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考慮固定效果的隨機邊界模型概似函數之推導: Copula Functions之應用 / The derivation of maximum likelihood function in fixed effect stochastic frontier model:an application of copula function陳奕淙 Unknown Date (has links)
Greene (2005) 在縱橫資料型態下提出真實固定效果隨機邊界模型 (true fixed effect stochastic frontier analysis, TFESFA),該模型保留了傳統隨機邊界法之架構並考量到廠商間之異質性問題,同時設定廠商之無效率項可隨時間改變。但此模型假定不同廠商皆有特定之固定效果參數,當廠商家數多而資料觀察期間較少時,會因待估參數過多而導致模型存在擾攘參數問題,產生估計偏誤 。
本研究利用Tsay et al. (2009) 提出之方法,以錯誤函數 (error function) 之非線性近似函數以及關聯結構函數 (copula function) 推導得到TFESFA模型經一階差分轉換後組合誤差項之近似概似函數,成為本研究提出之差分隨機邊界模型(difference stochastic frontier model, DSFA) 模型,透過模擬過程生成平衡縱橫樣本及不平衡縱橫樣本,發現本研究提出之DSFA模型的確能在觀察期間較少時消除擾攘參數問題之影響。最後,本研究使用TFESFA模型及DSFA模型,配合投入面距離函數來衡量俄羅斯銀行之技術效率,而DSFA模型亦能達到更良好之估計效果。
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跨國金融危機擴散效果之分析-以Copula模型為分析方法 / Analysis of transnational financial crisis contagion effect-copula approach莊旭明, Chuang, Shiu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是想探討在2008年全球金融危機發生後,美國與亞洲國家股票市場之間的相關性是否發生明顯的改變。藉由2005年至2012年美國、新加坡、台灣、日本和泰國的股票市場資料,來觀察各國股票市場的相關性是否產生不對稱的現象,首先檢定美國對其他四個國家有無產生蔓延效果,並藉由不同期間的資料來檢定蔓延效果以看出各國之間是否在極端的情況下產生尾端相關性,最後,再使用不同的關聯結構函數配適出最適合資料的模型。 / The main idea of this paper is to show whether or not that stock market between U.S and Asian country has been obviously changed after 2008 financial crisis. For the sake of observing if there is or not occurred inconsistence phenomenon in each country’s stock market, we use the information from U.S、Singapore、Taiwan、Japan and Thailand since 2005 to 2012. First, look in that if U.S has contagion affects to other four countries and, checkup the contagion effects through the information from different period to find the tail dependence in extreme situation. Finally, to dispose a model which is the most suitable for the information by using different Copula functions.
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相依競爭風險邊際分配估計之探討張簡嘉詠 Unknown Date (has links)
由於關聯結構定義出兩變數間的結合關係,我們可利用關聯結構解釋兩事件發生時間之間的關係。假定兩變數之相關性參數為已知,且採用機率積分轉換的觀念,本論文討論了Zheng 與 Klein提出的關聯結構-圖形估計量,是否會依設限程度、相關性強度和關聯結構形式的不同,以致估計能力有別。 / The problem of estimating marginal distributions in a competing risks study is often met in scientific fields. Because main event and secondary event compete with each other, and a first occurring event prevents us from observing another event promptly, the intact lifetimes or survival times are unable to be collected in the circumstances that the probability of both lifetimes coinciding is 0. Unless lifetimes being independent or adding other conditions, there is a problem that the marginal distributions are non-identifiable. But the condition of independence is not always reasonable, we may assume the relation between lifetimes has some special form
Because the copula defines the association between two variables, it can be employed to explain relation between lifetimes. Assuming that the dependence parameter in the copula framework is known, and adopting the concept of the probability integral transformations, this thesis has demonstrated whether the estimating abilities of the copula-graphic estimator, that Zheng and Klein put forward, are different in rates of censoring, intensities of dependence, and forms of the copula.
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探討標準化偏斜Student-t分配關聯結構模型之抵押債務債券之評價 / Pricing CDOs with Standardized Skew Student-t Distribution Copula Model黃于騰, Huang, Yu Teng Unknown Date (has links)
在市場上最常被用來評價抵押債務債券(Collateralized Debt Obligation, CDO)的分析方法即為應用大樣本同質性資產組合(Large Homogeneous Portfolio, LHP)假設之單因子關聯結構模型(One Factor Copula Model)。由過去文獻指出,自2008年起,抵押債務債券的商品結構已漸漸出現改變,而目前所延伸之各種單因子關聯結構模型在新型商品的評價結果中皆仍有改善空間。
在本文中使用標準化偏斜Student-t分配(Standardized Skew Student-t distribution, SSTD)取代傳統的高斯分配進行抵押債務債券之分券的評價,此分配擁有控制分配偏態與峰態的參數。但是與Student-t分配相同,SSTD同樣不具備穩定的摺積(convolution)性質,因此在評價過程中會額外消耗部分時間。而在實證分析中,以單因子SSTD關聯結構模型評價擔保債務債券新型商品之分券時得到了較佳的結果,並且比單因子高斯關聯結構模型擁有更多參數以符合實際需求。 / The most widely used method for pricing collateralized debt obligation(CDO) is the one factor copula model with Large Homogeneous Portfolio assumption. Based on the literature of discussing, the structure of CDO had been changed gradually since 2008. The effects for pricing new type CDO tranches in the current extended one factor copula models are still improvable.
In this article, we substitute the Gaussian distribution with the Standardized Skew Student-t distribution(SSTD) for pricing CDO tranches, and it has the features of heavy-tail and skewness. However, similar to the Student-t distribution, the SSTD is not stable under convolution as well. For this reason, it takes extra time in the pricing process. The empirical analysis shows that the one factor SSTD copula model has a good effect for pricing new type CDO tranches, and furthermore it brings more flexibility to the one factor Gaussian copula model.
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以卡方適合度檢定檢驗二維關聯結構之研究范宜鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
關聯結構(Copula)這個字最早由Sklar(1959)以法文所提出,在邊際分配未知的假設下,透過關聯結構的特性,可以容易的建立聯合機率分配,所以關聯結構的觀念廣泛應用在財務領域中。對於資料在配適關聯結構的同時,要如何知道哪種關聯結構函數是最符合資料型態的分配呢?為解決這個問題,本文中參考Dobric and Schmid (2005)所提出的方法--卡方適合度檢定,來看資料配適關聯結構函數是否配適的恰當。所以本文的研究重點就是在利用卡方適合度檢定來探討各類股間日報酬率資料配適關聯結構的情形。在5種不同關聯結構(Normal關聯結構、t關聯結構、Clayton 關聯結構、Frank關聯結構、Gumbel關聯結構),利用蒙地卡羅模擬方法,來做關聯結構在卡方適合度檢定之模擬,以及檢定力曲線。在檢定統計量、參數估計、顯著水準的估計都還不錯,只有當切割數越大時參數估計會和設定值差異較大。從檢定力曲線可看出這些檢定的檢定力都很好,代表有足夠能力能去辨別出分配的差異性。實證的部份,從台灣上市公司選取4個內需概念股報酬率的日內資料。結果可看出在Normal、Clayton、Frank、Gumbel這4個關聯結構,是不適合用來描述實際報酬的日資料。而當t關聯結構自由度較小時來描述資料型態是表現的不錯。
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運用新共同邊界法探討多重產出銀行業市場競爭度與成本效率 / A New Approach to Jointly Estimating the Lerner Index and Cost Efficiency for Multi-output Banks under a New Meta-Frontier Framework江典霖, Chiang, Dien Lin Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻大多使用Lerner指數來衡量銀行業之市場競爭度,但在計算過程中有可能出現其值為負之問題。為解決上述問題,本文運用關聯結構函數建立聯立隨機邊界模型,它由銀行成本邊界與兩條產出價格邊界所組成,可以同時衡量放款市場及投資市場之市場競爭度與成本效率。另外,為比較西歐五個國家的銀行市場競爭度與成本效率,本文進一步採用Huang et al. (2014)所提出的新隨機共同邊界模型,此模型除使用共同成本邊界計算技術缺口比率外,還透過產出價格共同邊界衡量潛在Lerner指數,進一步拆解成Lerner指數與MC gap ratio (MCGR)兩部分,可以比較不同國家間的市場競爭程度。 / This paper proposes the copula-based simultaneous stochastic frontier model (CSSFM), composed of a cost frontier and two output price frontiers for the banking sector, in order to measure cost efficiency and market power in the markets of loans and investments. The new Lerner index can be estimated by relying on the simultaneous equations model, consisting of three frontier equations, which avoids obtaining negative measures of the Lerner index. We then apply the new meta-frontier model to simultaneously estimate and compare cost efficiency and market power across five countries over the period 1998-2010. The salient feature of our proposed approach is that it allows for calculating the technology gap ratio on the basis of the cost frontier, as well as evaluating the potential Lerner index from price frontiers, which can be decomposed into the country-specific Lerner index and marginal cost gap ratio.
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時間數列模型應用於合成型抵押擔保債務憑證之評價與預測 / Time series model apply to price and predict for Synthetic CDOs張弦鈞, Chang, Hsien Chun Unknown Date (has links)
根據以往探討評價合成型抵押擔保債務憑證之文獻研究,最廣泛使用的方法應為大樣本一致性資產組合(large homogeneous portfolio portfolio;LHP)假設之單因子常態關聯結構模型來評價,但會因為常態分配的厚尾度及偏斜性造成與市場報價間的差異過大,且會造成相關性微笑曲線現象。故像是Kalemanova et al.在2007年提出之應用LHP假設的單因子Normal Inverse Gaussian(NIG)關聯結構模型以及邱嬿燁(2007)提出NIG及Closed Skew Normal(CSN)複合分配之單因子關聯結構模型(MIX模型)皆是為了改善其在各分劵評價時能達到更佳的評價結果
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探討合成型抵押擔保債券憑證之評價-非大樣本一致性資產組合 / Pricing the Synthetic CDOs - non Large Homogeneous Portfolio許義欣 Unknown Date (has links)
在評價合成型抵押擔保債券憑證時,需考慮多個標的資產間之違約相關性。根據過去評價合成型抵押擔保債券的文獻研究,發展高斯分配等單因子關聯結構模型,在給定LHP假設之下,執行各分券評價時,僅有在權益分券(equity tranche)得到好的配適結果,還會造成相關性微笑曲線(correlation smile)等問題。文獻研究,單因子關聯結構模型若能加入厚尾度或偏斜性能夠改善以上問題,且對於分券評價時也會有較好的效果,像是Kalemanova et al. (2007)提出應用LHP假設之單因子NIG關聯結構模型,或是Dezhong et al. (2006)提供之單因子關聯結構延伸模型,來評價抵押擔保債權憑證。進一步發現,全世界主要的信用違約指數的標的資產個數不一,最少有14個標的資產(CDX.EM),最多有125個標的資產(iTraxx Europe),事實上標的資產個數均不多,而過去文獻常建立在大樣本假設下進行抵押擔保債券之評價,本文研究目的在於,針對單因子高斯關聯結構模型,建立單因子高斯關聯結構延伸模型,假設在非大樣本性質下,評價合成型抵押擔保債券憑證,嘗試觀察是否有較佳的估計結果,改善相關性微笑曲線的現象。本文將利用常態分配、NIG分配以及非大樣本之常態分配作為不同的單因子關聯結
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運用關聯結構網絡隨機邊界分析法探討我國壽險公司經營績效 / Applying the Copula-Based Network Stochastic Frontier Approach to Study the Efficiency of Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry巫瑞虔, Wu, Ruei Cian Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現壽險公司在行銷活動過程投入較少的內勤員工與較多的固定資產,在投資階段則相反,投入較多的內勤員工與較少的固定資產,與壽險公司實際運作情況相符;此外,投資階段的效率優於第一階段的行銷效率。整體台灣壽險業受到2008年金融風暴影響導致經營效率下降,國內壽險公司在經營效率上優於外商壽險分公司,金控壽險公司生產技術效率優於非金控壽險公司,1993年後成立的新壽險公司生產技術效率平均優於傳統舊壽險公司。 / This paper uses the copula-based network SFA model developed by Huang et al. (2013) to estimate the technical efficiency of Taiwan’s life insurance companies over the period 2000-2012. Under this framework, life insurance companies produce premium income as intermediate product which is one of input factors to produce investment income. The empirical analysis concluded: (a) life insurers use little internal staff in first stage, (b) domestic life insurers have both high technical efficiency and cost efficiency in comparison with foreign life insurers, (c) financial holding life insurers have greater technical efficiency than those of not from financial holding insurers, and (d) new life insurers have higher technical efficiency than old life insurers.
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探討合成型抵押擔保債券憑證之評價 / Pricing the Synthetic CDOs林聖航 Unknown Date (has links)
根據以往探討評價合成型抵押擔保債券之文獻研究,最廣為使用的方法應用大樣本一致性資產組合(large homogeneous portfolio portfolio ; LHP)假設之單因子常態關聯結構模型來評價,但會造成合成型抵押擔保債券憑證與市場報價間的差異過大,且會造成相關性微笑曲線現象。由文獻顯示,單因子關聯結構模型若能加入厚尾度或偏斜性能夠改善以上問題,且對於分券評價時也會有較好的效果,像是Kalemanova et al. (2007) 提出應用LHP假設之單因子Normal Inverse Gaussian(NIG)關聯結構模型以及邱嬿燁(2007)提出NIG及Closed Skew Normal(CSN)複合分配之單因子關聯結構模型(MIX模型)在實證分析中得到極佳的評價結果。自2008年起,合成型抵押擔保債券商品結構開始出現變化,而以往評價合成型抵押擔保債券價格時,商品結構皆為同一種型式。本文將利用常態分配、NIG分配、CSN分配以及NIG與CSN複合分配作為不同的單因子關聯結構模型,藉由絕對誤差極小化方法,針對不同商品結構的合成型抵押擔保債券評價,並進行模型比較分析。由最後實證分析結果顯示,單因子NIG(2)關聯結構模型優於其他模型,也證明NIG分配的第二個參數 β 能夠帶來改善的評價效果,此項證明與過去文獻結論有所不同,但 MIX模型則為唯一一個符合LHP假設的模型。 / Based on the literature of discussing the approach for pricing synthetic CDOs, the most widely used methods used application of Large Homogeneous Portfolio (LHP) assumption of the one factor Gaussian copula model, however , it fails to fit the prices of synthetic CDOs tranches and leads to the implied correlation smile. The literature shows that one factor copula model adding the heavy-tail or skew can improve the above problem, and also has a good effect for pricing tranches such as
Kalemanova et al (2007) proposed the application of LHP assumption of one factor NIG copula model and Qiu Yan Ye (2007) proposed the application of LHP assumption of one factor NIG and CSN copula model. This article found that the structure of synthetic CDOs began to change since 2008. The past of pricing synthetic CDOs, the structure of synthetic CDOs are the same type, so this article will use different one factor copula model for pricing different structure of synthetic CDOs by using the absolute error minimization. This article will observe whether the above model can be applied in the new synthetic CDOs and implement of different type model for comparative analysis. The last empirical analysis shows that one factor NIG (2) copula model is superior to other models, more meeting the actual market demand, also proving the second parameter β of the NIG distribution able to bring about improvements in pricing results. This proving is different for the past literature conclusions. However, the MIX model is the only one in line with the LHP assumptions.
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