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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

群聚效應對文化創意產業發展的貢獻:以華山1914文化創意產業園區為例 / Contribution of clusters to cultural industries: the case study of Huashan1914 creative park

周凌霄 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去的產業發展經驗中,廠商群聚發展的模式常常是很重要的一個考量,透過群聚能夠產生降低交易成本、整合產業鏈、人才的相互流通等諸多效益,然而隨著時代與環境的變遷,創意慢慢成為廠商或者產業的競爭基礎。這樣的知識經濟時代來臨加上文化創意產業(簡稱文創產業)在各國興起,而為了能夠讓文創產業有適合的發展環境,文創產業的發展與規劃就必須借鏡過去產業發展的經驗,在台灣甚至很多其他國家都選擇以文化創意產業園區(簡稱文創園區)的方式輔導文創產業的發展,因為群聚的模式對過去產業發展是有貢獻的。 台灣目前所規劃的五大文創園區中位在台北市的華山園區是起步最早的一個,目前由台灣文創公司經營,而針對華山園區也有很多質疑的聲音,包括華山經營得太過商業化,甚至排除很多創作者在華山發展的機會等,儘管如此廠商集中群聚在華山園區內部仍然能夠分享到群聚所造成的各種幫助。 透過訪談與文獻分析發現,華山園區的群聚效應對於園內廠商的貢獻有四: (1)華山園區形成並提供跨界合作的平台,園區內的廠商透過跨界的交流與合作促成更多創新。 (2)華山園區開始形成一個文創品牌以後,除了透過高知名度吸引更多顧客以外,也辦理主題性的活動來吸引廠商所需要的目標族群,達成市場區隔。 (3)華山園區能促進人才交流與流動的發生,這樣的過程將有助於廠商的創新行為,在人才培育上華山預期在未來的BOT旗艦中心能有更積極的作為。 (4)華山園區能夠讓廠商與顧客接觸,進一步使組織的知識與顧客互動結合產生如何做(know how)的知識,並且再次透過園區來讓這些知識能夠累積、傳承。 / From past industrial experiences, clusters are considered not only to cut firms’ cost but also integrate their supply chains and other favorable effects. Creativity becomes the base of competition over time and cultural industries had grown up in many countries. In order to make a favorable environment for cultural industries, past industrial experiences are needed because of the big contribution of clusters to past industries. And the cultural industrial cluster mode is not only adopted in Taiwan but also in many other countries. There are 5 cultural industrial clusters in Taiwan. Huashan1914 Creative Park, the first one which was established. Even if there are some criticisms of the park such as about over commercialized operating and artists are crowded out. However, firms in the park shared advantages from this cluster in many ways. Contributions of clusters to cultural industries in Huashan1914 Creative Park’s case can be summed up through literature review and interviews. There are 4 items: (1) Huashan1914 Creative Park offers a platform that firms and individuals share their ideas on it. The ideas on the platform are interdisciplinary. Moreover, the platform also stimulates collaborations and brings more innovations. (2) Since Huashan1914 Creative Park becomes a brand name, it attracts more customers by its high profile and also distinguishes the target customers from the public for firms in the park by holding events. (3) Huashan1914 Creative Park stimulates people to interact with each other and it’s also helpful to firms’ innovations. Moreover, Huashan1914 Creative Park is looking forward to making bigger and more contributions of talent cultivation after it finishes the BOT building. (4) The firms combine their organizational knowledge with the experiences of talking and interacting with customers in Huashan1914 Creative Park, thus the firms have their know how knowledge. And firms cumulate and create much knowledge by the park once again.

跨界治理的區域差異:昆山、東莞的轉型升級策略與效應比較 / Regional differences in cross-border governance:The comparative study of Kunshan and Dongguan in the effect of Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Strategy

黃健群 Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年中共十一屆三中全會,決定改革開放後,中國大陸即成為全球企業、資金競相湧入的地區。然而,大陸經濟快速的發展,除帶來經濟成長率,卻也造成分配不均、環境污染、區域發展失衡等社會矛盾。為了解決經濟發展所帶來的社會失衡,中共於十六屆三中全會提出科學發展觀,並以此作為「十一五」期間以加工貿易為主的產業轉型升級的論述基礎。本論文透過東莞「大麥客」和昆山「臺灣商品交易中心」的個案討論,分析因應大陸中央轉型升級的產業政策,地方政府如何建立一個跨界治理的系統來支援全球化脈絡下的跨界生產?華東昆山和華南東莞,又有什麼樣的不同?兩地又是透過什麼樣的治理模式建立轉型升級的規範?臺商如何透過臺商協會,建立與政府之間的聯繫工作,並參與規範的建立?不同地區的治理模式是否有不同的差異?是地方政府較為強勢主導規範的建立?亦或是由臺商透過臺商協會的平臺影響政策,建立規範? 本研究以跨界治理概念分析東莞、昆山兩地的產業轉型升級策略,可以得出幾點結論:第一,推動東莞、昆山跨界治理的驅力雖有其差異,然而,在這個過程中政治驅力/經濟驅力必然交互作用。換言之,無論跨界治理的驅力為何,都必須在不同行動體建構的社會網絡中才能使動(empowerment),且這個治理的過程,由於不同行動體的利益,因此,將促使政治驅力/經濟驅力呈現一種辯證關係;第二,分析東莞、昆山跨界治理的過程中,透過「公私夥伴式」、「新葛蘭西式」這兩類型實現途徑的理論啟發,建構出東莞「強『社會』」、昆山「強政府」跨界治理模式的類型特徵。

共榮的想像:帝國日本與大東亞文學圈(1937-1945) / Imagining Co-Prosperity:Imperial Japan and the Literary Sphere of Great East Asia,1937-1945

李文卿, Lee, Wen Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以1937年至1945年「中日戰爭」、「大東亞戰爭」時期為座標,透過考察大東亞共榮圈下的東亞經驗、記憶、文化與歷史的交錯問題。並試圖以宏觀的角度來檢視日本與亞洲各國的關係,從「跨界」的視域進行東亞文學與文藝體制之研究討論,探討關於日本的大東亞共榮圈之建構概念及其欲型塑的東亞文學觀,與大東亞共榮圈各地域對於此文學建構所衍伸出的知識、權力、文化關係的接受與質變。從日本因應戰爭的動員過程以及帝國主義思潮的發展脈絡中,可以窺見透過國家機器的運作模式,日本企圖在內地、殖民地及各佔領區中塑造「共同體」之想像,並欲透過此「共同體」的想像型塑出「大東亞共榮圈」的東亞一體之翼贊結構。另一方面,大東亞共榮圈中的各地域對於此「共榮想像」也各有不同的對應態勢,從中可以觀看出大東亞文學圈中的文學者們認同的游移,同時對於大東亞議題在不同的統治模式下所衍生出的不同之「協力」圖像。 本論文是以日本的帝國主義發展之脈絡為東亞文學圈的論述中心,並擇取大東亞共榮圈下的五個漢字使用地域為個案討論對象,包括了殖民地:台灣、朝鮮、傀儡政權:滿洲國、中國(華北、華中),以此討論日本文學共榮的表象與實際,以及東亞地區在大東亞想像下的文學樣貌。大東亞的文藝運動可以說是日本國家主義發展的衍生,包括文學者統合團體的誕生、筆部隊的派遣、報國文學的創作乃至於徵用作家的紀行報導,全都受到國家機器的操弄。「八紘一宇」支撐了日本的國體論述,在各個地域中並以日語教育取代血緣的系聯,欲藉由語言型構出「東亞民族」的一體性,同時透過各地域的日本文學者之創作,也顯現了此大東亞的視野,透過戰爭文學、勤勞文學、增產文學、國民文學各種文學書寫模式與文學生產過程,日本文學者們也從不同角度展現出帝國想像。此外,透過統合文學者的文學報國會之串連,也建構了大東亞文學圈的文學者們的「交流」系譜,各地域的文學者也在此文學場域中各自展開「文學共榮」的命題。 / This dissertation examines the entanglement of memory, history and cultural experience within the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere during the Second Sino-Japanese War or Greater East Asia War between 1937 and 1945. From a comprehensive perspective of boundary crossing, this dissertation intends to study the conceptualization and formation of a unified East Asian literary ideal and its literary and cultural institutions by examining the discourse of a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in the context of Japanese Imperialism. It further explores the reception and transformation of knowledge, power, and cultural struggles shaped by this literary construction within the cultural sphere. Through the observation of the process of wartime mobilization and the development of imperial ideology, this dissertation reveals that the Japanese Empire intended to implant the image of an imagined community in Japan, the Japanese colonies, and occupied areas. By enlisting this imagined community, the Japanese Imperial would forge a cooperative institution, the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, within which “Asia is One.” On the other hand, intellectuals in different parts of Japanese East Asia adopted different positions in response to the imposition of this imagined Co-Prosperity Sphere. By scrutinizing their responses, we will discern these writers’ shifting positions and diverse strategies of “collaboration” under different types of rule and across various regions. The dissertation traces the progress of Japanese Imperialism as the discursive center of the East Asia Literary Sphere. Five regions from the Chinese character-using portions of the empire were chosen as case studies: Japanese colonies such as Taiwan, Korea, as well as puppet regimes like those in Manchukuo, and occupied North and Central China. By surveying the literary performances in these East Asian regions that were under the influenced of the discourse of Great East Asia, we could get past the surface and scrutinize the reality of the ideology of the Japanese Literary Co-Prosperity Sphere. The Greater East Asian Literary Movement was a byproduct of the development of Japanese nationalism. All literary activities were manipulated by the Japanese state apparatus, including the establishment of writers’ alliance, the dispatching of the Pen Writers’ Brigade, the writing of Patriotic Literature, as well as the reportage from Conscript Writers. The discourse of Hakkō ichiu (All the world under one roof) became the core of Japanese national ideology. Japanese became the sole language taught in schools throughout the Japanese empire in an attempt to replace ties of blood and ethnicity with a linguistic affiliation. Through this linguistiunity, Imperial Japan fostered the unity of an “East Asian ethnicity.” Writing in diverse genres such as War Literature, Labor Literature, Increasing Production Literature and National Literature, Japanese writers in different parts of East Asia manifested the imperialist dream of a Greater East Asia. Moreover, through the establishment of organizations such as the Association of Literary Patriotism, writers in the Greater East Asia Literary Sphere gained a legitimate channel to communicate and exchange their ideas on literature. In other words, East Asian writers constructed and developed their own discourses of “Literary Co-Prosperity” within this context.

跨越邊界的流動與認同:日治時期「內台共婚」研究 / The study of interracial marriages between Taiwanese and Japanese during the Japanese colonial period.

楊裴文, Yang, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
日治時期台灣人與日本人的通婚並非如同今日的國際婚姻關係,而是日本帝國國民之間的異民族通婚行為,是謂「內台共婚」。比起一般婚姻,「內台共婚」可說是一跨越多重「邊界」的結合。 所謂的「邊界」,除了意指地理空間中的境界,同樣也包括社會學意義上的文化、價值觀等方面的差異與隔閡;並且由於當時日本人與台灣人之間制度性地存在「支配者─被支配者」的殖民統治位階關係,使得矗立於「大日本帝國」與「殖民地台灣」之間的「邊界」更形巨大而難以跨越。然而,內台共婚者卻以個人之力跨越厚重的界限,並且將「邊界」兩端的差異、矛盾與衝突濃縮於一個家庭的日常生活之中。 本研究試圖回答以下三個問題:(一)、跨界流動如何可能?綜觀日治時期,乃是一內地與殖民地間「距離」縮短的過程。所謂「距離」,不僅意指地理空間上的差距,更包括內台人在「社會距離」與「心理距離」上的接近程度。藉由觀察各種「距離」變化的過程,探究使得跨界流動的日台人通婚由「不可能」至「可能」的社會背景因素。(二)、是「誰」跨界通婚?由共婚者個人背景之分析,進一步探討存在於「內台共婚」的特殊階級性格。此外,影響共婚者決定結婚的關鍵性因素也是一個有趣的議題,其中包括愛國情操、利益追求,以及嚮往愛情這三種理由。(三)、跨界之後:共婚生活之分析。共婚家庭不僅必須面對來自外部的障礙,例如體制上的不友善以及社會輿論壓力等,也必須克服許多經營家庭生活的艱難課題。此外,跨界的流動也為共婚者本身及其混血兒子女的自我認同與定位帶來許多衝擊。 「內台共婚」者跨越多重的社會位置,其認同也依照不同的社會時空、生活處境而有所轉變,本研究基於史料耙梳、文獻蒐集與經驗訪談等資料,試圖理解共婚者跨越邊界而結合的流動與其複雜的認同軌跡。 / During the Japanese colonial period, the marriage between Taiwanese and Japanese was called "Nai-Tai marriage." The "Nai-Tai marriage" could be seen as an integration that crossed the boundaries between Taiwan and Japan. This study attempts to answer the following three questions: (1) Was the "Nai-Tai marriage" possible? The "distance" meant that not only the the distance from Taiwan to Japan, but also including the "social distance" and "psychological distance" between Taiwanese and Japanese. By observing the ways of "distance" changed, this research try to explore the social background factors of the "Nai-Tai marriage". (2) "Who" did it? This research analyzed the personal backgrounds and the social class of the "Nai-Tai marriage." In addition, the key reason of people decided to "Nai-Tai marriage" is also an interesting question. (3) How about their family life? The families of the "Nai-Tai marriage" had to overcome a variety of problems. In addition, for the "Nai-Tai marriage" people and their mixed-blood children, the mobility of cross-boundary also brought many shocks to their self-identity, and made them feel unsure of themselves in social situations. The "Nai-Tai marriage" people crossed multiple social positions, their identity also changed with their different social space, living conditions and social class. This study explained the "Nai-Tai marriage" people how to live their lives, and how their complex identity had changed.

以物意悟:疆界物件如何引發跨專業的調適性學習行為 / Learning from Objects:How may Boundary Objects Enact Adaptive Learning in Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

王培勛, Wang, Pei Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,許多企業希望透過不同領域的專家彼此合作,為組織解決日益複雜的難題。然而,跨專業團隊的合作過程充滿挑戰,過去文獻多專注於如何提升知識分享的效果,卻忽略了許多關鍵新知識必須由跨界團隊合作探索而來。在面對陌生情境下,這樣的探索尤其重要,例如:開發新產品、啟用新製程,但我們至今仍對跨專業社群如何合作探索的過程所知甚少。 為了探究這個議題,本研究採用民族誌的方式,追蹤半導體晶圓廠工程師如何在複雜的生產系統中解決跨專業的維修難題。過程中,工作者常常必須面臨因果錯綜複雜、責任歸屬不清、跨界溝通不良所導致的合作困境。研究發現要解決這樣的困境,工作者必須運用疆界物件引發三種工作實務:解讀現象背後的因果、改變合作關係、整合跨界知識,才能找出問題核心並對症下藥。 根據本研究發現,如果我們能了解工作者在特定情境中的學習過程,便可提升既有的知識管理與疆界物件理論。在實務議題上,本研究的發現也能幫助現有員工培訓與跨專業溝通方式。 / Recently, more and more companies are gathering different types of specialist in order to solve increasingly complex problems. But the efforts paid in the process of cooperation are challenging for enterprises. Previous researchers had focused on the transfer and share of cross-disciplinary knowledge. However, they neglected the fact that some critical knowledge must be learned by collaborative exploring in terms of particular situation. To understand this issue, an ethnography study was used to examine the process of trouble shooting undertaken by engineers who encountered complex problems in the fabrication of semiconductor wafers. This thesis addressed three primary challenges faced by engineers. First, the nature of the problem may not be defined appropriately at the beginning. Second, responsibility may not be clearly attributed by cross specialist team who is in charge of investigation. Third, without comprehensive contexts of the practice, communication between engineers is problematic itself. To overcome the problem, engineers must be able to go beyond standard operating procedures so that they can find a new path of solution. This thesis argues that the use of boundary objects is an effective trigger of problem solving. The use of a boundary object is then described as a means of decoding the contexts behind the objects, reforming the relationship of cooperation, and integrating knowledge systemically. These findings suggest that theories of knowledge management and boundary objects could be improved organically by considering what people do and how people learn in practice. Furthermore, these findings bring us practical implications of employee training and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

事業廢棄物產業群聚與跨界網絡之研究 / A Study of Industry Cluster and Trans-border Networks in the Industrial Waste

葉文芝, Yeh,Wen Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以產業群聚、跨界網絡與研發創新觀點,分析廣東省清遠再生銅產業所形塑出之產業群聚現象。在台灣與清遠地區產業制度變遷的發展過程中,跨界與在地網絡的連結不但對清遠地區在地產業內的權力結構產生衝擊,更因此激勵在地事業機構間對研發創新的渴望。 研究結果發現:清遠再生銅產業之群聚現象,除了可歸於中國中央與地方政府的強制規劃外,台灣事業機構提供廢貨源、資訊、技術、經營管理理念與資金於當地,是促進當地產業群聚的重要推手。隨群聚內的事業體系間的相互提攜與擴溢,間接促使產業內結構得以調整,而使在地企業得以改造,更激發出產業升級、研發創新與當地居民向心力的凝聚。跨界網絡融入清遠在地網絡後,因外部知識的潛在價值,更有利於在地事業機構本身的吸收。而台灣與清遠地區事業廢棄物產業的研發創新的出發點是各自獨立的體系,但隨台灣事業機構於清遠地區取得專利後,亦會藉由知識分享或透過支付權利金模式回饋與台灣境內公司,因此台灣與清遠地區事業廢棄物產業在研發創新的道路上漸漸從分壘的平行線轉向分享的交叉線上。 / This study analyzes the industry cluster established by the recycled copper industry in Qingyuan, Guangdong, primarily from the perspective of industry clusters, trans-border networks, and R&D innovation. During the development process of the industrial system transition on Taiwan and Qingyuan Area , connections between trans-border and local networks not only had an impact on domestic industry power structures in Qingyuan Area, but also stimulated a desire for R&D innovation within local enterprises organizations. The results of the study indicate that in addition to attributing the clustering of the recycled copper industry to mandatory plans by the central and local governments in China, Taiwan enterprises provide waste sources, information, technology, management philosophy and funds, is an important promoter to promote local in industry cluster , mutual support and expansion among the industry cluster enterprises systems indirectly prompted internal industry adjustments, resulting in the restructuring of local enterprises, which further inspired industry upgrading, innovation, and cohesiveness among local residents. As trans-border networks gradually blended into Qingyuan Area domestic networks, the potential value from external knowledge was more readily available for local enterprises to absorb. While the starting points of R&D innovation arose from individual systems on Taiwan and Qingyuan Area, benefits could be reaped by enterprises in Taiwan through shared knowledge or paid royalties when trans-border enterprises acquired patents in Qingyuan Area. Therefore, on the road to R&D innovation, industries on Taiwan and Qingyuan Area transformed from following separate, parallel routes to sharing a single route.

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