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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ching, Hang-chia 13 July 2009 (has links)
Summary This study is base on Gudeng Precision Cooperation as the research example , applied questionnaire & interview methods for case study . This purpose is to discuss the the influences of customer satisfactions concentration from creative service & customer relationship management and provide suggestions. This research combines -- creative service , customer relationship , customer satisfaction concentrations and royalty ¡V 4 kinds of scales as the questionnaires . Then to investigate Gudeng¡¦s customers & vendors by the combined questionnaire. We collect 73 semiconductor on line engineers / leaders¡¦ feedback , use Spss14.0 for Windows to do the statistic analysis . By the methods of Descriptive Statistics , ANOVA , Pearson correlations & Multiple Regression Analysis , the hypothesis tests are as below: 1. Creative service & customer satisfaction concentrations has obvious correlations , up to high correlations: 0.845. When customers are better aware of the creative service , the customer satisfaction concentrations will get higher. There is 70.9% explanation ability in statics. 2. Creative service & customer royalty has obvious correlations, up to middle correlations: 0.594. When customers are better aware of the creative service, the customer royalty will get higher. There is 34.2% explanation ability in statics. 3. Customer relationship management & customer satisfaction concentrations has obvious correlations, up to high correlations: 0.762 . When customers are better aware of the customer relationship management, the customer satisfactions will get higher. There is 57.5% explanation ability in statics. 4. Customer relationship management & customer royalty has obvious correlations, up to middle correlations: 0.566. When customers are better aware of the customer relationship management, the customer royalty will get higher. There is 31% explanation ability in statics. 5. Customer satisfactions & customer royalty has obvious correlations, up to high correlations: 0.703. Base on statistic conclusions & interviews , this research provides 5 suggestions to Gudeng Precision Cooperation as below : 1. Enhance the speed & flexibility of creative service, especially focus on the research & development parts. 2. Emphasize the content of creative service, such as internet purchase order system & query function of production procedure. 3. Increase the reaction between sales , administration team and customers. 4. Develop new generation products , such as 18 inch wafer delivery equipments. 5. Adjust sales strategy , and focus on promotion activities. Keywords¡GCustom product, Creative service, customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction concentrations, customer royalty

不是品牌的品牌—由無印良品看 生活雜貨品牌的價值傳達 / The brand of no-brand: a study of zakka brand’s value conveying of MUJI

陳竹儀 Unknown Date (has links)
「生活雜貨」(zakka)風潮由日本興起,並在台灣已風行數年,相關品牌亦如雨後春筍般陸續開展。其中無印良品(MUJI)自2004年進入台灣市場後,至2011年在全台已有21家門市。根據行政院主計處的行業標準分類,生活雜貨產業屬於綜合商品零售業,由於是以內需市場為主的業別,特別容易受到經濟景氣所影響,但是無印良品卻在金融海嘯發生的西元2008年先後於世界各國開設新據點,在台灣其營收更逆勢成長,無印良品總經理王文欣表示原因在於無印良品擅於溝通產品的價值,並藉此建立了許多忠誠的顧客。因此本研究嘗試以量化與質化並行的方式來探討台灣無印良品之消費者所認知到之品牌形象、知覺價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度以及之間的關係,並依據研究結果提出生活雜貨產業行銷之具體建議。 研究方法部份,本研究於量化研究採線上調查法,蒐集一年內曾於台灣無印良品消費之消費者之資料,有效問卷共522份並進行統計分析與假設驗證。統計結果發現人口統計變項中之婚姻狀況、居住地區、教育程度、職業與通路使用情形在部份構面上達到顯著。另外各研究構面間之關係發現:品牌形象對知覺品質、顧客滿意度、忠誠度有顯著正向關係;知覺價值對顧客滿意度、忠誠度有顯著正向關係;顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著正向關係。 質化研究部份採深度訪談法,訪問八位台灣無印良品消費者,以彌補量化研究中未能探究部份,兩相參照後提出五點行銷建議: ㄧ、致力縮短品牌形象與知覺價值間之落差 二、提升消費者對價格的接受度 三、針對強調專業功能性之商品提供合作企業之資訊 四、提高線上通路的使用率 五、把握龐大的單身商機 / “Zakka” phenomenon has spread from Japan and been popular in Taiwan for years, accordingly, many zakka brands have emerged. Since MUJI came in, there have been 21 stores in Taiwan till 2011. In 2008, MUJI set up new stores in several countries in the world while the financial crisis was sweeping the whole world. Taiwan MUJI’s general manager Wang Wenxin said it’s because MUJI is good at conveying its value so that it has built up plenty of loyal customers. Therefore, MUJI is the main case for this research to approach the complex relationship among the brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of zakka brand’s value conveying by using both quantitative and qualitative research methods: online survey and in-depth interview. By online survey, this research took customer who ever purchase products in Taiwan MUJI in one year as sample, 522 valid questionnaires were analyzed. By the part of in-depth interview, there are 8 participants included in this research. After analyzing, this research comes to the following conclusion: A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and customer satisfaction; A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and customer loyalty; A significant positive relationship exists between perceived value and customer satisfaction; A significant positive relationship exists between perceived value and customer loyalty; A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and perceived value; A significant positive relationship exists between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The obvious variations of brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are displayed only among some of the demographic variables. This research also provides 5 marketing suggestions as following: 1. Shorten the gap between brand image and perceived value to customers. 2. Increase customers’ acceptance of the price. 3. Offer more information about co-operative manufactories. 4. Promote MUJI’s online channel. 5. Grasp single customers.

教育服務業整合行銷策略之探討 / The research of integrated marketing communications for educational service industrythe research of integrated marketing communications for educational service industry

林芳宜, Fang ,Yi Lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣長久以來的補習文化,偏向於填鴨式的傳統教室學習方法,而近年來由於網際網路的發達,web 2.0的技術精進,使得利用網路互動的機率越加頻繁,線上學習成為未來語言學習的趨勢。此研究中,藉由實體語言學習機構與線上語言學習機構之整合行銷組合的不同,了解整合行銷策略與業績表現是否有絕對性的正面幫助,並探討其所創造的品牌價值、溝通效益、服務品質、與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 而網際網路亦使傳統行銷方式受到衝擊,網路行銷成為現今行銷策略的趨勢,有別於舊有的傳統行銷方式,網路行銷提供沒有國界的資訊交流,便利即時的回覆機制,以及完整的成效分析。現今企業對於網際網路的運用已漸趨成熟,透過網路與顧客溝通,成為最有效率及效能的互動模式。值得注意的是,網路溝通較難依法管理,對於可能產生的負面效益,需要嚴密監督並控管。 主要研究結論為:兩個個案均顯示整合行銷策略經由市場機制不斷產生變換,並直接影響來客率及簽約率。而網路行銷較傳統行銷成本更低,且更容易追蹤並分析每個來源的投資報酬率,媒體置換時間可依照點擊轉換率的表現而縮短,即時性與有效性都增高。網路行銷的溝通語言可依顧客屬性而客製化,針對個人一對一的溝通模式也容易形成較佳的顧客關係,因此品牌忠誠度高,續約率以及轉介率皆同時提昇。 / In this research, through two separate projects, I will expound on the difference between the integrated marketing strategy employed by location-based language institutes and by web-based language institutes, and their positional marketing strategies versus profit performance. I will also examine the brand value, potential clients’communication channels, and customer loyalty maintenance created by traditional and online marketings, as well as the possible ramifications of ever-changing marketing mediums. Can these marketing models effectively and efficiently increase profit, build customer relations and loyalty, and decisively influence the management of brand image? The world-wide-web has not only impacted traditional marketing, but has become the preferred communications, and unlike the traditional, it provides borderless information exchange and real-time feedback for comprehensive performance evaluation. As companies mature in their use of the world-wide-web, they are able to utilize the internet to communicate with customers to foster an efficient and effectual interaction. Main conclusions are as follows: both projects suggest that integrated marketing communications continue to change with market systems, and directly influence the number of customer visits and the rate of conversion. Online marketing is inexpensive in contrast to the traditional, and is much easier to track for return-on-investment analysis, thereby allowing for more rapid change of advertisement slots according to performance, raising the responsiveness and return. Online marketing communication can be customized to appear more personal and achieve better customer relations, which in turn increases brand loyalty and referral rate.

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