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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

冷戰後中共軍事外交之研究 / A Study of China's Military Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War Era

高念祖, Kao, Nien-Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰後,中共外交作為上已有重視軍事外交的趨勢,一方面是由於軍事關係原本即為雙邊關係的一環;另一方面,軍事上的交流與合作同樣會有戰略上的意涵,可供中共加以運用。 本論文研究目的在對中共軍事外交做一全面的認識,從中了解其在中共總體外交作為上扮演何種角色。論文首先對「軍事外交」此一概念做出釐清,解釋其在冷戰後發展之原因。並對中共軍事外交做一回顧與介紹中共執行軍事外交的組織架構,且分析其目的。其次,了解冷戰後中共外交政策上的思維與軍事戰略,藉此觀察中共軍事外交在外交政策與軍事戰略中的角色,對中共軍事外交有一背景上的認識。並從儀式性的軍事交往深入到戰略層面行動,以及長期的職業軍事教育交流、非傳統安全領域之合作與參與聯合國維和行動,從中探究出其發展上的機遇與挑戰,並以外部衝擊與內部限制作為分析的分水嶺。最後綜合歸納出中共軍事外交對內外的影響。 研究發現中共軍事外交日漸蓬勃有其國內外大環境配合,但同時也受其制約,而冷戰後中共軍事外交更趨靈活,在發展的層面日漸擴大,並融合進中共的中長程目標,對我國的威脅將與日俱增。

2000-2007美國布希政府對印尼外交政策:同盟的關係? / The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy toward Indonesia, 2000-2007: An Alliance Relationship?

吳宗翰, Wu, Tsung Han Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰時期,蘇哈托所統治的印尼雖然標榜著不結盟運動,試圖在東西兩強的夾擊下另闢蹊徑。但是在同樣反對共產主義的主張下,印尼在這段時期,和美國建立起了相當友好的關係,包括軍事和經濟上的援助。在一個近年來已解密的文件中更顯示,福特總統以及季辛吉更曾經和蘇哈托有過正式及非正式的接觸,被認為是美國希望以對印尼軍政府的支持,換取其在反共同盟上的支持。 九十年代之後,印尼政府在人權問題上的處理失當,多次導致美國政府的不滿,進而暫停或取消對印尼的援助。在此事件上,美國國會更採取強硬的立場,要求美國政府必須更仔細而審慎的評估,對印尼的人權表現,是否有明顯的改善。 2001年的九一一事件,代表著美國政府外交政策的巨大改變,在對印尼的外交政策上也出現了明顯的變化。印尼為世界上最大的回教國家,其本身對美國較溫和的立場,使得美國政府在宣揚其反恐理念上,需要印尼的協助。而印尼本身與日俱增的戰略地位,如控制麻六甲海峽,龐大資源,以及在東南亞國協中的大國地位等,使美國政府不得不重新審視其對印尼的外交政策。 本論文主要在探討布希政府在九一一事變後,對印尼外交政策的特點,以及是否和過去出現不同之處。論文組織分為三個主要部分,分別為反恐、人權以及軍事合作。在理論架構方面,本論文借助Steven M. Walt(沃爾特)的同盟理論,希望能釐清兩國在反恐合作方面,是否已具備了同盟的性質。而其他同盟理論的重要內涵,如威脅平衡、意識型態、援助、滲透等,皆會被用來加強本文的論述。 研究發現,在沃爾特的同盟理論架構下,美國和印尼在反恐合作上,的確出現了有如同盟的密切關係。雖然彼此間不存在約束的同盟條約,然而,就同盟的實質而言,恢復的軍事關係和密切的反恐合作等,皆是同盟的重要指標。研究並發現,威脅平衡理論的確較合理的詮釋了美印兩國因反恐而強化的關係。而意識型態、援助和滲透等,對同盟的組成皆有一定程度的影響,但非強大的因素。 / During the Cold War, Indonesia was noted for its leadership in the Non-Alignment Movement, which distinguished itself from the two-polar world. However, the Suharto government had in fact built an amicable relationship with the U.S. under the flag of anti-communism. In the 1990s, due to the notorious human rights records, the U.S. had moved to cancel or suspend military and economic aid to Indonesia. The Congress and Senate of the U.S. took a hard-line stance in dealing with these problems. The 9/11 event marked a significant change in the U.S. foreign policy. As the biggest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia’s comparably moderate nature gains its importance for America in promoting anti-terror in Muslim world. Also, the growing strategic status, like the location in the Malacca Straits, vast resources and key status in ASEAN, necessitates the U.S. to reconsider its policy toward Indonesia. The thesis is primarily dedicated to analyze the Bush Administration’s foreign policy toward Indonesia after the 9/11 event. There are three main pillars in the thesis—anti-terror, human rights and military cooperation. Steven M. Walt’s famous Alliance Theory contributes the analytic framework to this thesis. Also, some other arguments of alliance theory like balance of threat, ideology, foreign aid and penetration will be utilized to deepen the analysis of this thesis. Under Walt’s alliance theory, in spite of the fact that there is no concrete alliance binding between these two countries, the resumed military relationship, and close anti-terror cooperation are all noted indicators that shows the U.S. and Indonesia act as alliance partners. This thesis also demonstrates that the balance of threat theory is a better analytic framework to explain the relationship between the U.S. and Indonesia. Ideology, foreign aid and penetration in this case surely affects the formation of alliance, however, they are not causes of it as Walt concludes.


鄭如惠, Catherine Ruhuei Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
新加坡是一個以國際為導向的城市國家(city-state),以貿易及工業為其生存的主要依據,因此它的外交政策一向十分靈活與務實,常常是經濟及政治工具彈性交互運用,所以,不論是與有邦交或無邦交的國家都能維持密切關係,目的在促進貿易成長與更廣泛的貿易接觸,多年來,新加坡就是以此作為與外國互動的基礎。 為什麼像新加坡這樣的小國會和美國發展出密切的政經關係?為什麼像美國這樣的超級強權願意付出諸多關注於此一小島國家?本文將以新加坡為主體,分別討論李光耀時期新加坡與美國的政治、經濟關係與發展演變。


張大為 Unknown Date (has links)
「上海合作組織」是第一個以中國城市為名的永久性政府間組織,以中文及俄文為正式語言,成員國包括中國、俄羅斯及地處中亞的哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克、烏茲別克。而「上海合作組織」的前身是建立於1996年的「上海五國」機制,2001年中,烏茲別克加入「上海五國」機制,同年6月15日,六國元首共同發表「上海合作組織成立宣言」,宣佈在「上海五國」機制基礎上成立「上海合作組織」,當時中共藉著這個機制與俄羅斯及中亞四國開始展開邊境地區信任和裁軍的談判,而這也是「上海合作組織」軍事合作的開端。 本論文以「上海合作組織」軍事合作為研究主題,首先主要探討的目的為從「上海五國」到「上海合作組織」,其軍事合作形成的背景有那些主要因素、其演進的歷程及其內容,其次「上海合作組織」軍事合作的主要內容有那些,接著探討「上海合作組織」軍事合作發展至今,不論外部或內部有那些限制因素影響軍事合作,最後逐一分析「上海合作組織」的軍事合作對全球、區域及台海兩岸的安全情勢未來的發展。 研究發現隨著「上海合作組織」的成立,中共在中亞地區的影響力逐漸加大,中共在中亞日益提昇的力量也形成對俄羅斯的另一種挑戰。2007年6月27日「上海合作組織」六個成員國簽署「上海合作組織成員國關於舉行聯合軍事演習的協定」,使聯合軍演朝向定期化、常態化與制度的趨勢發展,而「上海合作組織」軍事合作發展至今,雖然有許多內外的限制因素,但是其範圍及影響層面卻日漸擴大,對全球、亞太地區或台海兩岸的安全情勢都產生重大的影響,不論兩岸和平談判如何發展,我們都要密切注意「上海合作組織」軍事合作對我軍事、外交等層面所造成的威脅。 / The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is the first permanent inter-government organization named by one of the Chinese cities. Its official language is Chinese and Russian, and its members include China, Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Uzbekistan. "Shanghai Five" mechanism, established in 1996, was the forerunner of SCO. In 2001, Republic of Uzbekistan joined the "Shanghai Five" mechanism, and in the same year of June 15, the leaders of the six countries announced a joint statement-"the founding declaration of SCO", which declared SCO was established on the basis of the "Shanghai Five" mechanism . By using this mechanism, China started the negotiation, which is about a mutual trust of boarding area and disarmament issues with Russia and four center Asia countries, and this mechanism started the military cooperation in SCO. This thesis mainly focuses on the military cooperation of SCO. First, it will be discussed that the purpose of the organization from the "Shanghai Five" to SCO, including what are the primary factors of forming the military cooperation and its courses of evolution and contents. Second, we talk about what are the main contents of the military cooperation, and the SCO’s external or internal limitation which may influence the military cooperation. Finally, we analyze its future development of security situation in global, regional, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait areas step by step. The research discovered, with the foundation of SCO, that the China’s influence in center Asia is increasing, which will form another challenge to Russia. On June 27, 2007, the six members of SCO signed “an agreement of holding joint military maneuvers among SCO members” to have them held periodically, normally, and systematically. From now, although there are a lot of limitations, the influence of the military cooperation is increasing and it has played a key role in global, Asia Pacific and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait areas. No matter how the peace negotiation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait areas will go, we must keep a close eye on the fact that the military cooperation could cause Taiwan’s military and diplomacy to be under threat.

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