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臺北市縣個體家戶遷移因素之分析 / The Analysis of the Determinants of the Household Mobility in the Greater Taipei Area羅雅怡, Ya Yi,Lou Unknown Date (has links)
房價可反應家戶負擔能力,在家戶遷移決策上扮演重要角色,鑒於國內遷移相關研究多欠缺房價的考慮,本研究採用2009年「住宅需求動向調查」之已購屋者的資料,以二元羅吉特迴歸模型進行實證,分析臺北縣(市)家戶的遷移決策,了解原居住在臺北市(縣)之家戶選擇在臺北市(縣)內遷移或選擇向臺北縣(市)遷移的影響因素。住宅之單價及屋齡對臺北都會區的家戶均為影響遷移決策的關鍵因素。首購之家戶傾向遷往臺北縣,首次購屋者較非首購家戶會考慮住宅的負擔能力得到證實。教育程度及家戶年所得愈高,傾向遷往臺北市,另購屋決策者搜尋時間增加傾向遷往臺北市,顯示臺北市的住宅市場環境不確定性較臺北縣住宅市場高,亦可能是因為家戶進行遷移決策時帶著先前的參考價格偏誤進入市場,從高評價往低評價地區遷移,會減少搜尋行為而有較快的決策速度。本研究有助於了解臺北都會區之間人口流動的情形,作為政府住宅政策的參考依據。 / House price, which is an indicate to household's ability, plays an important role in the mobility decision. However, few research in Taiwan has touched this issue. Therefore, we use the home buyers' data in the greater Taipei area from 2009's "Housing Demand Survey" to convey our empirical study by employing a binary logistic regression model. Empirically, we find that the price and age of house are the key determinants of the household mobility in the greater Taipei area. First-time home buyers tend to move to the Taipei County. Our research confirms that the first-time home buyers consider the price much more than those who have previously acquired a house (or more) of their own. The households with a higher education level or greater pay tend to move to the Taipei City. Thoroughly-researched home buyers prefer to move to Taipei City. This indicates that the uncertainty of the Taipei City’s house market is greater than of the Taipei County. Or this is due to the fact that households tend to enter the market with biased previous prices, when households from higher evaluation location move to lower, they make mobility decision faster. The results are meaningful for the supply of housing market and public facility services.
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文化與收入對主觀福祉之影響:華人社會之實證研究 / Culture, income and subjective well-being: evidence from chinese in different societies張碩鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
華人社會傳承了儒家文化思想的價值觀,但是在社會環境、政治體制及人口結構等因素的差異之下,衍生出各種文化特性的差異。本研究使用世界價值觀調查(World Values Survey,WVS)資料,比較不同社會中的華人在文化特性方面的差異,並分析文化特性及其他因素對主觀福祉(subjective well-being)的影響。
本研究採用世界價值觀調查所建立之社會價值觀(societal values),加入其他文化特徵、社會態度及個人生活觀衡量文化特性。本研究使用之計量模型為排序羅吉特迴歸(ordered logit regression)模型,分析上述變數對華人生活滿意度(life satisfaction)與快樂程度(happiness)的影響。本研究之目的在於找出影響華人主觀福祉之重要決定因素,並探討文化因素在收入與主觀福祉之間是否存在調節效果(moderating effect)。
實證結果顯示,文化會影響華人主觀福祉,並在收入與主觀福祉之間造成調節效果。而華人在各個社會中所衍生出的文化特性差異,也使得各個社會中華人主觀福祉的重要決定因素有所差異。 / Chinese societies inherited the values of Confucianism. However, these societies vary in their social environment, political system and demographic structure, thus result in differences in their cultural characteristics. This study uses the data from World Values Survey, to explore the differences among Chinese in different societies, and to analyze the determining factors of Chinese subjective well-being.
In this study, the societal values established by the World Values Survey are used to represent the cultural properties. We also added other cultural traits, social attitudes and individual viewpoints for our analysis. In this study, we use ordered logit regression model to find out the important determinants of Chinese subjective well-being in different societies, and discuss whether there exists a cultural moderating effect between income and subjective well-being.
Empirical results show that culture has a significant impact on subjective well-being of Chinese, and the effect of income on Chinese subjective well-being are also moderated by cultural properties. The differences between these Chinese societies also result in divergences of important determinants of Chinese subjective well-being between societies.
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應用羅吉特迴規模式分析壽險購買行為 / Using Logisitic regression to analysis life insurance purshasing behavior陳棻煐, Chen, Feng-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃以『問卷調查』為研究工具,針對台灣地區 20 歲- 70 歲之消費者為研究對象,實際訪查消費者所偏好之保險商品。共計取得有效問卷 965 份,輔以以效用函數為理論基礎之『羅吉特迴歸模式』計量方式,找出「消費者本身的差異性」與「是否購買及購買何種保險產品」之間的因素,並而建立消費者效用函數,進而預估消費者購買保險機率,促使業者更能設計符合消費者需求之保單組合。
就「偏好購買不同商品」的議題上,本研究亦就目前市面上較為普遍之十種商品作研究,研究發現影響消費者偏好購買各個商品之因素各有不同,本文亦對其作綜合整理。最後亦針對研究結果,就各個不同保險商品,依其具有顯著水準之人口統計變項作--市場區隔,以期能提供保險公司或業務員在銷售時,可依商品的不同對消費大眾做市場區隔,使業務員或保險公司較易針對消費者不同的需求,做出較適合消費者且較易使消費者接受的保單設計。相信如此一來,非但有助於保險公司之保單設計與行銷,對於保險消費者如何選擇最適合自己的保單,也有相當的助益。 / The main goal of this research is to study the motives of the consumers purchasing the insurance policies and the selecting procedures. The previous researches on this area have been focused on the purchasing motives of each individual consumer. This kind of approach is widely used in practice. However, the consumers are not facing one insurance product but a variety of different insurance portfolios. In this study, we focus on analyzing the consumer-purchasing behavior of insurance portfolios. The logistic regression model is used to estimate the preference of the consumers among different insurance policies. The procedures of this study are summarized in the following:
( 1 )Review the developments of the previous researches and the findings.
( 2 )Design an appropriate questionnaire to collect the valid information and formulate the logistic regression model in this study.
( 3 )Collect the samples from the questionnaire and code this survey into a database system.
( 4 )Estimate the coefficients in the regression model in Step (2) and analyze the results. Finally comment on the findings.
Using the logistic regression model is helpful for the marketing department in insurance company to target the appropriate populations and differentiate the various insurance portfolios. In this study, the information from the questionnaire is investigated based on our choice model. Monitoring these effects is beneficial for the managers having concise information in our target markets. Finally, a quantitative model is proposed for Taiwan insurance markets and the recommended marketing strategy.
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都會區老人住宅選擇因素之研究 / A study of elderly housing selection factors in the metropolitan area.劉耀文, Liu, Yao wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議老人住宅開發業者以複合化、多樣化、小型化的開發模式興建老人住宅;建議政府應重視老人住宅出租市場,加強宣導鼓勵民眾居住老人住宅,建立老人住宅資訊平台,以活絡老人住宅出租市場,增加需求量,吸引更多優質廠商投資。在對台北縣永和市老人住宅政策之建議方面,建議老人住宅服務對象應從選擇性服務擴大到全民性服務,中興社區安養堂應轉型為多機能、複合化的老人住宅。 / In Taiwan, with the advances of medical technology, the life span of people has been extended. As a result, the population of senior people has increased dramatically; therefore, their accommodation and domiciliary care became a big issue in modern society.This research studies the middle-aged and senior people whose age over 50 and live in Yonghe City,Taipei County. Collecting data by questionnaire and using quantity methodology of Andersen model, Chi-square test, Factor Analysis, Logistic Regression and Cross Analysis to understand the factors that affect senior people to choose elderly housing.
The result shows, in term of personal decision, the factors of gender, age, healthy conditions, number of children, household income, current living pattern and ideal living pattern etc. will affect senior people to choose elderly housing. In term of limiting factors, the information of elderly housing, residence distance with relatives, a rental and type of elderly housing etc. will affect senior people’s choices. Most interviewers think composite and multifunctional elderly housing as well as cheaper charge would increase the desire to live in elderly housing. Meanwhile, the most popular elderly housing type is less than 50 apartments with medicinal facilities or educational services in the community.
This research suggests house building company should develop composite and multifunctional elderly housing in a small community for senior people. In addition, government should think seriously of elderly housing letting market by publicizing the information to encourage senior people to live in elderly housing. Once the house demand increased, it will attract more decent building companies developing more elderly housing to promote for senior people. Furthermore, this research suggests the housing policy in Yonghe City, Taipei County should broaden elderly housing service from selectivity senior people to general elderly. And the Jhong-sing Elderly Community Shelter should be transformed into composite and multifunctional elderly housing.
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