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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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楊豐松, Yang, Feng-Sueng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來環境日益複雜且快速變遷,以「團隊(Team)」為基礎的組織型態愈形廣泛且重要。因此,如何形成團隊以及有效地團隊運作,已成為重要且熱門的議。尤其是知識創造如資訊系統發展(Information Systems Development, ISD),更是以專案團隊為普遍的組織型態。影響資訊系統發展專案團隊成敗因素甚多,但團隊中成員間之互動,如合作、溝通、信任與領導等影響至為重大。傳統經濟學假設個人會採自利行為以追求最大效用與報酬;但在長期的組織與工作環境的互動下,個人採取合作、利他行為,更能達到雙贏的結果。因此,本研究以疊代囚犯兩難賽局為基礎,探討團隊組織具有特定互動結構的條件限制下,個人策略及團隊成員的演化策略;且在不同的演化控制機制,是否會促成以合作取代背叛之策略。並將其應用於資訊系統發展專案團隊之運作,探討在「技能相依」的團隊組織結構下,多組兩人(multiple two-person)互動之個人策略與團隊的組織政策之關係,進而探討促成團隊成員採取利他且合作的行為之「突現」,以提供資訊系統發展專案團隊管理之參考。故本研究之主要目的在於探討團隊中疊代囚犯兩難賽局成員之演化策略,以及資訊系統發展團隊合作之突現。 本研究以多重代理模擬模式進行實驗及統計檢定驗證。模擬結果發現:(一)本研究多重代理模式,模擬疊代囚犯兩難賽局之結果,與Axelrod(1987)之結果相似,並解除其環境固定的限制。(二)操控各種不同「團隊解散」基準與成員「演化方式」,進行七個實驗,結果顯示組織透過團隊成員「共演化」的結果,並可達到穩定狀態團隊償付值趨於一致。至於個人演化策略方面,結果發現,個人之演化策略並非均採一報還一報的策略,可透過某些「政策管控」機制,使團隊成員在互動及「演化」的過程中,促進「團隊合作」的「突現」。(三)若提高自利的誘因,結果發現策略傾向轉變為「背叛傾向」佔大部分;故償付矩陣的改變,是會影響合作的出現。另外,觀察在同一團隊中,演化的結果並不會讓團隊成員之策略趨於完全一致,亦即在團隊的合作中策略會有互補的情形發生。最後,(四)若「遺傳」是多樣化的策略組合,則演化結果基本上與(二)相同,個人演化策略仍然以「合作策略」居多,只是所需的時間較長且過程中震盪的幅度亦較大。 綜合以上結果顯示,在資訊系統的發展團隊組織中,可透過整體團隊績效評量方式,並做為專案團隊成員的組成與解散,以及團隊成員招募遴選的管控機制,且儘量避免增加誘導「個人式英雄」的績效評量標準,則可促成團隊成員在團隊工作中採取合作的策略;將有助於促進資訊系統發展專案團隊合作之「突現」。


黃冬玫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討物件導向系統發展知識管理的促成要素,並嘗試探討物件導向系統發展知識其可能來源管道與分類,從而發展出物件導向系統知識分享的機制,藉此將專案中相關人員及組織的內顯知識外顯化。歸納文獻探討,一個知識管理機制應該包括:(1)一個完善的知識管理作業流程,(2)一個健全的組織結構,(3)配合獎勵與績效評量制度及,(4)有效而正面的領導與文化。透過這樣的機制讓組織有效的收集及彙整組織內的可再用的知識,且成員可以簡單容易地擷取系統開發工具與方法的相關知識、傳播與交換組織或專案團隊人員的訊息,有效率的促進成員間及成員與產品間的協調與溝通,進而降低系統發展成本。  本研究經過統整將知識管理以「作業流程」、「企業文化」、「科技運用」、「組織制度」、「組織結構」、「領導風格」等六大構面來探討。其中「作業流程」又可分為「知識的記錄」、「知識的重整」、「知識的展現」與「知識的啟發」四個工作項目;「企業文化」方面則提出「鼓勵創新與自我實現」、「信任和共識」及「願意接受採用新知識的挑戰」三個重要方向;「科技運用」探討了在「知識作業流程」與「社群機制和績效評量」二方面的科技支援現況;「組織制度」方面針對「知識分享」、「績效評量」、「獎勵制度」與「培育訓練」提出相關做法;並提出物件導向系統發展之「組織結構」;「領導風格」方面則提出「運用溝通以建立互信」、「關切所需並主動協助」、「重視創新與開放環境」及「廣納建言及自我更新」等四項主要內容。

以多重觀點本體論驅策之系統發展方法 / Multi-view Ontology Driven System Development Methodology

張景堯, Chang, Jiing Yao Unknown Date (has links)
目前資訊系統之建置多為求速成而以採購所謂解決方案的套裝系統或元件拼裝為主,雖然此舉帶來軟體再用效益使建置成本降低但由於實施過程抽象化不足使得欲讓系統適應用戶環境時客製化困難且各套裝系統詞彙標準不一也造成資料整合時語意混淆,導致空有外殼讓系統與組織扞格不入而無法帶來實質效益。本研究所提之系統發展方法即是為解決上述情況以本體論為概念描述基礎分從靜態資料觀點、動態流程觀點及資訊技術觀點出發進而彙整發展具彈性與再用性之資訊系統。 本研究過程是植基於設計科學的系統發展研究方法論,將資訊系統開發流程分為五個階段,並根據設計科學的定義,驗證研究結果的四項產出:構件、模型、方法與實例,希從學術的嚴謹面提昇產出結果的品質。並藉著探討分析運用本研究之發展方法建置出的個案,其所得到之結果足以供後繼者建置或改善知識管理相關系統做參考。 / In these few decades, many organizations pursued of e-Solutions by selecting so-call off-the-shelf packages or mixed 3rd party components to promote the reusing value and reduce the cost of implementation. However, there is no single solution suitable for all types of organization and customized or hybrid system must be inevitable to face the consistency problem. We believe the proper abstraction and ontological commitment can help in these situations. From this point of view, we propose the information system development methodology which is aiming to implement the flexible and reusable ontology driven information system from the view of static domain data, dynamic workflow and abstract technology. In this study, we conduct the system development research methodology based on design science. In order to easily note, we divide the research process into five stages. According to the criteria of design science, we will examine the research results: constructs, models, methods and instantiations for consolidating the quality of research outputs. Besides, we will show the cases which are implemented by proposed methodology for further study and suggestion of improving present system development issues.

行動旅遊服務分類及系統發展研究 / Classification and system development for mobile tourism services

張小萍, Chang, Hsiao Ping Unknown Date (has links)
行動服務分類與系統開發是一個理論上與實務上重要的議題,其中以應用在旅遊業的行動旅遊服務備受關注。本研究試圖提出以多觀點的角度來找出、分類、評估與開發具有價值的行動旅遊服務。也就是說,本研究試圖提出有價值的行動旅遊服務與服務分類,透過多觀點的角度來評估研究所提出的行動旅遊服務與服務分類,並提出系統開發架構與方法,透過雛型系統建置來驗證系統開發方法的可行性與雛型系統的效能。 本研究範圍主要在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務,主要研究貢獻在於服務分類架構與系統開發架構。本研究試圖透過服務分類架構將企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務彙整出企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類,並透過旅客、電信業者與旅遊業等多觀點來評估本研究所提出的企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務與服務分類。本研究並根據系統開發架構來建置與評估企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的雛型系統,來驗證本研究所提出的行動旅遊服務的可行性。為了驗證本研究所提出的服務分類架構的可應用性,本研究試圖將此服務分類架構延伸應用到企業內部的行動旅遊服務,並透過管理階層與員工雙方的觀點整理出企業內部的行動旅遊服務與服務分類。 本研究的研究方法主要為設計科學。透過文獻探討、半結構化的群組訪談與問卷調查來找出、分類與評估企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務與服務分類。透過物件導向系統發展方法與評估問卷來建置並評估企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的雛型系統。做為一個延伸研究,企業內部的行動旅遊服務與服務分類所採用的研究方法包括文獻探討、半結構化的焦點團體討論與半結構化的田野訪談。 在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類研究結果發現:(1) 在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類中,行動搜尋與通知服務、行動推薦服務、行動交易與付款服務為三項旅客認為最有用,且電信業與旅遊業都認為最重要、最可行、最符合成本效益的服務;(2) 相較於旅遊業,電信業對於企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務態度上較積極;(3) 旅遊業與電信業者對於所提出的企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的評估,在評分排序上是相同的。 本研究亦建置行動推薦服務的雛型系統,來說明系統發展架構與設計方法。行動推薦服務會依據旅客現在的位置與時間,以及個人偏好與需求,來進行個人化的地點相關的推薦,包括景點推薦、飯店推薦、餐廳推薦與旅遊行程推薦等。系統滿意度調查顯示該雛型系統具有高度系統滿意度。 就企業內部的行動旅遊服務分類的研究結果顯示,不同管理階層對於企業內部的行動旅遊服務有不同的需求,而不同的企業內部的行動旅遊服務在技術上的難易程度也不同。透過企業內部的行動旅遊服務分類架構,很容易瞭解到該企業內部的行動旅遊服務在技術上的複雜度與管理上的需求程度。這樣的服務分類架構對於規劃與開發企業內部的行動旅遊服務,提供一個參考基準與指引。此外,本研究結果指出,行動旅遊品質控管服務對管理階層來說,是很重要、可行與符合成本效益的服務。而行動銷售支援服務對管理階層來說,是一個可行有效但不是很重要的服務。最後,本研究建議後續研究將本研究所提的服務分類架構與系統開發架構應用到其他的行動服務領域,以驗證本研究所提出的服務分類架構與系統開發架構的可應用性。 / The service classification and system development of mobile services is an important issue both in research and in practice, and research attention is called to the mobile services for the tourism industry. This study tries to identify, classify, evaluate, and develop value-added mobile tourism services with multiple perspectives. That is, user groups with different perspectives are asked to evaluate the proposed value-added mobile tourism services as well as a mobile tourism service classification framework. Moreover, this study also proposes the system development framework and processes, and the prototype system is built and evaluated to validate the feasibility of the proposed system development framework as well as the effectiveness of the prototype system. The research scope is focused on the B2C mobile tourism services, and the main contribution of this study is the proposed service classification framework and the system development framework. This study tries to identify and classify B2C mobile tourism services based on the proposed service classification framework and processes. Moreover, tourists, 3G operators and the tourism industry are asked to evaluate the proposed B2C mobile tourism services as well as the service classification. Based on the proposed system development framework and processes, this study also builds and evaluates the prototype system to validate the feasibility of the proposed B2C mobile tourism services. To validate the appliance of our service classification framework, an extension research to the B2E mobile tourism services is also conducted. Management perspectives including managers and employees are taken into accounts to summarize the B2E mobile tourism services and the service classification framework. The research methodology used in this study is the design science research methodology. With literature reviews, semi-structured group interviews, and surveys to identify, classify, and evaluate B2C mobile tourism services as well as the service classification. The prototype system of the B2C mobile tourism services is built through object-oriented system analysis and design, and the survey questionnaire is used for the system evaluation of the prototype system. As an extension study, the B2E mobile tourism service classification research is built with literature reviews, semi-structured focus group discussions and semi-structured field interviews. The B2C mobile tourism service classification research results are as follows. (1) The mobile search & notification services, the mobile recommendation services, and the mobile transaction & payment services are top three useful B2C mobile tourism services valued by tourists, and these three B2C mobile tourism services are top three most important, feasible and cost-benefit effective services from the 3G operators’ and travel agencies’ perspectives. (2) The 3G operators hold more positive attitudes towards the B2C mobile tourism services than the tourism industry does. (3) Tourism industry sets the same priority list toward the proposed B2C mobile tourism services as the 3G operators do. In this study, an application prototype of mobile recommendation services is also implemented to illustrate the development framework and design methods. The mobile recommendation services provide personalized and location-based recommendations regarding sightseeing spots, hotels, restaurants, and packaged tour plans based on tourists’ current location and time, as well as personal preferences and needs. Results from the system evaluation indicate high system satisfaction toward the prototype system. Based on the research results of the B2E mobile tourism service classification, different management levels have different needs for B2E mobile tourism services, and different B2E mobile tourism services have different technology complexities. Through this B2E mobile tourism service classification framework, it is easy to understand the technology complexities of the B2E mobile tourism services and managerial needs for the B2E mobile tourism services. Such service classification framework offers a reference baseline and guidance for planning and system development of B2E mobile tourism services. Moreover, this research results show that from managers’ perspectives, the mobile tour quality control services are important, feasible, and cost-benefit effective while the mobile sales support services are feasible, effective, but not so important services. Finally, future researches are suggested to apply the service classification framework and system development framework to other mobile service domain to validate the appliance of the proposed service classification framework and system development framework.

系統功能演化之需求分析方法論 / Requirements Analysis Methodology for System Functional Evolution

劉季綸, Liu, Chi-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
在重視集體智慧、重視服務、且需要因應環境快速變遷的年代,傳統的系統開發方法論雖然有其不可磨滅的價值,但已經顯露出其不足之處。為了順應時代的潮流,方法論必須指引企業去聆聽大眾的心聲,以期確保系統提供優質的服務,方法論也必須指引資訊人員運用有異於以往的手法與步驟,與其他部門和大眾共同合作,來持續不斷地維護系統,使得系統得以注入新的生命力而不斷演進。 為了提出一套不斷吸納使用者的新需求來規劃系統演進的功能需求分析方法論,本研究以哲學詮釋學為基礎,並佐以軟體工程相關文獻,將持續吸納新需求來促進系統演進的抽象概念,化為具體可執行的步驟。本需求分析方法論是針對使用者提議的需求進行初步分析與確認,可分為兩個主要部分:需求形成流程、與衝突處理流程。需求形成流程是分析使用者所提出之功能性需求的主要方式,其中包含了提出新需求、分析新需求在商業活動與科技層次的影響、估計新需求的成本效益來決定是否實作、排序實作的優先權、並且了解新功能的釋出時間的期望。而衝突解決流程是為了解決各方人馬的歧見所造成的爭端,衝突解決的方式包含了自行協商、第三方中間人介入協調、以及高層決策小組的裁決。 為了讓企業外界的大眾提議新需求,本研究發展了一套以部落格為基礎的新需求提議工具,讓網友可在部落格上提出自己對新功能的想法。此外,為了協助企業判斷新需求是否會觸發衝突解決流程,本研究根據哲學詮釋學,將使用案例(Use cases)加以延伸修改,提出一套後設模型,並輔以知識本體,據此來提出一套規則,讓本工具能自動偵測新需求與系統既有設計之間是否有所抵觸,而規則亦可進一步應用在新需求間的衝突上。 為了初步瞭解本研究所提之方法論與工具的優缺點,本研究與中時電子報和民視購物網合作,來試用此方法論與工具。透過試用之後的訪談得知,本方法論與工具有其價值,而也獲得了不少寶貴的試用意見。最後,本研究根據試用的諸多意見,對方法論與工具的改善上,提出了具體的改良作法與方向。 / Nowadays, companies have to respect collective knowledge and improve service quality for adapt their rapidly changing environment. Traditional systems development methodologies may be still valuable but have shortcomings. To accommodate customer-driven trend, new methodologies must guide enterprises to listen to customers for ensuring high-quality system services. New methodologies also have to guide developers to carry out cross-department and customer-centered collaboration in new ways for maintaining systems cyclically. This research proposes a user requirements analysis methodology according on philosophical hermeneutics and software engineering literature. The proposed methodology includes requirements formation and conflict resolution. Requirements formation process involves new user requirement proposition, commercial and technical impact analysis, cost benefit estimation, coding prioritization, and new version release scheduling. Conflict resolution process involves negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Besides the proposed methodology, this research also develops a blog-based tool for collecting user requirements on Internet. This research extends and modifies use cases diagram and use philosophical hermeneutics as a foundation to propose a meta-model. This research also proposes a set of rules for conflict detection. Base on the proposed meta-model, ontologies, and the proposed rules, the blog-based tool can automatically detect conflicts between new requirements and existing design. These proposed rules also can apply to detect conflicts among new requirements. An online newspaper company and an online shopping mall try to use this methodology and the blog-based tool. In the interviews, they confirm this methodology’s and tool’s values and give several suggestions for improving the methodology and the tool. Finally, this research discusses the improvements and future research directions according to these suggestions.

“新一代”軟體開發者選擇敏捷式系統發展方法論之傾向:學習後之效應探討 / The intention of selecting agile system development methodology among new generation of software developer: the effects of post-learning

湯金翰, Tang, Chinhan Unknown Date (has links)
90年代的後期,敏捷式系統發展方法開始被倡導。相對於傳統的系統發展方法,敏捷式系統發展方法著重於回饋機制而非事前的計畫、以人為中心而非以流程為中心。這樣的方法希望能助於提高組織對回應市場、客戶的效率,進而提高效益。目前在商場中使用此方法做為開發工具的企業仍是少數,本研究希望透過探討敏捷式系統發展方法論的使用時機來進行教學,進而得知系統開發人員對於接受敏捷式系統發展方法的關鍵因素,並藉此了解該如何在企業中導入此方法。本研究發現除了使用此方法的能力會影響影響使用意圖之外,在內在因素方面也包含了公司結構與團隊因素,外部因素則包含了顧客與成功案例因素,這些都是接受敏捷式系統發展方法的關鍵因素。本研究希望根據以上的分析結果,提出敏捷式系統發展方法導入之建議,提供組織做為參考用。 / Awareness of agile system development methodologies (SDM) has grown among information systems development community in recent years. Many of their advocates consider the agile and the plan-driven SDMs polar opposites. Indeed there are circumstances where agile SDMs are more suitable than plan-driven SDMs. Yet, there have been few studies on understanding developers’ adoption intention. This paper takes an initial attempt to gauge new generation of software developers’ intention to select agile SDMs. To many of these developers, agile SDMs are relatively new if not unheard of, in order to assess their intention to choose such category of methodologies, this research first introduced the methodologies to a group of 21 IS-major graduate students and discussed how and when to use agile SDMs. Then a survey was conducted, which was comprised of two parts of questions: agile SDM self-efficacy and intention to use. PLS analysis results showed that agile SDM self-efficacy influence the intention to use through performance outcome expectation, personal outcome expectation, and affect. Although the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety was not confirmed, anxiety does affect intention to use. The fact that direct relationships between all four emotive variables and the intention to use are established implies that in order to encourage the use of agile SDMs, the focus should be emotive variables, and that self efficacy may be just one of various ways to promote the favorable emotional states. In addition, these participates were invited to a three-round Delphi test and analytic hierarchy process to retrieved their concerns about accepting or rejecting agile SDMs. Ten key factors were extracted and categorized. Adding up the pros and cons, team dimension is the most important dimension, which explains individual first concerns about how the collaboration when using agile SDMs. Other than team dimension, customer, corporate structure, project, success cases and methodology dimensions were consistent with the literatures. Thus our study provides a critical understanding of the factors that affect new generation of software developers’ intention to select agile SDM.

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