Spelling suggestions: "subject:" age""
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Conhecimento de idosos sobre seus direitos / Elderly peoples knowledge of their rightsMartins, Maristela Santini 15 December 2008 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou identificar o conhecimento dos idosos a respeito dos seus direitos; conhecer, sob a perspectiva dos idosos, a influência da legislação/Estatuto do Idoso no seu cotidiano e descrever as sugestões dos idosos para o respeito aos seus direitos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa e com coleta de dados prospectiva, através de entrevista. A amostra é probabilística, aleatória e estratificada por sexo e idade. Foi composta por 63 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, freqüentadores de três Núcleos de Convivência de Idosos (NCI). As variáveis foram analisadas descritivamente, permitindo a verificação da freqüência absoluta e relativa das respostas. Para a comparação entre variáveis foi utilizada a análise de variância a um fator e o teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 5%. Do total de entrevistados, a maioria é do sexo feminino (95,2%), brasileira (95,2%), viúva (50,8%), aposentada (54,0%) e atendida na rede pública de saúde (57,1%). Os participantes, ainda, possuem idade média de 73,56 ± 6,72 anos, renda média de R$ 857,05 ± R$ 657,36 e freqüentaram a escola em média 4,19 ± 3,67 anos. Além disso, 38,1% moram sozinhos, 79,4% em residência própria, 93,7% utilizam como meio de transporte o público, 74,6% realizam atividades de lazer e 73,0% não recebem apoio para as atividades do dia-a-dia. Questionados se conheciam os direitos dos idosos, 49,2% responderam que sim e os direitos mais citados foram gratuidade no transporte (50,0%), prioridade no atendimento (38,1%) e existência de assentos preferenciais nos meios de transporte (28,6%). Quanto ao respeito a esses direitos, 25,0% acreditam que são respeitados e 44,4% que são respeitados parcialmente. Comparando as médias das variáveis idade, renda e escolaridade com as respostas obtidas quanto ao conhecimento dos direitos dos idosos e se os entrevistados acreditam que esses direitos são respeitados, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos. Quanto à atenção aos idosos, 57,1% acreditam terem ocorrido mudanças, sendo as mais evidentes a melhoria no atendimento (38,9%), a ampliação dos direitos (19,4%) e as mudanças ocorridas nos transportes (13,9%). Em relação ao Estatuto do Idoso (EI), a maioria afirmou ter ouvido falar (84,1%), mas não leu o documento (52,8%) ou leu parcialmente (26,4%). Quanto à interferência do EI na vida do idoso, 34,9% acreditam que está havendo e 37,7% que não. Quando interrogados se sentiram-se amparados pelo EI, 63,5% disseram que não e 14,3% que sim. Sobre o respeito ao EI, 49,1% acreditam que alguns direitos são respeitados. Quanto às medidas necessárias para que haja mais respeito aos direitos do idoso, os entrevistados responderam que é necessário conscientizar/educar a população (22,2%) e que os governantes sejam mais atuantes (14,3%). Conclui-se que o conhecimento dos direitos dos idosos independe de fatores como idade, renda e escolaridade. Apesar de a maioria já ter ouvido falar no EI, na prática, seus benefícios não estão sendo sentidos por todos os idosos. Para que haja maior respeito aos direitos dos idosos é necessário educar a população e ter uma atuação mais efetiva dos governantes / This study aimed to identify the elderly peoples knowledge regarding to their rights; discover, on the elderlys perspective, the influence of laws/Elderly Statute on their routine and describe elderly peoples suggestions for respecting their rights. Its a descriptive, exploratory research of quantitative approach and with prospective data collection through interviews. The sample is probabilistic, random and stratified by gender and age. It was made of 63 individuals whose age was 60 or older, attending three Elderly Living Centers (ELC). Variables were analyzed descriptively, allowing the verification of absolute and relative frequency of answers. For comparing the variables, it was used variance analysis of a factor and the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametrical test, with a significance level of 5%. From the total of interviewed people, most of them were from female gender (95.2%), Brazilian (95.2%), widow(er) (50.8%), retired (54.0%) and used the health public network (57.1%). Participants also had the average age of 73.56 ± 6.72 years old, average income of R$ 857,05 ± R$ 657,36 and attended school in average for 4.19 ± 3.67 years. Besides that, 38.1% lived alone, 79.4% had their own housing, 93.7% used public transportation, 74.6% had leisure activities and 73.0% didnt have support for their daily activities. When questioned if they knew elderly rights, 49.2% answered yes and the most mentioned rights were free transportation (50.0%), priority in attendance (38.1%) and the existence of preferential seats in the means of transportation (28.6%). Related to respecting these rights, 25.0% believe they are respected and 44.4% they are partially respected. Comparing the average of age, income and education variables to the answers obtained regarding to knowledge of elderly peoples rights and if the respondents believe these rights are respected, it was not found statistically significant differences among the groups. In relation to attention to elders, 57.1% believe that changes have happened, being most evident the improvement in attendance (38.9%), a amplification of rights (19.4%) and the changes made in the transportation (13.9%). In relation to the Elderly Statute (ES), most appointed that they have heard of it (84.1%), but they havent read the document (52.8%) or have read partially (26.4%). Regarding to the interference of ES on the elders lives, 34.9% believe that it has occurred and 37.7% it hasnt. When asked if they felt protected by the ES, 63.5% said no and 14.3% answered yes. In relation to the ES, 49.1% believe that some rights are respected. As the necessary attitudes for the elderly peoples rights to be more respected, the respondents replied that its necessary to aware/educate the population (22.2%) and policymakers should be more active (14.3%). It is concluded that knowledge of elderly peoples rights is independent of factors like age, income, and education. Although most of them have heard of ES, in practice, its benefits havent been felt by all of the elderly people. In order to have more respect to elderly peoples rights, its necessary to educate the population and have a more effective attitude from policymakers
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Necessidades e cuidados em saúde de idosos migrantes atendidos por equipes da estratégia de saúde da família / Needs and health care of transient and migrant aged assisted by teams of the family health strategySeabra, Cintia Arlete Ferreira 30 March 2011 (has links)
A acelerada transição demográfica ocorrida nas quatro últimas décadas trouxe implicações para os arranjos familiares, as relações de trabalho, o emprego e a renda, além do comum fenômeno da migração, sendo que as complexas relações entre essas dimensões acarretam importantes desafios para o cuidado em saúde dos idosos. No contexto da migração no país, os idosos em condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis têm migrado por contingências, sobretudo, relativas à saúde e moradia e, na maioria desses casos, o apoio necessário obtido em relação à saúde baseia-se, fundamentalmente, na Atenção Primária à Saúde, sob a Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as necessidades e o cuidado em saúde de idosos residentes no Município de São Paulo e migrantes do Nordeste, bem como os limites e potencialidades dos serviços de Atenção Primária no tocante a essa problemática. Busca-se, ainda, (re)considerar a relação entre usuários idosos e integrantes de equipes de Saúde da Família no Município de São Paulo, ao compreender a forma como as marcas identitárias são caracterizadas e em que medida podem influenciar a relação entre esses sujeitos, no que se refere ao tratamento de saúde. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de referencial qualitativo, que utilizou a técnica de entrevista em profundidade na produção dos dados empíricos, que consistiu em duas etapas: entrevistas realizadas com 06 idosos, com 60 anos ou mais, que se deslocaram para o Município de São Paulo, em um intervalo de 03 meses a 05 anos, com o propósito de tratar seu(s) problema(s) de saúde; e entrevistas com 09 profissionais de equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Referente à análise dos depoimentos, utilizou-se a técnica de análise temática de conteúdo, considerando as conjunturas, as razões e as lógicas de falas, bem como as ações e inter-relações estabelecidas com o coletivo e as instituições. Os resultados exibem a complexidade dos sentidos atribuídos às necessidades de saúde dessa população em específico, sendo que, de forma convergente, ambos os grupos entrevistados destacaram o entrelaçamento das necessidades de saúde e do adoecimento. Além disso, os constructos socioculturais regionalizados mostram-se imperativos, uma vez que o processo de significação, diante da necessidade em saúde, assume contornos firmados em experiências anteriores de saúde-doença-cuidado. Já a autopercepção de saúde, a definição de problema e as estratégias e recursos para o cuidado em saúde foram proporcionalmente relativos ao contexto (pessoal, social e econômico) no qual esses idosos estavam inseridos antes de residirem na metrópole paulistana. Segundo os profissionais, a carência de recursos, a falta de conscientização e a dificuldade de acesso aos serviços de saúde em suas localidades de origem resultam, muitas vezes, em um agregado de diagnósticos realizados em São Paulo. Por sua vez, para os idosos, a produção de cuidados está muito mais associada às práticas curativas, sendo pouca a valorização de medidas preventivas e promocionais de saúde. Nesse sentido, de acordo com os profissionais, à medida que não apresentam sinais ou sintomas, eles tendem a cessar o tratamento médico e farmacológico. / The accelerated demographic transition happened in the last four decades brought implications for the family arrangements, the work relationships, the job and the income, besides the common phenomenon of the migration, and the complex relationships among those dimensions cart important challenges for the health care of the aged. In the context of the migration in the country, the aged in unfavorable socioeconomic conditions have been migrating for contingencies relative to, above all, the health and home and, in most of those cases, the necessary support obtained in relation to the health is based, fundamentally, in the Primary Health Care, through the Family Health Strategy. So, the objective of this paper is to understand the needs and health care of aged resident in the Municipal district of São Paulo and transients and migrants of the Northeast, as well as the limits and potentialities of the services of Primary Health Care concerning that problem. Also, it is looked for (re)considering the relationship between the aged users and the teams members of Family Health in the Municipal district of São Paulo, when understanding the form as the identity marks are characterized and in that measured they can influence the relationship among those subjects, in what it refers to the health treatment. This is a qualitative research, that used the in-depth interview technique for the production of the empiric data, that consisted of two stages: interviews with 06 aged, with 60 years old or more, who moved for the Municipal district of São Paulo in an interval of 03 months to 05 years, with the purpose of treating their health problems; and interviews with 09 professionals of teams of the Family Health Strategy. Regarding the analysis of the depositions, the thematic analysis of content technique was used, considering the conjunctures, the reasons and the logics of speeches, as well as the actions and established interrelations with the collective and the institutions. The results exhibit the complexity of the senses attributed to the health needs of that population in specific, and, in a convergent way, both groups detached the interlacement of the health needs and the sickness. Besides, the regional sociocultural thoughts are shown imperatives, once the significance process, before the health need, assumes outlines in previous experiences of health-disease-care. The self-perception of health, the problem definition and the strategies and resources for health care were proportionally relative to the context (personal, social and economical) in which those aged ones were inserted before they live in the metropolis of São Paulo. According to the professionals, the lack of resources, the understanding lack and the access difficulty to the health services in their origin places result, a lot of times, in an attaché of diagnoses accomplished in São Paulo. For the aged, the production of cares is much more associated to the healing practices and it is little the valorization of preventive and promotion measures of health. In that sense, in agreement with the professionals, as they dont present signs or symptoms, they tend to interrupt the medical and pharmacological treatment.
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Three essays on the causal impacts of child labour laws in BrazilMazzutti, Caio Cícero Toledo Piza da Costa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on different impacts of an important change in Brazil's child labour legislation. In December 1998, Brazil raised the minimum employment age from 14 to 16 banning from the labour force children who turned 14 just after the law passed. Two year later, in December 2000, Brazil institutionalised an apprenticeship programme aimed at children aged 14 to 17. In chapter one of this thesis I investigate the short run effects of both laws on children's time allocation using a regression discontinuity design technique. I look at the impact of both laws on schooling and labour market outcomes for two cohorts: children just under age 14 and teenagers just under age 16. The second chapter turns attention to the long-term effects of the 1998 ban, comparing the labour market and schooling outcomes of the cohorts who turned 14 before and after the law came into effect. The analysis is conducted for white and non-white males to check how the ban affected individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds. This is the first study that looks at the long-term effects of a child labour ban. The third chapter investigates whether the ban had spillover effects on time allocation of younger siblings and parents. This is chapter covers a broad set of outcomes, exploring family composition and potential liquidity constraints to shed light on potential underlying mechanisms. This thesis contributes to the understanding of the consequences of child labour legislation, looking at immediate impacts on children themselves, long-term effects, and spillover effects on other household members. Its main results show that such legislation may have unintended consequences, long-lasting effects, and affect time allocation of other household members in ways policy makers might not be able to foresee.
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Exploring the role of museums for socially isolated older peopleTodd, Carolyn January 2017 (has links)
Research suggests that social prescribing schemes can offer health and psychological wellbeing benefits to older people across a range of interventions. The present study sought to understand how museum programmes, designed to support socially isolated older adults, created opportunities to enhance wellbeing and change experiences of social isolation. A grounded theory approach was used to analyse initial interviews, 3-month follow-up interviews, and participant diaries, from 12 participants who took part in 10-week programmes across six different museums in London and Kent. A theoretical model was developed showing elements of museum programmes, such as the role of the facilitator, activities and physical space, that enabled both individual journeys and relational processes. In addition, individual journeys and relational processes influenced each other, enhancing the experience. These components operated within an interacting social context that was enriched by the museum programme. The theoretical model links with psychological concepts of attachment theory and self-esteem to explain how cultural group programmes could provide opportunities for change in older people. Limitations of the research, implications for clinical practice and recommendations for future research are discussed.
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Association among personal and institutional hygienic factors with acute gastroenteritis in Hong Kong elderly homes. / 個人衛生和院舍清潔衛生之危險因素與香港老人院急性腸胃炎的關係 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Ge ren wei sheng he yuan she qing jie wei sheng zhi wei xian yin su yu Xianggang lao ren yuan ji xing chang wei yan de guan xiJanuary 2010 (has links)
Background & Objective: Acute gastroenteritis (AG) outbreak in elderly homes is common in Hong Kong, especially during the winter. Although mainly a self-limiting condition, the associated short-term as well as long-term medical and social costs can be extensive. This case-control study aims to investigate the hygienic risk factors related to infectious AG in elderly homes at both institutional and individual levels. Predictor variables under investigation include hand wash practice, infection control practice, routine institutional hygienic practice, food handling practice, and environmental factors such as the home setting, ventilation measures and isolation room setting. / Conclusions: This study found that 'sometimes or never wash hands after toilet' was a significant personal hygienic risk factor for AG transmission. This indicated that toilet may be the most susceptible place and hands are the most susceptible vehicle for AG transmission in Hong Kong elderly homes. A higher percentage of the NOHs had a more frequent routine cleaning practice than the OHs, demonstrating that routine cleaning practice may be an economical and an effective way to prevent AG infection. / Methods: All the elderly homes in the New Territories East were invited to take part in the study. A total of 34 homes and 2,995 residents were recruited in the study sample. The data collection period was from Dec 2007 to May 2009. Cases were notified within one week after a reported AG case, either by a report from the elderly home in question, the weekly check up with the New Territories East Community Geriatric Assessment Teams (NTE CGATs), regular contact with the elderly homes by the research assistant and case referrals from the Accident and Emergency Department from the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH). One hundred and forty cases and 280 matched controls were recruited. For every AG case reported, two sex and age (within 5 years) and elderly home matched controls were selected. Structured questionnaires were conducted in face-to-face interviews in the elderly homes by trained interviewers. Information about the ventilation and the environmental hygiene of the elderly homes was collected by observation from the research team at the beginning of the study. Descriptive analysis was performed for the characteristics of cases and controls. Multivariate and multilevel logistic regression models were applied and odds ratios (ORs) were calculated for the potential hygienic risk factors. / Results: Multiple conditional logistic regression analysis revealed 'sometimes or never wash hands after toilet' OR:3.09 (95%CI: 1.28 -- 7.42) [ref gp: wash hands every time after toilet] was the major significant risk factor for AG in elderly homes, indicating the possible route of person-to-person transmission. Other significant risk factors included: Self-nutrition evaluation as 'not enough' (OR: 2.07; 95%CI: 1.05 -- 4.06), 'Being hospitalized in past month before the interview' (OR: 2.86; 95%CI: 1.16 -- 7.05), 'Simplified Barthel Index scored <15" (OR: 2.63; 1.06 -- 6.53), and 'Alzheimer's' (OR: 2.75; 95% 1.18 -- 6.40). The institutional hygiene factors were investigated based on the descriptive analysis between the outbreak homes (OHs) and the non-outbreak homes (NOHs). The results indicated that the health worker (HW) to resident ratio was much lower in OHs than NOHs (50% OHs: 1:30-55 vs > 80% NOHs:1:10-29), and a higher percentage of the NOHs had a more frequent routine cleaning practice than the OHs. / Fung, Pui Kwan. / Adviser: Ho Suzanne Sutying. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-02, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 182-206). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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Comparison of four-layer compression bandage, short-stretch compression bandage, and usual care in the treatment of venous ulcer for older people in the community. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2007 (has links)
A total of 180 patients participated in the study, with 30 withdrawn due to various reasons. At 12 weeks, 76% patients treated with SSB, 78% patients treated with 4LB, and 31% patients treated with usual care alone had completed ulcer healing. The hazard ratios for healing for 4LB and SSB relative to the control group were 3.14 (95% CI = 1.74-5.67) and 2.72 (95% CI = 1.53-4.86), respectively. The key findings indicated the significant effects of compression bandaging resulted in a higher proportion of complete ulcer healing; reduction in ulcer size, pain severity, and pain interference; and improvement in quality of life and lifestyle activity. Across the 12-week study period, the present study also highlighted the significant improvement of the psychosocial composite outcome among the three study groups. Furthermore, the reduction in pain severity and pain interference accounted for the major contribution to the total effect of the psychosocial composite outcome. Therefore, effective pain control and minimizing the effect of pain on daily life is essential in promoting ulcer healing. It is evident that the application of compression bandaging with either 4LB or SSB is feasible and more effective than the current usual care with no compression. This study add new knowledge to the psychosocial benefit of compression bandaging for venous ulcer patients living in the community; and support incorporating compression bandaging in the routine venous ulcer care. Further studies are therefore suggested to focus on the assessment of the cost-effectiveness of and the satisfaction and experience of both patients and nurses with compression bandaging using different high compression bandage systems. / The study was a randomized controlled trial. Those patients who participated in the experimental groups received compression bandaging with either the 4LB or SSB along with a local usual care. In contrast, the control group participants received usual care. A 12-week study intervention was given individually to the study participants. The research outcome of this study was the proportion of complete ulcer healing, ulcer size, pain severity, pain interference, disease-specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, and lifestyle activity. The instruments used include VeV MD stereophotogrammetry, Brief pain Inventory, The SF-12 Health Survey, Charing Cross Venous Ulcer Questionnaire, and the Frenchay Activity Index. Data analysis involved the use of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as survival analysis, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA), multivariate analysis variance (MANOVA), doubly multivariate analysis of variance (Doubly MANOVA), and Roy-Bargman stepdown analysis were used. / Venous ulcer is the most serious clinical consequence of chronic venous insufficiency. It is a chronic health problem that afflicts older people as well as health care professions. Its chronicity, together with its high recurrent rate, creates not only a big challenge to nurses' workload and health cost, but it also has a direct impact on patients' physiological and psychosocial well-being. Compression bandaging has been identified as the mainstream form of treatment for venous ulcer in previous literature, although this is not very well known by the nurses in Hong Kong. Previous studies have confirmed that the proportion of complete ulcer healing is improved with high compression as compared to no compression. However, a definite conclusion on the effectiveness of different high compression systems, such as the four-layer compression system (4LB) and short-stretch compression system (SSB), was not found. Most importantly the treatment impacts on proportion of complete ulcer healing, ulcer size, pain severity and pain interference, health-related quality of life, and lifestyle activities are essential influences on patients' participation in venous ulcer care and treatment choice. These limited data leave a gap in today's knowledge on venous ulcer management in relation to both patients and health care providers. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the effect of two compression bandage systems, the 4LB and SSB, in promoting ulcer healing in terms of the proportion of complete ulcer healing and ulcer size, as well as the psychosocial well-being including pain, heath-related quality of life, and lifestyle activity for older people in the community. / Wong, Kit Yee Irene. / "December 2007." / Adviser: Diana T. F. Lee. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-08, Section: B, page: 4672. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 248-268). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Older people’s appropriation of computers and the InternetHarley, Dave January 2011 (has links)
This thesis looks at how older people integrate computers and the Internet into their everyday lives and make these technologies their own as part of their broader experience of ageing. The thesis starts by considering the limits of current ‘deficit-driven' models of accessible design used in relation to older people and highlights a need to develop new approaches which can accommodate the adaptive and ‘positive' capacities that emerge with advanced age. The approach subsequently developed provides a consideration of older people's situated and subjective experiences in relation to computer and Internet engagement as part of their adaptations to ageing. Qualitative and ethnographic data in the form of participant observations, contextual interviews and video-based observations are all used to examine the ways in which older users identify computers and the Internet as relevant and construct meaningful uses for them over time. Four case studies are used to explore the contextual and subjective determinants of these emerging psycho-socio-technical relationships over time and in different contexts. Through grounded analysis patterns are established in the data which outline persistent qualities of these emerging relationships in relation to ageing. A psycho-socio-technical process known as ‘appropriation' is used to frame these adaptive relationships as they develop over time. In contrast to existing models of accessibility this analysis shows computer and Internet appropriation to be driven primarily by positive adaptations to ageing rather than its deficits. Six ‘core themes of relevance' are identified across the studies (social contact; acquiring knowledge; supporting independence; intergenerational connection; reminiscence and life review and creativity) which represent age-relevant motivations that can be used as the basis for accessible designs promoting appropriation. In addition appropriation is outlined as a cumulative developmental process with distinct phases over time. This provides a structure for supporting older people's appropriation of computers and the Internet whilst maintaining an emphasis on well-being. Finally this thesis contributes to understandings of contemporary ageing, offering insights into the potential for computers and the Internet to change the ageing experience in developed societies.
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Situated meanings : understanding gender work in Ghanaian NGOsWarren, Hannah Marie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the ways in which ‘gender issues' are incorporated into, and understood within, two Ghanaian NGOs. It contributes to an extensive body of literature which examines the take up and implementation of gender issues by development institutions. It argues that much of this literature tends to evaluate the gender work of development institutions against normative criteria; assessing whether ‘gender issues' and/or a ‘gendered approach' are ‘successfully' and ‘correctly' understood, incorporated into, and implemented by such institutions. This often concludes there is a disjuncture between what should and what does take place. I focus instead on providing an emic account of the gender work of these two organisations. Based on 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork, and focusing specifically on the theme of gender violence, I explore the particular ways in which staff understand, and therefore implement, their ‘gender work'. What emerges might be viewed by some, specifically from an outside (‘Western') perspective as at odds with a perceived ‘correct' meaning and intent of ‘transnational' and ‘feminist' gender goals. However, I argue that, when viewed from an emic perspective, what takes place in this particular instance, is not a ‘conscious' translation of transnational gender ideas into ‘something else', or a rejection of such ideas. Nor is it necessarily a ‘mediation' between two sets of conflicting ideas – the ‘local' and ‘transnational'. Rather, what occurs is a specific understanding of ‘gender' ideas and concepts in ways that make sense to those involved; in relation to the broader context in which they live and work, the ideas that they hold, and their ways of seeing the world. I suggest that this is fundamentally shaped by, and must be understood in relation to, the normative assumptions and hegemonic discourses which pertain within a particular context, and the everyday lived gendered experiences of the staff involved. In this case, particular ideas and practices regarding marriage and the everyday usage of certain words are of central importance.
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Making and unmaking difference : a study of expatriate women's relationship with domestic workers in SingaporeJohnston, Barbara January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is based upon ethnographic research conducted in Singapore between September 2008 and October 2009 and over a decade of observation and experience as an expatriate woman. It explores the relationship between two migrant women, an expatriate woman and a migrant domestic worker (MDW), focusing on interrelated processes shaping migrant subjectivities. The relationship between between 'upper circuit' transnational elites and 'lower circuit' migrants is an area of transnationalism that has received little attention. Yet, expatriates and MDWs routinely live together. I consider how overlapping transnational fields impact how both groups of women deal with class, racial and cultural differences and how they negotiate versions of femininity in their domestic interactions. I argue that the women‘s dual migrant status renders visible coexisting and competing forms of power that are often overlooked in studies of domestic work. A crucial aspect of my research design is that I include the perspectives of both expatriate women and MDWs as well as those of expatriate men. Most studies of domestic work focus on either the employer‘s (usually female) or the employee‘s (usually female) viewpoint and overlook male influence on household dynamics and the shaping of domestic femininities. My approach allows for a richer analysis of how class, racial/ethnic and sexual positionings (among others) both motivate and constrain how individuals identify themselves vis-à-vis 'others' across national, racial, class and cultural divides. My findings are organised along four dimensions. First, I examine how shared migrant status is utilised by expatriate women and MDWs in their respective distance-making processes. Second, I explain how through performing domestic labour both groups of women are 'doing' different versions of femininity that are simultaneously accomplishments of class and racial identities. Third, I focus on how sexualised and racialised discourses about migrant women‘s bodies permeate expatriate women‘s and MDWs‘ relationships. Finally, I link my study of the micro-politics of migrant women‘s relationships with the larger context of increasing transnational migration and globalisation.
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The study of maternal employment in South Korea : cultural and structural constraintsAhn, Jong-Soon January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores factors in the low rates of maternal employment in South Korea through a quantitative analysis of a large-scale survey dataset, the Korea Labour and Income Panel Study (KLIPS). This thesis elaborates Western debates and theories of women's labour market participation within Korean contexts, develops hypotheses on a theoretical basis accommodating both individual factors such as human capital, children and spouse factors and structural factors like the workplace and class practices, and examines them through descriptive, cross-sectional linear and logistic regression analyses. The thesis finds that mothers' decisions toward paid work are responsive to children's ages, implying that lifestyle preferences adapt in accordance with the family's life cycle. Also, it is found that precarious employment and a long work-hour culture contribute to career interruptions while parental welfare such as child care leave and provision have a negative association. The thesis finds social class to be a critical factor linked to mothers' labour force participation. Middle class mothers tend to delay their career by trading off time for childrearing, including attending to children's educational needs, whereas lower class mothers tend to return more quickly to work. A key finding is that whilst married women's labour market behaviour appears to be explained in part by individual factors, such as work experience and the presence of children (as neo-classical theorists have argued), this thesis strongly suggests that structural factors are key to explaining the low level of maternal employment in Korea with a gendered labour market and welfare regime – such as the long work-hour culture and low parental welfare – sitting alongside social class as primary explanatory factors.
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