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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

茶舖商業計畫書 / Tea house business plan

李仁德, Lee III, Renato W. Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan has been prepared to provide the reader with information about Formosa Tea House, including business structure, company goals, projected growth, venture capital requirements, start-up costs, an investment analysis and the industry trends. Formosa Tea House is a proposed tea house located in the General Manila Area. It will be managed by a seasoned Banker whose love and knowledge of tea leaves will make the transition to owning and running a tea shop as a natural step which was born out of passion. His interest in tea leaves and the proper way of brewing and serving tea was enriched by his stay in Taipei, Taiwan were true tea connoisseurs have enjoyed both the luxury and benefits of tea drinking for decades. Formosa Tea House will offer a full range of teas (hot and iced), as well as pastries, premium chocolates, tea accessories, and loose tea for self-brewing and to be enjoyed at home or gifts to friends and love ones. The store will be manned by a master “Teatender” and the proponent has been learning proper brewing techniques for the last six months. All “Teatenders” will be trained in the proper storage, brewing, and serving of each kind of tea. Our goal is to provide the finest premium teas and chocolates in the Greater Manila Area in a relaxed and very upscale environment. The owners are investing $10,330 of their own money into the business while an additional 6 year loan of $53,633 will be needed to fund initial company operations. Based on the company’s well-researched and conservative sales forecasts, projected sales will be over $190,000 in the first year, with continued moderate increases through year 3. The proponents project a net profit in the first year of over $19,000, with steadily increasing net worth for the foreseeable future.

開設Betty花店的商業企畫書 / A Business Plan for Betty's Florist

賈大衛, Joughin, David Unknown Date (has links)
Betty’s Florist is a small shop located in Taipei City, Taiwan. It opened in 2006 in a store front recently purchased for the purpose. In the years since its opening, the shop has been able to cover its expenses, including the repayment of the loan financing the real estate. The owner had never looked at the flower business and the building as separate investments to determine whether gains by one were offset by losses from the other. Four possible scenarios are proposed as a result of this plan: operate the business in its current location, operate the business but sell the property and move to new location, abandon the business and hold the property, and abandon the business and sell the property. Analysis of the business revealed that while the business was generating a small amount of cash after payment of the loan, the owner had never allowed for a reasonable salary for herself, in effect making a large monthly investment in the business/ building combination. This plan then determines that the failure of the business to provide an adequate return stems from a combination of a poor location and complete lack of sales and promotion efforts. It then provides a detailed plan to reverse the losses, predicting a change to profitability in 2013. An independent analysis of the property revealed that it has indeed been profitable over the investment period. It is not expected to produce gains or losses in excess of the cost of capital in years to come. Since the real estate investment does not produce a large expected loss, it has been determined that the best option is to continue the business in its current location, pending a firm commitment by the owner to adopt the strategic changes.

Easy Pasta上海創業計畫 / Business Plan of Easy Pasta in Shanghai

高紀光, Kao, George Unknown Date (has links)
Easy Pasta上海創業計畫 / In the food industry market, especially Asian food markets such as Shanghai, Taipei, and other major cities, currently the major concerns of consumer groups are practically food safety, food quality, and the service quality. In order to have a successful business it is important to make sure those three factors are all taken into consideration when operating a restaurant. Through my observations and living experiences in Shanghai, we have found that Easy Pasta will be able to cater to certain segments of the general population, in particular, the parts of the populace where people are rushed for time during lunch and dinner, and we are confident that it will be able satisfy the clients requests of good food, speedy and good service. Easy pasta originates from the streets of Venice, and Easy pasta’s goal will be to bring authentic Italian food into the client’s hands in the shortest time possible, along with the best service that can be provided. There will of course be doubters of this business, but in this business plan we outline the important strategies to achieve full success in this field, and we will be able to, if we follow our plans strictly, to be able to differentiate ourselves from the other restaurants offering similar products. One of the key points of this business plan is to remove ourselves from the over competitive Red ocean of business, and enter ourselves into the Blue ocean of business, enabling us to be entirely different than the majority of our competitors

獵人學校之行銷推廣計畫 / Business plan for running hunter school

黃脩程, Huang, Ray Unknown Date (has links)
獵人學校之行銷推廣計畫 / None

發行美國雜誌國際中文版創業計畫 / Business plan for publishing international Chinese edition of US magazine in Taiwan

陳怡安, Chen, Annie Unknown Date (has links)

論安德烈‧魯布廖夫作品之歷史傳承與獨創性─以《三位一體》聖像畫為例 / Tranditionality and Singularity of Andrei Rublev's Icon "Trinity"

吳健瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討安德烈‧魯布廖夫《三位一體》之歷史傳承與獨創性,該作乃畫家對於時代課題反思的結果,蘊含豐富的文化意涵。本文將透過《三位一體》之創作緣由、源流演變、內容分析以及同類型創作之對照剖析其各層面文化意義。 第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、目的、途徑、方法與限制,同時匯整與分析參考文獻,提出研究架構;第二章乃探討十四世紀初至十五紀前三十年莫斯科畫派之發展與代表創作;第三章為魯布廖夫生平、創作歷程以及代表作品之論述;第四章則探討魯布廖夫《三位一體》之創作緣由、典故以及源流演變,同時透過《三位一體》內容之分析與同類型創作之對照突顯其歷史傳承與獨創性,最後論述安德烈‧魯布廖夫相關創作與影響;第五章為結論。


游富勝 Unknown Date (has links)

漢代畫像石雙龍穿璧圖及其文化象徵研究--以山東地區為主的考察 / Study on Stone Reliefs "Shuang Long Chuan Bi" Image of Han Dynasty and its Cultural Symbol--A Study focusing on Shandong

楊于萱 Unknown Date (has links)


邱涼化 Unknown Date (has links)
無論是對一個企業機構,或是一個國家,推動研究發展計畫,所需的人力往往是組織內部的菁英分子,所需的資金亦相當龐大。其成果,對企業的興衰存亡,對國家經濟社會的進步,也往往是決定性的因素。但是,由於研究發展計畫進行之高度不確定性,而外界法律、政治、經濟、科技環境改變又相當迅速,計畫的追蹤與管制,但顯得更要而且必要。但是,科技研究專案計畫之執行過程,所面對的問題多屬無法預先知曉者,執行者是否在計畫推動過程掌握重點,預作防範,將是計畫成敗的決定因素。 在鑒於此,本研究即在研究之始,設定目標來探討科技研究專案計畫執行守程間所將遭遇之種種問題,並分析這些問題之間的關係,以期探討出一般在科技研究專案計畫執行過程中所需要掌握的重點。 本研究利用文獻探討法探討國內外有關專案計畫執行問題的研究文獻,以及開放式個人訪談法蒐集國內推動科技研究專案專家們的意見。歸結出來包括「上級或委託單位對計畫要求達成之目標不明確」等四十五個在科技研究專案計畫中,經常會發生的問題。再依系統化抽樣方式,擇定國內科技研究計畫執行人員六百五十位,以前述問題製成之問卷,以郵寄訪問法作意見調查。 針對問卷調查結果,先以比較分析法分析意見分佈情形,再以多變量分析方法中之多元迴歸分析、變異數分析、因素分析,及無母數統計分析法之等級相關分析等分析技術作進一步的探索。 意見分佈情形分析結果顯示:科技研究計畫委託單位的限制與繁雜的管制問題、時間及預算的管理、及執行人員與委託單位的認知差異為國內科技研究專案主持人在主持計畫的執行過程中,最常發生的問題。而法令限制轉趨嚴格、外界的抨擊、及競爭才對抗行動的衝擊等,則是最不常發生的問題。 不同種類的專案計畫間,大部份問題皆有共同的傾向,但是,少部份的問題,在嚴重程度或發生頻率上,皆有相當顯著的差異。其中,以工程類與管理類科技計畫間,以及農醫類與管理類計畫間,有較多的問題有顯著的差異。而且,一般來說,嚴重程度愈高的問題愈常發生,同時愈傾向於由上級或委託單位來解決。 經過因素分析後,四十五個科技研究專案計畫之執行問題可以縮減到十一個基本的問題構面。這些構面遭遇的頻繁程度依序為:時效管理、預算管理、專案目標規劃、專案執行規劃、採購管理、向上協商、技術管理、時效管理、內部溝通與管理、公共關係管理、及外界環境變化衝擊等幾項。各問題構面在不同專案種類、主持人的專案經驗、或是主持人的背景因素。其發生頻率幾乎都各有其差異顯著項目。 根據分析結果,本研究獲得以下的結論: 一、針對各別的科技研究專案計畫,必須依據其所欲達成的目標及所規劃的執行計畫,選取管理控制的重點建立差異衡量標準,構築衡量綱路,以構建專案管制架構。 二、管理探制重點的選取可以從專案計畫之執行成效及外部環境衝擊兩方面之十一個構面來考慮。而各評估構面的相對重要性及其衡量方法則必須由專案計畫的目標及特性來決定,重要的是必須配合計畫之策略目的。 三、在成效趨勢衝量方面不僅要考慮對專案計畫成效造成不利的趨勢,同時,也要評估有利的趨勢。因為,在行動決策時,針對不利趨勢,可以考慮修正、調整、甚至於中止專案計畫來因應之。對於有利的趨勢,也同樣可以考慮擴大專案計畫的執行面來因應。 四、在調整動作決策方面,則可以考慮目標的修正及執行計畫的調整兩方面。

透過畫圖教單字:一個個案研究 / Teaching Vocabulary through Drawing: A Case Study

黃惠真, Huang,Hui-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討字彙教學透過畫圖是否對字彙學習記憶方面有顯著效益。本實驗對象為八十九位桃園縣立平鎮高中高一兩班的新生,該兩班受試者經過全民英檢初級測試後證實幾乎具有相同英文能力,因此將其中一班視為實驗組,另一班則為控制組。兩組受試者接受三課的字彙教學以及一課單字自學。實驗組接受傳統字彙教學法,且須依照字彙的意義或字彙所形成之句子的意義來畫出一個圖。而控制組則只接受傳統字彙教學法。接受字彙教學後,兩組分別進行四次立即字彙測驗,四次延宕字彙測驗,以及第一次段考中的字彙測驗。最後,九位實驗組的受試者並接受訪談,從訪談中,調查他們對於此次實驗教學的滿意度。所有實驗階段所得的資料再由研究者進行質與量的分析。 研究發現,實驗組在所有的字彙測驗中都比控制組表現的好。此外,兩組之間大部分字彙測驗的結果均達顯著的差異。大部分受試者亦表示畫圖對於學習字彙的確有幫助。這些結果證實學習者透過畫圖可以幫助自己將字彙記得更深刻且更久,學習者可盡量利用畫圖記憶更多的字彙來增強英文能力。因此,本研究建議英文老師可在課堂上對學生介紹如何運用畫圖來改善字彙的學習與記憶。 / The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of drawing on vocabulary learning. In addition, the students’ responses to the study were also discussed. Eighty-nine Taiwan students were selected from Ping-jeng senior high school in Taoyuan County. The subjects were further divided into two groups—the experimental group and the control group—of almost the same English proficiency level. The experimental group received the traditional vocabulary instruction plus drawing according to the meaning of the words or the sentences the words occur in, while the control group received the traditional vocabulary instruction only. Four immediate word quizzes, four delayed word quizzes, and the vocabulary section in the first periodical exam served as post tests. Finally, the instructor interviewed nine students from the experimental group to examine their responses to the study. The data collected in the experimental period were analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show that the experimental group performed better than the control group on all the post tests. Moreover, most students interviewed took positive attitude toward the study. In other words, the results provide empirical evidence that drawing indeed has positive effects on vocabulary learning. Students can utilize drawing to memorize as much vocabulary as possible to strengthen their English proficiency. Thus, English teachers are encouraged to introduce drawing to students in class in order to facilitate the learners’ vocabulary learning.

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