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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以過度投資分析現金增資與營運績效之關係 / The effect of overinvestment on the relationship between SEOs and operating performance

陳玫蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣現金增資已成為企業集資主要手段之一,尤以電子業之現金增資案例居各產業之首。關於現金增資與營運績效之議題,不論是學術界或實務領域皆受到相當程度關注。本研究以台灣上市公司現金增資為例,探討1995年1月1日至2003年12月31日共九年資料,分析現金增資後過度投資(overinvestment)對於營運績效之影響。本研究結論及實證結果如下: (1)使用營運資產報酬率、資產報酬率、每股盈餘、股票報酬率等績效衡量指標衡量現金增資前後之營運績效表現,發現增資後營運績效顯著下降。 (2)現金增資後現金收益(proceeds)主要用於投資。 (3)過度投資造成營運績效下降,而電子業之適度投資將使得營運績效上升,投資機會低且過度投資將使得營運績效嚴重下降。 / In Taiwan, Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) has become an important source of corporate financing. It is especially the case for the semiconductor and electronic industries. Previous studies have documented that firms’ operating performance deteriorates after SEOs. In this research, the emphasis is on how overinvesting affects firms’ operating performances after SEOs. The sample of this research consists of SEOs of listed companies during 1995 through 2003 in the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). The results and conclusions of this research are as followings: (1)The performance indicators, such as operating ROA, ROA, EPS, and stock return performance indexes, decline after SEOs. (2)The primary purpose of SEO proceeds is for investment. (3)Firms’ performance improves with optimal investment in the electronic industry while onverinvestment explains poor firms’ performance after SEOs. The adverse effect of overinvestment on performance is more severe in firms with fewer investment opportunities.

中國經濟失衡之研究 / The Study of China’s Economic Imbalance

蔡政廷 Unknown Date (has links)
全球經濟失衡為進入21世紀以來人們最為關心的經濟議題之一,而各國經濟失衡中又以中美經濟失衡所佔比例最高,也最為世人所重視。以中國經濟失衡的角度出發探討其現象及原因,可發現中國經濟成長有高度傾向由投資及外貿出口所帶動,內需消費的成長力道最為疲弱。然而,任何偏頗的成長都有其極限,投資與出口兩大動力引擎現階段正遇上成長的瓶頸。在連續若干年的高投資率後,產能過剩與虧損的陰霾已然籠罩中國產業界及融通其資金的金融機構,而中國的內需消費依然沒有令人感到驚豔的起色;年年擴大的貿易順差與外匯存底正招來各國不公平競爭的譴責與貿易壁壘的對待,也吸引預期匯率升值的國際資本前來套利。 檢討中國經濟失衡的內部發生緣由,產權分配不當與資訊揭露不全是中國國有及國有控股企業投資過度的根本原因;貧富不均與城鄉差距乃是民間消費不振的首要因素;中國企業身擁鉅資卻未能妥善分配盈餘,是民間儲蓄最大的來源,也是間接影響家計部門面對未來信心不足,因而儲蓄過剩、限制消費支出的重要因素。經濟失衡的外貿順差來源則是數量龐大但卻利潤微薄的加工部門貿易出口,加以人民幣幣值確實有低估的跡象,對國際資本的湧入提供基本面的支撐。 雖然要轉變經濟結構並非一蹴可幾之事,但中國政府在2006年擬定的十一五計畫中,已針對中國經濟失衡的現象提出六大面向的改革。全球經濟失衡要能改善,並非僅是單純的人民幣兌美元升值即可獲致,必須要貿易赤字國節約消費支出、增加儲蓄,及各個貿易順差國擴大內需消費支出,緩步溫和的改變經濟結構與相對幣值,方能有效解決經濟失衡的現象卻不傷害經濟體質。

財務槓桿、自由現金流量與過度投資關聯性之研究 / The Association between Financial Leverage, Free Cash Flows and Overinvestment

葉柏廷, YEH,PO-TING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討公司自由現金流量與其過度投資之關聯性,並設法瞭解內外部機制是否有助於減緩公司過度投資之代理問題。此外,本研究亦探究公司自由現金流量與債務控制之關聯性,以及債務控制與公司之其他監督機制間之關聯性。本研究發現,公司自由現金流量愈大時,愈可能有過度投資之現象,且此種現象較集中於自由現金流量為正之公司。此外,相較於高成長公司,低成長公司自由現金流量之代理問題較為嚴重,更傾向於過度投資。而在減緩代理問題之機制上,管理階層及機構投資人之持股並無法有效減緩代理成本,或抑制公司過度投資之現象,但或許可藉由債務控制減緩過度投資之問題。再者,本研究推論過度投資之公司可能會傾向於提前適用資產減損之會計處理,以認列其投資損失。最後,公司代理問題愈嚴重時,並不一定會藉由債務控制方式減緩過度投資。而在降低代理成本的作用上,管理者持股、機構投資人持股與債務控制之間具有明顯的互補關係。 / The main purpose of this study is to examine the association between a firm’s free cash flows and its overinvestment. In addition, I also examine the interrelationships between free cash flow, managerial ownership, institutional investors, and debt .The empirical results suggest that overinvestment is concentrated in firms with higher levels of free cash flows and lower opportunities for growth. Further tests find that a firm’s managerial ownership, institutional investors’ ownership may not effectively mitigate its overinvestment. However, debt appears to control overinvestment. Besides, I infer that firms with overinvestment may choose to adopt the accounting standards for asset impairment earlier to recognize their investment losses. Finally, I find evidence that firms may not be using debt control to mitigate their overinvestment, and a firm’s managerial ownership, institutional investors’ ownership and debt may serve as substitutes in controlling its agency costs.


燕正明 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是在考慮實質選擇權觀念下的專案投資決策的調整彈性;以及在考慮發行成本與過度投資代理問題下的舉債方式,以模擬的方式觀察兩者之間的交互影響。假設一個兩期的模型中將投資決策調整能力分為可在第一期期末時放棄、縮減、維持與擴增投資計劃的規模,而將舉債方式分為短期債券、長期債券與可轉換公司債等三種工具,以倒推(backward induction)的方式先解出第一期期末時投資決策的決策準則,再進一步的模擬出在第零期的最適舉債方式。 模擬的結果顯示,依融資活動與投資活動的交互作用來看,若舉債方式不恰當的話,則可能原本應採較積極的投資決策下,因發行成本或過度投資問題下而抵銷了其獲利的能力,造成投資調整能力受縛。同樣地,若投資調整決策不適當的話,則可能將原本債券的特性(例如以短債籌資下卻執行擴增投資規模的決策,如此大符浪費了發行成本)運用不當,也會降低企業的獲利。 第一章 緒論--------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機---------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的--------------------------------3 第三節 研究架構--------------------------------3 第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------5 第一節 發行成本相關研究------------------------5 第二節 負債代理問題-自由現金流量相關研究-------6 第三節 可轉換公司債相關研究--------------------9 一、企業發行可轉換公司債之動機---------------9 二、可轉換公司債提前贖回政策----------------20 第四節 實質選擇權相關研究---------------------23 第三章 研究方法---------------------------------30 第一節 模擬方法-------------------------------30 一、模擬方法概說----------------------------30 二、蒙地卡羅模擬法--------------------------30 第二節 模型建立-------------------------------33 一、模型------------------------------------33 二、模型假設--------------------------------35 三、變數符號說明----------------------------36 四、模式設定--------------------------------37 第三節 模擬程序-------------------------------39 第四章 研究結果-----------------------------------43 第一節 案例分析-------------------------------43 一、給予變數特定值--------------------------43 二、模擬過程--------------------------------44 第二節 敏感性分析-----------------------------48 一、成長率之敏感性分析----------------------48 二、發行成本之敏感性分析--------------------51 三、可轉債稀釋效果的敏感性分析--------------53 四、預期未來利率的敏感性分析----------------56 五、成長率變異性的敏感性分析----------------59 第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------61 第一節 結論-----------------------------------61 第二節 建議------------------------------------62 參考資料------------------------------------------65 一、英文部份-----------------------------------65 二、中文部份-----------------------------------68

內部控制有效性與投資效率之關聯性研究-以中國上市公司為例 / The Association between Internal Control Efficiency and Investment Effectiveness-- Evidence from China Listed Firms

許琬琪, Hsu, Wan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2007年至2011年中國滬深交易所A股上市公司為研究樣本,以中國證監會公佈之行政裁罰、深滬兩交易所對上市公司之處分、及企業自行揭露的內部控制評價報告之內容分析企業發生內控缺失之類型,依照中國《企業內部控制基本規範》,將內部控制缺失依內控五大要素與五大目標予以分類彙總。並將企業的投資效率分為投資不足與過度投資,分別探討內部控制有效性對公司投資效率之影響。 實證結果顯示投資不足的程度與可靠的財務報導之內控目標的內控缺失存在正向的顯著關係。而過度投資的程度與是否發生內控缺失、後勤支援活動和內控設計及執行的內控缺失類型、內控五大要素、及營運的效率效果之內控目標的內控缺失呈現顯著或單尾顯著的負向關係。整體而言,在被監管單位揭發內控缺失資訊,內控有效性較低,而自我揭露愈多內控資訊,企業內控意識可能較佳之假設下,內控缺失一定程度影響企業的投資決策,內控的有效性有助於投資效率。 / Based on the sample of A-share listed companies in China over the period of 2007-2011, the research classified the companies by under investment and over investment, and investigated the impact of internal control efficiency on firm investment effectiveness separately The study comprehensively collects internal control reports released by listed firms and collects penalties which are released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE). A further classification of internal control weaknesses was performed based on the nature of the events, COSO Internal Control — Integrated Framework and regulations of internal control in China.   In sum, the empirical results indicate that, for the companies under investment, the internal control weaknesses of financial reporting have significant positive impact on firm investment effectiveness. On the other hand for the companies which were over investment, those with internal control weaknesses have significant negative association with investment effectiveness. Moreover, the results show that companies with defective of logistics work or the design and execution of internal control were worse performers on investment effectiveness. Based on the COSO framework, the internal control weaknesses classified by the elements, including control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring, and the efficient and effective operations of the internal control objective are significant or one-tailed significant negative correlated to firm investment effectiveness. Collectively, if the internal control weaknesses were disclosed by the authorities, the firms had worse internal control efficiency, while the firms which were more conscious of internal control would disclose the internal control weaknesses themselves. The study shows that internal control weaknesses have impact on firm investment policy, and that internal control efficiency helps promote firm investment effectiveness.

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