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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王世明, Wang , Hans Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在針對電子連接器產業進行探索性研究,期能發現占據相當重要關鍵零組件地位的連接器,其產業態勢與競爭條件。本研究固然與傳統的研究方法相同,運用Aaker的策略分析架構進行探討,但亦頗多創新之處,譬如納進Porter的國家競爭力分析模型,討論產業與政府等因素間的相互依賴狀況,又納入司徒達賢的策略矩陣分析構面,討論個案公司與其他同業之間的競爭模型。本研究雖以個案公司為研究對象,但旁及其他競爭性公司共同討論,以了解個案公司的產業定位與遭遇的挑戰。 / This study is exploring the advantage of competition in Connector industry. It adopted Aaker’s model, which designed by strategic method to depict a SWOT to overall analysis of connector industry as well as Case Study Company. The main contribution is to offer a position within industry where has a vital network can help others to sustain the strong power. However, the environment is not as good as past, the trend will bring a move to mainland China, and the new competitors will appear, the Industry ought to encounter more challenge than have been met in Taiwan. This study has some characters involve in the National competitive model and the strategic matrix analysis method from Dr. Seeto. There are many persons were called on to the Case interview, However, only certain firms would be selected as delegation out of this industry.

日本的東海政策 / Japan's East China Sea Policy

呂建良, Lu, Chien-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
日本的東海政策將對台灣的主權與主權權利造成明顯而立即的影響,因此,日本的東海政策值得深入研究,以維護國家海洋權益。 目前,日本與台灣、中國圍繞在東海的爭端,主要區分為以下三大部分。首先,海域爭端:日本與台灣、中國在東海出現了專屬經濟海域重疊狀況,引發海域劃界糾紛。其次,島嶼爭端:台灣、中國與日本皆主張擁有釣魚台列嶼的主權。第三、油氣爭端:台灣、中國、日本均面臨石油短缺問題,都很重視東海石油的開發與利用。所以,本文選定以日本對於東海的海域政策、釣魚台政策,以及油氣田政策三個息息相關且不可分割的海洋政策面向,來研究日本的東海政策。 本論文從歷史研究途徑的角度,輔以國際海洋法的觀點來探討日本的東海政策,共分為六章:第一章「緒論」說明研究背景、研究動機、研究目的、研究方法,與研究面向。第二章「東海的地緣環境」介紹東海的地緣範疇、經濟價值,與戰略地位。第三章「海域政策」探討日本在東海的海域政策,包括領海、專屬經濟海域、大陸礁層,並說明日本與中國的海域劃界主張。第四章「釣魚台政策」整理歷次釣魚台主權爭議的經緯,並論述爭端國各方主權主張的法理依據,然後指出日本對於釣魚台的政策實踐。第五章「油氣田政策」回顧周圍國家在東海的探採活動,其次討論春曉油氣田事件中,中國的探採經過與日本的因應對策,接著分析中日東海油氣田爭端造成的影響。第六章「結論」歸納主要論點,根據研究結果指出影響日本東海政策的國內外因素,以及日本的東海政策之特點,俾使台灣事先研擬相關對策,進而爭取最大之國家利益與海洋權益。 / Japan's East China Sea policy has a clear and present influence on Taiwan's sovereignty and sovereign rights. Therefore it is important for us to study Japan's East China Sea policy in order to protect our nation's sea rights and interests. At present, the main conflicts between Japan, China and Taiwan in the East China Sea are as follows: First, the maritime delimitation disputes between Japan, China and Taiwan in the East China Sea. Second, Japan, China and Taiwan all declared territorial sovereignty to Tiaoyutai Islands. Third, Japan, China and Taiwan all have oil shortage problems, so they pay much attention to the exploration and the use of petroleum in the East China Sea. Then this thesis selects Japan's sea policy, Tiaoyutai Islands policy, as well as oil and gas fields policy, three closely linked and inalienable sea policy dimensions, to study Japan's East China Sea policy. The thesis discusses Japan's East China Sea policy from the perspective of historical approach and international law of sea. There are six chapters in this thesis: Chapter One makes a description of the background of the study, the purpose of the study, the objective of study, the methodology of the study, and the dimensions of the study. Chapter Two gives an introduction to the East China Sea's surroundings, economic value and strategic position. Chapter Three probes Japan's sea policy, includes territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, and discusses the claims of the maritime delimitation made by Japan and China. Chapter four looks back on the sovereign dispute history of Tiaoyutai Islands, and exhausts the legal basis of the claims made by Japan, China and Taiwan, then points out the practices of Japan in Tiaoyutai Islands. Chapter Five reviews the exploration of the petroleum made by the countries situated around the East China Sea, then discusses China's exploration of Chunxiao oil and gas fields, and the countermeasures of Japan, then analyzes the impact of disputes between China and Japan in the East China Sea oil and gas fields. Chapter Six concludes the main issues, points out the domestic and foreign factors which affect Japan's East China Sea policy, and the characteristics of Japan's East China Sea policy. Thus Taiwan can plan the related countermeasures and strives for our national interests and the sea rights in the future.

從「聯合國跨界與高度洄游魚類協定」論公海海域登臨及檢查權之理論與實踐---以WCPFC為例 / A Study on the theory and practice of high seas boarding and inspection from the provisions of 1995 UNFSA: With a special reference to the practice of WCPFC

陳盈廷, Chen, Ying Ting Unknown Date (has links)
1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》確立了專屬經濟區的制度後,公海成為海洋生物資源養護與管理的一大缺口,特別是在養護與管理跨界及高度洄游魚群上產生防護的漏洞。1995年國際間通過《聯合國跨界與高度洄游魚類協定》,旨在履行《聯合國海洋法公約》關於養護跨界與高度洄游魚群之規定,並進一步訂立更完善之規範,特別是協定重視各區域性漁業組織之功能,期能透過該些組織,更有效率地管理並養護各區域之跨界與高度洄游魚群。因此,《聯合國海洋法公約》、1995年協定與區域性漁業組織相互間透過法律規範,從架構、實踐與實際執行這三方面試圖形塑一個較為嚴謹及嚴密的網絡。 2004年中西太平洋漁業委員會(WCPFC)成立。協定與委員會透過登臨與檢查的方式,以養護與管理在公海海域之跨界與洄游魚群。然公海自由及公海上由船旗國管轄乃習慣國際法,而為在保育海洋生物資源,在公海上採取相互登臨與檢查為國際海洋法發展之趨勢。由於登臨與檢查乃涉及一國之主權問題,台灣因於國際上之特殊地位,在WCPFC中之登臨與檢查權便為一值得探討之議題。 《WCPFC登檢程序》規定《WCPFC公約》之締約方有相互登臨檢查之權利與義務,而WCPFC之會員有被登檢之義務。由於台灣乃以漁業實體之身份加入,成為WCPFC之會員,並非《WCPFC公約》之締約方,因此台灣是否有登檢其他會員船舶之權利便為我方關切之議題。筆者透過對1995年協定、《WCPFC公約》,以及《WCPFC登檢程序》之分析,認為台灣倘與其他會員或《WCPFC公約》締約方締結登檢協議,則台灣與協議締約方間當可享有《WCPFC登檢程序》中規定之完整的登檢權利與義務,而不受僅為「會員」身份所造成之模糊地位所限制。 / As the 1982 LOS Convention establishes the concept of Exclusive Economic Zone, the high seas has not only become the rest areas without authorities’ jurisdiction, but also been a breach of the conservation and management of living recourses, especially in aspect of the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory stocks. In 1995, Straddling Stocks Agreement was approved, in which the main purpose is to enforce the principles of LOS Convention relating to the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory stocks. Straddling Stocks Agreement respects the functions of the regional fishing organizations and expects it to manage and conserve straddling and highly migratory stocks more efficiently in each region. Consequently, through making stipulations, the LOS Convention, 1995 Agreement, and regional fishing organizations attempt to build up a strict network of framework, implementation, and enforcement. In 2004, WCPFC Commission was founded. Through boarding and inspection, 1995 Agreement and WCPFC Commission conserve and manage the straddling and highly migratory stocks. Although the high-seas freedoms and flag State jurisdiction are the parts of customary international law, it is the trend in development of international law to adopt boarding and inspection in high seas for conserving living resources in ocean. Due to boarding and inspection concerning the sovereignty, as the special status in international society, Taiwan’s boarding and inspection rights in WCPFC Commission become a disputed issue. WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Procedures imply that the Contracting Parties of WCPFC Convention have rights and obligations to board and inspect each other’s ships, but the members of WCPFC only have the obligation of being boarded and inspected. Since Taiwan, as the fishing entity, participated in WCPFC as the Member rather than the Contracting Parties. As a result, whether Taiwan possessing any rights to board and inspect other members’ ships is concerned by Taiwan’s authority. By analyzing 1995 Agreement, WCPFC Convention, and WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Procedures, the author concludes that if Taiwan has the agreements relating to boarding and inspection with other Members or Contracting Parties, Taiwan would absolutely possess the full rights and obligations, which the WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Procedures stipulate, without constrained by its ambiguous status caused by the role of Member.

列國志小說系列研究. / Lie guo zhi xiao shuo xi lie yan jiu.

January 2005 (has links)
潘世華. / "2005年8月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2005. / 參考文獻(leaves 139-145). / "2005 nian 8 yue". / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Pan Shihua. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 139-145). / Chapter 第一章: --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 列國志小說系列的成書經過 --- p.3 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 硏究目的及方法 --- p.9 / Chapter 第二章: --- 列國志小說系列編撰者對小說的看法 --- p.11 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 小說與經史的關係 --- p.11 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 列國志小說的編撰特色 --- p.23 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 小結 --- p.28 / Chapter 第三章: --- 列國志小說系列材料組織比較 --- p.30 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 《列國志傳》及《新列國志》的小說主線 --- p.30 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 《歹幌志傳》與《新列國志》敘事單元的內容 --- p.32 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 《列國志傳》則目與《新列國志》回目所構成之敘事單元比較 --- p.42 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 小結 --- p.47 / Chapter 第四章: --- 列國志小說系列內容之異同 --- p.48 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 〈(列國志傳》及《新列國志》的開首及斷限 --- p.48 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 列國志小說系列所涉之史實與虛構 --- p.57 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 《新列國志》對《列國志傳》的內容改寫 --- p.60 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 小結 --- p.80 / Chapter 第五章: --- 列國志小說系列文本所見之史論 --- p.83 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 列國志小說系列史史評論的形式 --- p.83 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 列國志小說系列史事評論的表達方式 --- p.88 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 列國志小說系列史事評論的結構安排 --- p.96 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 列國志小說系列史事評論的發展背景 --- p.99 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 列國志小說系列、《左傳》及《史記》有關春秋史事評論比較 --- p.102 / Chapter 第六節、 --- 從《東周列國志》史評看作者對君臣關係的態度 --- p.109 / Chapter 第七節、 --- 小結 --- p.117 / Chapter 第六章: --- 列國志小說評點分析 -以蔡奡《東周列國志》評點爲例 --- p.118 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 蔡奡《東周列國志》評點的模式 --- p.118 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 蔡奡《東周列國志》評點的內容 --- p.121 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 蔡奡《東周列國志》評點的特色 --- p.129 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 小結 --- p.135 / Chapter 第七章: --- 結語 --- p.137 / 參考書目 --- p.139 / 附錄 / 附錄一:《列國志傳》及《新列國志》敘事單元內容比對表 --- p.146 / 附錄二:《列國志傳》史事評論輯錄 --- p.158 / 附錄三:《東周列國志》史事評論輯錄 --- p.295 / 附錄四:《左傳》史事評論輯錄 --- p.400 / 附錄五:蔡奡《東周列國志》夾評輯錄 --- p.429

韓愈 鱷魚文 研究 : 中國古代散文寓言性的探索 = Make a study of HanYu and E'YuWen : on fables nature in Chinese classical prose / 中國古代散文寓言性的探索;"Make a study of HanYu and E'YuWen : on fables nature in Chinese classical prose";"韓愈鱷魚文研究"

李河慧 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

2008年後的中日政治與經濟關係 -變化中的「政冷經熱」 / "Hot Economics, Cold Politics" - the Evolving Political and Economic Relations between China and Japan after 2008

黃羽汶, Huang, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)


大野, 正人 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22063号 / 工博第4644号 / 新制||工||1724(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 竹脇 出, 教授 大崎 純, 准教授 聲高 裕治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

由「大西洋鮪類資源保育委員會」二○○五年05-02號建議論高度洄游魚類種群之養護與管理 / On the conservation and management of Highly Migratory Species in terms of Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Control of Chinese Taipei’s Atlantic Bigeye Tuna Fishery「05-02」in 2007

李佳燕, Lee, Chia-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
2005年「大西洋鮪類資源保育委員會」(International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, ICCAT)第十九屆年會將台灣2006年在大西洋大目鮪(Bigeye Tuna)的漁獲配額自14,900公噸削減為4,600公噸的決定,即05-02號建議(Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Control of Chinese Taipei’s Atlantic Bigeye Tuna Fishery [05-02] in 2005),除反應出漁業資源日益稀少和各國竸爭激烈的事實外,也顯示了國人海洋漁業生態保育的觀念有待加強。 / 本論文乃以ICCAT 05-02號建議作為個案研究,對高度洄游魚類種群(highly migratory species)之養護與管理體系為一整體檢視,探討該號建議所呈現之生態保育問題。內容側重於法規範面之探討,並就高度洄游魚類種群之定義、生態習性、種類、及資源使用狀況為一基本介紹。主要探討三大議題:(1)國際規範體系架構;(2)養護與管理高度洄游魚類之現況;(3)當前面臨之問題與挑戰。 / 全球海洋資源面臨的人為挑戰模式均同,本文焦點雖在高度洄游魚類種群之探討,但也反應出其他種類漁資源在保育上所面臨的共同問題,只不過因高度洄游魚類生態上的特殊性,使其整體養護與管理過程更能突顯出國際漁業治理的本質─國際合作的必要性。但若從另一角度分析漁業管理制度發生改變的原因,則將突顯出國際漁業治理的另一項本質,即國家利益的追求,事實上這也是所有國際活動的基本特徵。因此,以專業性的角度來分析區域漁業組織運作的同時,不能忽略國際政治因素的牽絆,國家漁業經濟利益透過國際政治上的實力對比在區域漁業組織的運作過程中彰顯出來。 / 本論文章節安排分為六章,首先概略介紹「高度洄游魚類」之意義、特性及資源使用狀態(第一章),爾後簡介現行有關高度洄游魚類之國際規範體系(第二章),接著以ICCAT為案例,使讀者明白當前國際間透過區域漁業組織來施行漁資源管理的實際運作情形(第三章),透過05-02號建議讓讀者了解區域漁業組織如何敦促成員國遵守區域漁業規範,落實其養護與管理高度洄游魚類之國際任務(第四章),並探討ICCAT05-02號建議所反應出來的制度面或執行面之問題(第五章)。最後綜合各章節內容,針對高度洄游魚類之整體規範體系架構為一觀察反省,歸結出本議題核心所在,即追求國家利益前提下的國際合作(第六章)。 / 國際間對於高度洄游魚類種群的保育工程已然啟動,國家願意讓渡出更多一些的權力由國際專門性機構來主導,並在一定規範架構下進行國際合作,這是值得肯定的發展趨勢,並可觀樂期待國際間對於生態環境議題將給予更多的關注,落實資源永續經營的理念。 / On 19th regular meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the commission decided to cut down Taiwan’s quota of Bigeye tuna in Atlantic Ocean form 14,900 tonnage to 4,900, that is Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Control of Chinese Taipei’s Atlantic Bigeye Tuna Fishery [05-02] in 2005. This case reflects the fact that fishery resource is coming shorter and States compete harshly. It shows that our concept of conservation ecology leaves much space to improve as well. / This thesis is a case study based on Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT. Here try to inspect thoroughly the conservation and management system of highly migratory species, so as to discuss the problems of eco-conservation reflecting from that Recommendation. Contexts focus on the regulation aspect, and briefly introduce the definition, ecologic habitual behavior, kinds, and condition of resource consumption of highly migratory species. The three main topics to discuss are: (1) international regulation framework; (2) current status of conservation and management of highly migratory species; (3) the problems and challenges confront with nowadays. / The challenges to ocean resource caused by human activity are all the same. This thesis is about highly migratory species, but also reflects the common problem of other fish species in ecological protection respect. Merely because of the ecological particularity, the whole process of conservation and management of highly migratory species could better show the key ingredient of international fishery governance, which is international cooperation. From the other angle, the change of fishery management system mirrors the nature of international fishery management, that is pursuing of national interest. Actually, the later is fundamental character of all kinds of international interaction. Therefore, when analyzing the function of regional fishery organization, we could not ignore the international political fact. National economic fishery interest manifests through relative international political power in fishery management organizations. / There are six chapters in this thesis. First, to take a quick glance at what “highly migratory species” is and its character and resource status (chapter 1). And then turn to the introduction of current international regulation system of highly migratory species (chapter 2). Following is a case study based on ICCAT, to inform readers how Regional Fishery Organizations function actually (chapter 3). Through Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT, we could take a look how Regional Fishery Organizations urge States to meet their commission of conserving and managing highly migratory species (chapter 4). And then go to a discussion of institutional and enforcement problems reflect from Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT (chapter 5). Finally, we take a entirely observation and introspection from the foregoing chapters, and then sum up the core of the international fishery issue, that is international cooperation with a prerequisite of chasing national interest(chapter 6). / The international conservation of highly migratory species has set out. States are willing to transfer more competence to specialized institution and undertake international cooperation under a certain regulatory framework. This situation deserves much applause. We could look forward that international society would pay more attention to environmental ecological issues to carrying out the idea of sustainable development and management of ocean resource.

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