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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李宏才 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的要在探討混沌理論在國小校長危機管理之應用,包括;一、混沌理論主要論點及其隱喻在校園危機認知的涵義。二、國小校長如何藉由混沌理論的主要論點及其隱喻進行危機管理。三、國小校長「校園危機的認知」與「校長的危機管理」之現況。四、國小校長「校園危機的認知」與「校長的危機管理」兩者之關係。最後提出結論與建議作為教育行政單位及國小校長改進危機管理的參考。 本研究兼採文獻探討、問卷調查及訪談等研究方法。依據研究目的編製「國小校長危機管理研究調查」問卷,其中「校園危機的認知」,包括混沌理論的主要概念:蝴蝶效應、回饋機制、碎形、奇異吸引子、分岔。「校長的危機管理」則包括危機預防與準備、危機處理與控制、危機追蹤與學習三個向度。問卷以台北市、台北縣、基隆市國小校長386人為普查對象。共回收有效問卷271份,可用率達70.20%。問卷結果經由t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、逐步多元逥歸等統計方法進行分析與考驗。其次,參照校園危機之經驗、校長受訪意願,及縣市樣本比例,選取八位國小校長,進行訪談。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查及訪談結果,獲致下列結論: 一、混沌理論提供危機研究一個新的典範。 二、校園危機以意外事件及衝突管教事件所佔比例最高。 三、整體而言,校長贊同校園危機的混沌現象,五個向度當中以蝴蝶效應贊同程度較高,碎形較低。 四、混沌理論的主要論點在校園危機案例中獲得證實。 五、整體而言,校長的危機管理情形尚佳,三個向度得分雖有高低,惟相差不大。 六、危機管理的三個向度,校長在不同的項目,表現各有優劣。 七、不同背景變項的校長,除了學校規模之外,其餘的變項包括性別、年齡、年資、及服務地區,在校園危機的認知,沒有顯著的差異;不同背景變項的校長,包括性別、年齡、年資、學校規模及服務地區,在校長的危機管理,沒有顯著的差異。 八、校長的校園危機認知程度不同,在校長的危機管理上,有顯著差異。 九、危機混沌現象的認知與校長的危機管理,有顯著的正相關。 十、校園危機混沌現象的敏銳度對於校長的危機管理具有預測作用。 本研究依據上述研究結論,對教育行政單位及國小校長以及後續研究提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)校長培育過程應重視混沌理論與危機管理的專題研究。 (二)校長的危機管理在職教育,在內容上,要特別加強媒體溝通能力,充實法律常識;在方式上,要重視經驗的分享、加強模擬演練。 (三)教育主管單位對於校長的危機管理要給予充分的授權與支援。 二、對國小校長的建議 (一)運用多元的研究典範,正確理解校園危機,進而管理校園危機。 (二)重視意外事件及衝突管教事件的危機管理。 (三)把握混沌現象在危機案例的重要啟示,進行危機管理。 (四)加強校園危機管理容易疏漏的項目。 (五)去除危機管理的迷思,建立面對危機的積極態度。 (六)正視校園危機混沌現象與危機管理的相關與預測。 三、對未來研究的建議: (一)研究範圍,可以擴及台灣省其他縣市以及其他層級之學校,以利全面性的了解與建議。 (二)研究對象,可以擴及教師與其他行政人員。研究對象的基本資料,宜將研究所學歷再細分,而危機處理經驗,則僅限於校長任職期間,以考驗校長的學歷及危機處理經驗在危機認知及危機管理是否存有差異。 (三)研究工具,仍宜先行抽樣預試,以建立研究工具較佳之信度與效度。 (四)研究主題,建議以校長的危機決策,及危機溝通作進一步研究,深入探討在非線性的環境之下,決策及溝通的過程與策略。 / This research mainly discusses the application of chaos theory on crisis management of elementary school principal. The research method is based on the past literature, questionnaires and interviews. The targets for the questionnaire are the 386 elementary principals in Taipei City, Taipei County and Keelung City. 271 effective questionnaires are collected with the effective rate of 70.20%. Test of T-distribution, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression were applied to data analysis. Moreover, eight elementary school principals were interviewed. According to the past literature study, the result collected from questionnaire and interviews, the following conclusions are emphasized: 1.Chaos theory provides a new paradigm for crisis research. 2.Unpredictable incident and improper discipline concern higher ratio in school crisis. 3.Principals most agreed on the butterfly effect and less agreed on the fractals under the chaos in school crisis. 4.The key concepts of chaos theory are demonstrated under the events in school crisis. 5.The overall performance for principal’s crisis management is satisfied. 6.The performance in the three dimensions for the crisis management varies in different items. 7.Except for school’s size, there is no significant difference in school crisis awareness for principals from different backgrounds including gender, age, years of service and location. There is also no significant difference in crisis management including gender, age, years of service, location and school’s size. 8.Discrepancy for principal’s school awareness leads the variation for crisis management. 9.Significant correlation exits between principal’s awareness on chaos theory and crisis management. 10.The sensitivity of school’s crisis obtains a predictable function for crisis management. The following statements are suggested for the educational administration, elementary school principals and the further researchers: 1.For educational administration: (1) Chaos theory and crisis management should be emphasized in pre-principal’s training program. (2) On-job training program for principals should include communication with media and law knowledge as well as experience sharing and rehearsal enhancement. (3) The education administration should provide sufficient authorization and assistance. 2.For elementary school principals: (1) Apply dynamic research paradigms to understand and manage school crisis. (2) Accentuate the crisis management on unpredictable incidents and improper disciplines. (3) Emphasize the crisis examples in chaos to handle crisis management. (4) Value the minor issues for school crisis management. (5) Eliminate the illusion for crisis management and establish the positive attitude toward crisis. (6) Regard the relative prediction for school crisis chaos and crisis management. 3.For further researchers: (1) The research framework can expand to the school all over Taiwan for overall understanding and suggestions. (2) The research target can expand to the teachers and the staffs in school. The basic information for the target can be detailed based on the education background and crisis management experience. (3) Research method can be randomized pre-test to establish better validity and reliability. (4)Research topic can be further developed in decision-making and communication process of crisis under a non-linear environment.


馮蘭絜, Feng, Lan-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
Visa是全球第一大的國際支付卡組織,然其自1970年成立至今,不過短短30年,這之間組織成長的速度令人驚嘆,但由從前組織成長理論似乎無法解釋其中所隱含的經濟意義,因此本研究嘗試以新經濟現象中的網路外部性理論來觀察解釋Visa組織成長的過程-隨著使用者的增加,整個系統的價值也隨之增加,且在不斷的循環自我增強下,整個系統呈現非線性的快速成長。 此外,Visa組織的創辦者Dee Hock(1998)在「亂序」一書中提及Visa是個亂序(處於混亂和秩序之間)的組織,因此本研究亦由混沌理論的觀點觀察Visa組織的運作方式,瞭解其是如何進行自我組織、自我成長、自我演化,又這樣一個龐大的價值交換體系,在快速成長擴充的過程中又是如何管理運作的。 最後,本研究就網路外部性和混沌理論觀點下所觀察到的現象進行進一步之比較探討,找出其中相關之處,觀察兩者間是否有互相強化之關連,發覺Visa此一混沌邊緣組織的運作方式強化了其網路外部性的效果,也更加造就了Visa的成功。

國民中學校長運用透明化優勢領導與學校混沌動力系統關係之研究 / The Study of the relationship between Transparency Edge Leading and Chaotic Dynamical System for principals in Taiwan Junior High Schools.

劉明德, Liu, Ming Te Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學校長透明化優勢領導與學校混沌動力系統之間的關係。除探討國民中學校長透明化優勢領導、學校混沌動力系統的內涵及現況,瞭解教育人員人口變項及學校背景變項在校長透明化優勢領導及學校混沌動力系統得分的差異情形外,亦分析校長透明化優勢領導與學校混沌動力系統之相關程度,並探討校長透明化優勢領導對學校混沌動力系統的預測情形。 本研究係以台灣地區之國民中學教育人員為研究對象,以「國民中學校長透明化優勢領導與學校混沌動力系統調查問卷」為工具進行研究,內含基本資料、國民中學校長透明化優勢領導問卷及學校混沌動力系統問卷三部分,具有良好的信度、效度。正式施測有效樣本502位,分別以描述分析、t考驗、變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,並得到以下數項結論: 一、國民中學教育人員在知覺「校長透明化優勢領導問卷」的總得分上,屬於中上程度,在各向度之得分中,以「誠實至上」最高,最低則是「勇於認錯」。國民中學教育人員在「學校混沌動力系統問卷」的總得分上,亦屬於中上程度,在各向度之得分中,以「回饋機制」最高,最低則是「亂中求序」。 二、教育人員人口變項與學校背景變項中,性別、年齡、服務年資、職務及區域在校長透明化優勢領導問卷上,均具有顯著差異,僅學歷無顯著差異。 三、教育人員人口變項與學校背景變項中,性別、年齡、服務年資、職務及區域在學校混沌動力系統問卷上,均具有顯著差異,僅學歷無顯著差異。 四、教育人員知覺校長透明化優勢領導問卷之得分中,低、中、高三組在整體學校混沌動力系統及學校混沌動力系統各向度上,均有顯著差異;同時,不論在整體學校混沌動力系統或各向度的得分上,高分組均顯著優於中、低分組;中分組顯著優於低分組。 五、校長透明化優勢領導及各向度,與學校混沌動力系統及各向度間呈現出顯著的正相關,亦即教育人員知覺校長透明化優勢領導行為愈高,則校長經營學校混沌動力系統之能力也愈佳。 六、在探討校長透明化優勢領導各向度中,以鼓勵讚賞、傳達警訊、信守承諾、勇於認錯、卸下防禦及沈著鎮靜等六者對學校混沌動力系統之聯合預測力最佳,尤以鼓勵讚賞最具有預測力。 最後,本研究擬根據上述研究結果進行分析討論,以形成結論及建議,並提供教育行政機關、國民中學校長及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study were to explore relationships between principal's transparency edge leading and chaotic dynamical system in junior high school. The fist were to explore the reality for principal's transparency edge leading and chaotic dynamical system in schools. Secondary, the researcher also investigated the differences of school staff’s demographic variables and schools' background variables among principal's transparency edge leading and chaotic dynamical system in schools. Thirdly, to analyze the relationships among principal's transparency edge leading and chaotic dynamical system in schools. Finally, to explore predictive power of principal's transparency edge leading on chaotic dynamical system in schools. This study employed the survey method. The subject were 502 educational staff randomly sample from 70 junior high schools in Taiwan island. Data were analyzed using the method of descriptive and inferential statistics, included Frequencies, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis, and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings were: 1. There is above average perception for principal's transparency edge leading and chaotic dynamical system in schools among the junior high school staff. 2. Significant difference existed among the gender, age, seniority, position, and district for principal's transparency edge leading. 3. Significant difference existed among the gender, age, seniority, position, and district for chaotic dynamical system in schools. 4. Significant difference existed among low, middle, and high teachers' perception of principal's transparency edge leading for chaotic dynamical system in schools. 5. Significant positive correlation between principal's transparency edge leading and chaotic dynamical system in schools. 6. In regression forecast of principal's transparency edge leading to chaotic dynamical system in schools, especially the variable of “encouragement and applause” has the biggest predictability. Based on the results of this study, to make some suggestions for educational administration, the junior high school principals and future study.

台灣股票市場分類股價指數-碎形與混沌之探討 / The Index of Stock market in Taiwan - Fractals and Chaos

李世欽, Lee, Shih Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究資料取自教育部EPS資料庫,研究期間為民國76年一月到84年一月之分類股價指數,共二千二百九十四筆資料。結果發現台灣證券交易所之分類股價指每日報酬率的行為,顯著拒絕iid之虛無假設,顯示台灣股票市埸有強烈的非線性現象,拒絕原因不是來自不穩定性、也非市場為一混沌系統。本研究利用自我相關函數圖形觀察分類股價指數每日收盤價,發現每筆資料皆呈現緩慢下降的情形,因此將資料取自然對數及一階差分作資料轉換,將符合穩定性的要求。實驗結果可歸納出以下的結論:(1)國內分類股價指數每日報酬率配適AR(3)模型,利用Ljung-Box Q統計量檢定除了金融、食品及加權三筆資料不甚理想外,其它資料均可除去自我相關性。(2)以BDS統計量的結果顯示,股價報酬率均拒絕iid的假設,亦即市埸報酬不具有隨機的形態,其中以水泥類最為強烈。(3)雖然原始資與經亂數編排後的相關維度,已有所不同,但所有原始資料的相關維度均不呈現收斂的現象,顯示市場不具有碎形結構。(4)close returns檢定方法檢定結果顯示,股票市埸不具有混沌現象。

動態徑向基底函數網路與混沌預測 / Dynamical Radial Basis Function Networks and Chaotic Forecasting

蔡炎龍, Tsai, Yen Lung Unknown Date (has links)
在許多的研究和應用之中都需要預測的技巧。本論文中, 我們建構了一個 新的神經網路模式--動態徑向基底函數 (dynamical radial basis function) 網路 (DRBF網路) , 並且用這種模式的神經網路作為「函數近 似子」(function approximator) 去處理預測上的問題。另外我們也設計 幾種不同的學習演算法以測試DRBF網路的功能。 / The forecasting technique is important for many researches and applications. In this paper, we shall construct a new model of neural networks -- the dynamical radial basis function (DRBF) networks and use the DRBF networks as "function approximators" to solve some forecasting problems. Different learning algorithms are used to test the capability of DRBF networks.

類神經網路與混沌現象 / The Neural Network and Chaos

吳慧娟, Wu, Hui-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究設計了一些實驗來檢測學習完混沌資料的神經網路系統是否為混沌系統,驗證的方法是檢驗是否具有混沌資料的四個特性,這四個特性包括:有限性、非週期性、確定性、及對初始條件的敏感依賴。同時,更進一步地利用上述學習完的網路系統來預測所學習的混沌模型,這麼做的目的是想要了解:學習後的網路系統是一個混沌系統時,與學習後網路系統不是一個混沌系統時,其預測能力的比較。 此外,我們亦從理論上證明:學習完混沌資料後的神經網路系統無法重建其所學習的混沌模型。然而,有時網路系統卻能夠模擬成一個混沌系統;如果使用模擬成混沌系統的神經網路來預測具有混沌現象的資料,換句話說,也就可能是使用一個混沌系統去預測另一個混沌系統,根據混沌的特性 -- 對初始條件的敏感依賴,這樣的預測應該會造成相當大的誤差;不過,從本研究的實驗中發現,無論學習後的神經網路系統是否為一個混沌系統,對其預測能力並無顯著的影響。 本論文希望能給「用神經網路系統來預測具有混沌現象的金融市場或其他領域」一些貢獻與幫助。 / This paper uses some experimental designs to detect if the Neural Networks system after learning the chaotic data is a chaotic system. That is verified via testing four characteristics in chaotic data, inclusive of boundedness, determinism, aperiodicity and sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Further, this paper uses the result above to predict the learned chaotic model. The purpose is to probe into if the Neural Networks system after learning the chaotic data is a chaotic system and is used to predict, how good the short-term and the long-term predictions will be? And, compare with if the Neural Networks system after learning the chaotic data is not a chaotic system and is used to predict, how large the error will be? We present the Neural Network systems after learning the chaotic data never can rebuild the learned chaotic model. But, sometimes the Neural Network system would mimic as a chaotic system. So, if we take Neural Network system to predict something with chaotic phenomena, it is possible to use one chaotic system to predict another chaotic system. According to the property of sensitive dependence on initial conditions, it should make large errors. However, from the experiments we design, we find whether the Neural Network system after learning is a chaotic system or not, it has no influence on its predicting effect. This hint is applied to use ANN to predict in financial markets or other areas with chaotic phenomenon.

臺灣股票市場非線性現象之研究:傅利葉轉換與小波轉換之應用 / The Research of Nonlinear Phenomena of the Taiwan Stock Market: the Applications of Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform

陳國帥, Chen, Kuo Shuai Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用傅利葉轉換與小波轉換以探討非線性現象:長期相依的碎形結構與混沌現象。藉由傅利葉轉換與小波轉換兩種研究方法,所得到臺灣股票市場加權股價指數的實證結論如下:1.藉由傅利葉轉換所得到的H值為0.4632;藉由小波轉換所得到的H值為0.4750。這兩種研究方法皆顯示臺灣股票市場具有負的長期相依的碎形結構。2.藉由傅利葉轉換的研究方法,臺灣股票市場加權股價指數的頻譜由初始向下與寬的連續的頻帶所組成;臺灣股票市場加權股價指數的自我相關函數則隨著時間差距的增加而遞減。此顯示臺灣股票市場具有混沌現象。3.小波轉換可以檢測出臺灣股票市場加權股價指數的奇異之處,並且指出存有一能說明臺灣股票市場碎形結構的複雜性的機制。藉由以上的實證結論,可以得知臺灣股票市場具有反持續性的碎形結構,股票價格的變動來自於臺灣股票市場尺度上的自我相似性。即使如此,由於混沌不可預測性的本質,使得股票價格的預測似乎是不可能的。 / The Fourier transform and the wavelet transform are utilized in this research to explore the nonlinear phenomena: the fractal structure of long trem dependence and the phenomenon of chaos.   In terms of the two research methods of the Fourier transform and the wavelet transform, the empirical conclusions of the Taiwan stock exchange weighted stock index are derived as follows:   1. The $H$ value of the research method of the Fourier transform is 0.4632; the $H$ value of the research method of the wavelet transform is 0.4750. The two research methods show that the Taiwan stock market has a fractal structure of negative long term dependence.   2. In terms of the research method of the Fourier transform, the power spectrum of the Taiwan stock exchange weighted stock index consists of initially downward and wide continuous band of frequencies; the autocorrelation function of the Taiwan stock exchange weighted stock index decreases as the time lag increases. These observations show that there exists the phenomenon of chaos in the Taiwan stock market.   3. The wavelet transform can detect out the singularities of the Taiwan stock exchange weighted stock index and can point out the heirarchy that illustrates the complexity of the fractal sturcture in the Taiwan stock market.   By the above empirical conclusions, there exists the antipersistent fractal structure in the Taiwan stock market. The variations of stock prices result from the self-similarity of the scales of the Taiwan stock market. Even so, the prediction of stock prices seems very impossible as a result of the unpredictability of chaotic nature.

外匯市場非線型時間序列之實證研究 --自迴歸條件異質變異數與類神經網路模式分析法 / A Non-linear Series Analysis of Foreign Market --An ARCH and Neural Approach

葉俊雄, Yeh, Jiunn Shyong Unknown Date (has links)
學界間廣泛地認為一般金融資產報酬具有的特性是:線型不可預測性,條件 異質變異數,非條件尖峰態 ... 等特性o 固然金融資產報酬具有線型不可 預測之特性,可是並不能否決其間可能有非線型依存關係的存在o目前大部 份經濟計量分析方法中的模式建構問題均是在假設模式的結構訊息已知的 條件下求解,然若真實體系的結構訊息未知或不明朗時,貿然地假設為某種 特定的模式結構,則可能又難於避免模式設定錯誤的困擾,因而對於真實體 系行為的描述亦將可能是誤導且不合理的,這意味著:除非該特定的模式結 構正是真實體系的表徵, 否則無論該特定模式的結構特性多完美,均難以 建構一令人信服的數理化模式來表徵真實體系之行為o 不幸地,此一問題 在高度非線型的動態隨機體系中尤其嚴重, 甚至是否存在一 ``真實'' 模式來據以表徵體系之行為,亦是相當值得懷疑, 故考慮一種無需特定結 構訊息假設的無母數方法或函數逼近法實屬必要o 類神經網路中的倒傳遞 網路模式即是符合此種特性的方法之一o然而學界間仍無法確定的是金融 資產報酬序列資料所產生的 ARCH 效果本身是否為真實序列資料產生機制 特性之顯現, 還是應歸咎於被忽略掉條件均數方面之非線性所衍生模式設 定錯誤情況下的代用模式, 並不得而知;另一方面, ARCH 模式的顯著成就 及其價值亦不能予以輕易地漠視, 因此, 試圖將 ARCH 模式所能提供的攸 關訊息納入倒傳遞網路模式的考量之中而形成倒傳遞網路-自迴歸條件異 質變異數 (BPN-ARCH) 模式以增進樣本外預測能力的精度便是本論文最 主要的嘗試重點與目的o

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