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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王建裕 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今非常兢爭的資訊產業中 , 由於產品不斷的推陳出新 , 縮短了新產品的生命週期 , 除了提高產品品質及降低生產成本外 , 如何將產品透過有效的銷售管道 , 迅速的佔有市場 , 成為各個資訊產品供應商在有限的成長市場環境中 , 極為重要的一環 。敝人任職於資訊產品供應商多年 , 深深感受到銷售管道對於供應商之重要性 , 因此在本研究中 , 針對供應商和配銷商間的資訊管理機制 , 做一深入的探討 , 期望藉由研究結果 , 規劃及改善出一套有效及迅速的配銷商管理資訊系統 , 以促使在如此微利時代的資訊產業中突破逆境持續成長。 / On the competition edge of IT industry, innovation and emerging technologies lead to an increasingly shorter product life cycle. Besides product quality improvement and cost rationalization, effective management on market channels to increase market-shares becomes significantly crucial for IT-product suppliers to survive in such a rapid-changing, low profit-margin business environment. This research thus aims at finding the way for effective handling on the IT-product market-channels. This paper describes at first the market situation regarding IT products. Thereafter, we than elaborate the importance of the sales-channel, in particular of wholesales, to the suppliers. An analysis on the case of a large-scale international corporation is then presented, where by we study the behavior and information management among wholesalers and the firms. Last but not least, the study results in improving information management for more efficient and effective distribution and sales of IT-Products.

電視業配新聞的處理策略 —記者採編製之研究 / Product placement in TV news programs: The rise of product placement in journalism and its impact on reporters

許雅惠, Hsu, Sheila Unknown Date (has links)
本研究描繪目前台灣電視新聞界一個普遍存在、但不能說的秘密,即業配新聞的存在和產製、相關活動。研究者新聞本科出身,跨入業配新聞製作的專題組,面對置入性行銷對新聞採編的衝擊,也曾經內心衝突與質疑,「業配新聞」算新聞嗎?「業配新聞」是假新聞嗎? 「業配新聞」報導的對象,多因為沒新聞點、名氣小、特色不足或是沒有報導價值,因此無法被納入一般新聞採編程序,卻非憑空捏造或虛構不實的報導。「業配新聞」經過包裝,仍要編製成突顯商品特性與優點所產製的新聞內容,所以受訪業配記者多認為,業配新聞雖然具有商業目的,但不是無中生有、以虛報實的假新聞。而電視新聞以簡明方式播報新聞的特性,加上視覺的優勢,適合作為業配訊息的傳達。另外業配記者也認為業配新聞充斥,主要是組織和主管的要求,業配新聞基於真實,對社會無害,也包含重要訊息,仍然能為觀眾服務。 本研究認為在當下結構的困境中,個人的主體性雖然蘊含重大的突破能量,也有施展空間。就受訪者經驗來看,個人以專業及善盡查證職責,據理力爭新聞的正確性,仍有機會為自己開拓一些迴旋空間。而媒體組織在廣告主的強勢要求下,也並非只能一味讓步,讓對方予取予求,主事者若能在新聞的專業基礎上轉換思維,也可能化被動為主動展現相對積極的作為。 研究發現,廣告主和記者都清楚業配新聞不但影響編輯台的新聞自主,影響新聞公信力,也影響工作者自我的專業認同,雖然廣告主認為業配新聞和他們是共生共存,這類新聞確實有宣傳效果,有廣告主也認為他們對新聞可信度確實受到影響,「因為新聞經過包裝了」。然而,公眾一旦察覺某些新聞背後有「金錢利益」操控,不但媒體將失去公信力,媒體工作者也失去自我專業尊嚴,其結果更是短多長空。 / Product placement in TV programs has become increasingly common in the two decades in Taiwan. Although it arouses huge controversies over media credibility and marketing values, up to date, there have been very limited empirical studies focusing on how journalists handling product placement messages, particularly in television news programs in which product placements were usually forbidden in use. Instead of using content that directly promotes the brand, product or service through traditional marketing tactics, product placement journalism focuses on building stories and other informational content that highlights value from a different point of view. The current study examined a unique program genre in Taiwan’s TV news programs, in which product placements are still in use. Based on in-depth interviewing, this study canl shed some light on how we define the boundaries of news and marketing information. Product placements are proven to be quite effective in television news programs. However, the effectiveness is built right on the cost of news credibility and integrity, which is ironically distinguishing product placement and advertising and is believed to be the magic power of product placement in news. Although companies that build trust with the content they produce can maintain their presence as reliable media sources for their audiences. The origins of the ethical problems and their implication for product placement research are explored.

紀錄片:《睜開左眼》 / Documentary:TV news cameraman:Open eyes

李惠仁, Lee, Kevin H.J Unknown Date (has links)
《睜開左眼》真實紀錄了國內四位電視台記者太短又太長,太急又太慢的職業生命。都說記者是無冕王,其實他們像乞丐般一整天蹲在特偵組前面,只為乞求一個不到5秒鐘的約談畫面;或者配合業主拍攝美美的業配新聞。對於一個擔任15年把最精華的人生歲月都給了新聞工作的電視新聞攝影記者來說,究竟「什麼樣的事物是生命當中最重要的註腳」? 長久以來,觀眾所看到的電視新聞都經過了不只一道的壓縮與過濾,事件真實的樣貌當然是難以窺視。不過在這部紀錄片當中,我們清楚看到了目前商業電視台無法避免的「業配新聞」究竟如何產製?而這些站在第一線見證歷史的攝影記者們又是怎麼面對? 如果我們把電視媒介生態當成一幅拼圖,那麼「電視新聞攝影記者」與「新聞產製過程」無疑的是兩片重要的拼圖,而紀錄片《睜開左眼》就剛好適時的把這兩片拼圖擺到他應有的位置上。 / The documentary named “Eye on the Left” is literally telling a true story about four TV news cameramen whose life careers in Taiwan were too short, too long, too harsh and too slow. We always said the reporters are the King without Crown, but the truth is, they are little more than a group of beggars sitting in front of the Special Investigation Division all day long, begging for an opportunity to capture the certain person interview by the prosecutor for finding their individual counseling which the content of length is only less than 5 seconds. Thing can be worse that reporters were forced to make a series of nice-looking paid news in order to fulfill the commercial buyers' demand sometimes. As a professional reporter who have been dedicated his prime 15 years to TV news reporting and videos taking, he might ask himself, “what is the most significant thing during my career?” For a long time, the TV news which offer to audiences daily is manipulated by not only but several human interferences and condensed selectively, the truth behind the scene is very hard to reveal to the public. However, in this documentary, we can understand apparently the fact about how the commercial TV company produce the “paid news” which they are just cannot say no to the buyers. And how these TV news cameramen witness and face the historical scenes they encounter in the front line. If we consider that the TV media as an uncompleted jigsaw puzzle, the “TV news cameraman” and the “Process of News Reporting” are undoubtedly the last two essential pieces to assemble together. “Eye on the left”, just put all of them back to their right positions in the best time.

消費者觀看美妝Youtube之動機與業配影音對購買意願之影響效果 / Customers’ Motivation Toward Watching Cosmetic YouTube and the Influence of Sponsor Video On Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions

劉曼綺, Liu, Man Chi Unknown Date (has links)
現代的行銷管道已經不同於以往,不會只透過單一的行銷管道與消費者做溝通;相反的,行銷人員較常使用整合行銷溝通的方式,透過全方位的溝通媒介,向消費者傳遞廣告資訊。除了傳統的溝通媒介以外,更誕生了不同的新興媒體,像是Youtube影片行銷、論壇口碑行銷等等。本研究將鎖定在美妝產業,並研究新興媒體之一的Youtube平台,探討消費者觀看美妝Youtube的動機,以及廠商利用Youtube業配影片對於消費者購買意願的影響究竟為何。本研究盼給予未來品牌商找Youtuber合作影片實務上的建議。 本研究使用質化訪談焦點團體的方式,訪談對象篩選標準為平常會觀看美妝Youtuber且擁有上妝習慣的女性消費者,以四人一組的方式,總共進行一場前測,兩場正式測驗,共訪談12位女性,研究結果歸納如下: 1. 觀看美妝Youtube的動機為獲得產品新知識、使用心得和學習化妝技巧。 2. 教學性的內容行銷業配影片較受觀看者喜愛,並可以減少對於業配影片的排斥感。 3. 教學性的業配影片同時有要加強產品的介紹以免模糊焦點。 4. 觀看者很在乎Youtuber是否具有「誠懇」、「親和力」、「相似性」、「聲音真誠」等特質。 根據研究結果,本研究將針對Youtuber和品牌廠商提供實務建議,同時也提供未來研究參考。 / Marketing channels have evolved over the years. Nowadays, marketers can use a number of channels to communicate with and approach their target consumers. While the word of mouth (WOM) has always been the way to promote a product, new ways of Integrated Marketing Communications, such as the use of Social Media including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, have widened the reach of marketers and product endorsements. Thus, this thesis focuses on one of the new marketing channels - YouTube Marketing, particularly studying Youtube videos in the Beauty Industry. The study aims to find out what motivates a consumer to watch videos made by Beauty YouTubers, and whether video sponsorships influence a consumer’s willingness to purchase the merchandise. This study adopts focus group interviews to collect qualitative data. Individuals who have make-up everyday and frequently watch Beauty Youtube Videos were invited to be the respondents. We arranged four people in a group, and there are one pre-test interview and two official interviews, the amount of interviewees are twelve in total. Results and discussions are summarized as follows: A. The motivation of watching Beauty YouTubers’ videos are getting new product information, reviews and learning makeup skills. B. People prefer the sponsored videos with educational contents as it decreases their boredom toward sponsored videos. C. To avoid blurring the focus, sponsored videos with educational content should enhance the details of product usage and characteristics. D. Those Beauty YouTubers who are considered persuasive by YouTube Viewers have the following characteristics: Honesty, affinity, similarity, and sincere tones and attitudes. The study provided pratical advice, notes, and tips for YouTubers, Beauty Brands, as well as further research suggestions on the new channel of social media marketing.

業配文與產品購買意願之研究:信號理論觀點 / Sponsored posts and consumer purchase intention: a signaling theory perspective

曹靖 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著網際網路及線上社群日益普及,電子口碑的影響力迅速壯大。有鑑於這樣的趨勢,許多廠商開始尋找具有一定人氣的公眾人物或網路紅人為產品撰寫業配文。做為一種相對新穎的行銷方式,業配文同時兼具一般電子口碑的特性與產品代言的商業色彩。正因為它並非單純自發性的使用心得分享,許多消費者仍對其可信度有所疑慮,且大眾對其之觀感亦差異甚大。 本研究遂以信號理論(Signaling Theory)的觀點出發,將業配文撰文者視為信號傳遞者(Signaler)、文章內容視為信號本身(Signal)、消費者視為信號接收者(Receiver)、承載文章之平台視為信號環境(Signaling Environment),探討此四大面向中可能影響消費者文章信任、產品態度與購買意願之因素。 本研究採量化分析,透過發放線上問卷蒐集初級資料,經統計迴歸分析後發現,信號接收者面向的「撰文者與消費者相似性」、「撰文者過往名聲」、信號本身面向的「文章內容真實性」以及信號環境面向的「平台可信度」確實對文章信任有正向顯著影響,並會藉之進而影響產品態度和購買意願。此外,「平台生動性」及「平台互動性」則直接對產品態度有正向顯著影響。而本研究也針對文章信任之中介效果及信號接收者面向的「消費者人格外向開放性」、「消費者過去受業配文影響之經驗」、「消費者產品知識程度」是否具調節效果進行分析,詳細結果於研究中將一一闡述。 / In recent years, the impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has surged due to the prevalence of the Internet and social media. In response to this phenomenon, many firms have been inviting public figures or Internet celebrities to write sponsored (blog) posts for certain products. Sponsored posts, in substance, lie somewhere between solely spontaneous sharing of personal experiences and actual endorsements. Hence, many consumers still take sponsored posts with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of their authenticity as well as trustworthiness. This research builds upon Signaling Theory by adopting the concept of “Signaler”, “Signal”, “Receiver”, and “Signaling Environment”, and aims at clarifying some possible factors that may influence consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, product attitude and purchase intention. Among the independent variables, “Similarity between Writer and Consumer”, “Writer’s Reputation”, “Content Truthfulness”, and “Media Credibility” are significantly positively correlated with consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, which then positively influences consumers’ product attitude and purchase intention. Meanwhile, “Media Vividness” and “Media Interactivity” also contribute significantly to consumers’ product attitude. Other factors involved, the mediating effect of trust, as well as the moderating effect of “Consumer’s Personality” and “Consumer’s Past Experiences” are further discussed in this research.

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