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小世界網路中的區域現象與其應用黃玉祥 Unknown Date (has links)
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從鄉民到實境參與:社會運動的動員與心理莊則敬 Unknown Date (has links)
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以新的信賴模型提昇分散計算環境之整體計算品質 / Improving Overall Computation Quality of the Grid&P2P Computing Environment with a New Trust Model彭士爵, Peng,Shih-Chueh Unknown Date (has links)
在龐大且開放的分散式計算環境中,傳統的信賴模型由於缺乏完善的信賴程度更新機制,很容易出現節點間推薦優良服務的效能低落、服務熱點產生、甚至是無法有效排擠詐欺服務的問題,因而導致額外成本的付出。本論文利用社會學行動理論與人際環境關係理論,設計的一個新的信賴模型。在此信賴模型中,發展節點間的 「合作」、 「競爭」 以及 「同業公會」 等橫向關係,提升節點間信賴程度的更新效率,進而增進信賴模型的穩定性。我們設計了一個有視覺化介面的分散式計算環境動態模擬器,以測試信賴模型在面對動態環境中無法預期的計算節點 「上線」、 「離線」、 「無預警當機」 甚至 「出現詐欺服務」 時的應變能力。模擬實驗證實,我們的信賴模型在整體服務滿意度、計算成本等指標上,均有較佳的表現。 / In a large open distributed computing environment, due to the lack of a good mechanism for trust update among computing nodes, traditional trust model often encounters problems such as low quality of service recommendation, occurrence of hot spots, and no effective mechanism to exclude deceptive nodes. In this thesis, we use the action theory and inter-person relation theory in social science to design a new trust model with relations between nodes such as cooperation, competition, and guild to improve the efficiency and stability of trust update. We have designed a dynamic simulator with a visual interface for distributed computing to test the abilities of the trust model under scenarios such as bringing nodes on-line, taking nodes off-line, unexpectedly service outage, and occurrence of deceptive nodes. Our experiments revealed that our trust model has superior performance in various indices such as service satisfaction and computational cost.
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腦島的功能性連結之年紀差異:基於小世界網路下的探討 / Age-related differences on the functional connectivity of insular cortex: An approach based upon small-world theory林俊鴻, Lin, Jun Hong Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,功能性磁振造影技術發展迅速,使得大腦神經活動關聯性在腦神經科學中逐漸發展成熟。同時,網路理論的發展在近代也引起關注,在生物物理中,小世界網路(Small-World Network)被廣泛運用在大腦神經網路,其群聚性高、特徵路徑短之性質與大腦各個腦區間反應及高效率傳遞資訊的特性相似。有鑑於此,本論文藉由小世界網路的特性探討大腦的老化現象。
本研究以靜息態功能性磁振造影(Resting-state fMRI)量測年輕人及老年人大腦資料,並以右側腦島(Ins.R)作為核心,建構以腦島為核心的正及負相關網路。隨後,我們觀察在小世界特性明顯下的全域網路參數(Global Network Parameters)及區域網路參數(Regional Network Parameters)之老化現象。最後,我們利用多重攻擊策略模擬網路多點受損之情況,以了解網路之脆弱性。
我們研究結果指出,以腦島建立之負相關網路的常規化特徵路徑(Normalized Characteristic Path Length)會隨年紀而減短。並在區域網路參數所選出之重要網路樞紐中發現以腦島所建構之相關網路與認知功能(Cognitive Function)及中樞自主神經系統(Central Autonomic System)具有相關,且正相關網路中左側前扣帶和旁扣帶腦回(ACIN.L)及左側緣上回(SMG.L)隨著老化有顯著差異。期望可幫助醫學上了解中樞自主系統與認知功能在老化下之狀況。
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視覺意識中的線性與非線性功能連結 / Linear and Nonlinear Functional Connectivity李宏偉, Lee,Hung-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
除了得到上述若干可以有效反映視覺意識的腦電波指標之外,本研究實質上整合了認知神經科學、非線性動力系統理論、小波轉換理論以及小世界理論等當代思維,因此文中亦做出大量而深入的理論探討,並且提出對現有相關研究在邏輯或方法上的改進與澄清。 / Consciousness is an ancient and puzzling mystery. Until recently, scientists have made little significant progress on it. This study is aimed to search for the neural correlates of visual awareness. / Based on empirical data from an experiment of face perception, this study explores linear vs. nonlinear and local vs. global human EEG indexes of visual awareness. The results indicate that neither linear local index, i.e. γ-band power, nor linear global index, i.e. γ-band phase coherence, can reveal the participant’s state of awareness validly. However, nonlinear local index, i.e. correlation dimension of attractor, can be a valid index of visual awareness, but only on specific channels. Last but not least, nonlinear global index, i.e. generalized synchrony, can be the most valid and efficient index of visual awareness. / In addition to the empirical findings listed above, this study, an interdisciplinary combination of cognitive neuroscience, chaos theory, wavelet transform and small-world theory, also presents numerous theoretical discussions and modifications to other related studies logically or methodologically.
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計算大尺度複雜網路 :以競賽網路及電力網路為例 / Computational large-scale complex networks : competition network and power grid劉彥宏, Liu, Yen Hung Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要可以分成兩個部分。第一部分,我們整理了關於複雜網路的初步研討。最重要的特性有:小世界網路、無尺度度分布。並且介紹了三種模型:BA 模型、EBA模型,以及W-S small world model。接著對於一份實際的社會網路資料—台灣業餘桌球選手對戰網路,做網路的結構分析,試驗其是否具有上述的兩種特性。透過兩種可以模擬出無尺度度分布特性的模型:BA以及EBA模型。我們藉由這兩種模型模擬的結果,以及和競賽網路的比較,試者去闡述模型與理論間為何有些相似,卻又如此不同。並討論了賽制設計對於結構的影響。
在第二部分裡,我們回顧了一些對於網路的拓樸性效率以及可靠度效率的研討,並且討論了兩種不同負載定義下的連鎖故障行為。最後我們使用其中三種方法:拓樸性效率脆弱性、參與中間度(betweenness)過載引發的連鎖性故障行為,以及電力網路的動態電流變化造成的連鎖性故障,對於一個假想的電網做傳輸線的弱點排序。其中由動態電流過載(transient dynamic overload)造成的連鎖性故障可以視為一個簡化後的電力動態網路模型,藉由這三者間排序的不同,我們可以看到複雜網路分析以及基於電力網路傳輸特性所模擬的結果差異。 / This thesis can be divided into two parts. In the first part, we review some basic properties of the complex networks. The most important features are: small world networks and scale-free degree distribution. Then, we introduce three complex models : BA model, EBA model, and W-S small world model. Next, we analyze a real data—CTTC network to test if it has the features we have mentioned above. By the EBA and BA model simulations, we try to illustrate why there are some similarities between the simulations and real data, but they are still so different in most of aspects.
In the second part, we review the definitions of the topology and reliable efficiency of a network structure. Next, we discuss two cascading failure model based on different definitions of load of a transmission line in a power grid. Finally, we use three different ways: topology efficiency vulnerability, cascading failure triggered by betweenness overload, and cascading failure triggered by the transient dynamics overload to test the vulnerability of edges in an assuming power grid. The cascading failure triggered by the transient dynamic overload can be viewed as a simplified power flow model. We sort the most vulnerable edges in three different ways. By this, we can observe the difference of the vulnerability analysis based on the complex network and the characteristic of the power transmission..
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分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制及其在智能合約之應用 / Reputation-based Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Environments and It’s Application Based on Smart Contracts詹琨泰, Chan, Kun-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
近年來區塊鏈技術及其相關應用成為熱門焦點,區塊鏈最大的特色包含去中心化以及匿名性等特性,然而在這樣的分散式網路中我們很難判斷對方是否值得信賴,在數位憑證中我們透過可信賴第三方擔任憑證中心為用戶簽發金鑰憑證以此建立用戶之間的信賴關係,但在區塊鏈此種分散式網路中找到一個可信賴第三方實屬不易,並且可能會與區塊鏈去中心化之特性背道而馳,因此本研究參考PGP信任網與小世界理論的概念,建立一套可適用於分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制,並將此機制結合智能合約實現一個信任度評估機制購物平台,目的希望用戶與陌生人交易前,可透過此機制計算出信任度,提供用戶做為參考,幫助用戶更容易判斷陌生人是否可信,以降低受騙風險。 / In recent years, the blockchain technology and its relevant applications become hot spots. The greatest feature of the blockchain is the decentralization. Nonetheless, it is difficult for us to judge whether the other person get involved in the decentralized network is credible. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a reliable third party in such a point-to-point network. Consequently, this paper refers to the PGP web of trust and the small world problem to establish a set of reputation-based trust evaluation mechanism for decentralized environments, we combine this mechanism with a smart contract to achieve a trust evaluation mechanism shopping platform, It is expected that achievements of the paper can facilitate people’s judgment regarding the reliability of strangers and reduce the risks of being deceived.
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藉由小世界股票網路探索不同景氣區間的差異性 / Exploring economy-realated differences by small-world stock networks邱建堯, Chiu, Chien Yao Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,先利用國發會制定的景氣對策信號,來幫助我們選取四段景氣區間,接著將台積電作為網路核心建構個股的相關網路。並以最小生成樹(Minimum Spanning Tree) 將複雜的股票網路簡單化。同時我們計算出各股相關網路之全域網路參數(Global Network Parameters)及區域網路參數(Regional Network Parameters),以利我們討論兩段景氣好區間與兩段景氣差區間之差異。最後,我們將股市相關網路以分層樹(Hierarchical Tree)來表示,以了解網路分群的結果。
結果顯示,我們建構的個股相關網路符合小世界網路特性,在全域網路參數中,景氣好相關網路之常規化平均特徵路徑(Normalization Average Characteristic Path Length)及景氣差相關網路中之平均群聚係數(Average Clustering Coefficient)、平均特徵路徑(Average Characteristic Path Length)、常規化平均特徵路徑(Normalization Average Characteristic Path Length)有顯著差異。
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利用機率式神經纖維追蹤術量測大腦小世界網路參數的重現性 / The Reproducibility on the Estimation of Brain Small World Metrics using Probabilistic Diffusion Tractography王煒平, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
擴散權重影像與神經纖維追蹤可以用來探討腦區域之間的連結性,目前透過網路分析方式已經證實腦網路是有小世界的特性,最近也有研究不同受試者或者是病人之間的網路連結量測集中程度,但是擴散權重影像所運算出來的網路參數中間要經過很多步驟,這些中間步驟可能會影響到網路參數。所以有必要對於量測網路參數的受試者間變異性和重複量測重現性進行研究。本研究的目標是利用機率式神經纖維追蹤術量測大腦網路參數的重現性,探討三個會影響計算網路參數的重現性的變因,分別是,路徑定義方式、有無損耗正規化、受試者群體的網路連結篩選機制。變異係數定義(Coefficient of Variance, CV)為標準差除以平均值,分別計算二次量測之間的變異係數(CVwithin),以及受試者之間的變異係數(CVbetween),另外也計算組內相關係數(Intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC)。
掃描30受試者(15男,15女,年齡20~26)。每人掃描二次,並利用機率式神經纖維追蹤術計算網路連結,網路節點則是使用AAL標準模板定義的節點。若使用Wij = 1 – Pij定義長度,三項網路參數(區域效率、全域效率及損耗)重現性皆可接受(CVwithin<1.08%, CVwithin ≤ 10% and ICC > 0.7)。如果使用Wij=1/Pij定義長度,其損耗的CVwithin相較於Wij = 1 – Pij的大。如果長度的全距大,區域效率會不尋常地增加。如果二次掃描分別實施連結篩選,全域效率的CVwithin會較大。
本研究探討不同的網路建構方式將會影響測試內重現度,不同的研究團隊,縱使是採用相同的受試者群體和相同的儀器,所發表出來的網路參數可能會因為纖維追蹤術造成的誤差而不一致,因此實驗必須謹慎的分析資料以及闡述結果。 / Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) with associate tractography can be used to access the connectivity of cortical regions in brain. Network analysis applied to connectivity matrix has demonstrated that brain has small world property. Recent studies also use network analysis to study the variation of concentricity among different group of subjects and patients. However the estimation of network metrics from DTI takes sophisticated processing steps. These intermediate steps may influence the estimation of network metric. It is therefore needed to investigate the potential variation of estimated network metrics using reproducibility test. The goal is to study the reproducibility of network properties derived from diffusion connectivity matrix constructed using probabilistic tractography. The effects of three factors on the reproducibility of network metrics estimation were studied. They are definition of path lengths of network matrix, path with and without cost normalization, the application of threshold to subjects groups. Coefficient of Variation (CV) defined as standard deviation divided by mean is used to test the intra-session (CVwithin) and inter subject (CVbetween) variability. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was also calculated.
Images were acquired from 30 healthy participants (15 male, 15 female, aged 20-26 years). Each subject was scanned twice, denoted as N1 and N2. Probabilistic tractography was performed to mapping of cortico-cortical anatomical connections between regions defined from an anatomical atlas. All three of the tested network metrics (local efficiency, global efficiency and cost) were identified as acceptable (CVwithin < 1.08%, CVwithin ≤ 10% and ICC > 0.7) using path length defined as Wij = 1 – Pij. When the path length is defined as Wij = 1/Pij, cost showed higher CVwithin compared to Wij = 1 – Pij. It is unusual that local efficiency increase when the range of path length of edges is large. Global efficiency showed higher CVwithin as threshold is applied to N1 and N2 separately compared to both scans together.
The present study revealed that different ways to construct cortical network had an effect on intra-session reproducibility. Our study also showed that despite evaluation of identical subjects using the same MRI system, variation of network metrics may be found by different research groups due to the potential errors from tractography. Replication of the experiment need to be carefully analyzed and interpreted.
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