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國民中學教育國際化指標建構之研究—以桃園縣為例 / A Study on the Construction of Indicators for Internationalization of Education in Junior High Schools–Taking Taoyuan county as an Example.王友聖, Wang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民中學教育國際化指標。首先藉由文獻探討初擬指標架構,並以桃園縣政府教育處行政人員、桃園縣國民中學校長、主任、教師及學生家長為研究對象,透過問卷蒐集政策利害關係人之意見,共發出10份專家問卷及30份正式問卷。根據正式問卷填答結果,採用「模糊德菲術」(fuzzy Delphi method)為資料分析方法,計算各構面及指標之三角模糊數(triangular fuzzy number),再將其反模糊化(defuzzification),求得各構面及指標之效用總值,自訂門檻值為0.5,篩選出8項構面及38項指標,並以歸一化方式確立各構面及指標權重。各構面之權重由高至低依序為組織與規劃(13.7%)、課程與教學(12.5%)、願景與領導(12.4%)、經費與資源(12.4%)、教師素質(12.4%)、環境與設施(12.3%)、交流與合作(12.2%)以及學生素質(12.1%)。最後根據此指標架構對主管教育機關、學校及未來研究提出建議。 / This research aims for constructing the indicators for internationalization of education in junior high schools. After literature review, this research proposes the draft structure of indicators. The object of research is the administrators in Taoyuan educational administration and the headmasters, directors, teachers and parents in Taoyuan’s junior high schools. Through the questionnaires, it collects the suggestions of these people, and sent out 10 experts and 30 formal questionnaires in account. According to the result of the formal questionnaires, it takes “fuzzy Delphi method” as the method to analyze the data and to count the triangular fuzzy number of each aspect and indicator. Then it uses the method of “defuzzification” to get the total utility. Book threshold value 0.5, select 8 aspects and 38 indicators, and make sure the weight of each aspect and indicator by normalization. The construct weight of aspects from high to low are “organize and plan”(13.7%), “course and teaching” (12.5%), “Vision and lead ” (12.4%), “the funds and resource”(12.4%), “teacher's quality” ( 12.4%), “the environment and facility” ( 12.3%) , “the exchange and cooperation ” (12.2%) ,and “student's quality” ( 12.1%) . Finally, it makes the suggestions to the schools, educational administration and the research in the future according to this indicator structure.
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台灣地區大學排名指標建構之研究湯家偉 Unknown Date (has links)
指標九大構面依權重高低依序為: 教師素質(12.7%)、學校課程與教學 品質(12.5%)、研究表現(11.7%)、大學聲望(11.6%)、學生素質(11.5%)、
九、國際化構面共包含三項指標:以華文以外領域為主修之國際學生比率(3.2%)、國際教師比率 (3.0%)、全校國際合作計畫件數(3.5%)
四、對未來研究之建議 / The purpose of this study is to construct the Taiwan university ranking indicators which aim to evaluate the education quality of universities. As for research methods, by means of literature review, 68 indicators within 9 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of Taiwan university ranking indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample size of 20 higher education experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the Taiwan university ranking indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows:
1.The Taiwan university ranking indicator system consists with 9 dimensions and 29 indicators in total. The 9 dimensions are: faculty quality(12.7%), curriculum and teaching(12.5%), research(11.7%),reputation(11.6%), student selectivity(11.5%), performance of students and graduates (11.5%), financial resources(10.0%), internationalization(9.7%), inclusiveness(8.8%).
2.The dimension of faculty quality consists with: percent of full-time faculty with top terminal degree(4.4%), percent of full-time faculty as professor(4.2%), percent of full-time faculty(4.1%)
3.The dimension of curriculum and teaching consists with:staff:student ratio
(6.5%), student evaluation of course(6.0%)
4.The dimension of research consists with:research grants per academic staff member(1.5%), percent of academic staff member with National Faculty Awards(1.5%), percent of academic staff member with Academy membership (1.5%), publications on Nature, Science, SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI and A&HCI per academic staff member (1.4%), citations per article on Nature, Science, SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI and A&HCI (1.5%), articles in peer-reviewed journals per academic staff member (1.4%), articles in international conferences per academic staff member (1.5%), publications of book per academic staff member(1.4%)
5.The dimension of student selectivity consists with:Acceptance Rate(4.9%), Entry score(6.6%)
6.The dimension of reputation consists with:peer assessment(4.0%), employer assessment(3.8%), graduate assessment(3.9%)
7.The dimension of performance of students and graduates consists with:the success of the student body at winning national academic awards within 5 years(3.7%), graduate employment(4.1%), correspondent (3.7%)
8.The dimension of financial resources consists with:revenue per student(4.8%), library spent per student
9.The dimension of internationalization consists with:percent of international students (excludes those who major in Chinese) (3.2%), percent of international academic staff member (3.0%), international cooperation projects(3.5%)
10.The dimension of internationalization consists with:attract students from underrepresented groups(2.8%), working hours at school per student (2.7%), expense as subvene for the poor students(3.3%)
According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:
1.suggestions for higher education administrators
2.suggestions for those who are going to conduct university rankings
3.suggestions for university ranking information users
4.suggestions for further study.
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國小學校建築用後評估指標建構之研究 / A Study of the Indicator Construction for the Post-Occupancy Evaluation in Elementary School Buildings李淑娟, Lee, Su Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:用後評估、學校建築、模糊德菲術 / This thesis approaches to establishing some evaltuion indexes of elemantry school buildings by studying local and global bibliography or articles. Using suitable “Questionnaire Survey” and “Fuzzy Delphi” theory on local savants and scholars by POE (Post-Occupancy Evalution), this thesis proves some evaltuion indexes and weight values those are useful and consultative for presidents of elemantry school or officials in Department of Education to manage campus more safety and spend budget more efficiency.
After cases studying and database analyzing, this thesis figures out 15 factors and 104 index items in 3 principals, as follows:
1. 1st principal is “Architectural Design” (values:36.64%), and the evalution factors are physical environment > design rules > exterior > service area > teaching area > administ area.(values from 8.16% to 3.54%).
2.2nd principal is “Facility Management”(values:35.3%), and the evalution factors are safety > cost > use frequency of educational facility > use frequency of exterior > use frequency of interior(values from 8.25% to 5.03%).
3.3rd principal is “Master Plan”(values:28.06%), and the evalution factors are axials plan > spatial layout > mass plan > landscaoe plan(values from 9.73% to 3.51%).
The analysis results in Index Item of “Master Plan” are as follows: (1) the location of library is suitable(values:1.2092%). (2) the path of pedestrians and vehicles is separated(values:1.0639%). (3) the exit of main door and parking lot is closed to communities(valuses:1.0379%)
The analysis results in Index Item of “Aechitecture Design” are as follows: (1) the roof is water-proof and heat-protect(values:1.0968%). (2) the drainage system is useful to keep floor and balcony dry(values:1.0666%). (3) the layout of buildings is caused to sun-trace and wild-direction(values:1.0653%).
The analysis results in Index Item of “Facility Management” is as follow: (1) operate the rolling door within alarm(values:1.0762%). (2) the interior is leak proof(values:1.0749%). (3) the height of parapet and railing is saft(values:1.0762%).
Key wrod:Post-Occupancy Evaluation, School buildings、Fuzzy Delphi
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國民小學教師專業能力指標建構之研究 / A research on the development of professional indicators for elementary-school teachers翁素敏, Wong, Su Min Unknown Date (has links)
藉由分析討論獲得結論後,提出相關建議,敘述如下:辦理相關研習,提升專業知能;建立內省能力,提升專業形象;落實教師評鑑工作,作為了解教師績效與改進之參考;教師評鑑制度要與教師專業發展相結合;應視教育現況,建構適切之教師專業能力指標;應提供多元的課程滿足教育的專業化、多元化與國際化,並因應不同生涯發展階段的需求提供教師進修研習的課程。 / The research aimed to establish the indicators of teacher’s professional abilities. Fuzzy Delphi method was utilized for data collection after the discussion of the documents. The theoretical basis of this research was derived from analyzing the documents, discussing related theories and other research achievements. Furthermore, the research was conducted to collect experts’ opinions on the indicators in questionnaires to promote their validity, which was the main basis of compiling the Fuzzy Delphi Method questionnaires. From the questionnaires, the author could analyze the differences of experts’ opinions and confirm whether their opinions could come to agreement. Finally, based on the maximum, minimum and best single value, the author obtained the following conclusions:
First, this research consists of four dimensions: teaching ability, class management and student counseling, research development and further education and professional spirits. Each dimension is composed of three to four indicators. There are twelve indicators in total. Each indicator also contains three to nine control items. There are fifty-two control items in total.
Second, according to the established indicator system, the author obtains the top three indicators: teaching method (15.5%), interpersonal relationship (11.1%) and counseling competence (7.9%).
After analyzing and discussion the data, the author brought up related suggestions described as follows: holding more workshops to promote teachers’ professional competence; improving teachers’ introspective ability to promote their professional images; reinforcing teachers’ evaluation as the reference for their improvements; combining teachers’ evaluation system and profession; according to the educational situation, establishing proper professional indicators for teachers; providing diverse courses and programs according to different stages of teachers’ life arrangement to reach the ideal of professional, diverse and international education.
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我國高級中學學校評鑑指標建構之研究李詩慶, Lee, Shih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究構建的評鑑指標體系分為「層面、指標及指標內涵說明」,第一級評鑑層面包括校長領導、行政管理、課程教學、學務輔導、環境設備、社群互動、績效表現七個層面。各層面所占權重分別為「課程教學」權重為20.04%、「學務輔導」權重為18.05%、「績效表現」權重為15.76%、「行政管理」權重為13.85%、「環境設備」權重為12.09%、「校長領導」權重為10.55%、「社群互動」權重為9.67%;第二級評鑑指標計50個,每個評鑑指標所占權重介於1.8%至2.2%之間。 / Reasonable and scientific senior high school evaluation indicator system not merely fulfills the need of education authorities to evaluate the performance of a school; it also guides a school in terms of enhancing the quality of school management. Currently the government has been implementing 12-year basic education, and there are disparities within the existing senior high school evaluation indicator systems employed by different education authorities. A new senior high school evaluation indicator system that will meet the need of 12-year basic education, therefore, needs to be set up.
The evaluation indicator system of this study is based on rational analysis. In accordance with the “The Implementation Scheme of Senior High School Evaluation” of “12-Year Basic Education” and with reference to international evaluation indicators, this study, for one thing, analyzes the theoretical framework, bases, and principles of indicator system. A first draft of a questionnaire concerning the appropriateness of senior high school evaluation indicators is then drawn up. With the suggestions for revision deriving from the conferences of focus groups and experts’ survey, some indicators and their connotations have been added and revised. For the other thing, with the results of the survey using Fuzzy Delphi Method, the value of the fuzzy weight is normalized and used to select senior high school evaluation indicators. The evaluation indicator system of this study is thus established, which is intended to serve as a reference for the implementation of senior high school evaluation.
The evaluation indicator system of this study comprises dimensions, indicators, and their connotations. The first-order evaluation dimension consists of seven dimensions, including principal’s leadership, administrative management, curriculum and teaching, guidance of student affairs, facilities, community interactions, and performance. The weight of each dimension is 0.11, 0.14, 0.20, 0.18, 0.10, 0.10, and 0.16 respectively. The second-order evaluation includes 50 indicators, and the weight of each indicator is between 1.8% and 2.2%.
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我國大學教師評鑑指標建構之研究 / A study of the construction of taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators洪雅琪, Hung, Ya-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
三、對未來研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators which aim for faculty tenure and promotion. As for research methods, by means of literature review, 47 indicators within 3 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample of higher education experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At the next stage, we conduct a concept mapping questionnaire to collect faculty’s opinion about how many dimensions those indicators belong, and use cluster analysis to construct the dimensions of faculty evaluation. Then, we normalize symmetric triangular fuzzy number’s total score to determine the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows:
1.Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicator system consists of 3 dimensions and 34 indicators in total. The 3 dimensions are: research (accounts for 41%), teaching (35%), and service (24%).
2.The dimension of service consists of 3 sub-dimensions, which are professional service, general service, and student counsel.
3.In the dimension of research, the indicator of honor on original research accounts for the most part (7.78%), and then the indicator of writing papers in reviewed journals accounts for 4.64%.
4.In the dimension of teaching, the indicator of the quality of teaching content accounts the most (3.54%), and the indicator of teaching awards accounts for 3.41%.
5.In the dimension of service, the indicator of advising masters’ and doctors’ theses accounts the most (2.25), and the indicator of serving as an editor or reviewer of professional journals accounts for 2.14%.
According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:
1. suggestions for higher education administrators
2. suggestions for faculty members
3. suggestions for further study.
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國民中學總務主任核心能力指標建構之研究 / A Study of Main Competency Indicators Construction of Director of General Affairs in Junior High School.陳靖婷, Chen, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
六、「永續創發」構面(15.8%),各指標權重介於5.1%至5.4%間,依序為:顧客導向、前瞻與創新、反思與再造。 / The purpose of this study is to construct main competency indicators of director of general affairs in junior high school, which aim to provide governments with information about training personnel of general affairs and school administrators. To start the research, main competency indicators of director of general affairs was organized by literature review. Then invite experts to conduct appropriate assessment and Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire evaluations, completing modification of indicators. Secondly, Symmetric triangular fuzzy number was used to analyze experts’ opinions on the importance of each indicator and continue indicator selection. Finally, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators, so that build the whole indicator system.
The indicator system consists of six dimensions and 38 indicators, and the weight of each dimension is between 15.8% and 17.3%. The contents of dimensions and indicators are as follows:
1. Dimension of “self-management”: each weight of indicators is between 3.2% and 3.8%, which are reputation, professional dedication, communication, administrative ethics and emotional quotient management.
2. Dimension of “knowledge of rules and regulations”: each weight of indicators is between 2.0% and 2.5%, which are rules of public purchasing, rules of fire services, rules of property management, rules of building technique, rules of construction and maintenance, rules of accounting, rules of labor safety and health, and rules of document management.
3. Dimension of “practice of management”: each weight of indicators is between 1.7% and 2.0%, which are purchasing management ,building and maintenance management, management of disaster reduction and school security, risk management, finance management, resource management, general affairs management, personnel management, and document management.
4. Dimension of “ administrative leadership”: each weight of indicators is between 1.7% and 2.0%, which are leadership and negotiation, administration and performance management, team building and collaboration, policy enforcement, management of human resource, program writing and management, problem analyzing and programing, public relationship management and meeting management.
5. Dimension of “school operation and maintenance”: each weight of indicators is between 3.9% and 4.2%, which are facilities maintenance, green resource and environment management, space design and greenification management.
6. Dimension of “sustainable development”: each weight of indicators is between 5.1% and 5.4%, which are customer orientation, being proactive and creative, introspection and re-built.
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臺北縣公立高級中等學校公辦民營經營型態評估研究 / Evaluation on the Models of Private Management of Public High Schools in Taipei County鍾欣儒, Chung, Hsin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於臺北縣升格為準直轄市的背景下探討:(1) 分析臺北縣高中職實施公辦民營之內部、外部效益;(2)評估臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營之可行性;(3) 評估臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營之可行模式;(4) 建構臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營的推動策略;(5)探討民間參與學校公辦民營的動機;(6)分析臺北縣推動公立高中職公辦民營可行區域。希望政府藉由積極結合民間資源共同辦理公共事務,以公辦民營的手段,將民間的管理專業觀念、做法及資金,正面影響學校行政結構、學校經營模式,達成最佳的學校經營成效。
7.臺北縣新莊市擁有推動公立高中職教育公辦民營的先行試辦優勢。 / On the background of the Taipei County elevating status to “Quasi-Direct-controlled municipality”, the purposes of the research are as follows: (1)Analyzing the internal and external efficiencies when putting private management of public high schools system into practice in Taipei County. (2) Evaluating the feasibility of putting private management of public schools into practice. (3) Evaluating the available models of private management of public high schools in Taipei County. (4)Constructing the strategies of putting private management of public high schools in Taipei County. (5)Inspecting the motors of private associations getting themselves into private management of public high schools in Taipei County.(6)analyzing the feasible regions of Taipei County when putting private management of public high schools system into practice. The government should positively guides private resources into the public affairs, hoping that the civil management concept, business administration conduct, and bankroll can positively affect the public school administrative structure and help the school achieve the best accountability.
The research, by adopting methods of documentary analysis, and Fuzzy Delphi, probes into the four dimensions of theory, models, policy, and implementation of private management of public schools. The main conclusions are as follows:
1.The advantages of putting private management of public high schools system into practice were to combine private organizations to decrease government’s financial burden, as well as increasing diverse management space and providing parents various opportunities of educational choices.
2.“Charter school model” and “contract management model” are of the highest feasibility in terms of the implementation of private management of public school in elementary school level in Taipei County.
3.Priority over private management of public school option is new established schools.
4.Private management of public elementary school in Taipei County should possess decision-making power in some aspects including budget source, financial regulation, curriculum and teaching, personnel system .
5.The Taipei county government should accelerate to enact special laws about private management of public school.
6.the Taipei County government should establish relevant systems of control, management, guidance and evaluation. Evaluation system should include Self-Evaluation and Administration- Evaluation, and open the results to the public.
7.The Sinjhuang City of Taipei County has the best potential strengths of putting private management of public high schools system into practice
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大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標建構研究-以JCSEE方案評鑑標準為基礎 / A study on the Construction of Meta-evaluation Indicators of University Departmental Self-evaluation - Based on the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards陳怡寧, Chen, Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、大學系所以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct of meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation - based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards, in order to provide conclusions and suggestions for the university to implement the departmental self-evaluation.
According to the research methods, first, through the analysis of literature review, it preliminarily develops the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. Second, the expert’s questionnaires modified the preliminary indicators. Third, by using the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated. Final, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each indicator, establishing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. The main conclusions follow:
1. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist with five major categories, 30 standards, 60 indicators in total.
2. The method is feasible that constructing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards.
3. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist of five major categories, the ‘propriety standards’ is the most important.
4. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consists with 30 standards, ‘meaningful processes and products’ in utility standards, ‘contextual viability’ in feasibility standards, ‘responsive and inclusive orientation’ in propriety standards, ‘valid information’ in accuracy standards, and ‘evaluation documentation’ in evaluation accountability standards are the most important.
In conclusion, the findings and results in the hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, university departments, and future studies.
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地方教育行政機關知識管理成熟度指標建構之研究 / A study on the construction of indicators for the knowledge management maturity model of the local educational administrative organization簡仕欣 Unknown Date (has links)
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