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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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具SOAR結構化筆記功能之合作數位閱讀標註系統對於國小學生閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / A study on the effects of collaborative reading annotation system with soar structured note function on reading comprehension performance

陳怡君, Chen,Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因應數位閱讀時代的來臨,在進行數位閱讀時,如何進行自我監控,協助學習者掌握閱讀技巧,特別是對於閱讀認知能力不足的小學兒童來說,在進行數位閱讀時更需要有完善的學習鷹架輔助,才能達到良好的閱讀成效。標註系統中也發展出許多不同機制來輔助閱讀,幫助提升學習者的閱讀動機與閱讀成效。但卻也發現學習容易著重在標註的量而忽略了標註的品質,反而無法提升其閱讀理解成效,在學習的過程中忽略了閱讀歷程與閱讀認知的適配性。因此,本研究在合作式數位閱讀標註系統上發展出一套基於閱讀標註支援更有效閱讀的「SOAR結構式筆記模組」,讓學習者於作筆記的過程中掌握文本的重點,幫助學習者提升其閱讀自我效能,希望可有效促進學習者在閱讀中有效的內化與重組,以提升閱讀理解的深度與成效。 本研究採單組實驗設計,探討學習者在使用具「SOAR結構化筆記模組」的「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以閱讀學習的情境下,學習者的閱讀標註瀏覽行為、標註行為及SOAR筆記分數是否影響學生其閱讀自我效能、閱讀理解成效。此外,也針對不同性別與認知風格的學習者作探討。 研究結果發現: 1.在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」支援閱讀的學習情境下,採用「SOAR結構化筆記模組」支援數位閱讀學習,其國小學生的標註行為、閱讀標註瀏覽行為及SOAR筆記分數與閱讀自我效能並無顯著相關2.女性學習者的自我效能與閱讀理解成效具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性3.全體學習者的SOAR筆記分數與閱讀理解成具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性4.男性學習者的SOAR筆記分數與閱讀理解成效具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性5.對國小學生的閱讀理解成效具有顯著的提升6.對男性學習者與女性學習者的閱讀理解成效均具有顯著的提升7.對場地獨立型學習者與場地相依型的學習者的閱讀理解成效均具有顯著的提升。 最後,基於研究結果,本研究亦提出對教師及系統改良的建議,並提出幾個未來的研究方向,希望能對數位閱讀研究有所貢獻。 / Abstract To cope with the digital reading era, self-monitoring to assist learners in grasping reading skills during digital reading, especially for the digital reading of elementary pupils with inadequate reading cognitive capabilities, perfect learning scaffolding is required for achieving good reading performance. There are many different mechanisms developed in annotation systems to assist in reading and help learners promote the reading motivation and reading performance. However, it is also discovered that the learning could easily focus on the quantity of annotation, but ignore the quality of annotation so that the reading comprehension performance could not be enhanced and the suitability of reading process and reading cognition in the learning process is ignored. For this reason, a reading annotation based “SOAR structured note module” for supporting effective reading is developed on the cooperative digital reading annotation system, allowing learners grasping the key points in the text during the noting process and helping learners promote the reading self-efficacy. It is expected to effectively advance the effective internalization and organization of learners in the reading in order to enhance the depth and performance of reading comprehension. With one-shot experimental design, the effect of learners’ reading annotation browsing behaviors, annotation behaviors, and SOAR note scores on the reading self-efficacy and reading comprehension performance, under the reading learning situation with “cooperative digital reading annotation system” with “SOAR structured note module”. Besides, gender and learners with different cognitive styles are also discussed in this study. The research findings are concluded as below. 1. Under the reading learning situation with the support of “cooperative digital reading annotation system”, elementary students applying “SOAR structured note module” to support the digital reading learning do not appear significant correlations between annotation behaviors, reading annotation browsing behaviors, SOAR note scores and reading self-efficacy. 2. Female learners’ self-efficacy and reading comprehension performance present remarkably and highly positive correlations, with the predictability of linear regression. 3. All learners’ SOAR note scores and reading comprehension performance show significantly and highly positive correlation, with the predictability of linear regression. 4. Male learners’ SOAR note scores and reading comprehension performance reveal notably and highly positive correlation, with the predictability of linear regression. 5. Elementary students’ reading comprehension performance is remarkably enhanced. 6. Both male and female learners’ reading comprehension performance is significantly enhanced. 7. Both field-independent and field-dependent learners’ reading comprehension performance is notably enhanced. Finally, suggestions for teachers and system improvement are proposed, based on the research results, in this study, and several research directions are also proposed for research on digital reading. Key words: SOAR structured note; cooperative reading annotation; reading self-efficacy; reading comprehension performance

食品安全事件的媒體再現──以Yahoo!奇摩新聞的「毒澱粉」報導以及其讀者評論為例 / Media Representation of Food Safety Issues: How the “Toxic Starch” Scandals were Covered and Commented on Yahoo! News

陳毓屏, Chen, Yu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以《Yahoo!奇摩新聞》的毒澱粉報導以及其讀者評論為研究對象,研究重點分為兩大部分,第一是探討台灣媒體如何再現食品安全新聞,欲了解其風險訊息品質、可讀性表現,第二是探討讀者評論,並聚焦討論是否不同的讀者評論特色會有讀者互動溝通上的差異,而風險訊息品質的高低又是否會有讀者互動溝通上的不同。 本研究以內容分析法分析《Yahoo!奇摩新聞》的毒澱粉報導以及其讀者評論,樣本蒐集以官方單位開始對事件發表聲明的日期為起始日(2013年5月13日),做出處置的階段為結束日(2013年6月21日)。 本研究發現台灣媒體報導食品安全新聞時,儘管會告知風險,但對報導注意度有益的表現形式不足,欠缺整理過的資訊,幾乎不會使用表格、流程圖等化繁為簡的方式解釋毒澱粉的危害或流向,也很少使用故事手法呈現報導;對報導理解度有益的部分則呈現出解釋力偏弱的情形,報導解釋專有名詞和關鍵概念的比例不高,也極少提供中英對照名詞;此外,也發現毒澱粉新聞提供的風險資訊中,質化資訊多於量化資訊,個人難以依其評估自身風險。 最後在探討新聞資訊精確度與讀者評論特色對讀者互動溝通相關性的部分,發現讀者評論才是影響互動的主要因素,「不禮貌的讀者評論」、「提及個人故事或經驗談的評論」以及「離題的評論」都較能引發讀者互動;新聞對讀者的互動則沒有顯著的影響。


余芳珍, Fang-chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
有關報刊史的研究,過去多以分析文字報刊為主,畫報的論析較被忽略。若能從畫報的角度探討,將會發現與文字報刊不盡相同的圖景。 就畫報的發展而言,上海發生過兩次畫報潮,第一次由1884年創辦之《點石齋畫報》引起,第二次則由1926年之《良友畫報》所帶動,並且在三十年形成風潮。《點石齋畫報》為石印畫報,聘請畫師手繪印製而成。在網目照相版技術引進中國之後,攝影圖片取代繪畫圖片,《良友畫報》即採用攝影技術,以大量的照片呈現內容。由於攝影無法拍攝詭譎神怪的情景,因此雖然仍以獵奇作為編輯的基本主軸,但在相當程度上轉變了畫報的內涵。攝影類畫報除了沿襲清末以來石印畫報報導新奇事物的特色之外,還有承襲報刊的哪些面向呢?承襲之後又有哪些轉化性的創新呢?這些創新對於當時讀者來說,具有何種意義呢?換句話說,對讀者而言,和文字報相較,畫報到底被定位為何種類型的讀物?而以「獵奇」為主軸的編輯方式,對讀者產生什麼樣的閱讀感受?這類屬於閱讀史(History of Reading)範圍的問題,是為本論文撰寫的初衷。 本論文除第一章前言與第五章結論之外,共分為三章。《良友畫報》是否造成「閱讀習慣」的轉變,是本論文的問題意識所在。第二章主要從《良友畫報》引發的第二次畫報潮中,所出現之畫報史回顧作品著手,從後設的角度進行分析,闡述這些畫報史作品的寫作手法,以及其所蘊涵之預設,進而深掘在此預設背後,對「畫報」這個型式的界定。當代學者多據這些畫報回顧史作品,討論中國第一份畫報畫報為何,或按照其分類方式進行討論,本章的目的即在於對此種研究取徑做一反思,希望藉由後設的角度,進一步論析上述畫報史文章,從而避免跟隨其後見之明的論旨,進而為其所牽制,並且藉此深掘當時讀者對於「畫報」的觀感與定位,更為確切地掌握彼時讀者的心態。 第三章主要討論《良友畫報》的出版機構——良友圖書印刷公司,藉由分析良友圖書公司的整體風格,作為理解《良友畫報》的背景,避免僅就報刊文本探討所導致的平面分析之弊。本章的研究手法,亦非僅僅描述良友圖書公司的建置而已,而是將上海書業龍頭商務印書館與良友圖書印刷公司作一比較,討論該公司如何自民初以來唯有出版教科書才能生存的上海書業中,突破既有的窠臼,開創以出版畫報為專業方向之全新出版風格,深化第二章關於三十年代對「畫報」體裁所抱持的看法,揭示良友圖書印刷公司對於消閑閱讀習慣的建立,實具有不可忽視的影響力。 順此而下,第四章則將焦點放置在良友圖書印刷公司旗下銷量最佳的《良友畫報》,析論《良友畫報》如何運用「畫報」特具的圖像特質,呈現與文字報刊不甚相同的閱讀圖景,在強化第一章對「畫報」獨特性討論之際,亦試圖梳理出迥異於李歐梵等學者所呈現的摩登時尚之另一種現代性面貌。結論除綜述內文論旨之外,另援用哈伯瑪斯之「公共領域」(public sphere)的概念,討論自晚清李伯元《遊戲報》以來所帶動的消閑閱讀習慣,被 1910 至1920 年代盛行的小報潮負面化以來,《良友畫報》如何扭轉當時人對消閑閱讀的惡評,確立消閑閱讀習慣的正當性,進而去除《遊戲報》以來的諷刺時事之「公共領域」特質,轉變為一個純淨的消閑空間,並且在失去批評時政的特色下,從而被政治當局挪用,成為官方意識型態的傳聲筒。

檔案評量對EFL學生閱讀學習之成效 / The effects of the portfolio assessment on EFL learners’ reading performance

張斐華 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討閱讀檔案評量結合閱讀策略教學對於中台灣低成就國中生的影響。本研究對象為兩名八年級國中生,在七年級時因段考成績被學校歸為低成就組。這兩名學生上學期的英語成績平均相近,上課參與度高,作業確實繳交。 本研究採用Li (2008)與Yang (2007)針對國中基本學力測驗英語閱讀測驗題型提出之六大分類:確認文章主旨、引導正確結論、導出暗示推論、猜測字詞意義、尋找細部資訊、找出字詞指涉,並將此分類納為閱讀策略教學之目標。學生必須遵照閱讀檔案評量進度表,在接受閱讀策略教學同時,透過讀書心得練習策略,並透過閱讀檔案進行自評。研究為期十七週,每週一節課。為求完整了解學生閱讀與學習行為改變,並探究閱讀檔案評量結合閱讀策略教學之成效,本研究除蒐集學生閱讀檔案,亦施行仿全民英檢閱讀測驗,發放問卷,和學生進行面談,並觀察學生學習狀況。 本研究發現閱讀檔案評量結合閱讀策略教學能夠幫助低成就國中生精熟閱讀策略及提高閱讀成效。即使學生在進行檔案評量前後,對自己使用閱讀策略的認知和實際進行檔案評量的表現有所出入,學生於閱讀時進行選擇、反省、分享之情形仍較進行檔案評量前增加,充分體現檔案評量的精神。而學生閱讀行為之改變均符合Benson (2003)所談之促進學習自主原則。一旦學生學習自主性增加,學習動機隨之提高,學習反應良好,也同時負起學習責任(Cameron, 2007; Chen, 2004; Sarwar, 2002; ÜSTÜNLÜOGLU, 2009)。 本研究因此建議教育部基測委員會不應該僅以單選題型式來測驗學生閱讀能力,而應該嘗試其他題型。此外,本研究也建議英語教師設計適合學生的閱讀教材,或訂出學生閱讀分級讀本的規則,並建議編者把閱讀檔案評量與閱讀策略教學融入課本中。而按學生個別差異進行適性及彈性的調整仍有其必要性,以期發揮檔案評量結合策略教學對於學生閱讀表現之最大成效。 / The present study aims to investigate the effects of reading portfolio assessment (RPA) and reading strategy instruction on the junior high low achievers in central Taiwan. Participants in the present study were two eighth graders who were identified as low achievers according to their performance in monthly exams when in the seventh grade. They had something in common: having similar English average scores last semester, taking active participation in class, and finishing assignments by due dates. According to Li’s (2008) and Yang’s (2007) categorization of reading strategies, the Basic Competence Test (BCT) English reading comprehension tests are designed based on the following six reading strategies— identifying the main idea, drawing correct conclusions, drawing implications and inferences, determining the meaning out of the context, finding the detailed information, and finding the targets of the references. Following the RPA syllabus, the participants received reading strategy instruction, practiced the strategies through journals, and assessed themselves through reading portfolios. The observation took one class period every week for 17 weeks. With the help of simulated General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) reading comprehension tests, questionnaires, reading portfolios, conferences, and observations, the findings of the present study showed the participants’ change in reading/learning behaviors and the effectiveness of RPA/reading strategy instruction. The results indicated that RPA and reading strategy instruction may make the junior high low achievers master reading strategies and perform well in reading. Even though there is inconsistence between their understanding of their strategy use before RPA and their actual performance during RPA, they thoroughly show Katz and Johnson-Kuby’s (1996) three elements of portfolio assessment with increase in selection, reflection, and sharing when reading. The changed reading behaviors correspond to Benson’s (2003) principles for fostering learner autonomy; because of increased learner autonomy, they raise their learning motivation, have positive learning response, and take responsibility for their learning (Cameron, 2007; Chen, 2004; Sarwar, 2002; ÜSTÜNLÜOGLU, 2009). At last, the present study suggested that the BCT committee consider trying more diverse ways to test reading ability, rather than focusing only on single choice questions. Furthermore, this study suggested that English teachers design reading materials suitable for students or set up a system to get students to read higher level books, and that textbook editors include RPA and reading strategy instruction. Meanwhile, editors and teachers have to keep in mind that personal and diverse adjustments are permitted in order to have the best effectiveness on students’ learning of reading, as long as the adjustments follow guidelines for RPA.

「希望閱讀計劃」推動成效與未來行動方案之探討 / The hope reading program: what has it done?&what is the next step?

凌爾祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解天下雜誌教育基金會推動[希望閱讀計劃]的成效,發現偏鄉閱讀教育的現況與需求,同時規劃出[希望閱讀計劃]未來行動方案。天下雜誌教育基金會自2004年開始啟動[希望閱讀計劃],在200所偏遠小學推動閱讀。本研究分析比較過去六年,基金會針對聯盟小學進行的五次問卷調查,一次與校長及老師[世界咖啡館]的深度會談,並將會談中得到的結論,再透過問卷,建立200所聯盟小學共識,據以定出希望閱讀計劃之未來行動方案。 研究結果顯示,[希望閱讀計劃]已對200所偏遠學校產生相當重大的影響。學校對於基金會的期待,也從資源提供者,轉變為政策推動者。未來在偏鄉推動閱讀,首先應建立學校行政領導團隊和老師對推動閱讀的共識,提升老師的自信心與企圖心,並且敦促政府要有長遠的閱讀教育規劃,才有可能建構真正有系統的閱讀教育。 [希望閱讀計劃]未來行動方案,不僅只是送書到偏鄉學校,亦企圖提供一個完整的偏鄉學校推動閱讀的支援系統。此支援系統涵蓋從閱讀教育資源、人力資源進入教學現場,閱讀推手教育訓練並展現閱讀成果,到推動閱讀在地深耕。因為家庭失能與經濟弱勢,是偏鄉學校家庭教育最大的痛,政府政策和外界資源,尤應正視並繼續給予支援,激勵社區參與學校教育工作。 偏鄉教育,除了民間團體投入外,更重要的是政府相關單位,提出長遠的教育規劃,從政策面推動,才能真正幫助偏遠地區的老師孩子,有機會飛出低谷,海闊天空的飛翔。 / This study aims to understand the effectiveness of the [Hope Reading Program,] a charitable effort promoted by the Common Wealth Magazine Education Foundation. It aims to find the current situation and needs of literacy programs in remote cities and towns, and to outline a future action plan for the [Hope Reading Program]. The Common Wealth Magazine Education Foundation started the [Hope Reading Program] in 2004, and promoted reading in 200 remote primary schools. This study includes (1) the analysis and comparison of the past six years’ surveys; (2) results from five different surveys of primary schools allied with the Common Wealth Magazine Education Foundation, and (3) the result of the [World Café] event in which we invited principals and teachers to share their experience with us in detail, after which we established the primary consensus of the alliance of 200 primary schools through the use of questionnaires, in order to come up with the future action plan of the [Hope Reading Program]. The result shows that the [Hope Reading Program] has made a significant impact on the 200 rural primary schools. What’s more, the schools’ expectations of the Common Wealth Magazine Education Foundation were changed from resource provider to policy executor. In the future, we should first establish the consensus on literary programs with the rural primary schools’ executive leadership teams and teachers, enhance the teachers’ confidence and ambition, and urge the government to have long-term plans for literacy programs, so that it would be possible to approach reading education in a systematic fashion. The future action plan of the [Hope Reading Program] is to not only send books to rural primary schools, but also to provide a complete support system that promotes reading. This support system should include educational resources, human resources, the training and sharing of best practices for promoters, and the formation of the local reading culture. Due to dysfunctional households and economic disadvantages, the lack of home education is a major source of complications for rural schools. Policymakers and external providers should take this into consideration when giving support and encouraging community involvement in school-based educational efforts. Education in rural schools relies not only on the efforts of civic groups, but more importantly, on the government’s long-term education plans, which will provide the boost necessary to help the children and teachers in rural areas to find good opportunities and fly high to a brighter future.

不同年齡與線上閱讀經驗在線上閱讀歷程及教學策略之差異比較研究 / A study on the comparison of online reading process and instructional strategies between different aged groups and online reading experiences

李彥玫 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀帶動了文化的傳承、資訊的傳遞,也是學習過程中不可或缺的環扣。透過閱讀,形塑了讀者對訊息的認知思考模式及邏輯組織能力。而數位時代的來臨,網際網路的使用,讓習慣於傳統印刷紙本閱讀形式的社會,面臨了閱讀習慣與學習方式的轉變。是故,本研究旨在探討不同年齡層及不同的線上閱讀經驗的網路讀者,其線上閱歷程之技巧與概念的認知模式。透過概念構圖法,探討28 位線上閱讀者(包含14 位中學生,以及14 位50 歲以上之銀髮族),其線上閱讀歷程的認知架構,並以實際線上閱讀任務之研究方法,瞭解網路讀者在線上閱讀時所面臨之困難與問題,進而提出解決方案與教學策略。 研究結果發現,1.不同年齡層對於線上閱讀歷程之概念有差異存在。根據概念構圖法之結果,中學生對於線上閱讀歷程的認知顯得較為片面與不完整。換言之,銀髮族比起中學生更能掌握線上閱讀之整體概念;2.不同線上閱讀經驗之讀者(生手與專家),其線上閱讀歷程之概念有明顯之差異存在。專家比起生手更加重視線上閱讀歷程中的各種行為與技巧的運用,並能夠用以更高層次的技巧掌握與控制搜尋過程。生手認為線上閱讀時,學會搜尋的方法是重要的關鍵,專家則認為搜尋方法為基本之能力,而在線上閱讀時,能否擴增及延伸搜尋資訊才最重要的概念。 最後,3.不同年齡層之線上閱讀者,當線上閱讀經驗不足時,其所遇到之困難亦有所異同。中學生與銀髮族所面臨的相同困境包括「草率閱讀訊息,以致迷失搜尋方向」、「關鍵字運用的能力不足,侷限搜尋範圍」、「採取負面心態」、「少針對搜尋主題進行客觀思考,多以個人習性引導閱讀」、「缺乏懷疑資訊的能力,以致訊息來源無所根據」、「缺乏主動思考能力,僅被動地接收訊息」,及「未真正釐清搜尋目標」。此外,對中學生而言,也存在著「搜尋方向因個人興趣而偏離主題」之問題;對銀髮族來說,則是「接收訊息超負荷,而無法抉擇資訊」及缺乏網路搜尋頁面之基本操作能力」兩種困境。 綜上所述,本研究針對發現之問題,提出適當之線上閱讀教學策略及解決困難之方案,作為線上閱讀指導者未來教學參考與應用之依據。

新北市「閱讀起步走」活動經驗與滿意度研究 / A study of the experience and satisfaction on bookstart in New Taipei City

沈惠珠, Shen, Hui Chu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,嬰幼兒閱讀的議題在國內逐漸受到重視。2006年2月,信誼基金會與臺中縣政府、臺北市政府共同合作,正式在臺灣推行「閱讀起步走」。為了推動親子共讀,新北市亦於2009年開始實施「閱讀起步走」,除了致贈圖書禮袋外,並搭配親子共讀講座、新生兒故事活動、新生兒借閱證辦理等活動。 本研究目的希望可以透過對於活動執行者與參與者的調查研究,來檢視新北市辦理「閱讀起步走」之具體成效、參與者的滿意情形,以及活動執行者在活動辦理過程中所遭遇的困境,據以歸納相關經驗,提出未來發展建議供其他縣市辦理「閱讀起步走」計畫之參考。 本研究主要以問卷調查法與訪談法進行資料的分析。首先針對參與過「閱讀起步走」的嬰幼兒家長採隨機抽樣的方式進行活動滿意度問卷調查,共計有效樣本為250份;另擇選6位活動承辦人員與3位參與家長進行深度訪談,以得知活動執行者與參與者對於活動本身的實際看法。 研究結果顯示: 一、參與民眾與承辦館員普遍肯定「閱讀起步走」的政策與理念,並認為此活動有助於落實親子共讀觀念。 二、參與民眾對於館員的服務態度、活動內容的滿意度較高,對於活動的時間與場地安排、館舍硬體設備、館藏內容數量等滿意度較低。 三、參與民眾認為目前圖書館所採用的行銷方式在日常生活中並無法明確感受到,因此對於現行的行銷方式滿意度最低。 四、承辦館員在推動「閱讀起步走」時所遭遇最大的問題在於人力與宣傳的不足。 五、承辦館員認為影響活動辦理的因素為人力與空間環境。 六、各館在推動「閱讀起步走」時所需之協助為增加人力及官方統一宣傳。 本研究對於「閱讀起步走」未來的發展建議有: 一、充實嬰幼兒書籍館藏,提升閱讀品質。 二、家長學習課程可以團體型態的工作坊或讀書會進行。 三、整合目前的宣傳策略,由官方力量統一推動。 四、提升圖書禮袋發放的普及率。 五、持續推動相關政策,銜接目前所欠缺之閱讀階段。 / Over the years, reading for infants and toddlers has gained attention from the society. In February 2006, Hsin-Yi Foundation, by means of recruiting cooperative efforts from Taichung County Government and Taipei City Government, initiated Bookstart, a reading activity for parents and kids, in Taiwan. Three year later, New Taipei City started to execute Bookstart, including a good number of funny, inspiring activities such as granting participants with a “Bookstart Pack”, holding parent-kid reading seminars, story-reading for newborns and applying for library cards for newborns. The study aims to conduct a survey among in-charge librarians and participants, and evaluate the actual effects of Bookstart executed in New Taipei City, including to what extent participants are satisfied with the activities, and the problems or predicament encountered by in-charge librarians in the process of implementation. By so doing, the study induces relevant experiences and offer suggestions for other counties or cities that intend to execute the program of Bookstart in the future. The study undertakes the analysis of the data with questionnaire investigation method and interviewing method. To start with, by means of random sampling, a questionnaire over satisfaction is conducted among the parents with young-aged kids who have participated in Bookstart; effective copies were 250. Meanwhile, 6 in-charge librarians and 3 parents were selected to take in-depth interviews, so as to better explore the thoughts and ideas of the aforementioned people. The research results have indicated that: 1.The participating citizens and librarians all give approval for the notions of Bookstart, thinking it beneficial to the promotion of parent-kid reading. 2.The participating citizens have a better satisfaction over the librarians’ attitude of service and the content of the activity, yet their satisfaction for the time and venue of the activity, the hardware facilities of the library and the quality and quantity of the stock is relatively low. 3.Participated citizens do not think the promotion adopted by the library has been well received in everyday life, and hence have the lowest satisfaction for current promotion. 4.The most serious problems facing up to in-charge librarians were short of manpower and insufficient promotion. 5.In-charge librarians regard the factors that affect the quality of activities as manpower and the environment of the library. 6.The assistance needed in promoting Bookstart includes “adding manpower” and “a packaged promotion by the government”. Hence, the study offers suggestions for the future development of Bookstart as follows: 1.Enrich the collection of books for infants and young children to enhance reading quality. 2.Parents learning courses can group types of workshops or study will be conducted. 3.The current promotion strategies shall be incorporated, and the activity should be promoted by the government as a package. 4.To enhance reading the penetration rate paid by the Bookstart packs. 5.Related policies should be publicized in the future, so the new program can be connected with the current one by adding a “reading phase”.

同一文本不同形式讀物的閱讀活動對國小高年級學生閱讀理解與創作的影響 / Study on the Effects of Different Forms of the Same Text on Reading Comprehension and Writing for Elementary Higher Graders

黃于晏, Huang, Yu Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討同一文本不同形式讀物對國小高年級學生閱讀理解與創作之影響。學生閱讀純文字形式或圖文形式文本後,以閱讀理解測驗來檢測不同形式文本對學生閱讀理解之影響。在創作部份,透過續寫創作來了解不同形式文本對學生創作力表現之影響。最後,從課程問卷了解學生在閱讀圖文形式文本時對文字與圖畫關係的看法以及閱讀活動之喜好。 本研究以臺北市某國小之高年級學生為研究樣本,實驗組與對照組皆為28人,採準實驗設計和問卷調查法。依據學生之閱讀理解和創作前後測成績,用T檢定和單因子共變數分析來分析比較兩組學生之閱讀理解表現和創作力表現。從學生問卷填答狀況來統計分析學生對圖文關係之看法和閱讀活動的喜好順序。根據研究結果,可獲得以下結論: 一、 國小高年級學生閱讀圖文版文本在閱讀理解表現明顯優於閱讀文字版文本且不受性別因素影響。 二、 國小高年級學生閱讀圖文版文本時認為圖像與文字具有輔助、對稱與增強之關係。 三、 國小高年級學生閱讀圖文版在創作表現明顯優於閱讀文字版。 四、 國小高年級學生最喜歡的閱讀活動為影片欣賞,其次是續寫創作,而喜歡程度最低為閱讀理解測驗挑戰活動。 最後,根據本研究結果提出建議,以作為國小閱讀課教材選擇、課程設計與未來研究之參考。

國民中學學科教師於閱讀策略融入教學之研究 -以玉里國中為例 / The Reserch Of Junior High School Teacher’s Incorporation Teaching with Reading Strategies-In Yuli Junior High School

姜亭安, Chiang, Ting An Unknown Date (has links)
從學校圖書館的借閱情形,到臺灣104年度閱讀素養調查報告中,都顯示臺灣從青少年到成年人的閱讀內容,有淺薄化和狹窄化的現象。淺薄化意指思考深度較為淺薄的內容,狹窄化所指的是個人的閱讀種類具有偏好與習慣,上述例如小說類的輕小說或生活實用類的運動減肥書。長遠來看,這樣的閱讀風氣並不利於一個國家社會的穩定與發展。因此,「從教育紮根」便是常常受關注的口號,所以各學科國中教師,須思考以教學的力量,幫學生掌握閱讀理解策略,進行深思明辨,並且帶領學生認識多元化的閱讀視野。不過在升學主義的國中教育現場,要教師改變傳統教學法是有一定的困難度,所以本研究從已實行閱讀策略融入教學的老師去探討以下七點研究目的 : 一、了解國中學科教師對閱讀策略的認知和態度。 二、分析國中學科教師融入閱讀策略於在教學中的情形、收穫與想法。 三、整合與探討國中各學科需要的基本閱讀策略。 四、分析教師融入閱讀教學的原因與問題。 五、探討閱讀策略教學對各學科教學的擴散影響。 六、了解與探討教師於圖書資訊利用的情形。 本研究中採用訪談法,以一所國中為研究場域,針對五門學科(國文、英語、數學、社會和自然)各四位教師進行深度訪談。 訪談資料的分析結果有以下結論:教師認同需要閱讀策略融入教學來偏鄉學生改善學習能力,不過教師對於閱讀策略的認知相當有限。經過整合後學科需要的基本閱讀策略有瀏覽、摘要、辨詞、統整、解釋、比較、連結和推論,但不同學科之間仍有差異。除想養成學生自學能力外,另外教學意願也深受教學同儕的正面影響,然而教師認為趕課壓力卻是教學中最大的問題。閱讀策略教學對各學科教學確實具有助益與擴散影響,不過學科延伸閱讀的學習課程不多,呈現師生的學科圖書資訊素養不足,而教師多表示未來願意去嘗試設計推廣學科閱讀。 本研究分別對教育當局、學校單位和教師本身都有提出具體相關建議,以做為繼續推動長遠閱讀教育與活化教學的參考。 / From the condition of borrowing books in a school library to the Taiwanese reading literacy survey in 2015, it shows that the reading hobby of Taiwanese teenagers and adults is shallow and narrow. Shallow text means that the content is not good enough to think deeply and narrow hobby means people have their individual reading favorite and preference, such as light novels or the books of keeping fit. In the long term, such reading atmosphere goes against the stability and development of a country. “Rooted by education.” is an announcement won public attention. Thus, the junior high school teachers should think how to help students to use reading strategies well, to consider and recognize clearly, and to lead them to habepluralistic views. However, there is a certain difficulty for teachers to change their traditional teaching under diplomaism. The research studied the teachers who had practiced the incorporation teaching with reading strategies, and included 7 research purposes: 1.Understand junior high school teachers’ cognition and attitude about reading strategies. 2.Analyze the situation, gain and thoughts of teachers’ incorporation teaching with reading srtrategies. 3.Study the basic reading strategies of different subject’s needs. 4. Analyze the reasons and problems in teachers’ incorporation teaching. 5.Discuss Reading strategies’ spreading effect on different subject’ teaching . 6.Investigate the teachers how to use library information in teaching. The method of the research is in-depth interview. Choose 4 teachers for each subject (Chinese, English, Mathmatics, Social and Science) to make deepth interviews. Based on the analysis of the interviews, the major findings were as the following: The teachers agreed that rural students needed incorporation teaching with reading strategies to improve their learning ability, but teachers’ reading strategies cognition is quite finite. After integrating opinions, all subjects need browsing, abstracting, recognizing words, integrating, explaining, comparing, connecting, and inferring. However, there is still some difference among diverse subjects. Besides teach reading strategies to develop students’ independent studying, teachers are influenced by peers profoundly. Even so, their largest problem is the pressure to catch up school progress. Teaching reading strategies is doubtlessly helpful and effective in each subject’s teaching, but many extending reading courses in class is insufficient. Even though Reading literacy of subject is not abundant, teachers still expressed to design and popularize the subjects’ reading in the future. According to this research, the conclusions would offer the education authority, the administrative unit in school, and the teachers some concrete advises which could be the references to keep advancing the reading education and teaching actively.


康裕, KANG, YU Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討處於不同音樂情境中閱讀文章受試者,其在情境焦慮與閱讀記 憶上之差異。受試者為隨機抽取國立政治大學一一六名學生,隨機分派至播放令人感 到刺激的(stimulative )音樂、令人感到平靜的(sedative)音樂及不放音樂三種 情境中,使受試者閱讀文章,再測驗其閱讀記憶與情境焦慮。資料分析包括因素分析 、獨立樣本二因子變異數分析、積差相關及t 考驗。 研究結果發現:ぇ受試者處在播放令人感到刺激的音樂情境時,其焦慮不安的程度顯 著高於處在播放令人感到平靜的音樂情境之受試者。え受試者處在播放令人感到刺激 的音樂情境時,其鎮靜自信的程度顯著低於處在播放令人感到平靜的音樂情境之受試 者。ぉ受試者愈熟悉所聽到的音樂,就會愈喜歡它。お受試者愈喜歡所聽到的音樂, 愈會感到愉快舒暢。か在有播放音樂的情境中,受試者若愈感到愉快舒暢、鎮靜自信 、少焦慮不安,則其閱讀記憶分數就會愈高。が喜歡在實驗中所聽到的音樂之受試者 ,比不喜歡者感到愉快舒暢。

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