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地方派系與地方選舉關係之研究--彰化縣個案分析翁翊 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣省地方選舉公職候選人活動方式研究-基隆市個案分析-王唯民, Wang, Wei-Min Unknown Date (has links)
基於以上的敘述、分析與瞭解,筆者深感這一外來的選舉制度,在缺乏民治思想的我國社會中,雖然已經生根,但距開花結果尚有一段距離; 並且亦領悟到民主政治若只有精神而無制度,固屬雜亂無章因而無法運行,但若只有制度而無精神,則更是虛弱無力因而弊病叢生,故筆者在第八章結論中。同時注重民主制度與民主精神兩方面,提出如何端正選風辦好選舉的建議,以就教於高明。
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鄉鎮型地方派系與選舉關係之研究-以礁溪鄉為例 / Relationship between local factions and the election: a case of Jiaosi.莊家榮, Chuang, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸鄉鎮選舉制度改革研究-四川省步雲鄉案例分析林惠琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討1990年後期興起的中國大陸鄉鎮選舉改革。四川省遂寧市市中區步雲鄉1998年的鄉長直選係全中國大陸首例。因此以步雲鄉鄉長直選為案例,探討其起源、歷程、困境及意義為何?特別是著重探究推動基層選舉改革的動因為何?本論文使用「次級資料分析法」與「案例分析法」為研究方法,進而分析中國大陸基層選舉制度的相關海內外文獻,另採用理性選擇制度變遷、自主性制度變遷及強制性制度變遷等理論,以及國家與公民社會研究途徑,以探析影響中國大陸基層選舉改革的因素。 / The theme of this thesis lies in probing into the reforms of China’s local election at Xiang/township level that was beginning to rise in late 1990's. The election of Buyun Xiang chief directly in the Shizhong District of Suining in Sichuan Province set a precedent for the first time at the end of 1998. So in order to regard Buyun Xiang as the case, probe into the origin, course, dilemma and meaning of the Xiang chief election directly? Especially understand emphatically what promote the incentive of the election reform at the basic level? The thesis uses “secondary materials analysis” and “case study analysis” as the research method, as to analysing about the relevant documents which study the Mainland China electoral system at the basic level both at home and abroad, and choose Rational Choice Institutionalism, Motivational and Compulsory of Institutional Transitions, complement it with research approach of State and Civil Society, do case analysis to the factor influencing electoral reform at the basic level.
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經濟投票與政黨輪替—以台灣縣市長選舉為例程小綾, Cheng,Hsiao-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
最後,關於時間及縣市虛擬變數部分,本文發現,2001年14屆縣市長選舉發生政黨輪替的機率為4屆之首;而21縣市中,則以嘉義縣、屏東縣、新竹市、台中市、台中縣及基隆市,分居最易發生政黨輪替縣市的前五名。 / Substantial scholarly attention has been at the relationship between economic conditions and election outcomes in most western democratic countries, especially in the United States. Most Studies focused mainly on presidential or congressional elections have indicated a solid evidence that the worse economic conditions will be unfavorable to the incumbents to win the elections. Compared with those coincide conclusions, the results about economic voting in state elections are more discrepancy.
This paper applies the economic voting theory to analyze the county magistrates and city mayors elections in Taiwan and uses a county-and city-level panel data from 1989 to 2001 to examine the possible factors which cause the party rotation of the county magistrates and city mayors elections. After estimating Probit model, the primary finding is that the local unemployment rates have no impact on election outcomes of the county magistrates and city mayors. Instead, the national unemployment rates have a significant effect on election outcomes. Generally, the probabilities of party rotation of the counties and cities ruled by the president’s party are lower than others. However, this advantage will be damaged as the national unemployment rate is higher in the election year than that in the previous year. As to the inflation rates, the other national economical index, are not as influential as the national unemployment rates. For all rising in the election year, the probabilities of party rotation won’t go up.
Additionally, about the political variables, the incumbents are more likely to defeat the challengers and renew their term of office; it has no significant impact on election outcomes whether the incumbent governors and city or county councils are of the same party. The hypothesis which derives from the law of diminishing marginal utility is also proved. The longer the governing party rules the county or city, the higher the probability of party rotation for this county or city.
Finally, the probability of party rotation of the 14th county magistrates and city mayors election is the highest from 1989 to 2001. Chiayi County, Pingdong County, Hsinchu City, Taichung City, Taichung County and Keelung City are the top five ones of the twenty-one counties and cities in terms of the frequency of party rotation.
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台灣地方選舉郎裕憲, Lang, Yu-Xian Unknown Date (has links)
而足。依 國父孫中山先生之遺教,民治之施行,猶需「以全縣人口,調查清楚。全
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縣市長與縣市議員政黨得票的連動關係 / The Linkage of Party Votes between County Magistrate/City Mayoral and County/City Councilor Elections呂孟威, Lu, Meng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣縣市議員與縣市長選舉的政黨競爭程度不及中央層級選舉,然而相對於地方首長選舉多數呈現兩黨競爭,地方議員選舉的政黨組成則相對多元,可能是近似縣市長的藍綠對決,也可以是無黨籍遙遙領先其他政黨,或是由單一政黨與無黨籍囊括多數選票,這代表政黨在各地區的議員與縣市長得票存在程度不等的落差。本文即在於尋找能夠解釋議員與縣市長選舉政黨得票連動關係不一的因素,並以「得票差距」及「得票相關程度」測量政黨得票的連動性。結果發現,議員選舉選區規模與議員選舉有效票數(縣市人口規模)等「先天結構因素」與政黨兩項選舉的得票差距具有關聯;除了「先天結構因素」,地方派系與現任議員參選比例等「政黨本身可掌握的因素」同樣與政黨兩項選舉的得票相關程度具有關係。地方派系在地方選舉具有舉足輕重的地位,足以解釋政黨議員與縣市長得票相關程度的變化,不過其與政黨得票差距的關係則未獲得證實,本文推測可能受到派系測量的限制。政黨標籤對地方議員選舉的重要性確實不如縣市長或中央層級選舉,但隨著縣市長選舉的兩黨競爭逐漸滲透至議員選舉,其意義已較以往提升。議員選舉兩黨競爭的出現反映議員選舉政黨化的跡象。 / The party competition is weaker in county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections than in central elections in Taiwan. However, Electoral landscape of councilor elections is not the same in districts, rather than competition between two major parties in most county magistrate/city mayoral elections. Some are approximate two-party competition, some are parties lag far behind the independent candidates, others are single party and the independent candidates secure most votes. It indicates that the differences of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections vary in districts. The study explores the relationship of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections and uses “difference of party votes” and “correlation of the party votes” to measure the dependent variable. The results show that factors which parties can’t determine have something to do with the difference of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as district magnitude in county/city councilor elections, scale of population in districts. In addition to factors which parties can’t determine, factors which parties can determine also have something to do with correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as local factions, the proportion of incumbent councilors run for another term. Local factions are the pivot of Taiwanese local elections, and can explain the correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, but the relationship with difference of party votes can’t be verified according to the result of analysis. It could attribute to the measurement of factions. The party label is less important in councilor elections than in county magistrate/city mayoral or central elections, but becomes more meaningful when two-party competition penetrates into councilor elections. The competition between two major parties of councilor elections reflects councilor election towards party competition.
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