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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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應用Google Analytics於網站流量及 Web2.0社群網站績效表現之關聯性分析 / Utilizing google analytics to study the relationship between operating indexes and the development of Web 2.0 social websites

許嘉文, Hsu, Chia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的發展讓人們的生活起了變化,Web2.0的概念更是增加了人們對網際網路的依賴性,我們成為網路內容的生產者、我們在社交網站上發表、追縱朋友的動態,以及取得全球世界各地的資訊。在這無限的虛擬空間中隱含的巨大商機,讓各大企業紛紛而至,因而加速了Web2.0社群網站的發展,維持與增加網站流量更是成為社群網站生存的關鍵與重要的績效指標。但社群網站該如何從流量指標之變化來評斷社群網站之績效呢?這是令我們最好奇之處。 藉由Google Analytics提供的流量分析工具,本研究蒐集了台灣四間社群網站1-3年間的流量資訊進行分析,考量蒐集之資訊具時間序列性質特性,本研究首先採用移動視窗法重新進行資料的整理,並據此概念應用在後續的統計分析。此外,本就以指數加權平均法及多元迴歸分析進行流量異常值之偵測,最後,對照各網站重大事件里程碑並與各網站業主進行一對一深訪。故本研究實際上包含質、量化之分析結果。 本篇研究四間個案網站為例,並依網站創造的服務與使用者互動情形流量將其區分為社交互動型與資訊交換型網站,並歸納其在網站流量指標上不同特徵表現及各自可參考之績效評估指標。同時,本研究採用多元迴歸分析做為社群網站績效評估模型,並企圖建構一績效評估分析流程期以做為後續研究者針對網站流量相關研究之參考。 / The development of Internet makes a great influence on human society and the development of Web2.0 enhances human’s dependence on the internet and becomes a channel of social connections. Currently, most contents of the Internet are generated by common users who could retrieve information through the entire network and trace their friends’ actions over the Social Network Sites (SNSs).Owing to the potential business opportunities on the internet, companies try to enter the market causing the prosperities of SNSs. Maintaining or even increasing traffic flows become a critical issue for SNSs to survive in the competitive market. However, how to evaluate the performance of SNSs based on traffic flow indices remains unsolved.This study collected Google Analytics data for 1-3 years from four SNSs’, respectively.Consider the time series charactics, this study applied “Moving Windows“ to organize the data for further statistical analysis.In addition, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to detect the abnormal traffic flows. Finally, these abnormal records were compared with the important events and one-on-one interviewings with the SNSs operators were conducted. The results of this study are based on qualitative and quentitative analysis. This research studiesd four SNSs that were categorized into information-oriented and interaction-oriented services based on their services and users’ interaction. The SNSs at different categories behaved differently following certain characteristics defined previously.A performance evaluation process was developed as a reference for further studies.


張惠萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲瞭解在資訊時代裡、超媒體的形式特性所中介出來的媒介經驗,即網站介面上的符號展演可能對使用者傳遞出怎樣的訊息?網站介面上的符號編排方式及超文本的結構內容會如何型塑出不同於其他媒介的使用經驗?由於隱喻運用於圖形使用者介面上已有二十多年歷史,且在傳播學門裡有著豐富的討論,因此本研究以介面上的隱喻運用作為探究超媒體經驗特性的問路石。 在回顧人機互動領域及傳播學門裡對隱喻的討論後,本研究以Fauconnier & Turner所提出的概念合成理論(conceptual blending theory)為理論工具,並選取數個網站介面的設計進行探究。透過個案分析發現,隱喻在網站介面的應用上,會透過介面媒材、超文本結構及互動功能設計綜合展現出來,而在作用層面上,介面隱喻為建構使用者瀏覽經驗的認知中介物,將真實世界概念與系統功能相互融合、構作出一組相對容易吸收與學習的經驗知識,在這之中並可能彰顯與網站定位相關的特定訊息。 本研究以為,概念合成理論能幫助我們解釋網際網路中的瀏覽經驗,是如何從媒介的物質基礎與人類的肢體與幻想中誘發出來。由介面隱喻所勾勒出的情境會激化了心智空間內豐富而複雜的互動過程,再加上電腦即時的互動性,使得使用者對該網站的概念結構與肢體動作皆會融合在一個整合的行動空間內。另外,在網站設計策略裡常見的場所隱喻及空間隱喻則是立基於「網站即空間」的概念隱喻裡,網路的空間性藉由隱喻語彙的描述、隱喻設計的增生而不斷地建構、累積、再建構,最後成為網路文化的一部份。

探討大學網站服務品質之研究—以政大資管系網站的建置與評估為例 / A Study of Website Service Quality in University - Take an Example of the Website of MIS Department, NCCU

陳純美, Chun Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)


林合清, Lin , H. C. Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的規範向來具有爭議。監督團體與立法機關往往基於保護兒童及青少年免於受到不當資訊的影響,對於網際網路散佈的內容要求相當程度的管制。然而,此類規範經常導致主張言論自由亦應延伸至網際網路媒體的民權團體多所詬病。在回顧我國先前對於網際網路的規範以及相關案例之後,本研究綜合各界論點探討未來寬頻影音內容服務網站可行的規範之道。 截至目前為止,關於網際網路內容規範相關研究已成篇累牘。現行最適宜的解決之道紛紛指向採用安裝過濾軟體以及實施網站分級制度。民國九十三年四月二十六日行政院新聞局發布「電腦網路內容分級處理辦法」,希冀藉以解決目前規範網際網路缺乏法源以及分級制度採行標準的問題。但亂象叢生的網際網路,似乎無法在朝夕之間產生良善的轉變。例如,影音內容服務業者經營色情影音服務;利用寬頻影音網路視訊交友而進行色情交易的事件;利用影音聊天室散佈性交易訊息;抑或是學術網站的自律不嚴謹,引發種種批評與討論等。同時,該辦法目前僅針對「網站」進行分級,尚未落實至「網頁」分級的程度,對於寬頻影音內容的管理更是付之闕如。 針對網際網路不當資訊以及缺乏法令管制所呈現的困境,本研究目的包括: 一、探討國內寬頻影音內容服務網站各類不當資訊; 二、探討國內對於寬頻影音內容服務網站現行規範法規及其不足之處; 三、探討國際間對於寬頻影音內容服務不當資訊現行管制規範形式; 四、探討國內未來對於寬頻影音內容不當資訊具可行性之管制規範形式; 五、提供國內寬頻影音內容服務業者、公益媒體監督團體及政府行政機關未來規範不當資訊之建議。 為兼顧網際網路的自由與發展,本文綜合文獻分析及深度訪談資料,臚列以下建議:一、業者再改善身份認證系統及收費機制;二、政府妥善拿捏輔佐角色;三、規劃網際網路分級制度實施辦法相關配套法令;四、教育體制配合輔導健全的網路素養;五、落實網際網路舉報不法網站業者熱線。


李俊磊, Li , Chun-Lei Unknown Date (has links)
個人資料的資料流(Data Flows)在網路上的擴散,造成對個人隱私權的威脅,逐漸已經成為社會大眾所關注的議題。在過去幾年中,網站逐漸被要求制定相關的規範以符合大眾的期待。然而,隨著網際網路環境的快速變遷,網站的規範是否提供適當的個人隱私權保護,將會成為社會大眾持續討論的問題。 部分的網站已經滿足隱私權到某種程度。這些網站開始採用一些普遍性的實作。在某些程度上,這些實作依循由隱私權規範創立者所推動的公平資訊實施原則(Fair Information Practice Principle)(FTC,1998a)。 本研究根據文獻探討提及的公平資訊實施原則:告知(notice)、選擇(choice)、存取(access)、與安全(security),對個人使用者感興趣的台灣地區網站進行網站隱私權政策分析與調查研究,探討其對個人隱私揭露的程度。 研究結果指出,樣本中84.1%的網站收集至少一種形式的個人識別資訊(例如:姓名,e-mail address,郵政地址),72.3%收集至少一種形式的人口統計學資訊(例如:性別,喜好,郵遞區號),71.8%的網站兩者接收集,而15.4%的網站兩者皆不收集。隱私揭露方面,67.7%(390個樣本中的264個)刊載至少一種形式的隱私揭露(一個隱私權政策的告示或是一個資訊實施聲明),50.5%這兩種形式的隱私揭露都刊載,有32.3%個網站這兩種形式的隱私揭露皆不刊載。觀察隱私揭露反映公平資訊實施的程度,在264個有收集個人資訊與刊載隱私揭露的網站中,92.8%包含至少一種關於(告知)的調查項目,70.8%包含至少一種關於(選擇)的調查項目,80.7%包含至少一種關於(存取)的調查項目,43.9%包含至少一種關於(安全)的調查項目,以及26.9%包含關於(聯絡資訊)的調查項目。 在本研究中,看待這些網站樣本所得出的結果,應特別注意那些較不滿足公平資訊實施原則的部分,包括對Cookies使用的告知、告知關於外界第三者的相關資訊、選擇、安全以及聯絡資訊等部份所表現出來的結果,而實際上所有台灣網站所表現出的結果,很可能比本研究所得出的結果來得更為不理想,網站若要更能滿足使用者對隱私權保護的期待,就必須更正視這些部份的隱私揭露保護。 資料的收集與使用對網路環境的發展影響甚鉅,網站營運者在思考如何使資料的利用最大化時,必須兼顧使用者的隱私權。唯有在合理,相互尊重的架構下,才能替彼此創造出長遠的利益。本研究的結果希望能對台灣在檢討、發展、建立符合台灣環境及與世界接軌的網路隱私權保護環境上,作出些許的貢獻。 / The spreading of personal data flows over the Internet has threatened many online individuals’ privacy, which also becomes a noticeable topic among the society. For the past few years, there were norms applied to websites in order to protect online users’ privacy. However, could norms provide proper protections along with the rapid improvement of Internet technology? This topic will remain among society’s discussion. Some websites provide certain amount of protections by using popular practices. On a certain level, these practices follow the Fair Information Practice Principle that was supported by the Privacy Norm Entrepreneurs (FTC, 1998). This research is based on the four main elements of Fair Information Practice Principle: Notice, Choice, Access, and Security. The thesis concentrates on analyzing and researching the privacy policy about privacy disclosure provided by websites that were directed and interested to individual user within Taiwan. Based on the result of this research, 84.1% of the sampled websites collected at least one type of personal identifying information (e.g. name, e-mail address, postal address). 72.3% of the sampled websites collected at least one type of demographic information (e.g. gender, preferences, Zip code). 71.8% of the websites collected both types of personal information, and 15.4% collected neither type of personal information. As for privacy disclosure, 67.7% of the websites (264 out of 390 sampled websites) provided at least one type of privacy disclosures (a privacy policy notice or an information practice statement). 50.5% of the websites provided both types of disclosures; and 32.3% of the websites provided none of the above. By studying the researched websites along with the Fair Information Practice Principle, Of the 264 websites that collected personal information and posted a privacy disclosure, 92.8% included at least one survey item for notice, 70.8% contained at least one survey item for choice, 80.7% contained at least one survey item for access, 43.9% contained at least one survey item for security, and 26.9% contained at least one survey item for contact information. While studying the research result, it is important to concentrate on the websites that did not follow the Fair Information Practice Principle. The result includes websites’ notice of Cookies usage, and providing third party related information, choice, security, and contact information, etc. However, the result in reality could be a lot worse than the research result. In order to fulfill online users’ anticipation, websites should pay more attention on privacy policy of these parts. Colleting and using users’data influence the development of online environment greatly. Web owners should consider their customers’ privacy rights while trying to capitalize customers’ information. The only way to generate long and stable benefit for both provider and user is with respect. Hopefully the result of this research will contribute some amount of consideration and development of privacy protection that works for websites and users in Taiwan.


吳宛穎 Unknown Date (has links)
良好的品牌都有自己的故事,並且會一直地說著自己的故事。過去研究已證實故事能夠使聽者融入其觀點中,加深聽者的記憶,並在聽者心中產生共鳴。不同的故事主體有其不同的管理意涵,而其在品牌管理之意義為何?本研究依據「國家文化」、「產品品類」與「品牌屬性」三層次探討品牌故事在故事主體選擇上之差異。 本研究使用內容分析法,依據Fortune與Business Week兩個排序之全球百大企業品牌,對其網站「關於我們」(About us)揭露之品牌故事的故事主體進行編碼,並獲得以下結論: 1. 「顧客故事」:能夠觸碰到消費者的情感,增加故事對其相關性與影響力。有形商品會運用顧客故事詮釋消費過程中產生的服務與象徵意義,提升企業對商品無形之承諾;形象品品牌會使用顧客故事給予利益關係人一個明確的使用者形象,增加其使用者聯想與訊息記憶,並提升品牌故事可信度。 2. 「創立者故事」:三個層次構面對創立者故事之使用均有影響力,藉由創立者故事之溝通,低語境溝通文化企業表達其自力自強之品牌人格;功能品品牌企業可強調其在同品類產品中之差異化與功能性;有形商品企業可傳遞其承諾並增加知覺品質。 3. 「品牌代言人故事」:員工故事僅在國家文化構面下有影響力,個人主義國家企業會藉之強調個人之知識與技能;透過名人故事,形象品品牌可建立其品牌形象,在利益關係人記憶中形成長期持久之差異化,有形商品提升無形利益與承諾。 4. 「行銷訊息故事」:低語境溝通文化國家企業會藉由品牌象徵故事作為與利益關係人溝通品牌人格與生活型態之信念。此外,行銷訊息故事的廣泛運用反應品牌經理人面臨在品牌管理上的媒體訊息整合之挑戰。

網站KPI之流程建置_以某非營利網站為例 / Establishment of websites' KPI - taking one non-profit portal as an example

李峰政 Unknown Date (has links)
農委會為了提升網站服務品質,委託經營「休閒農業服務網」的台灣農業資訊科技發展協會執行整合旗下二十個子網站計畫,同時參加研考會的評獎,並以「政府服務品質獎評獎作業手冊」為依據,評分設計總分1000分,且應分為外部效益550分、內部效益佔150分、流程整合200分及資通訊服務導入100分。 本研究目的是訂定可衡量且相對客觀的網站績效指標,以利後續跨網站整合。透過文獻探討、深度訪談、焦點團體訪談等方式確認目前網站現況及網站重要使用者的建議,並透過AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process;層級分析法)得到指標權重,最後與執行單位制定可衡量的關鍵績效指標。結果分為四部分。 1. 內部效益指標150分則分為實際改善程度(人力、時間及設備)及三 構面(工作士氣、配合度、協調性提升及題項改善程度),各佔75分。 2. 外部效益指標550分共有四個構面,權重以括弧表示,依序為資訊品 質(0.34)、服務品質(0.28)、溝通品質(0.20)及系統品質(0.19)。 其中內、外部效益指標是分別透過實際改善程度及問卷評估。而流程 整合及資通訊服務導入則把焦點團體訪談的建議及休閒農業服務網未來想改進的項目彙整,最後以各類全部應改進事項總完成率計分。 3. 流程整合200分總共有十五項待改進項目,由於項目本身評鑑難易有 別,其中九項是透過焦點團體訪談評鑑,其餘六項透過專家審核。 4. 資通訊服務導入100分總共有五項待改進項目,其中四項是透過焦點 團體訪談評鑑,其餘一項透過專家審核。 本研究發展一套流程結合理論與實務,並建置非營利網站關鍵績效指標(KPI - Key Performance Indicators),以作為其他非營利網站或商務網站重要之參考。 / The Council of Agriculture authorizes Taiwan Agriculture Information Technology Association, the management team of EZGO website, to integrate the twenty subsites of EZGO and enhance the website service quality. In addition, EZGO will participate in the evaluation contest held by Research, Development and Evaluation Commission. According to the “Operation Manual of Evaluation of Government’s Service Quality”, evaluation design should include 1,000 points in total, which contains 550 points for the exterior performance indicator, 150 points for the interior performance indicator, 200 points for the process integration and 100 points for the implementation of ICT. (Information Communication and Technology) The objective of this research is to provide EZGO with measurable and objective KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to integrate its subsites. Through the literature review, in-depth interviews and a focus group interview, the current situations of the web portal, its subsites and suggestions from important users are confirmed. After that, the analytic hierarchy process method to calculate the weight of performance indicators is used. Finally, discussion with executing unit is carried out in the research for setting the measurable KPI, which gives the results in four parts as follows: 1. The interior performance indicator includes the level of improvement in cost (i.e. human resources, time and equipment) and three criteria (i.e. improvement of work morale, compliance and coordinance, as well as their sub-items) for 75 points each. 2. The exterior performance indicator includes 4 criteria with weights indicated within the parathesis in sequence of information quality (0.34), service quality (0.28), communication quality (0.20) and system quality (0.19). The interior and exterior performance indicators are evaluated via the evaluation on level of improvement in cost respectively and questionnaire. For the process integration and implementation of ICT, the users’ suggestions from focus group interview and the items to be improved for future EZGO are combined accordingly. Finally, scores are taken via total completion rate of all items to be improved in each category. 3. The process integration contains fifteen items to be improved in total. Owing to the difficulty of assessment, nine items are assessed via the focus group interview and expert’s assessment for the remaining six items. 4. The information communication technology contains five items to be improved in total. Four items are assessed via the focus group interview and expert’s assessment for the remaining one item. This research develops a set of procedures to combine theory and practice, which establishes the KPI for non-profit portals. Such KPI serves as an important reference for other non-profit or e-commerce portals.

Web 2.0中的群體智慧價值創造──以社會性書籤網站為例 / Web 2.0 Collective Wisdom Creation – Case Study on Social Bookmarking Sites

翁榮暉, Weng, Jung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0時代強調由使用者貢獻內容,並藉由使用者的互動來創造群體智慧的價值。社會性書籤網站統合散佈在各處的網路資訊(尤其是由使用者所產生的部落格文章),承接內容的生產及閱讀,是網路內容價值鏈樞紐;另一方面,從媒體的角度來看,書籤網站可視為是web 2.0下的公民新聞守門人(引路人),以公民取代專業編輯,提供了一個完全不一樣的公民媒體運作方式。本研究針對社會性書籤網站中的內容評價推薦機制,探討其群體智慧運作情形:參考動物群體行為的運作原則,加上文獻的整理及實際案例的觀察,建構出社會性書籤網站推薦機制的模擬運作架構;並透過代理人模擬方法,來找出影響網站群體智慧運作的原則,及相關屬性設定對運作結果的影響。研究結果發現,社會性書籤網站的運作成效,可以分為篩選效果及文章更新效率,兩者之間具有魚與熊掌不可兼得的特性,並可藉由不同的閱讀策略安排來調整。基於web 2.0的特性,使用者同時扮演服務的生產者與消費者。因此,使用者閱讀文章時的閱讀策略安排,可視為是群體智慧運作中的工作分配策略。而群體智慧的運作原則中,正回饋效應可以提升篩選效果,判斷獨立性可以提升文章的更新效率,抑制與負回饋則可以使系統較為穩定。本研究除了為web 2.0網站的群體智慧經營提供具體的參考方針,多重代理人模擬的方法也可做為往後web 2.0相關研究及網站經營時的工具。 / The core spirit for web 2.0 is the contribution of users, and the creation of value through the interaction between users. Social book marking sites integrate all kind of contents on the Internet (especially those generated by users), and play the role of pivot between content production and consumption. From the aspect of media, social bookmarking site can be regarded as news gatekeeper (or gateway) in the web 2.0 era. This study focuses on the rating and recommendation mechanism of social bookmarking sites, trying to find out the effects of collective wisdom with regard to different operations. The principle of collective animal behavior and the existing operations of some social bookmarking sites are first surveyed. Then, an operational model of social bookmarking sites and its recommendation mechanism is built and used for subsequent simulation. / The research findings show that the performance of social bookmarking sites has a tradeoff between sifting effect and efficiency, and that the performance can be controlled through a job allocation strategy. The operation of 「positive feedback」in collective wisdom can lead to sifting effect, 「integrity and variability」 leads to efficiency, and 「negative feedback」, 「inhibition」 lead to system stability. This research is believed to provide some managerial guidelines for web 2.0 sites operation.


王思樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著重於購物網站的廣告傳播策略,探討購物網站運用不同媒介進行推廣所能產生的「信號」效果,也就是大眾媒體廣告如何散發出訊息內容本身以外的信號,成為消費者心中判斷品牌優劣的線索之一。目前實務上購物網站偏好採用網路與電視廣告進行廣告宣傳,因此本研究探討購物網站若藉由此兩種廣告媒體進行行銷宣傳,是否能引發信號效果而使消費者產生較佳的品牌態度與購買意願;同時亦引用廣告信號效果(Advertising signal effect)觀點之推論,以「廣告花費」作為影響因素,驗證消費者是否因為會感知到不同廣告媒體所需的「廣告花費」高低,而影響消費者對購物網站服務品質的推論。 研究結果發現,是否在媒體上打廣告、廣告媒體的收視/瀏覽人數多寡、及媒體類型,皆能正向影響消費者的廣告花費認知,也可以略為正向影響消費者知覺品質、網站品牌偏好、以及購買意願。廣告花費認知並未充分扮演中介角色,但會正向影響消費者對購物網站的態度,其中以高收視率電視節目的效果最佳,並且只要購物網站能讓消費者感覺到中等、或極高的廣告花費認知時,就能有效提升消費者對購物網站的知覺品質、品牌偏好、以及購買意願。

寬頻影音網站之整合行銷傳播:以hiChannel北京奧運轉播為例 / IMC of Webcasters: A Case Study of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting on hiChannel

萬年生, Wan, Nien Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由寬頻影音網站脈絡出發,並以整合行銷傳播理論視野切入,透過hiChannel北京奧運轉播的個案研究,析論利益關係者(stakeholders)、內容(content)、通路(channels)、資料庫行銷(database marketing)和結果(results)等研究者歸納的整合行銷傳播重要面向。 首先就利益關係者而言,除兼論本個案行銷傳播目標,並將其區分內、外部二類。hiChannel內部利益關係者,包括負責統籌協調新媒體平臺的中華電信奧運專案辦公室(OPO)、實際落實規劃執行的數據通信分公司(HiNet)、內容整合商愛爾達科技(ELTA),和銷售廣告的中華黃頁(hiPage);外部利益關係者,則納入協助規劃執行「奧運特派員」活動的凱絡媒體、廣告主、目標閱聽眾、媒體,和三網聯播合作夥伴PChome與MSN。本論文發現,跨部門組織OPO確實賦予hiChannel適切定位,也使本個案發揮良好整合角色。 其次,研究者在內容面向共檢視行銷團隊的「可控制」(controlled)和「不可控制」(uncontrolled)二類訊息;但主要側重前者。透過業者深度訪談,及內容分析主要網站規劃、網路廣告等針對廣告主和閱聽眾的行銷傳播素材、各階段報紙報導和公關稿(press release),發現不論hiChannel的「全頻道、全賽事、免費收視」整體訴求,及特派員活動強調的「hiChannel陪你看奧運 聊運動」訊息主軸,大致均能符合執行和策略一致等整合意涵。 而在通路面向,則綜整本個案各階段側重的行銷傳播工具組合及其考量,其中奧運期間強調的網路社群操作,即和特派員活動連結;整體而言,個案確實掌握各行銷傳播工具優勢,並能透過不同組合運用,初步發揮互補的整合效果。 另本論文將資料庫行銷的概念區分為特定和廣義二者。其中特定定義,主要指結合直效行銷或關係管理的資料庫行銷;至於廣義則指,只要能運用資料庫而有助後續行銷傳播計畫的擬定、執行。研究發現,本論文個案因奧運議題知名度和目標閱聽眾均甚廣等特性,從而並無特定資料庫行銷運用的必要;僅初步透過資料庫掌握收視輪廓和族群,並據此訴求廣告主或調整策略。研究者認為,資料庫行銷不僅和產業特性、資料可得等執行的軟硬體基礎條件有關,更重要的似乎還是企業對資料庫行銷的認知,甚至運用的必要性等層面。 最後,本論文結合個案行銷傳播目標和各分析章節內容,並扣連學者提出的稽核、障礙和層級概念,共同檢視hiChannel北京奧運轉播的結果面向。研究者發現,本個案實具備良好的整合行銷傳播內涵,並至少符合較低層次的整合層級。 / This study aims to explore how the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is applied to broadcast Beijing Olympic Games on hiChannel. The author, adopting case study methodology, tries to elucidate the context of webcasters and five significant pillars of IMC. These five distinct attributes are as follows: stakeholders, content, channels, database marketing and results. 9 depth interviews are conducted to understand how hiChannel planed and used the perspectives of five pillars of IMC. Also, via content analysis, all campaigning messages of on-line activities, the print media and press release are analyzed. The major concepts of each pillar of IMC are re-examined in this case study. The findings show that the team of hiChannel informs the controlled messages such as,“free to watch all channels, all games of Beijing Olympics” and “to watch and chat about all games of Beijing Olympics at the same time” to not only advertisers but target audience. Besides, the author finds that the team in order to accomplish the commercials, website page views and other what hiChannel desired in this case study, they conveyed both executional also strategic consistency through each channels, across all tools in substance, before and during the period of Beijing Olympic Games. Last but not least, the author also finds that because Olympic Games are renowned, and tend to attract broad target audience, there is no need for the application of database marketing. Moreover, this case study also leads us to rethink the use of database marketing and other four pillars of IMC according to industry characteristics and other qualifications.

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