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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


袁顥庭 Unknown Date (has links)
歐美銀行業為因應二十一世紀全球化競爭態勢,紛紛藉由併購方式增強競爭能力。全球金融風暴對新興市場的銀行業者衝擊甚大,世界各國金融業者也趁機在亞洲、拉丁美洲與俄羅斯收購投資標的,藉以低價取得價值被低估的資產,擴大其區域營運規模,以及強化客戶網路關係。 銀行的併購案與其他產業的併購案相比只是少數;即使在銀行業中,曾進行併購活動的銀行也是少數;因此引發我們思考幾個問題:這少數歷經併購的銀行是否存在某些特質呢?主併銀行與被併銀行之間是否存在顯著的差異呢?在進行併購後,銀行的營運表現是否會產生明顯的差異呢? 本研究主要是從財務的觀點,來探討跨國性銀行併購活動,透過基本統計量(Basic Descriptive Statistics)的比較,分析主併銀行與被併銀行的經營績效與經營效率有何差異。採用迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)討論併購活動發生後,銀行的績效是否顯著地提高。此外,利用敘述性資料(Descriptive Data)的整理,探討合併動機、併購之相關制度影響因素。 經過研究分析有以下幾點結論: 一、併購銀行的特質 研究結果顯示主併銀行的規模遠較被併銀行和未從事併購之銀行為大。在財務績效表現方面,主併銀行的資本適足性、資產品質和管理能力上較被併銀行為佳;但是在獲利性和流動性的表現上,卻較被併銀行差,又被併銀行的表現差異極大。與配對銀行相比,主併銀行的財務績效表現一般,和配對銀行相當。而被併銀行的五個績效衡量構面均較其配對銀行表現好;外國銀行欲進行跨國合併時,當然優先選擇在資本適足性、資產品質、管理能力、獲利性、流動性各方面經營較佳之銀行與之合併。 二、銀行合併前後經營績效之比較 主併銀行的資產報酬率併購前後有顯著差異,而非利息收入未有顯著差異。被併銀行的資產報酬率、非利息收入檢定結果皆不顯著。 歐美銀行趁機收購亞洲價值被低估的資產,提高了銀行的資產報酬率;但是在拓展亞洲的各項金融業務發展上,目前還沒有明顯的效益產生,未來仍需努力。 根據研究結果,本研究提出一些建議,以期在銀行併購相關議題上有所助益,並且可就一些領域進行更深入的研究。 1. 合併前的策略規劃、審查評鑑工作非常重要,若隨便找一家被併銀行,為合併而合併,不僅併購之綜效未能產生,甚而使經營績效變差,則得不償失。 2. 跨國併購涉及雙方繁雜的法令限制,而銀行業又是政府所特別重視,嚴格控制的行業,因此併購活動更形困難。在推動併購案時應藉助專業顧問公司,尋找優良併購標的,處理相關法令事宜,以減少無形的併購成本。 3. 併購活動要在最短時間擴大營運規模、營運範疇、產生合併綜效,合併後之整合工作就非常重要,攸關合併後的經營績效。主事者必須慎思慎行,仔細思考合併之目的、評估合併之成本效益。


廖雙利 Unknown Date (has links)

跨國併購的技術移轉與文化差異之研究—以個案公司為例 / Technology transfer and cultural differences study by transnational m & a - o company case

何旻 Unknown Date (has links)
自從金融海嘯之後,全球現在進入復原期,雖然有許多公司因此而一崛不振,然,依然有許多體質好的公司紛紛快速爬起,本文中的個案公司就是利用金融海嘯期間,透過完整的計畫與有效的併購內部團隊與外部顧問,完成一項以技術為中心的併購案,因此,本文主要係以個案公司為例,探討個案公司於金融海嘯中,吸收體質好的公司,快速整合兩間公司資源,待景氣好轉蓄勢待發,快速成長。 / Since the financial tsunami, now the world is going into the recovery phase. Although there are many companies and a rise of so weak, there are still many good companies have quickly climbs up physique. The cases in this thesis is anglicizing a company which is complete a technology-focused transformation through the complete M & A plans, the effective internal team and external consultants during the financial crisis. this thesis takes this company as a case to discuss a company to M&A anther quality-well company, and then rapid integration of the two companies resources during the financial tsunami period till the economy improves, poised to take off, rapid growth.

政治連結對跨國併購的績效影響─以中國上市企業為例 / Political connection and cross-border M&A: evidence from China listed companies

謝昌歷 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著近年來西方經濟不振且中國經濟的起飛,跨國併購活動的版圖正在重新洗牌,中國企業正如火如荼地進行跨國併購活動。本論文利用事件研究法對2000年到2011年中國上市且有進行跨國併購的企業共47家做分析,藉由迴歸分析的結果去觀察政治連結與國外投資人對於併購績效的影響。本研究的立論在於,存在政治連結的企業受到中國政府的指示進行跨國併購活動,目的是滿足中國政府的自身考量而非投資人的利益,也因為跨國併購行為是由政府所主導、推動的,因此政府所採取的政策與作為,很可能是這些政治連結企業跨國併購之成敗的最主要因素。 而本論文主要的結果分為兩部分。 a.主併公司的跨國併購宣告效果在所有本論文選用的事件窗口皆不顯著,也就是併購事件對於公司股價並不會產生顯著的影響。 b. 政治連結與國外投資人都會對併購績效帶來負面的影響,尤其是這兩個同時存在的時候併購的績效負面的效果最為強烈。此外,國外投資人對於併購即期效果就有負面的影響,也就是在事件窗口(-1,+1)就會馬上產生負向關係,然而,可能因為併購消息提前走漏或是市場還沒有反應,政治連結對跨國併購的即時宣告效果並未產生任何顯著的影響。一直到了事件窗口(-5,+5)時這兩個解釋變數會同時相當顯著的對於併購績效造成負面的影響,而這個效果會隨著時間而遞減,但持續到併購宣告之後15個交易日,最後在併購交易之後30個交易日,可能是受到市場上其他事件或是公司本身有其他重大事件的干擾,導致負向的影響效果不再顯著了。

國家特性對銀行跨國併購之績效影響 / The impact of country characteristics on the performance of commercial banking cross-border M&As

陳瑋伶 Unknown Date (has links)
由於科技進步、國與國之間的監管制度放寬,使得產業邁向全球化,進而帶動金融業的跨國併購浪潮,並開啟了併購領域之實證研究。過去學者對於銀行併購動機與併購績效之研究,所探討的因子層面有所不同,因此,本研究欲探討影響銀行進行跨國併購動機的國家特性差異,對主併銀行的併購績效有何影響。 由SDC併購資料庫選取2002年至2014年,已開發和新興市場國家之商業銀行跨國併購案件作為研究樣本,以事件研究法探討主併國與被併國之國家特性因子,如:經濟規模、經濟成長率、金融產業發展程度,以及兩國間心理距離等,對主併銀行宣告效果之影響。 結果發現僅目標國之金融產業發展程度與主併銀行宣告效果呈顯著負相關,即併購金融發展程度較低的國家銀行,能為主併銀行獲得更多成長機會,故市場對於主併銀行短期的績效反應較為正面,主併銀行擁有正的異常報酬。 此實證結果符合「獲利機會理論 (Focarelli and Pozzolo, 2001b) 」故當銀行選擇併購策略時,建議可考慮往金融產業發展程度較低的新興市場國家,以獲取更多的成長機會與獲利空間。 / With the advancement of technology and deregulation between countries, industries around the world have entered into a globalized era. Therefore, waves of cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) among financial institutions have opened new area in M&A empirical research. Different factors were used in previous literatures on M&A motives and performance. As a result, this study examines whether country characteristic factors, which influence acquirer’s M&A motives, have impact on acquirer’s announcement effect. We use event study methodology with 105 final samples, which made of listed commercial banks in developed and emerging market countries (EMC) between 2002 and 2014, to analyze the effects of country characteristic factors (like GDP, GDP growth, financial development, and psychic distance) on the acquirer’s short-term performance. According to our results, we find that: First, on average, the acquirer’s announcement effect of EMC is higher than developed countries, but it is not statistically significant. Second, only the degree of financial development in target countries has significant impact on acquirer’s announcement effect, which is consistent with profit opportunity theory. Therefore, we suggest that acquirers can target commercial banks in financially underdeveloped countries to obtain more growth and profit opportunity.


鄭帝允 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的併購動機主要分為綜效假說、代理假說和傲慢假說。我們以目標公司報酬和總報酬的相關性,以及目標公司報酬和主併公司報酬的相關性來區分此三種假說。併購動機若支持綜效假說,則預期目標公司報酬和總報酬呈正相關,且目標公司報酬也和主併公司報酬呈正相關。併購動機若支持代理假說,則預期目標公司報酬和總報酬呈負相關,且目標公司報酬也和主併公司報酬呈負相關。併購動機若支持傲慢假說,則預期目標公司報酬和總報酬無關,且目標公司報酬和主併公司報酬呈負相關。   本研究探討美國88件國內併購案以及79件跨國併購案,樣本期間為2000年1月1日到2006年12月31日。根據本研究的實證結果,做出以下結論: 1、在國內併購案中,併購的動機主要來自綜效假說和傲慢假說。而在跨國併 購案中,併購的動機主要來自代理假說和傲慢假說。 2、沒有足夠的證據顯示以傲慢假說為併購的動機會減少公司的價值。 3、匯率的變動並不影響企業從事跨國併購的動機。 / This paper develops tests to distinguish among the three major motives for M&A:synergy、agency and hubris. We distinguish three hypotheses by observing the correlation between target, acquirer and total gains. If the motive supports the synergy hypothesis, it expects positive correlation between target and total gains. The synergy hypothesis also expects positive correlation between target and acquirer gains. If the motive supports the agency hypothesis, it expects negative correlation between target and total gains. The agency hypothesis also expects negative correlation between target and acquirer gains. If the motive supports the hubris hypothesis, it expects zero correlation between target and total gains. The hubris hypothesis also expects negative correlation between target and acquirer gains.   This paper treats 88 domestic and 79 cross-boarder cases of M&A over the period of 2000 to 2006 in America. According to the empirical result of the study, the conclusions are stated as follows: 1. In the domestic cases of M&A, the synergy hypothesis and the hubris hypothesis are the primary motive of M&A. In the cross-boarder cases of M&A, the agency hypothesis and the hubris hypothesis are the primary motive of M&A. 2. It has no adequate proof to show the motive of M&A flows from the hubris hypothesis may decrease the value of the company. 3. The variation of the exchange rate has no effect on the motive of cross-boarder M&A.


汪欣寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用亞洲九個國家,自1995至2005年共十一年的資料,以固定效果模型對外人直接投資進入模式的外溢效果進行估計,探討外人直接投資進入模式與國家的勞動生產力之間的關係?另外,本文也研究外人直接投資的進入模式在高低技術及高低收入國家間是否會產生不同的外溢效果?   實證結果發現,跨國併購的行為剛進入時,並不會帶來顯著的外溢效果,然而只要一國的人力資本達到一定的門檻時,跨國併購便會為地主國帶來正向的外溢效果。而外商新建投資,可為當地市場產生正向的外溢效果。而透過技術能力的增進後,外商新建投資會帶來正向且顯著的外溢效果。 其次,在中低收入(技術)國家,外商新建投資透過人力資本的加乘後,也會產生顯著的正向外溢效果。 / The research adopts eleven-year of information from nine different Asian countries to evaluate the impact of spillover effect from the entry mode of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the national labor productivity. That is to construct a fixed-effects model studying, utilizing the information from nine Asian countries on FDI flows from 1995 to 2005. Moreover, the research also test the different spillover effect of entry mode between high-tech/high-incomed and low-tech/low-incomed countries. The empirical result shows that when first initiates a cross-border mergers or acquisitions, it doesn’t obviously result in the spillover effect. Thus, a country will has higher productivity of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, only when it has a minimum threshold stock of human capital. The foreign greenfield investment may have the positive spillover effect over the local market. And the higher the technology ,the higher the positive spillover effect of the foreign greenfield investment Lastly, in a low-tech/low-incomeed country,it will has higher productivity of foreign greenfield investment, also when it has a minimum threshold stock of human capital.

台灣跨國併購與非跨國併購績效之研究 / The Efficiency comparison between foreign and domestic acquicisions in Taiwan

林佳蓉, Lin, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以民國81年1月1日至民國90年12月31日間曾從事併購行為之國內53家上市櫃公司為研究樣本,取其併購前後五年之財務資料,利用資料包落分析法計算其整體技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率值,再依據目標公司是否位於國內為併購類型的分類標準,探討併購活動與併購類型是否影響主併公司績效。 本研究實證結果如下: 一、在不考慮併購類型的情況下,併購前後對於整體技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率呈現不顯著的正向關係,表示併購後效率雖然有提升,但未達顯著水準。 二、在未區別併購前後的情況下,雖然併購類型對於整體技術效率與純技術效率均呈正向關係,與規模效率則呈負向關係,但三種效率值皆未達到統計上顯著水準,表示進行國內併購與跨國併購的主併公司在效率上沒有太大差異。 三、跨國併購後在整體技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率均呈現正向關係,並且在整體技術效率與純技術效率達到統計上顯著水準,表示「國際化網路」假說確實存在。 / In this research, we based on the companies that listed in Taiwan Security Exchange or the OTC which had domestic or foreign acquisitions over the period from 1992 to 2001. Using these firms’ five years financial data before and after acquisitions, we apply Data Envelopment Analysis to measure efficiency and compare the performance of firms following domestic or foreign acquisitions. The major research finding as follows. First, if we do not consider the type of acqusiontion, domestic or foreign, the results denote that there is no efficiency difference before or after acquisitions. Second, after we control before or after acquisitions, the results demonstrate that there is no efference difference between domestic and foreign acquisions. Third, after we control the cross effects between acquisition time and acquisition types, the results show that after foreign acquisitions the merger companies increase efficiency significantly, which confirms “Positive Multinational Network Hypothesis”.

國家文化與企業跨國併購 / National Culture in Cross-border M&A

陳怡如, Chen, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
文化常被認為是跨國併購失敗的重要原因,許多文化因素在研究與調查中仍屬薄弱。在本論文中,國家文化是衡量跨境併購文化差異的重點,我們使用了Hofstede 六維度來分析兩種家公司併購情況,即使聯想案例文化維度距離高於TCL案例,但聯想理解在最短時間內和解文化差異,聯想最終解決了問題並變成了利潤。研究表明,溝通是必要的,大大提高了併購的成功性,管理層在合併前,文化評估是必要決策收購的成敗的重要因素。 / The failure rate of cross-border M&As is still high and culture is often blamed for hampering performance. If substantial research has been devoted to investigating M&As performance, cultural factors remain largely unexplained. In this research, national culture is the focus to measure cultural differences in cross border M&As. we used Hofstede 5 dimensions to analyzes two cases, even though Lenovo case cultural dimension distance is higher than TCL case, but Lenovo understand reconciling cultural differences in the shortest time, Lenovo eventually solved the problems and turn into profit. The studies reveal that communication is a necessity, drastically improving the success of a merger, and a cultural assessment of both fit and potential are important factors for providing direction and guidance for necessary decision making and planning initiatives required by management throughout all stages of a merger or acquisition. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to highlight the tensions generated by national culture in cross-border M&As and Chinese enterprises want to increase the success rate of Cross-border M&As, they have to pay close attention on the cultural problems, make a good cultural assessment and manager the cultural integrating work in the cultural integrating process.

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