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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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屬性組合影響B2B網路廣告效果之研究-以關鍵字廣告及橫幅廣告為例 / How Attributes Combination Affects the Advertising Effect of B2B Internet Marketing-The Case of Advertising Copies and Banner Advertisements

歐陽而美, Ouyang, Erh Mei Unknown Date (has links)
2009年全球廣告總量將會降低 6.9%,而網路則會是唯一廣告量成長的媒體。網路廣告中又以關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)所佔總體網路廣告營收的比例最高。關鍵字廣告為當網路使用者搜尋資訊時,鍵入關鍵字,文字廣告即會出現在搜尋結果的網頁中,與網路使用者的搜尋意圖互相連結;而橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)為靜態或動態之圖像式廣告,網路使用者點擊後可連至廣告主網頁。 本研究探討屬性組合如何影響關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)之廣告效果,與B2B企業研華股份有限公司(Advantech Corporation)之數位行銷中心(Digital Marketing Center)合作,配合Google AdWords平台進行廣告投放之實證研究,觀察廣告之點擊率。為了解屬性組合如何影響廣告效果,本研究分為兩個部分:關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)。關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)部分,以「文化差異」與心理學理論之「自由需求(自由感)」之有無為自變項;橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)部分以「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」為自變項,兩種類型廣告之研究皆以廣告「點擊率」為應變項,試圖觀察不同屬性組合之下的廣告效果,以供B2B企業在執行網路行銷時之參考。 研究結果發現,在具「文化差異」之國家下投放「自由需求(自由感)」之有無的關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy),其廣告點擊率具顯著差異;而「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」此三屬性組合下,「方型(300 x 250) x 應用領域資訊 x USP」此一廣告屬性組合獲得最佳之廣告點擊率。透過研究觀察,B2B企業可以此為未來關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)文案撰寫與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)文案設計之方向。 / Internet has become the second large media in recent years. For B2B company, Internet Advertising is an important channel to promote brand image and products as well. The most popular formats of Internet Advertising, according to Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), are Ad Copies and Banner Ads, which the revenue accounts for 43% and 19% respectively in 2013. The purpose of this study is to explore, for B2B company, how attributes combination affects the advertising effect. We cooperated with Advantech Corporation, a leading B2B company in providing innovative embedded and automation products and solutions, and used Google AdWords platform to advertise. In this study, we have two parts: Ad Copy and Banner Ad. For Ad Copy, we proposed two attributes: cultural differences and free-will choices; for Banner Ad, we selected three: banner size, appeal orientation, and advertising theme as attributes to verify the effects on ads clicking behavior. Click-through Rate dada were collected and analyzed from Google AdWords tracking system and campaign report. The results showed that Ad copies with free-will choices targeted in both Western and Eastern countries, Banner Ads with rectangle design, solution-oriented and unique selling point created better advertising effects. Furthermore, we also had discussion on the impact from product features and Ad positions to advertising effects. Finally, based on our findings, we provided B2B company marketers further suggestions for Ad Copy and Banner Ad execution and Ad content design.

教育服務業整合行銷策略之探討 / The research of integrated marketing communications for educational service industrythe research of integrated marketing communications for educational service industry

林芳宜, Fang ,Yi Lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣長久以來的補習文化,偏向於填鴨式的傳統教室學習方法,而近年來由於網際網路的發達,web 2.0的技術精進,使得利用網路互動的機率越加頻繁,線上學習成為未來語言學習的趨勢。此研究中,藉由實體語言學習機構與線上語言學習機構之整合行銷組合的不同,了解整合行銷策略與業績表現是否有絕對性的正面幫助,並探討其所創造的品牌價值、溝通效益、服務品質、與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 而網際網路亦使傳統行銷方式受到衝擊,網路行銷成為現今行銷策略的趨勢,有別於舊有的傳統行銷方式,網路行銷提供沒有國界的資訊交流,便利即時的回覆機制,以及完整的成效分析。現今企業對於網際網路的運用已漸趨成熟,透過網路與顧客溝通,成為最有效率及效能的互動模式。值得注意的是,網路溝通較難依法管理,對於可能產生的負面效益,需要嚴密監督並控管。 主要研究結論為:兩個個案均顯示整合行銷策略經由市場機制不斷產生變換,並直接影響來客率及簽約率。而網路行銷較傳統行銷成本更低,且更容易追蹤並分析每個來源的投資報酬率,媒體置換時間可依照點擊轉換率的表現而縮短,即時性與有效性都增高。網路行銷的溝通語言可依顧客屬性而客製化,針對個人一對一的溝通模式也容易形成較佳的顧客關係,因此品牌忠誠度高,續約率以及轉介率皆同時提昇。 / In this research, through two separate projects, I will expound on the difference between the integrated marketing strategy employed by location-based language institutes and by web-based language institutes, and their positional marketing strategies versus profit performance. I will also examine the brand value, potential clients’communication channels, and customer loyalty maintenance created by traditional and online marketings, as well as the possible ramifications of ever-changing marketing mediums. Can these marketing models effectively and efficiently increase profit, build customer relations and loyalty, and decisively influence the management of brand image? The world-wide-web has not only impacted traditional marketing, but has become the preferred communications, and unlike the traditional, it provides borderless information exchange and real-time feedback for comprehensive performance evaluation. As companies mature in their use of the world-wide-web, they are able to utilize the internet to communicate with customers to foster an efficient and effectual interaction. Main conclusions are as follows: both projects suggest that integrated marketing communications continue to change with market systems, and directly influence the number of customer visits and the rate of conversion. Online marketing is inexpensive in contrast to the traditional, and is much easier to track for return-on-investment analysis, thereby allowing for more rapid change of advertisement slots according to performance, raising the responsiveness and return. Online marketing communication can be customized to appear more personal and achieve better customer relations, which in turn increases brand loyalty and referral rate.


黃慧娟, Huang, Hui-Jan Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位時代來臨,網路科技興盛,人類生活中許多事物漸漸被數位化、電子化的產品所包圍或取代,資訊和服務更透過網路的便利性快速傳達。而圖書館館藏類型也隨著這股潮流與需求的影響產生了相當大的轉變。其中大量的電子資訊資源進入圖書館,不但改變了館藏的類型、服務的形式、館員專業技能的培訓、圖書館軟硬體設備等,也改變了圖書館在採購經費上的分配。網路行銷是目前國內外電子商務大量應用的新行銷模式,而圖書館也逐漸注意應用網路進行館藏資訊與服務的行銷。 本研究主要目的在探討國內網路行銷在大學圖書館電子資訊服務之應用,瞭解大學圖書館應用網路進行圖書館電子資訊服務的行銷現況,以及從研究結果中擬定出適用於圖書館電子資訊服務網路行銷之模式。 本研究採用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,參考蒐集之國內外文獻,進行圖書館與網路行銷理論的歸納整理,撰寫出圖書館網路行銷理論,並以此一理論架構作為設計訪談問題綱要之基礎。 本研究發現,大學圖書館電子資訊資源與電子資訊服務的類型豐富且多元。目前圖書館應用了許多網路行銷之工具進行電子資訊服務的行銷推廣,例如:網站、e-mail、BBS、電子報、線上學習等,但多未實際進行圖書館網路行銷規劃,也未針對館員進行網路行銷與相關技能的培訓或與校內系所進行合作計畫。 根據研究結果,歸納出圖書館網路行銷規劃架構應包含六項步驟:(1)情境分析;(2)數位任務與目標;(3)網路行銷組合;(4)行銷預算;(5)執行與評估;(6)顧客關係管理。其中網路行銷組合採用Eileen Elliott de Saez所提之5ePs做探討,分別是電子化產品、電子化通路、電子化推廣、電子化價格、以及電子化的公共關係。 最後本研究提出六項建議:(1)圖書館應積極從事網路行銷;(2)圖書館應對不同電子資訊服務進行網路行銷的區分;(3)圖書館網路行銷應區分社群並多加經營;(4)加強館員網路行銷教育與訓練;(5)應積極建立電子資訊資源使用量統計標準;(6)應進行圖書館網路行銷使用者研究評估。

數位產品網路行銷之顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式 / The Measurement Model of Customer Information Satisfaction for Internet Marketing of Digital Products

王怡舜, Yi-Shun Wang Unknown Date (has links)
資訊管理文獻中,對於電子商務環境的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式甚少探討。目前文獻中的使用者資訊滿意度(UIS),以及使用者自建系統滿意度(EUCS)兩種衡量模式,主要是適用於「傳統資料處理環境」或是「使用者自建系統環境」。因此,本研究將發展一個適用於「數位產品網路行銷環境」的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式。首先,本研究探討了網站顧客資訊滿意度(WCIS)的概念性定義,作者從文獻中歸納出初步的顧客資訊滿意度衡量構面與問項,並透過訪談、焦點群體、先導研究等方法來加以補充與調整。再者,本研究也說明了量表問項產生過程、資料蒐集方法、以及純化測量的步驟。作者並運用兩個配額樣本來進行探索性因素分析以及驗證性因素分析,其中嚴謹地檢驗了顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式的信度、內容效度、效標關聯效度、收歛效度、區別效度,以及法理效度。最後,本研究探討了顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式在實務界與學術界的應用方式,並討論了本研究所面臨的若干限制,同時提出一些未來可以進一步研究的方向。作者希望本研究所提出的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式,未來可以被其他研究人員用來發展網路行銷或電子商務理論。 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION….………………………………………….….…1 CHAPTER 2. DOMAIN OF WEB CUSTOMER INFORMATION SATISFACTION ……………………………………………………………………..4 2.1 The Focus of This Study…………………………………………….…..…….4 2.2 The Impact of E-commerce on the Business Process of DPSPs….……….…..5 2.3 Instruments for Measuring User Information Satisfaction (UIS) and End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)…….……………..……………….6 2.4 The Conceptual Definition of Web Customer Information Satisfaction ….…..9 2.5 The Theoretical Framework for Assessing WCIS……………………….…..12 2.6 Service Quality versus Customer Satisfaction………………………….……14 CHAPTER 3. GENERATION OF SCALE ITEMS……….……………………...16 3.1 Generation of Initial Item List……………………………………………...16 3.2 Pilot Study…………………………………………………………………....17 CHAPTER 4. SCALE PURIFICATION AND EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS…...…………………………………………………………..19 4.1 Sample and Procedure……………………………………………………….19 4.2 Item Analysis and Reliability Estimates……………………………………..20 4.3 Identifying the Factor Structure of the WCIS Construct…..…………………21 4.4 Reliability…………………………………………………………………….23 4.5 Content Validity………………………………………………………………25 4.6 Criterion-Related Validity……………………………………………………25 4.7 Reliability and Criterion-Related Validity by Type of Web Site……………..26 4.8 Discriminant and Convergent Validity……………………………………….27 4.9 Nomological Validity………………………………………………………...28 CHAPTER 5. THE CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE WCIS INSTRUMENT………………………………………………...……………30 5.1 Need for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………………….….30 5.2 Methods……………………………………………………………………....33 5.3 Data Collection for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………….41 5.4 Alternative Models…………………………………………………..……….43 5.5 Criteria for Comparing Model-Data Fit…..………………………………….46 5.6 Checks for Statistical Assumptions………………………………………….49 5.7 Estimation Method…………………………………………………………...50 5.8 Results………………………………………………………………………..50 5.9 Assessment of Reliability and Validity………………………………………55 5.10 The Measurement of Service Quality……………………………………….60 5.10.1 The Development of SERVQUAL and IS-adapted SERVQUAL………61 5.10.2 Refinement of an EC-adapted SERVQUAL…………………………...66 5.11 Research Findings for Confirmatory Analysis……………………………...72 5.11.1 Findings for Question One……………………………………………72 5.11.1 Findings for Question Two……………………………………………74 5.12 Comparison of Underlying Dimensions Between UIS, EUCS and WCIS…………………………………………………………………..76 CHAPTER 6. IMPLICATIONS………….………………………………………..77 6.1 Implications for Practice……………………………………………….....….77 6.2 Implications for Research.……………………………………………………79 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION……..………………………………………………81 REFERENCE……………...………………………………………………………..83 GLOSSARY…………………………………………………………………………95 APPENDIX A Measurement of Web Customer Information Satisfaction – Forty-Three Items Used in the Pilot Study…………………………………………...97 APPENDIX B Observed Correlation Matrix of WCIS Instrument in Confirmatory Analysis..……………………………………………………………....99 APPENDIX C Observed Correlation Matrix of Initial EC-SERVQUAL Instrument…………….……………………...………………………………………100 APPENDIX D The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 1……..…………………...101 APPENDIX E The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 2.……….………………...102 APPENDIX F The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 3...………………………...104 APPENDIX G The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 4..………………………...105 APPENDIX H The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 1.…………….106 APPENDIX I The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 2.…………….107 APPENDIX J The LISREL Program for The Structural Model Between WCIS and EC-SERVQUAL Measures………………………………..………………...108 ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………...110 / MIS literature has not addressed the measurement of web customer information satisfaction (WCIS) in electronic commerce. Current models for measuring user information satisfaction (UIS) and end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards either conventional data processing or the end-user computing environment. This study develops a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring customer information satisfaction for web sites that market digital products and services. This paper first discusses the concepts and definitions of WCIS construct from the literature. The researcher summarizes his findings in a theoretical framework. Based on this framework, the researcher develops a measurement instrument to measure web customer information satisfaction. The procedures used in generating items, collecting data, and purifying a multiple-item scale are described. The researcher has carefully examined evidences of reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity by analyzing data from two quota samples. The potential applications for practitioners and researchers are then explored. Finally, the researcher concludes this study by discussing limitations and potential future research. The researcher hopes that the proposed WCIS instrument with good reliability and validity can be used by other researchers to develop and test Internet marketing and EC theories in the future.

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