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年長者入口網站事業計畫 / New business in Taiwan: 1399.com web portal site for the elders呂婉蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
年長者入口網站事業計畫 / Abstract
New business in Taiwan: 1399.com
Web Portal Site for the Elders
Wan-Jung Lu
This is a business plan for providing web portal site service to the late middle-aged and elders. First phase of this new business will focus in Taiwan. Future expansion to other Chinese-speaking territories is also possible.
Researches about internet usage in Taiwan as well as aging society trend all over the world all show huge potential for the late middle-aged or even elder generation to go online. Current portal site service in Taiwan, for example Yahoo, doesn’t fit into the needs of these users. 1399’s new business is to utilize technology to provide friendly portal service to the late-middle aged and the elder generation. As a portal site, 1399 will help easy and fast search as well as being a platform for internet communities. As long as the community is formed on the website, 1399 will be able to generate income by selling online advertisements and charging commissions of online shopping center.
This business plan includes data from major internet research institute, Taiwan Network Information Center, to indicate the growing trend of middle-aged and elder population going online. This plan also shows detailed execution plan for launching this new business in Taiwan.
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執行網站治理之研究 - 以高科技公司為例 / Implementing web governance - a case study of a high-tech company陳恩瑋, Chen, En Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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從電子商務看我國營業稅收損失及面臨之課稅困境----從線上拍賣網站談起郭朝枝, kuo, chao chih Unknown Date (has links)
一、 對線上拍賣網站所提供之服務,建議採自行報繳制度,而輔之以非居住者登記。及對轄區外之業者,其遠距銷售超過一定限額時,須在該轄區辦理註冊登記並報繳營業稅。並要求網路業者提供銷售勞務資料,進而對自行向所在地稅務機關報繳營業稅之勞務買受人所申報之營業稅產生勾稽作用。
二、 就實質上審查是否符合經常性原則。
三、 對藉由線上拍賣網站所提供之平台完成交易者,若其每月銷售額達統一發票使用標準二十萬元,則應要求其開立統一發票並報繳營業稅,若未超過則應按查定課徵方式課徵營業稅,惟若其每月銷售額低於營業稅起徵點六萬元,則應予免稅。另依稅捐稽徵法第三十條規定要求線上拍賣網站業者提供賣家交易之相關資料,俾達勾稽作用,防止B2C業者轉往C2C發展。
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Web 2.0 獲利模式之研究 / A study of the revenue model for web 2.0王昱富, Wang, Yu Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在發掘Web2.0網站的可能獲利模式,並找出不同獲利模式的關鍵成功因素。依據文獻探討,其獲利模式主要有三類:一、廣告獲利,二、訂閱收費,三、交易收費。本研究根據Web2.0定義:強調人際互動與內容分享,以「互動強度」與「內容來源」兩要素來將Web2.0網站分成四個象限之「網站分類IC矩陣」。象限一代表互動密切及內容原創,對應的例子為社群網站(SNS),象限三強調內容加值,對應的例子為資訊分享網站(Information Sharing),而社群與資訊分享正為最常見之兩類Web2.0網站。
研究結果得知愈靠近象限一之網站,如社群網站,愈適合向使用者收費作為獲利模式。愈靠近象限三之網站,如資訊分享網站,愈適合以廣告收費做為獲利模式。向使用者收費的方式包含訂閱收費與交易收費,若網站計畫進行訂閱收費,網站經營者必須檢驗自身網站服務的三個構面:這三個構面依重要性排列依序為「需求滿足、重要內容與差異化」、「資訊搜尋與服務品質」與「互動與安全機制」,其中最重要之區別因素為「差異化」。若網站欲以交易收費為主要獲利模式,則「重要內容」是影響使用者願意付費最重要的區別因素。 / The bursting of dot-com bubble in 2001 slows down the speedy trend of web. Until the emergence of Web 2.0, the internet rolls on again. The concept of Web 2.0 emphasizes on interaction among users and content sharing . It is a great challenge for Web 2.0 operator to convert the traffic to the profit.
The main purpose of the study is to discover the suitable revenue model for Web 2.0, and its key successful factors. There are three revenue models, (1) Advertising model (2) Subscription model (3) Transaction model. The study categorizes web environment into four quadrants by “Interaction intensity” and “Content source”, according to the Web 2.0 definition of user interaction and content sharing. The matrix is named as “IC Matrix” (“I” indicates interaction and “C” indicates content). Quadrant I indicates that the users interact each other closely and the content is created by user directly and creatively in the website. The corresponding example is Social Networking Service (SNS) website. Quadrant III indicates the site with value-added content. The corresponding example is Information Sharing (IS) website.
The study interview the actual websites to investigate the revenue model for different quadrant and its key factors, and a survey was to conduct to examine the impact of several factors on consumers’ willingness to pay for subscription–based service and transaction-based one.
The revenue model of the website can be decided by the location of IC Matrix, the more close to the quadrant I , such as SNS, the more suitable to the user fees as a revenue model, the more close to the quadrant III, such as IS, the more suitable to advertising fee as a revenue model. There are two kinds of user fees. One is subscription-base and the other is transaction-based. The most important factor of subscription-based fee is “differentiation” and the most important factor of transaction-based fee is “Essentiality”. Managerial implications based on our findings are discussed.
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以TRA模型探討國內旅遊網站--離線體驗及網站類型對網站再訪之影響 / An empirical research of domestic travel website base on theory of reasoned action: how offline experience and website classification influence website revisit intention林姿君, Lin, Tzu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以三次廠商深度訪談獲得網站使用者習慣的族群分類,並進行兩場針對不同目標族群的焦點團體訪談,搭配Google搜尋國內旅遊網站來找出研究對象的30個國內旅遊網站,本研究透過三項針對不同族群的管道來進行線上問卷發放,共回收309份有效問卷,以結構方程模型進行分析。研究發現旅遊網站的使用者行為符合TRA模型的整體架構,線上服務品質、滿意度以及主觀規範構面的社群意識都會影響消費者再度上該旅遊網站的使用意願,同時離線體驗對於網站的使用意願具有顯著影響,同時網站類別作為干擾變數探討離線體驗到消費意願的影響,研究發現無商業交易網站使用者對此具有顯著影響。基於以上資料分析,本研究提出相關管理意涵與建議,期望提供未來研究者進一步的參考。 / For the perpose of the research, Theory of Reasoned Action model (TRA) is executed for exploring the process of Taiwan online users’ domestic traveling information collection, from travel website info collection, actual journey experience to travel website reuse intention. The research probed into the influence of website service quality to website satisfaction, website satisfaction to website reuse intention, social norms to website reuse intention, offline experience to journey experience revisit intention, website reuse intention to journey experience intention and website reuse intention to actual website reuse behavior, respectively. Website income source is classified into e-commerce travel website and non-ecommerce travel website as a mediator in the research.
The research assorted travel website user habit by three corporate deep interviews. Then the research performed two focus groups triggered at different target groups, integrated with google research results in order to discover 30 largest and most popular Taiwan travel website. By three platforms the research reached target user to launch online questionnaire, and eventually collected 309 effective questionnaires then analyzed through SEM method. The results showed that the domestic travel website users’ behavior well suited TRA model structure. Website service quality, website satisfaction and social norms influence website reuse intention, meanwhile offline experience have influence on users’ website reuse intention as well. For the path analysis from offline experience to journey experience revisit intention, non-ecommerce website users as a mediator have well impact on it. According to the results above, the research brings up business suggestions for future research progress.
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廣告置入於社群網站遊戲之發展經營策略分析 / Operating Strategies for Product Placement in Gaming Business on Social-Networking Website陳君潔, Chen, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
廣告置入於社群網站遊戲之發展經營策略分析 / The Internet technology expanded in early 90’s, applications related to this technology also grew with it. Online applications are now developed not only for searching or e-mailing, but also develop to increase interaction between people and occupy more of people’s leisure time. In this business plan, we analyze Internet market trend and target users and find out possibility on investing in product placement advertising in browser games.
With limited budget and man power, we select simple browser game development combine with product placement sponsorship as our core business. By catching current social-networking website’s growing trend, we will select these types of websites as platform since they are usually free to use for game developers and have generate great numbers of members already. Our specialty is to custom made games for our sponsors. Sponsors’ product or brand name will be the main theme of a game or be product placement as billboards, flesh, or special items in a game. We can also combine our website banners and events to create media integration for our sponsor. Our goal is to help sponsors to reach their target consumer more frequently in a friendly gaming environment and increase target consumer’s brand preference.
Games we create can be made for nearly all kinds of industry. We will analyze and match suitable target consumer and recommend for our potential sponsors. Our target is to make two games for the first year and add one more new game in every following year. For each game, we create three types of sponsorships. Clients can select based on their current marketing need. We estimated we will have a negative balance in the first year, but will turn to positive in the second year right after we sold our three games’ sponsorship, and hopefully create more than one million year end balance in the third year. In the future, we can collect players’ data though their playing record and create our own data base center. We can analyze these data and provide research report for corporate. We can also use our game marketing experiences as our know-how to help international online game company develop Taiwanese market. And finally, we can develop into a professional online marketing and media integration company in the future.
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以訊息為基礎的STB管理平台陳錦棕 Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位電視產業的發展,將來每個家庭都會利用電視使用數據化的資訊服務,並且使得資訊管理的議題從企業轉向家庭。目前現行的國際標準有歐規的DVB-MHP以及美規的OCAP,均係試圖整合目前所有平台的標準,並且讓整體產業的各環節有最佳的技術解決方案。本研究採取訊息方式(Message-oriented Middleware, MOM)和WebSevices來設計社區機頂盒(set-top box, STB)的管理平台,並且藉由本研究所定義的商業模式(Business Model),來導入相關的理論設計,建置以服務為導向的STB管理平台,讓STB得以加強其內容服務與分享網際網路的資源。
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訊息類型,身份相似性,及先驗知識對於旅遊網站所連結旅遊部落格效果之影響 / The impact of massage type, source similarity, and individual’s prior knowledge on the effectiveness of travel website蕭富藍, Hsiao, Fulan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以線上實驗法來檢測旅遊部落格的訊息類型,來源專業性、及先驗知識,對於網友對旅遊網站功能的評估。屬於2(訊息類型:旅遊實用訊息/旅遊產品訊息)X2(來源相似性:高-學生 /低-領隊)雙因子設計。並測量受試者的先驗知識,作為測量變項。
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顧客關係管理與政府網站設計:稅務機關與文化行政機關網站之研究張鎧如 Unknown Date (has links)
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Web2.0社群網站服務品質之研究 -以Kano二維品質模式觀點林俊成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討Web2.0時代下社群網站的服務品質要素,以剛進入國內的世界最大社群網站「Facebook」為研究對象。以焦點團體訪談(Focus group)方式,輔以文獻支持,針對Facebook的使用者做深度訪談,探索使用者所在意的社群網站服務品質要素。訪談結果共整理出24個B2C,及12個C2C等共36個社群網站服務品質要素。再將36個服務品質要素結合Kano模式,探討每個要素的二維品質特性。同時 加入涉入程度、網站社交強度及使用者經驗為調解變數,探討不同涉入程度、網站社交強度及使用者經驗下,服務品質要素的二維品質分類特性。研究結果歸類出4個魅力品質、8個一維品質、16個必須品質及8個無差異品質。另外在不同涉入程度、網站社交程度及使用者經驗下,對於網站服務品質的二維品質皆有不同的分類。
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