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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


周少豪 Unknown Date (has links)


巫維珍, Wu, Wei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1972年《書評書目》創刊以來,已有20種以上專門書評專欄或 刊物,但書評研究相當罕見,本文以回顧英美書評史為線索,希冀理清台灣書評發展的脈絡。就英美書評史而言,18世紀,英國書評雜誌開始萌芽,當時的書評具有規範力量,藉由新書評介定義社會階級的流動,19世紀,書評雜誌進一步含有解釋思潮,以及指引社會大眾的功能,至《紐約時報書評版》創刊,20世紀的書評走向新聞化,「書即是新聞」成為書評領域的新觀點。 本文以《書評書目》、《文訊》、《新書月刊》、《聯合文學》、《開卷》、《讀書人》、《中央閱讀》、《讀書生活》、《誠品閱讀》、《全國新書資訊月刊》、《書評》為研究對象,採用內容分析及深度訪談法。研究結果指出,台灣書評的發展有下列趨勢:   一,70年代以前,報紙已有出版與讀書版面,也有評論古典文學與現代文學的書評專欄,但「評書」不是當時此類版面的主要目的,而是做為中介,提供作家與讀者交流讀書心得的園地,當時的評論作品以文學書為主。   二,1972年《書評書目》創刊以後,書評有了專門刊載的園地,書評領域開始發展,編輯試圖引起讀者的興趣,帶領讀者進入書評的領域,當時亦以文學書評為主。80年代中期以後,與排行榜抗衡,新興書評刊物嘗試建立新的書籍評價體制,囊括更多樣書種,從文學、自然、歷史,到社會科學,並邀作家學者選書,欲導引讀者的閱讀品味,建立書評領域新的閱讀風潮。   三,學者加入書評領域,帶來新的書評寫作方式,作家與學者成為台灣書評寫作的主要人力,同時,作家學者也制度性的參與選書過程。書評刊物有相當大比例依據作家學者的判斷,為讀者選書評書,作家學者對書評刊物的選書標準與評書方式產生了重要的影響力,在規範讀者的閱讀活動方面,樹立了排行榜之外獨有的標準。   四,書評具有評論的功用,也具有資訊通報的性質,80年代以前,《書評書目》、《文訊》、《新書月刊》皆以書目或提要提供讀者資訊,為出版社與讀者服務,報紙書評版面出現,出版與讀書新聞的專題報導成為書評刊物的一部分,書評刊物從新聞的角度處理圖書出版業議題,長期報導出版與讀書新聞,繼刊登書目之後,新聞是書評刊物連繫出版社與讀者的另一方式,從18世紀英國書評雜誌摘錄新書內容,至美國《紐約時報書評》以書為新聞,台灣書評發展的歷程大抵相似。

企劃書:創設諮詢機構協助台灣學生申請德國大學 / Business plan: Starting up an agency providing services to Taiwanese students for University application in Germany

何若白 Unknown Date (has links)
創設諮詢機構協助台灣學生申請德國大學 / Over two years ago the author of this business plan moved to the Republic of China, Taiwan, to earn an MBA degree at the National Chengchi University. On one of his first days in Taipei he was talking with some German friends and the topic of potential demand among Taiwanese and Chinese students for opportunities to study in Germany came up. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate whether an agency providing application processing services to Taiwanese people who intend to study in Germany would be feasible. The number of Taiwanese students studying abroad has been increasing. However, Germany accounts for less than two percent of the total market. This thesis assumes that in addition to a low amount of interest in the German language, the lack of information regarding the application process and the absence of promotion material are also reasons for a low rate of application to German universities. It is believed that by offering a service where all information is on hand, it will be possible to attract significantly more students to study at Germany universities. The service will consist of two essential parts: providing the necessary assistance for application; and communicating the process to students.

成立台灣會展公司之創業企畫書 / The leading destination management company in Taiwan

楊雅如, Stacy Yang Unknown Date (has links)
成立台灣會展公司之創業企畫書 / Abstract Taiwanlook is a small company aimed at the big time in MICE industry, known as “Destination Management Company (DMC)”, which is a professional services company possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions) activities, specializing in the creative design and implementation of business meetings, events, incentive programs and motivation markets as well as helping with overcoming language barriers. The concept of DMC has been prevailed in Europe and the United States for at least one hundred years. Over the past two decades, more and more attention has shifted to Asian countries as MICE destinations; Taiwanlook is targeting at this niche market and seizing the opportunity to establish the first DMC in Taiwan. Given the fast growing MICE industry of estimated expenditure of NT$ 4 billion dollars annually and a total of US20 billion dollars in related industries in Taiwan, Taiwanlook will quickly achieve the market penetration of MICE industry domestically and globally through a combination of sophisticated and creative tailor-made event management services and intensive marketing planning with sales increase 30% annually, high ROI and net margins over 20%.


山本, 孝子 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第17999号 / 文博第636号 / 新制||文||599(附属図書館) / 30857 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 高田 時雄, 教授 平田 昌司, 教授 吉田 豊 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM


邢莉麗 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文先從《宋蘇軾墨跡》、《中國法帖全集》中的《東坡蘇公帖》、《中國古代書畫圖目》、《中國書法全集》、《書跡名品叢刊》等蒐集蘇軾的墨蹟,依據前人研究之成果,整理、分析、比較其墨蹟創作之時期,選出屬於黃州時期的墨蹟,作為分析之主要文本。並以《石渠寶笈》初編、續編、三編以及宋、元、明、清、民國及大陸地區官方編輯的圖目為主,民間書畫家鑑賞的題跋為輔助,了解蘇軾書蹟流傳、收藏、評鑑的情形。歷經浩劫之後出現之影本、搨本,前人無法確定是否為黃州時期之墨蹟時,則匯集同一字的字體,就其用筆、結構、墨色的風格,分辨其是否為黃州時期的墨蹟。此外,參考前人對蘇軾文學藝術的研究成果,並從蘇軾的詩、詞、文章中歸納出蘇軾的書學創作論。 其次運用焦點透視法先從蘇軾早年的政治主張立論,論述其踏入政壇後實踐理想的方式,引發烏台詩案的經過、臺諫追攝及身陷囹圄的遭遇。其次從務農養生、親友慰藉、參禪悟道、讀書創作、寄情山水等五種方向說明蘇軾在黃州時期的生活面貌。最後歸結出蘇軾在黃州時期大多是驚恐退怯的心態,當受到友誼慰藉時又毫不掩飾其心中感激之情,這種感恩之情隨著時間的醞釀,其內心又有一分退隱與進取的掙扎,然而蘇軾的內心深處畢竟是孤獨寂寞的,所以偶爾也會有自我寬慰的達觀灑脫之語出現。 再者以審美心理學的觀點切入,論述蘇軾經由烏台詩案的政治事件刺激,使其暫時放下原有的政治理想,轉向以文藝創作的方式重新建構其新的生命藍圖。因此,先從蘇軾與歐陽脩、黃庭堅等師友的切磋,宋代寫意思潮、前人影響的焦慮、蘇軾書學的師承、學問的累積、人品的涵養,以及其豐富的人生經驗等,歸納蘇軾書論形成之因。其次從其「意造」、「神氣骨肉血」的主張,分析蘇軾書論:自出新意、不踐古人,技道相參、技道並進,形神相依、不計工拙,以及在執筆、運筆、結字、章法、用墨等技巧上的不拘法度,到無法之法的境界。再將蘇軾黃州時期的墨蹟依字體分行書、草書二者論述其書蹟創作的緣由、內容及流傳。 又透過讀者反應理論,分析蘇軾從閱讀古人典籍所留下的文化記憶、文化圖像,及運用符號學、文化批評等方法,分析黃州時期墨蹟中的筆法、章法、墨色等。首先釐析〈黃州謝表〉、〈前赤壁賦卷〉等墨蹟,論述其忠君愛國的觀念,死而後已的士人執著,然而,一旦受小人構陷,經歷冤獄,九死一生,謫居黃州,面對政治重挫的恐懼與盡忠朝廷的矛盾。其次分析〈梅花詩帖〉、〈黃州寒食詩卷〉等墨蹟中灑脫不羈的風格,論述其茫然無奈的心情與自我超越的尋求。再分析〈歸去來辭卷〉、〈往崎亭詩帖〉及尺牘等墨蹟,並以抄佛經等事實作佐證,論述其超越現實與修身進道的方法。最後以與友人的尺牘及乳母墓誌銘等,論述其內心深層處理私我情感與群性倫理的表現。 此外,運用心理美學先從筆法、墨法、結字、章法、格式等方面論述蘇軾墨蹟中所呈現的「意造與無法」;再從墨蹟中造型空間的時間性,以及時間過程的空間凝結,二者共同形成時間的序列,從凝鍊靜穆、平淡自然、灑脫超逸等三方面論述其書蹟中所蘊藏的美學意蘊;最後從儒道佛三家的觀點,論述其端莊典雅、蕭散清遠的書寫風格,以及思維快速轉變時所呈現「凝靜與豪放」的風格與轉變。


李雲龍 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


姜允玉, JIANG, YUN-YU Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

營運企劃書:互動式英語學習環境 / Business plan: Cyber village – ENGLISH learning online

謝光哲, Hsieh, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
互動式英語學習環境 / This business plan presents an overview of the Cyber Village that serves as the product diversification strategy coping with technology and consumer’s behavior changes nowadays. The project concerns offering online English learning environment in the Taiwan market. The business plan begins with a brief summary of the project and the company, followed by a detailed description of the product features. The plan then provides a summary of the market analysis and thereby, the entry and growth strategies, along with pricing and sales strategies. The plan concludes with a project team introduction and the financial summary.

新設shgrocery之商業企畫書 / Shgrocery - Proposal for a Start Up

馬睿德, Khan, Raedeep Unknown Date (has links)
新設shgrocery之商業企畫書 / Abstract This thesis examines how Shgrocery, a 3-month old online grocery delivery company, has been set up in Shanghai, taking into account the opportunity in the market and how the researcher has studied the online consumer behavior and build the business and company framework, with the main customer target being the foreigners living in the city. When a company is being formed a lot of components are interrelated and the thesis explores on 6 of these components which are; (1) How do we create value? (2) Who do we create value for? (3) What is our source of competence? (4) How do we competitively position ourselves over others? (5) How do we make money? and (6) What are our time, scope and size ambitions? Using these six components as the guideline the thesis is divided into 5 chapters each related to one another. Readers will find that various methodologies of starting a business model are delved upon in the first chapter. In the Second chapter the market characteristics of Shanghai are explored and the researcher has used a marketing survey to answer various questions related to consumer food purchasing and online habits in Shanghai. The researcher uses convenient sampling as his method of market analysis for the thesis and also uses references from articles and websites. Interesting observations are found with regards to the consumers purchasing habits and online behavior. Moreover, competitors having a similar online business is studied and strategies to differentiate from them is devised. In chapter three the researcher develops the website, company process and structure, by using the findings and the methodologies of the first two chapters. An analysis is done on the pricing of the products, website and the company using SWOT and Porter’s five forces. Different methods of effective promotions at minimum cost are delved on in chapter 4, with a concentration on word of mouth marketing which is most apt for the company in the current scenario, which is then followed by how the company saved cost in the beginning of the business and the estimated return on investment for the next three months. Readers also catch a glimpse of how the company plans to expand in the coming months. Readers will observe the significance of the findings in the strategy devised to survive in the market and will understand how finding the answers to the six different components has helped the researcher in building his own online business and similarly he hopes that reading this thesis will help future entrepreneurs to start their own business in China or any other parts of Asia.

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