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新北市國小校長工作壓力、復原力與憂鬱行為表現之研究 / The study of New Taipei City elementary school principal’s work pressure, recover ability, and melancholia behaviors周佩姿 Unknown Date (has links)
8、「家庭團結」復原力最能有效預測男性、學校地區為板橋三重分區之新北市國小校長其 憂鬱行為表現。
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ADHD次分類型在認知功能與行為表現間的關係 / The relationship between cognitive function and behavior performance in ADHD subtypes王淳弘 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,以DBRS所區分的次分類型,在GDS各相關認知功能指標上,都無法有效獲得顯著的差異與關係;大部分的測驗指標,皆未能有效支持本研究假設。研究結果顯示,在本研究樣本中,受試者母親在DBRS上填答的行為症狀表現,與受試者在神經心理測驗GDS上的認知功能表現,未能展現出一致及可茲對映的區辨能力。並在討論中針對此結果,提出可能的原因及相關的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore that if ADHD subtypes which are discriminated by behavioral symptoms could reflect the same discriminance on cognitive functions. In this study, the performance of inattention and hyperactive/impulsive behavioral symptoms are measured by the behavioral symptom scale, DBRS; and the performance of inattention and hyperactive/impulsive cognitive functions are measured by the neuropsychological testing, GDS.
The hypotheses of this study are that the different ADHD subtypes which are measured by behavioral symptom scale, DBRS, should have different performance pattern of cognitive functions in GDS. This study sorts 63 male subjects, aged from 6 to 9 years old, into 4 subtypes and compares the differences by one way ANOVA and explores the relationships by Pearson product-moment correlation, so as to exam the cognitive differences and the relationships between subtypes on neuropsychological test, GDS.
The results show that the subtypes which is discriminated by DBRS have no significant differences on most related cognitive-functioning indexes of GDS. Most testing indexes do not support the hypothese in this study. From the samples of this study the results show that the performance of behavioral symptoms on DBRS, based on mother's evaluation of subject's behavior, and subjects’ performance of cognitive functions on GDS do not have consistent or matched patern. The probabilistic explanation and related suggestion will be proposed in discussion.
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不同快慢節奏之音樂刺激對午間睡眠後之睡眠遲惰效果、情緒以及生理激發狀態的影響 / The Effects of the Fast and Slow Tempo Music on Sleep Inertia, Mood and Arousal after a Short Daytime Nap周重佑, Chou, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:睡眠遲惰(sleep inertia)指的是剛由睡眠中醒來的一種現象,在這段轉換期間內,個體的警覺力較低、心智較為遲緩,認知和行為表現都較差。過去針對睡眠遲惰的研究顯示,睡眠遲惰是從一個較低生理激發的狀態到較高生理激發的漸進式轉換過渡階段。若睡眠遲惰是與較低的生理激發狀態有關,則若能提高個體的激發狀態,應能減少睡眠遲惰的負面影響。從過去的文獻中可發現,快節奏的音樂可以提高個體的生理激發。因此,本研究針對音樂的節奏快慢做操弄,探討生理激發狀態在睡眠遲惰所扮演的角色,比較不同快慢節奏的音樂刺激對於睡眠遲惰效果的影響。
方法:12名年齡介於18到31歲之間的受試者參與此研究。受試者在20分鐘小睡被喚醒後,分次接受快節奏音樂、慢節奏音樂、以及無音樂控制情境等三種情境安排。睡醒後的實驗期間為1小時,受試者每10分鐘被要求進行加法作業及填寫卡羅連斯加睡意量表(Karolinska Sleepiness Scale)、視覺類比量表(visual analog scales)、以及情緒評估等主觀量表,總計六次。同時,他們的腦電波(electroencephalogram)、心率變異率(heart rate variability)、膚電反應(skin conductance responses)、指溫等生理反應亦被記錄。
結果:受試者在認知表現或主觀評量上的確顯現出睡眠遲惰的效果,其加法作業的完成題數隨著時間增加,而主觀睡意則隨著時間減少。快節奏音樂情境比慢節奏音樂情境有顯著較高的主觀激發程度,並有較清醒的評量。在生理測量部分,受試者在快節奏音樂情境中有顯著較高的非特定刺激引起之膚電反應(Non-specific skin conductance responses)和腦電波較多beta波的趨勢。然而,儘管受試者的主觀評量會受到音樂刺激的影響而有不同,其認知表現並沒有出現類似的效果。
結論:本研究發現藉由音樂提高激發狀態,可使主觀睡意評量降低,但認知表現並不受到影響。此分離的現象顯示睡眠遲惰的消散不能以單一的生理激發狀態來解釋,而必須考慮多種歷程機制同時運作的可能性。 / Objective:Sleep inertia (SI) is a transitional state occurring immediately after awakening from sleep that are associated with sleepiness, decreased alertness and decrement in cognitive performance. It has been suggested that SI may be due to a decline in arousal level. Therefore, it was hypothesized that factors likely increasing arousal would reduce the effects of SI. Previous studies showed that fast-tempo music may enhance the level of arousal. The present study was conducted to clarify the role of arousal in SI by exposure to music with different tempos.
Methods:Twelve healthy young adults, aged 18 to 31 years, participated in the study. All subjects went through three conditions: a fast-tempo music, a slow-tempo music, and a control (no music) conditions. Music stimuli were applied to subjects awaked from a 20-mins nap, and the subjects were given an addition task and asked to rate their level of subjective sleepiness and arousal on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), visual analog scales (VAS) and emotional rating scales 6 times over an hour. During the test period, their physiological arousal state was recorded, including electroencephalogram (EEG), heart rate variability (HRV), skin conductance responses (SCR), finger temperature.
Results:The effects of SI on cognitive throughput and subjective ratings were evident. Their performance on the addition task increased and sleepiness decreased over time. Subjective sleepiness was significantly reduced and physiological arousal level measured by non-specific skin conductance responses (NS-SCRs) and EEG beta power were elevated when the participants were exposed to fast-tempo music. However, cognitive performance was not influenced by music exposure.
Conclusion:The present findings suggest that increased arousal level during SI by manipulating music stimuli may decrease subjective sleepiness but have no impact on cognitive performance. This dissociative effect suggests that the dissipation of sleep inertia may not be a function of a general arousal level. Rather, there may be multiple processes that are responsible for different aspects of SI.
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新北市國中主任工作壓力及復原力與憂鬱行為表現之研究 / The study of work stress,resilience and depression of directors in New Taipei City junior high schools.陳秋雅, Chen, Chiu Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據上述結果加以討論,並分別對國中主任、學校、教育行政主管機關及未來研究提出相關建議。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the relationships between work stress, resilience and depression of the directors in New Taipei City junior high school. This study samples have 314 directors in New Taipei City junior high schools, and 270 valid questionnaires are collected. The research tools used are:"The work stress scale for directors of junior high school","Resilience Scale for adult ",and " Depression Scale ".The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way analysis of variance,Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The major results of the study are as follows.
1.New Taipei City junior high school directors’ work stress is in the medium low degree. Their resilience is in the medium high degree, and more than 1/5 of them show minor or more serious depression.
2.Female directors’ work stress of participation in decision making is higher than male, and the resilience of social resource and social competence are also higher than male.
3.The overall work stress of the directors whose age less than 35 is higher than whose more than aged 51.
4.The unmarried directors of the overall work stress are higher than that of married, but the married directors of the overall resilience are higher than unmarried.
5.The directors who has no children of the overall work stress are higher than those have the youngest children whose age are more than 13.
6.The overall work stress of the directors whose director seniority less than 5 years is higher than whose more than 6 years.
7.The resilience of structured style of the directors whose director seniority more than 11 years is higher than whose less than 5 years.
8.There is significant positive correlation between work stress and depression of the directors.
9.There is significant negative correlation between resilience and depression of the directors.
10.The directors' work stress and resilience can predict their depression.
11.The directors' resilience which in their work stress and depression has moderate effect.
According to the results to discuss and provide several suggestions for the directors, schools, education administration, and future research.
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臺北市公立高中兼任行政職務教師工作壓力、復原力與憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study on work-related stress, resilience, and the presentation of depressive symptoms of teachers with additional administrative duties who work at public senior high Schools in Taipei City郭婷婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the correlation among work-related stress, resilience and the presentation of depressive symptoms of teachers with additional administrative duties who work at public senior high schools in Taipei city. The subjects of the study are 279 teachers with additional administrative duties who work in public senior high schools in Taipei city(referred to as “such teachers” hereafter). Research instruments include 「Quantitative Investigation on Presence of Job Stress」,「Resilience Scale for Adults」,「Ko Depression Inventory」. Data collected is analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé methed、Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The main results are listed here.
1.Such teachers’ work-related stress is in the lower-medium level. Their resilience is in the high-medium level. 39.1% of them show minor or more serious depressive symptoms.
2.There are significantly more such teachers under the age of 30 who show depressive symptoms than those over the age of 41.
3.There are significantly more such teachers with college/university diploma who show depressive symptoms than those with a master’s degree or a higher academic qualification.
4.Resilience shown by such teachers who has been in administrative posts for 6 to 10 years and 11 to 15 years is significantly stronger than those who has only been in their administrative posts for 1 to 2 years. Those who have only been in their administrative posts for 1 to 2 years show significantly more depressive symptoms than those who have been in their administrative posts for 6 to 10 years.
5.Overall, such teachers who are directors show stronger resilience than such teacher who are section chiefs. On the other hand, such teachers who are section chiefs show more depressive symptoms than those who are directors.
6.Such teachers who are married show significantly better resilience than those who are single.
7.Such teachers who have more than 2 children show significantly better resilience than those who have none.
8.Such teachers working at schools with 51 or more classes experience significantly more work-related stress than those working at schools with 31 to 50 classes.
9.There is a significant medium correlation between work-related stress experienced by such teachers and the presentation of their depressive symptoms. There is a significant low negative correlation between overall resilience and the presentation of their depressive symptoms.
10.Work-related stress resulting from insufficient professional knowledge and the strength of personal resilience are the best indicators for the presentation of such teacher’s depressive symptoms.
11.Resilience of such teachers can effectively moderate work-related stress and depressive symptoms.
This study discusses the above-mentioned results and offers several suggestions for the reference of relevant practical work and further studies.
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新北市國中學生母親管教方式、知覺關係霸凌與憂鬱行為表現之研究 / The study of the mother parenting style, relational bullying and depressive behavior of the junior high school students in New Taipei City游凱琳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國中學生母親管教方式、知覺關係霸凌與憂鬱行為表現之關係。以立意取樣選取新北市之公立國民中學學生共501人進行問卷調查。調查結果採用描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。主要研究結果如下:
本研究根據上述結果加以討論,並分別針對學校單位、教育行政主管機關及未來研究提出建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship between mother parenting style, relational bullying and depressive behavior among the junior high school students in new Taipei city.501 students selected from the junior high school of new Taipei city.The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and Multiple Stepwise Regression. The main findings were as follows:
1.The student’s perception of relational bullying victimization is at lower-medium level.
2.The perception of relational bullying in female students is obviously higher than male students.
3.The perception of relational bullying in seventh-grade students is obviously higher than ninth-grade students.
4.The perception of relational bullying of students in different birth order has no significant difference.
5.The perception of relational bullying of students in the school over 60 classes is obviously higher than the students in the school less than 24 classes and in the school of 25 to 59 classes.
6.There is no significant difference between mother’s parenting style and the perception of relational bullying.
7.There is a positive relationship between the perception of relational bullying and the students depressive behavior.
8.The perception of the relation’s manipulation, spreading rumors and the Responses of mother’s parenting style shows the obvious predictors of student’s depressive behavior. The explaination of the total variance is approximately 25.4%.
9.The perception of relation’s manipulation of bullying are the most indicator of the student’s depressive behavior.
Follow by the discussions of the results, there is several suggestions for the schools, the educational administrative authorities, and further researchers.
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人格特質、親子關係、同儕關係與兒童憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study of personality traits, parent-child relationship , peer relationship and depression of elementary school students王瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討國小兒童的「人格特質」、「親子關係」、「同儕關係」與「憂鬱」之相關, 並以問卷調查方式進行。研究樣本為國小高年級兒童為對象, 共收集487 份有效樣本進行分析。本研究之研究工具為「兒童青少年憂鬱篩選量表」、「國小學童人格特質量表」、「親子互動關係問卷」及「國小學童同儕互動關係量表」。數據資料以敍述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關, 及多元逐步迴歸進行分析等。研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國小兒童的憂鬱行為表現普遍水準偏向正面,即較無憂鬱。
本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, parental relationship, peer relationship and depression. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 487 grade five and six elementary school students in Taiwan.Instruments used in this study were“Children and Adolescents Depression Screening Scale”,“Parental Interaction Relationship Questionnaire”,“The scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”. The study was analyzed by descriptive statist ics,T-tests,One-way ANOVA,Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The main findings of this study were as fol lows:
1. The status of depressive tendency for most respondents is regarded as positive.
2. There were no significant differences in depression among these students according to their different gender , birth order and family structure.
3. There were significant positive correlations between “neuroticism”,” control / instigate”,” conflict / attack”,”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “depression”.However, there were significant negative correlations between” conscientiousness”,”extraversion”, “agreeableness”,”openness”,” parental relationship”,”cooperative / prosocial behavior”,”game / joint activities”,”trust / respect”,”intimate/ attachment” peer relationship and “depression”.
4. Significant negative correlations were found between youngest birth order and parents-family child’ extraversion and depression.
5. Significant negative correlations were found between oldest birth order and single parent-family child’ mother mentality relationship and depression.
6. Significant correlations were found between the middle child’ ”trust /respect”,”intimate/ attachment”, ”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and depression.
7. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “neuroticism” show prediction to the total score of depression.
8. ”competitive / jealous” peer relationship shows prediction to boy,singleton, and the middle child’ depression.
9. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship shows prediction to girl,oldest birth order,and parents-family child’ depression.
10.“neuroticism” shows prediction to youngest birth order and single parent-family child’ depression.
Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.
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工作壓力、12年國教採計服務學習時數實施困擾與憂鬱行為表現之研究--以基北區國中兼任行政工作教師為例 / A Study on Work-related Stress, Service learning of Twelve-year Public Education Program,and the Presentation of Depressive Symptoms of Teachers with Additional Administrative Duties Who Work at Junior High School in Taipei、New Taipei and Keelung City蔡宜芬 Unknown Date (has links)
1、 基北區兼任行政教師的工作壓力屬中等程度;12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾程度屬中上程度;憂鬱行為表現屬中下程度。
2、 新北市兼任行政教師在上級要求工作壓力感受上高於臺北市兼任行政教師。
3、 基隆市兼任行政教師在工作負荷工作壓力感受上高於臺北市兼任行政教師。
4、 30班以下基北區兼任行政教師其憂鬱行為表現高於61班以上的基北區兼任行政教師。
5、 基北區兼任行政教師的工作壓力與憂鬱行為表現有顯著正相關。
6、 基北區兼任行政教師的12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾與憂鬱行為表現有顯著正相關。
7、 基北區兼任行政教師的12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾與工作壓力有顯著正相關。
8、 人際關係工作壓力與12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾能預測基北區兼任行政教師憂鬱行為表現。
本研究依據上述結果加以討論,並分別針對基北區兼任行政教師、學校、教育行政主管機關及未來研究提出相關建議。 / This studyaims to investigate the correlation among work-related stress,service learning of twelve-year public education program and presentation of depressive symptoms of teacher with additional administrative duties who work at public junior high school in Taipei、New Taipei and Keelung city.Stratified selection of Taipei, New Taipei and Keelung public junior high school total of 443 teachers with additional administrative duties were investigated. Data collected is analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOWA、Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The main results are listed here.
1. The work-related stress of Taipei、New Taipei、Keelung city ‘s teacher with additional administrative duties is in the medium level; The distress of service learning of twelve-year public education program is in the high-medium level ; Their presentation of depressive symptoms is in the lower-medium level.
2. Such teachers who working in New Taipei city show significantly higher work-related stress than those working in Taipei city.
3. Such teachers who working in Keelung city show significantly higher work-related stress in operating load than those working in Taipei city.
4. Such teachers who working at schools with under 30 classes experience significantly more depressive symptoms than those working at schools with 61 or more classes
5. There is a significantly positive correlation between work-related stress experienced by such teachers and the presentation of their depressive symptoms.
6. There is a significantly positive correlation between the distress of service learning of twelve-year public education program and depressive symptoms.
7. There is a significantly positive correlation between the distress of service learning of twelve-year public education program and work-related stress.
8. Work-related stress resulting from interpersonal relationship and the method of implementation of service learning of twelve-year public education program are the best indicators for the presentation of such teacher’s depressive symptoms.
This study discusses the above-mentioned results and offers several suggestions for the teacher with additional administrative duties who work at public junior high school in Taipei、New Taipei and Keelung city、education agency and further studies.
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