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農業多功能性下農地利用策略之研究-以新竹縣新埔鎮農村社區為例 / A study of land-use strategies in the multifunctionality of agriculture - Taking the rural community of Sinpu Town of Hsinchu County as an example余錦清 Unknown Date (has links)
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彰化縣溪州鄉水田利用多功能性之研究 / A study of multifunctionality of paddy field utilization of Xizhou Township in Changhua吳宜庭, Wu, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
進而,本研究再以Jordan & Warner(2010)所提出的多功能性發展模式,探討模式中產業發展、農業生態夥伴關係與超級系統中,溪州鄉無毒水田利用所面臨之發展困境與課題。研究結果顯示,溪州鄉的無毒水田利用,已具備產業發展層次,並約略形成農業生態夥伴關係,惟超級系統層次尚未成形。此表示溪州鄉無毒水田利用的多功能性推廣,仍有其完備與不足之處。本研究認為,認為若能解決在內部管理、無毒水田的集中化管理,以及政府機關的資源整合、產業輔導、有機資材取得問題,並將有助於凝聚溪州全鄉之永續發展意識,使更多農民投入無毒水田栽培,或能成為傳統慣行農鄉轉變為無毒農鄉之典範。 / Water is the most important factor of paddy field utilization, and affect its multifunctionality directly. The concept of multifunctionality recognizes that the economic function of agricultural production has been transformed into other services, not only creating commodities, but also providing the value of non-commodity outputs. In fact, the goal of multifunctionality is to develop sustainable agriculture.
This case study is located in Xizhou Township, Changhua County. Because Chi Tsai Pi furrow irrigation noses Chuo Shui River into Xizhou, this township can produce famous Chuo Shui rice. And for sure, Chi Tsai Pi furrow irrigation is the heart of agriculture in this township. In the past two decades, the township had gone through Chi Chi Conjunctive Diversion Project, grabbing water events of Central Taiwan Science Park’s (CTSP) fourth-phase, defending water action and paddy wetlands plan, people in this township has a great emphasis on the use of water in agriculture, as well as the protection of the land. After the defending water action, the rice cultivation methods in Xizhou has changed into chemical-free farming facilities for paddy wetlands. This research adopts literature and in-depth interviews two ways to explore the use of paddy fields in Xizhou, and compares the use of two separate methods of paddy fields, conventional farming and chemical-free farming, finds out the differences of multifunctionality between these two methods. And the results shows that the chemical-free farming paddy creates the sustainable value.
Furthermore, this research explores plights and problems of the chemical-free paddy fields in Xizhou with the multifunctionality development presented by Jordan & Warner (2010),which includes three levels, enterprise development, agroeological partnership and supersystem. The results show that paddy field utilization of Xizhou has formed enterprise development and agroeological partnership, however, supersystem not yet. This represents there are some problems in Xizhou still. This study suggests that if these problems like nternal management, chemical-free paddy centralized management, industry guidance of government agencies, organic materials issues, are solved , will help unite awareness of Xizhou, and made more farmers into chemical-free paddy cultivation.
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數位時代中多媒材的互動與搭配:以故宮主題式網站為例黃齡儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以關鍵性抽樣策略對故宮主題式網站做深入的文本分析,並嘗試歸納其中多媒材互動與搭配的邏輯。研究結果發現:(1) 本個案透過「空間化的書寫」展現圖文的高度互動;(2) 圖像較常被用來表達文本功能上之變化,文字較被用來表現認知功能中敘事性以及概念性的意義潛能,透過圖文意義潛能交織,共享一完整之意義;(3) 當圖文共同表達認知功能時,圖像被用來呈現概念性的靜態細節描述,文字被用來呈現敘事性的事件過程。此個案中,圖像雖也可以表達敘事性,卻侷限於對話框的形式,仍需依賴文字內容的填補;(4) 當圖文共同表達人際功能時,圖像可透過各種細微的空間媒材變化而暗示人際功能的線索,然而,文字的呈現卻只能侷限於觀點與語氣的變化,仍需圖像功能的暗示補充,另外,當共同表達人際功能時,圖文卻產生了不一致的意義潛能,圖像暗示權力平等親切的人際意義,文字卻暗示了由上而下之權力關係;(5) 人際功能的不一致的狀況還發生在選項中,但也藉由和諧與搭配組合的對比,暗示了接下來可能之閱讀軌跡;(6) 故事中主要行動者與當下行動者的轉換主要是以空間媒材的變化而呈現,本個案中,故事中主要行動者的呈現被配置在版面左下方,而當下行動者則是以版面顯著性呈現,相對而言,文字較無法呈現故事中主要行動者與當下行動者的轉換。
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美國、日本及台灣金融控股公司制度比較之研究 / Study on Comparison of Financial Holding Company in U.S, Japan, and Taiwan林洪澤 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,第二波金控公司的合併勢必進行,國內金控公司之跨業經營項目極需齊備,國外金控公司的架構大都具備保險、銀行、證券及資產管理等四項主要產品。國內金控公司的國際化,有迫切性需求,以應付國人理財及資產組合國際化趨勢。金控公司欲快速狀大規模,加強市場行銷,建立風險控管,取得良好信評,應尋求海外大型金控的合併或結盟,以提昇競爭力。 / Liberalization, globalization and expansion trend of the finance industry has gradually expelled traditional division of labor business model. In order to enhance financial institutions' business efficiency and advocate financial reform, the Government has introduced financial holding company system with an aim to enlarge financial institutions, improve business efficiency, encourage cross-industry business, and diversify operation so as to achieve the scale and scope economic benefits.
Taiwanese Financial Holding Company Act takes reference of American and Japanese systems. Although the common focus is on shareholding control, organizational enlargement, business diversification and crystal-clear compliance, each country has its own economy system, historical/financial background and resources, and therefore each country has different regulations and definitions for financial holding companies. American financial holding companies are derived from bank holding companies with primary conditions on deposits institutions of banks whereas Japanese systems focus on liberating securities brokers, separation between banks and insurance companies, and lifting of holding companies,. As such, Japanese financial holding companies system do not regulate that banks are the necessary component for forming financial holding companies. Neverthetless, banks are still the center of financial institutions as their broad business scope has immense impact on consumers and therefore banks are still the core of actual operation. U.S. and Japan's systems are derived from revising existing regulations to meet the actual demand of the society. Taiwan examine the American and Japanese systems and take whatever suitable for the Taiwanese society and legislate the financial holding companies system at one time and therefore there is no time difference. in regulation implementation Japan introduced Companies Separation Act and Preferential Tariff Act and legislated these two acts separately in 2000 and 2001 and as such, there is time difference in regulation adoption.
We try to identify pros and cons of each individual system comparing U.S., Japanese and Taiwanese bank holding companies. The characteristics of Taiwanese financial institutions are: small in size, large in numbers, tough in competition,, transaction of connection party, and conflict of interest which lead to high no-performance loan. The minimum capital requirement for Taiwanese financial holding companies is NT$20 billion at present. Ever since the opening of financial holding companies act, numerous applications were submitted and several holding companies have been established. In terms of each individual financial holding companies, the formation sharpens its competition. Nevertheless, in comparison with overseas financial institutions, there is still room for improvement on capital amount, effective asset or product design, IT application and combined effect of cross selling.
I therefore view that second merge of financial holding companies will be in place. Taiwanese holding companies are required to increase cross-industry products well in time. The structure of overseas financial holding companies mostly consist of four major components, i.e. insurance companies, banks, securities brokers and asset management companies. It is imperative for Taiwanese financial holding companies to globalize as soon as possible to meet the increasing international portfolio demand of local investors. In order to further increase its competition, financial holding companies are required to enlarge its size quickly, strengthen marketing ability, establish risk management system, receive good credit rating and seek strategy alliance of large overseas holding companies.
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台灣原住民地區農業多功能性之研究—以新竹縣尖石鄉石磊部落為例 / The practice of agricultural multifunctionality in indigenous community of Taiwan - a case study in Shi-Lei indigenous community, Jienshih Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan何欣芳 Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟合作發展組織(Organization Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)對多功能性定義為:具有多重產出的經濟活動,可以同時對社會的各種目標都有所貢獻,亦即多功能性觀念是以活動為導向,並將生產過程與其多重產出的特性相結合,強調農業生產之各種商品與非商品的聯合生產成果。這種農業多功能性是否也在台灣的原住民鄉農業經營逐漸生根,值得深入研析。
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國際會計準則下功能性貨幣之研究 / The Study of Functional Currency under IFRS郭紹彬 Unknown Date (has links)
國際會計準則第21號「外幣換算」(IAS 21)係針對外幣交易之入帳及財務報表之表達進行規範。IAS 21定義功能性貨幣係指個體營運所處主要經濟環境之貨幣。IAS 21提供了一些指標,以協助企業判斷功能性貨幣。IAS 21又規定,外幣交易之原始認列,須以交易日之即期匯率換算為功能性貨幣記錄。續後衡量則區分為外幣貨幣性項目、以歷史成本衡量之外幣非貨幣性項目及以公允價值衡量之外幣非貨幣性項目,而分別依報導期間結束日之收盤匯率、交易日匯率及決定公允價值當日之匯率換算。對於使用非功能性貨幣為表達貨幣之財務報表,IAS 21亦有詳盡之換算程序規範。
我國會計原則有關「外幣換算」這部分係規範於財務會計準則公報第14號(SFAS 14)。SFAS 14之規範與IAS 21大致相同,國內企業在導入國際會計準則時,有關「外幣換算」原本不應該有轉換之特殊問題,惟我國實務上另有會計研究發展基金會(94)基秘字第057號函規定,在台母公司無須判斷功能性貨幣,而逕以台幣為功能性貨幣,導致我國公司實務上幾乎未曾做過功能性貨幣之判斷工作。
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審計人員與受查公司會計人員對審計功能衝突性之研究殷仲偉, YIN, ZHONG-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
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彰化縣活化休耕農地多功能性之研究 / The Study on Multifunctionality of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land in Changhua County梁世賢, Liang, Shih Hshang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議,政府對休耕地活化補貼政策應再作調整,就商品產出面言,加重申報不實罰責及建立政策退場機制,以確保農業競爭力,並考量因地制宜明定復耕作物項目;就非商品產出面言,應排除耕作困難地補貼,增加環境生態或景觀維護補貼,俾利展現農業多功能,實現永續農業目標。 / Taiwan has been subsidizing the fallowing of agricultural land for 32 years. Due to the long period of execution of the fallowing policy, large areas of agricultural land have been continuously fallowed or abandoned, causing the deterioration of production environment and waste of agricultural resources. In addition, the large amount of subsidy has not only eroded the country’s financial situation, but also caused misconception of farmers of reaping without sowing. The Council of Agriculture expects to achieve the policy objective through adoption of “Adjustment of Farming System and Plan of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land.” This study selects half of the agricultural townships receiving subsidies in Changhua County such as Fuxing Township, Fangyuan Township and Dacheng Township as examples. It aims to examine whether or not this policy is able to facilitate agricultural multi-functionality and sustainable development, in order to formulate countermeasures and suggestions.
This study utilizes literature review and in-depth interviews as research methods. Through various Multi-functional indices, this study discovered the following phenomenon. First, from the perspective of economic production, the extremely high achieving rate for revitailzing fallow farm land reduces the impact on the farming of neighboring fields, and creates opportunity for small landowners to become big tenant-farmers. The outcomes of policy execution are tilted to the economic production. Second, in terms of the aspect of social life, due to the aging population in the farming villages, less incentives for young farmers to return to hometowns and difficulty of acquiring arable lands, it is difficult to manifest results. Last, regarding the ecological environment, owing to the unfriendliness of conventional farming skill, the characteristics of Multi-functional agricultural outputs are unclear. There is a certain distance to go to reach to goal of sustainable agricultural development.
This study suggests that the government should adjust the Fallow Land Subsidy Policy. As for the output of Commodity outputs, government should aggravate the penalties for false declaration and establish the exit mechanism, in order to keep the competitiveness of Taiwan’s agriculture. It is essential to clearly indicate the replanting items that suits local circumstance. With regard to the Non Commodity outputs, the subsidy for difficult arable land should be abolished. Nevertheless, the subsidy for maintaining environmental ecology and scenery should be increased. These measures can help achieve the Multi-function of agriculture and realize the goal of sustainable agriculture.
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污染農地整治後再利用之探討 -以彰化縣和美鎮為例 / Reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation: Hemei Township, Changhua County as an example)徐采資 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,透過文獻分析與深度訪談結果,可獲得以下結論:(1)台灣污染農地整治方式以翻土工程為主,對農地造成破壞;(2)污染農地即使整治後,仍可能再度被污染;(3)污染農地整治完成後,以長期休耕為主;(4)台灣處理污染農地,違反再利用之基本原則。有鑑於此,本研究對於污染農地如何再利用,提出以下之政策建議:(1)推動污染農地轉作非食用作物,可創造諸多效益;(2)以中央層級確立污染農地再利用政策;(3)劃設高污染風險農地專區,優先輔導種植非食用作物。此外,必要配套措施包括:(1)依區域條件評選合適的再利用方案,提供技術與後續產銷輔導;(2)重視污染源頭管制,使工業生產者擔負污染責任。 / In the past, government advocated "living room factories" industrial development policies, but without clear land zoning and strict regulations, the factories discharged toxic and heavy metal wastewater into the irrigation system, resulting in agricultural land and the crops were contaminated, and threatened the public food safety. EPA 2011 announcement data shows that nearly 80% of contaminated agricultural land is completely remediated, and it is claimed that the improvement in contaminated agricultural land has reached some success. However, current research indicates that most Taiwan's contaminated agricultural land remediation methods, only buried the contaminated soil into the ground, not really cleaned away the pollutants. On the other hand, the government nor actively improve pollution sources, and therefore some of the agricultural land even after remediation polluted again, which must be remediated again. This situation, many scholars can't help but question what the real significance of such remediation.
In recent years, because of technical limitations and remediation funding pressure on contaminated land, there is no longer only consideration in remediation, but through the concept of risk, by changing land-use patterns, so that contaminated land can be reused or revitalized. The researches on reuse of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan, most suggest contaminated agricultural land change for non-agricultural use, and even think the benefit of contaminated agricultural land after remediation if keep agricultural use is low. However, this study suggests that past researches neglect the multifunctionality of agriculture, in addition to the value of goods, but there are still many non-commodity values, including environmental, ecological, landscape and other benefits.
For this viewpoint, this study concentrates on the reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation, and gives first place to grow non-food crops. There are two parts to discuss, including why contaminated agricultural land need to reuse, and how to reuse. First, the study establish the theoretical foundation of contaminated agricultural land reuse, which based on the risk principles of contaminated land reuse and multifunctionality of agriculture. Then, to further develop three contaminated agricultural land reuse programs, including the "trees", "energy crops", "flowers or landscape crop", etc. This study suggests that if contaminated agricultural land after remediation can implement the three reuse programs, it can not only take into account the risk principle and multifunctionality of agriculture, but also avoid threats to food safety, as well as saving the government follow-up management costs. Next, Hemei Township, Changhua County, as a case study, using depth interview for the Hemei town contaminated agricultural land's farmers and Changhua County public servant who deal with contaminated agricultural land remediation. Survey the actual situation and subsequent use difficulties of contamination agricultural land after remediation, as well as their ideas and suggestions of contaminated agricultural land reuse.
Finally, through a literature review and interviews results obtained the following conclusions: (1) the main remediation method of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is to bury the contaminated soil into the ground, and it causes damage on agricultural land; (2) contaminated agricultural land even after remediation may still be contaminated again; (3) contaminated agricultural land after remediation is mainly long-term fallow; (4) dealing with contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is in violation of basic reuse principles. Therefore, this study suggests the following policy recommendations for how the contaminated agricultural land to reuse: (1) promote contaminated agricultural land grow non-food crops, it can create many benefits; (2) the central level government establish contaminated agricultural land reuse policies; (3) the designation of the high risk of contaminated agricultural land area, give the first place to help grow non-food crops. In addition, the necessary supporting measures include: (1) select the appropriate reuse program by regional conditions, and provide technical help and sales counseling; (2) emphasize the control of pollution sources, and make industrial producers shoulder the responsibility for the pollution.
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視覺意識中的線性與非線性功能連結 / Linear and Nonlinear Functional Connectivity李宏偉, Lee,Hung-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
除了得到上述若干可以有效反映視覺意識的腦電波指標之外,本研究實質上整合了認知神經科學、非線性動力系統理論、小波轉換理論以及小世界理論等當代思維,因此文中亦做出大量而深入的理論探討,並且提出對現有相關研究在邏輯或方法上的改進與澄清。 / Consciousness is an ancient and puzzling mystery. Until recently, scientists have made little significant progress on it. This study is aimed to search for the neural correlates of visual awareness. / Based on empirical data from an experiment of face perception, this study explores linear vs. nonlinear and local vs. global human EEG indexes of visual awareness. The results indicate that neither linear local index, i.e. γ-band power, nor linear global index, i.e. γ-band phase coherence, can reveal the participant’s state of awareness validly. However, nonlinear local index, i.e. correlation dimension of attractor, can be a valid index of visual awareness, but only on specific channels. Last but not least, nonlinear global index, i.e. generalized synchrony, can be the most valid and efficient index of visual awareness. / In addition to the empirical findings listed above, this study, an interdisciplinary combination of cognitive neuroscience, chaos theory, wavelet transform and small-world theory, also presents numerous theoretical discussions and modifications to other related studies logically or methodologically.
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