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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王品傑 Unknown Date (has links)
美國會計師協會(AICPA)與加拿大會計師協會(CICA)在1998年推出WebTrust網站安全認證服務,以提供類似於財務報表簽證的方式,對網站之服務提供認證。WebTrust希望透過會計師在財務認證上之品牌聲譽及獨立性,並藉由提供較廣泛、較深度之服務內容,以取得消費者的青睞。本研究係探討國內網站認證市場之需求面,主要之研究發現為消費者對於網站認證標章有一定程度的了解,並認為WebTrust的服務內容相當重要。在網站認證服務競爭優勢之評估方面,會計師具有公信力及客觀之優勢。相較於其他網站認證機構而言,消費者認為會計師較適合提供隱私性服務。此外,本研究發現消費者對於網站認證標章有過度的期待,可能因而產生期望落差。相關業者在提供網站認證服務時,可能會產生潛在之訴訟風險,宜妥為管理及因應。 / The WebTrust assurance service was created through a joint effort between the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) in 1998. WebTrust uses an approach similar to the attestation of financial statements and provides assurance services to Web hosts. Utilizing the CPAs’ reputations and independence and more complete coverage of its assurance services, WebTrust aims to establish its presence in the Web assurance market. This study examines the demand side of Web assurance services. Our results show that consumers have fundamental understanding of Web assurance seals and recognize the importance of Web assurance services as provided by WebTrust. In addition, CPAs have advantage in credibility and objectivity over others Web assurance providers, and are more suitable in providing privacy assurance. It’s worthy noting, however, that there is an expectation gap between consumers and Web assurance providers. When offering Web assurance services, a provider may face the potential risk of lawsuit and should address the issue properly.

E化(B to C)E通路管理之顧客滿意度及品牌個性研究-以PayEasy購物網站為例

陳瑄婕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以康迅數位整合股份有限公司之PayEasy.com購物網站為研究個案,主要目的是為了探討探討PayEasy.com經營關鍵因素、了解PayEasy.com會員對於PayEasy購物網站E通路管理之滿意度及探研PayEasy.com會員對PayEasy購物網站品牌個性之滿意度。研究分文兩個部分:第一部份是採取質化之深度訪談,了解PayEasy.com網站經營之定位、行銷溝通、顧客關係管理及對其品牌個性等規劃及執行,並運用Sull成功方程式之理論模式,探討其經營關鍵因素。第二部分是採量化之問卷調查,以Stanley A. Brown提出的E通路管理五個構面(資訊構面、交易構面、分佈構面、服務構面)及David Aaker(1995)品牌個性尺度(純真、刺激、能力、高貴、粗獷五面向)和顧客滿意度作為量化研究的衡量構面,在彙整深度訪談後的結果與文獻探討之相關資料,發展成調查問卷,針對已有在PayEasy購物的會員作調查,共回收397份有效樣本。 本研究歸納出相關結論如下: 一、PayEasy.com購物網站經營關鍵因素 包括PayEasy.com掌握女性購物的利基市場與女性網友上網率竄升的趨勢、專業達人策略塑造自有品牌的獨特性,並利於商品的價格控制、與專業達人、廠商、物流、客服中心、信用卡相關業務、便利商店、入口網站等多元化的策略聯盟,增強團隊服務陣容,提供周全的服務體系及流程,並結合eCRM資訊科技提升服務品質,運用多項溝通管道提高與會員的接觸率,發展順暢且多樣化交易模式與成功的配送策略,滿足會員不同的交易需求。 二、PayEasy會員對於PayEasy.com購物網站E通路管理的滿意情形 PayEasy會員對於分佈構面及交易構面的同意程度最高,會員認同於訂貨後配送的速度及正確率和交易的安全性、程序簡單、提供多樣化付款方式和能在最短時間內收到回覆通知等服務,而不同教育程度的會員在交易構面、分佈構面、服務構面之感受有顯著性的差異,E通路管理五構面與顧客滿意度有顯著的相關性及具有解釋力。 三、PayEasy會員對於PayEasy.com購物網站品牌個性的滿意情形 PayEasy會員對於品牌個性之能力與刺激構面的同意度最高,其特色為可信任、聰明的、成功的以及大膽的、有朝氣的、富有想像力的和新潮的等,而高中(職)教育程度的PayEasy會員對其品牌個性感受力最高,且品牌個性與顧客滿意度有顯著的相關性及解釋力。 四、其他統計發現 採用多元媒體與會員互動溝通擴大接觸層面並節省服務的需求及成本,而店配策略獲得多數會員的青睞,促銷策略及密集的先佔攻勢對低收入年輕女性學生族群產生刺激購買的效果。


陳心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代不斷的演進與網際網路快速的發展,市場已經轉變為消費者所主導,要在這競爭激烈的環境中永保優勢的唯一方式,就是發掘並滿足消費者的需求。本研究以求職網站為例,探討「使用動機」、「訊息來源」、「服務品質」與「顧客滿意度」之關係及影響因素,希望能深入了解,使用動機與滿意度的關聯性,並深入研究在使用動機與資訊來源的因子中,何者影響了使用者的滿意度,進而發掘滿意度是否可以轉換成使用者的忠誠態度與行為,期許研究的結果能夠提供經營求職網站時的策略參考。 本研究採用網路問卷調查,問卷回收的樣本數中,多為網路重度使用族群並有多年的網路使用經驗。研究發現,不同人口屬性對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度,在特定項目上確實存有差異,而驅使使用者使用求職網站之因素主要是「基本動機」與「大眾媒體」的宣傳,對使用者而言,最重視「職缺服務」的品質,並且最為滿意於選擇使用求職網站與使用經驗,當未來有求職需求時,對於「求職網站是最佳選擇」的認同程度是最高的,尤其是針對曾經透過求職網站找到工作的族群。 本研究之結論與建議,乃依問卷調查資料分析所獲致之結果,使用者對於求職網站的使用行為,會與整體經濟環境與就業市場狀況有所關聯,致使研究結果會受到環境之影響而有所變動。

在虛擬平台上的網站流量發展策略 / The strategies of web traffic development on virtual platform

何至元, Ho, Tzu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因網際網路盛行,各行各業皆面臨了全球國際化的競爭,於是虛擬平台的經營便成為大家努力的方向,如何提高虛擬平台的網路流量已成為平台經營者所重視的議題。 拜網際網路應用的成熟,不動產業雖然很傳統,但也不得不開始運用網際網路提供服務,並且這些服務越來越多元化,提供物件資訊、透過討論區討論物件內容、讓經紀人以社群方式存在,在平台上提共買賣不動產的相關知識,消費者可透過平台買賣物件,尋找物件。故研究如何增加虛擬平台的流量,將是未來平台經營者在提升平台品質上有效的方法。本研究將提出影響網站流量策略的研究架構,根據Alexa網站提供覆蓋數(Reach)與頁面瀏覽數(Pageview),以五個不動產個案公司的網站流量進行分析。 本研究流量分析的架構如下:首先就文獻資料了解影響網站流量的因素,對照個案公司在這些影響網站流量的因素上的表現,進而了解何種因素是確實影響網站流量。 經分析結果顯示,目前為了使網站流量表現良好,各家個案公司,都會使用搜尋引擎、關鍵字、SEO操作等工具,所以在工具上各家個案公司表現差異不大,惟廣告行銷的投入,對整體網站流量實際上才是重要的影響,另外,許多專家或者是文獻,認為免費的商業模式是網際網路平台經營時重要的方式,但研究發現卻是平台業者收取一點費用是客戶可以接受的,平台的內容與服務,實際會提升虛擬平台的網站流量;經分析顯示,外部網站結盟有助於提升虛擬平台網站流量,希望藉由本研究的分析結果提供給不動產虛擬平台經營者在網站流量策略上的參考建議。 / In the internet era, the most significant issue for platform operators is how to design and manage the virtual platform to increase the web traffic flow. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allows real estate agents to provide product knowledge through different kinds of virtual community. Consumers can search, purchase and sell real estate items through these virtual platforms. Consequently, virtual service providers endeavor to enhance platform operation and service quality to attract visitors. This research proposes a research framework to investigate determinants of web traffic. Based on literature review and related researches this study analyzed the causes and effects of web traffic. A few traffic-affecting factors were identified. These factors include: content management, marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and business models. Next, five different types of web sites in the real estates industry in Taiwan were selected for multiple case studies. The cross case analysis revealed that all companies have applied search engine, keywords, and SEO (xxx) to enhance users’ access to the web sites. The impact of technology use and system functionality on users’ intention to participate is of no great concern. However, the advertising effort seems to be the key determinant for boosting website traffic. Further, although several researches consider free-of-charge as a winning business model the analysis results reveal that well-managed contents can bring in customers who are willing to pay for the services. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites can assist the growth of the traffic flow on a virtual platform. Since Internet is widely used these decades, various industries have been occurred the global competitions. The most significant issues for platform operators are how to conduct virtual platform well and how to increase web flow rate of virtual platform. The mature usage of Internet initiates the real estate industry to offer services through Internet. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allow real estate agents to provide real estate related knowledge through community websites. Consumers can also search, purchase and sell real estate items through the virtual platform. Consequently, the research of how to increase virtual platform flow will enhance platform operators efficiently advance service quality of platforms. This research proposes a research framework to investigate what determinants effect web traffic strategy and analyze web traffic of five real estate companies by collecting Reach and Pageview from Alexa website. The Framework of this research is as follows. First, we analyze the causes and effects of web traffic based on literature. Next, we compare the effects of web traffic among selected cases to recognize which determinants influence web traffic. The analytical results reveal that all companies use search engine, keywords, and SEO to enhance the performance of web traffic. The difference of all tools among cases is insignificant. However, the advertising effort is the key determinant for whole website traffic. In addition, many researchers and literature consider free is the major business model for platform operators. Nevertheless, this research discovers the consumers accept for charging few fees and the content and service of the platform increase the traffic. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites assists the increment of traffic for virtual platform. Finally, this study aims to provide strategic suggestions to companies in virtual estimate industry.

民意代表網站使用者對網站產品屬性評估之研究 / The Study of Legislator Website Product Attributes Evaluation--from Users' Points

施順挺 Unknown Date (has links)
全球資訊網(WWW)的出現,其結合有文字、聲音、動畫、影像等多媒體的特性,且具有即時性、互動性、低成本、全天候、無國界、多媒體等特性,使得網際網路成為現有的報章雜誌、廣播、電視之後最具影響力的第四大媒體。這股風潮,民意代表自然也不能置身事外,民意代表的個人網站紛紛成立,但究竟網友要的是什麼樣的民意代表網站,則少有相關研究。 本研究採問卷法蒐集資料,再以多變量方法分析回函資料,期能從網站使用者的角度,給予個案網站----「賴士葆選民服務網」產品策略上的建議,研究結論如下: 一、 產品定位方面: 從網友對11個產品屬性重要性的評估,及網友對個案網站在11個產品屬性的評價,將建議策略分成以下四種: (1)強調策略:立委的形象與專業度佳、網站有線上服務區、網站上有留言版及電子信箱、網站的內容豐富且更新度高。 (2)改善策略、對私人資料的保密性、網站的下載速度及穩定性。 (3)保持策略:網站的親和力高、網站提供會員優質服務、有屬於自己的社群。 (4)放棄策略:有多媒體的應用使網站更生動、網站的娛樂性好。 二、 產品改進策略方面: 區分目標市場(產品強度較高的一群)及非目標市場的網友對產品屬性的要求是否有所不同。結果兩者在網站有留言版及電子信箱、網站的娛樂性好這兩個產品屬性上重視程度有明顯差異,建議要掌握目標市場的心,可從此兩項產品屬性,特別是留言版及電子信箱下手。 / Since the emergence of the WWW, it brings multimedia characteristics, combining text, voice, animation and video. Real time, interaction, low-cost, no time limit, and no border restriction make it become the fourth media subsequently to newspaper, broadcast, and television. This trend makes legislators setup their personal websites; however, there are scant studies about what kind of website users really need. This study adopts questionary method to gather data, and analyzes the data with Multivariable Method, aiming to give the case website----www.sbiai.org.tw----suggestions in product strategy from the users' points. The conclusion is as follows: In product positioning strategy: From users' evaluation about 11 product attributes, and users' evaluation case website performance in 11 product attributes, this research give four strategy as follows: 1. Emphasis strategy: the excellent image and professionalism; online service; message board and email box; content affluence. 2. Improvement strategy: the security about personal data; the download speed & stability. 3. Maintenance strategy: friendliness; good member service; having groups. 4. Abandon strategy: multimedia application; amusement. In product Improvement Strategy: To distinguish target market form the non-target market, and make need comparison between them. The result shows they have apparent difference in message board and email box, and amusement. From these two product attributes, especially message board and email box, you can capture the target market.


葉慧君, Yeh, Huei-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討台灣、美國、日本三地全球資訊網(WWW)上的企業網站,針對與產品訊息的設計、內容及呈現與網頁相似程度,進行跨國及跨產業的分析,並試著解釋其中差異。 根據先前學者提出各種網際網路對於行銷活動的各種影響與助益,可以發現企業於網路上發表產品訊息,性質上是屬於行銷活動的一種。而本研究分析的方向也正是呈現目前台灣、美國、日本三國的企業透過網際網路而進行行銷活動的現狀。 據本研究蒐集樣本資料並整理的結果發現,以國別來分類,則國與國之間於企業網站上產品訊息的表現方式差異並不大;反倒是產品類別這項因素對企業網站上產品訊息表現之影響較為顯著。 本研究之結果對於企業在建構企業網站之產品訊息時,可提供部分設計、內容,以及呈現方式的參考,以達到最有效的運用。

網路廣告類型與內容網站型態之廣告效果研究 / The Investigation of Web Advertisement Type and Content Site Type on Advertisement Effectiveness

王思蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
對於網路廣告的探討,以往的研究偏向於橫幅式的廣告類型,但是隨著網路上的應用越來越多,其餘的廣告類型如e-mail、插播式、贊助式等也越來越普及,加上當前網路上五花八門的網站內容,與不同的網路廣告類型之間,兩者是否可以相互搭配,形成較好的廣告效果?這是一個值得深入探討且被實務界所關心的議題。   本研究採用實驗室實驗法,探討在網際網路上,不同的內容網站型態(包括娛樂導向和資訊導向)與網路廣告類型(包括橫幅廣告、電子郵件式廣告、贊助式廣告),在三個干擾變數(網頁內容涉入度、品牌熟悉度、個人背景及網路使用經驗)的交互影響下,對廣告效果(品牌態度、再認效果、廣告態度、購買意願)的影響。   研究結果顯示,內容網站型態及網路廣告類型對廣告效果有顯著影響,並且在「品牌態度」、「購買意願」、「廣告態度」等廣告效果會產生交互作用;在干擾變數方面,網頁內容涉入度、品牌熟悉度及個人背景與網路使用經驗也對網路廣告效果有顯著影響,並對內容網站及廣告效果間關係有干擾效果。最後,以資料分析結果為基礎,本研究並提出實務上的建議以及後續研究的方向。

從價值創新觀點分析Facebook的成功經營策略 / Study on facebook’s successful business strategy on value innovation perspective

徐偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
《財富》雜誌對美國頂尖企業執行長所作的意見調查中「創新」被列為經營策略的重要考量,由此可見創新是企業維持競爭力、持續成長的重要關鍵。在涵蓋全球廣大市場、使用人數保持50%驚人成長的網際網路產業,創新更是必須修練的學分,近年智慧型手機帶動的新紀元中,以社群網站facebook的崛起最令人驚艷,不但在短短五年裡成為Yahoo!、Google廣告勁敵,也改變過去入口網站、搜尋引擎獨霸的市場版圖。 本研究以價值創新的角度,探討facebook如何將社群網站的特性截長補短,透過企業結合顧客共創價值的方式,將創新迅速擴散,突破過去社群網站的成長瓶頸,成為網路世代最常互動的社交場域。 在文獻探討部分,本研究將不同學者對創新的定義歸納統整出一套分析架構,再深入描述facebook的企業實務內容,並與「價值創新」與「創新擴散」理論相互印證,得出階段性、全面性的成功經營策略,希望提供社群網站、網路資訊仲介業者及一般企業進行創新時的參考。

非營利組織網站設計與經營探討 / A Case Study on the Designs and Operations of Non-profits Organizations’ Website

吳承易, Wu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
社會、經濟快速成長,許多複雜的社會情況已非政府部門可以處理的,因此,許多非營利組織油然而生,長期關懷社會弱勢、以更彈性的方式提供社會服務、抑或推廣某種理念成為穩定社會的一股力量。但近年來非營利組織運作面臨許多困境,例如:財源籌措困難,人員流動率高、資訊不透明、同質性組織競爭。 然而一項低成本媒體的出現─網際網路,讓企業、組織可用非常低的成本直接傳遞產品、服務資訊予消費者,此一工具是非營利組織可以善加運用的,然許多非營利組織在使用上卻面臨到如何經營、如何善用網站爭取資源等問題。 因此,本研究以多重個案設計的質性研究方法,觀察台灣網站評價前四名的非營利組織網站,擬分析、歸納出台灣非營利組織網站設計與經營的關鍵成功因素,做為台灣非營利組織在進行網站設計、經營時的建議。 本研究採用網站評估相關理論分析四個非營利組織網站後提出四項建議: 1. 非營利組織在使用網站作為宣傳宗旨、使命的工具時,在網站上應將其理念、使命作完整的描述,並將具體行動與成果發佈於網站中 2. 了解目標族群,提供網站使用者適合的版面設計、內容與功能 3. 傳達給使用者的資訊,越簡單的方式越有效 4. 實體的活動與虛擬的網站配合使用 / The fast social and economic growths have created complex social situations and issues that governments can no longer process. Therefore, many non-profitable organizations emerged in order to: take care of the under-privileged, provide more flexible social service or promote ideas and spirits that bring stability to the society. However, during the past few years non-profitable organizations face many challenges including difficulties in funding, loss of member, lack of information transparency, similar organization competition, etc. A form of media has emerged, namely, the World Wide Web that enables firms and organizations to send products and provide services to end user with very low cost. This should be a media utilized by non-profitable organizations, yet many non-profitable organizations faced difficulties in managing and effectively using websites to gain resources etc. Therefore, this research used qualitative several case studies to observe the top four non-profitable organizations website from Taiwan. This research have analyzed and summarized the key design and management success factors of the Taiwanese non-profitable organizations. This finding can serve as a reference for Taiwanese non-profitable organizations in website design and management. This research analyzed the four non-profitable organizations via related theories and provides the following suggestions: 1. When non-profitable organizations are using websites as a tool for promoting vision, the website should provide a complete description of the organization’s vision, and publish the actions and results achieved on the website 2. Understand target audience, provide website user suitable interface design, content and function 3. Transfer information to the users, the simpler the more effective 4. Physical events should be used in correspondence with website.

Facebook社群人脈網絡與粉絲頁推薦之研究 / The Study of Recommendation on Social Connections and Fan Pages on Facebook

曾子洋, Tseng, Tzu Yang Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook自從在台灣推出以來,已有超過一千三百萬的使用者帳號,是最熱門的社群網站,其中蘊含了龐大的使用者資料。從使用者學歷、工作經歷和喜歡的粉絲頁中可以一定程度上地判斷出使用者的背景與喜好,若能利用分析過的資訊將使用者分群,以供交友或導向到可能喜歡的粉絲頁,就能開發潛在客戶進而掌握商機。 本研究旨在完成一個線上系統,透過Facebook上可供擷取個人的資料:學歷、工作經歷以及喜歡的粉絲頁等資訊,針對這些量化過的資訊,經Kmeans將使用者分群分類,藉以作為協同過濾式推薦。目前實驗結果將有效個人資料4417筆進行分群,以使用者喜歡的粉絲頁比例(本研究整合成48種)加上工作經歷與學歷,最終分成10群,以作為交叉推薦之憑據和延伸研究。研究過程分實驗組與對照組,實驗組是本研究推薦的10筆粉絲頁,也就是使用者與所屬群集質心比例相差較多的粉絲頁類型;對照組則是選取使用者與母體中有較多比例差距的10筆,以證明本研究的推薦模型有效。 最後由使用者針對兩組推薦結果進行滿意度評分之比較,總共收回使用者回饋68筆,實驗組與對照組的平均推薦滿意度分數分別為0.5743、0.4268,對兩者作信心水準為95%的t檢定,結果為有充分證據支持實驗組大於對照組,可證明本研究對於推薦準確性的幫助,達成本研究目的。 由此實驗可以確定在Facebook上以使用者屬性為基礎的粉絲頁與人脈推薦是有意義與價值的,也說明真實數據能應用在社群網站的研究。希冀本研究的結果能帶動其他社群網站研究朝使用真實數據去分析佐證,讓社群網站的研究結果能更貼近使用者的真實行為。 / Facebook is one of the most popular social websites in Taiwan, and it has over 13 million accounts with lots of user data. One can tell a user’s background and preference by his education, work experience, and preferred fan pages. If we direct the right user to the right fan pages by analyzing information and clustering users through recommendation or personal connections, we will be able to reach potential customers and to further business opportunities. The goal of this study is to complete an online system to assume collaborative fan page recommendation. Base on users’ education degree, work experience and preferred fan pages, users’ background. Then use the Kmeans algorithm to cluster quantified personal information to recommend fan pages and social relationships. Currently, the result of the experiment shows 10 clusters, which contain 4417 users, and we use it as a foundation of crossing recommendation. To prove the effect of this study, we divide study into two groups, an experimental group and control group. The former one represents recommended top 10 fan pages that include the fan page types with highest difference of percentage between user’s attributes and cluster centroid; the latter one represents top 10 fan pages that include the fan page types with highest difference of percentage between users’ attributes and proportion respectively. Finally, we use users score satisfaction for each group to compare. There are 68 pieces of feedback, and the average satisfaction scores of the experimental group and the control group are 0.5743 and 0.4268, respectively. On both a confidence level of 95% for t-test, the result shows there is more sufficient evidence to support the satisfaction of experimental group than the control group. We can prove accuracy for recommendation to achieve the goal in this study. This experiment determines not only the fan page recommendation based on user attributes on Facebook is meaningful and valuable, but also shows real data can be used in social networking studies. We hope the results of this study can lead other social networking studies to analyze with real users’ data in order to make future study on social networking better reflect real users’ behavior.

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