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以狀態轉換模型檢視台灣產業與市場之相關結構 / Regime Switching in Correlations:the Case of Industry and Market Portfolios in Taiwan葉柏良, Yeh, Po Liang Unknown Date (has links)
國內外股市普遍發現:在多頭市場下,個股與市場關連性低;空頭市場下,個股與市場關連度高。造成多數投資人往往在股市多頭上方獲利受阻,反而在空頭市場下承擔更多的下方風險。最早將此議題至入資產分配的是Ang and Bekaert (2002)之馬可夫狀態轉換模型,他們將相關程度高、波動度高、預期報酬低視為一種狀態;相關程度低、波動度低、預期報酬高視為另一種狀態。然而考慮這種絕對關係在台灣可能不明顯下,本研究僅僅將狀態設定為高相關程度與低相關程度,因為我們希望能透過馬可夫狀態轉換模型,根據台灣個別產業與市場相關之特性,尋找出由產業組成之投資組合,同時具有風險分散並追求高獲利能力,以因應不同的市場環境。本研究並會針對歸類出的產業,提供投資台股組合配置的建議。
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兩階段實驗設計在簡單迴歸轉換點估計上的應用 / Two-stage design for estimation of the change point in a two-phase simple linear regression賴進利, Lai, Jin-Li Unknown Date (has links)
轉換點(change point)問題出現在許多的統計領域,包括了有母數、無母數、迴歸、時間序列、序貫、貝式等模型,本研究主要是針對簡單迴歸模型的估計單一轉換點之問題作探討,若我們均勻分布解釋變數並採用最小平方法來估計轉換點,模擬結果告訴我們估計值會有雙峰的現象,此現象造成了變異數的增大。我們嘗試利用二階段設計來改善之前的估計,藉由第一階段所得到轉換點的可能範圍來估計第二階段的實驗,模擬結果顯示此兩階段估計的確降低了估計值的差異。 / The change point problem can be involved in many models such as parametric, nonparametric, regression, time series, sequential, Bayesian, and so on. This thesis focuses on estimating the location of the change point in a simple regression model. We first show that the computational simulation demonstrates a bimodal phenomenon which could increase the variation of the estimator badly when the independent variables are allocated uniformly over the explanatory interval and the least square method is used to determine the estimator of the change point. In the second part,we implement a two-stage design that tries to shrink the possible location of the change point via first stage and then design the second stage accordingly. Simulation result gives a positive response in reducing the
variation caused by the bimodal phenomenon.
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從多視角已校正影像改善三維粗略模型 / Refinement of 3D rough models from calibrated multi-view images吳坤信 Unknown Date (has links)
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探討不同時間到期之可轉換公司債的價格交互影響效果許芳銘 Unknown Date (has links)
目前有許多論文探討可轉換公司債的評價方式,但這些論文都是建立在公司只發行單一可轉債的假設下,而目前在櫃檯買賣中心掛牌交易的可轉債中,約有二十家公司同時有兩檔不同時間到期的可轉債發行在外。因為可轉債具備有選擇權的性質,其價值是不確定的,若未來可轉債是很有可能被轉換為股票,則對公司股東而言,無異於將股票以低於市場價格賣出,在此情況下,公司資產會有高估的情形,則將影響到可轉債的評價。所以同時有兩檔以上之可轉債發行的評價不能用一般的評價模型來進行評價。本文依據Lim and Terry (2003)的模型推導出在同時有兩檔可轉債發行下的債券價格,並探討兩者間的影響效果。
結果可以清楚看到,在Lim and Terry(2003)的論文所得到的結論,也適用於可轉換公司債上。當公司同時發行兩檔以上之可轉換公司債,則此兩檔可轉換公司債的價格會互相影響,除了因稀釋效果造成股價降低所導致的影響外,任一的可轉換公司債被贖回也會影響另一可轉債的價值,故在評價可轉換公司債的時候,對此情況應加以考慮,投資人在選擇投資標的時,也應對此情況加以評估。雖然此結果是建立在較簡單而非較一般化的條款設定下,但在純粹分析稀釋效果以及可轉債價格交互影響效果下,此一簡化的評價方法所得到的結果應仍具參考價值。
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國內可轉換公司債發行動機及對股價影響之研究張煥奇 Unknown Date (has links)
2.財務報表的附註項目內,對於發行可轉換公司債之企業,應強制揭露公司對於借款資金的運用情形、目前及預計所產生的投資效益,以及可轉換公司債到期時,企業的還款來源等項目,並經由會計師查核其編製數據的合理性。 / This paper adopts event study method of market model to investigate whether the insiders or majority shareholders bid down the stock prices before issuing convertible bonds in order to make lower conversion prices and then bid up the stock prices after issuing as a strategy to make huge profit by subscribe convertible bonds. The result of this research found an investment strategy for normal investors or minority shareholders to make profit even without any opportunity to subscribe convertible bonds. Besides, this research suggests that the convertible bond information should be disclosed in financial report so that investors can get more information about the credit risk of issuers.
The research samples the stock prices of 77 listed companies that filed applications to SFC and listed convertible bonds in Taiwan stock exchange or OTC in 2003. The empirical results are found that there are positive abcdrmal returns of stock price performances for the third day and the Twelfth Day after convertible bonds issuing date. The cumulative abcdrmal returns (CAR) of the stock prices are also significantly positive. The results show that the stock prices are manipulated to bid up. The stock prices for 15 trading days prior to the issuing date is neither significantly negative nor significant positive. The result shows that there is a probability of the stock prices are manipulated to bid down. The insiders or majority shareholders indeed can take the advantage of the book-building system to subscribe convertible bonds and make huge profit. The result of this research also found that if the investors buy stocks from the twelfth to fifteenth trading day prior to the issuing date averagely and sell all stocks in the third day after issuing date, the probability to make positive returns is 63.64%.
According to the result of this research, this paper raises the following suggestions:
1. The existent convertible bonds allocation system is complete bookbuilding mechanism that should be plus some proportion of fixed-price mechanism.
2. The companies which issue convertible bonds should disclose the following items in financial report footnotes that should be reviewed by auditor:
(1) The purpose of the capital application plan and the projected possible effect thus created.
(2) The sources of payment when convertible bonds are due.
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轉換型領導與領導效能關聯之研究—以台北市政府為個案分析王佳玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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改善端子金膜厚一致性的研究劉宏恩 Unknown Date (has links)
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發行可轉換公司債企業之財務屬性與其對股價之影響林江亮 Unknown Date (has links)
2‧以事件研究法(Event Study)探討宣告發行可轉換公司債之發行宣告與不同發行階段宣告之股價效應,並比較宣告發行國內和海外可轉換公司債公司之宣告效應是否有異。
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一些非自控Emden-Fowler微分方程之研究 / Studies on some nonautonomous emden-fowler differential equations李宣緯 Unknown Date (has links)
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可轉換公司債發行時機與營運績效之研究林素菁 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:可轉換公司債、海外可轉換公司債、營運績效、CB、ECB / To consider or base on the purpose of financing、the cost of capital、the amount of fund、currentfinancial market conditions and governing laws.....etc,usually a company will choose the most beneficial source of finance. In 1990 in Taiwan, the Convertible Bond ( CB ) was issued by Far East Textile Co. and was favorably attracted by both companies and investors since. The primary subject of this studding is to discuss the correlation between the time of issuing CB and operating performance after issuing CB. Hopefully, this paper can be useful to the company desiring to issue CB in the future.
First o fall, by using the survey method I found that most companies in Taiwan chose issuing local CB as the source of finance because of cheaper capital cost. Some companies chose issuing ECB for reducing interest burden. Secondly, by using practical test method: separate the selected samples into four groups for comparison testing. In results, there is no obvious correlation between exterior factors and the companies whether issuing CB. The exterior factors include interest、stock price and security laws. Finally, this paper explains the operating performance, especially the earning profit ability, of the companies getting poor after issuing CB. To understand such result, compare the characteristics of the companies in the same industry. In steel and iron industry;the financial ratios of the selected company without issuing CB are poorer than competitors’. Then the selected company didn't get better within two years after issuing CB. In this case, I can't assume that the operating performance or result is related to the company issuing CB matter. In electronic industry; three samples of electronic corporations were compared with their competitors. This paper illustrates that issuing CB as the way of financing for the company is the most popular among semiconductor industry. Although the selected company faced a downturn in earnings after issuing CB, it still performed well in terms of financial ratios compared with its competitors.
To go a step further to observe the issuing time during 1997 and 1998, the semiconductor industry encountered a slumped condition until early 2000. In this time frame, CB product naturally explained its merits by itself. When the company faced a down-turn economic situation, usually with poor earnings,the company tended to issue CB as the source of finance in order to reducing interest cost, smoothing earning per share, protecting shareholders' rights to transfer a better share price in the future. The condition above accidentally misled the thoughts of that the issue of CB will cause poor earnings.
The companies in semiconductor industry chose the right time to issue CB.They still keep a better operating performance than competitors and obtain fund for the lowest cost of capital due to choose issuing CB as the way of finance.
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