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愉悅性嗅覺刺激對產品評價與資訊處理的影響 / The effects of pleasant scent stimulus on product evaluation and information process陳明怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文透過兩個子研究並採用實驗法,分別瞭解產品嗅覺刺激與情境嗅覺刺激的影響。研究一又可分為兩個主題,主題一採3 (產品嗅覺刺激:無vs.適合性vs.不適合) * 2 (嗅覺刺激診斷性:高vs.低) *2 (涉入程度:高vs.低)之12組受測者間實驗設計。主題二為情境嗅覺刺激之前導研究,採3 (情境嗅覺刺激:無vs.適合性vs.不適合)之3組受測者間實驗設計。研究二採2 (情境嗅覺刺激的提供:有vs.無) * 2 (廣告訴求:享樂vs.功利) *2 (產品論點品質:強vs.弱)之8組受測者間實驗設計。
關於產品嗅覺刺激有三點重要發現,分別為:(1) 對低資訊處理涉入者來說,無論嗅覺刺激是否具診斷性,氣味愉悅性都是主要的影響因素,此時,產品嗅覺刺激乃為情感性角色,因任務結果對低資訊處理涉入者並不攸關且不感興趣,在這種情況下,其易採取週邊說服路徑,視產品嗅覺刺激為週邊線索,只要氣味具愉悅性,雖適合性不高,仍可提升產品評價。(2) 對高資訊處理涉入者來說,嗅覺刺激具診斷性時,產品嗅覺刺激主要扮演認知性角色,因任務結果對高涉入者為攸關且感興趣,在此情況下,其易採取中央說服路徑,視該氣味為攸關判斷的產品論點,所以會仔細推敲該嗅覺刺激與產品的關係,以決定搭配適合性,對於適合的嗅覺刺激評價會比不適合的佳,此時,嗅覺刺激適合性就類似於強弱產品論點的角色。(3) 當嗅覺刺激不具診斷性時,其認知性角色就會消失,此時,高資訊處理涉入者仍然採取中央說服路徑,但氣味已被視為與判斷無關的週邊線索,所以高涉入者並不會再仔細推敲該嗅覺刺激與產品的關係,適合與否也就不會產生差異,甚至高涉入者還會啟動修正機制,排除氣味愉悅性的影響。
在情境嗅覺刺激部份亦有四點重要發現,分別為:(1) 當愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激存在時,會有助於增加知覺者的正向心情,進而增加消費者對情境標的產品之資訊處理程度並促進其採取中央資訊處理路徑,對於強勢論點品質之產品評價會優於弱勢論點。(2) 愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激也會改變消費者對不同產品資訊類型的偏重,即在資訊處理或編碼階段會對享樂資訊特別關注,因此,在事後對於享樂資訊的提取比率較高,上述效果在享樂廣告訴求下更為明顯。(3) 有愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激存在時,會讓消費者對享樂訴求廣告之產品評價優於功利訴求。(4) 本研究進一步建構情境嗅覺刺激影響產品評價之多元關係,結果發現當產品類型較偏功利性時,則情境嗅覺刺激會先經由引發好心情再增加資訊處理程度,最後才影響產品評價,其中正向心情與資訊處理程度在模式中都是部份中介的角色,當產品類型較偏享樂性時,則情境嗅覺刺激影響產品評價就完全經由心情機制。 / This study adopts a multiple-role view from the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and hedonic contingency model to explore the influences of product scents and ambient scents. The product scents are scents that consumers smell directly from products. In the literature on product scents, there are no research studies considering the moderate role of product types and the motivation to recognize scents appropriately. Ambient scents are scents smelled that are unconnected to products. In the literature on ambient scents, there are no research studies considering how ambient scents can influence information processes. However, many scholars want to explore the factors that can influence information processes. Furthermore, a new product launch by an unknown brand can convince consumers depending on consumers’ careful processing of product information. Thus, this issue is very important to academic study and practice.
This study adopts two experiments that realize the effects of product scents and ambient scents separately. Study One can be divided into two parts. Part A adopts a 3 (product scents: none, fit, unfit) * 2 (involvement: high vs. low) * 2 (diagnostic of scents: high vs. low) between-subjects design. Part B is a pilot study of ambient scents that adopts a between-subjects design with 3 factors (ambient scents: none, fit, unfit). The Study Two adopts a 2 (ambient scents: yes vs. no) * 2 (advertisement appeal: hedonic vs. utilitarian) * 2 (argument quality: strong vs. weak) between-subjects design.
The results of Study One have three points: (1) for consumers with low involvement in tasks, whether scents are diagnostic for products or not, pleasant scents have significant effects. Because people who are involved in tasks at a low level and are not concerned or interested in outcomes, they are almost persuaded by peripheral routes and regard product scents as peripheral cues. Even though the scents do not fit with the products, they still can cause positive product evaluation depending on the nature of the pleasure. For people with low involvement in tasks, product scents mainly play an emotional role. (2) For people who are highly involved in tasks and really concerned or interested in outcomes, they are almost persuaded by central routes and regard product scents as arguments, especially when scents are diagnostic for products. For them, product scents not only play an emotional role but also a cognitive role. They will evaluate the similarities or differences between products and scents. A scent that fits with a product will cause a more positive product evaluation than a scent that does not fit a product. (3) For consumers who are highly involved in tasks, as scents are not diagnostic for products, the cognitive role will disappear. The scents are regarded irrelevant to product evaluation, so consumers do not evaluate the similarities or differences between products and scents. Whether a scent fits a product or does not is unimportant for them; furthermore, they will correct for and eliminate the effects of pleasant scents in product evaluation.
The results of Study Two have four points: (1) when pleasant ambient scents can be provided by marketers, they can cause a positive mood among perceivers and enhance the level of information processing toward the focal product within the context. Furthermore, pleasant ambient scents can encourage consumers to adopt central routes to process information. People will evaluate products with strong argument quality more positively than products with weak argument quality. (2) Pleasant ambient scents also draw people’s attention toward different information types. People will attend more to hedonic product information, especially with hedonic advertisement appeal. (3) A pleasant ambient scent that matches a hedonic advertisement appeal can cause a more positive product evaluation than a pleasant ambient scent that matches a utilitarian advertisement appeal. (4) For a utilitarian product type, the effects of pleasant ambient scents on product evaluation will cause a positive mood and enhance the level of information processing. Mood and cognition play a partial mediation role. For a hedonic product type, the effect of pleasant ambient scents on product evaluation is fully mediated by a positive mood.
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策略性衡量指標之設計、診斷及回饋系統-以平衡計分卡個案為例 / The design, diagnose, and feedback system of strategic performance indicators, analysis from the case of balanced scorecard.吳依茜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將策略性衡量指標系統之建立區分為「策略性衡量指標設計系統」、「策略性衡量指標診斷系統」,及「策略性衡量指標回饋系統」三大部分。簡而言之,本研究說明企業如何利用平衡計分卡實際進行管理,以策略性衡量指標為重點,將企業的策略至實際營運活動一以貫之,經營者同時能藉此思考企業可精進之處,此研究結果俾作為個案公司及後續企業執行平衡計分卡時之參考。 / The electronic industry in Taiwan is the key within the industry development policy, and the balanced scorecard is one of the most powerful tools of performance management. The object of the research is a domestic manufacture of passive components, which implements the case of balanced scorecard for three years. The research explores the implementation of balanced scorecard by analyzing the strategic performance indicator, building the system of indicator diagnosis, and offers the feedback of indicator for the company need.
The research divides the analysis of strategic performance indicator into “the design of strategic performance indicator”, “the diagnosis of strategic performance indicator”, and “the feedback of strategic performance indicator”. In short, the research explains how the company use balanced scorecard to manage. Use a strong logic to link from the company’s strategy to every operating activity. CEO also can think about where the company can improve. The result of research could be the reference for the case and other companies
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物體輪廓診斷性對形式內促發與跨形式促發之影響 / The effect of object contour diagnosticity on within-modal and cross-modal priming王林宇, Linyu Lennel Wang Unknown Date (has links)
根據Paivio的雙重收錄理論(dual coding theory)(Paivio, 1986, 1991),辨識具體(concrete)名詞(例如,物體的名稱)會同時觸及(access)或激發兩種知識表徵,一種是涉及左腦的口語(verbal)表徵,另一種是涉及左腦與右腦的影像(image)表徵,而許多神經語言學研究皆指出,涉及處理具體名詞的神經機制不只包含左腦,同時也包含右腦,是以,閱讀具體名詞可能會觸及或激發物體的內在表徵,如果物體輪廓相當獨特或明顯,那麼閱讀此類型物體之名稱可能會觸及或激發此類物體的完整或重要表徵,致使W-P促發量等於P-P促發量現象。因此本研究試圖操弄物體輪廓診斷性來解釋W-P促發量等於P-P促發量之現象。
實驗一與實驗二分別以「圖形唸名」以及「圖形知覺辨識作業」來檢驗「物體輪廓診斷性」對促發的影響,結果顯示,「整體診斷性不高」物體(globally non-diagnostic object,簡稱GN類物體)的P-P促發量高於W-P促發量,和先前許多研究結果一致,然而,「整體診斷性高」物體(globally diagnostic object,簡稱GD類物體)的W-P促發量等於P-P促發量,顯示「物體輪廓診斷性」會影響促發的表現,同時也顯示閱讀GD類物體名稱可以觸及或激發GD類物體的整體或必要的知識表徵。
實驗三以分視野(divided visual field)呈現方式檢驗GD類物體的W-P促發之腦側化現象。本研究發現,顯著的W-P促發只出現在右腦,顯示W-P促發主要經由右腦來處理,根據Paivio的雙重收錄理論來推論,W-P促發之本質可能主要涉及以影像為基礎的(image-based)的知識表徵。
本研究同時操弄外顯記憶以檢驗外顯記憶是否污染W-P促發而導致W-P促發量等於P-P促發量,結果顯示,不管哪一種物體,P-P情境的再認記憶表現都顯著比W-P情境好,顯示GD類物體的促發表現與外顯記憶表現之間有單一分離(single dissociation)的關係,換言之,GD類物體之W-P促發並不受外顯記憶影響或污染。此外,實驗四顯示刻意的心像策略並不涉及W-P促發,顯示閱讀GD類物體名稱觸及GD類物體概念表徵是一種自動化而且相當快速的歷程。 / Implicit memory is usually assessed by showing repetition priming effects, when better performance in accuracy or response time for stimuli that have been previously encountered in comparison with performance with new stimuli. Picture-naming priming has been examined in studies that compared priming in participants who named pictures in the study phase and named those same pictures in the test phase (P-P condition) versus participants who read words that were the names of pictures in the study phase and named pictures cor-responding to those words in the test phase (W-P condition). Many studies demonstrated W-P priming is less than P-P priming in the picture-naming task and other similar object recognition tasks. However, in sharp contrast to the above studies, some studies reported equivalent magnitudes of P-P and W-P naming priming. Theories of implicit memory cannot account for the counter-intuitive phenomenon.
According to Paivio’s dual-coding theory, the processing of abstract nouns (e.g., justice) relies on verbal code representations of the left cerebral hemisphere only, whereas concrete nouns (e.g., airplane) additionally access a second image-based processing system in the right cerebral hemisphere (Paivio, 1986, 1991). Paivio’s theory is supported by many researches on neurolinguistics. If the contour of an object is very distinctive or diagnostic, there should be the possible result that reading the name of the distinctive objects could access the whole or essential representation of the object. Following the idea, I manipulated global diagnosticity of object contour to examine whether P-P priming is always larger than W-P priming.
I found P-P priming was equivalent to W-P priming on “globally diagnostic” (GD) objects, but the P-P priming was still larger than W-P priming on “glob-ally non-diagnostic” (GN) objects. This phenomenon appeared on both pic-ture-naming (Experiment 1) and picture perceptual-identification (Experiment 2) tasks. Experiment 3 showed that significant W-P priming appeared only when GD objects in the test phase were presented to the right cerebral hemi-sphere (in the left visual field). Based on the Paivio’s dual coding theory (Paivio, 1986, 1991) and research on neurolinguistics, the nature of W-P priming for GD objects was inferred to be image-based processing.
Better explicit (conscious) memory performance (recognition memory) in P-P condition than that in W-P condition showed that equivalent priming across P-P and W-P conditions on GD objects was dissociated from the influence of conscious recognition memory. Experiment 4 showed that the intentional strategy of generating mental imagery was not necessarily involved in the W-P priming.
These results suggested that reading names of globally diagnostic objects can access, automatically and unconsciously, the representation or essential features of globally diagnostic objects, and right cerebral hemisphere might be responsible for the processing.
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精熟學習策略配合數位化診斷系統對高工學生數學科學習成效之研究 / A Study on Math Learning Effectiveness of Vocational High School Students Using Mastery Learning Strategy with Computerized Diagnostic System滕春麗 Unknown Date (has links)
最後為使實驗教學能更順利進行,建議教學前先營造愉快與舒適教學環境與良好的師生互動情誼再實施,這將會是實驗教學成功的關鍵 / Mastery Learning Strategy is a highly effective teaching method, emphasizing the importance of individualized tutoring, student feedback and learning error correction. In this study, a self-devised computerized diagnostic system was developed for the third-year vocational high school students who were preparing for the technological university entrance examination. An experimental teaching method using Mastery Learning Strategy with computerized diagnostic system was given to the aforementioned students as a math review lesson six weeks before the entrance examination, following the original school policy, class schedule or class management. From test responses, the diagnostic system achieved the following:
(1)Quick selecting of good quality test items. It also evaluates the test items and provides the difficulty, discrimination, and correction rates of them.
(2)Individualized diagnosis of each student vs. test items. It also completes the reliability, validity and S-P charts of the test.
(3)Offering a comprehensive record of the learning process. It also analyzes the learning process of the students and sorts out their learning potential.
(4)Analyzing students’ learning effects and coming up with teaching suggestions.
In this experiment, the data gained from the diagnosis were used to provide each student with individualized instruction or error correction with the hope of attaining the goals of Mastery Learning. The analysis of the students’ feedback after the experimental teaching method showed that most students thought positively of the experiment, admitting that they developed a more aggressive learning attitude, and suggested that this computerized diagnostic system, had it been implemented earlier, would have helped them achieve even better grades.
The students in this study consisted of three groups. Group A and B were both experimental groups except that group A were students from electrical engineering department while group B were students from mechanical engineering department. Group C was the control group receiving only conventional teaching method. Group A was compared with group B and group C respectively in terms of differences in math-learning attitude, math-learning achievement, and in the absolute mean deviation of learning achievement. By means of one-way analysis of covariance, with pre-test effects eliminated, the conclusions were as follows:
(1)None of the groups exhibited significant grade differences on the math-learning attitude post-test.
(2)Group A scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group.
(3)Group A of electrical engineering students scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group B of mechanical engineering students. However, if the grades of the Group B students who didn’t complete the experiment were unaccounted, no grade difference was noticeable on the math-learning achievement post-test between Group A and Group B.
(4)Group A, the experimental group, had significantly lower absolute mean deviation on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group.
Finally, it was suggested that creating a comfortable environment for teaching and learning as well as an advance establishment of a good teacher-student rapport are the key to a smooth-going and successful experimental teaching method.
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全民健保制度下使用自費醫材之規制 / The regulation of medical materials at their own expense in national health insurance system謝瑞洋, Jui-Yang Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
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