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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

三大法人期貨與選擇權未平倉部位分析 / Analysis of major institutional investors’ open position of taiex futures & options

張春芬, Chanh, Chun Fen Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣期貨市場中,三大法人的舉動及其持有部位的多寡往往是市場上投資人關注的對象,在未來市場走勢仍然混沌不明的情況下,投資人實在需要個利器來判別盤勢。本研究希望透過臺灣期貨交易所目前提供三大法人及大額交易人的交易資訊與未平倉資訊等籌碼面因素,來分析機構投資人及大額交易人之多、空買賣力道,希冀由此能預測臺股期貨指數漲跌趨勢。 本文發現:1.以期貨及選擇權的資料或單獨以期貨作為臺股期貨指數漲跌之訊號,均是自營商解釋能力較佳;2.單獨以選擇權為訊號,外資及自營商未平倉之契約金額皆有不錯之解釋能力;3.當外資選擇權未平倉部位契約金額淨額由正轉成連續負值時,臺指期貨就會出現一波空頭走勢;4.在時機的掌握上外資的選擇權操作比三大法人合計臺指期未平倉部位契約金額淨額更加精確;5.指數連續下跌的情況下,外資的選擇權部位便會持續的增加,直到指數開始反彈或回檔時,才會回補空單部位,反之亦然。

台指期貨籌碼分析與模組研究 / An analysis of market holding and trading and a study of module on Taiwan stock exchange capitalization weighted stock index(TAIFEX)

賴裕盛 Unknown Date (has links)
國內三大機構法人(外資、投信、自營商,以下簡稱三大法人),在證券市場中成交比重逐年的攀升,三大法人挾其越來越大的市場交易比重、雄厚資金及專業研究團隊,進出市場,使得國內之一般投資人及主管機關,對於三大法人進出國內股市之動向及選股策略多所矚目。文獻中,發現三大法人投資行為領先於一般投資人,一般投資人投資行為有跟隨的現象,此一現象促使研究法人投資行為有其重要性及可參考性。 本研究藉由統計數據建立起本研究實証結果的基柱,進而衍生出本研究策略邏輯的架構。台灣期貨市場對於自營商之交易、投信之交易皆有不同規範之限制,導致三大法人三者在於期貨市場之交易行為不一致。此策略不同於市場上之程式交易者純粹以價格產生之技術分析為主要考量,本策略以籌碼面為主要權重依據,技術面為輔,建構完整的訊號體系。 可歸納如下: 一、三大法人及自然人成交比重 二、籌碼分析結果 三、策略分析

串流資料分析在台灣股市指數期貨之應用 / An Application of Streaming Data Analysis on TAIEX Futures

林宏哲, Lin, Hong Che Unknown Date (has links)
資料串流探勘是一個重要的研究領域,因為在現實中有許多重要的資料以串流的形式產生或被收集,金融市場的資料常常是一種資料串流,而通常這類型資料的本質是變動性大的。在這篇論文中我們運應了資料串流探勘的技術去預測台灣加權指數期貨的漲跌。對機器而言,預測期貨這種資料串流並不容易,而困難度跟概念飄移的種類與程度或頻率有關。概念飄移表示資料的潛在分布改變,這造成預測的準確率會急遽下降,因此我們專注在如何處理概念飄移。首先我們根據實驗的結果推測台灣加權指數期貨可能存在高頻率的概念飄移。另外實驗結果指出,使用偵測概念飄移的演算法可以大幅改善預測的準確率,甚至對於原本表現不好的演算法都能有顯著的改善。在這篇論文中我們亦整理出專門處理各類概念飄移的演算法。此外,我們提出了一個多分類器演算法,有助於偵測「重複發生」類別的概念飄移。該演算法相比改進之前,其最大的特色在於不需要使用者設定每個子分類器的樣本數,而該樣本數是影響演算法的關鍵之一。 / Data stream mining is an important research field, because data is usually generated and collected in a form of a stream in many cases in the real world. Financial market data is such an example. It is intrinsically dynamic and usually generated in a sequential manner. In this thesis, we apply data stream mining techniques to the prediction of Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index Futures or TAIEX Futures. Our goal is to predict the rising or falling of the futures. The prediction is difficult and the difficulty is associated with concept drift, which indicates changes in the underlying data distribution. Therefore, we focus on concept drift handling. We first show that concept drift occurs frequently in the TAIEX Futures data by referring to the results from an empirical study. In addition, the results indicate that a concept drift detection method can improve the accuracy of the prediction even when it is used with a data stream mining algorithm that does not perform well. Next, we explore methods that can help us identify the types of concept drift. The experimental results indicate that sudden and reoccurring concept drift exist in the TAIEX Futures data. Moreover, we propose an ensemble based algorithm for reoccurring concept drift. The most characteristic feature of the proposed algorithm is that it can adaptively determine the chunk size, which is an important parameter for other concept drift handling algorithms.


黃馨平, Huang, Shin-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
從2006年初開始,時至今日,全世界最讓人驚艷的股市要算是中國大陸股市了。從前年低點998點後,一路攀升至今年5月下旬最高點4300點,一年多的時間,漲幅四倍多,深滬兩市開戶數近一億户,大概只能用盛況空前來形容當今的大陸股市,儘管政府祭出降溫政策,一再喊話,股民們仍無懼的湧入證券市場,指數持續向上攀升,上市公司本益比早已超出合理範圍。直至政府於5月30日宣布將印花稅由千分之一調升至千分之三,股市才開始回檔,短短5個交易日,滬市回檔約20%,深市回檔約25%。   想要錢滾錢,股市或許是最佳選擇。但若以賭馬或賭樂透的心態,想要僥倖獲利,則極可能十賭九輸。而中國股市的高散戶結構,卻對證券市場的穩健發展埋下了變數。綜觀股市贏家,無論是法人機構或專業投資人,無不鑽研基本面並有完整的投資策略。比照QFII(合格境外機構投資者)投資中國股市的現況及其操作策略,可發現外資法人一貫奉行的價值投資原則,及採投資組合的觀念,注重產業趨勢,選股集中於優勢產業及各龍頭藍籌股或深具成長潛力的個股。QFII在國際市場豐富的操作經驗及先進的投資觀念,可為發展中的中國股市帶來正面的效益,中國證監當局即一再呼籲境內基金法人或投資人採取價值投資策略,勿投機短線操作。   QFII制度引入中國只有四年左右的時間,但對中國資本市場的推動改革卻有顯著的效用,促使中國當局修正證券法,實施股權分置,改善股權結構,成立金融期貨交易所,籌劃開放股價指數期貨以建立避險管道,完善金融環境等措施。使得中國股市與國際股市接軌的時程又向前跨一大步,從股神巴非特,國際金融家索羅斯、羅吉斯及比爾蓋茲基金會等相繼踏入中國股市,其未來發展潛力不可限量,中國股市可能成為繼美國股市之後而成為國際資金聚集的世界級資本市場。   中國證券市場歷經十幾年的發展,在國際金融環境趨勢下,不斷的改革,從原先的封閉市場逐漸轉型為開放的市場,在轉型的過程中可謂順利而迅速,除了中國當局的審慎外,周邊同屬開發中國家的台灣、韓國,其資本市場開放的過程也提供了相對學習與借鏡的參考,使得中國在資本市場開放改革的過程中,既可兼顧國內金融環境的發展又可與國際市場建立管道,「新興與轉軌」並進。   時序進入2007年的下半年,股價指數期貨開放在即,新增的QFII額度資金等著入市,政策的降溫調整,中國股市後市有了更多的變數,是否將如外資所言經過調整後,將迎來更大的牛市,或果真如市場預測上證將達到6000點,值得我們在一片樂觀聲中,謹慎觀察政策走向及外資(QFII)投資策略是否做出調整。

歐式能源期貨選擇權評價: 以WTI原油為例 / Valuation of European Energy Futures Option: A Case Study of WTI Oil

鄧怡婷, Deng, I Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,能源商品的價格隨著國際政治情勢、國際金融環境以及景氣循環的影響產生劇烈波動,基於避險的需求,衍生性商品交易量也逐漸增加。然而,在評價能源衍生性商品的過程中,即期價格動態模型的選擇對於訂價與避險的結果有著顯著的影響,如何選擇一個適當的動態模型以評價能源商品便成為本文研究的目標。在指數與股價選擇權的評價模型中,大多以Black and Scholes (1973)提出的選擇權評價模型作為基礎,但Black-Scholes模型是否適用於評價能源市場的選擇權價格卻是有待商榷。Schwartz (1997)提出以均數回歸模型 (Mean Reversion Model)描述能源即期價格,發現比Black-Scholes模型中所假設的即期價格動態模型更能描述能源市場即期價格的波動。本研究也考慮能源市場遇到重大事件而造成即期價格產生劇烈波動的情況,因此在模型中加入跳躍項以捕捉價格跳躍的現象。另外,能源商品的需求與季節變化有高度相關性,因此本文亦考量即期價格的變動會受到季節性的變動影響,在模型中加入季節性函數,以補捉季節性的價格變化。基於前述模型考量,本研究在各種描述能源商品即期價格特性的動態模型之下,推導各個模型的期貨選擇權定價公式,進一步測試各模型在金融風暴與非金融風暴期間的訂價誤差與避險誤差,以提供投資人或避險需求者於原油期貨選擇權模型選用上之參考。 / In recent years, the price of energy commodities has fluctuated with the international political situation and the international financial environment. For the sake of hedging demands, the trading volume of derivatives has been gradually increasing. In the process of valuation of energy derivatives, choices of the spot price dynamics model have a significant impact on pricing and hedging. Therefore, how to choose an appropriate dynamic model to evaluate the energy commodities has been main purpose of this study. Two main models are tested in this paper. One is the option pricing model supposed by Black and Scholes (1973), and another is the mean reversion model supposed by Schwartz (1997). This study also considered the volatility of the spot price in the energy market in case of major events, so the researcher adds the jump to explore the mean reversion model. In addition, the demand for energy commodities is highly correlated with seasonal variations. The vibration of spot price often affected by the seasonal variations is considered in the research. Therefore, the researchers also take the seasonal function into the research to capture the seasonal price changes. Based on considerations described above, the pricing formula for each model of futures option is evaluated in the research. The researcher further tests the pricing errors and hedging errors of each model during the financial crises and non-financial crises in order to provide the investors and hedging demanders with some suggestions about selecting oil futures option models.

台灣期貨市場快速刪單之研究 —從投資者身分別探討 / A Study of Fleeting Orders in Taiwan’s Futures Markets Across Investor Types

張庭鈞, Zhang,Ting Jun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討台灣期貨市場於2005年至2008年的快速抽單(Fleeting orders)現象。文章將市場交易者區分為機構法人、散戶、自營商以及外資共四類族群,研究抽單背後的動機是否與各族群中交易者的下單積極程度、追價動作,或是降低成交成本有關。實證結果顯示,機構法人在快速抽單動作上無顯著動機;在散戶部分,僅部分散戶具有能力進行快速抽單,而其主要動機是為了降低交易成本。自營商的進場動機,主要是以造市為考量,因此測試市場上是否存在更激進的交易對手單是快速抽單的原因之一。此外,自營商亦會因要降低成交成本而進行快速抽單的動作。由於外資的主要策略是使用波段操作獲取大額利潤,無顯著證據證明外資進行快速抽單的動機是涵蓋於上述三種假設。 本文亦透過實證分析,探討快速抽單與合約報酬的關係,並以研究觀察有較高的快速抽單率是否會帶來較佳報酬,實證結果顯示各族群皆無顯著正相關,但散戶有顯著負相關。四類族群各自有不同的交易型態,故不能將他們概一而論,本篇論文的貢獻即是透過快速抽單,證明四個交易族群在程式交易上,具有不同的策略方向以及對於市場有不同的熟悉程度。 / This paper focuses on the phenomenon of fleeting orders in Taiwan’s futures markets from 2005 to 2008. Traders who in the markets will be divided into local institutional investors, individual, Dealer, and foreign institutional investors. Our study will find the motivation behind fleeting orders under the three hypotheses: attractive, chasing, and the cost-of-immediacy. The empirical results show that local institutional investors have no significant motivation. Only part of individual investors have the ability to use fleeting orders, and their main motivation is to reduce transaction costs. Dealers act as a market maker, so the main motivation for dealers is to raise liquidity. So to test whether a more aggressive limit orders exists in the market is one of the reasons for them to submit fleeting orders. In addition, dealers will also cancel limit orders in order to reduce the transaction costs. Because the main strategy for foreign institutional investors is to obtain a large profit during a period, they have no significant evidence to explain any motivation under the three assumptions. This article also analysis the relationship between fleeting orders and performance, and investigate whether the high fleeting ratio could bring much better profits. The empirical result show that all of four type investors have no significant positive correlation of fleeting orders and performance, but individual investors have significant negative correlation of fleeting orders and performance. Each of four type investors has different trading patterns, so that we should treat them case by case. The contribution of this paper is to prove that the four type investors have different strategies when they use trading program, and they also have different experience in Taiwan’s futures markets.

Market Efficiency of Taiwan Index Futures Market / 台灣指數期貨市場效率性-濾嘴法則之研究

徐仕尚, Hsu,Shih Shang Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用1998年九月2日到2003九月30日的台灣指數期貨每日收盤價,總共1304筆資料。我們希望能藉由濾嘴法則以收盤價及交易量和未平倉量來衡量台灣指數期貨的效率性。而實證結果也證實可以藉由濾嘴法則濾除掉市場上的小波動,並進而預測出主要的價格趨勢。 / This thesis adopts futures data, which are the daily closing prices of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index futures contracts. The sample period is from September 2, 1998 to September 30, 2003, a total of 1304 transaction days. The goal we want to achieve is to test and verify the momentum by filter rules based on price and volume in the futures market in Taiwan. In addition, the open interest is substituted for the trading volume to exam its effect on the futures price. The empirical results show that we can predict the price trend as long as we employ an appropriate range value to filter out “the noise”.

在HJM模型下使用遠期定價法評價或有求償權 / Pricing Contingent Claims under HJM Model using Forward Pricing Method

張佳沛, Chang,Chia-Pai Unknown Date (has links)
我們使用一個新方法來評價美式或歐式的或有求償權,其受到本地利率和權益價值的影響。我們使用標的資產的遠期價格的樹狀圖,進而對或有求償權作定價。其中我們評價了美式與歐式的股票選擇權,以及利率期貨和利率期貨選擇權。 / We introduce a methodology for pricing American or European style contingent claims, influenced by domestic interest rates, and equity prices. Instead of using trees of short-term interest rate, bond price or forward interest rate, this tree method will use the forward prices of underlying assets to derive implied binomial spot-price tree and in turn price long term American or European options, and interest rate futures and interest rate futures options.


鄭適薰, ZHENG,SHI-XUN Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機與目的 由於國際經濟體系日趨複雜,持有資產的不確定性因而增加,投資者為了避免因為資 產報酬過大的波動而造成損失,紛紛尋求迴避風險的工具。而期貨由於具備了高度流 動性,融通功能的保證金制度及公正的中介機構等優點,使其產品種類及交易量日益 擴大,提供了金融資產持有者良好的避險管道。 本研究探討金融性期貨商品在各種避險期間長度及不同到期日的期貨契約,降低風險 的程度是否有差異,並就各避險策略理論,比較其績效。 二、研究期間與樣本。 本研究由華爾街日報及偷敦金融時報抄錄由1988年 1月到1990年1 月共108 週,每週 三金融性商品現貨及期貨收盤價格。包括黃金、英鎊、日圓、西德馬克、瑞士法郎及 S & P 500 NYSE股價指數和T-Bill Euro Dollar利率等九種。 三、研究方法。 主要比較以下三種避險策略降低風險的程度,並研究以期貨避險時,是否愈早簽訂契 約或選擇到期日距今較遠的契約愈能降低風險。 1.天真法則 (Naive Approch) 該策略假設任何資產的現貨與期貨價格變動方向一致且幅度相同。於是為了避免資產 因為價格波動造成損失,投資者的避險策略應該是分別持有數量相同但方向相反的現 貨與期貨部位(position)。如此現貨資產與期貨資產的損益可完全抵消,若不計交易 成本,則造成損失的可能性為零。 2.最小變異數法則 (Minimum Variance Approach) 該法則認為,現貨與期貨價格同方向且等幅度變動的假設並不合理,而將現貨與期貨 所持有的部位視為資產組合 (portfolio),此資產組合價格的變異數視為風險;求出 使該資產組合風險最小的期貨部位。期貨相對現貨的持有比值就是最適避險比率,以 此比率構成資產組合風險最小。 3.風險迴避法則(Risk Aversion Approach) 該法則引用普雷特-亞羅(Pratt-Arrow) 絕對風險迴避的觀念,尋求報酬和風險間的 替代關係,在報酬不為負的要求下,求出使資產組合風險最小的避險比率。此法則由 於衡量的標準更為嚴格,故計算亦較繁複。

在異質期望、訊息頻率、與跳躍風險下之期貨訂價模式 / Three Essays on Futures Pricing Allowing for Expectation Heterogeneity, Information Time, and Jump Risk

王佳真, Wang, Jai Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在於探討「異質期望」(heterogeneous expectations)、「資訊密度」(information arrival intensity)、以及「跳躍風險」(jump risk) 這些因素對於期貨價格的影響,並且透由「跨期模型」(intertemporal models) 的建立,推導出具有封閉解形式的期貨價格理論公式。 誠如 Harrison and Kreps (1978) 所言:除非所有市場參與者的行為方式完全相同、而且他們都打算抱著股票直到永遠,否則「投機交易」(speculation transactions) 與「異質期望」就不可能自市場當中滅絕。有鑑於此,本論文在第二章中討論「異質期望」對於期貨價格的影響;同時為了反映交易者看法可能會隨時間演進而發生改變的可能性,「調整效果」(adjustment effects) 是本章另一個討論重點;第三、為了區別期貨契約與遠期契約的基本差異,「利率」這個隨機因子也被納入模型當中。由「部分均衡」(partial equilibrium) 觀點下具有封閉解形式的期貨價格公式來觀察,這三個重要因素以及彼此間存在著的複雜交互作用,可以協助解釋一些實證現象與重要變數之間的關係。 第三章主要是借用Clark (1973) 與Chang et al. (1988) 「資訊時間」(information time) 的概念,取代一般模型所使用的「日曆時間」(calendar time) 設定方法,並且額外納入「利率」與「便利所得」(convenience yield) 這兩個廣為一般期貨定價文獻所認定的重要隨機因素,推導出「部分均衡」觀點下的期貨價格封閉解。根據1998/7/21 至 2003/12/31 台灣期交所「台灣證券交易所總加權股價指數期貨」的實證結果來看,本章模型的定價績效不僅勝過「持有成本模型」(the cost of carry model),也比同時考慮「利率」與「便利所得」兩個隨機因子的「日曆時間」模型要來的好。 第四章則是嘗試結合Hemler and Longstaff (1991) 的「無偏好模型」(preference-free model) 以及Merton (1976) 的「跳躍」(jumps) 設定,重新推導「一般均衡」(general equilibrium) 模型下、考慮「跳躍風險」(jump risk) 後的期貨價格封閉解。根據本章各種比較靜態與模擬分析的結果顯示,整個經濟體系或是「狀態變數」(state variables) 的安定程度,決定了市場變數間的關係;另一方面,這些關聯會因為「跳躍風險」規模的遞增 — 不管是肇因於「發生機率」(occurring probability) 或是「衝擊效果」(impulse effect) — 而變的更加不可預測。 / The dissertation contains three essays on intertemporal futures pricing models allowing for heterogeneous expectations, information-time based setting, and jump risk. As Harrison and Kreps (1978) have noted, unless traders are all identical and obliged to hold a stock forever, speculation would not extinguish in market, and heterogeneity in expectations yields whereby. The first essay develops intertemporal futures pricing formulas accounting for such reality, adjustment effect, and stochastic interest rate in a partial-equilibrium sense. The closed-form solutions show that the three factors complicated with each others can help to explain some existing empirics on relationships between futures prices and other important market variables such as indeterminate converging pattern. The second essay extends Chang et al. (1988) option pricing model to derive futures prices with information-time based processes. Stochastic interest rate and convenience yield are also taken into account to derive closed-form formulas. According to empirical results of transaction data of TAIEX index and its corresponding TFETX futures contract through 1998/7/21 to 2003/12/31, the analytic solution performs better than the cost of carry model and its calendar-time based counterpart, especially when information arrival intensity estimates become larger. The last essay combines Hemler and Longstaff’s (1991) preference-free model and Merton’s (1976) jump setting to measure effects from jump risk and a futures pricing formula is derived in its closed-form as well. According to miscellaneous comparative static and simulation results, the bounded degrees of state variables, or economy, affect co-varying extents among variables, while the increasing jump risk, including the size of occurring probability and its corresponding impulse effect, makes them un-tractable.

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