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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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孫士育 Unknown Date (has links)
抵押貸款提前清償對金融機構及不動抵押擔保證券的投資人是一種風險,其會使得抵押擔保擔保證券的現金流量及存續期間的影響最不確定。國內在學術研究上,關於銀行與壽險公司在提前清償方面之比較的文獻仍是少數,因此,本論文主要是探討銀行與壽險公司之借款人抵押貸款提前清償的個別行為模式,進而比較兩行為模式的差異性,希望未來金融機構在評估不動產抵押擔保證券的價值時,必須考慮對不同的金融機構有不同的評估標準。 本研究利用某銀行與某壽險公司的個人住宅抵押貸款資料,將資料分成個人條件、貸款契約條件、地區經濟三大面共十個變數,探討造成提前清償的可能因素及分析銀行與壽險公司在提前清償的行為有何不同,使用的計量方法為Logit模型、CHOW Test、及Testing for Structural Stability of Regression Model(Gujarati,1995),實證結果顯示,不管是銀行或壽險公司,性別、年齡、攤還期間、契約利率、貸款成數、屋齡對提前清償有一致的行為,其中契約利率對兩者尤其顯著;而所得、貸款金額、所在地則會因償還的對象而有不同的提前償還行為。

我國財政赤字之結構性分析-EU與OECD國家調整方法之運用 / The structural analysis of Taiwan's fiscal deficit

張家瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
我國財政狀況在1980年代初期尚稱穩健,然自1988年起,陸續進行公共設施保留地徵收、推動六年國建計畫及各種社會福利措施後,赤字急遽惡化,加以頻繁的減稅措施陸續推出,財政產生基本失衡。由於政府財政問題,基本上可區分為由於景氣循環、短期事件或結構性與制度性因素等所造成,世界主要國際組織,大多以剔除景氣循環因子及短期因子後之結構性財政餘額,做為評估政府財政狀況之指標,因此本文透過文獻整理,歸納出EU及OECD國家剖析結構性財政狀況之方法,並試圖運用該分析架構,欲探討我國近30年來財政赤字之根本問題。結果發現,我國在1981-2009年間,近半數年度之財政餘額,藉由景氣循環因子及短期因子之影響,掩飾了結構性財政赤字更為嚴重的事實,進一步排除利息支出之影響後,顯示我國超過6成以上年度之主要結構性財政餘額亦為赤字。 再者,我國在1981-2009年間結構性賦稅收入占GDP比重減少5.79個百分點,進一步按Kremer et al.(2006)所提出之分析架構進行探討後,結果發現,結構性賦稅收入減少主要係為立法改變所造成,其影響所及,占GDP比重減少達7.78個百分點,可知造成我國租稅負擔率較世界主要國家明顯為低,財政赤字日漸擴大,而債務餘額持續攀升之主因,在於租稅減免法規繁多,造成稅基流失,而賦稅收入無法隨經濟成長增加所致。

碳價波動影響因素之探討─以歐洲能源交易所碳交易為例 / Driving factors of carbon price volatility-example of european energy exchange AG

宋建緯 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來世人注目的焦點已從金融風暴議題,轉向了地球暖化、氣候劇變等問題,世界環境變遷造成人類巨大的傷害,已是國際組織與各國政府施政重點。在1997年12月於日本召開UNFCCC COP3,通過旨在限制溫室氣體排放的京都議定書,其中排放交易是指已開發國家間的合作,普遍被認為最具有成本效率性。 近年全球對於環境保護意識已有大幅提升,各國降低碳排放之手段可區分為技術面以及經濟面。本文以後者為主要探討重點,亦即透過經濟手段以促進減碳科技廣泛的應用。減碳的技術同時具備外部性及公共財的特性,降低二氧化碳排放對環境之效益並無法排除他人享受,因此若碳價波動過度劇烈將影響企業減碳投資意願時,政府須介入管制碳價格。本文先探討究竟影響碳價波動的主因為何,以利後續研究碳權價格波動和價格管制間,權衡對減碳投資與減碳成效的影響。 研究結果顯示,歐洲地區如北歐、東歐及南歐夏日氣候差異大,以及歐洲地區處於溫帶氣候因素使得極熱變數對碳價波動影響不顯著,但不保證其它地區有相同結論;能源價格對碳權價格有重大之影響,尤其原油最為明顯;由於匯率會影響能源價格,因此連帶影響碳價;極寒氣候對碳價有顯著影響,其先影響能源之供需,間接影響碳價之波動;SP之落後期在phase 2有縮短之趨勢,即天然氣與煤炭間之價差對碳價影響越來越大;進行碳價格之實證分析必須區分第一階段及第二階段,否則會造成估計上之不準確。不僅能源價格本身對碳價會有直接之影響,影響能源價格之變數亦間接影響碳價之波動,如氣候以及匯率,先經由透過能源價格變動再傳導至碳權價格。

聯準會模型在亞洲市場之實證分析 / An adjusted Fed-model for valuation of Asia stock markets

陳喬羚, Chen, Chiao Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討了收益率(earnings yield)和亞洲市場的長期政府債券收益率( long term government bond yield)的關係。並且運用結構性變異來以提高聯準會模型和股價的相關性。聯準會模型是用來判斷市場是否高估或低估股價或在其公允價值。本研究在亞洲十個主要市場進行實證研究,探討聯準會模型中不同的時間跨度的關係。結果顯示在亞洲國家,大盤的收益率和幾個月後的長期政府債券收益率之間有強關聯性。本研究通過迴歸分析研究來研究此模型的預測能力,並考慮不同的結構性變異檢定法ROC 和Bai_Perron檢定,結論顯示了ROC 檢定法更有效的偵測結構變異,提高聯準會模型的預測能力。 / This paper examines the possible relationship the earnings yield and long term government bond yield for the Asia markets. We apply structure break test to improve the Fed-model, which is used to judge whether stock prices are too high, too low or at their fair value. The paper examines the relationship proposed by the Fed- model with different time horizons. The findings reveal a strong association between long term government yield and the earnings yield in months later. The difference between the earnings yield and real bond yield is a shorthand measure for expected returns and we examine the predictive power of this measure by regression analysis. Considering ROC test and Bai_Perron test, it shows ROC test improves the forecasting power of Fed model with a better result.

高所得份額趨勢探討-分量迴歸下結構性改變之應用 / Trends in top income shares-structural changes in regression quantiles

賴沂良 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用Qu(2008)以及Oka and Qu(2011)分量迴歸下結構性改變檢定分析20世紀與二次世界大戰戰後不同區域與國家之高所得份額趨勢變化。不同以往一般結構性改變檢定,加入分量迴歸的概念研究一國家之高所得份額趨勢改變是否來自中高分量。不同區域的實證扣除考慮多個分量下沒有偵測出結構性改變的區域外,有一半支持高所得份額趨勢改變來自中高分量;戰後不同國家扣除考慮多個分量下沒有偵測出結構性改變的國家外,除了美國其餘國家都支持高所得份額趨勢改變來自中高分量。


吳香瑩, Hsiang-Yin Wu Unknown Date (has links)
2003年7月,證期會核准14家國內券商可發行新台幣結構性債券(Structure Notes),預估每年千億元以上的投資額,使得結構性債券成為各券商紛紛搶攻的商機;結構性債券利用財務工程及金融創新,將保本和高獲利相結合,依景氣及投資人的需要設計,不但可擴大券商的業務範圍及增添獲利空間,又可使投資人或企業得到多樣化的投資及避險管道;在聯結標的方面,利率連結的結構性債券將成為主流;逆浮動利率債券所付的債息,顧名思義,當市場利率愈低,逆浮動利率債券的息票利率會愈高,其付息方式是發行者支付固定利率與貨幣市場指標利率的差額,譬如每年投資人可收到以8%的「固定利率扣掉指標利率」的利息,指標利率常見的有一年期的定存利率、LIBOR、或是商業本票利率等等。由於指標利率會受經濟環境因素而變動,當指標利率愈低時,投資者所能獲得的利息也就愈高,反之則愈低,因此單就其付息條件來說,不難看出為何在低利率的大環境下,逆浮動利率債券會如此受到投資者的青睞。 本文運用了以Libor利率修正後的Hull & White利率模型,評價逆浮動的結構性債券,對其封閉解及解析解評價出合理價格;並以兩個市場上已發行的兩個實例做應用,針對各條款計算出價格,最後提出避險工具及探討,以理論及實務的角色建議主管機關未來開放的方向。


邱素芬 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2006年1月11日修正公布證券交易法,正式引進獨立董事及審計委員會制度。國內設置獨立董事制度時間尚短,正處於持續探索與完善的階段。不僅各界學者對此改革有不同看法,其實行效果亦有待檢驗。對於國內獨立董事制度未來將會如何發展,是否能夠發揮監督力量,仍有待觀察。   本研究以2001年至2005年之上市公司為研究對象,透過t檢定與迴歸模型分析我國獨立董事制度與監督績效之關係;檢視法令賦予獨立董事之職責是否確能發揮,並探討主管機關於2002年起積極鼓勵公司設置獨立董事是否對公司監督機制造成結構性改變。實證結果發現,獨立董事對公司重大事項能發揮監督功能,惟監督績效未如預期明顯,需有強化監督之必要;此外,公司監督機制於該制度實施前後存在結構性改變,此改變於制度實施當年度最顯著,之後隨著制度開始實施而逐漸縮小改變差距。 / The newly amended Securities and Exchange Law has stipulated the set up of independent directors and audit committee on January 11, 2006 in Taiwan. The set up of the system is only for a short time and continues to explore with the implementation. There are different views on the reform, and the efficiency has to be tested. The future development and oversight function of independent directors are needed to observe. This study examines the relationship of independent directors and monitoring effectiveness by using a sample of listed companies from 2001 to 2005. Whether the responsibilities under the Act are executed, and if there are structural changes because authorities encourage the initial public offerings set up independent directors since 2002. The results show that independent directors can play a major oversight function on major company matters, but monitoring effectiveness is not significant as expected and needs to strengthen it. In addition, there are structural changes before and after the implementation of policies, and it is most significant in 2002, after gradually smaller with time.

擔保債權憑證選擇權之評價與避險:跨期因子相關結構性模型之運用 / On the pricing and risk characteristics of options on CDO tranches

陳文萱, Chen,Wen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要利用信用價差的時間結構與信用投資組合的損失分配評價擔保債權憑證選擇權。利用跨期因子相關結構性模型找到信用價差的動態過程及損失分配跨期相關性。這篇論文也探討了擔保債權憑證選擇權的風險值。最後,我們發現遠期生效擔保債權憑證與其選擇權對跨期損失相關性有高度敏感性。 / This article tries to find the term-structure of credit spread and portfolio loss distribution to price an option on CDO tranche. Our solution is based on a multiple period of factor copula model proposed by Andersen to fit the dynamic credit spread process by considering inter-temporal loss correlations through time. We also extend the model of valuing European options on CDO tranches presented by Hull and White and discuss the Greeks of the option formula. We numerically test the dependence of forward-starting CDOs on the correlation of loss across time. With the results, we price the options on CDO tranches. Finally, we find forward-starting CDOs and options on CDO tranches can have strong sensitivity to inter-temporal loss correlation.

國中學生在絕對值相關問題之概念錯誤研究 / An investigation into junior high school students’ conceptual errors on absolute value

郭盈瑜, Kuo, Ying Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的主要為探討學生在解決絕對值相關題目時所遇到的困難,進而瞭解學生在解此類問題時出現錯誤之原因,希望研究的結果能夠提供教師作為補救教學或改進教學策略的依據,增進教學成效,並作為未來教學及研究的參考。   本研究採調查法,並輔之以訪談蒐集資料。第一階段為問卷調查,經由對絕對值相關概念作文獻探討,以及與多位數學教師討論之後,研究者以自編之絕對值相關概念試題本進行施測,藉此瞭解學生在各向度的答題情況,並且作為選擇訪談對象的依據。第二階段為無結構開放式訪談,主要訪談學生作答時之想法與解題策略,所有訪談皆全程錄音,並轉錄成文字檔後進行內容分析,進一步瞭解學生在概念上錯誤的內涵,以及探討解題困難產生的原因。   研究結果發現,學生在絕對值相關概念之錯誤可歸納出五大原因:過度簡化絕對值定義之口訣、無法進行絕對值概念中「幾何概念」與「算術概念」之間的轉化、不瞭解絕對值概念中各同義詞之間的關係、以偏概全絕對值之定義以及文字符號概念之理解困難。文後尚有提供絕對值相關教學改善的建議。 / This study aims to explore the kinds of difficulties encountered by junior high school students in solving problems related to absolute value as well as analyzing and identifying the probable causes of such difficulties. It is hoped that the results from this attempt can provide teachers with useful information regarding how to improve their instructional practices and plan remedial instruction, thereby enhancing their teaching effectiveness. The main methodology for this study is survey design supplemented with clinical interviews that allowed for in-depth information collection regarding problem solving strategies and difficulties from selected respondents. During the first stage, a literature review was conducted on research studies that focused on absolute values. This was followed by discussions with several junior high school mathematics teachers relating to learning difficulties they observed. Subsequently, a paper and pencil test instrument on absolute values with three main dimensions was compiled by the author to test the learning status of the participating students. Their performances would form the basis for selecting them to participate in the second stage of the study, namely, the interview phase. All clinical interviews were unstructured and they were recorded and transcribed into verbal records. Analyses were then performed to identify the presence of conceptual misunderstandings and explored the causes of such difficulties. It was found that students’ conceptual errors on absolute values can be classified into five different types, namely, oversimplifying the definition of absolute value into mnemonic phrases, inability to perform inscriptional transformation between geometric properties and arithmetical concepts of absolute values, incomprehension of the relationships among the synonyms related to the concept of absolute value, over-generalizing the definition of absolute values and difficulties in understanding the connotation behind letter symbols. Several suggestions regarding instructional practices as well as future direction of research based on the present findings were provided at the end of this study.

結構性改變ARIMA模式的建立與應用 / Structural Change ARIMA Modeling and Application

曾淑惠, Tseng, Shuhui Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,非線性時間數列分析是一個快速發展的課題,其中最為人所矚目 的是門檻模式。從過去許多文獻得知,一個簡單門檻模式對於某些型態時 間數列的描述,如結構性改變的行為趨勢,比一般線性ARMA模式更能解釋 實際情況。在本篇論文中,我們將討論有關門檻模式及結構性改變分析的 問題。對於模式的建立,我們提出一個轉型期的觀念,替代傳統尋求一個 轉捩點的方法,進而提出一個結構性改變ARIMA模式有效建立的程序。最 後,我們以台灣出生率當作應用分析的範例,並且利用建立的結構性改變 ARIMA模式,及其他傳統門檻TAR模式,傳統線性分析方法等進行預測分析 及比較。 / Non-linear time series analysis is a rapidly developing subject in recent years. One of special families of non-linear models is threshold model. Many literatures have shown that even simple threshold model can describe certain types of time series, such as structural change behavior, more faithful than using linear ARMA models. In this paper, we discuss some problems about the threshold model and structural change analysis. Instead of finding the change point, we present the change period concepts on the model- building. An efficient algorithem on constructing the structure change ARIMA models is proposed. Finally, we demonstrate an example about the birth rate of Taiwan, and the comparison of forecasting performance for the structure change ARIMA model with alternative models are also made.

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