。第一層是各別經商環境指標對主併銀行宣告效果的影響;第二層逐漸收斂為企業創立、企業擴建與企業經營三組指標對主併銀行宣告效果的影響;第三層則收斂為綜合性經商環境指標對主併銀行宣告效果的影響。在第一層級中發現:目標國家開辦企業程序的便利簡潔度、取得信貸的流程明確度與能否有效執行合約等排名,在事件窗口(-1,+1)呈現顯著負相關,亦即此三項經商環境指標排名越高(數字越小)對主併銀行的宣告效果有正面影響。在第二層級中則觀察到企業擴建層面的指標對主併銀行宣告效果的解釋力是最大的、其次是企業創立,最後為企業經營。在第三層面中發現收斂後的綜合經商環境指標確實對銀行的宣告效果1%的顯著水準,亦即當主併銀行選擇經商環境較佳的目標國家進行跨國併購時,市場的反應會較為正面。 / Prompted by financial liberalization and the expansion into emerging market economies (EME) by corporate customers, international banks increasingly penetrated EME. This research uses 49 cross-border M&A samples between 2005 and 2014 in which the acquiring banks is in developed countries and the targets is the financial industry of emerging countries. Using event study methods, the study establish whether the business environment of target countries explain returns to shareholders in acquiring banks from cross-border M&A. From the past study, we observe that one of the main motivations for the banks to cross-border M&A is following customers to new markets. Recently, in order to reduce labor costs, the customers of bank have more FDI in emerging countries. However, the feature of emerging countries is that the business environment is not as stable and clear as the developed countries. Therefore, the business environment will affect the customers of banks decide whether to enter or expand investment in EME and further affect the acquiring banks. The results of this research can be divided into three levels. (1) in the individual business environment indicators level, the study find when the target countries are easier starting a business, getting credit or enforcing contracts, the CAR of acquiring banks will significant negative in event window (-1, +1); (2) in the group of business environment indicators level, the study observe the explanatory power of the business expansion group is larger than the group of start-up and operations; (3) the composite business environment indicator have significant negative affect to the CAR of acquiring banks.

臺灣圖書資訊學碩士班碩士生就業與教育供需之研究 / Study on Employment Market and Education of Library and Information Science Master Programs in Taiwan

柯君儀 Unknown Date (has links)
民國69年,臺灣大學成立臺灣第一所圖書館學研究所碩士班,迄今已有25年,目前有臺灣大學、政治大學、中興大學、臺灣師範大學、淡江大學與輔仁大學共六所碩士班成立。然而學校所培養出來的學生是否符合目前圖書館與資訊服務市場的需求,可以透過碩士畢業生的就業情形,來加以評估課程設計與教學方針是否符合就業市場所需。 本研究旨在瞭解碩士畢業生的就業市場、工作能力需求與學校課程供應之現況,並進一步地探討工作能力需求與學校課程供應之供需狀態是否平衡,希望藉此研究瞭解臺灣圖書資訊學碩士生就業情形,並提供圖書資訊學教育與課程規劃與調整之參考。在研究方法上,採用「文獻分析法」、「問卷調查法」、「網路內容分析法」,與「深度訪談法」,運用量化與質化的方式,蒐集6校在民國90至94年碩士畢業生的就業情形及工作能力需求、92學年至94學年課表,與6校的教學理念,以瞭解及分析臺灣近五年碩士畢業生就業市場與工作能力需求是否能夠與圖書資訊學碩士教育達到平衡。 本研究發現:1.臺灣圖書資訊學碩士畢業生的就業市場除圖書館機構外,有新興市場出現,分為九大類,包括:(1)教育機構;(2)政府機構;(3)學術研究機構;(4)博物館、美術館與檔案館;(5)圖書館資訊整合系統公司;(6)電腦公司;(7)通訊/網際網路業;(8)大眾傳播業;(9)自行創業。2.圖書資訊學碩士畢業生的工作能力需求有42項,分別為圖書館與資訊服務專業能力(16項)、教學與研發能力(4項)、科技與管理能力(11項)、個人能力(11項)。3.圖書資訊學碩士畢業生欠缺的工作能力需求以科技與管理能力及個人能力為主。4.六所圖書資訊學研究所共有194門課開設。5.課程開設理念除市場與研究考量外,也依老師專長領域劃分。6.工作能力需求與課程供需未達平衡。 最後建議:1.課程應配合市場與能力需求。2.課程設計朝向專科性(Specialty)發展。3.建立學術界與實務界合作機制。4.建立各校畢業生就業輔導與追蹤機制。5.碩士畢業生應加強專業繼續教育。6.保持本學門核心價值與新科技應用。 / It has been twenty-five years as National Taiwan University established its Master Programs of Library and Information Science (LIS) in 1980. Since then, six universities in Taiwan began to offer LIS Master Programs: National Taiwan University, National Cheng-chi University, National Chung Hsing University, National Taiwan Normal University, Tamkang University, and Fu-Jen University. Therefore, the analysis of employment situations of LIS master graduates can be used to evaluate the suitability of the courses in meeting the current market needs in the library and information industries. This research is also helpful in determining whether the curriculum design and teaching principles meet current market needs. The purpose of this research is first of all, to understand the LIS master graduates’ employment status. With the outcome, this research seeks to determine whether the working skills of the LIS master graduates match the programs’ curriculum design. Furthermore, the result also reveals if those LIS students fit in the employment market in Taiwan and brings up positive suggestions to adjust the courses for future use. The research methods of the study are as follows: “Questionnaire Survey”, “Websites Content Analysis”, and “In-depth Interview”. In questionnaire survey, we collect the statistics of LIS master graduates employment and the demand over them on work competence from 2001 to 2005. In websites content analysis, we gather class curriculums between 2003 and 2005, and the teaching principles of those six universities stated above. Followed by quantitative and qualitative analyses, this research achieves a better understanding on the correlation between the demand of LIS master graduates’ employment and work competence, and the supply of the LIS education in Taiwan for the past five years. Below are the findings: 1. There are emerging markets other than library institutions, including: educational institutions, governmental institutions, academic institutions, museums/galleries/archives, corporations of integrated library information systems, computer corporations, communication/internet industry, mass media dissemination industry and enterprisers. 2. There are totally forty-two core competencies for a LIS master graduate: LIS skills (16 items), skills of teaching and research (4 items), skills of techniques and administration (11 items), and personal skills (11items). 3. LIS master graduates are most lack of work competencies in technology, administration, and personal skills. 4. There are total 194 curriculums available within these six Master Programs. 5. In addition to the concerns of market and research, these curriculums are classified as well according to the faculty’s professional backgrounds. 6. It is unbalanced between the demand of work competencies and the supply of training curriculums in LIS Master Programs. The study makes final suggestions as follows: 1. The curriculum should meet the demand of work competence. 2. The curriculum should move toward specialty. 3. A cooperative link should be established between academics and library and information industries. 4. LIS Master Programs should create career consulting and employment monitoring system. 5. Master graduates should keep their continuous professional education. 6. The core value should be maintained and new technology application should be used well.

新興市場國家金融危機成因之研究—以俄羅斯為案例 / The Research on the Causes of Financial crises in the Emerging-Market Economies -- the Case Study of Russia

羅任媛, Lo, Jen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究含括了墨西哥金融危機、亞洲金融危機與俄羅斯金融危機,主要是希望能歸納出90年代新興市場國家發生金融危機的普遍性原因。首先本論文先探討分析文獻上三大類型的金融危機理論,含括金融危機可預測與不可預測的原因。本論文試圖將可預測的經濟基本面歸為內部因素,不可預測的國際資金變動歸為外部因素。當一新興市場國家正在從事經濟結構改革或經濟轉型,而資本市場架構與金融機構監督機制與規範都尚未健全時,如果該國將金融市場自由化並允許大筆外資流入國內金融體系,則短期、投機性國際資金將會扭曲金融結構,造成經濟基本面的惡化。當不可預測的國際資金環境轉變時,一方面受到資金逆流衝擊著脆弱的金融部門,另一方面已經不健全的經濟基本面將嚴重惡化。此時政府採取的提高利率政策與賣出外匯捍衛本國釘住匯率制,卻會同時嚴重傷及本國銀行體系,促使金融機構面臨倒閉、陷入流動性不足的危機,結果投資者的信心仍然潰散而國內則造成金融體系的崩潰,終而引發全面性的金融危機。在建立了初步的研究假設後,我們以墨西哥金融危機與亞洲金融危機作為驗證。我們的研究案例中將包括危機發生的國家與當時未發生危機的國家作為對照組。在墨西哥危機,我們以智利作為對照組。在亞洲五國危機(印尼、韓國、馬來西亞、菲律賓與泰國),我們以中國大陸、新加坡、台灣作為對照組。在確立了我們的理論模型後,我們以個案研究的方式深入瞭解俄羅斯特殊的轉型經濟體質。俄羅斯激烈的經濟結構改革措施,使國家從金融封閉整合入世界資本市場。俄羅斯面臨著外資大量流入金融市場,然而總體經濟面卻在財政與貨幣政策相互矛盾的狀況下,實質經濟依舊無法發展起來,而金融體質嚴重惡化的情況。俄羅斯的案例也同樣證明本論文的論點,一個新興市場國家資本帳的開放必須有其先決條件且循序漸進的開放。一國能否將國際資金導入對於實質產業有所助益的直接投資,是新興市場國家所面臨的重要課題。不然,資本自由化先決條件的不足而快速地實施自由化,將只是加速金融危機的到來。 / This research has included the financial crises of Mexico, Asia and Russia, mainly expecting to conclude the general causes for the financial crises of emerging market economies in the 1990s. First, the paper reviews the three types of theoretical literature on financial crises, including predictable and unpredictable causes. This thesis tries to refer to the predictable economic fundamental part as internal factors, and the unpredictable, international capital mobility as external factors. When an emerging market country is engaged in economic structural reform or economic transition, and when the capital-market architecture and the system of financial-sector supervision and regulation are not sound, if the country liberalize financial market and allow large-scale foreign capital to inflow into domestic financial system, then short-term, speculative international capital will deteriorate financial structure and the economic fundamentals will become worse. When the environment of unpredictable international capital changes, on the one hand, the withdrawal of foreign capital impacts the vulnerable financial sector, and on the other hand, the unhealthy economic fundamentals will become seriously worse. At the same time, the government takes measures to raise interest rates and to sell foreign currency to defend the pegged exchange rate, which will seriously weaken the banking system, causing the bankrupt and the crisis of illiquidity. As a result, the confidence of investors will crash down and the native financial institutions will collapse, and this gives rise to the financial crisis in large scale. After the presumption of this research, we take Mexican and Asian financial crises for example. We try to give corresponding cases for contrast. In Mexican crisis, we take Chile as a contradistinctive group. In five Asian country crises (Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philip, and Thailand), we take China, Singapore, and Taiwan as a contradistinctive group. After proving our model, we try to take Russia as a case study because of the special nature of economic transformation of Russia. The policy of drastic structural economic reform has made Russia step from the financial isolation to the integration into World’s capital market. Russia faces the large-scale foreign capital inflow in the financial market, while the real economy can not recover and domestic financial institutions become structurally weak because of the contradiction of the fiscal and monetary policy. The case of Russia also shows us the argument of this thesis--capital-account liberalization of an emerging market must depend on its prerequisites and steadiness of liberalization. When a nation can make proper use of the capital, conducting foreign investment to real economy is the important challenge of an emerging market. Otherwise, the capital-account liberalization will speed up the coming of financial crisis.

電子商務企業國際化—以進入新興市場為例 / Internationalization of E-commerce Business: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Market Expansion

陳思吟, Chen, Szu Yin Unknown Date (has links)
企業著眼於國際市場機會進行國際化的同時,面臨到不同的阻礙,過去國際化的理論討論到影響國際化的速度、進入模式、國家選擇等的各種因素,但隨著產業的型態改變,以及進入國家的不同,國際化的歷程或是成功因素可能因而有所差異。因此,本研究欲探討電子商務在國際化的過程中,特別是進入新興市場國家時,由於電子商務尚未成為主要消費模式,電商企業的國際擴張將會受到哪些因素影響,不同於過去生產導向的國際化歷程,這些障礙又能夠如何被克服。過去學者曾討論外來者劣勢在企業國際化中的影響,但並沒有探討是否適用電商產業,由於產業特性的不同,以及母國市場與進入市場的差異,過去學者提出企業外來者的身份在新市場中面對外來者劣勢,然而,隨著電子商務產業的出現,亦有學者提出局外人劣勢才是新型網路企業在國際化中的主要劣勢,因此,本研究針對過去學者提出的從外來者劣勢(Liability of Foreignness)、局外人劣勢(Liability of Outsidership)出發,結合企業專屬優勢(firm-specific advantage)以及創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovations Theory),針對國內外共四家電商業者,採用深度訪談法歸納研究結果。研究結果發現雖然電子商務相較於一般企業在進行國際化初期,主要仍受到外來者劣勢影響,方能順利進入市場去處理身為局外人所帶來的劣勢,透過創新擴散理論的資訊溝通方式以及企業本身的專屬優勢,則可以有效降低進入所遇到的障礙,達到企業在東南亞市場成長的目標。 / During internationalization, firms seek growth opportunities in global markets, while being faced with various sources of obstacles and disadvantages. Previous researches and theories discuss the factors that influence the speed of internationalization, mode of entry, and country selection. However, with the change of industry, and the difference types of countries that are entered, the process of internationalization and the factors that influence the success might vary. As a result, the research aims at clarifying the variables that influence the internationalization of ecommerce corporations, especially when entering emerging markets. In the research, structured interviews were conducted to gain deeper understanding of the internationalization of 4 e-commerce firms. Our findings is that in emerging markets, e-commerce has not become the main stream; therefore, firms need to deal with both liability of foreignness and liability of outsidership because of the new technology and the role as a foreigner in the market. With the firm-specific advantages and the usage of online media and opinion leaders in the countries, e-commerce corporations are more likely to offset the liability that stems from foreignness and outsidership. However, the research shows that the liability of foreignness is more important and urgent for firms to overcome than liability of outsidership. Our research conceptualizes the framework for e-commerce internationalization and provides empirical evidence for the entry and growth in emerging markets.

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