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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

跨組織資訊系統採用模式的研究--以臺灣製造業為例 / A study of the adoption mode in the interorganizational information system--for the manufacturing industrial in Taiwan

陳大誠, Chen, Da-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
「跨組織資訊系統」(Interorganizational information system; IOS)為不同組織間建立了彼此資料流通的管道,也增強了組織間的合作關係。隨著網際網路(Internet)應用的盛行,使得跨越不同組織界限,甚至穿越國界的資訊交流更加便捷。本研究主要是收集國內外對於跨組織資訊系統採用的相關文獻,建構跨組織資訊系統的採用模式,以臺灣一千大製造業為研究對象,以瞭解現行臺灣製造業在跨組織資訊系統的使用情形,並特別比較不同採用因素(組織、跨組織、環境)對扮演角色(主動促進、被動接受)與採用目的(交易需求、決策支援)的影響及對未採用跨組織資訊系統的原因探討。 經過問卷的設計、預試、修改、發放到回收,總共寄發一千份,回收二百三十一份,回收率23.1%。結果顯示共有42.9%的製造業採用跨組織資訊系統,主要是透過電子資料交換、電子郵件的方式來進行資料交換,其中汽車及零件業的採用比率較高。就採用模式而言,屬於主動促進者與被動接受者的比例相當,而採用目的多為交易需求(63.6%);權力關係較大、組織策略較著重IOS,及高階主管的支持會影響建置跨組織資訊系統時扮演主動促進者的角色,反之則扮演被動接受者的角色;而依存關係較大則會促使組織在建置跨組織資訊系統時,同時兼具交易需求及決策支援的功能。而在未採用跨組織資訊系統的原因,依重要性順序包括工作流程不重要、不著重IOS投資、不影響市場的競爭性、權力關係不足、無公會推動、信任關係不足、無政府推動、無特定依存關係。 / "Interorganizational Information Systems" (IOS) build the channel for information exchange between different organizations. With the wider applications of the Internet , they make the information flows across the border of the organizations or nations more convenient and fast. To begin with the study, the literature review regarding IOS was conducted to build a conceptual research model. Then the questionnaire was developed, pretested, modified and then mailed. It surveys the managers of information departments of the top 1000 manufacturing companies in Taiwan and reports status of IOS. Two hundreds and thirty-one in this study, giving a response rate of 23.1%. There were 42.9% of these companies which adopt IOS for information exchange, using electronic data interchange (EDI) , electronic mail or extranet. The automobile and accessories industry has higher adoption rate. Among this companies, the proactive companies are nearly equal to the reactive ones, and most companies adopt IOS for transaction processing (63.6%). More power ' the organizational stratgey on IOS with emphasis, and the support of top managers can make companies proactive to adopt the IOS; and more dependent relationship would facilitate companies to adopt IOS for both transaction processing and decision support. The factors for not adopting IOS are that the IOS is unimportant to work, it is not scheduled for investment, it don't affect market competitiveness , the company don't have enough power, the unions never promote the IOS, the partners don't have enough trust, the government don't advocate the IOS, and the partners don't have deeper dependency relationship.

跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸之績效的關鍵性因素: 以關係觀點出發的個案研究 / The Determinant Factors of IOS Performance in China: A Case Study Using Relational View

蘇澄軒, Su, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在現今全球化的商業環境下,企業越來越倚重與商業夥伴的合作,而跨組織資訊系統也成為了強化競爭優勢的有利工具。而大陸憑著廉價的勞動成本以及廣大的新興市場,在全球供應練上漸漸扮演了越來越重要的角色。如何在大陸發展成了其他國家企業的重要課題,而台灣由於地理、文化、語言相近的優勢下,更顯得其重要性。本研究試圖由關係觀點所提出的四個因素出發,探討跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸其績效的決定性因素。經過單一個案研究的分析,結果顯示有效管理對於跨組織資訊系統有強很大影響,相對之下互補性資源幾乎沒有影響力。 / As corporations rely more on collaboration with partners to enhance their position in the global business environment, many of them apply specific IOS as a powerful tool to link with their trading partners to take full advantage of collaboration. China with huge manufacturing base and huge market has been an important part of global supply chain. It is important for other countries to know how to do business with China, especially for Taiwan because of the approximation of geography, culture and language. To fulfill this need, this research aims to find out the key factors that influence IOS performance in China through an observation of a binary relationship built upon IOS by a Taiwanese OEM and its China suppliers / The literature review leads this research to propose four factors that will influence IOS performance in China based on the relational view. A single-case study is then taken to detect the determinant factors that will affect IOS performance in China base on the relational view. The results show that effective governance strongly affect IOS performance, whereas complementary resource endowment has extremely fewer influence on IOS performance. Further, the most important items overall are coordination of decision and operation integration and monitoring and control. That is, IOS success in China depends mostly on whether the firms can cooperate with each other through the IOS and keep the ability of monitoring and control the status of transactions and partners. Moreover, the results show us that different types of suppliers may have different concern with IOS relationship, and thus a conditional implementation plan is necessary to IOS success in China

從動態能力觀點衡量跨組織資訊系統績效 / The Performance Impact of Inter-organizational Systems: From a Dynamic Capability Perspective

陳千慧, Chen, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
現今,許多公司與他們的供應商夥伴建立跨組織資訊系統交換資訊、給予對方更快速的回應,以在快速變遷的環境之下維持競爭力。此篇研究進行文獻探討之後,分別從流程觀點還有動態能力觀點這兩個研究理論的基礎之下建立了研究架構,來衡量跨組織資訊系統的績效。我們的研究架構提出,一間公司有兩個重要的動態能力,分別是供應鏈的整合能力還有協調能力,在資訊科技的投資上還有公司績效之間扮演相當重要的角色。 / 我們在台灣的PC產業中發行問卷來衡量此研究架構,利用線性回歸來驗證假設。實驗結果支持了論文中的兩個假設:(1)跨組織資訊系統正向影響動態能力,(2)供應鏈的整合能力在跨組織資訊系統投資還有公司績效中間扮演重要的中介角色。 / Nowadays, firms usually develop inter-organizational systems (IOS) with their suppliers to exchange information and give each other faster responses to sustain their competency under a fast-changing environment. This study reviewed past literature and developed a research framework to evaluate IOS performance based upon two theoretical perspectives: process view and dynamic capabilities. This framework proposed that firms’ dynamic capabilities-- supply chain integration capability and supply chain coordination capability might be an important mediator between IOS investment and firm performance. / A general survey is conducted in Taiwan PC industry to validate the research model. A linear regression is used to testify the hypotheses. The results support our two hypotheses: (1) IOS investment is positively related to the dynamic capabilities, which also have obvious impact on firm performance; (2) supply chain integration is an important mediator between IOS investments and firm performance, and on the other hand, firm performance is partially mediated by supply chain coordination.

組織構形與資訊科技構形之配合研究--服務業為例 / The Research of The Fit Between The Organization Configuration and Information Technology Configuration--Examples of The Service Industry

林俊宏, Lin, Jung Hong Unknown Date (has links)
構形是一種有整體性分類的觀念,以構形的觀念提出一些資訊科技與管理的架構,來看待組織使用資訊科技的方式,可避免見樹不見林之憾。 本文即是試圖提出幾種包含七項構面在內的六種資訊科技,及包含網路組織在內的六種組織構形。並提出一個概念性模式探討組織構形與資訊科技構形之間的「配合」問題。 / Configuration can represent in typologies developed conceptually.Describing organization as configuration can open the beholder to thenature of whole beasts. The perspective of configuration allows us to observe the whole forest rather than only individual trees. Similarly, we need informatin techology (IT) configurations to help us understand the whole information management issues in organization.In this paper, we propose an IT configuration framework with seven information techology dimensions to derive six configurations. We also propose an conceptual framework about the fit between the organizationconfiguration and IT configuration.

台灣證券市場跨組織資訊系統之個案研究 / A Case Study of Interorganizational Systems in Taiwan Securities Market

連錫祥, Lien, David Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上,由於受到組織及技術的限制,資訊科技(Information Technology)的應用只局限在單一組織之內。然而,隨著科技、經濟、組織及策略等因素的改變,這種情況已經改觀。   在國外有許多成功的個案將資訊科技視為策略性武器,並運用在產業競爭上。也有學者探討電子市場系統(Electronic Marketplaces or Electronic Market System),認為資訊科技也可以充當買賣交易過程中的中介系統(intermediary system),提供買賣雙方交換價格和產品資訊,降低買方尋找成本,創造經濟價值。   本研究主要目的在探討台灣證券市場跨組織資訊系統(Interorganizational System;IOS)之演進、系統的促成與限制因素、系統的網路架構。涵蓋範圍及與業務之間的關聯性、以及系統對台灣證券市場之影響。研究結果發現,有十項因素促成台灣證券市場IOS成長:(1).組織變革;(2).技術能力;(3).成功經驗;(4).不斷創新;(5).經濟效益;(6).跨組織效率;(7).競爭優勢;(8).市場安全;(9).作業流程標準化;(10).政府參與。另外有二項因素限制IOS的成長:(1).系統整合;(2).電腦相關成本。IOS對台灣證券市場的影響可以從四個構面分析:(1).國家經濟;(2).產業;(3).組織;(4).投資人。本研究最後建議台灣證券市場應去除限制IOS成長的因素,並朝三個方向努力:(1).進行產業合作,建立資訊聯盟(Information Alliance);(2).擴充系統網路範圍,加強規模經濟、範疇經濟(Economies of Scale and Scope)及網路外部性(Network Externalities);(3).建立證券、金融業EDI,達到無紙化作業。

A Resource-based View of the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability / A Resource-based View of the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability

翁懷嘉, Weng, Huai-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Facing today’s highly competitive market and changed business environment, whether the company has the capability to implement successful inter-organizational information systems to achieve efficient supply chain management becomes a significant issue. To fulfill this need, this research aims to develop a framework for measuring the IOS capability. After company interviews, our proposed framework is simplified to measure four IOS capabilities: (1) physical assets, (2) path dependency, (3) relational intangibles (trust and complementary resources), and (4) market power. We propose that firms with these IOS resources can have higher IOS usage, which in turn creates greater IOS performance. / A general survey is then conducted in the Taiwan PC industry to validate our proposed framework. The instrument was tested for validity and reliability properties, and multiple linear regression was used for testing our hypotheses. The results indicate that physical IT assets and relational specific intangibles are positively related with IOS usage. On the other hand, path dependency and market power do not have significant impact on IOS usage. We further explore the relationships between the IOS capabilities and firm performance. The result indicates firms with more IOS usage are more likely to achieve better firm performance. These results can further be examined in a more industry-wide survey in the future. The researchers can also build upon this model to further examine the factors that are discovered.

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