Spelling suggestions: "subject:" age""
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Transtorno bipolar e doença de Alzheimer em idosos: impacto na vida dos cuidadores / Bipolar disorder and Alzheimer\'s disease in the elderly: impact on caregivers\' lifeSantos, Glenda Dias dos 22 March 2018 (has links)
Os cuidadores são elementos essenciais na prestação dos cuidados de saúde, especialmente em situações de doenças crônicas e incapacitantes. Sobrecarga experimentada por cuidadores de pacientes com transtorno bipolar (TB) é pouco estudada em comparação a outras doenças, como a doença de Alzheimer (DA). O objetivo desse estudo é comparar a sobrecarga, desgaste emocional e os fatores associados em cuidadores de idosos com TB e DA. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, do tipo quanti-qualitativo, que avaliou 75 cuidadores e seus respectivos pacientes (36 com TB e 39 com DA). Para avaliação dos cuidadores foi utilizado o Inventário de Sobrecarga de Zarit (ZBI), o Inventário Neuropsiquiátrico de Desgaste do Cuidador (NPI-D) e uma entrevista semiestruturada interpretada pelo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. As questões norteadoras da entrevista foram: Como você se sente cuidando do seu familiar? Quais são as suas maiores dificuldades em relação ao cuidado prestado ao paciente? Os cuidadores também foram avaliados em relação aos sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, saúde global e qualidade de vida. Os pacientes foram avaliados nos aspectos cognitivos, funcionalidade, saúde global, qualidade de vida e sintomas depressivos, ansiosos e neuropsiquiátricos. Os resultados indicaram que os cuidadores de pacientes com TB apresentaram níveis semelhantes em relação aos cuidadores de DA na ZBI (p=0,097) e níveis mais altos no NPI-D (p=0,019). Em ambos os grupos, o ZBI foi correlacionado com o declínio funcional do paciente, maior número de tarefas do cuidador para o paciente, a presença de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos do próprio cuidador, consequentemente, uma pior qualidade de vida (r > 0,3; p < 0,05). O NPI-D relacionou-se com os sintomas neuropsiquiátricos dos pacientes em ambos os grupos (p < 0,001). A percepção dos cuidadores TB em relação ao cuidado esteve associada aos sentimentos positivos de gratidão, bem-estar e orgulho; sentimentos negativos como cansaço, obrigação e insegurança; e ao sentimento de conformismo. Quanto às dificuldades no cuidado com o paciente, os cuidadores TB referiram alterações do humor; tarefas de higiene corporal; falta de apoio familiar; falta de tempo, paciência e dinheiro. Conclui-se que a avaliação da funcionalidade e dos sintomas neuropsiquiátricos do paciente idoso com TB podem trazer benefícios para os profissionais, assim como a inclusão da avaliação da sobrecarga e do desgaste emocional dos cuidadores. Nossos resultados apontam para a necessidade de cuidar da saúde do cuidador, por meio de intervenções psicossociais, assistência médica e psicológica e o estabelecimento de redes de apoio a cuidadores na comunidade / Caregivers are essential elements in the health care, especially in situations of chronic diseases. Burden experienced by caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is little studied compared to other diseases, such as Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). The objective of this study is to compare the caregiver burden, distress and associated factors in caregivers of the elderly with BD and AD. This is a cross-sectional study, quantitative-qualitative research that evaluated 75 caregivers and their respective patients (36 with BD and 39 with AD). The Zarit Burden Inventory (ZBI), Neuropsychiatric Inventory - Distress (NPI-D) and a semi-structured interview interpreted by the Collective Subject Discourse were used to assess the burden of the caregivers .The guiding questions of the interview were: How do you feel about taking care of your family member? What are your greatest difficulties in relation to the care given to the patient? Caregivers were also evaluated for depressive and anxious symptoms, global health, and quality of life. Patients were assessed on cognitive aspects, functionality, global health, quality of life, and depressive, anxious, and neuropsychiatric symptoms. The results indicated that caregivers of BD patients experienced similar levels of burden (p=0.097) and higher levels of distress (p=0.019) as did caregivers of AD patients. In both groups, the ZBI was associated with impairment in patient\'s functionality, number of tasks completed for the patient, caregiver depression and anxiety consequently poor quality of life(r > 0.3; < 0.05). NPI-D was associated with the neuropsychiatric symptoms of patients in both groups (p < 0.001). BD caregivers\' perception of care has been associated with positive feelings of gratitude, well-being, and satisfaction; negative feelings such as tiredness, obligation and insecurity; and the feeling of conformity. Regarding the difficulties in patient care, the BD caregivers reported mood alterations; body hygiene tasks; lack of family support, time, patience and money. It is concluded that the evaluation of the neuropsychiatric functionality and neuropsychiatric symptoms of the elderly patient with BD can bring benefits to the professionals, as well as the inclusion of the evaluation of the caregiver burden and the distress of the caregivers. Our results point to the need to take care of the health of the caregiver, through psychosocial interventions, medical and psychological assistance, and the establishment of networks to support caregivers in the community
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Complementary effects of auriculotherapy in relieving symptoms of constipation and promoting health-related quality of life in elderly residential care home residents. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2012 (has links)
研究背景:便秘被過往的研究確認為世界各地老年人的一個常見健康問題,尤其是居住在安老院的長者。香港一項人口普查亦指出便秘也是香港老年人的一個常見健康問題。便秘對長者的生理、心理和社會功能等各方面都產生不良影響。此外,醫療體制亦因處理便秘及其衍生的健康問題而面對沉重的負擔。目前所採用的常規方案是生活模式改變及使用軟便劑,但兩者均未能有效地紓緩便秘的徵狀。由於香港老齡人口持續增長,便秘將會是一個具有潛在持續性的老年健康問題,故尋找一個能有效地紓緩便秘徵狀的方案甚為迫切。耳穴療法是一項普及的中醫療法,亦屬於互補療法。過往在中國進行的研究顯示,耳穴療法能有效地治療便秘,惟此等療效尚未被確實。耳穴療法應是一個對處理便秘具有潛在療效的治療方案。現時,香港尚未有研究評價耳穴療法對處理便秘的療效。 / 研究目的:本研究旨在評價耳穴療法的互補療效,對安老院內的長者便秘徵狀及便秘相關的健康生活品質的干預效果。 / 研究方法:本研究是一個採取混合研究法的臨床研究。先進行化研究,評價耳穴療法對安老院內長者的便秘徵狀及便秘相關的健康生活品質的互補療效;接著進行質化研究,探討面談者對接受耳穴療法的經驗及感受。量化研究是一個隨機對照及雙盲的研究。安老院內的院友被取錄為參與者後,便隨機地獲分配一個研究組別。本研究共有三個研究組別,每名組員分別接受一個預定的干預措施,包括磁珠耳貼療法 (干預組),王不留行籽耳貼療法 (對照A組) 及耳貼療法 (對照B組),干預措施是在七個選定的耳穴上進行耳穴療法,共維持十天。研究指標包括便秘徵狀及便秘相關的健康生活品質。此等研究指標分別在干預前 (基線資料)、十天後 (干預措施結束) 和二十天後 (干預措施結束後十天) 進行資料蒐集。統計推斷方法是採用廣義估計方程模型檢驗組間和組內在便秘徵狀及便秘相關的健康生活品質之差異。質化研究的面談者必須是完成整個研究過程的干預組組員,並在量化檢驗的便秘徵狀指標中取得最高分及最低分的各四位組員。透過個別面談,探討面談者對接受耳穴療法以處理便秘的經驗及感受。 / 研究結果:本研究共有99名參與者。祇有90名參與者接受干預措施 (干預組=31;對照A組=28;對照B組=31),其中的81名參與者完成整個療程 (干預組=29;對照A組=25;對照B組=27)。本研究結果顯示耳穴療法在十天 (p=0.016)及二十天 (p=0.016) 的研究時期內,便秘相關的健康生活品質中的滿意度在干預組及對照A組間有顯著的差異 (十天及二十天均是p=0.016)。然而,本研究證實磁珠耳貼療法能顯著地紓緩便秘徵狀 (十天:p=0.013;二十天:p<0.001),提升與便秘相關的健康生活品質 (十天:p=0.005;二十天:p<0.001),並於三個研究組別中取得最大的療效。此外,質化研究結果顯示,耳穴療法確是一項安全及具認受性的療法,適用於安老院內的院友,可作為處理便秘的治療方案。 / 研究結論:本研究是香港首個通過隨機對照的臨床研究,以評價耳穴療法對處理便秘的互補療效。研究結果顯示磁珠耳貼療法對安老院內的院友具有正向的臨床價值:磁珠耳貼療法能紓緩便秘徵狀及提升便秘相關的健康生活品質;安老院內的院友認為耳穴療法是一項安全及具認受性的療法;對住在安老院內年長的中國人而言,耳穴療法是一項與其文化相關的照護方式。本研究就處理安老院內院友的便秘問題為護理專業提供了有關耳穴療法的新知,並作為日後於護理實務及護理研究方面的參考和方向。 / Background: Constipation has been identified in previous studies as a worldwide health problem among elderly people, especially those living in residential care homes (RCHs). Similarly, constipation is also reported as a common health problem among elderly people in Hong Kong in a local population survey. Constipation adversely affects the biopsychosocial well-being of elderly people. In addition, heavy burden has been imposed on the health care system in dealing with constipation and its related health problems. Constipation is currently managed by laxatives and lifestyle modification. However, constipation is not effectively relieved by these two management strategies. In Hong Kong, the aging population is seen to have an increasing trend. Constipation will then be a potentially expanding health problem among elderly people. All these data indicate an urgent need for effective alternatives to manage this health problem. Auriculotherapy is one popular treatment modality in Chinese medicine, which is also a form of complementary therapy. Previous studies conducted in Mainland China reported promising results in managing constipation with auriculotherapy, although its effectiveness was not affirmed. Auriculotherapy appears to be a promising management strategy for constipation. Until now, no study has been conducted in Hong Kong to evaluate the effectiveness of auriculotherapy in managing constipation. / Aim: The current study aims to evaluate the complementary effects of auriculotherapy in relieving constipation symptoms and in promoting disease-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among elderly RCH residents. / Methods: The present study is a clinical trial that adopts the mixed-method design. A randomized placebo-controlled trial was first conducted to evaluate the complementary effects of auriculotherapy in relieving symptoms of constipation and in promoting disease-specific HRQOL in elderly RCH residents. After the completion of the randomized placebo-controlled trial, the qualitative approach was conducted to explore the participants’ experience and perceptions on the use and complementary effects of auriculotherapy with magnetic pellets in managing constipation. The randomized placebo-controlled trial was a double-blind study. The participants were recruited from elderly RCH residents and then randomly assigned to one of the three study groups. The participants received the assigned intervention, namely, auriculotherapy using auricular plaster with magnetic pellet (experimental group), auriculotherapy using auricular plaster with Semen Vaccariae (placebo-controlled group A), or auriculotherapy using only auricular plaster (placebo-controlled group B). Auriculotherapy was applied onto seven selected auricular acupoints for 10 days. Two outcome variables, namely, constipation symptoms and disease-specific HRQOL, were measured before the implementation of intervention (baseline), on Day 10 (at the completion of the intervention), and on Day 20 (at the 10th-day follow-up after the intervention). The generalized estimating equation model was adopted to evaluate the between-group and within-group differences in the complementary effects of auriculotherapy on constipation symptoms and disease-specific HRQOL. In the qualitative approach, the informants were recruited from participants of the experimental group who had successfully completed the study with mean scores in constipation symptoms at the top- or bottom-four ranking. The informants were individually interviewed to explore their experience and perceptions on the use and complementary effects of auriculotherapy in managing constipation. / Results: Ninety-nine participants were recruited in the study. Ninety participants received the intervention as assigned, and eventually, 81 participants completed the intervention. When the interaction effects of time and group were simultaneously considered, statistical significant differences were only found in the satisfaction subscale of the disease-specific HRQOL between the experimental group and placebo-controlled group A on both Day 10 (p=0.016) and Day 20 (p=0.016). For the experimental group, significant time effects were found in constipation symptoms (Day 10:p=0.013; Day 20:p<0.001) and disease-specific HRQOL (Day 10:p=0.005; Day 20:p<0.001) after receiving auriculotherapy. Most importantly, the participants who received auriculotherapy with magnetic pellets showed the greatest improvement in constipation symptoms and disease-specific HRQOL after the intervention compared with the two placebo-controlled groups. The qualitative findings further revealed that auriculotherapy is a safe, well-accepted therapy in managing constipation among elderly RCH residents. / Conclusion: The current study is the first known randomized placebo-controlled trial that evaluates the complementary effects of auriculotherapy in managing constipation in Hong Kong. The current findings indicate positive clinical value of auriculotherapy with magnetic pellets in managing constipation in elderly RCH residents. Auriculotherapy with magnetic pellets was found to provide favourable therapeutic effects in relieving constipation symptoms and in promoting disease-specific HRQOL among elderly RCH residents. This therapy is also considered by elderly people as a safe and acceptable therapy with minimal side effects. In addition, auriculotherapy is considered as a culturally relevant care modality for Chinese elderly RCH residents. The current study contributes new knowledge to nursing for future reference and directions in both nursing practice and nursing research with regard to the complementary effects of auriculotherapy in managing constipation among elderly RCH residents. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Li, Mei Kuen. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 273-305). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract and appendixes also in Chinese. / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION / Introduction --- p.1 / Background of the study --- p.2 / Aim and significances of the study --- p.6 / Overview of the thesis --- p.6 / Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- LITERATURE REVIEW / Introduction --- p.8 / Constipation: Potentially expanding health problem in elderly population --- p.9 / Prevalence of constipation --- p.9 / Definition of constipation --- p.11 / Physiology and pathophysiology of defecation --- p.13 / Effects of constipation --- p.15 / Adverse individual health consequences --- p.15 / Economic burden in health care system --- p.18 / Contributory factors for constipation --- p.20 / Roles of nurses in managing constipation in current practice --- p.22 / Cautious use of laxatives --- p.24 / Lifestyle modification --- p.24 / Promoting dietary fiber intake --- p.25 / Encouraging oral fluid intake --- p.26 / Promoting physical activity --- p.26 / Integration of complementary therapy into nursing practice in managing constipation --- p.28 / Auriculotherapy --- p.30 / Historical overview of auriculotherapy --- p.30 / Conceptual framework of auriculotherapy --- p.31 / Approaches of auriculotherapy --- p.36 / Mechanism of auriculotherapy --- p.37 / Clinical applications of auriculotherapy in managing constipation --- p.39 / Complementary effects of auriculotherapy in managing constipation: Review of previous studies --- p.41 / Subject characteristics --- p.41 / Intervention protocol --- p.45 / Therapeutic outcome criteria and effectiveness --- p.50 / Strengths and limitations of the reviewed studies --- p.56 / Recommendations for future studies --- p.59 / Significances of the current study --- p.60 / Summary --- p.61 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- METHODS / Introduction --- p.63 / Overview of study design --- p.65 / Mixed-method study design --- p.66 / Quantitative approach --- p.66 / Qualitative approach --- p.68 / Research aim and objectives --- p.68 / Research aim --- p.68 / Research objectives --- p.68 / Null hypotheses --- p.69 / Operational definitions --- p.71 / Rationale of the study design --- p.73 / Rationale for adopting the mixed-method design --- p.73 / Rationale for adopting the randomized controlled trial design --- p.75 / Rationale for adopting double-blindness --- p.75 / Rationale for adopting random assignment --- p.76 / Rationale for adopting a pretest and repeated post-test design --- p.78 / Rationale for recruiting placebo-controlled groups --- p.79 / Quantitative approach --- p.81 / Sample --- p.81 / Accessible population --- p.81 / Sampling method and selection of participants --- p.82 / Sample size determination --- p.85 / Experimental intervention --- p.87 / Content of the experimental intervention --- p.87 / Integrity of experimental intervention --- p.92 / Qualification of the intervener --- p.92 / Consistency of implementation of intervention --- p.93 / Compliance of the participants to study instructions --- p.84 / Data collection --- p.95 / Study Instruments and records --- p.95 / Patient Assessment of Constipation Symptom Questionnaire (Cantonese Chinese for Hong Kong) (PAC-SYM) --- p.96 / Patient Assessment of Constipation Quality of Life Questionnaire (Cantonese Chinese for Hong Kong) (PAC-QOL) --- p.97 / Abbreviated Mental Test (Hong Kong version; AMT) --- p.98 / Physical Activity Questionnaire (Hong Kong version; PAQ) --- p.98 / Screening for eligibility of the participant --- p.99 / Demographic and Clinical Data Sheet --- p.99 / Assessment of Clinical Syndrome of Constipation --- p.99 / Assessment of oral intake of Fruits and Vegetables (AFV) --- p.100 / Bowel Movement Record (BMR) --- p.100 / Drug Administration Record (DAR) --- p.101 / Data collection procedure --- p.101 / Qualitative approach --- p.104 / Rationale for adopting criterion sampling --- p.105 / Pilot Study --- p.106 / Feasibility of the sampling method --- p.107 / Feasibility of the data collection instruments and procedure --- p.107 / Feasibility of implementation of the study intervention --- p.108 / Characteristics of the pilot sample --- p.109 / Sample size recalculation --- p.113 / Appropriateness of the interview guide --- p.114 / Recommendations for the main study --- p.115 / Data Analysis --- p.115 / Quantitative data --- p.115 / Assessment of accuracy of data entry --- p.116 / Description of sample characteristics --- p.117 / Assessment of homogeneity of the study groups --- p.117 / Detection of the intervention effect --- p.118 / Justification for choosing parametric statistical tests over non-parametric statistical tests --- p.118 / Adoption of the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) model --- p.119 / Rationale for adopting the GEE model --- p.119 / Choosing the appropriate link function and working correlation matrix --- p.121 / Control of possible covariates in data analysis --- p.123 / Qualitative data --- p.124 / Ethical considerations --- p.125 / Principle of respect for persons --- p.126 / Principle of beneficence --- p.127 / Principle of justice --- p.128 / Summary --- p.129 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- RESULTS / Introduction --- p.132 / Recruitment and characteristics of participants --- p.133 / Recruitment of participants --- p.133 / Characteristics of the participants --- p.137 / Characteristics of the study sample and homogeneity among study groups --- p.140 / Characteristics of the study sample --- p.141 / Homogeneity of the characteristics of participants who received and those who did not receive the intervention in the study --- p.145 / Homogeneity of the characteristics of participants in the experimental and the placebo-controlled groups --- p.145 / Complementary effects of auriculotherapy in managing constipation --- p.149 / Adopting the GEE model --- p.152 / Checking the missing data --- p.152 / Identifying the covariates --- p.152 / Choosing the appropriate link function --- p.153 / Choosing the appropriate working correlation matrix --- p.160 / Complementary effects of auriculotherapy on constipation symptoms and disease-specific HRQOL --- p.160 / Complementary effects of auriculotherapy on constipation symptoms --- p.161 / Constipation symptoms (PAC-SYM) --- p.161 / Subscales of constipation symptoms --- p.165 / Abdominal symptoms subscale --- p.165 / Rectal symptoms subscale --- p.168 / Stool symptoms subscale --- p.172 / Summary of the complementary effects of auriculotherapy on constipation symptoms --- p.175 / Complementary effects of auriculotherapy on disease-specific HRQOL --- p.177 / Disease-specific HRQOL (PAC-QOL) --- p.177 / Subscales of disease-specific HRQOL --- p.181 / Physical discomfort subscale --- p.181 / Psychosocial discomfort subscale --- p.185 / Worries and concerns subscale --- p.186 / Satisfaction subscale --- p.190 / Summary of the complementary effects of auriculotherapy on disease-specific HRQOL --- p.193 / Effect size calculation --- p.196 / Findings revealed from study records --- p.197 / Monitoring of the intervention dose --- p.198 / Change of bowel movement pattern --- p.198 / Change in drug administration --- p.200 / Reporting of side effects associated with auriculotherapy --- p.202 / Reporting of unexpected beneficial effects after receiving auriculotherapy --- p.202 / Qualitative findings revealed from interview --- p.203 / Recruitment of informants --- p.203 / Characteristics of the informants --- p.204 / Qualitative findings --- p.207 / Benefits of auriculotherapy in managing constipation --- p.208 / Minor discomforts associated with auriculotherapy --- p.210 / Life as usual with the use of auriculotherapy --- p.210 / Willingness to adopt and recommend auriculotherapy to others --- p.213 / Summary of the qualitative findings --- p.214 / Summary --- p.215 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- DISCUSSION / Introduction --- p.217 / Profile of participants --- p.217 / Demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants --- p.218 / Baselines outcome variables of the participants --- p.224 / Clinical value of auriculotherapy with magnetic pellets in managing constipation --- p.226 / Summary of the key findings --- p.226 / Complementary effects in relieving constipation symptoms and in promoting disease-specific HRQOL --- p.228 / Safe and well-accepted intervention --- p.236 / Culturally relevant care modality --- p.239 / Challenges associated with recruiting elderly participants --- p.241 / Strengths and limitations of the current study --- p.246 / Strengths of the study --- p.246 / Limitations of the study --- p.253 / Summary --- p.257 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- CONCLUSION / Introduction --- p.258 / Contribution of new knowledge to nursing --- p.258 / Implications for nursing practice --- p.259 / Clinical application of auriculotherapy in nursing practice --- p.261 / Strategies to promote integration of auriculotherapy into nursing practice --- p.263 / Implications for nursing research --- p.266 / Recommendations for further studies --- p.268 / Conclusion of the whole study --- p.269 / REFERENCES (ENGLISH) --- p.273 / REFERENCES (CHINESE) --- p.303
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Potencial da Farinha de Bagaço de Maçã no tratamento dietoterápico de pessoas idosas Ponta Grossa 2007Coelho, Laylla Marques 23 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-23 / The industrialization of the apple, in particular of the juice, generates in the processing, as main residue, or by-product, the pomace, for which the concern in managing it adequately must be enters the priorities of the processing industries.
The composition physicist-chemistry of the apple pomace flour in this study presented 43% of staple fibers in dry base. The studies on staple fibers demonstrate that they show a hypocholesterolemic action, therefore reduce the
digestion and the absorption of the dietary lipids, increases the fecal eliminate acid biliary and steroid the neutral ones, increases the production of acid of short chain in colon and diminishes the percentage of biliary elementary schools in bile. The objective of this study was to develop an alimentary product for an assay of cost evaluation/benefit, with group of aged in confinement, being used 30 g/day apple pomace flour, supplemented in products daily. The research counted on the free participation of 31 citizens that had carried through laboratories examinations of glucose, cholesterol and fractions and triglycerides and had answered questions on intestinal functioning. The averages of the results of total cholesterol and LDLcholesterol shown that in the group it was controlled did not have reduction during the intervention with the apple pomace flour and in the group in intervention of the
apple pomace flour in its feeding had reduction of up to 14,71% and 14,69% respectively. Proving that the apple pomace flour can constitute potential alternative source of the alimentary fiber for the food formularization and
demonstrates to trend in the reduction of the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. / A industrialização da maçã, em particular do suco, gera como principal resíduo, ou subproduto, o bagaço, sendo que a preocupação em gerenciá-lo adequadamente deve estar entre as prioridades das indústrias processadoras. A composição
físico-química da farinha de bagaço de maçã neste estudo apresentou 43% de fibras em base seca. Os estudos sobre as fibras demonstram que elas exercem uma ação hipocolesterolêmica, pois reduzem a digestão e a absorção dos lipídeos dietéticos, aumentam a excreção fecal dos ácidos biliares e esteróis neutros, aumentam a produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta no cólon e diminuem a porcentagem de ácidos biliares primários na bile. O objetivo deste estudo foi
desenvolver um produto alimentar, num ensaio de avaliação de custo/benefício, com grupo de idosos em confinamento, utilizando 30g de farinha de bagaço de maçã/dia, suplementados em produtos do cotidiano. A pesquisa contou com a livre participação de 31 idosos, que realizaram exames laboratoriais de glicemia, colesterol e frações e triglicerídeos e responderam questões sobre seu funcionamento intestinal. As médias dos resultados de colesterol total e LDLcolesterol
mostraram que no grupo controle não houve redução durante a intervenção com a farinha de bagaço de maçã e no grupo em intervenção da farinha de bagaço de maçã em sua alimentação houve redução de até 14,71% e 14,69% respectivamente, comprovando que a farinha de bagaço de maçã pode constituir fonte alternativa potencial da fibra alimentar para a formulação de alimentos e demonstra tendência na redução do colesterol total e LDL-colesterol.
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Reabilitação vestibular e qualidade de vida em idosos com queixa de tonturaPaz-Oliveira, Andréa 30 July 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-07-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / INTRODUCTION: The balance disorders, clinically characterized as dizziness, vertigo,
imbalance and falls are among the most common complaints of the elderly population.
Aging impairs the ability of the central nervous system to perform the signal processing
vestibular, visual and proprioceptive responsible for maintaining body balance and
diminishes the capacity for adaptive changes in reflexes. These degenerative
processes are responsible for the occurrence of vertigo and/or dizziness and
imbalance in the geriatric population. The program of vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is
composed of exercises that aim to promote the return of function of the static and
dynamic balance, restoring also the spatial orientation and is one of the most effective
methods to recover body balance in the elderly because it is able to decrease
dizziness, better balance and consequently improve the quality of life of the elderly.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of vestibular rehabilitation in a group of elderly
patients with dizziness. METHOD: This is a prospective, longitudinal, qualitative and
quantitative. All subjects responded to the dizziness handicap inventory (DHI Brazilian
version - Dizziness Handicap Inventory) and underwent the tests of static and dynamic
balance as follows: Romberg, Romberg Barre, Utenberg, Fournier and linear walking
test with eyes open and eyes closed before and after the RV. There were eight VR
sessions in groups of three to four subjects and the protocol used was the Cawthorne
and Cooksey. The exclusion criteria was used Mini Mental State Examination - MMSE,
which assists in screening the cognitive status of the elderly. RESULTS: We evaluated
10 patients, four men (40%) and 6 women (60%). In this sample, 60% of patients had
tinnitus. Their ages ranged between 62 and 83 years, with a mean of 68.9 years. In the
walking tests, all subjects were able to perform more tests, eyes open (EO) and Closed
Eyes condition (EC) after VR, and the average VR for EO was 3.3 pre and post VR
was 4,4 and provided the average pre EC VR = 1.5 and 3.7 after RV. The result of DHI
was lower after the RV in all subjects, with the average of the DHI before RV was 33.8
and after RV was 8.0. CONCLUSION: The elderly with dizziness showed impaired
quality of life in relation to physical, emotional and functional, evaluated the application
of Brazilian DHI. After all reported a decrease in RV dizziness and improve balance
with improved quality of life, both in the physical, functional and emotional. In all tests
of static and dynamic seniors have improved, managing to do more tests after the RV.
It was also observed that the factors age, sex and vestibular were not determining
factors for the end of treatment response / INTRODUÇÃO: As alterações do equilíbrio corporal, clinicamente caracterizadas
como tontura, vertigem, desequilíbrio e queda, estão entre as queixas mais comuns da
população idosa. O envelhecimento compromete a habilidade do sistema nervoso
central em realizar o processamento dos sinais vestibulares, visuais e proprioceptivos
responsáveis pela manutenção do equilíbrio corporal, bem como diminui a capacidade
de modificações dos reflexos adaptativos. Esses processos degenerativos são
responsáveis pela ocorrência de vertigem e/ou tontura e de desequilíbrio na população
geriátrica. O programa de Reabilitação Vestibular (RV) é composto por exercícios que
objetivam promover o retorno da função dos equilíbrios estático e dinâmico,
restaurando também a orientação espacial e é um dos métodos mais efetivos na
recuperação do equilíbrio corporal do idoso, pois é capaz de diminuir a tontura,
melhorar o equilíbrio e, consequentemente, melhorar a qualidade de vida dos idosos.
OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da reabilitação vestibular em um grupo de idosos
com queixa de tontura. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo prospectivo, longitudinal, quantiqualitativo.
Todos os sujeitos responderam ao inventário de handicap para tontura
(DHI versão brasileira - Dizziness Handicap Inventory) e realizaram os testes de
equilíbrio estático e dinâmico a saber: Romberg, Romberg Barré, Utenberg, Fournier e
teste de marcha linear com olhos abertos e com olhos fechados, antes e depois da
RV. Foram realizadas oito sessões de RV em grupo de três a quatro sujeitos e, o
protocolo utilizado foi o de Cawthorne e Cooksey. Como critério de exclusão foi
utilizado o Mini Exame do Estado Mental MEEM, que auxilia na triagem do estado
cognitivo do idoso. RESULTADO: Foram avaliados 10 pacientes, sendo 4 homens
(40%) e 6 mulheres (60%). Nessa amostra, 60% dos pacientes apresentaram a queixa
de zumbido. As idades variaram entre 62 e 83 anos, apresentando média de 68,9
anos. Nos testes de Marcha, todos os sujeitos conseguiram realizar mais testes, tanto
na condição Olhos Abertos (OA) quanto na condição Olhos Fechados (OF) após a RV,
sendo que a média para OA pré RV foi de 3,3 e pós RV foi de 4,4 e na condição OF a
média pré RV foi de 1,5 e pós RV 3,7. O resultado do DHI foi menor após a RV em
todos os sujeitos, sendo que a média do DHI pré RV foi de 33,8 e pós RV foi de 8,0.
CONCLUSÃO: Os idosos com queixa de tontura apresentaram prejuízo na qualidade
de vida, em relação aos aspectos físicos, funcionais e emocionais, avaliados à
aplicação do DHI brasileiro. Após a RV todos relataram diminuição da tontura e
melhora do equilíbrio, com melhora na qualidade de vida, tanto nos aspectos físico,
funcional e emocional. Em todas as provas de equilíbrio estático e dinâmico os idosos
obtiveram melhora, conseguindo fazer mais provas após a RV. Observou-se ainda que
os fatores idade, sexo e exame vestibular não fatores determinantes para a resposta
final do tratamento
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Proposta de um programa de reabilitação auditiva e cognitiva em idosos usuários de auxiliares de audição: estudo piloto / Proposal for a hearing and cognitive rehabilitation program in elderly users of hearing aids: a pilot studyMagrini, Amanda Monteiro 30 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Hearing loss due to aging involves cognitive, psychosocial and physiological
changes in the elderly.
Objective: to describe and apply a hearing/cognitive rehabilitation
program for elderly hearing aid first users.
Method: descriptive, exploratory design research,
with longitudinal case study. The sample was composed of six participants, with bilateral
sensorineural hearing loss, mild to moderate grade, first users of hearing aid, distributed in
two groups:
GMCR-conducted auditory cognitive training/with background noise and GMSRconducted
auditory cognitive training/without background noise. All participated four training
sessions that began after the adaptation of the hearing aid. All have been assessed by means of
tests of recognition of sentences with and without the presence of background noise, selfassessment
questionnaire of auditory handicap for elderly (HHIE-S), at the beginning and at
the end of the auditory/cognitive training program. In the training were emphasized the
following activities: evocation, selective attention/attention, auditory and visual synthesis
analysis, figure/background visual and auditory, rhyme, rhythm, decoding and encoding
graphics, comprehension, logical reasoning and memory. Results: In the GMCR two subjects
show improvement in tests of recognition of sentences in noise (LRSR) and silence (SRTS).
Only one subject presented benefit at recognition index of sentences in noise (IRSR) and
without noise (IRSS).
In the GMSR two participants showed improvement in the SRTS with
decreased loudness. The more types of errors presented in the two groups were: semantic
changes, partial omission and total omission. Conclusion: all participants showed
improvement in auditory handicap and GMCR presented a greater benefit than GMSR. The
auditory/cognitive training proposal showed that training with noise background may be a
successful strategy for the most common claim of elderly listening in-noise / A perda auditiva decorrente do envelhecimento implica mudanças fisiológicas,
psicossociais e cognitivas nos idosos. Objetivo: Descrever e aplicar um programa de
reabilitação auditiva/cognitiva em idosos usuários de auxiliares de audição (Aparelho de
Amplificação Sonora Individual - AASI). Método: trata-se de pesquisa com desenho
descritivo, exploratório, longitudinal com estudo de caso. A amostra foi composta por seis
participantes, primeiro usuários de AASI, portadores de perda auditiva neurossensorial
bilateral, de grau leve a moderado, distribuídos em dois grupos: GMCR realizaram
treinamento auditivo/cognitivo com ruído de fundo e GMSR - realizaram treinamento
auditivo/cognitivo sem ruído de fundo. Todos participaram de quatro sessões de treinamento
que se iniciaram após a adaptação do AASI. Foram avaliados por meio dos testes de
reconhecimento de sentenças com e sem presença de ruído de fundo, questionário de auto
avaliação do handicap auditivo para idosos (HHIE-S), no inicio e ao final do programa de
treinamento auditivo/cognitivo. No treinamento foram enfatizadas as seguintes atividades:
evocação, atenção/atenção seletiva, análise síntese auditiva e visual, figura/fundo auditiva e
visual, rima, ritmo, decodificação e codificação gráfica, compreensão, raciocínio lógico e
memória. Resultados: No GMCR dois sujeitos mostraram melhora nos testes de
reconhecimento de sentenças no ruído (LRSR) e no silêncio (LRSS). Apenas um sujeito
apresentou benefício na medida do índice de reconhecimento de sentenças com ruído (IRSR)
e sem ruído (IRSS). No GMSR houve melhora em dois participantes no LRSS com
diminuição da intensidade sonora. Os tipos de erros mais apresentados nos dois grupos foram:
trocas semânticas, omissão parcial e omissão total. Conclusão: todos os participantes
apresentaram melhora no handicap auditivo e o GMCR apresentou um maior benefício do
uso do AASI do que o GMSR. A proposta de treinamento auditivo/cognitivo mostrou que o
uso do ruído de fundo pode ser uma estratégia de sucesso para a melhora da queixa mais
comum entre os idosos ouvir em presença de ruído
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Investigação do limiar de resolução temporal auditiva em idosos ouvintes / Research of the auditory temporal resolution threshold in the elderly listenersQueiroz, Daniela Soares de 27 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction: The auditory temporal resolution ability is responsible for the identification of silence gaps in function of time, allowing the perception of the occurrence of one or two stimuli. This auditory ability disorders are frequently associated with difficulties in phonological processing and in auditory discrimination of temporal cues in speech. Studies report that elderly subjects need a bigger gap to identify the presence of two tones and this would explain some of the complaints about the speech comprehension of this population. Objective: To measure the temporal resolution threshold in elderly people through the Random Gap Detection Test Expanded (RGDT-E), developed by Keith (2002), and to verify the correlation between the RGDT results for the variables gender, age, audiometric threshold and punctuation in the Self-Assessment of Communication questionnaire (SAC). Methodology: We evaluated 63 subjects of both genders with normal peripheral hearing or symmetric mild sensorineural hearing loss. Results: A better performance was observed, in milliseconds (ms), of the male gender group in all evaluated frequencies, where the RGDT results average is between 500 and 4000 Hz frequencies, for the female gender of 104,81 ms (DP+- 48,8 ms), and for the male gender of 22,08 ms (DP+- 20,15). Regarding the SAC results, most part of the evaluated people (62:63) didn't present significant complaints of communication difficulty (SAC of level 1 or 2), where in the male gender group any subject (0:10) presented significant complaints of communication difficulty, and in the female gender group, only 1:53 presented complaints (SAC of level 3). The results for the SAC in percentage were also similar in both groups, with an average of 9,95% (DP+- 12,28%) for the women group and of 7,78% (DP+- 7,12) for the men group. When the SAC questionnaire was compared with the RGDT, it was observed that between the male gender subjects only one subject, among 10 evaluated, presented temporal resolution threshold bigger than 20ms and also presented SAC of level 1. On the other hand, in the female gender group, 50 women, among 53 evaluated, presented medium results for the RDGT bigger than 20ms; however, only one presented significant complaint of communication difficulty (SAC of level 3). In the statistic analysis of the variable gender over the variables RGDT and SAC, it was observed that both genders are statistically different only on the RGDT results. On the other hand, it wasn't observed significant statistically differences between the genders for the SAC. Concerning the age and the audiometric configuration, significant statistically differences weren't observed for the RGDT variables or for the SAC. Conclusion: Comparing the RGDT results with the reference values for young population, the age presented to be a complicate factor of the temporal resolution thresholds, mainly for the female gender; however, even with increased thresholds, this population doesn't mention communication difficulties / Introdução: A habilidade auditiva de resolução temporal é responsável pela identificação de intervalos de silêncio em função do tempo, possibilitando a percepção da ocorrência de um ou dois estímulos sonoros. Transtornos desta habilidade auditiva estão freqüentemente relacionados a dificuldades de processamento fonológico e discriminação auditiva de pistas temporais da fala. Pesquisas relatam que o sujeito idoso necessita de intervalo maior para identificar a presença de dois tons e isso explicaria algumas das queixas de compreensão de fala dessa população. Objetivo: Medir o limiar de resolução temporal em idosos através do Teste de Detecção de Intervalo Aleatório Expandido (RGDT-E), desenvolvido por Keith (2002) e verificar a correlação entre os resultados do RGDT para as variáveis gênero, idade, limiar audiométrico e pontuação no questionário de auto-avaliação da comunicação (SAC). Metodologia: Foram avaliados 63 indivíduos de ambos os gêneros com audição periférica normal ou perda do tipo neurossensorial, simétrica de até grau leve. Resultados: Observou-se melhor desempenho, em milissegundos (ms), do grupo do gênero masculino em todas as freqüências avaliadas, sendo a média dos resultados do RGDT entre as freqüências de 500 e 4000 Hz, para o gênero feminino de 104,81 ms (DP ± 48,8 ms), e para o gênero masculino de 22,08 ms (DP ± 20,15). Com relação aos resultados do SAC, a maior parte da população avaliada (62:63) não apresentou queixas significativas de dificuldade de comunicação (SAC de grau 1 ou 2), sendo que no grupo do gênero masculino, nenhum sujeito (0:10) apresentou queixas significativas de dificuldade de comunicação e, no grupo do gênero feminino, apenas 1:53 apresentou queixa (SAC de grau 3). Os resultados para o SAC em porcentagem também foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos, com média de 9,95% (DP ± 12,28%) para o grupo de mulheres e de 7,78% (DP ± 7,12%) para o grupo de homens. Quando comparados os resultados do questionário SAC com o RGDT, observou-se que dentre os sujeitos do gênero masculino, apenas um sujeito, dentre os 10 avaliados, apresentou limiar de resolução temporal maior do que 20 ms e mesmo assim apresentava SAC de Grau 1. Em contrapartida, no grupo do gênero feminino, 50 mulheres, entre as 53 avaliadas, apresentaram resultados médios para o RDGT maiores do que 20 ms, entretanto, apenas uma apresentou queixa significativa de dificuldade de comunicação (SAC de Grau 3). Na análise estatística da variável gênero sobre as variáveis RGDT e SAC, observou-se que ambos os gêneros são estatisticamente diferentes apenas para os resultados do RGDT. Em contrapartida, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os gêneros para o SAC. Com relação à idade e à configuração audiométrica não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas tanto para as variáveis do RGDT quanto para o SAC. Conclusão: Comparando os resultados do RGDT com os valores de referência para a população jovem, a idade mostrou-se fator de piora dos limiares de resolução temporal, principalmente para o gênero feminino, entretanto, mesmo com limiares aumentados, essa população não refere dificuldades de comunicação
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O sentido atribuído à audição e às condições de vida por idosos institucionalizados com e sem deficiência auditiva / The meaning attributed to audition and the conditions of life of the aged people who live in institutions with and without hearing deficiencySousa, Patricia Machado de 02 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to research the meanings attributed to audition and
the conditions of life of the aged people with and without hearing deficiency. It
was also with the aim of this study to make the reader aware with respect to the
universe in which the research is inserted. A revision in the existing readings
was made, with emphasis on hearing deficiency and the quality of life when
ageing, in the aged in institutions and in the universe of the oral history. Method
used: It was employed the procedure in the thematic oral history, having as
participants 17, aged people in institutions, of both genders and over 60 years
of age. The participants were distributed in two groups: G1 with impaired
hearing and G2 without hearing deficiency, after exams of pure-tone
audiometer. The number of participants was reduced to eight, during the
procedure of data collecting, once it was taken into account the saturation, or
the repetition of the information in their statement which took to the exhaustion
of data under analysis. The results revealed that great part of the aged
interviewed had a good quality of life even the ones with impaired hearing
showed that they found a way to overcome that problem and live in a creative
way taking their own decisions. It was found out that just a small minority
referred that the impaired hearing produced some restriction to his or her
personal and social life, showing that isolation, anger, frustration and
dependence are expected reactions in the aged with loss of hearing however
they are not compulsory and nor generalized. Conclusion: These data reveal
that there was a sensible change in the meaning attributed to audition in the
conditions of life in the two groups of aged studied, which valued the active
ageing, minimizing the impact of the hearing deficiency in their lives / O objetivo deste estudo foi estudar os sentidos atribuídos à audição e às
condições de vida de idosos institucionalizados com e sem deficiência auditiva.
Com o intuito de situar o leitor a respeito do universo no qual esta pesquisa se
insere, foi efetuada uma revisão de literatura, com ênfase na deficiência
auditiva e a qualidade de vida no envelhecimento; nos idosos
institucionalizados e no universo da história oral. Método: Foi empregado o
procedimento da história oral temática, tendo como participantes 17 idosos
institucionalizados, de ambos os sexos e com idade superior a 60 anos. Os
participantes foram então distribuídos em dois grupos: G1- com deficiência
auditiva e G2 - sem deficiência auditiva, constatada por meio do exame de
audiometria tonal liminar. O número de participantes foi reduzido para oito, no
decorrer da coleta de dados, uma vez que foi levada em conta a saturação, ou
seja, a repetição das informações nas declarações dos mesmos, o que levou
ao esgotamento dos dados sob análise. Os resultados revelaram que grande
parte dos idosos entrevistados possui uma boa qualidade de vida, mesmo os
idosos com deficiência auditiva mostraram que encontraram maneiras de
superar este problema e viver de forma criativa, tomando suas próprias
decisões. Verificou-se que apenas uma minoria referiu que a dificuldade
auditiva restringe sua vida pessoal ou social, mostrando com isso que o
isolamento, a raiva, frustração e dependência são reações esperadas para os
idosos com perda auditiva, no entanto, não são obrigatórias e nem podem ser
generalizadas. Conclusão: Esses dados revelam que houve uma sensível
mudança de sentido atribuído à audição e às condições de vida nos dois
grupos de idosos estudados, que valorizaram o envelhecimento ativo,
minimizando o impacto da deficiência auditiva em suas vidas
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O idoso e a família: investigação sobre a dinâmica dos papéis sociaisZani, Lucia Helena da Silva 21 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The central objective of this dissertation was to investigate, from the binomial "aged and family", the dynamics of the social papers presents in the familiar relations. Of place privileged of relationary and affective exchanges has very the family consists as one that involve, usually, different generations. However, in the condition of social and cultural fact, the institution family folloies the transformations that, consolidated in the economy and the politics, are unfolded in new familiar arrangements and significant alterations in the "busy places" and in the roles played for aged men and women, children, young. They are unfolded, equally, in the size of the familiar units. In the present time, the hegemonic model of family is the "nuclear one", not being few the lesser familiar units that the nuclear one. The changes in the composition and the structure of the family, added to the expressive increase of the aged population, come in such a way imposing innumerable challenges for the families, how much for whom they age. Despite the aged ones that, for personal option or necessity, they inhabit in Institutions of Long Permanence, they are not few the ones that live with familiar, wants as family heads, want as dependents of whom "they receive them". How live the aged ones that children and/or other relatives live with? What one expects of them? What the aged ones wait in that they compose the familiar unit? How are developed the relations between the different generations in the interior of the familiar units? These had been the investigations that had guided the carried through inquiry. For the field research the option fell again on the qualitative methodology. For the collection of data the technique of the interview in depth was used. Less than the amount of interviews, it imported the establishment of relations that, to the side to give voice to the citizens, had allowed the access to a significant set of information, feelings, joys and sadnesses present in three types of familiar experience / O objetivo central desta dissertação foi investigar, a partir do binômio família e idoso , a dinâmica dos papéis sociais presentes nas relações familiares. De há muito a família constitui-se como um lócus privilegiado de trocas relacionais e afetivas que envolvem, via de regra, diferentes gerações. No entanto, na condição de fato social e cultural, a instituição família acompanha as transformações que, radicadas na economia e na política, desdobram-se em novos arranjos familiares e em alterações significativas nos lugares ocupados e nos papéis desempenhados por homens e mulheres, crianças, jovens e idosos. Desdobram-se, igualmente, no tamanho das unidades familiares. Na atualidade, o modelo de família hegemônico é o nuclear , não sendo poucas as unidades familiares menores que a nuclear. As mudanças na composição e na estrutura da família, somadas ao expressivo aumento da população idosa, vêm impondo inúmeros desafios tanto para as famílias, quanto para aqueles que envelhecem. Apesar dos idosos que, por opção pessoal ou por necessidade, residem em Instituições de Longa Permanência, não são poucos os que moram com familiares, quer como chefes de família, quer como dependentes dos que os acolhem . Como vivem os idosos que moram com filhos e/ou outros parentes? O que se espera deles? O que os idosos esperam dos que compõem a unidade familiar? Como se desenvolvem as relações intergeracionais no interior das unidades familiares? Estas foram as indagações que nortearam a investigação realizada. Para a pesquisa de campo a opção recaiu sobre a metodologia qualitativa. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a técnica da entrevista em profundidade. Menos que a quantidade de entrevistas, importou o estabelecimento de relações que, ao lado de darem voz aos sujeitos, permitiram o acesso a um conjunto significativo de informações, sentimentos, alegrias e tristezas presentes em três tipos de vivência familiar
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Responsabilidade filial no cuidado aos pais idosos e a relação com o bem-estar / Filial responsability in the care of the elderly parents and the relationship with the well-being / Responsabilidad filial en el cuidado a los padres ancianos y la relación en el bienestarAires, Marinês January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Responsabilidade filial é norma social ou cultural referente ao comportamento dos filhos no cuidado aos pais idosos, que pode ser avaliada pelas atitudes dos filhos e como isso afeta o bem-estar dos cuidadores. Objetivo: analisar a responsabilidade filial no cuidado aos pais idosos e a repercussão deste cuidado no bem-estar dos filhos. Métodos: duas etapas - Estudo metodológico: adaptação transcultural do protocolo canadense Filial Responsability com base nas etapas: tradução inicial, síntese das traduções, retrotradução, comitê de especialistas, pré-teste, submissão do protocolo aos autores e a avaliação das medidas psicométricas. Estudo misto: replicação do estudo canadense por triangulação concomitante de dados com amostra intencional de 100 filhos cuidadores de pessoas idosas de duas unidades de saúde da região central de Porto Alegre. O protocolo canadense adaptado na etapa metodológica contém questões abertas e sete escalas. Foram feitas análises descritiva e inferencial. Para avaliar as associações entre atitudes e comportamentos e desses com bem-estar, utilizou-se o coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e Spearman, testes t–student ou análise de variância. Variáveis que apresentaram um valor p<0,20 na análise bivariada foram inseridas em um modelo multivariado de regressão linear para avaliar o bem-estar. Na etapa qualitativa, as informações foram analisadas por Análise Temática e, após, realizada triangulação dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Projeto aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (CAAE 19579013.2.0000.5327). Resultados: No estudo metodológico, todas as etapas foram realizadas de forma satisfatória. Prevaleceram filhas cuidadoras (74) com média de idade de 54,04± 10,17 anos. Nas atitudes de responsabilidade filial, num total máximo de 25 pontos, a média da escala de Expectativa Filial foi de 22,6 pontos (máximo 25 pontos) e na de Dever Filial foi de 28,2 (representando 94% do valor máximo da escala). Quanto aos comportamentos de cuidado, a maioria prestava apoio emocional (80) e companhia (71). As atitudes de responsabilidade (expectativa e dever filial) associaram-se aos comportamentos de cuidar, apoio emocional e financeiro, e companhia apresentou associação significativa apenas com dever filial. As atitudes de responsabilidade filial e comportamentos de cuidado estavam relacionados com o bem-estar do cuidador, o dever filial se associou somente no índice de bem-estar (p ≤0,05). O apoio financeiro e a ajuda nas atividades de vida diária (AVDs) foram fatores para a sobrecarga do filho cuidador (p ≤0,05), a companhia para a satisfação com a vida e o apoio emocional para a qualidade dos relacionamentos (p ≤0,05). Na etapa qualitativa, houve quatro categorias: Possibilidade de institucionalização dos pais; Expectativa de cuidado; Dificuldades em ser filho cuidador; Sentimentos de responsabilidade filial. Conclusão: a versão brasileira apresentou boa equivalência conceitual e semântica. Os resultados demonstram que os conceitos e itens utilizados no protocolo canadense são aplicáveis ao contexto brasileiro. Os filhos cuidadores apresentaram escores elevados de reponsabilidade filial, com maior prevalência de comportamentos no auxílio às AIVDs e apoio emocional. Sobrecarga esteve relacionada com dar apoio financeiro e emocional, ajudar em AVDs e prestar companhia. / Introduction: Filial responsibility is a social or cultural standard regarding the behavior of sons and daughters in the care of elderly parents, which may be assessed by their attitude and the way it affects caregivers’ welfare. Objective: Analyze filial responsibility in caring for elderly parents and its impact in the welfare of children. Methods: two steps - Methodological study: cross-cultural adaptation of the Canadian Protocol Filial Responsibility based on the following steps: initial translation, synthesis of translations, back translation, experts committee, pretest, protocol submission to authors, and assessment of psychometric measures. Mixed Study: Replication of a Canadian study through Concurrent data triangulation with purposive sample of 100 children caregivers for elderly people in two health units in the central region of the city of Porto Alegre. The Canadian protocol adapted in the methodological step provides open questions and seven scales. Descriptive and inferential analyzes have been performed. In order to evaluate the associations between attitudes and behaviors and their relation with wellbeing, we applied the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, t-Student test or analysis of variance. Variables with p<0.20 in the bivariate analysis were included in a multivariate linear regression model to assess welfare. In the qualitative stage, the data were analyzed by thematic analysis, proceeding later with a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data. The Project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Porto Alegre Clinical Hospital (CAAE 19579013.2.0000.5327). Results: Throughout the methodological study all steps were carried out satisfactorily. There were more daughters caregivers (74) with an average age of 54.04± 10.17 years old. In filial responsibility attitudes, a total maximum of 25 points, the average filial expectation scale was 22.6 points ( maximum 25 points) and of filial duty was 28.2 (representing 94% of the maximum scale value). As for the behavior of care, most paid emotional support (80) and company (71). The responsibility attitudes (expectation and filial duty) have joined forces to care behaviors, emotional and financial support, and the company was significantly associated only with filial duty. Attitudes of filial responsibility and care behaviors were related to the welfare of the caregiver, filial duty joined only to well-being index (p ≤0.05). The Financial Support and Help at daily life activities (DLAs) were Factors for a child caregiver burden (p ≤0.05), the company for life satisfaction and the emotional support for the quality of relationships (p ≤0.05). In the qualitative stage, there were four categories: Possibility of institutionalization of parents; expectation of care; Feelings of filial responsibility, Difficulties in being a caregiver child.Conclusion: the Brazilian version presented good conceptual and semantics equivalence. The results show that the concepts and items used in the Canadian protocol are applicable to the Brazilian context. Children caregiver had high scores of filial responsibility, with highest prevalence of behaviors daily life activities (DLAs) and emotional support. Overload has been related to giving financial and emotional support, helping in DLAs and making company. / Introducción: Responsabilidad filial es norma social o cultural referente al comportamiento de los hijos en el cuidado a los padres ancianos, que puede ser evaluada por las actitudes de los hijos y cómo ello afecta al bienestar de los cuidadores. Objetivo: analizar la responsabilidad filial en el cuidado a los padres ancianos y la repercusión de este cuidado en el bienestar de los hijos. Métodos: dos etapas - Estudio metodológico: adaptación transcultural del protocolo canadiense Filial Responsibility con base en las etapas: traducción inicial, síntesis de las traducciones, retro traducción, comité de especialistas, pre-teste, sumisión del protocolo a los autores y la evaluación de las medidas psicométricas. Estudio mixto: replicación del estudio canadiense por triangulación concomitante de datos con muestra intencional de 100 hijos cuidadores de personas ancianas de dos unidades de salud de la región central de Porto Alegre. El protocolo canadiense adaptado en la etapa metodológica contiene cuestiones abiertas y siete escalas. Fue hecho análisis descriptivo e inferencial. Para evaluar las asociaciones entre actitudes y comportamientos y de ésos con bienestar, se utilizó coeficientes de correlación de Pearson y Spearman, testes t–student o análisis de variancia. Variables que presentaron un valor p<0,20 en el análisis bivariado fueron inseridas en un modelo multivariado de regresión linear para evaluar el bienestar. En la etapa cualitativa, las informaciones fueron analizadas por Análisis Temático y, después, realizada triangulación de los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Proyecto aprobado por el Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (CAAE 19579013.2.0000.5327). Resultados: En el estudio metodológico, todas las etapas fueron realizadas de forma satisfactoria. Prevalecieron hijas cuidadoras (74) con promedio de edad de 54,04± 10,17 años. En las actitudes de responsabilidad filial, en un total máximo de 25 puntos, el promedio de la escala de Expectativa Filial fue de 22,6 puntos (máximo 25 puntos) y en la de deber filial fue de 28,2 (representando el 94% del valor máximo de la escala). En cuanto a los comportamientos de cuidado, la mayoría prestaba apoyo emocional (80) y compañía (71). Las actitudes de responsabilidad (expectativa y deber filial) se asociaron a los comportamientos de cuidar, apoyo emocional y financiero, y compañía presentó asociación significativa tan sólo con deber filial. Las actitudes de responsabilidad filial y comportamientos de cuidado estaban relacionados con el bienestar del cuidador, el deber filial se asoció solamente en el índice de bienestar (p ≤0,05). El apoyo financiero y la ayuda en las actividades de vida diaria (AVDs) fueron factores para la sobrecarga del hijo cuidador (p ≤0,05), la compañía para la satisfacción con la vida y el apoyo emocional para la calidad de las relaciones (p ≤0,05). En la etapa cualitativa, hubo cuatro categorías: Posibilidad de institucionalización de los padres; Expectativa de cuidado; Dificultades en ser hijo cuidador; Sentimientos de responsabilidad filial. Conclusión: la versión brasileña presentó buena equivalencia conceptual y semántica. Los resultados demuestran que los conceptos e ítems utilizados en el protocolo canadiense son aplicables al contexto brasileño. Los hijos cuidadores presentaron escores elevados de responsabilidad filial, con mayor prevalencia de comportamientos de en ayuda AIVD y apoyo emocional. Sobrecarga estuvo relacionada con dar apoyo financiero y emocional, ayudar en AVDs y prestar compañía.
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Utilização de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados por idosos brasileirosHermes, Gabriele Bester January 2017 (has links)
O aumento da proporção de idosos trouxe mudanças importantes no perfil de morbidade geral. Uma maior frequência de doenças crônicas faz com que a prescrição de medicamentos seja cada vez mais extensa e mais complexa nesta população. Estes aspectos, somados às variações farmacocinéticas e farmacodinâmicas relacionadas com a idade e à crescente medicalização, levam ao aumento do risco de problemas relacionados à farmacoterapia, tais como o uso de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPI) e correspondente aparecimento de reações adversas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o uso de MPI entre idosos brasileiros utilizando a Lista PRISCUS (2010). Os dados analisados são provenientes da Pesquisa Nacional de Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM), de caráter transversal e amostra probabilística populacional em municípios brasileiros urbanos. Neste estudo, foram analisadas as informações obtidas com a população de idosos (60 anos ou mais) (N=9.019). A variável independente foram os medicamentos utilizados por idosos com 60 anos ou mais. As variáveis intervenientes foram sexo, idade, escolaridade, nível econômico e região geográfica. Também foram analisadas as variáveis presença de doença crônica e médico que trata doença crônica. Uma análise multivariável foi realizada para identificar os fatores para o uso de medicamentos inapropriados. Do total de idosos, 18,1% utilizaram no mínimo um medicamento considerado potencialmente inapropriado, independente de dose, sendo que o grupo de medicamentos para o sistema nervoso correspondeu a 45,8%, sendo a amitriptilina a mais prevalente. O uso de medicamentos inapropriados foi maior em mulheres (20,4%), idosos com 80 anos ou mais (22,2%), idosos com nenhuma escolaridade (21,5%), nível econômico C (18,6%), região Sul do Brasil (22,4%), idosos com doença crônica (DC) (21,8%) e que tratavam a DC com mais de um médico (28%). De acordo com a análise multivariável, a variável que se mostrou associada à maior probabilidade para o uso de medicamentos inapropriados foi o aumento do número de medicamentos. Idosos que utilizam maior número de medicamentos simultaneamente (polifarmácia) têm maior probabilidade de terapia inapropriada. Com o intenso processo de envelhecimento, a tendência é aumentar a utilização de medicamentos na população. Programas de atenção ao idoso devem constar como prioridade dos órgãos públicos de saúde. / The proportion of aged has increased causing important changes in the general morbidity profile. A higher frequency of chronic diseases makes medications prescription more and more extensive and complex in this population. These aspects, coupled with pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variations related to age and increasing medicalization, lead to an increased risk of problems related to the use of medications, such as the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) and corresponding adverse reactions. This dissertation aims at evaluating the use of PIM among Brazilian elders using the PRISCUS List (2010). The analyzed data came from the National Survey of Access, Use and Promotion of the Rational Use of Medicines (PNAUM, in Portuguese), of transversal character and population probabilistic sample in urban Brazilian municipalities. In this study, the information obtained with the elderly population (60 years or more) (N=9.019) was analyzed. The independent variable was the medication used by the 60 years old people or older. The intervening variables were sex, age, schooling, economic level and geographic region. Also, it were analyzed the presence of chronic disease and the doctor who treats chronic disease. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify the risk factors for the use of inappropriate medications. Of the total aged, 18.1% used at least one medication considered to be potentially inappropriate, regardless of dose, and the group of medications for the nervous system corresponded to 45.8%, with amitriptyline being the most prevalent. The use of inappropriate medications was higher in women (20.4%), 80 years old people or older (22.2%), aged with no schooling (21.5%), economic level C (18.6%), South region of Brazil (22.4%), aged with chronic disease (CD) (21.8%) and who treated CD with more than one physician (28%). According to the multivariate analysis, the variable that was shown to be associated with the greatest probability for the use of inappropriate medications was the increase in the number of medications. Aged who use more medications at the same time are more likely to have inappropriate therapy. With the intense process of aging, the tendency is to increase the use of medications by the population. Aged care programs should be a priority of public health agencies.
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