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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國企業主管培訓之研究 / The Study on the Executive Training Methods of Chinese Enterprises

陳楊林 Unknown Date (has links)
中國自1978年起經濟體制的改革之後,至今已歷經三十餘年的經濟快速成長,而且改革開放之後的中國經濟確實明顯加快,然而在全球競爭激烈的現況下,知識經濟時代已逐漸成為企業發展的主要因素,甚至愈來愈多的企業開始致力於產品或管理的創新,藉以提高企業的競爭優勢,而中國市場更是如此,在高度人才需求環境下,企業對於人力需求有逐年遞增的現象,然在這樣現象的趨使下,人力資源的活動則變成企業經營相當重要的一環,其中又以人員訓練為首要。 因此,在市場需求明朗化及培訓人力需求增加等現象發生的情況下,中國企業之人力培訓的方式與策略將成為一個很重要的議題。所以,本研究在此動機的引領下,將針對中國企業之主管人力培訓的方式進行探討。故本研究透過問卷調查的方式,蒐集企業對於主管培訓課程設計、培訓經費分配及管理者能力培養等意向調查資料且進行資料分析,其分析的研究發現如下所述: 一、 中國企業之年度培訓經費在100萬元人民幣者以下占40.9%,總體培訓經費是緩步往上增長的; 二、 企業規模愈大主管培訓經費的分配則愈高,國企在培訓經費上的編列是比較寬裕; 三、 基層管理者加強專業能力的培訓、高層管理者加強領導能力的培訓; 四、 創新能力隨管理者職務的晉升越來越重要,企業文化和外語能力並未受到特別重視; 五、 公司發展需求是高層管理者的培訓課程主題設計的主軸; 六、 管理者職涯發展未受重視; 七、 多數企業認為基層管理者應以公司內部講師為培訓課程的提供者,高層管理者之培訓課程應以公司外部的講師為主。


倪蕙芳, NI, HUI-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
會計師事務所之最高階層為合夥人,不僅享有很高之薪資報酬,亦擁有專業上的名譽及聲望,因而為許多人夢寐以求。究竟會計師事務所選擇新合夥人時考慮那些候選人之屬性因素,想必為許多有志成為合夥人者所關心,故引發本論文之研究動機。再者,事務所對於合夥人之選擇程序,一般均未規劃出客觀且正式的標準,因此,本論文對於有意制定或改變合夥人選擇標準之會計師事務所頗有助益,不僅能提升決策品質,亦使候選人能以較公平之基礎接受評估。 本研究係採用郵寄問卷方式蒐集資料,受測者為聯合會計師事務所之合夥人。回函資料以下列統計方法進行分析:以簡單百分比與次數整理描述受測者之基本資料特徵,計算各屬性之平均數與標準差以了解受測者對屬性重要性之看法及其離散程度,再以因素分析法歸類屬性於主要因素,最後採用變異變分析來檢定受測者之基本資料特徵對各因素之重要性認知是否造成差異。 分析結果顯示,會計師事務所選擇新合夥人所考慮之屬性中,最重要的屬性為正真誠實,對事務所之忠誠度和專業知識及能力,而較不重要的屬性為善於交際、與企業界及社會之接觸和適應性。因素分析法將屬性歸類為五項主要因素,分別為:經營管理能力與事務所之考慮因素、決策能力與個人特質因素、與外界之關係、專業知識及能力和溝通與領導能力。合夥人之基本資料特徵對各因素之重要性認知是否造成影響之顯著性檢定結果為:合夥人之合夥年資不同會對四項因素(決策能力與個人特質因素、與外界之關係、專業知識及能力和溝通與領導能力)之重要性認知造成顯著差異,合夥人對「與外界之關係」之重要性認知會因三項基本資料特徵(合夥年資、事務所之合夥人人數和事務所之員工人數)不同而有顯著差異,而其他基本資料特徵對各因素之重要性認知均無影響。

臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力之研究 / A study on the team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei city

王志翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質與團隊領導能力之內涵與現況,探討其兩者之間的關係,進而探討臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質對團隊領導能力的影響。 本研究方法主要為訪談法以及問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市公立幼稚園園長及教師為研究對象,共500位,樣本回收290份,回收率為58%,可用樣本為287份,可用率為57.4%。研究工具為「臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力調查問卷」,主要包括兩大部分,首先是參考Saucier(1994)所編製的「Mini-Markers」(五大人格特質精簡量表),經翻譯與題意修正後發展成適用於國內的「臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質量表」,第二,則是自編之「臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力量表」。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、逐步多元迴歸分析(Stepwise Multiple Regression)等方法進行分析。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質與團隊領導能力的內涵及現況 (一)臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質包含活潑外向、友善隨和、負責認真、情緒穩定、經驗敞開等五大向度;其整體和分向度得分均為中上,其中以「友善隨和」得分最高,「經驗敞開」得分最低。 (二)臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力包含核心領導能力、團隊塑造能力、人際智能與問題解決能力等三大向度;其整體和分向度得分均為中上,其中以「人際智能與問題解決能力」得分最高,「團隊塑造能力」得分最低。 二、不同背景變項在臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質與團隊領導能力之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質的得分方面:研究發現在最高學歷、園長年資及園所規模有顯著差異,年齡和服務年資沒有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力的得分方面:研究發現在園所規模有顯著差異,而年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、園長年資等方面無顯著差異。 三、臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質與團隊領導能力之相關情形 臺北市公立幼稚園園長整體人格特質與整體團隊領導能力之間呈顯著高度正相關(r=.810,p<.01),人格特質各分向度與團隊領導能力各分向度之間皆呈顯著正相關。 四、臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質對團隊領導能力之預測情形 臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質之經驗敞開、負責認真、友善隨和、活潑外向等聯合四個向度對整體團隊領導能力、核心領導能力、團隊塑造能力有顯著的預測力,而經驗敞開、友善隨和及負責認真等聯合三個向度對人際智能與問題解決能力有顯著的預測力,其中團隊領導能力及其分向度皆以經驗敞開最具預測力。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾供臺北市教育行政機關、臺北市公立幼稚園園長以及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City, and to explore the relationship between personality traits and team leadership competencies, and to discuss personality traits how to influence team leadership competencies. The survey method included interview and questionnaires investigation. Participants in this study were teachers and directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City, and the number of participants were 500, and 290 samples(58%) were retrieved, and 287 valid samples(57.4%) were used in this study. The measures included Mini –Markers that made by Saucier (1994) and team leadership competencies questionnaire that made by author. Data were analyzed by description statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product -moment correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, this study finds reaches the following results: A.In the aspect of personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City: 1.The personality traits include five parts: (1) Extraversion, (2) Agreeableness,(3) Conscientiousness,(4) Emotional stability,(5) Openness to Experience. The perception of directors and teachers were above average agreement of the five parts. For directors, the best dimension is “Agreeableness”, and the worst dimension is “Openness to Experience”. 2.The team leadership competencies include three parts: (1) Core Leadership,(2) Team Building,(3) Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Solving. The perception of directors and teachers were above average agreement of the three parts. For directors, the best dimension is “Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Solving”, and the worst dimension is “Team Building”. B.The influences of personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City: 1.Personality Traits: highest educational degree, years of director service, and school size have significant influences on personality traits. But director’s age and years of service do not have any significant influences. 2.Team Leadership Competencies: school size has significant influences on team leadership competencies. But director’s age, highest educational degree, years of service, and years of director service do not have any significant influences. C.In the aspect of relationship between personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City: 1.There is a significant and positive correlation between personality traits and team leadership competencies. 2.Personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience) do promote team leadership competencies, especially Openness to Experience.


高慧容 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民小學師傅校長教導課程與永續領導能力之關係。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及後置訪談及座談法,問卷調查樣本以臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長為研究對象,共1000人,樣本回收732份,回收率達73.2%;樣本可用726份,可用率達72.6%;焦點團體座談係邀請曾經接受過師傅校長教導之現任公立國民小學校長參加。研究工具包含採用之「國民小學師傅校長教導課程調查問卷」、自編之「國民小學校長永續領導能力調查問卷」及「國民小學師傅校長教導課程與永續領導能力座談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析及內容分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、師傅校長教導課程含瞭解學校、就任校長、推動校務、化解衝突與生涯發展。 二、永續領導能力含深廣學習、分佈領導、社群連結、資源凝聚與延續傳承。 三、師傅校長教導課程的得分程度佳,並以「推動校務」課程得分最高,而「就任校長」課程得分最低。 四、校長永續領導能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「資源凝聚」能力表現最佳,以「深廣學習」能力得分最低。 五、校長背景變項中,性別、最高學歷在師傅校長教導課程看法的差異達顯著水準,但年齡、年資、學校規模、受訓地點、學校區域未達顯著差異。 六、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、學校規模、學校區域對知覺永續領導能力的差異達顯著水準,但性別、最高學歷、受訓地點未達顯著差異。 七、師傅校長教導課程得分高分組者,在永續領導能力得分顯著優於中、低分組;師傅校長教導課程得分中分組者,在永續領導能力得分顯著優於低分組。 八、師傅校長教導課程與永續領導能力間呈顯著正相關。 九、師傅校長教導課程對永續領導能力具有中度預測力,且以生涯發展課程最具有預測力。 十、師傅校長教導課程對永續領導能力的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、校長培訓的課程應嵌入師傅校長教導及永續領導能力。 二、校長培訓課程應增加推動校務、生涯發展課程,以及深廣學習、延續傳承、分佈領導能力。 三、應加強小規模學校校長之永續領導能力。 四、擬定師傅校長教導課程之具體大綱及內容。 五、重視師傅校長的遴選、訓練、配對、教導與評鑑。 六、舉辦校長永續領導能力涵養之研習進修活動。 七、統合相關資源,以建置校長資訊提供及發展之網絡。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、建置校長經驗分享平台,以幫助其成長與發展。 二、組成校長專業社群以增進交流、激盪與對話。 三、鼓勵退休或資深優秀校長擔任師傅校長。 四、強化永續領導的觀念,從學校長期發展進行思維。 五、掌握校務發展的持續性及計畫性的變革步調,延續重要計畫。 六、瞭解學校具有長期時間與寬廣空間之影響力。 七、注重專業知能與實踐能力,以持續進修達成自我之提升。 / The main purpose of this research is to study of relationship of principal’s mentoring curriculum and principal’s sustainable leadership in elementary school. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, focus group sessions. The research instrument was distributed to 1000 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 726 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression and SEM model through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. The principal’s mentoring curriculum includes: understanding the school, taking up the post of a principal, promoting the administrative affairs of schools, dissolving the conflict and career to develop. 2. Sustainable leadership of an elementary school principal includes: deep and broad to study, distributed leadership, community link, getting resources and conservation. 3. The mentoring curriculum “promoting the administrative affairs of schools” rank first and “taking up the post of a principal” rank last. 4. All the elementary principal sustainable leadership abilities received a positive outcome and “getting resources” rank the highest, “deep and broad to study” rank last. 5. The elementary school principal’s background demography sex and education incurred a significant difference with all the mentoring curriculum. 6. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, school size, and school district incurred a significant difference with all the sustainable leadership abilities. 7. Elementary school principals who got high score on the mentoring curriculum were gotten better score in the sustainable leadership than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the mentoring curriculum were gotten better score in the sustainable leadership than low ones. 8. The mentoring curriculum for an elementary school principal is positively correlated with the sustainable leadership. 9. The mentoring curriculum for an elementary school principal could positively predict. 10. The model of mentoring curriculum to sustainable leadership for an elementary school principal is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “principal of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.

國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重之建構:以美國ISLLC學校領導者標準為例 / The construction of weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school: The case of ISLLC Standards for School Leaders in American

陳遵行, Chen, Zun Shing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在參照美國跨州學校領導標準證照聯合會(ISLLC)所提出的「ISLLC學校領導者標準」為例,藉以建構出國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系。研究方法運用分析網路程序法(ANP),研究工具則採用編修之「國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系調查問卷」,並以校長學、校長培育、學校行政等領域之13位學者專家為研究對象,對國民中小學校長領導能力指標之內容進行重要性評比。 本研究依據研究結果,得到以下二項研究結論: 一、學校文化與教學方案為最重要之校長領導能力向度 二、提升教師專業能力為最重要之校長領導能力指標 而依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議,以作為教育行政機關、校長培育機構等之參考。 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速研擬設立校長培育標準及專責單位 (二)校長領導能力指標可作為校長評鑑與校長證照制度之基礎 二、對校長培育機構之建議 (一)校長培育課程中其校長領導能力的規劃,以「學校文化的建立」與「教師能力的提升」作為初階能力的養成 (二)「提升教師專業能力」、「合作發展與共享」、「發展績效評估系統」作為校長培育課程的首要目標 此外,本研究亦針對後續研究者在研究對象、研究方法及研究範圍等三方面,提出相關建議。 關鍵字:校長領導能力、校長培育課程、分析網路程序法 / The purpose of this study is to construct a weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school, and this study refer to “Interstate school leaders licensure consortium: Standards for school leaders” as an example. The main method of this study is Analytic Network Process (ANP). The research instrument of this study is a modified questionnaire which is used to survey the elementary and junior high principal’s leadership competence. 13 scholar experts most in principalship, principal preparation and school administration are taken as the research object to estimate the importance of indicator for the elementary and junior high school principal’s leadership competence. According to the research results, two conclusions are as follows: 1. School culture and instructional program is the most important dimension of school principals' leadership competence. 2. Enhancement of the professional competence of teachers is the most important indicator of school principals' leadership competence. This study provides the following suggestions from the conclusions to the educational administrations and the organizations of principal preparation for reference: 1. For education administration authority (1) Plan to establish the standards of principal preparation and set up an unit in charge of them. (2) The indicator of school principals' leadership competence can be a basis of principal evaluation and principals’ licensure. 2. For the institutes of principal preparation (1) Planning of principals' leadership capacity in the principal preparation courses as entry-level capacities are “The establishment of school culture” and “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”. (2) The principal of the primary objective of the course are “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”, “The cooperation and development and sharing”, and “The development of performance evaluation system”. In addition, this study also provides future researchers in three areas of the object of study, research methods and scope of the study to make recommendations. Keywords: principal leadership capacity, principal preparation program, analytic network process

國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究 / A study on the ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal and the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal in Taiwan

巫孟蓁, Wu, Men-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力的內涵。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查、焦點團體法與專家訪談法。而問卷調查樣本為臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長共1000人,可用問卷714份,可用率為71.4%。焦點團體座談對象為現職國民小學校長;專家訪談對象為國內辦理國民小學校長職前儲訓或培育相關機構的行政人員。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究調查問卷」、「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究座談大綱」、「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究專家訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、線性結構關係分析(SEM),內容分析等方法。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質之內涵包括師傅教導態度、個人自我要求、人際關係技巧、主動學習意願與經營實務素養。 貳、國民小學校長策略領導能力之內涵包括訂定目標、轉化行動、整合資源、核心技術與領導智慧。 參、國民小學校長理想中的師傅校長特質,以「經營實務素養」向度得分最高,而「師傅教導態度」向度得分最低。 肆、國民小學校長策略領導能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「核心技術」能力表現最佳。 伍、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、受訓地點對知覺理想師傅校長特質的差異達顯著水準,但性別、最高學歷、學校規模、學校區域未達顯著差異。 陸、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、學校規模、學校區域,對知覺策略領導能力的差異達顯著水準,而性別、最高學歷、受訓地點未達顯著差異。 柒、國民小學校長對理想師傅校長特質得分程度高分組者,在校長策略領導能力的得分顯著優於中、低分組。 捌、理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力間呈顯著正相關。 玖、理想師傅校長特質對校長策略領導能力的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、校長培訓課程中應嵌入師傅校長教導,並增加師徒相處的時間。 二、遴選師傅校長時,應先瞭解校長的期待與需求。 三、應重視師傅校長的選擇、訓練、配對與課程安排。 四、應將縣市遴選師傅校長的作法推廣至其他辦理校長儲訓之單位。 五、應建置「師傅校長網絡(mentor network)」,持續給予校長支持。 六、校長培訓課程應納入策略領導能力涵養,並加強轉化行動的能力。 七、應強化校長策略領導知能,鼓勵相關學術研究與舉辦研習活動。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、校長參加校長遴選時,應以適合自身條件的學校為考量。 二、鼓勵退休與資深優秀校長擔任師傅校長。 三、鼓勵校長積極參與專業社群,以增進經驗交流、互動與成長。 四、校長應重視策略領導能力的培養,並加強轉化行動的能力。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal and the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, focus group sessions and interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 1000 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 714 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. An elementary school principal ideal mentor’s traits includes: positive attitude, self requirement, strong people and communication skills, life long learner, and good manager of time and resources. 2. Strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal includes: goal setting, translate strategy into action, align people and organizations, develops core competencies, and has leadership wisdom. 3. The mentor’s trait “good manager of time and resources” ranks first and “positive attitude” ranks last. 4. All the elementary principal strategic leadership abilities received a positive outcome and “develops core competencies” rank the highest. 5. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, and training unit incurred a significant difference with all the ideal mentor’s traits. 6. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, school size, and school district incurred a significant difference with all the strategic leadership abilities. 7. Elementary school principals who got high score on the ideal mentor’s traits were gotten better score in the strategic leadership ability than low and middle ones. 8. The ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal are positively correlated with the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal. 9. The ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal could positively predict the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal, and its “model fit indices” is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “principal of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.


徐嬿玲, Hsu,Yen Ling Unknown Date (has links)


劉宜靜, Liu, Yi-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採文獻分析,亦於理論中釐清組織層面的核心能力與個人層面的核心能力。多數學者認為組織的核心能力為替組織創造競爭優勢的特殊技能或科技,創造利益,也塑造企業文化與價值觀。核心能力的確為具體化組織願景的工具,其運用乃將具備適當技能的適當的人,置其於適當的職位。而落實至個人層次則涵括了個人的基本特質,包括知識、態度、技能和價值,於其工作情境中的超卓表現。而且有效工作表現的模型必須是個人能力、工作需求與組織環境三者的交集區間。然應用在公部高階行政人員的甄補與訓練中,則以美、加、英、澳、紐五國的實施作為探討的對象,依高階行政人員、實施背景、甄補過程、與核心能力內容等四個主要面向作介紹,於最後一章歸結為數種相同的能力,以及給予我國的啟示與建議。 / Fist part of this thesis is separated into two dimensions--organizational core competency and individual core competency. we have to clarify the difference between two, though core competency does realize the vision of organization. The significance of core competency is arrange the right person with right competencies on the right position. Only those in the range of individual competencies, job needs, and organizational environment are core competencies, and do make superior performance. And then introduce the application in the recruitment and training in senior service in 5 countries-United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. In these two chapters, we discuss them from the definitions, backgrounds, recruitment procedures, and contents. And the final of this thesis sum up those profiles, suggests to our government.

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