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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


邱泯科 Unknown Date (has links)
為了解失能者家庭親屬結構變化、討論失能家庭照顧關係可能的動態演變,本研究以微觀模擬取向方法試行推計,由描繪樣本家庭在不同時間點的親屬結構圖像,將未失能家庭成員視為潛在資源,觀察家庭親屬照顧可能予受型態。 本研究主要發現: 1.由於樣本家庭平均人數將逐漸減少,平均失能親屬先增後減,家庭照顧失能者壓力將逐年增加。 2.以照顧予受型態分析,關鍵者一生中大致上由毋需被照顧轉變為需要照顧,由給予親屬照顧轉變為接受親屬照顧,轉折關鍵時間平均約在70歲。 3.由於兩性有差別死亡率及失能率,存活之老年關鍵者男性較女性健康且有失能親屬之可能性較高。但未失能女性進入老年期前有失能配偶比例較高。 4.此世代關鍵者老年後若失能,無親代、孫代提供照顧可能性很高。失能老年女性關鍵者無配偶可能性高於男性。 5.以三種失能率模型推算樣本家庭失能者親屬照顧資源,各型每家各代平均人數相當穩定,但降低型失能平均人數較低,升高型親代失能平均人數在2020年前較高。三種模型推算照顧予受型態變化,變動幅度小於失能率變動。 以關鍵者角度,未來其家庭能照顧失能者之親屬資源逐漸枯竭。2005年平均45歲之關鍵者,進入老年期前,將逐漸感受照顧失能親屬之生命經驗。但其進入老年(約2025年)之後,本身失能可能性大增,卻將面臨家中未失能親屬數量較低,照顧壓力增加之風險。 在未來研究方向與政策建議方面,本研究建議: 1.對於長期照顧需求人口之相關研究應持續進行。 2.長期照顧政策規劃應顧慮人口變遷造成之家庭照顧弱化問題。 3.應增加對於家庭動態變化相關研究,以釐清照顧服務需求。 4.長期照顧服務應加速提供,以減輕今後家庭照顧失能者的負擔。 5.考慮我國家庭親屬結構未來變化,長期照顧服務應以廣泛角度思考各種可能(包括搭配行動式照護技術,以及規劃合理引進外籍人士擔任照顧工作相關政策),加以創新。


徐珮宜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台北市失能老人居家服務為例,了解居家服務評估人員如何做出居家服務配置之決定。為確保資源公平有效的分配,透過居家服務審核制度,讓資源分配到真正需要的人身上,符合公平正義的原則。 研究目的如下: 1.了解居家服務評估人員進行需求評估之面向 2.評估過程中,哪些因素會影響評估人員服務配置之決定 3.評估人員從評估轉換成服務配置決定之過程。 本研究以深度訪談的方式,訪問台北市各老人中心共14位居家服務評估人員,以及社會局3位居家服務審核人員,以了解居家服務配置與核定的過程。研究發現如下: 影響居家服務評估因素,可以分成「案主方面」、「家屬方面」、「評估人員方面」、「政策規定方面」、「其他相關單位」五個方面來討論。「案主方面」包括案主意願、案主個性、案主未被發現的能力、案主不願意承認失能;「家屬方面」包括家屬負荷過大、家屬過度的擔心、家屬對於付費的態度、家庭照顧者照護觀念與照顧技巧;「評估人員方面」包括評估人員專業背景的差異、評估人員的價值觀、評估人員的處遇經驗、評估人員對現有資源之了解;「政策規定方面」包括政策規定之標準、居家服務精神與原則;「其他相關單位」包括詢問居家服務單位提供服務所需時間、機構主管的意見、同事的意見。 影響居家服務配置的決策因素,可分成「案主方面」、「家屬方面」、「評估人員方面」三個方面來討論。「案主方面」包括案主的意願以及根據案主的需求;「家屬方面」了解家屬的期待與需求,並與家屬達成共識;「評估人員方面」會希望選擇對案主最有利的方式提供服務,並以循序漸進的方式,讓案主慢慢接受服務。因此居家服務配置安排是由評估人員,依照案主的失能程度、身份別、家庭支持系統的狀況,再經過案主、家屬、評估員三者意見之整合,達到一個共識共同來訂定服務配置計畫。 研究建議方面,評估人員專業能力再提升,透過專業的評估訓練,使評估可以更加的完整;並且加強宣導福利的使用觀念,將福利用在最需要的人身上;居家服務每一細項可以有更一致的標準,才能更貼切案主需求的服務配置;而政府也應該針對社區不足的地方提供社區資源建構之協助,才能有足夠資源可結合與使用,最後建議可由老人中心工作人員擔任個案管理之角色,而將居家服務評估工作委託獨立單位行使,確保案主接受服務之品質。 關鍵字:失能老人、居家服務、居家服務評估、服務配置決定


蔡承儒 Unknown Date (has links)

女性照顧者角色之成因、處境及其福利政策分析──以失能老人的家庭照顧為例 / Roles of Female Caregivers: Cause, Situation, and welfare Policy Analysis

陳景寧, Chen;Jiing Ning Unknown Date (has links)
照顧是一種「愛的勞動」, 性的工作,尤其是家庭中的照顧者幾乎都由女性擔任。 我國未來由於人口結構老化及疾病型態的改變, 失能老人照顧勢必逐漸取代女性過去以兒童照顧為主的照顧責任與經驗。 目前女性照顧者在失能老人照顧關係上,因對角色安排及外來協助未有充份的選擇權及自主權, 致使家庭中的女性照顧者與失能老人皆陷入缺乏尊嚴、衝突與無助的家庭照顧關係。 據此,本文之研究目的與研究結果摘要如下: 一、瞭解女性照顧者角色成因。 結果發現受到父權主義、資本主義所影響的家庭、勞動市場及國家等社會結構, 構成了「型塑」及「強化」女性照顧者角色的結構網絡。 而偏好「單系親屬關係體系」、強調「孝道」的文化傳統、及「三代同堂」的居住安排, 使我國女性照顧者有高於西方社會的強制性關係與情感衝突。 二、瞭解女性照顧者的困境與需求。結果發現女性照顧者的責任認知、 從事照顧事務、 外來協助、角色衝突、壓力感受都與男性照顧者有所不同。負荷與壓力主要呈現在身體、心理、社會參與、財務及工作方面, 且女性會面臨較高的貧窮風險, 須借助政府制定經濟性、勞務性、心理性或就業性措施予以協助。 三、探討西 方先進國家女性照顧者福利議題的歷史發展與爭議。 結果發現西方先進國家的失能老人照顧政策, 隨其國家干預政策發展出「傳統模式」、「替代模式」及「支持模式」等三種福利策略。 目前盛行的社區照顧政策可視為支持模式的衍生, 即由國家與家庭「共擔責任」,在失能老人照顧上建立一種「互補性」的合作關係。 四、對我國女性照顧者的福利措施提出策略性建議。


陳人瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣面臨高齡化所帶來的問題日趨嚴重,就失能老人而言,家庭依然是老人最能接受的照顧方式,然而仍然有漸多的老人接受機構式照護。他們早年的生命經驗,如何影響晚年居住安排,最後又是何種因素使他們作出入住機構的決定;他們的感受為何亦是研究所關心的。 以此,本研究以質化研究的敘說分析進行,訪談了八位目前入住機構的失能老人,希望透過老人敘說自己過去的生命經驗,能深入探討他們早年累積的重要資源與晚年居住安排之關聯,並瞭解晚年居住的安排過程、最後入住機構的原因及入住後的適應狀況等。茲將結果摘述如下: 一、 早年生命歷程對晚年居住安排的影響 健康資源:這些老人早年是在物資缺乏的環境中成長,身體照顧極為忽視、受教育的機會亦不多,在先天條件不佳的情況下,他們沒有太多的機會為老年的生活提早進行規劃。 經濟資源:人力資本不足薪資所得偏低,使財富累積困難;而女性從事的無酬家務勞動、照顧者角色,更使女性居於經濟的弱勢地位。 家庭資源:養兒防老的觀念隨著時代改變、久病臥床等因素,越來越窒礙難行,子女數多不代表擁有的家庭資源多,親情依附、子女願意承擔照顧責任,才是老人真正擁有的資源。 二、 晚年居住安排的過程 老人晚年選擇居住安排的過程,符合「層級補償模式」,首先是配偶及子女、最後才是由正式的照顧服務提供,呈現一個有順序的過程。最末接受機構照護的原因因人而異,但就整體而論,老人的健康狀況與自我照顧程度,才是入住機構的主因。 三、 入住機構後的適應狀況 主動入住機構的失能老人,對機構的環境適應較佳,此與入住機構的意願、親情支持等,正向感受較多有關。被動入住的老人雖然心中不願,在缺乏掌控力的情況下,他們通常都認命地接受家人安排,但入住後較難以適應機構的生活。 / Past researches mostly focus on living arrangement of the healthy elders. Therefore, the study attends to emphasize on the relationship between housing and living arrangements of disabled elders and their life course. The samples include 8 elderly people (over 60 years old) living in the institution, and had difficulties performing in the ADL and IADL activities because of health or physical problems. As a result of the research, the purpose of this qualitative research include: (1) to research the connection between disabled elders living in the institution and the process of their early life; (2) to understand the proceeding of living arrangement for the disabled elders; (3) to discuss their point of view and subject explanations on the institutional care; (4) on according to research finding, the effective suggestions will be proposed, and some of them may as well be put on practice. The analysis in the content revealed the theme that emerged from narratives -- the health, family resources, especially economic factors in the early life will affect the later life in the way that diminishes choices and opportunities in arranging the elder’s living; the main reasons for the elders to be accepted into institutional care are their healthy status and their degrees of self-care; the elder who voluntarily move into the institution usually have better ability in adapting the passive ones. Although several meaningful findings are recognized, some limitations are also identified. Practice suggests and future research orientations are discussed.


殷仲偉, YIN, ZHONG-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係為明瞭審計人員與受查公司會計人員對審計功能衝突性看法的差異,並探討 衝突雙方對問題的解決方式,以確認此衝突係屬壓能性,抑或失能性。 本研究先探討衝突的性質,並定義功能性及失能性的衝突,再以衝突的特性劃分成” 觀念性架構”、”權力的平衡性”、”滿足程度”、”績效”、”溝通”五大類。其 次討論審計雙方對衝突之解決模式,而後說明審計的功用及審計獨立性的重要,最後 建立若干假設,並檢定之。 本研究以會計師事務所及國內一千大製造業經會計師財務簽證者為對象,分別寄發問 卷,取得回函,並用皮爾森積差相關和單因子變異數分析檢定假設,以實證研究說明 審計人員與受查公司會計人員對審計功能衝突性的大小,及其衝突係屬功能性或失能 性。

美國社會安全制度失能給付之研究 / A Research on Disability Insurance Benefits of OASDI of U.S.

林宏陽, Hung-Yang Lin Unknown Date (has links)
失能為所有現代國家主要的社會風險之一,但其原因不僅因職業災害而來,普通傷害所導致的失能問題亦使勞工及其家庭陷入經濟不安全的困境之中。由於失能期間沒有工作所得又需支付額外的醫療、設備等花費,故各國所發展出的相關保障制度同時注重該期間的現金給付、實物給付以及助其早日重回生產性工作之醫療照顧、就業促進與職業重建等福利服務。 以當前世界主要國家美國為例,於1935年通過社會安全法案,並在1956年通過失能給付,將絕大多數的勞工納入的老年、遺屬與遺屬保險(Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance;OASDI)體系之中,1983年更將公務員納入其中。除給予失能勞工及其依附者失能現金給付與所需之醫療給付外,並透過就業促進與職業訓練等相關制度,促使獲給付者早日重回生產性工作,為一生生不息的制度。儘管其制度不若德國實施百餘年之制度來得完善與全面,但已具有相當之規模,且符合世界之公約數。 我國則依照公務人員、軍人、勞工與農民等四群體制訂各自之相關保險給付制度及其退休撫卹制度中,而勞工與農民所享有的保障則極度不平等;目前交付三讀中的國民年金法草案將涵蓋其他國民之相關社會風險。我國目前在一次給付、失能之定義、失能之判定機制、職業重建服務、就業促進等眾多機制上皆顯不足或欠缺,在在背離了各國社會保險制度之公約數,無法給予勞工所需之保護,應立即進行改革。 本研究主要採歷史制度比較法,先對美國之歷史、制度與問題進行瞭解後,再依其經驗找尋我國制度改革上所應依循之方向與應避免之問題。期望未來所建立的制度,除能給予失能勞工足夠的現金、實物給付以及福利服務外,並促進其重回職場,為整體社會之再生產繼續貢獻。 / Disability or invalidity is one of the main social risks in modern countries and has been recognized by almost all the countries since 1880’s. This kind of risk was paid much attention from the inclining of cases that labor got job-related impairments and made their families fall into miserable situations. Those bad conditions are not only caused by job-related impairments, but also ordinary ills and impairments in everyday life. For instance, a person who is hit by a car may be unable to work, and it makes his or her family in danger. Accordingly, this dissertation intend to deal with the issue concerning about the proper measurements of disability determining and protecting. For those people who are physically or psychologically impaired and unable to work temporarily or permanently, almost all the countries will provide all kinds of benefits they need through their Social Insurance programs, such as monthly cash benefits, medical care, vocational rehabilitation, job placement, job training programs and so on, and U.S. is one of thos e countries. Related schemes have been practiced in Taiwan since 1950, but there are many problems waiting for us to amend. For example, the unequal treatment between public servants and other people needs to be reformed. Furthermore, the definition of disability remains at the stage of compensations of impairments, the determination of disability is too loose, and the procedure of determination is too simple etc. The purpose of this dissertation is to get closer understanding of the OASDI of U.S., especially DI. Besides, it is expected to learn something from the case reviewed above and to establish a sound Social Security system in Taiwan, thus to prevent the problems that may occur in advance. In this sense, only to pursue the norms that are internationally share, we can make our society more adequate, equal, and safer than before.

照顧家中失能老人中年女性生命經驗之研究 / The Life Experience of Midlife Women Who Caring Disabled Elders at Home

李德芬, Lee, Te Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究(qualitative research)之深度晤談法(indepth interview)進行資料收集,再以紮根理論方法進行文本分析,共訪12位中年女性,本研究結果如下: 一、照顧家中失能老人中年女性之照顧經驗與感受 個案因「角色認同、婚姻綁樁、反哺回饋及無法承受之罪」承接照顧責任,面臨「專業照護技能學習、人際關係緊張疏離、生活陷入窘迫、家人支援不足」等壓力;透過「修正照顧認知、尋找照顧意義、暫離照護情境」調適壓力;家庭照護政策未見具體效益。 二、照顧家中失能老人中年女性之生命經驗 (一)身心知覺 個案出現身心變化,關心「健康」;對身體變化未積極面對。視更年期為正常發展,對荷爾蒙等醫療處置態度保守;性生活漸入佳境,部分個案偏重心靈契合。 (二)家庭關係 夫妻角色清楚分工,情感依附互補隨時間而質變,婚姻風暴者多已迎刃而解,夫妻做到「獨留心靈空間、相近的價值觀及穩定的經濟基礎」婚姻狀態即非常滿意;先生參與家中特殊兒童的照顧,影響婚姻滿意度。個案親子關係頗佳,隨年齡增加而變化;角色功能多似朋友,成人期親子關係轉為「互惠」。 (三)自我發展 個案自我圖像偏重社會我、心理我的描述,人際互動呈現多元自我,生命經驗中的依序或脫序事件均為中年女性之人生轉捩點,但更年期或停經則非其人生重要里程碑。 三、照顧家中失能老人對中年女性生命經驗之影響 照顧工作影響身心變化;影響夫妻「親密互動」及「依附關係」;對親子關係產生「連累子女、身教典範、矛盾依附」三項結果;對自我發展的「自我實現」及「老年與死亡準備」產生影響。 關鍵字:中年女性照顧者;生命經驗;失能老人;身心知覺;家庭關係;自我發展。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of midlife women who caring disabled elders at home. Twelve midlife women participated in this research. In this study, the semi-structure and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Their answers were audio-taped as data collection. Ground theory analysis was used to analyze the data. The major findings were divided into three parts according the purposes of this study as follows: (1) The experience and perception of caring disabled elders which we found in this study: The reasons of midlife women caring disabled elders were the sense of responsibility, marriage connection, repay the kindness from disabled elders and didn’t want to be a guilty person. The stressors of caring disabled elders were short of homecare skills, the strain of interpersonal relationship, distress of daily life and deficiency of family support. The coping of the stressors were modifying the cognition of caring responsibility, finding the meanings of caring, and leaving the caring setting for a while. In this study, we didn’t find the efficacy of family care polity. (2)The life experience of mid-age women were divided into three parts: The first part result is psychosomatic perception, we found that women are going through psychosomatic change and more concerned about health. Climacteric is just a nature event for them, most mid-age women never minded that and refuse treatment by medicine. They also expressed the sexual relationship with their husbands are improving in the midlife. The second part is family relationship of the midlife women, we found the marital relations and parent-child relations were dynamic and changeable. The couples had the clear division of gender role, who had the conflicts and were handled finally. Free mind, independent, similar value and stable income were important key points of marriage satisfaction. The midlife women have good parent-child relationships who treat their children as friend. The relationship between midlife women and their adult children turn into mutual benefits. The third part is self development of the midlife women, we ask midlife women to descript themselves focusing on social self and psychological self. We found multiple dimensions of self when women interact with others . All of the twelve mid-age women thought that off time events or on time events are both the turn points in their life-cycle, but climacteric or menopause is not. It is just a nature event. (3)The influence of caring disabled elder for the life experience of midlife women: Caring disabled elder induced some psychosomatic symptoms, disturbing the intimate relations and emotion bond of couples. The influence of caring disabled elder for the parent-child relationships were children of midlife women need to help the caring work, mid-age women were the role model of their children and induced the contradiction between midlife women and their children. In the aspect of self development, caring disabled elder interrupted their plans of the future, reminded mid-age women to prepare their elder life and thinking about death issue. Key words:midlife women; caregiver; life experience; disabled elders; psychosomatic perception; family relationship; self development.

專利池對非洲治療公衛相關被忽略的熱帶疾病之研究 / Study of patent pool in treatment of public health related neglected tropical diseases in Africa

范家堃, Fan, Chia Kwung Unknown Date (has links)
「被忽視」的熱帶疾病(NTDs)中的寄生蟲疾病(Parasitic Diseases; PDs)除對非洲人群健康之危害甚鉅外,並進而對非洲地區社經體系造成嚴重衝擊與造成巨大的「失能調整人年」損失。由於不易取得治療PDs傳統基本藥物的問題,許多非洲民眾便以其部落社區的傳統治療師所採用的傳統草藥來進行PDs的治療,雖然這些傳統草藥容易取得,但是成分的內容和藥效品質甚或產生嚴重的致命副作用。雖然TRIPS協定第31條和杜哈宣言的第五和第六段對於製藥能力不足或大部分皆無製藥能力的貧窮國家,可以基於「國家緊急危難或其它緊急狀況」的事由,以強制授權方式取得專利藥或較便宜的學名藥以解決造成國家危難的特定公共健康事件,但是國際大藥廠認為無利可圖,不願意花費資金投注於預防或治療此類疾病藥物的相關研發外,高收入的國家為保護其大藥廠的藥物專利,也往往使用一些經濟制裁手段逼迫上述國家就制定國內專利法以保護其藥物專利。雖然經杜哈宣言修正TRIPS協定第31(f)條有關強制授權對外出口的障礙,但是出口國對於強制授權程序與是否能取得政治上和藥廠業者的支持,仍充滿困難。應用「專利池」可以減少交易成本或法律爭議而可調和「強制授權」與解決「權利耗盡」的爭議,有助於解決非洲開發中國家取得專利藥物的困境。PDs造成非洲開發中國家民眾失能等長期痛苦與健康生活損失,類推適用SARS模式,可依TRIPS協定第31條(b)與杜哈宣言第五段(c)將之視為「造成國家緊急危難或其它緊急狀況」的重大公共健康的事由而可行使強制授權。雖然「生醫專利池BVGH」的「非獨家個別授權與免授權費」的操作模式與傳統電信技術專利池不盡相同,但因藥廠不願投入治療PDs的傳統基本藥物存在的副作用與抗藥性的新藥研發,為鼓勵對治療PDs的藥物進行創新研發, BVGH彈性的授權方式與免繳交授權費,將有利於解決開發中國家未來取得新專利藥的困境。除BVGH外,建議結合全球獎勵基金以「激勵拉拔」的方式獎助願意投入治療PDs新藥研發並將專利自願授權給BVGH的藥廠。鑒於全球暖化與最近中東難民潮大量湧進歐洲,罕見的PDs可預期會大量傳播開來,將嚴重衝擊歐洲等先進國家良好的公共衛生體系,而使得「NTDs尤其是PDs不再只是專屬於貧窮國家的疾病,亦將常現於富有的先進國家」。這些NTDs疾病將提供藥廠進行新藥研發的利基,然而在未來可能產生專利池的反競爭問題,導致支配市場獨占性的隱憂值得關注。 / Parasitic diseases (PDs) not only cause the huge health hazards to African populations, but also they further severely impact on African socio-economic system as resulting in huge economic and health losses as assessed by disability adjusted life-years. Since it is not easy for Africans to access the essential medicine to treat PDs, many of them will seek for the help of local healers in tribal communities to treat PDs. Although these traditional herbs are readily available, the content and quality of drug ingredients may even cause serious fatal side effects. Poor countries with insufficiencies or lacks of the pharmaceutical capacities may still access the patented medicines or cheaper generics to solve the national crisis caused by the specific public health events through compulsory licensing (CL) based on "national emergency or the other emergency situations" according to TRIPS Article 31 and Doha Declaration on the fifth and sixth paragraph due to that the large international pharmaceutical companies consider unprofitable, unwilling to spend money to invest on the research and development (R&D) of new drugs for prevention or treatment purpose. Moreover, the high-income countries also tend to exert some of the economic sanctions to force those poor countries to enact national patent law in order to protect drug patents. Furthermore, the mandatory obstacle of exportation authorized by CL from the amended TRIPS Agreement Article 31 (f) by the Doha Declaration has been improved; nevertheless, it is still fraught with difficulties in utilization of CL for the exporting countries because this should be dependent on whether they may actually get the supports from political and the pharmaceutical industry. Application of patent pools model may benefit to reduce transaction costs or legal dispute thus reconciling and resolving issues related to CL as well as doctrine of patent exhaustion and that it is beneficial to help solve dilemma for African countries to access patented drugs. Because Africans severely suffer from disabled caused by PDs thus leading to long-term pain and health life losses, African countries can grant CL as PDs may be regarded as national crisis like SARS causing "national emergency or the other emergency situations" as authorized from TRIPS Agreement Article 31 (f) and Doha Declaration paragraph 5 (c). Although the practice of individual licensing with royalty-free for BVGH is somewhat different from that of traditional patent pools, this licensing practice mode is beneficial to innovation in new drugs R&D to improve the side effects and drug-resistance of traditional essential medicines and help African countries to access patented new drugs in the future. Finally, it is recommended to cooperate with Award Foundation to encourage incentive for pharmaceutical companies which contribute most to new drugs R&D and voluntary licensing to BVGH. Owing to global warming and recent emergence of huge refugees into Europe rare PDs will be obviously spread out thus causing severe impacts on well-established public health system as leading to emergence of PDs in developed countries like Europe. Altogether, such situations definitely provide a good incentive in new drugs R&D for pharmaceutical companies; however, it guarantees concerns on anti-competitive and monopoly issues derived by biomedical pools in the future.

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