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原住民經濟變遷與觀光資源的自主治理-以新光、鎮西堡民宿事業發展為例 / The Transformation of Economy and Self-governing on Tourism Resources of Aboriginal Society - A Case Study on the Development of B&B Business in Smangus and Cinsbu Tribe蕭喻文, Hsiao, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文以文獻分析法與田野調查之深度訪談、焦點團體訪談為主要研究方法,透過制度經濟學者E. Ostrom所提出之制度個人選擇與集體選擇變量分析架構,探討部落居民以傳統觀念作為凝聚共識,對於觀光與民宿事業自主治理制度的選擇與規則制定;並以「共用資源治理永續性之制度設計原則」,對於兩部落自主治理組織制度設計與運作的強健性,加以觀察檢視。以及,藉由兩部落自主治理組織的制度設計、功能、性質與各組織間的關係,分析新光與鎮西堡部落共用資源自主治理策略,和實際運作的情形。並透過中心∕邊陲觀觀察兩部落傳統社會經濟體系,與生產型態發展、變遷的歷史脈絡,和觀光與民宿事業對於部落社區文化延續的調適與衝擊。最後,綜合分析兩部落自主治理機制建立與持續運作的因素,以及所面臨的困境。 / Compare with the primitive production mode in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe focus on slash-and-burn, hunting and fishing, the capitalistic production mode and resource utilization mode is influenced by the governmental policy. Under the policy, the tribe residents start to cultivate the beneficial crop and to develop the tourist business successively. However, the residents of Smangus and Cinsbu Tribe still express the interior cohesiveness conspicuously in the process of transforming on production activity, and still behave the highly connection on traditional relationship and tribe identity. The tribe residents follow the traditional communion idea “gaga” in Atayal to build mutual operation rules on self-governing of the tribe common-pool resources, and to map out a self-governing mode on tourist and B&B business. And this kind of cultural patterns implies the subsistence strategy of maintaining collective action and a sense of belonging, which is under the ethnic identity.
Therefore, the documentary analysis and the field study which is included in-depth interviews and focus group interviews is adopted as the main research approaches in this study. Otherwise, this study is based on the analysis of variance of individual and collective choice, which is broached by E. Ostrom, an institutional economist, to discuss how the tribe residents make rules and choose the self-governing system on the B&B business according to the common consensus of traditional idea, and to survey the reliability of design and operation of the self-governing organizations in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe according to the “Design Principles Illustrated by Long-enduring CPR Institutions”. In terms of review the design principle, function, and character of self-governing organizations and the relationship of those organizations in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe to analyze the self-governing strategy of common-pool resources and the actual situations. Moreover, through the core-periphery concept, this study also observes the economy system of traditional society, the development of production mode and the change of historical sequence, and the impact and of B&B business on the continuation of tribal culture and how the tribe residents get with it. At the end, this study analyzes the factors and difficulties, which influence the build-up of and operation of the self-governing in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe.
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中國大陸網際網路發展之研究-發展社會學理論的觀點霓卡 Unknown Date (has links)
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後現代科幻小說中的女性主義烏托邦:論瑪芝.皮爾西之《時空邊緣的女人》 / The Feminist Utopia in the Postmodern Science Fiction: Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time王佑文, Wang, Yo-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文共分四章。第一章略述小說文本的概要及其寫作背景,並討論分析此一文本所應用之理論和概念:後現代主義、女性主義、烏托邦文學和科幻小說,及此四者所交織出對於典律(canon)之質疑和批判的策略。第二章討論作者如何運用後現代批判形式之論述策略來表達其女性主義之關懷,形成邊陲與中心的對話。第三章的焦點集中於探討女主角穿梭時空下對比現實世界、未來烏托邦和反烏托邦世界所牽引出──語言、歷史、科學╱科技、生態、性╱別以及主體──一系列課題之批判思考。最後一章則回顧前述的理論如何與文本的內容及形式相結合,以挑戰現實世界及讀者心中牢固偏執的主流意識形態。 / Struggling with the social norms of gender and to be a 'visible' woman writer, Marge Piercy challenges and interrogates the canonical, patriarchal hegemony that dominates the culture. Her work, Woman on the Edge of Time, invites multiple alternatives by imagining beyond what is taken for granted. This thesis aims to explore how the heroine's time-travel undergoes a dialogic process between the past, present and future, which effects a feminist politics to examine the social norms and to anticipate a change toward an egalitarian world.
This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter offers an overview of both the text and context of this novel. Since I define this novel as a generic mixture of feminist utopian writing and postmodern science fiction, I first introduce theories of postmodernism, feminism, science fiction, and utopian writing, and their intersections. The exploration of theories here paves the way for the textual analysis in later discussion. In the second chapter, I discuss how the writer manipulates postmodern strategies to express her feminist concerns of destabilizing the canon and enabling a dialogic interaction between the margin and the center. The third chapter focuses on key debates within feminist discourse, which are revealed and symbolized through the heroine's telepathic experiences communicating between the dystopian present and the utopian future. The feminist thinking toward language, history, science/technology, ecology, gender/sexuality, and subjectivity is elaborated in this chapter. Finally, the concluding chapter reviews theories and issues concerning both postmodernist and feminist thinking highlighted through the heroine's time-travel/mind-travel, which is a dialogic process bringing up different voices and perspectives--a voyage of rethinking and reshaping.
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線上廣告訴求與認知需求對消費者購買決策的影響 / Effects of Online Advertising Appeal and Cognitive Need on Consumer’s Purchase Decision張杰 Unknown Date (has links)
因為先前針對推敲可能性模型的決策路徑主要都是以推論為主,本研究設計了一個測量中央及邊陲路徑的問卷,藉此了解受測者實際感受到的決策路徑。而整體的問卷透過一個網路實驗收集資料,結果發現廣告訴求對思考路徑有顯著的關係,理性的廣告訴求會使消費者傾向於使用中央路徑;感性的廣告訴求則會使消費者傾向於使用邊陲路徑,而認知需求會對這個關係有交互作用的影響。同時也發現思考路徑對於購買意願會有顯著影響,不同的產品類型會對於這個關係有交互作用的影響。 / Social media and the Internet are inseparable elements of modern human life. Online advertising becomes a popular method for vendors to access their consumers. Advertising appeals are important in attracting consumers’ attention of products and services. In this study, we investigate the effect of online advertising appeals on consumer’s purchase decision using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that proposes a central-peripheral dual-route persuasion mechanism. We designed an instrument to measure the perceived route in decision processes and applied it in an online experiment to examine how different appeals affect the central and peripheral routes in consumers’ decision processes. The results indicate that advertising appeals have significant effect on decision routes. Cognitive needs are found to have interaction effects. Decision through different routes also have significant effect on consumers’ decision, while product types have moderation effects.
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