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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李秀琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在了解台灣地區幼教網站的設計理念與相關的網路特性,分析網站介面要素的設計與呈現方式,並探討網站如何呈現幼兒父母的教養形象。 研究方法採用內容分析法,以台灣地區幼教網站共十八家為分析對象,並輔以個案訪談,並取得三家網站之訪談資料。 研究結果包括:(1)在幼教網站中,女性被視為主要的使用族群,且科技能力較低;(2)網站的色彩運用偏向暖色系(如粉紅、黃、橘等),將網站風格營造為溫馨、可愛或熱鬧;而網站的圖像運用,以嬰/幼兒、娃娃圖像較多,且常與母親一同出現,從事的活動包括遊戲、閱讀、學習、表達親密等;(3)幼教網站呈現的父母親教養形象有所不同,母親被視為是幼兒的飲食營養、疾病防治與安全的主要負責人,且只有母親需面臨是否要放棄工作照顧幼兒的壓力;而父親則扮演了幼兒的玩伴、家計負擔者,以及學習作為「現代」父親等形象。 最後,研究者基於研究結果,對實務工作及未來研究提出相關反思與建議。

購物網站個人化設計的眼動分析 / Personalized Shopping Websites:An Eye Tracking Analysis

邱靖婷, Chiu, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用眼動儀器與神經科學的分析方式,探討網站設計時運用虛擬替身與個人化推薦而設計出不同的個人化購物網站,是否會影響使用者對網站親密度與產品購買意願上有不同感受。研究問題共有三個:1.網站個人化設計對網站親密度的影響程度。2.網站個人化設計對於產品購買意願的影響程度。3.使用者是否會注意到網站的個人化設計。研究結果發現個人化推薦會對網站親密度及購買意願產生正向影響,而虛擬替身則只會對親密感產生正面的影響。虛擬替身及個人化推薦都會提高消費者的對該區域的首次瀏覽時間。 / The purpose of this study is to use eye tracking analysis to investigate whether different designs of shopping websites using personalization and avatar will influence users’ website intimacy and product buying attention. First, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and website intimacy. Second, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and product buying attention. The last one is whether users pay attention to personalized designs on websites. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of personalized recommendation and avatar. The results indicate that personalization had positive impacts on users’ perceived intimacy, and users’ total gaze duration has positive effects on both website intimacy and product buying attention.

文學家運用社群網站創作以及與讀者互動之研究--以經營部落格與Facebook為例 / Study on Literature Creators’ Writing and Reader Interaction with Social Networking:Case Studies of Blogs and Facebook

蕭任婷, Hsiao, Jen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
社群媒體創造了人們生活的新支點,也為文學發展注入新的元素,除了網路作家之外,對於傳統作家也悄悄帶來了影響。本研究目的有六:1.探討文學家經營社群網站的現況與動機。2.探討部落格與文學家的創作是否有關係及有何影響。3.探討Facebook與文學家的創作是否有關係及有何影響。4.探討文學家如何運用部落格、Facebook與讀者互動。5.探討文學家對於運用社群網站創作以及與讀者互動的看法。6.比較文學家部落格與Facebook之異同。 為瞭解資訊時代中部落格、Facebook等傳播媒體的變革是否為臺灣的文學家帶來創作上以及與讀者間互動的質變,本研究於經營部落格與Facebook的作家中各選取十位進行觀察並紀錄,紀錄表之項目主要由更新頻率、文章類型、文章內容題材、與讀者的互動、與文學社群的互動等五個面向延伸而來。 進行觀察後擬定訪談大綱,於部落格與Facebook中各邀請五名作家進行深度訪談,以獲取第一手資料。最後以觀察記錄與訪談資料進行分析。根據研究結果,可獲得以下結論: 一、 文學家經營部落格的原因與動機與其作品有明顯關聯;經營Facebook的原因與動機與其作品則無關聯。 二、 文學家經營Facebook的現況明顯較部落格熱烈與積極。 三、 部落格與Facebook皆與文學家之作品有顯著關聯。 四、 Facebook對文學家創作的影響力明顯大於部落格。 五、 文學家的部落格文章與其出版作品之風格基本上一致;而Facebook的文章風格則與其出版作品之風格有一致也有分歧。 六、 文學家運用Facebook與讀者的互動明顯優於部落格。 七、 文學家對於Facebook上創作文字的出版多抱持正面態度。 八、 文學家認為在網路上與讀者互動利多於弊,且多樂在其中。 九、 文學家認為Facebook相對於部落格在文學上具備更多新的可能。 / Social media had made the new point of human life; meanwhile, they inject new elements into the development of literature. Social media impact not only Internet writers but also traditional writers. There are six objectives of the research: 1. To investigate the current situations and the motivations of literature creators operating the social network sites. 2. To investigate the relations and the influences between blogs and literature creators’ writing. 3. To investigate the relations and the influences between Facebook and literature creators’ writing. 4. To investigate how literature creators interact with readers on blogs and Facebook. 5. To investigate literature creators’ opinions of writing on social network sites and the interaction with readers. 6. To compare the similarities and dissimilarities of literature creators’ blogs to Facebook. In order to realize whether blogs and Facebook changed literature creators’ way of writing and the interactions with the readers, the researcher selected ten writers each from blogs and Facebook to observe and record. Out of the 20 writers, there were five writers of blogs and five of Facebook interviewed under the qualitative research methods. The data were analyzed, and the results are as follows: 1. Literature creators’ motivations and reasons of managing blogs are significantly related to the works, whereas the motivations and reasons of managing Facebook are unrelated to the works. 2. The current situations of literature creators’ operation to Facebook are more active than blogs. 3. Both of blogs and Facebook are related to literature creators’ works. 4. Facebook’s influences on the literary creations are significantly greater than blogs. 5. The styles of literature creators’ posts on the blog are essentially consistent with the published works; however, the styles of literature creators’ posts on Facebook are partly consistent and partly divergent. 6. The interactions with readers through Facebook are much better than blogs. 7. Literature creators hold positive attitudes toward publishing their works post on Facebook. 8. Literature creators think that the advantages of interacting with the readers on the Internet outweigh the shortcomings, and most of them enjoy doing so. 9. Literature creators think that Facebook provides more literary possibilities than blogs.

應用網路推廣創新醫療技術-以非營利組織口腔雷射醫學會個案為例 / The promotion of an innovative medical technology through Websites-A case study of the NPO Website of Taiwan academy of laser in dentistry (TALD)

林紋瑜, Lin, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Web2.0的盛行改變了目前網路資訊傳播方式,民眾對網路資訊擴散參與度也日益增加及重要,電子醫學網站肩負健康衛教資訊及新技術推廣的重責,如何利用Web2.0的特性,讓民眾可以輕易、適時、適所獲得相關醫學資訊是所有醫學網站所要研究的課題。因此除了如何提供質優量多且可信度、專業性高的醫療資訊外,醫學網站更要研究並了解民眾的實際需求期望及最易接受的資訊管道方式,使得相關資訊能無礙地傳送到民眾面前。本研究即以個案研究的方式,來探討如何藉由Web 2.0網路資訊平台及資訊管道設計概念,利用創新擴散策略思考及方法來推廣相關新醫療科技,使非營利組織也能像其他電子商務網站的經營方式一樣,與使用者建立價值共創的關係;並繼續延伸探討後續推廣策略建議,以提供相關網站經營參考。 本研究選定中華民國口腔雷射醫學會網站,作為本研究的個案網站,不同於一般醫學會網站的社群經營,都是以傳統單向的型錄式資訊提供方式為主,缺乏互動性及使用者導向設計。本研究的個案網站卻是集合所有專業會員醫師之群力,將民眾所需要的臨床案例、口腔新聞、醫療知識和新知、線上諮詢功能及院所指南等,加以整合,讓民眾可以藉由簡單的資訊搜尋引擎方式來找到相關完整資訊,創造出新的經營模式。本研究即藉由問卷及深度訪談,分析網路使用民眾對個案的知識創新推廣模式的接受度,並以此為基礎,研究歸納出可行的網站經營建議方案,作為個案網站在未來的經營方向之參考。 / The popularity of the concept of Web 2.0 has altered the ways information transmitted, and increases the importance of the participation of internet users on disseminating information. Electronic-health websites (e-health websites) have great responsibility of promoting the public health education and new medical technologies and treatments to the public. It is an important task for these websites applying the concept of web 2.0 to provide the public the easy and timely access to relevant information. In addition, e-health websites should also offer trustworthy and professional health information to meet the expectation of the users. In this study we use a case study to examine how to apply Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the concept of web 2.0 to understand the promotion of the new medical technologies and treatments. The results will help Non-Profit Organization (NPO) to transform to a highly efficient information exchanging platform and also to establish the relationship of value co-creation website. Our case website is the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry (TALD) that is different from other medical websites using traditional approach of providing static information (Web 1.0). This website is interactive and user-oriented by integrating the medical cases from dentists, latest medical news, most recent medical breakthrough, functions of searching the nearest dentists, introductions of dental clinics, and son on. This new model allows the regular users to find the relevant information in a timely manner. By survey and in-depth interviews, we are able to analyze the users’ behavior and provide recommendations for management to improve its performance.

校園社群網站滿意度之研究 / Online social network on campus: a satisfaction survey

黃健維, Huang, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
大學校園資訊服務一般是以教學、行政、服務等公務性為主,較缺乏針對學生校園生活之互動性功能,如社團訊息溝通、相簿共享等學生較喜愛之功能。本論文是以某大學所建置學生校園社群網站(http://dono.tw)進行個案研究並線上問卷調查,來評量校園社群網站的使用者滿意度、分析使用者滿意度與各構面關係、以及分析使用者滿意度與使用者基本資料關係。在本論文的滿意度分析中,本研究所提出的五個假設,有三個假設成立,分別為「會員間互動對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路結構對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路科技對於滿意度有正相關」。針對所研究之網站,本論文有下列管理性建議:要改變學生於網路的使用習慣及行為,是相當不容易。建議學校可由整合社群網站功能於學校的學術及行政運作體系或增加使用社群網站之誘因,來提升網站使用率。 / The information services of university campus are usually focused on public affairs such as teaching, administration, and services. And there is lack of interactive functions for student campus life such as the messages communication of campus clubs, the photos sharing, etc., those are the favorite functions of students. Based on the campus student community networks created by an university, this paper conducts a case study and making an online survey. It assesses the user’s satisfaction of the community networks, analyze the relationship between user’s satisfaction and each dimension, and analyze the relationship between the user’s satisfaction and user’s background data. In the satisfaction analysis, we proposed five hypotheses. There are three hypotheses are valid. They are :”It is positive correlation to satisfaction among the members’ interaction”, “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web structure”, and “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web technology”. For the research web, we have the following managerial suggestions: It is not easy to change the custom and behavior of students on network. To improve the utilization rate, we suggest that the university can integrate the community network functions into the academic and administrative affairs system, or to make some incentives to use the community network. Keywords: Virtual Community, Campus Community, Community Web, Web 2.0

博物館文物展示網站的服務品質:以國立故宮院為例 / Service quality of museum website displaying artifact: the case of National Palace Museum

吳宗勳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊及通訊(資通訊)技術的進步,越來越多的博物館服務提供者開始思考如何應用資通訊的技術。位於台灣的國立故宮博物院(故宮)也不例外,已經建置了自己的網站。對於一個博物館網站,可以並可能提供的功能是相當多。而故宮網站期望能提供的功能之一,即是展示文物。傳統的設計方式,網站通常被建置以圖文的方式來展示文物。在這份研究中,我們呈現了一個故宮提出的影音服務提案及原型,the iPalace Video Channel(the iPalace)。這個服務主要藉由影音來展示中華文物,並有著隱喻式設計介面。現在這個由資通技術訊所促成的博物館服務提案就開始被建置,而故宮的管理人員希望知道是否值得發展並建置這個新服務。除此之外,當決定正式佈署這個服務時,故宮的管理人員也希望從已建置的服務原型了解這個服務的優缺點。因此,這份研究特別針對用於展示文物的博物館網站設計了問卷來測量其服務品質、顧客滿意度和行為意向。我們並藉由網路上發放此問卷來調查實驗組(the iPalace)以及對照組(圖文式網站)的使用者。藉由分析問卷測量的結果,我們得到了四個重要的服務品質因素:功能性、內容及使用性、系統穩定性和介面呈現。除此之外,藉由T檢定來分析問卷的測量結果,觀察the iPalace及圖文式網站在這些服務品質因素上,所測到的服務品質、顧客滿意度和行為意向是否存在著統計上顯著的差異。而結果顯示,因為較佳的功能性及介面呈現服務品質,the iPalace的使用者有較高的滿意度,他們也較願意推薦並再次使用這個網站。然而the iPalace於系統穩定性服務品質上的表現較差,原因為較差的反應時間。 / Following the advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT), more and more museum service providers begin to take the ICT applications into considerations. The National Palace Museum (the NPM) in Taiwan is no exception and has built its own website. For a museum website, there are many possible functions which can be provided. One of the NPM website’s desired functions is to display artifacts. With the traditional design, the website is built for displaying artifacts mainly through texts and pictures. In this study, we present the iPalace Video Channel (the iPalace), a new video-based service proposed by the NPM, that displays Chinese artifacts mainly via videos and has a metaphorical interface design. When a new ICT-enabling museum service proposal is initialized, the manager wonders whether it is worthwhile to develop and deploy the new service. And, as soon as we had decided to develop and deploy the service and have obtained a prototype system, the manager would further wants to know the advantages and disadvantages of the new service before full launching it. Thus, this study derives the instrument for measuring the service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention regarding the museum website displaying artifacts. Through an online survey that applies the derived instrument to measure the iPalace and its text-based counterpart, we identify the following four important service quality factors: FULFILLMENT, CONTENT & USABILITY, SYSTEM RELIABLITY and INTERFACE. From the t-test on the survey data, we also assess whether there are statistically differences on each service quality factor between the iPalace and its text-based counterpart. And the result shows that, owing to the better performance on the service quality factors of FULFILLMENT and INTERFACE, the iPalace users are more satisfied with the website than the text-based website users. And they are more willing to recommend and reuse the website than the text-based website users. However, the iPalace has a lower performance on the service quality factor of SYSTEM RELIABILITY due to the slower response time.

社群網路服務在大學圖書館之應用研究: 以 Facebook 和噗浪為例 / A study of the applications of social network services in the academic libraries

徐心儀 Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook與噗浪是近年國內最多人使用之社群網站,其將朋友圈突破為開 放式之架構,成為最具影響力之傳播平台。在眾多企業與組織皆利用其作 為服務與行銷工具的同時,圖書館也順勢推出了社群網路服務,希望 本研究之目的在提供大學圖書館社群網路服務未來經營內容 與方向之具體建議。首先利用「內容分析法」對三者進行功能、訊息與回 應多面向之服務情形分析,其次採用「問卷調查法」瞭解使用者之經驗與 想法,共回收727份問卷,最後再經由與館員們的「深度訪談」確認館方 之想法與態度。 研究結果發現: 一.社群網路服務對圖書館深具重要性,因其擁有以 下特點:(一)提供了圖書館主動出擊的機會、(二)圖書館可以將 Facebook 視為圖書館滿意度評估的工具、(三)與圖書館其它服務管道做結合,截 長補短,為圖書館服務加做加值;二.使用者期許圖書館社群網路服務更 有系統之經營;三.大學圖書館館員對社群網路服務應抱持著積極正面的 經營態度;四.大學圖書館 Facebook 與噗浪之經營策略與重點為:(一) 經營初期需要策略,宜讓更多館員參與且定期維護、(二)需要全體員 工共同經營,而非僅由少數館員把關、(三)了解平台特性與具備經營熱 情遠比平台選擇重要、(四)提供隱私權相關說明,讓使用者能安心使 用平台。 最後,提出未來圖書館社群網路之經營建議:一.注意「訊息最佳化」, 以活動、公告為主要發佈類型,內容以簡單扼要為宜,並應附上詳細連 結;二.建立「圖書館社群訊息守則」,建立館內發佈訊息之一致性與共識; 三.社群網路需要主動宣傳才能有效達到「曝光管道最大化」;四.鼓勵使用者的參與、五.定期做使用者意見調查;六.持續更新與即時管理。 / In recent years, Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. It has not only made it easier than ever for people to connect with each other, but is also a great influence on this generation of youths. The method of marketing library services through Facebook without intrusions into peoples’ privacy is worth pondering. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of university library Facebook/Plurk page and to explore it from viewpoints of librarians as well as readers. The research used content analysis to analyze the user activities on Facebook and Plurk among both National Taiwan University and Providence University students. In addition, a questionnaire was designed to understand readers’ experiences and viewpoints on the use of Social Networking Services by libraries. The questionnaire was sent over the internet and 727 responses were received and processed. Furthermore, the study interviewed library staff to investigate viewpoints of librarians on the social networking use by libraries. Based on the summarized results of the data, suggestions were made for university libraries regarding how to use Social Network to promote library services. The results of this study shows that National Taiwan University and Providence University use different management strategies on social networking. National Taiwan University has a social networking team with established standard operating procedures, as such, most of NTT’s postings are university activities and announcements. For Providence University, social networking is managed by one person and as a result, the posts are more personal, active and dynamic.

社群網站對個人創作的影響之研究 / The influence of social networking websites on creative writing

何靜婷, Ho, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在WEB 2.0時代的帶動下,社群網站已然成為時下流行文化,個人創作者紛紛投入社群網站的經營,觀察近年來幾個事件,社群網站對於創作者的發展確有推波助瀾之效,為有助於創作者對社群網站的運用,本研究針對個人創作者與社群網站兩者之間的關係與影響,進行分析、研究。 因此,本研究採取質性研究,以多重個案分析,一個創作者即為一個個案。以貼近一般大眾閱讀口味的類型為主,選取文學小說、兩性家庭、生活風格三大類。從近三千位華文創作者中,首先挑選上百位創作者公開的社群網站,再從個人創作到作品出版的五大步驟與歷程:(一)創意的產生與發展;(二)作品的呈現方式;(三)作品的傳遞與管道;(四)作品的行銷與推廣;(五)創作者個人品牌的建立與累積,觀察、分析三種不同類型創作者的社群網站在這五大面向的內容與作為,比較各個創作者社群網站經營的異同,以期找出社群網站經營之道與影響力。 經過分析與研究,歸納出以下結果:(一)個人創作運用社群網站有助於創意的產生與發展,意見的回饋對於創作的方向更能掌握,呈現的方式越趨多樣化,朝多媒體發展,也能藉社群網站累積人氣、增加知名度、建立個人品牌。(二)社群網站提供創作者固定的據點,使他們易於被看見與聯繫;不同類型的創作者以各自擅長的方式在此展現自我,營造自我特性。創作者活用社群網站此項工具,並著重回歸到創作的核心能力。 本研究提供後進創作者經營社群網站的策略擬定與具體建議,並給予和創作者息息相關的出版產業一些意見,以及對於社群網站研究有興趣者參考,可擴及將創作者延伸至文創產業或相關產業的應用研究。 / Driven by web 2.0, social networking websites have become part of the pop culture. Creative writers have been jumping on the bandwagon running their own social networking websites. From the observation of recent events, it has confirmed that social networking websites did have helped promote the creative writers. In order to improve the use of social networking websites for the creative writers, this research analyzed and studied the relationship and influence between the creative writers and social networking websites. This research comprised of multiple qualitative case studies – one creative writer forming a single case – and focused on three popular genres, literature and fiction, relationships as well as lifestyle. First of all, hundreds of Chinese creative writers’ public social networking websites out of approximately 3,000 were selected. The next step was observing and analyzing the content and behaviors of the creative writers of these three genres on social networking websites during the five primary activities in the publishing process: the development of ideas; the presentation; the delivery channels; marketing and promotion; the branding and reputation of the author. This research was to find out the key success factors and influence of social networking websites through the comparison between those creative writers’ websites. Following the analysis and studies, the conclusion was drawn as follows: 1.Social networking websites are beneficial for the development of ideas. Online feedback provides the directions for writing. It diversifies the presentation especially the use of multi-media. Meanwhile social networking websites also help boost the awareness and popularity of the writers and ultimately build the personal branding up. 2.Social networking websites provide a stable platform for writing where the writers can be easily seen and contacted. Creative writers of various genres express themselves in their own specialist ways, shape their own USPs (unique selling propositions) and re-focus on the pivotal skills – writing – through the wise use of social networking websites as a tool. This research provides the subsequent creative writers with the strategies and advice on how to operate social networking websites. It also provides suggestions to the publishing industry that is closely linked with the creative writers. For researchers who are interested in social networking websites, this research may be applied to cultural and creative industry or other related industries.

網路與出口績效之關係 / The Internet and Export Performance

黃明萱, Huang, Ming Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技及技術的快速發展,網路逐漸改變企業的營運模式,其中電子商務已成為一項相當重要的商業工具。過去與網路相關的文獻較多著重於探討網路與國際行銷之間的關係,與出口相關的研究也大多探討網站複雜程度或網站內容對出口績效的影響,B2B電子市場對出口績效的影響較少成為研究主題,因此本研究除了網站外,更進一步將B2B電子市場列入影響出口績效的因素。 本文以129間中國大陸中小企業為研究對象,分別探討架設自有網站與採用B2B電子市場對企業出口績效的影響,並檢驗同時架設自有網站與採用B2B電子市場對出口績效是否改變上述之影響。 本研究採用量化方法,以複線性迴歸中的階層式迴歸進行分析,並以平均數平減法以降低共線性問題。模型自變數為網站功能複雜程度、B2B電子市場使用程度;應變數出口績效以出口比例作為衡量方式;控制變數包含員工人數、公司年齡、R&D員工人數、網站語言數、電子平台數、自有品牌數、商展數以及認證數等。 研究結果顯示當網站功能複雜程度愈高時,出口績效愈差;當B2B電子市場使用程度愈高時,出口績效愈佳;而在同時架設功能複雜程度愈高的網站與使用B2B電子市場程度愈高的情況下,出口績效愈佳。當網站功能複雜程度愈高,亦即可直接在網站上進行下單時,對於國內銷售績效的增加大於出口績效的增加,使得出口比例下降;當B2B電子市場使用程度愈高時,表示外包給第三方有助於提升企業比較利益及競爭優勢;而在同時架設網站及採用B2B電子市場下,可互相彌補風險及缺失,因此使出口績效提升。 / With the rapid growth of technology and the Internet, the way people do business is changed dramatically. Specifically, e-commerce is becoming more and more essential as a business vehicle for firms. There is growing volume of literatures doing research on the Internet, but scholarly attention has been paid to define the Internet’s role in marketing. Even if there still some studies attempted to link the Internet to exporting, these literatures put more emphasis on the impacts of firm’s own websites on export performance. Thus, in addition to websites, B2B electronic markets are viewed as the determinant of export performance in this study. 129 samples in this study are selected from Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. Multiple linear regression is adopted, and mean-centering is used as a means to reduce multicollinearity. The purpose of this study is to investigate respective impacts of own websites and B2B electronic markets on export performance and impacts of simultaneous use of own websites and B2B electronic markets on export performance. The results indicate that there is negative relationship between level of functionality of websites and export performance. Export performance here is measured by export percentage. In other word, when level of functionality of websites is higher, export percentage becomes lower. Second, the study findings demonstrate that a greater level of B2B electronic market a firm adopts is positively associated with its export performance. Finally, a firm’s simultaneous use of website and B2B electronic market is positively associated with its export performance.

臉書使用與科學公眾參與: 一般大眾與科學臉書粉絲專頁使用者之比較 / Facebook use and public participation in science: a comparison between the general public and users of a science Facebook fan page

吳承穎, Wu, Cheng Ying Unknown Date (has links)
Social networking sites (SNSs) nowadays serve as important platforms for users to engage in public affairs. This study applied the O-S-O-R model to examine the relationship between Facebook and public participation in science and the mediating role of users’ scientific knowledge and self-efficacy. Besides, this study examined the relationship mentioned above by utilizing data collected from two different populations - the general public and the users of the Facebook fan page “Pansci.com,” the biggest scientific online group in Taiwan. Based on a total sample size of 1,960, the result showed that scientific use of Facebook increased scientific knowledge only for “Pansci.com” users. Besides, scientific use of Facebook is positively associated with self-efficacy and public participation in science in both samples. It is noteworthy that the effect of scientific use of Facebook on self-efficacy is stronger for “Pansci.com” users but the effect of self-efficacy on public participation in science is stronger for general users. In addition, self-efficacy serves as a significant mediator in the relationship between scientific use of Facebook and public participation in science in both samples.

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