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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

由企業角度研究碳足跡標籤的導入:以宏碁與泰山為例 / Implementing carbon footprint labelling scheme from a business perspective: company Acer and Taisun, Taiwan-based companies as examples

吳思頤, Wu, Szu-I (Sandy) Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費者開始意識到自身的購買行為對於環境的影響,環境友善的產品也越來越受歡迎.碳足跡標籤,也就是在標籤上註明一件產品的生命週期所產生的所有碳排放,而其過程就包括了從原料取得到最後被丟棄的整個產品生命週期.產品碳足跡標籤讓消費者了解產品的環境友善程度,也幫助消費者做對環境友善的購買決策.碳足跡標籤也讓消費者成為帶動更永續的未來的主要推力,並激勵企業製造碳足跡較低的產品來維持競爭力. 碳足跡標籤已在全球成為一個越來越普遍的行為,而台灣也正開始推動碳足跡標籤方案.此論文深入研究已發展國家包括英國,美國,法國,日本以及跨國公司包括Walkers,Walmart和Casion Group如何導入碳足跡標籤方案. 接下來將探討台灣以及台灣企業是如何將碳足跡標籤導入到公司以及過程中所碰到的問題與機會. 在台灣企業的部分,宏碁以及泰山為研究對象,由於這兩家企業都是在碳足跡標籤方案的先驅者,並且為不同的產業背景,因此挑選了這兩家深入研究,並探討不同產業導入碳標籤方案的作法. / As consumers become conscious of the impacts of their purchase decision on the environment, environmental friendly products become increasingly popular. By indicating the amount of carbon dioxide produced and emitted throughout a product’s life cycle, from material acquisition to manufacturing to consumption, carbon footprint label give consumers the information to make earth-friendly purchase decisions. Carbon footprint label also makes consumers the driver of a more sustainable future by incentivizing businesses to make lower GHG-content products to increase the competitiveness of products. Carbon footprint label is becoming a popular practice around the world. Taiwan is also learning and doing carbon footprint labelling. This dissertation investigates how carbon footprint labelling is done in advanced countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Japan and multinational companies including Walkers, Walmart and Casino Group. Then it investigates how carbon footprint labelling is done in Taiwan and how Taiwan businesses approach carbon footprint labelling. Two companies of different industry were interviewed to gain an in-depth understanding of how and why Taiwan businesses implement carbon footprint labelling. From the interviews, insights of the motivation, project planning, execution and questions encountered during the implementation of carbon footprint labelling were revealed. The dissertation then concludes by discussing the limitations that happened during the research and the suggestions for the development of Taiwan’s carbon footprint label.

臉書相片分類及使用者樣貌分析 / Identifying User Profile Using Facebook Photos.

張婷雅, Chang,Ting Ya Unknown Date (has links)
除了文字訊息,張貼相片也是臉書使用者常用的功能,這些上傳的照片種類繁多,可能是自拍照、風景照、或食物照等等,本論文的研究以影像分析為出發點,探討相片內容跟發佈者間之關係,希望藉由相片獲得的資訊,輔助分析使用者樣貌。 本研究共收集32位受測者上傳至臉書的相片,利用電腦視覺技術分析圖像內容,如人臉偵測、環境識別、找出影像上視覺顯著的區域等,藉由這些工具所提供的資訊,將照片加註標籤,以及進行自動分類,並以此兩個層次的資訊做為特徵向量,利用階層式演算法進行使用者分群,再根據實驗結果去分析每一群的行為特性。 透過此研究,可對使用者進行初步分類、瞭解不同的使用者樣貌,並嘗試回應相關問題,如使用者所張貼之相片種類統計、不同性別使用者的上傳行為、 依據上傳圖像內容,進行使用者樣貌分類等,深化我們對於臉書相片上傳行為的理解。 / Apart from text messages, photo posting is a popular function of Facebook. The uploaded photos are of various nature, including selfie, outdoor scenes, and food. In this thesis, we employ state-of-the-art computer vision techniques to analyze image content and establish the relationship between user profile and the type of photos posted. We collected photos from 32 Facebook users. We then applied techniques such as face detection, scene understanding and saliency map identification to gather information for automatic image tagging and classification. Grouping of users can be achieved either by tag statistics or photo classes. Characteristics of each group can be further investigated based on the results of hierarchical clustering. We wish to identify profiles of different users and respond to questions such as the type of photos most frequently posted, gender differentiation in photo posting behavior and user classification according to image content, which will promote our understanding of photo uploading activities on Facebook.

世界城市的概念輪廓與連結:以Flickr Tags為例 / The World Cities Concept Profiling And Concatenation:A Case Study On Flickr Tags

曹期鈞, Tsao, Chi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在這社會網路蓬勃發展之中、網際網路頻寬與速度相繼提昇的資訊年代,結合網路科技所衍生的Flickr網路相簿因應而生。Flickr提供許多API程式讓使用者或有興趣研究的專家學者能透過Flickr所收集及其所探討的議題,來觀察社會網路的變化情形。 社會網路主要是由節點以及節點間彼此相連結所形成,常見的網路模型大致可分為One-mode與Two-mode兩種網路結構,而本文則採用內部同時有兩種類節點、由兩個城市與Tags共同組合而成的Two-mode網路為基礎架構,期望藉此來闡述一個Tags系統分析法,利用Flickr使用者收集、標註之Flickr標記來與世界城市的概念輪廓相連結,透過提取城市語義分配給Flickr上照片的Tags,以及解決Part-Of-Speech (POS)、詞幹還原及雜訊處理…等問題,來達成依據排名結果分析出城市概念輪廓的最終目的。 除此之外,本文還運用了Flickr tag資料來彙整出41個城市的前100名tag,再篩選出前10名的tag,將其與相關的城市歸類一起比較。本文亦使用字詞共現指標(Tag co-occurrence)來計算與該城市的關聯性,再利用此法則來歸納出這兩個城市字詞共同出現的機會,以便於了解城市與城市之間的關連字詞組合。最後,本研究亦透過Flickr網站本身Popular Tags經由分析及匯出標籤雲的結果來與本文之實驗結果相對照,本實驗85%的吻合度驗證了可靠性。 / The Flickr Web Albums was born in the information age of social network growth, internet bandwidth and speed improvement. Users and researchers can observe the changing of social network from topics collected and studied by Flickr using API programs provided by Flickr. The main structure of social network can be distinguished one-mode and two-mode network which is composed by nodes, generally. An approach for world cities concept profiling analysis is developed in this study by conbineing two types of nodes and two cities with tag which is the two-mode network using extracting city semantics for tags assigned to photos on Flickr, solving Part-of-Speech(POS), Stemming reduction and noise handing by collecting Flickr's tags from Flickr users. The top 100 tags were slected for 41 cities and then top 10 tags for each city were also extracted. The Tag co-occurrence was also applied to analysis the relationship of cities. Then the connection between the cities can be understood by the result of tag co-occurrence opportunities. The 85% accurancy was demonstrated by comparing the result of analysised and exported Popular Tags from Flickr Website service and the result of experiments in this study.

縣市長與縣市議員政黨得票的連動關係 / The Linkage of Party Votes between County Magistrate/City Mayoral and County/City Councilor Elections

呂孟威, Lu, Meng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣縣市議員與縣市長選舉的政黨競爭程度不及中央層級選舉,然而相對於地方首長選舉多數呈現兩黨競爭,地方議員選舉的政黨組成則相對多元,可能是近似縣市長的藍綠對決,也可以是無黨籍遙遙領先其他政黨,或是由單一政黨與無黨籍囊括多數選票,這代表政黨在各地區的議員與縣市長得票存在程度不等的落差。本文即在於尋找能夠解釋議員與縣市長選舉政黨得票連動關係不一的因素,並以「得票差距」及「得票相關程度」測量政黨得票的連動性。結果發現,議員選舉選區規模與議員選舉有效票數(縣市人口規模)等「先天結構因素」與政黨兩項選舉的得票差距具有關聯;除了「先天結構因素」,地方派系與現任議員參選比例等「政黨本身可掌握的因素」同樣與政黨兩項選舉的得票相關程度具有關係。地方派系在地方選舉具有舉足輕重的地位,足以解釋政黨議員與縣市長得票相關程度的變化,不過其與政黨得票差距的關係則未獲得證實,本文推測可能受到派系測量的限制。政黨標籤對地方議員選舉的重要性確實不如縣市長或中央層級選舉,但隨著縣市長選舉的兩黨競爭逐漸滲透至議員選舉,其意義已較以往提升。議員選舉兩黨競爭的出現反映議員選舉政黨化的跡象。 / The party competition is weaker in county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections than in central elections in Taiwan. However, Electoral landscape of councilor elections is not the same in districts, rather than competition between two major parties in most county magistrate/city mayoral elections. Some are approximate two-party competition, some are parties lag far behind the independent candidates, others are single party and the independent candidates secure most votes. It indicates that the differences of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections vary in districts. The study explores the relationship of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections and uses “difference of party votes” and “correlation of the party votes” to measure the dependent variable. The results show that factors which parties can’t determine have something to do with the difference of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as district magnitude in county/city councilor elections, scale of population in districts. In addition to factors which parties can’t determine, factors which parties can determine also have something to do with correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as local factions, the proportion of incumbent councilors run for another term. Local factions are the pivot of Taiwanese local elections, and can explain the correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, but the relationship with difference of party votes can’t be verified according to the result of analysis. It could attribute to the measurement of factions. The party label is less important in councilor elections than in county magistrate/city mayoral or central elections, but becomes more meaningful when two-party competition penetrates into councilor elections. The competition between two major parties of councilor elections reflects councilor election towards party competition.

以型態組合為主的關鍵詞擷取技術在學術寫作字彙上的研究 / A pattern approach to keyword extraction for academic writing vocabulary

邵智捷, Shao, Chih Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時間的推移演進,人們瞭解到將知識經驗著作成文獻典籍保存下來供後人研究開發的重要性。時至今日,以英語為主的學術寫作論文成為全世界最主要的研究交流媒介。而對於英語為非母語的研究專家而言,在進行英語學術寫作上常常會遇到用了不適當的字彙或搭配詞導致無法確切的傳達自己的研究成果,或是在表達上過於貧乏的問題,因此英語學術寫作字彙與搭配詞的學習與使用就顯得相當重要。 在本研究中,我們藉由收集大量不同國家以及不同研究領域的學術論文為基礎,建構現實中實際使用的語料庫,並且建立數種詞性標籤型態,使用關鍵詞擷取關鍵詞擷取(Keyword Extraction)技術從中擷取出學術著作中常用的學術寫作字彙候選詞,當作是學術常用寫作字彙之初步結果,隨即將候選詞導入關鍵詞分析的指標形態模型,將候選詞依照指標特徵選出具有代表指標意義的進一步候選詞。 在實驗方面,透過對不同範圍的樣本資料進行篩選,並導入統計上的方法對字彙進行不同領域共通性的分析檢證,再加上輔助篩選的機制後,最後求得名詞和動詞分別在學術寫作中常用的字彙,也以此字彙為基礎,發掘出語料庫中常用的搭配詞組合,提出以英語為外國語的研究學者以及學生在學術寫作上的常用字彙與搭配詞組合作為參考,在學術寫作上能夠提供更多樣性且正確的研究論述的協助。 / With the evolution over time, people start to know the importance of taking their knowledge and experience into literature texts and preserving them for future research. Until now, academic writing research papers mainly in English become the world’s leading communication media all over the world. For those non-native English researchers, they often encounter with the inappropriate vocabularies or collocations which causes them not to pass on their idea accurately or to express their research poorly. As a result, it’s very important to know how to learn or to use the correct academic writing in English vocabularies and collocations. In this study, we constructed the real academic thesis corpus which includes different countries and fields of academic research. The keyword extraction technique based on the several Part-of-Speech tag patterns is used for capturing the common academic writing vocabulary candidates in the academic works to be the initial result of the common vocabulary of academic writing. The candidate words would be introduced to the index analysis model of keyword and be picked out to the further meaningful candidate words according to the index characteristics. For the experiments, the sample data with different fields would be filtered and the vocabularies on different fields of commonality would be analyzed and verified through statistical methods. Moreover, the auxiliary filter mechanism would also be applied to get the common vocabularies in academic writing with nouns and verbs. Based on these vocabularies, we could discover the common combination with the words in the academic thesis corpus and provide them to the non-native English researchers and students as a reference with the common vocabularies and collocations in academic writing. Hopefully the study could help them to write more rich and correct research papers in the future.

以情境與行為意向分析為基礎之持續性概念重構個人化影像標籤系統 / Continuous Reconceptualization of Personalized Photograph Tagging System Based on Contextuality and Intention

李俊輝 Unknown Date (has links)
生活於數位時代,巨量的個人生命記憶使得人們難以輕易解讀,必須經過檢索或標籤化才可以進一步瞭解背後的意涵。本研究著力個人記憶裡繁瑣及週期性的廣泛事件,進行於「情節記憶語意化」以及「何以權衡大眾與個人資訊」兩議題之探討。透過生命記憶平台裡影像標籤自動化功能,我們以時空資訊為索引提出持續性概念重構模型,整合共同知識、個人近況以及個人偏好三項因素,模擬人們對每張照片下標籤時的認知歷程,改善其廣泛事件上註釋困難。在實驗設計上,實作大眾資訊模型、個人資訊模型以及本研究持續性概念重構模型,並招收九位受試者來剖析其認知歷程以及註釋效率。實驗結果顯示持續性概念重構模型解決了上述大眾與個人兩模型上的極限,即舊地重遊、季節性活動、非延續性活動性質以及資訊邊界註釋上的問題,因此本研究達成其個人生命記憶在廣泛事件之語意標籤自動化示範。 / In the digital era, labeling and retrieving are ways to understand the meaning behind a huge amount of lifetime archive. Foucusing on tedious and periodic general events, this study will discuss two issues: (1) the semantics of episodic memory (2) the trade-off between common and personal knowledge. Using the automatic image-tagging technique of lifelong digital archiving system, we propose the Coutinuous Reconceptualization Model which models the cognitive processing of examplar categorization based on temporal-spatial information. Integrating the common knowlegde, current personal life and hobby, the Continuous Reconceptualization Model improves the tagging efficiency. In this experiment, we compare the accuracy of cognitive modeling and tagging efficiency of the three distinct models: the common knowledge model, personal knowledge model and Coutinuous Reconceptualization Model. Nine participants were recruited to label the photos. The results show that the Continous Reconceptualization Model overcomes the limitations inherent in other models, including the auto-tagging problems of modeling certain situations, such as re-visiting places, seasonal activities, noncontinuous activities and information boundary. Consequently, the Continuous Reconceptualization Model demonstrated the efficiency of the automatic image-tagging technique used in the semantic labeling of the general event of personal memory.

由消費者行為分析防偽標籤的市場需求 / Exploring the Demand of the Anti-Counterfeit Tag market -- From the perspective of Consumer Behavior

黃崇格, Huang, Chung-Ko Unknown Date (has links)
本研究有鑒於目前市場上仿冒品充斥,全球產業每年因偽造行為所產生的損失已高達美金4000億元左右,嚴重影響產業生存。為打擊仿冒現象,防偽產業因應而生,隨著消費者越來越重視消費權益及企業為了維護其品牌權益而蓬勃發展,嚴然已成為各種新產品不可或缺的附屬產品,防偽產業的未來發展及其競爭激烈是可以預期的。本論文提及的防偽標籤是專指『將單一或多種以上的防偽技術運用在可以黏貼或印製在目標產品的包裝或目標產品本身的標籤產品』。由於防偽標籤是附屬於目標產品,並非消費者所購買的標的。但透過對消費者購買行為的研究可以分析產品防偽的需求程度,進而提供產品製造商或供應商了解該產品是否需要防偽標籤?  本文首先蒐集消費者行為之文獻資料,找出消費者特性、消費者價值觀、消費者生活型態及消費者涉入程度等與防偽涉入程度相關的變數,整理各變數間的交互關係導出消費者對於防偽涉入程度會影響產品防偽的需求程度;其次透過焦點訪談及專家訪問內容得知,產品特性也是影響產品防偽的需求程度的重要因素;最後再由產品防偽的需求程度分析防偽標籤的市場需求。另一方面,不同的購買情境也會影響防偽標籤的市場需求,其中包括了購買通路以及標籤功效、法令規範、消費者對防偽標籤辨識能力等外在環境。 本研究經由消費者問卷調查,將所獲得的資料經由多變量變異數分析、相關分析及頻次分析等統計方法所得之結果來驗證假設。其結論均能滿足本研究所希望達到的五項目的。  一、影響防偽標籤市場需求的因素  二、影響消費者防偽涉入程度的因素  三、哪些特性的產品需要防偽標籤  四、哪些通路的產品需要防偽標籤  五、現階段防偽標籤的推廣成效 最後將本研究之發現作整理,提供防偽標籤業者作實務上的建議,希望這些參考意見在防偽產業擬定防偽標籤行銷策略時,能給予適切的助益。

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