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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳建中, Chen, Chien Chung Unknown Date (has links)
根據內政部的統計資料,截至92年底止,喪偶的人數共計有1,003,835人,占總人口的之比率為4.44%;另一方面,依據「身心障礙者保護法」領有身心障礙手冊者計有86萬1,030人,占總人口之比率為3.81%,較91年底微增0.12個百分點,比率正逐年上升。二者共計已占總人口之8.25%,與該年度65歲以上之人口,共計2,087,734人,占總人口之比率為9.24%相比,相差不到一個百分點,可見在我國,就如同多數國家一樣,遺屬與殘廢年金給付的需求不亞於老年年金的需求。本文擬以遺屬及殘廢給付為方向,比較研究美國社會安全制度裡的相關法制,並將之對照我國現行及規劃中的制度,希望藉此可以找出值得我國參考之優點,以避免失敗的嘗試而造成社會的沈重負擔。   本論文分為六章約十一萬餘字。第一章序論,說明研究動機與提出問題,在問題提出之後並界定研究之範疇。第二章就美國社會安全制度之歷史沿革作敘述,著重在法律之修改與制訂,最後並針對美國社會安全制度之現狀作一簡明扼要之概述。第三章詳細針對美國現行殘廢給付制度之給付要件與給付內容作說明。第四章同樣地針對美國現行之遺屬給付制度分其給付要件與給付內容作說明,並概述美國社會安全制度之爭議處理程序。第五章首先就我國現行法制中與殘廢及遺屬給付相關者作說明,之後並將兩國制度對照比較,看是否美國社會安全中之殘廢及遺屬給付制度有我國可取之處。第六章結論則認為我國社會保險中之殘廢及遺屬給付首要之改革為年金化,並引進所得替代率觀念;遺屬給付需要建立起遺屬資格判斷條件,殘廢給付則需要建立專業客觀的判定機制,並該以工作失能為斷定標準,而非補償式的以殘等決定給付金額,另外殘廢給付還可以與就業促進方案結合,不僅可為社會保險方案開源節流,亦可以發揮社會福利的積極功能,即讓有工作能力的人回到工作崗位上。

殘障兒童復健中心企業營運計畫書 / Business Plan for Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disability

何歌夢, Gama, Xolisile Unknown Date (has links)
Raising and living with a disability is hard for anyone. It is however harder in Swaziland. Disability is seen as a curse, a bad omen, and a punishment by the ancestors. The future of such kids is bleak in a society that discriminates them and make them face harsh stigmatization. The increase in the number of children born with disability or living with a disability has remained high. Regardless of this increase, which has also been aggravated by the high numbers of births by people living with HIV/AIDS, there is no professional facility that will provide the best care for children living with a disability. Parents are left with such a burden on their shoulders, with very little knowledge of how to take care of their children Swaziland has adopted policies and rights for people living with disability with the aim to integrate them into economic and social activities and to ensure the integration of programmes for persons with disabilities into mainstream education and provided infra-structure for rehabilitation for those who cannot be integrated. However, these rights and policies have remained on paper with no implementation. This has left children with disability secluded in the society, worn out each day and waited for the day to die. Lilita Care Centre is a facility that provides professional care for children living with disability. It is a facility that will provide physiotherapists and well trained care takers who understand such children and their needs and who will make the appropriate accommodations to support their learning and developments. The central mission will promote the advancement of people with disabilities so as to enable them to attain their maximum level of independence and integration in the community and to prevent the occurrence of physical disablement. This will be achieved by providing daily physical and mental stimulation programmes for the children and moreover teach and support their parents by providing disability sensitisation training programmes.

美國社會安全制度失能給付之研究 / A Research on Disability Insurance Benefits of OASDI of U.S.

林宏陽, Hung-Yang Lin Unknown Date (has links)
失能為所有現代國家主要的社會風險之一,但其原因不僅因職業災害而來,普通傷害所導致的失能問題亦使勞工及其家庭陷入經濟不安全的困境之中。由於失能期間沒有工作所得又需支付額外的醫療、設備等花費,故各國所發展出的相關保障制度同時注重該期間的現金給付、實物給付以及助其早日重回生產性工作之醫療照顧、就業促進與職業重建等福利服務。 以當前世界主要國家美國為例,於1935年通過社會安全法案,並在1956年通過失能給付,將絕大多數的勞工納入的老年、遺屬與遺屬保險(Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance;OASDI)體系之中,1983年更將公務員納入其中。除給予失能勞工及其依附者失能現金給付與所需之醫療給付外,並透過就業促進與職業訓練等相關制度,促使獲給付者早日重回生產性工作,為一生生不息的制度。儘管其制度不若德國實施百餘年之制度來得完善與全面,但已具有相當之規模,且符合世界之公約數。 我國則依照公務人員、軍人、勞工與農民等四群體制訂各自之相關保險給付制度及其退休撫卹制度中,而勞工與農民所享有的保障則極度不平等;目前交付三讀中的國民年金法草案將涵蓋其他國民之相關社會風險。我國目前在一次給付、失能之定義、失能之判定機制、職業重建服務、就業促進等眾多機制上皆顯不足或欠缺,在在背離了各國社會保險制度之公約數,無法給予勞工所需之保護,應立即進行改革。 本研究主要採歷史制度比較法,先對美國之歷史、制度與問題進行瞭解後,再依其經驗找尋我國制度改革上所應依循之方向與應避免之問題。期望未來所建立的制度,除能給予失能勞工足夠的現金、實物給付以及福利服務外,並促進其重回職場,為整體社會之再生產繼續貢獻。 / Disability or invalidity is one of the main social risks in modern countries and has been recognized by almost all the countries since 1880’s. This kind of risk was paid much attention from the inclining of cases that labor got job-related impairments and made their families fall into miserable situations. Those bad conditions are not only caused by job-related impairments, but also ordinary ills and impairments in everyday life. For instance, a person who is hit by a car may be unable to work, and it makes his or her family in danger. Accordingly, this dissertation intend to deal with the issue concerning about the proper measurements of disability determining and protecting. For those people who are physically or psychologically impaired and unable to work temporarily or permanently, almost all the countries will provide all kinds of benefits they need through their Social Insurance programs, such as monthly cash benefits, medical care, vocational rehabilitation, job placement, job training programs and so on, and U.S. is one of thos e countries. Related schemes have been practiced in Taiwan since 1950, but there are many problems waiting for us to amend. For example, the unequal treatment between public servants and other people needs to be reformed. Furthermore, the definition of disability remains at the stage of compensations of impairments, the determination of disability is too loose, and the procedure of determination is too simple etc. The purpose of this dissertation is to get closer understanding of the OASDI of U.S., especially DI. Besides, it is expected to learn something from the case reviewed above and to establish a sound Social Security system in Taiwan, thus to prevent the problems that may occur in advance. In this sense, only to pursue the norms that are internationally share, we can make our society more adequate, equal, and safer than before.

特殊兒童家長之親子關係及親子遊戲治療團體對親子關係之研究 / Study of the parent-child relationship among parents with special child and the effect of the filial theerapy on the parent-child relationship

楊秀姬 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


林政緯, Lin, Cheng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在我國,有關就業歧視所引起的爭議,已經因各弱勢團體權利意識之覺醒,而有逐漸受到社會的重視,除了一般較為熟知之性別歧視外,尚有其他有關宗教信仰、族群、黨派、身心障礙、語言、年齡及容貌等因素所造成的工作機會或待遇的不平等之現象,也曾引起廣泛的討論,究竟這些現象在我國之嚴重程度如何?我國現行法規制度是否能夠有效因應?有沒必要參酌其他先進國家法制,作禁止歧視之統一性立法?都是值得進一步探討的課題。 因此,本論文針對禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度發展最完備的美國作為探討的對象,首先討論美國禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之早期發展沿革,包括了禁止身心障礙之概念與理論之簡介以及一九六四年所通過之民權法第七章(Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964)、一九七三年通過之復健法(Rehabilitation Act of 1973)之重要規定及對於禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之影響。其次,則針對一九九0年所通過之美國身心障礙人士法(Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)作討論。而美國身心障礙人士法乃是禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之核心規範,因此,本文除了討論該法之立法背景外,同時更針對該法之重要條款規定以及平等就業機會委員會(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: EEOC)對於該法所頒佈之相關指導原則作一個綜合之分析討論。進而,更針對該法在美國所引發之重大爭議中,選取美國最高法院在最近所作出之最具代表性之六個判決,也對判決作一個綜合之評析,以明瞭其利弊得失之所在及我國可資借鏡參考之處。 再其次,則討論我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及所遭遇之困境,主要是對於身心障礙者之就業困境及遭受就業歧視之情形、禁止身心障礙就業歧視之相關規範與制度、身心障礙之就業歧視評議制度運作情形及處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視所引發之爭議等幾個議題作分析,以期能夠對於我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及其所遭遇之困境有所瞭解。最後,則以美國處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之經驗,希望能對於我國建立一個正確之禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之建構方向,以及關於目前我國在處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之一些具體建議。 / Disputes resulted from the employment discrimination have been gradually noticed by Taiwan society due to the awakening consciousness of each disadvantaged minority in these years. In addition to the commonly known of sexual discrimination, other factors of unequal employment and treatment are also widely discussed, such as religion, race, party, disability, language, age and appearance. However, how serious are these phenomena in our country after all? Do existing laws and regulations could solve them effectively? Is it necessary to refer to other modern countries’ legal systems to legislate against discrimination? All of the above are worthy of further discussion. Therefore, America, the country with the most complete legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, is the object for discussion in this article. First to discuss is its early development history, including the introduction of concept and theory, the important regulations of Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and their influences. Second to discuss is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which is the core regulation of the legislation system to protect a disability from the employment discrimination; Therefore, in addition to discussing its legislation background, this article also discusses comprehensively of its important regulations and the regulations to implement the equal employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act on it at the same time. Then selects 6 most representative decrees made by Supreme Court of the United State with regard to the important disputes, and also analyze those decrees comprehensively to realize their advantages and disadvantages to find some experiences that could learned in Taiwan. Moreover, is to discuss that the situation and the difficulty in the establishment of the legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, which mainly focus on the analysis of the employment difficulties and discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities, relevant regulations and legislation system against employment discrimination, operation of committee on employment discrimination, and disputes arose from employment discrimination. Finally, it is expected to establish a correct direction for the establishment of legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination and to seek out specific suggestions relevant to problems we have in the management of the employment discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities through America’s experiences.

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