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日治時期「台灣寫真帖」研究 / The study of "Taiwan Shashin Cho" during Japanese colonial period徐佑驊, Hsu,You Hua Unknown Date (has links)
將寫真帖與其他文類對比參照後發現,其間多有互相複製、挪用的情形,可見殖民者建制台灣視覺論述的用心,並不僅見於寫真帖,亦以各種綜論性的台灣相關論著、教育讀本、美術作品的視覺圖像,相互作用以「召喚」個體(被觀看的「台灣」)進入主體(殖民者的知識體系)。「台灣」在殖民論述下如何被操作及轉化,本文以北白川宮、新高山、香蕉為例討論,援引羅蘭巴特的神話學概念,分析各樣文類構築的「台灣神話」。最後,從「觀看」到「觀光」的實踐,將觀光指南中的「台灣」與寫真對照,以「日月潭杵歌」與「台灣神社」為例,試論神話形構後,傳遞過程中可能的變異性。 / This research aims to interpret how Taiwan was observed by analyzing the visual icons in the “Taiwan shashin cho (Taiwan photo albums/台湾写真帖)” during the Japanese Colonial period. In addition, we will discuss about the way to see Taiwan arranged by the editor, and which factors was chosen or abandoned in the editorial process. Regarding prior researches, the classifications of former researchers possibly break both the thinking and the context of photo-album editors in later versions. We purpose to place the “Taiwan shashin cho” in the original context of the old times.
With our analysis, our research findings are: First of all, based on the development of photography in Taiwan, the Taiwanese translation of photography as well as the photographers and publishers, the “Taiwan shashin cho” in this research can represent the “Taiwan” image in the colonial perspective. We generalize three characteristics in the basis of the “Taiwan shashin cho”: A. Geographically, the order to view Taiwan by region was arranged from the north to the south and then the west to the east. The differences between western and eastern Taiwan corresponded to the colonial attitude and policy in this era. B. Chronologically, the “Taiwan shashin cho” implicated individual temporal characteristics in each section of the Japanese Colonial period, respectively. C. Generally, the visual factors such as aborigines, natural resources, and the customs and traditions cannot be categorized into specific regions and period, though they still implied the gaze of the rulers. In summary, there are two kinds of perspectives to analyze “Taiwan shashin cho”: macro and micro. The macro perspective is closely related to the operation of the North-South Railway. On the other hand, the category framework of the “Taiwan kyozai shashin kyokashu (Sources of Photography for Taiwan Textbook/台湾教材写真教科書)” in 1934 is the most typical micro perspective.
Secondly, to compare with other archives, numerous visual icons are reproduced and appropriated from the “Taiwan shashin cho”. Thus, we can conclude that the rulers spare no efforts to build up the visual discourse of Taiwan images with the “Taiwan shashin cho”, those treatises, educational textbooks and fine art works. By these archives, the individual (the Taiwan observed) is interpellated to the subject (the knowledge of the rulers). Based on the Mythologies by Roland Barthes, this thesis take the “Kitashirakawa-no-miya Yoshihisa-shinno (Imperial Prince Kitashirakawa Yoshihisa/北白川宮能久親王)”, the “niitakayama(former name of Yushan/新高山)”, and the “bananas” as examples to understand how “Taiwan” was operated and transformed. Furthermore, how the forecited archives constructed the “Taiwan Myths”.
Finally, this research compares the “Taiwan shashin cho” with the “Taiwan ryoco annai(Guidebooks of Taiwan Railway Tour/台湾鉄道旅行案内)” in the practice of transforming “seeing” to “sightseeing” for discussing about the divergences in the process of propagating myth with two illustrations, “ Zizugezu tan kineuta(Pestle Dancing in Sun Moon Lake/日月潭杵唄)” as well as “Taiwan Zinzha(Taiwan shrine/台湾神社)”.
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日治時期臺灣總督府圖書館之研究—以閱覽者為中心 / The study of Readers in the Library of Office of Taiwan Governor-General During Japanese Colonial Period黃慈怡, Huang, Chi Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後,自本文研究中,總督府圖書館閱覽者在該館營運期間,由於「閱讀」的行為,因而與圖書館產生了相應的互動結果。對大部分的圖書館閱覽者而言,欲使用的只是圖書館的設備,以幫助自己通過考試,而圖書館館藏或者活動,是其自身動機獲得滿足後,空閒時才考慮是否使用。也就是說,閱覽者在其總督府圖書館的使用歷程中,擁有一定的主動空間,可以選擇使用該館的方式,而非服膺圖書館自社會教育出發,必然存在教化功能的命題,或純然而無條件接受社會教育之教化。在此,歷史行動者的主體性似乎隱約得見。 / This study aims to uncover the history of the readers in the library of Office of the Taiwan Governor-General during Japanese colonial period. We want to investigate the readers in this library would be consisted of whom and what reason. By analyzing the tones of statistics data and historical material from the library, we find out the readers’ occupations and motivations eventually.
With this reach, there are five points need to be mentioned. First, collection of books which stored by the library are indirect to readers’ favorite categories. Observing the data, we exposed the library had collected the category “General” most, and then is “literature and language”. In contrast, the most favorite books in this library are “literature and language”. It would be known that there is different between collection in library and readers’ favorite books.
Second, in this library, most readers are Japanese male students. Comparing to this, most outside readers who use the circle service(巡迴書庫) were Taiwanese male, and it is pity that we don’t know the exactly occupation of these outside reader because of data locking.
Furthermore, what were the real activities when readers were in the library?It is very interesting that preparing examinations were the main behavior. Most of Japanese male students used the equipment and the books to prepare the subjects for examinations. Unfortunately, the circle service readers’ purpose had not been discovered yet.
Fourth, this building of library did not build as a library’ standard in the beginning. Therefore, readers faced the problem that they would not find enough seats inner the library. As time pass by, problem got worse. The library had been confronted with more locking problems as storage for collection, restaurants, restrooms and fire-avoiding equipment. In addition, the library was not well-ventilated and without plenty of light. Based on these conditions, readers had experienced the uncomfortable environment when they entered the library. Especially in the busy day, there were a lot of noises from human voices and stepping sounds.
In the end of all, the behavior of the readers in this library did not follow the rules designed by the library officers specifically. However, to most readers, they used the equipment and books in order to pass examination they faced. After their purposes were fulfilled, they would consider using the services and other books in their second choices.
The exactly readers were not a lot, it made a space that readers in this library not just purely obeying the intention which was from the library officers or the government policy. On the whole of our analyzing result, readers owned their subjective to complete their personal objective, in this view of part, we would have one more peek of the readers as the real subjective in history.
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台灣日本時代的理蕃警察 / Police officers in aboliginal administration The Japanese period of Taiwan石丸雅邦, Ishimaru, Masakuni Unknown Date (has links)
本論文發現以下五點。(一)由警察負責執行理蕃政策的原因是:(1)理蕃機構的改制,1913年確立由警察本署主管理蕃政策;(2)由於蕃人出草影響治安,所以由警察執行理蕃政策;(3)理蕃政策與平地警政有共同點;(4)霧社事件中斷了「郡警分離」(去理蕃政策)的聲浪,警察得以繼續執行理蕃政策。(二)影響理蕃政策決策的因素是:(1)治安因素;(2)霧社事件的影響;(3)內地政治的影響。(三)理蕃警察的人事上的特色是:(1)內地人警察出身屬於社會的邊緣階層;(2)民族之間的差別待遇以階級制度化,警部級只有內地人才能擔任;(3)警手減輕蕃地財政負擔,巡查換成警手:理蕃警察廉價勞工化。(四)理蕃警察造成的蕃社政治關係的變化:(1)理蕃警察和傳統領袖(頭目)並存。(2)理蕃警察成立蕃人公會,操縱蕃社的政治。(五)從新制度主義来看,存在監督與制衡理蕃警察之五個面向:(1)內閣和國會,他們是最有權力的監督者。内地的政黨政治變動,會左右臺灣的理蕃政策;(2) 警察內部的監察制度,它一直重複設廢,內部自我掩護,監督的效果就有疑問;(3)學者、他們不願配合警察所需要的研究,採取消極抵抗的態度;(4)媒體和本島人運動、對總督府或警察批判最嚴厲。他們對警察沒有強制力,制衡效果有限;(5)總督府下的殖產系統、文教系統、軍隊等,都是警察系統的競爭者。
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國民守法與選手紀律─日治時期同化教育中的臺灣學生棒球 / Citizens Obey Law and Athletes Subject to Discipline: Taiwan High School Baseball in Japanese Colonial Assimilated Education黃郁婷, Huang, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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跨越邊界的流動與認同:日治時期「內台共婚」研究 / The study of interracial marriages between Taiwanese and Japanese during the Japanese colonial period.楊裴文, Yang, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
「內台共婚」者跨越多重的社會位置,其認同也依照不同的社會時空、生活處境而有所轉變,本研究基於史料耙梳、文獻蒐集與經驗訪談等資料,試圖理解共婚者跨越邊界而結合的流動與其複雜的認同軌跡。 / During the Japanese colonial period, the marriage between Taiwanese and Japanese was called "Nai-Tai marriage." The "Nai-Tai marriage" could be seen as an integration that crossed the boundaries between Taiwan and Japan.
This study attempts to answer the following three questions:
(1) Was the "Nai-Tai marriage" possible? The "distance" meant that not only the the distance from Taiwan to Japan, but also including the "social distance" and "psychological distance" between Taiwanese and Japanese. By observing the ways of "distance" changed, this research try to explore the social background factors of the "Nai-Tai marriage".
(2) "Who" did it? This research analyzed the personal backgrounds and the social class of the "Nai-Tai marriage." In addition, the key reason of people decided to "Nai-Tai marriage" is also an interesting question.
(3) How about their family life? The families of the "Nai-Tai marriage" had to overcome a variety of problems. In addition, for the "Nai-Tai marriage" people and their mixed-blood children, the mobility of cross-boundary also brought many shocks to their self-identity, and made them feel unsure of themselves in social situations.
The "Nai-Tai marriage" people crossed multiple social positions, their identity also changed with their different social space, living conditions and social class. This study explained the "Nai-Tai marriage" people how to live their lives, and how their complex identity had changed.
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