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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國小英語教師對繪本教學之看法及使用現況調查研究 / A survey of elementary school English teachers’ perceptions of and Practices in Using Picture Books

陳瑋琦, Chen, Wei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解台灣國小英語教師使用繪本進行英語教學之情形。透過自編的問卷探索(1)國小英語教師對於運用英語繪本教學的看法,(2)英語教師使用繪本的實際情況,以及(3)使用繪本時所遇到的困難與挑戰。同時,以教師的背景變項與學校的環境變項做分析,探討這些變項是否影響教師對於繪本使用的看法、使用繪本教學的頻率和教學時所面臨的挑戰。 研究對象為大台北地區385位國小英語教師 (156位為台北市教師,229位為台北縣教師)。所得資料經描述統計、變異數分析及交叉分析等統計方法,獲致結果如下:(1)多數英語教師對運用繪本於英語教學的看法正面,但是研究結果顯示,教師們因教學年資不同,在「語言發展」及「學習者」兩個面向上有顯著差異;(2)學校環境變項(班級大小、英語課時數、學校所在區域)及教師背景變項(性別、年齡、教學年資、英語教學資格)對教師使用繪本的頻率有顯著的影響;(3)多數英語教師在進行繪本教學時共同面臨的挑戰為:英語教學時數不足、班級人數多、多媒體設備不足、繪本教學準備費時及英語繪本預算不足等。最後,研究者根據研究發現提出數點建議及未來相關研究之研究方向。 / The present study aimed to investigate the current situation of picture books applied in elementary school English teaching, based on a questionnaire survey conducted in the great Taipei area. The study focused on exploring (1) what are teachers’ perspectives toward picture book used in English teaching; (2) how teachers use picture book in English teaching; (3) challenges teachers encountered while using picture books. A total of 385 elementary school English teachers, 156 from Taipei City and 229 from Taipei County, responded to the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, variable analysis, and cross analysis. Results in this study showed: (1) teachers mostly had positive perspectives toward applying picture books in English teaching. However, there was a significant difference in their perception in dimension of language development and dimension of learner. Teachers’ teaching experiences was found to be the main factor to influence their perception; (2) school contexts (class size, average English periods, and school area) and teachers’ personal backgrounds (gender, age, teaching experiences, and English teaching certificates) significantly influenced the frequency of teachers’ use of picture books; (3) limited time of English courses, large class size, insufficiency of school multimedia equipment, time spent on preparing picture book instruction, and insufficient budget for picture books were the main challenges reported by teachers. Based on the findings of the study, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research were included at the end of the thesis.

華語繪本教學設計與實施 ─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例 / Instructional Design and Implementations of A Chinese Picture Book:A Study of “I Recall…In Time With You”

廖敏華, Liao, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
繪本為華語學習者學習華語的教材之一,透過繪本的趣味性、圖像與文字之間的連結,來提升學習者的學習動機,也使得語言教材更加豐富、生動,亦期能讓學習者理解繪本中的文化知識等,讓學習者不只學習到語言,也能夠培養多元的文化觀念及內涵。 本研究為「華語繪本教學設計與實施─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例」,研究對象為臺北某大學華語文中心之中高級華語學習者。研究目的有二,一為發展繪本於成人華語選修課之教學設計;二為探討繪本於成人華語選修課之教學成效。教學設計以此繪本為主要教材,並自行編寫課堂講義,以作為教學實施時的教材輔助,編寫原則以劉珣(2000)所提出的教材編寫特性為依據。本文以ADDIE模式之五大步驟,包括分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑,作為本研究之課程設計模型,並採用行動研究、訪問與問卷調查法,以影音資料、課堂日誌、問卷與訪談等研究工具來作為評估教學成效與修正教學之依據。 研究結果如下:一為教學設計方面,本研究採用ADDIE教學設計模式作為課程設計模式,有助於使教學更加系統化,另外,在應用繪本於華語教學,需考量幾點,包括故事主題、學習者的語言程度是否與繪本相符合、教學者是否能掌握繪本意涵、輔助繪本之教材設計;二為教學成效方面,繪本教學能提升教師活用不同材料來進行華語教學,並能夠增進學習者的語言技能、學習動機與對於文化觀念的認知等層面。 本研究以繪本應用於成人華語教學,來提升學習者的華語學習動機,並使學習者能夠理解繪本中的語言、文化和圖片意涵,希望本研究能夠提供日後繪本應用於華語教學之相關建議及幫助。

水母不見了:一個數位多文本的創作實驗 / Jellyfish disappear- A experiment of digital multi-textuality

詹琇惠, Chan, Hsiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本創作試圖以多文本、跨媒材的方式闡述一個關於水母、關於記憶、關於地景物件的故事。試圖以文字小說、圖像繪本、實拍短片影像,共三種媒材述說相同的水母故事並彙整放置於網站平台上。本創作藉此不同媒材形式的說故事方式,探索實驗各媒材敘事故事的樣貌與氛圍,了解各媒材的特性與質地,開展更多敘事的可能性。 若記憶需要相對物證去指證,故事裡唯一留下的水母,終究也會消失於清澈的水之中,倘若沒有留下任何物證痕跡在另個人的生活裡,他的存在對於不是自己的另個人來說是否可以成立?又或者說我相信人的存在是靠著記憶累積,隨時間堆疊成為存在的實體,一旦失去記憶又沒有留下任何物件指認身分時,那還剩下什麼足以作為存在證明?在形式的部份,以一個故事出發,多種媒材的呈現,包含圖像(繪本)、文字(小說)、影像(電影),最終將各媒材之文本匯流於網站平台上呈現,以此實驗一故事不同形式的創作可能性,其不同形式間的敘事轉變,在文字、圖繪、影像間的比例搭配與適切性實驗。

數位繪本結合互動遊戲之創作與體驗分析 / The Analysis of Creating and Experiencing Digital Picture Book in Combination with Interactive Games

張耀穗, Chang,Yao Suei Unknown Date (has links)
平板電腦的興起,使得繪本從傳統的紙本繪本,慢慢加入可互動的概念元素,繪本發展出更多的可能性,在數位時代下的敘事與傳統敘事很大的不同點在於作者權(authorship)的轉移,數位敘事作者的工作不再只是單純的編寫故事,而是搭建一個空間、繪製一個介面、培養一種情緒、提供一個議題與誘因,引發共鳴之後,交由使用者共同來提供內容,一起將故事完成。 然而目前坊間的繪本,雖然有很多很棒的多媒體效果,也有一些互動讓使用者參與,但這些互動往往都只是為了增加故事的有趣性,卻沒真正結合著劇情,給人一種為了互動而互動的感覺。針對於此,此創作希望能結合數位遊戲RPG的概念,讓讀者能透過故事線的牽引,一同參與故事其中,讀者不再只是單純的看故事,而是一起加入玩故事。 本創作選擇了偵探故事為主題,以App的形式展現,希望讀者能像故事劇情中的偵探一樣,了解兇案的發生後,藉由故事線的牽引,一同去幫忙尋找線索,最後將整件案件破案,便完成了整個故事。 最後,App完成後會邀請使用者來試玩,用問卷作答以及實際訪談使用者,蒐集使用者的閱讀回饋。蒐集來的意見,除了能幫助這個互動創作做改進之外,使用者的意見回饋也能給予後續創作者開發建議。

成人共讀策略對兒童繪本閱讀理解歷程影響之眼動研究 / Effects of adult interactive strategies on young children’s reading comprehension: an eye movement study

張雅嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
繪本共讀對學前及低年級兒童而言,因可同時增加兒童閱讀的經驗以及閱讀能力,故十分受到重視。過去文獻亦指出成人與兒童進行繪本共讀,確實能促進兒童的讀寫萌發能力,惟成人運用何種策略的助益較大,尚未有結論。閱讀最重要的目的在理解,然過往繪本共讀研究的焦點主要集中於繪本共讀對聲韻覺識等解碼能力的效果,較少觸及繪本共讀對兒童理解能力的影響,更少討論推論理解等較高層次的理解歷程,是否會影響兒童在繪本共讀時的表現。 本研究旨在探究成人不同的共讀策略以及不同閱讀理解層次的內容,是否會對兒童繪本閱讀歷程產生影響?實驗一操弄提問式與評述式兩種共讀策略,並以眼動儀(Eye Tracker)觀察記錄大班與小一兒童在共讀繪本時的眼動表現。結果顯示提問式策略對大班兒童注視目標圖區的引導功能較評述式策略強,但評述式策略則較提問式策略更能引導兒童凝視目標字區。大班兒童在不同策略時的眼動與語音對應性,在不同區域的差異相反,顯示圖畫與文字兩種區域,在繪本閱讀的歷程中,可能扮演不同的角色、提供不同的訊息。 實驗二進一步將成人與兒童的互動內容分為文義與推論理解兩不同閱讀理解層次,討論不同的共讀策略及閱讀理解層次對小一兒童的繪本共讀是否有所影響。結果同樣發現提問式策略可引導兒童注視目標圖區,而評述式策略則有助兒童凝視目標字區。在不同閱讀理解層次的影響上,則發現推論理解層次時,評述組兒童注視目標圖區時間高於文義理解;而文義理解層次的內容,對引導提問與評述兩組兒童注視目標字區的幫助則高於推論理解層次。惟語音對應凝視時間的指標,反映出評述組兒童目標字區推論理解的對應凝視比例高於文義理解,與凝視時間比例之策略差異相反。 評述組兒童在推論理解層次的內容時,凝視目標圖區的時間比例顯著高於文義理解,在文字區域文義理解高於推論理解的差異亦達顯著,顯示不同層次的閱讀理解內涵,確實會影響兒童看圖看文的眼動表現,故推知圖畫與文字兩區域,其資訊本質並不相同。而推論理解在目標字區的語音對應凝視比例高於文義理解的結果,則代表推論理解較文義理解更能引導兒童在繪本共讀時的注意力,並有機會使兒童可整合圖畫與文字兩類資訊。 文獻指出單純聆聽成人唸誦繪本內容,不針對內容加以明確的引導與互動,並不會對兒童的讀寫萌發能力有顯著的幫助。本研究進一步發現成人運用提問與評述等不同策略,及不同閱讀理解層次的互動內容,可分別引導兒童注視繪本畫面上不同的區域,使兒童在閱讀歷程中獲取推論或文義理解所需之不同訊息。因此,進行繪本共讀的活動時,成人或教育工作者應選擇適合的互動策略、設計不同理解層次的互動內容,並依據不同的互動與教學目的交替使用,以使繪本共讀對兒童的閱讀理解歷程發揮最大的功效。 / Since benefits of shared book reading (SBR) to young children’s emergent literacy have been manifested, numerous studies have emphasized the advantage of SBR to children’s decoding ability (e.g. phonological awareness).Even though the most important purpose of reading is comprehension, research which focus on the effects of SBR to comprehension ability is still scarce, and especially so for studies which discuss the relationship between SBR and higher level comprehension ability (e.g. inferential comprehension). The influence of adult’s interactive strategies on children’s reading comprehension is also indistinct too. The present study investigated the effects of adults’ interactive strategies and comprehension levels of interactive content on children’s comprehension process during SBR, which was reflected by the eye movement data. Experiment 1 compared reading behaviors of preschool and first-grade children under question versus comment strategies. Experiment 2 explored the effects of comprehension level of adult’s interactive content and interactive strategies on first-graders. Results of experiment 1 and 2 revealed that the question strategy drew preschoolers’ attention to target picture area (critical for story comprehension), while the comment strategy guided it to word area. Moreover, children paid more attention to target picture area in the inferential condition than the literal one and the data on target word showed the opposite pattern. Results confirm that adults’ explicit references during SBR can attract children’s attention to different areas on shared book, and thus enhance respective aspects of the comprehension process. Therefore, using interactive strategies and interactive content with high comprehension level contribute more to children’s literacy and comprehension development than simply reading to them.

帶走一首曲子:結合音樂與敘事之數位繪本創作 ─以《心弦之歌》App為例 / Bring back a piece of music: a creative project of combining music and storytelling in the interactive music picture app-”Song of Heartstrings”

游馨婷, Yu, Hsin Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本創作嘗試發展一套結合音樂與故事元素的數位繪本,以非線性敘事為架構,融入音樂敘事元素,以「帶走一首曲子」的閱讀形式,創造一種新的繪本閱讀經驗。在閱讀繪本的過程中,讀者可以透過選擇場景中的角色,在閱讀完該角色故事後,獲得代表角色的音樂元素。隨著多次選擇互動,背景的音樂元素也慢慢增加,讀完故事的最後,可以得到一首完整的曲子。根據讀者的選擇不同,將得到不同的音樂結果,此結果也詮釋了每一次的故事經驗。 本繪本創作以「心弦之歌」為主題,透過主角與城市人物的互動,產生聽覺和視覺的變化。本創作期望創造一個由單一至豐富的閱讀體驗,透過音樂、人物與故事的結合,加深作品所要傳達的訊息,並結合音樂和繪本的療癒特性,來達到滿足的效果。 創作完成後進行作品實測與評估,施測對象根據目標對象及評估目標,由21-30歲具繪本閱讀經驗者及潛在讀者、具數位繪本或音樂相關互動App使用經驗者、具音樂背景者所組成,分別就內容及形式兩個面向,透過作品實測、問卷和深入訪談的方式來評估是否達成創作目的,並針對問卷及訪談的結果進行歸納分析,最後提出結論和建議。 / The purpose of this research is to develop an interactive digital picture book app which combines musical and narrative elements by adding musical narration into non-linear narrative structure. This digital project, “Song of Heartstrings”, is aimed at creating a new reading experience of picture book by designing the reading form: “Bring Back a Song”. “Song of Heartstrings” shows auditory and visual changes through the interactions between protagonist and other characters. Through the reading process, audience can select one or more characters among all, and collect corresponding soundtrack after finishing the character’s storyline. The goal of this app is evaluated by readers’ experiences test, questionnaires and in-depth interviews. After that, we use inductive approach to analyze the result of questionnaires and in-depth interviews, and make conclusion and recommendation.

結合繪本與批判性思考於臺灣高中英語教學: 以桃園市某公立高中為例 / Combining Picture Books with Critical Thinking in a High School EFL Classroom in Taiwan: A Case Study of a Municipal Senior High School in Taoyuan City

沈郁汝, Shen, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教學者以及學習者對使用繪本學習批判性思考能力的想法,並且了解學生使用Law於2012年提出的六個策略 學習批判性思考能力後有何看法。此外,本研究也整理教學以及學習過程中遇到的困難,同時間提出如何調整教案以解決問題。 本研究採用質性個案研究。研究對象為某高中二年級的四十四位學生。這些學生為研究者某一任教班級。他們透過兩本繪本進行為期八週的批判性思考課程。本課程的核心為四項能力:(1) 能把各類訊息加以比較、歸類、排序、(2) 能根據上下語境釐清不同訊息間的因果關係、(3) 能分辨客觀事實與主觀意見和(4) 能評估不同資訊,提出合理的判斷或建議。研究者透過課室錄影觀察、學習單、學習/教學日誌和焦點團體訪談等蒐集資料。 研究結果顯示繪本教學不僅能夠提升學生的批判性思考和英文能力,還可以維持他們強烈的學習動機。此外,雖然繪本中的圖片造成學生一些理解上的問題,教師還是可以利用多元感官教學方式以及有目的性的引導學生來解決困難。另外,Law於2012年提出的六項策略也大大地幫助學生學習批判性思考能力。然而,在使用這六項策略時,老師必須注意給予充足的待答時間,加入學生小組討論,並選用貼近生活以及適合學生程度的繪本。最後,本研究發現互動式朗讀和提問作者法也能幫助高中學生發展批判性思考能力。 本研究顯示遵照台灣普通高級中學英文科98課綱,教師可以將批判性思考納入繪本閱讀課程中,並創造一個良好的學習環境,培養學生成為有素養的公民。此外,本研究亦提供教師教學現場以及未來研究方向之建議。 / This study aims to examine how the teacher and students respond to cultivating critical thinking skills through picture books and to the six strategies suggested by Law (2012). Besides, it also explores what problems occur in the teaching/learning process and how to adjust the lessons to solve the problems. This study adopted a qualitative case study design. The participants were forty-four eleventh graders in one class taught by the teacher researcher. They learned critical thinking through two picture books in an eight-week study. The foci of the teaching were the four critical thinking skills, namely, (1) being able to compare, classify and sequence various information, (2) being able to identify the causal relationship between information based on the context, (3) being able to distinguish facts from opinions and then one advanced ability, and (4) being able to assess different pieces of information and propose reasonable judgments or suggestions. The students’ and the teacher researcher’s responses were collected from video-taped classroom observations, worksheets, learning/teaching logs, and focus group interviews. The important findings are listed as follows. First, picture books were helpful in the enhancement of critical thinking skills, the improvement of English skills and a high level of learning motivation. Second, the nature of illustrations in picture books resulted in some comprehension problems, which could be solved through a multi-sensory approach and teachers’ purposeful guidance. Third, the six strategies recommended by Law (2012) assisted the students a lot in promoting critical thinking skills. It is noted that when implementing these six strategies, the teacher were advised to give sufficient wait time for students, join students’ discussion, and select picture books with real-life themes and suitable difficulty levels. Fourth, interactive read-alouds and questioning the author were also proved to be useful strategies for high school students to develop their critical thinking through picture books. This study suggests that following the 2010 New Guidelines of English Curriculum in Taiwan, teachers can integrate critical thinking skills into picture book reading and create a good learning environment for students to become productive citizens. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies were presented as well.

電子繪本教學對國小英語補救教學學生認字表現之成效 / The effects of electronic storybook instruction on the English word recognition performance of elementary school students in remedial instruction

蔡依儒, Tsai, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討英語電子繪本教學對於國小學生在認字表現以及學習態度的影響。此研究以54位來自台中市四年級英語低成就的小學生為研究對象,他們分別來自7個不同的班級,這54位學生被分成實驗組跟對照組,兩組無論在數量、性別、背景以及認字表現上皆相似。實驗組實施電子繪本教學而對照組則實施紙本繪本教學,每週上課一次,經過16週的教學後,兩組皆進行認字表現測驗及施以英語學習態度問卷。蒐集測驗及問卷所得的資料以獨立樣本t檢定及相對樣本t檢定來進行統計分析,研究結果顯示實驗組及對照組在認字表現及學習態度皆有顯著差異,電子繪本組在認字表現測驗成績比紙本繪本組好,而且英語低成就學生在電子繪本教學後,學習態度有正向的改變。希望實驗的結果能幫助老師提升學生的認字能力並且廣泛推行英語電子繪本教學。最後,研究者根據實驗的結果,對未來研究方向提出一些建議。 / This study investigated the effects of the electronic storybook instruction on the word recognition performance of elementary school students. Additionally, the effects of the electronic storybook instruction on students’ English learning attitudes were explored. Fifty four fourth-grade underachievers selected from seven classes at an elementary school in Taichung City were the participants of this study. The participants were divided into two groups and they were matched based on the numbers, gender, background, and word recognition performance. The control group received picture book instruction, while the experimental group took electronic storybook instruction once a week. The Word Recognition Test and Learning Attitude Questionnaire were administered to both groups after the 16-week instruction. The data collected from pre-test, post-test, pre-questionnaire, and post-questionnaire were analyzed by an independent samples t test and a paired samples t test. The results showed there were significant differences between the two groups in their word recognition performance and English learning attitudes. The results presented that the underachievers receiving electronic storybook instruction performed significantly better than those who received picture book instruction on word recognition performance. Moreover, it was found that electronic storybook instruction positively changed the underachievers’ English learning attitudes. It is hoped that the findings will help teachers improve students’ word recognition ability and promote the widely adoption of electronic storybooks. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions for the future research were offered at last.

結合繪本與六E教學模式 對低年級學童進行品德教育之行動研究 ──以負責核心價值的教學為例 / 無

謝智如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採行動研究法,探究以繪本運用品德教育六E教學模式進行國小二年級負責品德教學活動之可行性與實施成效。研究者以任教班級23位學生為研究對象,實施十五周的品德教學活動。分析學生作品、教學實錄、教師札記、學生回饋與家長回饋等質性資料,歸納研究重要發現如下: 一、以繪本在低年級發展負責品德教育教學具可行性。 二、結合繪本與六E教學模式在品德教學上發展之教學模式與具體方法為:品德核心價值概念與繪本分析、倫理環境營造、同儕楷模學習、多元方式引起情意關注、繪本共讀討論、繪本事件分析、解釋與澄清價值觀、行動體驗、反思期許。 三、負責品德教育課程對於學生的品德認知與理性思考的開展有明顯成效。 四、多元教學方法受到低年級學生喜愛且有助於品德認知、情意、行動之學習表現。 / This study adopts action research method to understand the feasibility and implementation effectiveness of using picture books and 6E character teaching model (6E) in the character curriculum on the theme of “responsibility” for Grade-2 elementary school students. The research participants were 23 Grade-2 elementary school students in the researcher’s class, and a 15-week curriculum was conducted. Qualitative data analysis approach was employed to analyze students’ learning worksheets, teaching records, teacher’s daily notes, students’ feedback and parents’ feedback. The results are as follows: 1.It is feasible to use picture books in the character curriculum in the low-grade elementary school students. 2.This study concludes that the practicable teaching methods of using 6E teaching model and picture books in character curriculum are: Core value analysis, picture books analysis, ethical environment building, peer role model learning, concerns arousing, picture books reading and discussing, event analysis, core values interpretation and clarification, action experience and reflective expectations. 3.The character curriculum of responsibility improves students’ moral cognition and rational thinking remarkably. 4.The low-grade elementary school students like multiple teaching activities, which contribute to their moral cognition, affect, and behavior.

繪本與成人華語教學之教學研究:以中級程度免費班為例 / An Exploratory Study on Picture Books and Adult CSL Teaching: A Case Study on an Intermediate-level Free Course

林昕儀, Lin, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將繪本運用於成人華語的非正式課程(課外免費教學),旨在透過成人華語學習者對於繪本運用於成人華語文教學的看法及其學習成效,了解成人華語繪本教學的可行性。為達研究目的,本研究採用探索性的研究,以需求分析、課堂觀察記錄與焦點團體訪談為研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析及討論問題的依據。本研究先針對臺灣北部某國立大學之華語文教學中心中級以上之外籍成人學習者發放需求調查問卷,之後以中級程度為限,於該華語中心開設「繪本學華語」免費課,並對修課之學習者進行焦點團體訪談,探討其對成人華語繪本教學的想法與意見。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)有趣又有助於學習者語言能力的繪本教學活動亦適用於成人華語學習者,可見繪本教學不只是兒童的專利;(二)繪本教學能為學習者帶來語言認知、情意上的助益,並彌補正規課程的不足;(三)繪本運用於成人華語教學時,繪本適合與否主要取決於「語言程度」、「繪本題材」與「圖片色彩與畫風」,其中又以「語言程度」最為重要,優先於另外兩者;而就主題而言,與「生活」及「文化」有關的內容最吸引學習者;(四)受限於免費課課程課時短少、分散,且對學習者缺乏約束力與強制力的特性,繪本教學在語言新知與技能提升方面的成效並不明顯,但可作為正規課的複習與輔助教材;(五)繪本運用於中級成人華語免費班教學所遭遇的主要困難為:難以找到與學習者語言程度相符的繪本、過於分散的課型易打斷繪本情節的連續性、免費班學習者語言程度不一。 最後根據調查結果提出華語文教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語文教學者在成人華語繪本教學方面的參考。 / This study applied picture books to an adult CSL free course, aiming to investigate adult CSL (Chinese as a second language) learners’ perspectives toward using picture books in adult CSL teaching, and the learning efficiency through picture book instruction. The research methods adopted in the study include needs analysis, classroom observations, and focus group interview. The participants of the study are intermediate-level students from a Chinese language center of a university in Northern Taiwan. The results of this study are (1) picture book instruction with interesting and language skill enhancing teaching activities suits adult CSL learners; (2) picture book instruction can benefit adult CSL learners both cognitively and affectively; (3) When using picture books to teach adult CSL learners, the main concerns are language difficulty, topic choice, and the style of pictures; (4) as the instruction time for the adult CSL free course is short and scattered, and it lacks the mandatory and binding force, such picture book instruction does not improve learners’ vocabulary and grammars significantly; however, it may serve as a good supplementary or review course; (5) the three major challenges for picture book adult free CSL course instruction are choices of picture book to suit learners’ needs, short and scattered instruction time, and learners’ various proficiency levels. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included in the end of the thesis

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