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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

澳門大學生自我概念與家庭系統之相關研究 / Studies on the correlation between the self-concept of Macau college students and their family systems

何歡歡 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

道德的萌芽 : 幼稚園學生道德判斷力初探 / Budding forth in morality : an exploratory inquiry into the moral judgment of kindergarteners

廖惠芳 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

小學教師如何因應親師衝突之研究 / Study of parent-teacher conflicts for primary school teacher

黃桂嫦 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門80、90後青少年的抗逆力之探討 / Investigation on the adversity tolerance of the post-80's and 90's generation of Macau

陳燕儀 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

2006-2011年我國中藥與西藥不良反應頻度和强度的回顧性比較研究 / Comparative study of frequency and intensity of adverse drug reactions between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine : a systematic review, 2006-2011 in China

阮貞 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


劉育兆 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的處境之下,有許多問題無法繼續依賴傳統的方式來解決,特別是關於正義,以及需要人類擔負起共同責任的問題。於是,建立一套放諸四海皆準的倫理學便成了當務之急。 當代哲學家阿佩爾承繼了康德倫理學的基本架構,並在語用學轉向的思潮下,將它由獨我論式的倫理轉化為以「先驗語用學」來終極奠基之「論述倫理學」。論述倫理學以「論辯」為其核心概念,主張在進行論辯時,有應當遵循之「不可規避的」若干預設。一旦否定了那些預設,便不可能藉由溝通達成共識,甚至會導致「實行上的自我矛盾」。阿佩爾的論述倫理學也強調它具有應用的面向,亦即它也處理了在歷史的現實情境中,如何促成實質的道德規範的問題。藉由提出後約定俗成式的道德,來將責任落實在既有的諸般制度之上。 本文試圖闡述論述倫理學的先驗奠基與普世應用的雙重特性,這使得它足以作為一套普遍的「巨型倫理學」,而能替全球化帶來的問題提供解決之道。

嶺南道地藥材巴戟天和木蝴蝶的主要活性成分分離工藝研究 Research on the separation of main active components of Morindae officinalis Radix and Oroxyli Semen / by Zhu Kan. / Research on the separation of main active components of Morindae officinalis Radix and Oroxyli Semen

朱侃 January 2014 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

德行倫理學觀點下的儒家倫理研究:以Michael Slote與孟子為主

沈睦庭 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Michael Slote情感論德行倫理學的觀點詮釋孟子倫理學,旨在提供理解孟子倫理學的另一種可能。第二章到第四章為正論,將分別介紹Slote的情感論倫理學,情感論德行倫理學與孟子倫理學的比較詮釋,以及檢討今日中文學界主流的康德式詮釋進路。第二章〈情感論倫理學〉以介紹Slote情感論為主,包括了情感論的後設層次與規範層次等主要內容,由於Slote首以同理心建立其道德理論,容易引起許多誤解或質疑,於是有獨立成章與先行說明的必要。第三章〈情感論德行倫理學與孟子〉則是以構成Slote情感論德行倫理學的三個主要部分(同理心、關懷倫理、德行倫理)逐一與孟子比較,指出雙方的相似之處。第四章〈康德倫理學與孟子〉則從消極方面,企圖申辯迄今主流的康德式詮釋為何不適於孟子倫理學,從而指出情感論德行倫理學與孟子的接近之處。最後,本文認為情感論式詮釋可以在我們理解孟子倫理學時提供另一種選擇,此亦不必與康德式詮釋處於對立立場,而是可以相容的。

年輕思覺失調症患者及其主要照顧者主體經驗探究:關係取向觀點 / Exploring the Subjective Experiences in Young Schizophrenic Patients and Their Caregivers: From Relational Approach

林孟瑤, Lin, Meng Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的:一為探究年輕思覺失調症患者,於荒野臨界中如何形塑其此際體態;二為探討患者主要照顧者面對精神分裂體驗,從何接應患者,如何賦予其心理照顧意義。而後,以對元結構方式,探討患者及其照顧者雙方的心理經驗。研究者將患者「生命經驗」及其主要照顧者「照顧經驗」並置於現象場脈絡中,透過深度訪談,進行現象還原,以接近患者的內在經驗,反思照顧者照顧行動意義。方法上,本研究採取立意抽樣,以年輕思覺失調症患者與其主要照顧者作為研究對象,以配對方式進行資料蒐集,共三對受訪者(6位)接受訪談,患者部分為三位男性,而雙親照顧者部分為一位男性、兩位女性。資料蒐集後,以Henri Ellenberger之現象學分析方法(林耀盛,2002)分析。研究結果發現,年輕思覺失調症患者與其雙親主要照顧者共構之置身結構經驗的定向軌跡為:(1)超常隱匿於日常偽裝之下;(2)超常現身,即特異性經驗被看見,包含病者與雙親照顧者;(3)芻思心緒,反覆思索當前之事件;(4)經驗賦義,理解所發生的事,並給出位置,將其涵容於自我之中;(5)存有的流變:希望與憂懼心思。研究貢獻為在臨床心理實務上可能的幫助:可協助狀態逐漸穩定之個案進行經驗之整理,使其看見自己的狀態,而非僅僅使其擁有病識感、願意配合醫療處遇。而對雙親做為主要照顧者,可協助其釐清對於疾病狀態的未知,及自我照顧技藝的發展。礙於現實收案狀況,難以擴大取樣具異質性的思覺失調症患者,資料豐富度較為不足,為未來研究可改善之處。 / Purpose: This study is exploring (1) how the young schizophrenic patient perceived who he/she is in “the wilderness”; (2) how their caregivers faced with the schizophrenic experiences and constructed the meaning of caring; and (3) disclosing the patients and their caregiver’s mutual situated experiences by the meta-dyadic structure. Methods: Taking a qualitative approach grounded in phenomenological psychology, this study conducted in-depth interviews by which researchers strived to observe, analyze and understand, from their first-person perspective, how they live under such situation. The participants were recruited through purposive sampling. Three patient-caregiver dyads (three male schizophrenic patients with one male and two female caregivers) were interviewed. The analysis step is adopted by Henri Ellenberger’s existential-phenomenological method (Yaw-Sheng Lin, 2002). Results: Five over-arching themes emerged in the analysis on the transformation of experiences of suffering and caring. (1) Camouflaging the “extra-normal” in daily life. (2) “Extra-normal” is understood through the singularity in the daily life, including the patient and caregiver can “encounter” the unique experience. (3) Ruminative reflection about what happening? (4) Make sense of schizophrenic experiences through blurry the boundary between the normal and abnormal to integrate self into life orientation. (5) Existential experience as becoming process through the state of mind of “hope” and “Angst”. Conclusions: The outcome is implicated in clinical practice: (1) Return to young schizophrenic patients’ lifeworld beyond psychopathology comprehension to articulate the intersubjective understanding relationships. (2) Help caregiver to understand their uncanny situation and cultivate the caring ethics for self and the other. Limitation, future research agenda and suggestion are discussed and proposed.

校長正向領導與學校效能關係之後設分析 / A Meta-analysis of Principal’s Positive Leadership and School Effectiveness

林芳誼, Lin, Fang I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究校長正向領導與學校效能之相關情形,透過整合15篇相關研究數據,採用後設分析為研究方法,期以巨觀角度探究我國校長正向領導與學校效能關係之現況,並分析調節變項之影響情形。本研究樣本的調查對象為現職初等、中等學校之教職員,並以教師性別(男性比)、擔任職務(兼行政職務比)、研究地區(分為北部6篇、中南部3篇、全國6篇研究)及學校教育階段(分為國小9篇、國中3篇、中等學校3篇研究)為調節變項加以分析。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、正向領導與學校效能相關研究有成長趨勢,又以北部地區、國小教育階段居多。 貳、整體正向領導與學校效能關係為正相關,具大效應量。 參、正向領導分層面與學校效能關係均為正相關,且為大效應量。 肆、建立正向關係與學校效能間相關程度最高。 伍、研究地區、學校教育階段對於整體正向領導與學校效能關係具有調節效果。 一、研究地區:關聯程度北部大於中南部。 二、學校教育階段:關聯程度隨學校教育階段升高而有提升之趨勢。 陸、研究地區、學校教育階段對於校長正向領導分層面與學校效能關係皆具有調節效果,另,教師性別為正向溝通與學校效能關係之調節變項。 一、研究地區:北部地區校長正向領導分層面與學校效能的關聯性均較中南部地區為高。 二、學校教育階段:正向領導分層面的正向氣氛、正向關係、正向溝通與學校效能之關係隨學校教育階段愈高而愈強;正向意義與學校效能關係之強度隨著學校教育階段的升高而有降低之趨勢。 三、教師性別:男性教師所佔的比率越高,正向溝通與學校效能的關聯性越高。 最後,根據研究發現提出建議,以供學校校長、學校教育人員及未來研究者參考。 壹、積極實施校長正向領導以促進學校效能。 貳、從正向關係著手,有效實施正向領導。 參、以南部學校為重,加強推廣正向領導。 肆、從中等學校著手,積極推動正向領導。 伍、從初等學校著手,強調賦予正向意義。 陸、與男性教師相處可多運用正向溝通。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness by integrating the findings of 15 researches related. In order to understand the current status of the relationships between principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness in Taiwan on a macroscale and explore the influences from moderator variables, the present research employs meta-analysis as methodology. Educators of elementary and secondary education were recruited as samples, and teachers’ gender (male ratio), positions (administrative ratio), location of research (including six papers of the north, three papers of the central south, and six papers of national) and education level of school (including nine papers of elementary school, three papers of junior high school, and three papers of secondary) were adopted as moderator variable. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.The researches about principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness showing a growth trend, and mostly in the north and elementary school. 2.The overall principals’ positive leadership is positively correlated with school effectiveness, and the effect size is large. 3.The sub-variables of principals’ positive leadership are positively correlated with school effectiveness, and the effect size are large. 4.The correlation between positive relationship and school effectiveness is strongest. 5.The location of research and education level of school as a moderator variable in the relation between overall principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness. (1) The location of research: the correlation of the north is bigger than the central South. (2) The education level: the correlation will enhance as the education level increases. 6.The location of research and education level of school as a moderator variable in the relation between sub-variables of principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness. In addition, teachers’ gender has moderating effects only between positive communication and school effectiveness. (1) The location of research: the correlation between sub-variables of principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness of the north are stronger than the south. (2) The education level: the correlation between positive climate, positive relationship, positive communication, positive meaning, and school effectiveness will enhance as the education level increases; however, the correlation between positive meaning and school effectiveness will decrease as the education level increases. (3) Teachers’ gender: the higher the proportion of male teacher is, the stronger the correlation between positive communication and school effectiveness will be. Suggestions were made based on the findings of this study to serve as reference for school principals, school educators and future researches. 1.Implement principals’ positive leadership positively to promote school effectiveness. 2.To implement positive leadership effectively, one has to start with positive relationship. 3.Put schools of the south first and keep popularizing positive leadership. 4.Promote positive leadership positively starting with secondary education. 5.Emphasize the reinforcement of positive meaning starting with elementary education. 6.Get along with the male teachers can use positive communication more often.

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