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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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祝基瀅 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

推動讀報教育之比較研究,以臺灣日本為例 / Compair Taiwan's Newspaper in Education movement with Japan

馮季眉 Unknown Date (has links)
年輕世代的資訊管道以電視與網路為主,全球報業都面臨讀者流失的共通現象,也面臨如何吸引、培養年輕讀者的課題。讀報教育是美國報業培養年輕讀者的重要手段,也是日本報業因應社會文字閱讀率與閱報率降低的對策。《國語日報》是臺灣唯一推動讀報教育的報業,推動成效如何?《國語日報》及臺灣報業,是否能從日本推動讀報教育的經驗中,獲得啟發與借鏡? 本研究採文獻分析、觀察研究、問卷、訪談方式,針對日本與臺灣推動讀報教育的背景、機制、目標、策略、行動、效果六個構面進行研究比較。得到結論如下: 一、日本與臺灣讀報教育的成果調查,結果明確顯示:(一)讀報教育在國小階段,教師應用最廣的是應用於語文教學。(二)對學生的閱讀能力、寫作能力、表達能力、社會關懷,具有提升效果。 二、日本與臺灣讀報教育成果調查,對象均為在學學生;無法具體呈現「培養學生讀報」與「成為未來讀者」、「終身讀者」的關係與影響。但日本與臺灣的實施效果都明確顯示,學生的閱讀興趣和閱讀能力提升,以報紙內容作為話題以及關心時事的程度也提升,此即報業「培養讀者」的成果。 三、日本推動讀報教育的機制,健全而穩定;具有「持久性」、「財務力」、「合作力」、「研發力」。《國語日報》的推動機制相對欠缺「持久性」與「財務力」,不利持久、深化。 四、在協助偏遠弱勢學童方面,臺灣推動的讀報教育發揮了更強的公益性。

新北市國民小學閱讀推廣研究 / The Study of Reading Promotion In The Elementary Schools of New Taipei City

陳俊維, Chen, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查新北市國民小學閱讀推廣現況,並探討新北市閱讀績優學校閱讀推廣的關鍵因素。透過問卷調查各校閱讀推廣的現況以及閱讀推廣的困境,並對市內九所閱讀磐石學校閱讀推廣負人進行訪談,探討閱讀績優學校閱讀推廣成功的因素。 調查結果顯示,新北市國民小學閱讀推廣現況在市政府的政策支援、學校及家長的重視下,校方多能制訂計畫進行校園閱讀推廣,且閱讀資源面上獲取的管道多元,除了政府提撥的經費外,與民間團體、社區的合作更加密切,然而資源M型化分配是一隱憂。在執行面上重視人力專業化與教師自我增能的需求,但閱讀推廣負責人身兼數職工作繁重的問題有待解決。在推廣困境上,城市區域小學在於凝聚教師共識與推廣時間不足,平地鄉鎮小學在於閱讀的基礎環境改善,偏遠地區小學則在於學生閱讀動機與閱讀氣氛的營造,各有不同的挑戰。 在閱讀磐石學校推廣關鍵因素方面,校長的理念與作法極為關鍵,除了組織團隊、凝聚親師共識,積極引進產官學界資源外,更將閱讀融入校本課程、致力閱讀教學的連貫化與系統化。而為了因應閱讀研究的脈動亦重視人員素質的提升,然而成員流動的問題卻造成閱讀推廣的隱憂。 根據研究結果建議,在教育相關單位方面,培訓校長成為校園閱讀推手,提高圖書館層級與編制,全面設置閱讀推動教師,廣辦研習擴大參與對象範圍,在資源上成立區域聯盟,平衡分配差距;在學校方面,應審慎擬定閱讀推廣計畫建立回饋修正機制,凝聚親師推廣共識、提升人力素質,精緻化閱讀推廣內容,多元評估閱讀成效,更要融入校本課程達成閱讀推廣系統化的目標。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate New Taipei City Elementary school reading promotion, and to explore the success factors for Reading Keystone Schools in New Taipei City. The study is via the surveys to understand the process and the difficulties of reading promotion in practice, interviewing the persons in charge of reading promotion from the nine Reading Keystone Schools to explore success factors. The results indicated that based on supports from government and value of parents, elementary schools in New Taipei City are very involved in reading promotion and receive lots of information, cooperating with NGO and community besides funds.however M type of resource allocation is a worry. Regarding execution, professional development and teacher self-empowerment are emphasized; however, different regions school have unique problems of reading promotion. Regarding success factors, principals play an important role in teamwork, consensus, school-based reading curriculum, acquiring resources, and elevating reading teaching system. In addition, a high turnover of staff leads to a difficult situation. According to research conclusion, several suggestions were proposed. For educational administrative institutions, it is suggested to train principals to be a facilitator, to elevate organization of library, and to launch workshop. For school administrators, it is suggested to plan reading program, content and feedback system, and to promote the cooperation between teachers and parents, including multiple evaluation and school-based curriculum.

國小二年級閱讀教學活動成效評估之研究:以桃園縣為例 / Study on reading teaching activities assessment in the second grade of elementary schools:Taoyuan County case study

曾湘怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的有三:1.探討國小閱讀教學活動、實施方法與規劃設計。2.探討國小二年級學童閱讀素養與技巧指標。3.探討我國國小閱讀教學活動實施成效評估的方法。 為瞭解國小閱讀教學活動成效評估,配合研究目的,本研究將閱讀教學活動的成效評估,視為學生在參與閱讀教學活動後,閱讀素養的評估。更依林玫伶(2008)的分法,進一步將閱讀素養分為「閱讀技巧」、「閱讀行為」兩大部分探討。 本研究使用焦點團體法,建構「二年級閱讀技巧指標」。以「二年級閱讀技巧指標」為依據,進行閱讀教學前測,接著進行10週的閱讀教學與觀察,最後進行閱讀教學的後測。以閱讀教學前測後測的差異,分析二年級學童在參與各種不同閱讀教學活動設計後,閱讀前、後技巧差異情形,及閱讀行為之觀察。並藉此提供學校單位,進行閱讀教學活動之參考。根據研究結果,可獲得以下結論: 一、建構二年級閱讀技巧指標與實施 (一)二年級閱讀技巧指標分三大向度、七子項指標。 (二)學童缺乏生活經驗,影響閱讀技巧的相關指標施測表現。 (三)經過閱讀教學後,「字彙辨識」、「閱讀應用」相關指標,進步仍不顯著。 (四)經過閱讀教學,閱讀理解能力呈微幅提升。 (五)閱讀技巧不需過度訓練,避免扼殺閱讀興趣。 二、閱讀教學成效評估 (一)閱讀教學對閱讀技巧、閱讀行為皆呈正向關係。 (二)閱讀技巧差者,對於閱讀教學時,個人評量方式排斥,若以小組討論方式,效果較佳。 (三)豐富有趣的閱讀教學活動設計,可促發閱讀動機,反之則否。 三、閱讀教學應針對學童年齡,給予適度教學策略,摘要法及預測法最適用於低年級。 四、閱讀教學困難多,舉凡師資、閱讀教學策略選擇、人力、經費缺乏、其它活動壓縮閱讀教學時間,都是閱讀教學現今面臨的問題。

點讀筆支援紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、情緒、注意力與理解成效之影響研究 / A study on digital pen-supported picture books for improving children’s reading motivations, emotions, attention and comprehension

陳冠雯, Chen, Kuan Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步,兒童繪本不再侷限於傳統由印刷文字及靜態圖片組成的紙本繪本,而是逐漸發展為多種數位媒體整合之電子繪本,電子繪本具有優於傳統紙本繪本的互動性及多媒體元素,較能吸引兒童的閱讀興趣。但電子繪本也存在過多動畫可能使兒童沈迷於感官刺激,分散其閱讀注意力的疑慮。此外,電子繪本對兒童的視力可能造成傷害,紙本仍較適合長時間的閱讀,但紙本繪本在支援閱讀上的模式較為單調。因此,近年來可搭配紙本閱讀的數位點讀筆興起,並已發展出可同時融合聽、說、讀、寫的多元閱讀模式,具有融合紙本且具有多媒體與互動功能的優勢。本研究採用腦波注意力偵測技術及心跳變異情緒感知技術,基於預測策略,探討包括傳統紙本繪本、電子繪本及點讀筆輔助紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效的影響。此外,也針對文字型和圖像型不同認知風格以及不同性別的兒童,探討採用上述三種不同閱讀模式進行閱讀時的閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效是否具有顯著差異。 研究結果發現:(1)運用點讀筆輔助閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,在閱讀動機提升上顯著優於閱讀紙本繪本與閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童;(2)運用點讀筆輔助閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童在閱讀注意力上顯著優於閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,但與閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童則無顯著差異;(3)閱讀電子繪本與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略的閱讀模式在閱讀理解成效上均優於傳統紙本閱讀搭配預測策略,並且兩種閱讀模式具有相同的閱讀理解成效;(4)閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童中在負面情緒上,女性顯著高於男性;(5)閱讀傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,在閱讀理解成效上女性顯著優於男性;(6)男性兒童採用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀注意力上顯著優於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(7)男性兒童採用電子繪本閱讀與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀理解成效上優於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(8)圖像型兒童採用傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在負面情緒上顯著高於採用電子繪本閱讀與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(9)文字型兒童採用電子繪本閱讀與點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀理解成效上顯著高於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(10)兒童以傳統紙本繪本閱讀、電子繪本閱讀與點讀筆輔助繪本閱讀三種模式進行閱讀學習,其閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效彼此之間不具有關聯性 最後,根據研究結果,本研究亦提出對父母、教師、相關推動兒童閱讀單位以及未來研究的建議,希望能對兒童的閱讀能力提升產生助益。 / With the progress of information technology, children picture books have no longer be restricted to traditional paper picture books composed of printed texts and static pictures; instead, various digital media integrated electronic picture books are gradually developed. Electronic picture books present the advantages of better interactivity and multimedia elements than traditional paper picture books and could better attract children’s reading interests. Nevertheless, electronic picture books also exist in excessive animation causing children indulging in sensory stimulation and diverting the reading attention. Moreover, electronic picture books could damage children’s visual acuity. Thus, paper picture books are considered more suitable for long-term reading. However, paper picture books show dull model on supporting reading. The combination of digital pens with paper-reading is therefore emerged in the past years and the plural reading model integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing has been developed because integrating digital pen with paper reveals the advantages of multimedia and interactive functions. Based on prediction strategy, this study applies brain-wave attention detection system and heart rate variability emotion sensing technology to discussing the effects of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen assisted paper picture books on children’s reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Furthermore, the effects of on children with visualizer and verbalizer cognitive styles and different genders on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance when reading with the above reading models are also explored. The findings of the study are summarized as below. (1) Children applying digital pen supported paper picture books and prediction strategy present better reading motivation than the ones reading paper picture books and electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (2) Children utilizing digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading attention than the ones reading paper picture books with prediction strategy, but do not appear significant difference from the others reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (3) Reading electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy shows better reading comprehension performance than traditional paper reading with prediction strategy, and such two reading models appear the same reading comprehension performance. (4) Female children reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy present higher negative emotion than males do. (5) Female children reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading comprehension performance than males do. (6) Male children applying digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy show better reading attention than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (7) Male children using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy present better reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (8) Visualizers utilizing traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy appear higher negative emotion than applying electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy. (9) Verbalizers using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture book with prediction strategy show significantly higher reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (10) The reading models of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen supported picture books do not appear correlations on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Finally, the study also proposes several valuable suggestions for parents, teachers, children reading promotion units, and future researchers, tending to provide benefits in enhancing children reading abilities.


陳世敏 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

閱讀網絡圖對臺灣高中生閱讀理解成效之研究 / An investigation into the effects of graphic organizers on reading comprehension of senior high school students in Taiwan

羅文卿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討使用閱讀網絡圖對於臺灣高中生閱讀理解能力的影響,並分析學習者對於使用閱讀網絡圖後的態度觀感。 根據研究目的,所採用的實驗工具為閱讀理解測驗以及態度問卷。實驗對象為台中市某私立高中的92名學生。實驗進行前,實驗組與對照組的學生們接受閱讀理解前測。在為期六週的教學期間,實驗組接受閱讀網絡圖教學訓練,而對照組則接受傳統的教師講述閱讀教學方式。實驗後,兩組學生接受閱讀理解後測;實驗組另在後測結束後填寫問卷。資料分析透過描述性統計、T檢定、與ANOVA檢視閱讀網絡圖教學的效益;問卷旨在瞭解學生對於閱讀網絡圖輔助閱讀理解的態度和看法。 研究主要結果如下: 1.閱讀網絡圖有助於學生閱讀理解。此外,閱讀網絡圖對於學生在回答克漏字網絡圖題型有助益,但其顯著差異並未反映在選擇題的作答表現上。 2.學生對於閱讀網絡圖抱持正面的態度。第一,他們給予網絡圖正面回饋;第二,他們肯定網絡圖對於閱讀理解及文章架構的助益;第三,他們表示有意願在未來應用閱讀網絡圖於英語文章或其他學科的學習上。 綜合研究結果,本研究透過瞭解閱讀網絡圖在閱讀教學上的效益,期能提供教師對於閱讀網絡圖的使用有更一步的瞭解,以充分幫助學生的英語閱讀學習。 / The present study aimed to investigate the effects of graphic organizer instruction on Taiwanese senior high school students’ reading comprehension. Also, it explored students’ attitudes toward the use of graphic organizers. Based on the purpose of this study, instruments included reading comprehension tests and an attitude questionnaire. Two intact classes of 92 private senior high school second-grade female students in Taichung City participated in the study. The classes were first divided into the experimental group and the control group. Before the treatment, the reading comprehension pre-test was administrated. During the six-week instruction, the experimental group received graphic organizer instruction, while the control group received the traditional reading instruction. After that, the effects of graphic organizer instruction were evaluated through measures of reading comprehension post-test. The attitude questionnaire was distributed to the experimental group right after the post-test. The quantitative analysis of the mean scores on comprehension tests was conducted through descriptive statistics, t-Tests, and two-way ANOVA to indicate the effects of graphic organizers. In addition, the data of the questionnaire were analyzed for students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of graphic organizers. The major findings of the study were listed below: 1. The results of comprehension tests showed a significant effect of graphic organizer instruction on reading comprehension of senior high school students. Besides, the graphic organizer instruction positively affected students’ performance on answering cloze graphic organizer questions, while its effect on students’ answering multiple-choice questions was not salient. 2. Information gathered from the questionnaire indicated students’ positive attitudes toward the facilitation of graphic organizers. First, the students expressed positive feedbacks toward the use of graphic organizers. Second, they confirmed the benefits of graphic organizer instruction like increasing their reading comprehension and familiarizing themselves with text structure. Third, they generally showed their willingness to apply the use of graphic organizers to future learning while reading English articles or studying other subjects. To conclude, this study may be of importance in understanding the effectiveness of graphic organizers in its application of reading instruction, as well as in providing English teachers with a better understanding of how to use graphic organizers so as to offer learners with best help.

台灣高中英文快速閱讀測驗研究 / Testing English expeditious reading in Taiwan senior high school

張捷, Chang, Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
以英文為外語的學習者常仰賴閱讀獲取英文相關的知識跟文化,所以閱讀在台灣的英文課中得到相當程度地的重視,即便如此,台灣的高中英文閱讀教學多半只專注在仔細閱讀的教導上,而忽略了包含略讀、搜索閱讀跟掃讀的快速閱讀,這是因為快速閱讀並沒有納入在大學入學考試的測驗當中。考量到快速閱讀是日常生活跟學習上不可或缺的技能,本研究旨在檢驗台灣高中學生的英文快速閱讀能力,他們在進行快速閱讀中所採用的閱讀策略跟遇到的閱讀困難也是本研究的調查目標。研究者設計了一份快速閱讀測驗跟一份仔細閱讀測驗來比較學生們的閱讀能力。此外,研究者設計了一份問卷來調查學生們在快速閱讀測驗當中所運用的閱讀策略跟遭遇的閱讀困難。 研究結果顯示台灣高中學生在快速閱讀測驗上的表現略優於他們在仔細閱讀測驗上的表現。此外,學生們在掃讀上表現得最好,優於在搜索閱讀上的表現,而略讀上的表現則是最差。關於策略的使用,學生們雖然會運用快速閱讀策略來完成快速閱讀的任務,但他們仍然在快速閱讀測驗當中普遍地使用仔細閱讀的策略。至於閱讀的困難,學生們進行快速閱讀時的困難主要來自於文章的用字、主題熟悉度跟長度。根據研究的發現,本研究對於教導與評量台灣高中學生的快速閱讀能力提出了實務上的建議。 / As a crucial language skill for EFL learns to gain English knowledge and culture (Alsamadani, 2009), reading receives considerable pedagogical attention in English classes in Taiwan (Wu, 2010). However, the reading instruction at the senior high school level focuses on the careful reading (Hsu, 2004). The expeditious reading, including skimming, search reading, and scanning (Urquhart & Weir, 1998), is often neglected. Considering the usefulness of expeditious reading in daily and academic life (Brown, 2007), the present research examined the expeditious reading ability of Taiwanese senior high school students, their strategy use and difficulties they had experienced in conducting expeditious reading. The researcher composed an expeditious reading test and a careful reading test to compare the students’ reading performances. Besides, the researcher designed a questionnaire to survey the strategy use and difficulties experienced by the students in the expeditious reading test. The result showed that the Taiwanese senior high school students’ performance on the expeditious reading test was marginally higher than their performance on the careful reading test. In addition, the student’s scanning score was the highest, followed by the search reading, and the skimming was the lowest. As for strategy use, the students applied expeditious reading strategies to approach expeditious reading tasks in the test, but they also appealed to some careful reading strategies in the expeditious reading test. Concerning difficulties, the students faced more problems with the vocabulary, topics, and length of texts when conducting expeditious reading. The findings yielded practical implications for teaching and assessing the expeditious reading at the senior high school level in Taiwan.


楊淇淯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解幼稚園教師對於科學圖畫書的看法、科學圖畫書之導讀歷程、以及導讀對於幼兒科學圖畫書閱讀行為之影響。研究對象包括四名任教於國小附幼之合格教師,及十二名幼兒,乃是經由幼教系、幼保系教授推薦在科學活動或閱讀教學為人稱讚之幼教老師,從中徵求四位教師同意,成為本研究之研究對象。並請該教師挑選該班3名五足歲幼兒(語言能力表達較佳者)成為教師導讀科學圖畫書之幼兒研究對象。 本研究採用問卷調查、訪談及觀察法,分三階段進行:(1)以自編「幼教老師對於科學圖畫書的看法及運用現況之調查問卷」為工具,蒐集教師對科學圖畫書的看法及運用科學圖畫書的情況,並以五本科學圖畫書為工具,請教師對科學圖畫書進行簡短評析,並訪談教師對科學圖畫書之教學目標及其他相關意見;(2)以《十顆種子》及《毛毛蟲會變漂亮嗎?》作為教師導讀的科學圖畫書,並實地進入幼教現場觀察和拍攝教師導讀的過程;(3)在教師導讀前和導讀後,均以一對一方式請幼兒閱讀故事,記錄幼兒導讀前後閱讀圖畫書之歷程,並詢問一些問題以了解對該圖畫書的詮釋與理解。 研究結果發現四位教師對於科學圖畫書之看法,包括定義、科學圖畫書的元素、導讀難易程度、選擇考量因素、教學目標和導讀困難等均十分相似,即使個人喜好不同,但仍能以幼兒需求為出發點,思考科學圖畫書應該具有的面貌。文中以《十顆種子》、《毛毛蟲會變漂亮嗎?》的導讀歷程為例,分析比較四位教師導讀歷程,以及四組幼兒在導讀前後之閱讀理解,以及影響導讀歷程之因素之探討。根據研究發現,本文最後提出若干建議供科學圖畫書作者、教師、以及未來研究者之參考。


楊捷宇 Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容: 本論文旨在探討台灣國中基本學力測驗中英文閱讀測驗之題型,並且針對各題型相關之閱讀技巧及策略進行教學實驗,期望本論文的研究發現與建議能對國中英文閱讀教學有所貢獻。 本研究實驗對象為六十名台北市景美地區一所國中九年級的學生,這些學生來自於二個不同的班級,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。本研究採用Mo (1987) 及 Johnson(2004) 的閱測題型分類,並參考國中基測委員會的建議,討論基測英文閱讀測驗題型與分配情形。實驗前測內容包含二○○二年至二○○四年所有國中基測英文閱讀測驗的考題,由受試者參加測驗。接下來進行本研究的教學實驗,實驗組中的受試者接受為期十三週,每週二節課,針對基則範例進行英文閱讀技巧及策略的教學,在另一方面,控制組在相同的條件下,針對相同的範例內容進行字彙、文法、句型及文意的講解與練習。實驗結束後,二組受試者均參加二○○六年所舉辦的兩次基測, 而受試者在英文閱讀測驗的表現,即代表他們的學習成效。 本研究發現國中基測英文閱讀測驗有六種題型,分別為確認文章主旨、尋找細部資訊、猜測字詞意義、找出字詞指涉、導出暗示推論及引導正確結論,而在二○○六年的基測題目中,僅最後一個類型引導正確結論無相關考題,且各題型的次數分配顯示出相當不平均的考題分配情形,將近一半的題目都屬於尋找細部資訊的類型,且歸類於字面技巧 (literal skills) 的題型比重也遠超過屬於重要技巧 (critical skills) 的題型。此外,前測結果不僅顯示實驗組與控制組在教學實驗進行前並無顯著差異,也顯示受試者在字面技巧的表現優於重要技巧。本研究也發現閱讀技巧及策略教學在二○○六年的第一次基測是有顯著成效的,然而在第二次時,因受試者已畢業且缺乏有效練習,所以成效並不顯著。 最後,本研究建議基測委員會與試題設計者能多考慮著重各種不同的閱讀題型,尤其是要增加對於學生整體閱讀能力提昇有很大幫助的題型比重,如找出文章主旨與結論等屬於重要技巧的題型。國中英文教師也能設計適合學生的閱讀教材,經由不同題型的練習與強化,幫助學生將這些閱讀技巧與策略內化為他們閱讀能力的一部份,本研究也建議國中英文教材與課本的編寫者能將這些技巧與策略安排在適當的單元與活動中。 / The present study aims to investigate the question types of the English reading comprehension tests in the BCT and to conduct an experiment on the effectiveness of related reading skills and strategies. The findings and suggestions of the present study may be helpful for the reading instruction in junior high school. A total of 60 ninth graders in a junior high school in Jing-mei, Taipei participated in this experiment. They are from two different classes; one is the control group and the other is the experimental group. According to the categorization of the reading skills from Mo (1987) and Johnson (2004), the present study examined the question types of the English reading comprehension tests in the BCT and the frequency distribution of different question types. The reading pretest included all the reading passages and items from 2002 to 2004, and the participants were asked to take the pretest as a formal exam. Then, the experiment of the present study lasted for 13 weeks, two class periods a week. The participants in the experimental group received the instruction of the reading skills and strategies while the participants in the control group were taught the vocabulary, the grammar, the structures and their meanings in the same reading passages. After the formal reading instruction, the participants took both of the BCT in 2006, and their performances may reflect the effectiveness of the formal reading instruction. There are several findings for the present research. First, six different question types are identified in the English reading comprehension tests of the BCT and they are identifying the main idea, finding the detailed information, determining the meaning out of context, finding the targets of the reference, drawing implications and inferences and drawing correct conclusions. But the last question type drawing correct conclusions was not identified in the BCT of 2006. Second, there existed an unbalanced distribution of these question types. Nearly half of the reading questions can be classified as the type finding the detailed information, and the proportion of the question types related to the literal skills was much larger than those of the question types concerning the critical skills. Moreover, the results of the reading pretest showed that there is no significant difference between the experimental and the control groups and that the participants performed better on the literal skills than on the critical ones. At last, the results of the participants’ performances in the first BCT of 2006 revealed that the formal reading instruction of the reading skills and strategies is effective. But the participants took the second BCT after they graduated, and the effectiveness of the instruction may reduce because of time and lack of practice. Finally,the researcher would like to suggest the BCT committee include more reading question types that may emphasize students’ overall reading abilities. Junior high school English teachers may design their own reading classes and help their students improve and internalize the reading skills and strategies they need. The designers of the English textbooks may include these useful reading skills and strategies in different tasks and activities.

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