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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大陸台商轉型升級的政治經濟分析 ─台商企業與地方政府的互動

許淑幸 Unknown Date (has links)
從1990年代中期開始,大陸沿海區域多數從事以「加工貿易/出口導向」為主的勞力密集製造業,逐漸成為創造大陸的「出口奇蹟」,從而締造了經濟持續高速增長的要角。在這群企業當中,台商顯然是居於最中堅的族群。但在2000年代中期之後,國際、國內經濟形勢丕變,讓這些企業路面臨日益沉重的生存壓力。本文認為,擺在它們面前的主要有三條出路:轉型升級、區域遷移、不然就得走向倒閉。這些面臨轉型升級壓力下的企業將如何抉擇?產業轉型升級理論上是它們的優先選項,但為何多數企業都並未積極響應?它們又為何在經歷觀望之後,選擇內遷式的區域遷移?這是本研究希望探討的主題:企業將如何抉擇?影響企業選擇的因素有哪些?政府扮演的角色為何?政府又如何影響企業決策? 在影響企業選擇動力方面,本文整理出三組動因,一是企業組織內部的變動,包括成本考量等,二是企業所處的技術環境,主要是外在市場、產業鏈等的因素,三則是企業所處的制度環境,主要是企業與當地政府的關係。從上述三組變動因素出發,本文將透過田野調查及問卷訪談等方式,以解析台商面臨升級轉型或區域移轉時的策略選擇,並進一步耙梳不同區域、不同產業別及不同企業規模的可能選擇。

服裝輔料產業整合轉型策略之探討 / Garment accessories industry consolidation strategy of transition

何希麟, Ho ,Shi Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是為探討台灣服飾產業,曾經在 60.70年代為台灣外銷出口創下佳績,同時也帶動上游紡織布業的發展,和設計新穎圖案的專業研發,以及印染業的技術突破,更甚至影響下游產生另一批輔料業者,大小廠家不下數萬家。 所謂輔料也就是成衣副料/零配件,但是隨著 80年代台灣經濟成長,薪資上漲,幣值的升值等因素,這些勞力密集的產業遂被中國大陸與東南亞、中亞、中南美、非洲等開發中國家逐漸取代,競爭力盡失。曾幾何時這些為台灣出口創匯立過汗馬功勞的尖兵們,如今多流落異地他鄉各自求生存。 台灣服裝輔料產業整個幾近空洞化,這個產業鏈可以從台北市的迪化街布市及永樂市場布匹批發市場現今的景氣窺知一二。從鼎盛時期到如今零星錯落,盛景不再令人唏噓。 本人身為服裝輔料行業其中一份子,深感此行業沒落。因此就以本公司PK實業為個案,營運三十多年來的心得想法,經歷過營運重心的遷徙轉換策略,尚得以殘存至今,同時經兩年來EMBA 課程的薰陶洗禮,遂有把數年來公司運作經驗與理論結合的念頭,從學術觀點探討下一步該有的經營策略與轉型升級。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate Taiwan's fashion industry, once in the export of Taiwan's exports of 60.70 era a success, but also led the development of upstream textile fabrics industry, and design new patterns of professional development, and printing and dyeing industry, technological breakthroughs, more and even affect Downstream industry produces another batch of materials, size, no less than tens of thousands of manufacturers. The so-called clothing accessories that is material/spare parts, but with economic growth in Taiwan 80 era, wage inflation, currency appreciation, and other factors, these labor-intensive industries was considered by the Chinese mainland and Southeast Asia. Central Asia. Central America and South America. Africa ... and other developing countries, gradually replacing, competitiveness lost. Once upon a time they set off or Taiwan's export contribution of the pioneer who is now living on their native place more than their survival. Taiwan's garment industry, the near-emptying clothing accessories expected, the industry chain from Taipei City Tihua Street and Wing Lok fabric cloth wholesale market economy obvious visible in today. From its heyday to the present sporadic scattered, not spectacular Cause for regret. I expected as a garment industry in which Deputy member of deeply personal pain. therefore PK Industries of the Company as a case, thirty years of experience working the idea, the focus of migration experienced business transformation strategy, yet to be surviving so far, EMBA program by two years while the influence of baptism, then the company has put years of operating experience combined with the theoretical idea, the next step from the academic point of view of any business strategy and restructuring and upgrading.

跨界治理的區域差異:昆山、東莞的轉型升級策略與效應比較 / Regional differences in cross-border governance:The comparative study of Kunshan and Dongguan in the effect of Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Strategy

黃健群 Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年中共十一屆三中全會,決定改革開放後,中國大陸即成為全球企業、資金競相湧入的地區。然而,大陸經濟快速的發展,除帶來經濟成長率,卻也造成分配不均、環境污染、區域發展失衡等社會矛盾。為了解決經濟發展所帶來的社會失衡,中共於十六屆三中全會提出科學發展觀,並以此作為「十一五」期間以加工貿易為主的產業轉型升級的論述基礎。本論文透過東莞「大麥客」和昆山「臺灣商品交易中心」的個案討論,分析因應大陸中央轉型升級的產業政策,地方政府如何建立一個跨界治理的系統來支援全球化脈絡下的跨界生產?華東昆山和華南東莞,又有什麼樣的不同?兩地又是透過什麼樣的治理模式建立轉型升級的規範?臺商如何透過臺商協會,建立與政府之間的聯繫工作,並參與規範的建立?不同地區的治理模式是否有不同的差異?是地方政府較為強勢主導規範的建立?亦或是由臺商透過臺商協會的平臺影響政策,建立規範? 本研究以跨界治理概念分析東莞、昆山兩地的產業轉型升級策略,可以得出幾點結論:第一,推動東莞、昆山跨界治理的驅力雖有其差異,然而,在這個過程中政治驅力/經濟驅力必然交互作用。換言之,無論跨界治理的驅力為何,都必須在不同行動體建構的社會網絡中才能使動(empowerment),且這個治理的過程,由於不同行動體的利益,因此,將促使政治驅力/經濟驅力呈現一種辯證關係;第二,分析東莞、昆山跨界治理的過程中,透過「公私夥伴式」、「新葛蘭西式」這兩類型實現途徑的理論啟發,建構出東莞「強『社會』」、昆山「強政府」跨界治理模式的類型特徵。

論在地文化對文創產業發展的助力與影響 -以西方主流國家與亞洲、拉美國家為例 / The Local Culture Influence on the Development of Culture and Creative Industries- Respective Experience from Major Western and Asia/ Latin America Countries

舒夢蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀,在全球化浪潮之下,文化創意產業成為顯學。根據聯合國數據資料顯示,近十年來,文創產業產值平均年成長率為8.8%,在開發中國家平均年成長率更高達12%,歐洲與亞太各國政府無不視文創產業為新金源或翻身的絕佳機會,文化創意產業已成為未來20年全球發展的主力引擎! 台灣自2002年正式將文化創意產業視為國家發展級重點產業,但近十年產值成長率卻始終落後各國平均,尋找台灣發展文創產業發展的方向,將是台灣經濟發展與產業轉型升級的關鍵力量。 在分析文創產業發展卓著的歐美國家相關文獻後發現,創意產業之所以成功,乃是利用長久積累的在地文化底蘊作為根基,加以創意應用至不同產業,本文遂以田野調查法與訪談法,針對西方主流國家,如義大利、荷蘭、奧地利以及亞洲日本與拉丁美洲的祕魯,參考相關文獻之後,進行實地訪查與調查分析,探討在地文化對一個國家的文創產業發展有何助力與影響。研究最終可得以下結論:這些國家運用其豐富特色的在地文化,且人民對自身文化的強烈認同感,將在地文化落實於日常生活之中,以在地文化作為核心,結合創意與科技,輔以商業模式的思維,形成一種文化產業或是創意產業的成功模式,國家再以鼓勵文創產業相關政策的助攻,進而造就出強有力的國際競爭力。 / The cultural and creative industries have become a significant part of the mainstream economy in the 21st century under the tide of globalization. According to UN data, the average annual growth rate of cultural and creative industries was 8.8% worldwide in the past decades, and as high as 12% in developing countries. Countries in Europe and the Asia Pacific region consider the cultural and creative industries to be a source for new funding as well as a great opportunity for revival. These industries have become a main engine pushing the global economic development forward in the next twenty years. Since 2002, Taiwan has recognized the cultural and creative industries to be one of the key industries to develop at national level. However, their growth rate over the past decade has always been lagging behind the average growth rate when compared to other countries. Identifying the direction of their development in Taiwan will be crucial for economic development as well as business upgrade and transformation. Analysis of relevant documentations concerning the development of the cultural and creative industries in Europe and the US shows that those countries have achieved significant success in these industries due to their solid foundation in local cultures and creativity. This paper therefore aims to discuss the influences and the impact which local cultures have on the cultural and creative industries in a given country, taking the examples of Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Japan and Peru. The surveys were conducted through field research and interviews. In addition, relevant documentation was analyzed. From the research concluded by this paper, the author found the reasons why these countries are successful in the cultural and creative industries can be summarized as follows: These countries have been utilizing their profound local cultures with their specific features, and their people’s strong cultural identity, to implement the local cultures into daily life. With their local cultures at the core, the cultural and creative industries have established a successful business model in which creativity and technology are combined together. Meanwhile, favorable policies from governments have added strong competitive advantages to their respective industries in the global market.


黃昭勛 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內、外總體經濟環境的快速變遷,各個產業競爭態勢已由過去的區域性競爭轉變成全球性競爭,台灣的傳統產業正面臨前所未有的低價競爭考驗,尤其是面臨中國大陸密集的勞力、土地、資金等強大優勢下,各傳統產業的企業主不僅要在其專業技術上保持領先的地位,更應該尋求在經營策略上力求轉型升級與技術創新,以避免被後進廠商所取代,擺脫製造代工的微利困境,進而確保企業本身的競爭優勢。本研究希望透過個案研究的方式,找出外移西進的傳統產業在面臨轉型升級的過程中,可能遭遇到的困境與挑戰,並藉由研究個案公司的轉型歷程,探討外移西進的傳統產業在轉型升級的前後,在新產品開發流程、新樣式設計、生產製造技術等三個構面上企業運作方式的差異。最後藉由其經營績效的表現,來驗證轉型升級的決策所帶給企業的實質利益,最後提出對於外移西進的傳統產業在面臨轉型升級時實務決策上的具體建議,以作為其他面臨經營困境的傳統產業之參考依據。 / As the fast transition of the domestic and global economic environment, every industrial competition situation has changed from the regional competition to the global one and the traditional industries in Taiwan is facing a unprecedented challenge of the low-price competition. Especially, facing the strong advantage of the high-density labors, lands and capital in Mainland China, each traditional industry’s owner not only should keep the leading position in the specialized field technologies but also search for the workable industrial transition method and the technology innovation in the management strategy in order not to be replaced by the latecomer competitors. They also want to free themselves from the low margin and micro profits dilemma by OEM and furthermore, keep the competitive advantage of themselves. This research would like to find out the possible dilemma and challenges the traditional industries which has moved the production factories to China may encounter in the industrial transition process by case study method. Also, it covers the differences about the business operations before and after the industrial transistion of the traditional industries which has moved the production factories to China in the three phases of the new product development, the new style design and the new craft technology through studying the industrial transition process of the case company. It also proved that the desicion of the industrial transistion can bring the company the concrete profits by providing the result of the business performance. Lastly, it brings up the constructive suggestions for the traditional industries if they are facing the industrial transition and practicing decisions. Hope the research could be a helpful reference for any traditional industries which encounter the delimma when operating the business.

傳統產業創新升級模式之研究─以台灣自行車業A-Team為例 / The Model of Traditional Industry Evolution Through Innovation─ A Case Study on A-Team in Taiwan's Bicycle Industry

謝佩玲, Hsieh, P. L. Linda Unknown Date (has links)
創新是進入二十一世紀以後,全球共同關注的焦點議題,不論對企業或對國家而言,均可謂扮演著成長引擎的角色;而本研究進一步認為,產業創新是企業在思考更上一層樓時應該著眼的大方向,更是政府在創造國家競爭力上不可忽視的重要課題,有必要了解其本質與內涵。由於過去文獻大部份僅探討以企業為主體的創新議題,即使論及產業創新,亦多屬定義上的著墨,缺乏具體且完整的架構論述,因此本研究透過實際案例來探討產業創新的實際內涵與具體模式,研究本身即屬一創新產物的聯盟組織──A-Team,以產業創新的觀點探究其如何造成台灣自行車產業今日的創新升級,藉由架構出其已證明可行的模式與實務操作重點,提供產業界應用之參考。 此外,不同於一般對A-Team強調其內部互動結果的相關研究,本研究同時亦重視A-Team發展過程所遭遇的實務問題與解決過程,並發掘其尚有待突破的問題與原因,最後也提出相應的建議。本研究同時亦回顧台灣自行車產業一路發展至今的歷史,發現其階段性成果之體現恰可說明台灣中小企業的一種「軟實力」,故本研究亦建議政府有關單位應重新思考固有對「傳統產業」的區分是否適當,本研究認為政府未來在制定產業政策時,尚可納入產業的競爭力、獲利力等思考面向進行規劃。 本研究針對產業創新與實務案例進行關聯性與理論化之探索研究,嘗試由實務案例歸納出一完整可供實務界參考之產業創新模型,而研究結果摘要如下: 1.A-Team的出現乃欲解決台灣產業外移與自行車產業走入價格競爭困境之問題,是故其產業創新背景來自產業遭遇困境,產業創新動機乃出自於欲解決產業所面臨之問題。 2.A-Team重新定位台灣自行車產業在全球扮演的角色為──「台灣為全球自行車市場創新樞紐及創新產品與服務的來源」,以此作為努力的大方向。由此可見就全球化競爭的產業而言,產業創新第一步在於建立其差異化的市場定位,產業創新過程的任何戰術均為達此戰略目標而來。 3.A-Team由巨大與美利達兩大世界級成車廠聯手發起,首先由其供應商與協力廠中篩選、募集初始會員,會員組成涵蓋產業上、中、下游廠商。由此可知,產業創新涉及整個產業鏈,非產業任一端所能獨立達成,而台灣自行車業以其獨特的產業聯盟方式成立A-Team,作為產業創新的樞紐。 4.A-Team定調其發展主軸在「協同管理」、「協同開發」、「協同行銷」,實際執行方式乃由協助會員導入豐田生產管理(TPS)與E化做起,改善會員廠商的生產製造管理效能,此亦目前實踐得最為成功的一個軸心。由此可知,台灣自行車產業原來有著生產製造、研發設計、經營行銷能力上的「不夠好」問題,為了開創「夠好」產品的新市場,乃在A-Team架構下結合產業鏈各端,以「集體學習、個別改善」的方式進行整體產業能力的提升,因此提升產業成員能力是傳統製造業創新升級的首要課題。 5.承上,在A-Team的發展主軸中「協同管理」在生產製造能力的提升上,因導入TPS、引進資訊科技,及施行會員彼此定期觀摩與檢驗成果的作法,而有顯著的精進,然在「協同開發」、「協同行銷」方面則尚未達到令A-Team滿意的成績。本研究認為A-Team在「協同開發」、「協同行銷」目標上至今仍難以突破的原因,除了研發設計與行銷實力本來就不易由內部短期培養而成之外,另一大關鍵因素在於A-Team會員中其實存在競爭關係,巨大與美利達即是一例,因此產業創新就A-Team模式來看,不可忽視「利益衝突」的問題,本研究建議從「智慧財產規劃管理」的面向去解決;而行銷議題則建議應思考以發展「產地品牌」為共同行銷所努力的目標,讓「台灣自行車」在全球建立像「紐西蘭奇異果」一樣的國家品牌印象,此亦產業創新可作為其後維持競爭力的參考策略。 6.A-Team創造自行車產業在台灣與大陸的兩岸分工生產模式──A-Team許多會員原來其實已將公司、廠房移至大陸,在A-Team的要求下才又將部份基地遷回台灣,而形成台灣研發生產高級自行車、大陸生產中低階自行車的分工模式,其中巨大與美利達乃以創造副品牌或第二品牌的方式行銷不同等級的自行車,並堅守高級自行車由台灣生產組裝的原則,以落實兩岸自行車產業的差異化。由此可見,處於全球競爭環境之中,產業與企業在世界工廠的磁吸效應下,外移成本低廉國家並非維持競爭力的唯一途徑,A-Team即是為了解決此種產業兩難問題的創新產物,因此產業創新可參考台灣自行車A-Team模式而發展產業在本地的新價值,此亦可視為一種破壞式創新,而欲解決的是傳統產業「既有市場」(因價格競爭造成產品不夠好)與「新市場」(研發生產夠好的產品以創造新的市場需求)之間的兩難困境,上述亦為本研究一獨特之發現,即傳統產業所面臨的「兩難」與哈佛大學教授克里斯汀生研究科技產業所提出的「創新的兩難」中之「兩難」恰相反,然事實上卻有異曲同工之妙,最後仍可經由實踐「破壞性的創新」而改變市場現況,因此本研究結果不僅印證、更充實了克里斯汀生教授的創新理論內涵。 / Innovation is crucial for any corporation or country to stimulate their economic growth. Innovation should be indispensible in industrial strategy and government competiveness. However, most studies on innovation have focused their subjects on an enterprise rather than an industry; this study would instead try to explore the essence and nature about the innovation of a mature / traditional industry through a successful case, aiming to serve as a reference for industrial innovation practice. This research will study how Taiwan’s bicycle industry upgraded itself through the organization / alliance innovation, as is known for A-Team. A-Team comprises major companies in the bicycle industry. Its members are not only partners but also competitors. The study will gather some key successful factors of the innovation as well as the transformation on Taiwan’s bicycle industry and propose some suggestions for both A-Team and the industry from a perspective of industrial innovation. The findings of this study basically include: 1. The background and the motivation of Taiwan’s bicycle industrial innovation. 2. How the hub of the innovation in Taiwan’s bicycle industry, A-Team, practices its plans/strategies to achieve its objective of upgrading and renewing Taiwan’s bicycle industry. 3. The potential solutions for certain problems in A-Team’s present practice. 4. The steps for a possible model of an industrial innovation based on the case-study of Taiwan’s bicycle industry. 5. This study further found that it also works for Professor Christensen’s theory—“Disruptive Innovation” to apply in the innovation of a traditional industry, but the innovation dilemma in the traditional industry is a reverse of that in the high-tech industry. 6. This study also demonstrates the “soft power” of Taiwan's small and medium enterprises by the active evolution in Taiwan’s bicycle industry.

企業學習能力對企業轉型升級策略選擇的影響------以鴻海與神通為例 / The Influence of Enterprise Learning Ability on Selecting the Strategy of Enterprise Transformation---Cases Study of FOXCONN and MITAC

王享元, Wang , Hsiang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究主要是藉由探討台灣企業在面臨「轉型升級壓力」而必須做經營策略調整時,經由本研究所建構的理論模型與實際個案間的檢證研究突顯出「企業學習能力」在企業轉型升級與策略選擇過程中的關鍵地位。 本研究以創造台灣最高經濟產值貢獻的資訊科技(IT)產業之個案廠商為對象,探究其「企業學習能力」對「企業轉型升級策略」選擇的影響,以及「目標產業的知識特質」、「企業學習能力」、「企業轉型升級壓力」三者間的關聯性。本論文的研究方法是以對個案的資料文件做深度探究的內容分析法為主,選取國內具代表地位的二家資訊硬體大廠為研究對象,嘗試對其「企業學習能力」與「企業轉型決策過程」作系統性的探索。 本研究歸納分析所得到的研究發現如下: 【研究發現一】取得「企業學習能力」的實證觀察指標。 【研究發現二】「企業轉型升級壓力」的大小會影響「企業轉型升級策略選擇」。壓力愈小時,企業選擇「攻勢」之轉型升級的機會就愈大;反之,則企業選擇「守勢」之退守退出的機會就愈大。 【研究發現三】「企業學習能力」的強弱會影響「企業轉型升級策略的選擇」。企業學習能力愈強時,則企業選擇「攻勢」之轉型升級的機會就愈大;反之,則企業選擇「守勢」之退守退出的機會就愈大。 【研究發現四】「企業學習壓力數學關係式」的發現實證了「企業學習能力」與「目標產業知識特質」和「企業轉型升級壓力」之間,存有簡單的「數學關聯」。 【研究發現五】「企業轉型升級策略選擇」的決策關係式。 因此,本研究認為企業在做轉型升級的決策時,千萬不要忽略企業本身的「學習能力」是否能承載「目標產業的知識特質」?建議企業宜在所欲朝向轉型升級之「目標產業的知識特質」下,考量企業本身的「學習能力」強弱,評估本身「企業轉型升級壓力」的大小,最終對「企業轉型升級策略」做出合乎自身最佳利益的理性選擇。此外,本研究亦建議企業或可藉由參考「企業學習能力系統-SOFA模型」來規劃建構或是強化自身的「企業學習能力」,以因應未來無窮的變局與挑戰! / Abstract This research is conducted by exploration and explanation between theoretical model and case studies to prove the key role of the enterprise’s learning ability (ELA) in the procedure of the enterprise’s transformation and the option of strategy. The researcher selected cases from information technology industry which contributed most to Taiwan economic growth in recent years to explain the influence of ELA on selecting the strategy of transformation and to explore the relevance among the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge, ELA and the pressure of enterprise transformation. This thesis applied content analysis to explore the documents from two big enterprises of information hardware , trying to systematically study their learning ability and to find out how they make a decision of transformation. According to the analyses of these two cases, the study has got the following conclusions: 1.The collection of empirical indexes of enterprise learning ability (ELA). 2.The pressure of enterprise transformation will influence the option of transformation strategy. The smaller the pressure is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing aggressive way to transform would be. On the contrary, the bigger the presser is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing conservative way to withdraw would be. 3.The performance of ELA will influence the option of enterprise transformation strategy. The stronger the ELA is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing aggressive way to transform would be. On the contrary, the weaker the ELA is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing conservative way to withdraw would be. 4.The formula of enterprise learning pressure proves the existence of simple mathematical relevance among ELA, the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge and the pressure of enterprise transformation. 5.The decision-making formula of the option of enterprise transformation strategy. As a result , this research indicates that an enterprise making transformation decision should never neglect the fact whether its ELA could undertake the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge or not . This research suggests that enterprises facing transformation pressure from the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge had better take their learning ability into consideration , and finally make a rational choice of transformation strategy to meet their best needs. In addition , this research recommends that enterprises might use “Enterprise Learning Ability System (ELAS)” i.e. “SOFA model” to construct or strengthen their learning ability in order to cope with countless challenge in the future.

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