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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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梁忠 Unknown Date (has links)

語言、結構、及讀者定位: <<金色筆記>> 的後設文本 / Language, structure and the role of the reader: the Golden Notebook as a metafictionist text

陳雅玲, Chen, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文擬由後設小說觀點探討蕾莘的作品《金色筆記》。本文詮釋的模式主要分為三類:結構、語言及讀者定位。旨在討論真相與虛構的界線、語言的不確定性、環套結構、諧擬策略以及讀者與作者、文本之間的互動性。 後設小說常運用顛覆讀者習以為常的傳統閱讀習慣。藉以揭露作者之虛擬創作過程,突顯創作的虛構性,無涉真實人生。《金色筆記》不論在內容及題旨上皆敏銳反應此種高度自覺意識,拒絕讓讀者耽溺在作者編織的想像空間裡。藉由諧擬傳統的文類,一方面使讀者不致產生強大的拒斥感;另一方面又刻意使讀者的期待落空,藉此逼迫讀者跳脫閱讀文本的被動習性,進而成為另類文本創作的開端。 / This thesis attampts to probe into Doris Lessing's most renowned work, ~u2;The Golden Notebook~u1;, in the context of metafiction writing. The main body of the thesis is divided into three main parts--language, structure, and the role of the reader. The main concern of this paper is to discuss the division between truth and illusion, the indeterminacy of language, the Chinese box structure, the device of parody, and interrelationship between author, reader and text. By questioning the issue that the reader is habitually used to be passive and by laying bare the process of writing, the metafictionist fictions manifest the fact that the fictional world tends to be a fictive construct rather than a duplication of a real world. Formally and thematically, ~u2;The Golden Notebook~u1;, reflects the spirit of self-consciousness, preventing the reader from being immersed in the fictional world fabricated by the author. By parodying the conventional novels, ~u2;The Dolden Notebook~u1; at first provides the sense of familiarity to lessen the anxiety of the reader; and then it attempts to frustrate his/her expectation by making the text in an unconventional way. In so doing, the role of the readercan be transformed from a passive consumer into an active This thesis attampts to probe into Doris Lessing's most participant. renowned work, the Golden Notebook~u1;, in the context of metafiction writing. The main body of the thesis is divided into three main parts--language, structure, and the role of the reader. The main concern of this paper is to discuss the division between truth and illusion, the indeterminacy of language, the Chinese box structure, the device of parody, and interrelationship between author, reader and text. By questioning the issue that the reader is habitually used to be passive and by laying bare the process of writing, the metafictionist fictions manifest the fact that the fictional world tends to be a fictive construct rather than a duplication of a real world. Formally and thematically, ~u2;The Golden Notebook~u1;, reflects the spirit of self-consciousness, preventing the reader from being immersed in the fictional world fabricated by the author. By parodying the conventional novels, ;The Dolden Notebook at first provides the sense of familiarity to lessen the anxiety of the reader; and then it attempts to frustrate his/her expectation by making the text in an unconventional way. In so doing, the role of the readercan be transformed from a passive consumer into an active participant and creator.


林士郁 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代的來臨,身負創意和創新能力的人將躍升為主角,多元的生活經驗與豐富的知識是創意者所必備的,閱讀是主要的途徑或管道,且需從小養成閱讀的習慣,以學習累積相關知識。相關研究指出讀得多、讀得有方法的人,其「閱讀動機」也會較高,而國小五年級學生是否會在守門人 — 父母的引領下,養成其個人的閱讀動機,成為一位喜好閱讀、讀得多、讀得勤且讀得有方法的創意新世代,是本研究的研究旨趣。   本研究對抽取自台北市、台中縣、台南市與台東縣的487名國小五年級學生,以「閱讀動機問卷」、「父母創意教養量表」、「父母閱讀教養調查問卷」、「閱讀行為調查問卷」、「閱讀策略量表」與「創意生活經驗量表」等六項研究工具進行調查研究。主要研究結果發現:(1)父母的創意教養方式、父母的閱讀教養方式對學生的閱讀動機有顯著正相關。(2)當學生知覺到父母實施較多創意教養方式、正向的閱讀教養方式,和自己擁有較高的閱讀動機時,則其個人為課業、為自己興趣而閱讀的天數較多、一天中的閱讀時間較長、一星期中閱讀書本數也較多,和一個月中為自己興趣閱讀而購買或借閱的書本數也比較多,且擁有較常使用閱讀策略和表現創意的經驗。   依據研究結果對家長提出「增強子女閱讀的內在動機」、「家中設置閱讀環境,與塑造閱讀文化」、「要求兒童動手做的行為,以利兒童產生較高層次的行為表現」、「從多元的管道接觸知識,培養兒童批判思考的能力」與「鼓勵並增進兒童的創意生活經驗」等具體建議,並對學校教師與未來相關研究亦提供數點建議。

論古漢語韻母在閩南語白讀中的表現 / On the phonologic phenomena of ancient Chinese remained in the finals of Southern Min dialects

蔡穎慧 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章〈緒論〉,旨在確立動機與目的,在了解目的後;進一步整理前人的說法,希冀在前人的研究基礎上,做更深入的研究、探索;進而進再談論到研究背後的理論基礎與研究步驟;最後,則說明本研究所使用的語料的取用原因及來源。   第二章〈閩南語韻母的文白讀判讀〉,除了將閩南語韻母離析出文讀層與白讀層外,還進一步將白讀層韻母再細分為更多層次。   第三章〈西漢韻母現象在閩南語白讀中的表現〉,主要是透過上古至西漢間,韻部系統關係與分合關係的發展,來觀察在閩南方言中的表現情形。   第四章〈六朝江東韻母現象在閩南語白讀中的表現〉,主要是透過六朝時期南方江東地區的韻部合流、對立的關係,來檢視在閩南方言中的表現。   第五章〈結論〉,旨在統整前面幾章的重點,歸結閩南語不同層次的演變類型,並解釋古漢語韻母的時代特色與閩南語不同演變類型的關係。

創意閱讀認證 / The certification of creative reading

周靖麗 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀評量向來都是語文教育重要的課題,隨著各國對閱讀理解的重視,更成為語文課堂關係著教師教學效能、學生學習成效等極重要的一環。但在有限的教學時數裡,教師不僅難顧及學生閱讀理解能力,更遑論其思辨能力的提升與發揮,不免成為許多教師心裡沈重的壓力與負擔。 在諸多研究報告中,一般閱讀檢證呈現僵化且過於侷限,無法提升讀者的閱讀力,讀者對文字的疏離感愈形嚴重;再者無法深刻體會文本意涵,造成狹隘的閱讀視界。因此,有必要重新針對一般閱讀檢證既有論說架構進行研究上的突破,採取跨領域理解、說話相呼應表出以及書寫轉利用等方式來進行創意閱讀認證論理的演繹、論據的歸納,以新穎的理論建構來啟發閱讀者超越文字解析及詞彙理解的層次,並能涉及各種目的去理解運用及省思語文訊息,開拓一條新閱讀理解的路徑。因為讀者的角色不是被動的資訊接受者,對所閱讀的訊息不加思索照單全收,而應該是積極主動詮釋與評價閱讀內容,並與作者互動,探索作者、文本、閱讀群體間的新關係。於是整體論說不妨以透過主題/概念的跨領域、學科的跨領域、科際整合的跨領域和多媒體運用的跨領域等理解方式來達到無中生有、製造差異的閱讀創意顯出。此外,更以將說話帶入跨領域與創新表出相呼應和透過寫作完成跨領域與創新書寫轉利用的多元認證方式,再次突破既有閱讀檢證狹隘的地方。期望透過這項理論架構的建立,達到協助讀者促進閱讀理解的昇華以及成為各場域教學者從事相關閱讀教學時的參考資源,並作為語文教育政策擬訂的借鏡等三方面的價值。冀以使用本理論架構進行有意義的閱讀檢證,提升讀者深度的文本詮釋視野,帶給閱讀認證領域另一番新的氣象。


蔡宗樺 Unknown Date (has links)
這是一篇深度報導,探討新世代文學讀者閱讀的趨勢與偏好。 根據許多報紙和雜誌的報導,新世代讀者閱讀習慣和語文能力逐漸低下,許多作家對這種現象亦表達憂心。閱讀的趨勢在改變,報紙副刊的角色在改變,文學的定義也在改變,幾十年前的文學閱讀景況和情懷在今日已不復見。 網際網路的出現改變了現代人的生活,尤其是新世代的年輕族群,他們使用網路的時間很長,他們上網閱讀、在MSN上聊天、使用部落格等。網路的出現,徹底地改變了閱讀與寫作的型態。 這篇報導訪問許多出版商、作家、讀者、學者等,希望藉由不同的觀點,呈現出新世代讀者閱讀的各個面向。 這篇論文分為兩個部分:第一部分是深度報導內文,主要分為四個章節;第二部分是附錄,包含研究動機、文獻回顧、研究方法、採訪名單、和參考文獻等。 / This is a feature story which explores the trend and bias of the literature reading of the new generation. According to lots of news from newspapers and magazines, the reading habits and literacy of the new generation is declining. Meanwhile, many authors are worried about this phenomenon. The trend of reading is changing, the role of newspaper supplement is changing, and the definition of literature is changing. The reading condition and mood couples of years ago are no longer the same. The Internet changes the life of modern people, especially the new generation, who spend much time on the Net, reading on-line, chatting on MSN, and using blogs. The appearance of the Internet thoroughly changes the type of reading and writing. This feature story, including many interviews with publishers, anthers, readers, and scholars, expects to present every aspect of reading of the new generation. This thesis has two parts: one is the feature story including four chapters; the other is the appendix, including the motivation, method, interview list, and reference.

學前教師閱讀教學及其相關因素之研究 / The Status and Related Factors of Preschool Teachers’ Teaching Reading

鄧慧茹, Teng, Hui-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討學前教師閱讀教學現況及其相關影響因素。本研究透過文獻分析以及結構式觀察研究法,以了解閱讀教學的現況及其相關影響因素。本研究之母群體為台北市公立幼稚園教師,採用立意取樣和隨機抽樣的方式,選取研究樣本共計35位教師。研究工具為自編之「學前教師閱讀教學現況檢核表」。使用SPSS套裝軟體,將所搜集的資料進行描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、薛費法事後比較。 本研究之研究結論如下: 壹、學前教師閱讀教學現況 一、閱讀教學內涵 所有的教師會教授字彙知識、口頭語言中的語音和語用,以及閱讀理解中的表層理解,但是較少強調聲韻覺識中的音節辨義單位、拼音教學以及閱讀理解中的理解監控。 二、閱讀教學方法 學前教師在五個構面中最常使用的教學方法如下:(一)聲韻覺識:讓孩子聽唱押韻的詩歌;(二)字彙知識:製作姓名卡片,讓孩子認識自己的名字;(三)口頭語言:讓孩子唸讀押韻的短文;(四)背景知識:利用故事圖片,引導孩子瀏覽和討論;(五)閱讀理解:進行與故事書相關的活動,以增進背景知識。 三、閱讀環境 在閱讀環境的營造如下:(一)閱讀時間:不會每天安排團體閱讀時間,且缺少固定的自由閱讀時間;(二)閱讀空間:多有提供獨立的閱讀空間和開架書櫃;(三)文字環境:教師多有提供文字環境的佈置,如:字詞表、日曆…等(四)圖書資源:多有在教室放置大量的圖書資源和建立書籍借閱制度。 貳、影響學前教師閱讀教學之相關因素 不同的教學年資,對學前教師的閱讀空間營造有影響。不同的教師學歷,對閱讀教學沒有影響。不同的教師閱讀教學研習時數,對學前教師的閱讀教學內涵、方法和環境有影響。不同教學年資和教師學歷的交互因素,對學前教師背景知識教學內涵有影響。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the status and related factors of preschool teachers’ teaching reading. Literature review and structure observation were adopted. The population was public preschool teachers in Taipei city. By means of purposive sampling and random sampling, the samples included 35 teachers. The research instrument, the status of preschool teachers’ teaching reading chick list, was designed from literature by myself. The observation data was analyzed statistically by description statistics, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and the Scheffé method through the use of SPSS. The major results are summarized in the following: A. The status of preschool teachers’ teaching reading a. the content of teaching reading All of the preschool teachers would teach vocabulary knowledge, pronunciation and language use of oral language, and surface comprehension of reading comprehension, but stress less on the tone, combining sounds of phonological awareness, and comprehension motoring of reading comprehension. b. the methods of teaching reading The methods of teaching reading using frequently in 5 dimensions: (a) Phonological awareness: Let children listen and sing rhyming poetry. (b) Vocabulary knowledge: To make children’s name cards. (c) Oral language: Let children read the rhyming short essay. (d) Background knowledge: To guided children flipping through the pictures of book and discussing. (e) Reading comprehension: To precede the relative actives. c. reading environment The reading environment includes 4 dimensions: (a) Reading time: The team reading time wasn’t arranged everyday. (b) Reading space: Most teachers would provide the independent space and an open shelf. (c) Print environment: Most teachers would decorate the classroom with the vocabulary agenda, a calendar, etc. (d) Book resources: Most teachers would establish a book-loaning system. B. The related factors of preschool teacher’s teaching reading Different working experiences influenced the reading space. Different educational backgrounds didn’t influence teaching reading. Different extended education hours influenced teaching reading. Different working experiences and different educational backgrounds influenced the background knowledge of reading .

家庭閱讀環境與幼兒閱讀態度之相關性研究 / The relationship between home reading environment and attitudes toward reading in early childhood

林婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是未來二十一世紀人才的關鍵能力之一,且閱讀態度是個體發展閱讀能力、展現智慧的動力。然而,我國卻又瀰漫一股過於強調閱讀能力,反而忽略閱讀態度的風氣。因而引發研究者關懷該項議題─父母如何從小開始在家中培養孩子一顆願意喜愛閱讀的心。 故,本研究目的為探討家庭閱讀環境與幼兒閱讀態度兩者間之關係、以及不同背景變項下家庭閱讀環境和幼兒閱讀態度之差異情形。本研究以214對就讀台北市公立幼稚園大班幼兒及其父母作為研究對象,由研究者到校發放改編賴苑玲(2006)之家庭閱讀環境調查問卷,請園方代為轉交至父母填寫,並根據回收有效問卷後,採用Saracho(1988)發展的學前閱讀態度量表詢問幼兒他們對於閱讀活動的喜好程度。將父母與幼兒填寫完畢的資料進行統計軟體處理與分析。 研究結果顯示,社經地位愈高者,其家中的閱讀資源、家長閱讀行為等情形愈佳,但親子閱讀互動方面則無差異,且無論來自何種社經地位,幼兒的閱讀態度皆無差異。而女生在家中的親子閱讀互動較男生頻繁,但男女幼童的閱讀態度卻無差異。此外,家庭閱讀環境與幼兒閱讀態度也無顯著的相關性,其可能原因來自於家中親子閱讀互動不足、家長閱讀信念強調能力導向,或受幼兒個人內在因素等影響。因此,本研究建議低社經地位的家庭宜補強家庭閱讀資源、家長閱讀行為的部分,無論何種社經地位的家庭、幼兒的性別為何皆應同等重視親子閱讀互動。並且家長宜培養積極正向的閱讀態度,幫助孩子理解閱讀是種享受、樂趣,進而喜愛閱讀。最後,鼓勵父母親多關心幼兒在閱讀自我概念、閱讀行為、閱讀能力等方面的發展,以便培養幼兒更積極正向的閱讀態度。 / Recently, Reading is important to everyone, relating someone’s reading ability and so on. However, Taiwan thinks highly of reading ability and neglect the importance of reading attitudes.Therefore,researcher is interested in how to cultivate children’s reading attitudes by home reading environment.The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between home reading environment and Child’s attitudes for reading, regardless of socioeconomic status(SES) or the child’s gender.Subject, 214 students and their parents ,were given the Questionnaire of home reading environment and early reading attitudes scale. The results showed that the higher the socio-economic status, their home reading resources, and parents reading behavior are well, but there is no differences in parent-child reading interaction. And regardless of what socio-economic status, children's reading is no difference in attitude. Girls at home, parent-child interactive reading frequently than boys, but men and women with young children no difference between reading attitude. In addition, the home reading environment and child’s attitudes for reading doesn’t significant correlation, the possible reasons for the lack of parent-child interactive reading, parents emphasized the ability of faith-oriented reading, or by internal factors, such as children affected individuals. Therefore, this study suggests that low socio-economic status of the family wish to reinforce family reading resources, acts the part of parents to read, no matter what socio-economic status of families, children and sex should attach equal importance to both parent-child reading interaction. And parents wish to cultivate a positive attitude toward reading, help children understand that reading is an enjoyment, fun, and enjoy reading.

融入知識翻新教學對國小學童閱讀理解和閱讀動機之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation

黃姿瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討融入知識翻新(knowledge building)教學能否提升國小學生的閱讀理解和閱讀動機。研究對象為新北市某國小兩班三年級學生:其中一班為實驗組(n=24人),另一班則為控制組(n=27)。前者採用知識翻新原則進行教學,並輔以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)線上學習平台;後者則採傳統講述教學。實驗時間共計18週。 本研究的研究目的在瞭解經過二種不同教學方式後,兩組學生的閱讀動機和閱讀理解表現是否具有差異。資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)平台討論貼文內容;(3)平台參與活動量(包括貼文數、回文數等量化資料);及(4)閱讀動機量表前後測分數。資料分析採質性內容分析、單因子共變數分析、相依樣本t檢定、卡方檢定等方式。除探討二種教學之不同外,本研究並進一步探討實驗組學生在平台上的活動情形。 研究結果顯示:(1)基於知識翻新教學的平台討論活動,有助於提升學生高層次閱讀理解想法的討論,但討論內容缺乏深度;(2)知識翻新教學有助於提升學生閱讀理解能力;(3)學生參與閱讀理解討論之程度和品質皆與閱讀理解進步程度有正相關;(4)知識翻新教學對於學生閱讀動機並無顯著提升,但其閱讀動機提升程度與平台活動的參與程度具有正相關。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供後續閱讀教學及研究之參考。 / The aim of the study was to investigate whether engaging students in a computer supported collaborative knowledge building environment can help them improve their reading comprehension and reading motivation. Participants in this study were 51 third-grade students from two classes in an elementary school in New Taipei City. Of the two classes, the experimental class has 24 students, and the control class has 27 students. The students taking part in the experimental course received knowledge building pedagogy with Knowledge Forum (an online multimedia platform) being used for students to collaboratively construct their reading comprehension of the textbook articles online. The duration of the study was 18 weeks. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the instructional effects between the two classes in terms of the reading comprehension and motivation. Data mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) test that investigated students’ reading comprehension; (2) the idea and discussion content contributed to Knowledge Forum; (3) participants’ interaction records automatically documented in the Knowledge Forum data (e.g., number of students’ notes contributed or built on); and (4) the pre-post MRQ (i.e., the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire) scores that measured students’ reading motivation. Both quantitative and qualitative data analyses were conducted. For quantitative data, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square were used to examine students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation; for qualitative data, content analysis was used to evaluate the quality of students’ ideas and discussion. The main findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy were conducive to promoting the kind of online discussion that supports higher-level reading comprehension, but were unable to deepen the depth of discussion; (2) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing reading comprehension; (3) both the degree of participation and the quality of discussion were found correlated with the degree of students’ advancement in reading comprehension; and (4) knowledge building pedagogy did not enhance students’ reading motivation; however, there was a correlation between pre-post change scores in reading motivation and the degree of online participation. Based on the results, some suggestions and implications were discussed.

讀者劇場對台灣國小學童英語口語閱讀流暢度和學習態度之影響:個案研究 / The Influences of Readers Theater on a Young EFL Learner’s Oral Reading Fluency and Learning Attitudes: A Case Study

陳逸涵, Chen, Yi Han Unknown Date (has links)
本個案研究旨在探討讀者劇場對一位參與英語補救教學的國小學童口語閱讀流暢度以及學習態度的影響。資料收集與分析主要採取質性之資料收集及分析法,以期對於讀者劇場教學之於國小學童口語閱讀流暢度和學習態度能有更深入的了解。參與本研究的學生為一位就讀於新北市公立國小五年級,從小一就開始參與補救教學的學童。研究期間自民國一百零三年三月至民國一百零三年五月,資料收集方式以課堂錄影觀察、教學日誌、半結構式訪談為主,以及每週閱讀流暢度檢測為輔。 研究結果顯示,在口語流暢度方面,無論是正確度、情緒和音量、斷句、流暢性以及速度等面向皆有所進步。另一方面,由於讀者劇場提供學生真實的表演機會,提高學生的自我效能感,給予學習者自主學習的機會,以及創造出合作學習的氛圍,學生在學習態度方面也因此有所提升。研究者根據這些發現,提出對讀者劇場應用於國小學童口語流暢度訓練和提升學習興趣的看法,及未來研究方向的建議,以期對英語教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / This case study attempts to investigate the influences of Readers Theater on an EFL young learner’s oral reading fluency and learning attitudes. To achieve the purpose of this study, qualitative methods were adopted to capture a holistic understanding of the young learner’s oral reading fluency development and changes of learning attitudes. The participant was a fifth grader who studied in a public elementary school in Taipei City. He has been in a remedial English class since first grade. Data was collected from March 2014 to May 2014. The video-recordings of classroom observation, the teacher’s journals, the student’s learning log, one semi-structured interview, and multi-fluency assessments were utilized as data for the analyses of the influences of Readers Theater on an EFL young learner’s oral reading fluency development and learning attitudes. The results revealed that the participant improved his oral reading fluency and showed positive attitudinal changes while receiving the Readers Theater instruction. In terms of his oral reading fluency development, he first developed word recognition in accuracy; acquired prosodic reading ability gradually in expression and volume; learned to pause appropriately in phrasing; decreased hesitations while reading in smoothness; and increased reading speed in pacing. Moreover, his learning attitudes became positive, because RT provided authentic purposes for reading, increased his self-efficacy, and created an autonomous and cooperative learning atmosphere. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions were recommended for future research. It is hoped that this thesis will provide some insights into the dynamics of Readers Theater instruction as well as EFL young learners’ oral reading fluency development and attitudinal changes of learning.

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