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Etude différentielle des protéines membranaires exprimées à la surface de l'hématie infectée par Plasmodium falciparum, en fonction de la symptomatologie / Differential protein expression profiles from Plasmodium falciparum isolates according to clinical forms malariaBertin, Gwladys 24 June 2013 (has links)
La virulence de Plasmodium falciparum est fonction de sa capacité à séquestrer les érythrocytes infectés (iEs) dans les organes profonds de l’hôte. Elle est liée à la mise en place d’un trafic protéique conséquent au niveau membranaire et sub-membranaire de l’iE. Cet adressage protéique aboutit à l’expression d’antigènes variant de surface, dont P. falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein-1, PfEMP-1. Cet adhésine présente une affinité pour divers récepteurs de l'hôte impliqués dans la physiopathologie des formes graves, telles que le paludisme associé à la grossesse (PAM) et le paludisme cérébral (CM). La diversité de liaison de PfEMP-1 est associée à la variabilité de séquence de son domaine extracellulaire. Ce domaine est constitué d’une succession de domaines DBL et CIDR en nombre variable. PfEMP-1 est codée par les gènes var classifiés en groupes Ups A, B, C, E et B/A, B/C. Des régions de PfEMP-1 constituées d’une succession établie de 2 à 4 domaines, nommées Domain Cassette, « DC » sont retrouvées dans différents isolats. L’obtention de données exhaustives par LC-MS/MS a permis d’établir un comparatif du protéome membranaire et hypothétique à partir des échantillons PAM et CM en comparaison à des accès simples de paludisme (UM). L’identification protéique des PfEMP-1 a montré la singularité de l’expression d’une PfEMP-1 particulière, VAR2CSA chez les PAM. Ces résultats corroborent les analyses des transcrits du gène var2csa comme surexprimé chez les PAM, transcrit qu’on retrouve également dans les infections de début et de fin de grossesse. Les PfEMP-1 identifiés au sein des CM étaient significativement associés aux groupes Ups A et B/A et la plupart des peptides identifiés étaient associés à la cassette DC8 dont le transcrit était également surexprimé. L’analyse de filter-based feature selection a permis d’identifier un sous ensemble de 13 et 14 protéines assignées comme protéines membranaires ou hypothétiques, prédictives des formes de paludisme PAM et CM, respectivement. Parmi ces protéines surexprimées chez les PAM, la présence de VAR2CSA valide l’approche d’analyse. PFI1785w a été identifiée et associée au PAM, quatre autres protéines apparaissent prédictives de cette forme clinique PFB0115w, PFF0325c, PFA_0410w et PF14_0018. Pour les CM, on distingue les protéines PfEMP-2 et antigen-332 comme spécifiques de cette forme clinique. Les autres protéines qui émergent de ce groupe sont des protéines de fonction inconnue, dont trois sont assignées comme des protéines exportées. L’obtention et l’analyse en LC-MS/MS d’extraits protéiques issus d’isolats de terrain font l’originalité de ce travail et permettent la corrélation entre les données cliniques et biologiques. Cette étude confirme les données de transcrits sur la famille des gènes var et suggère de nouvelles intéractions protéiques dans le cadre du paludisme associé à la grossesse et cérébral. / Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for severe malaria (cerebral malaria, CM and pregnancy associated malaria, PAM). During the intra-erythrocytic maturation of P. falciparum, parasite-derived proteins are expressed, exported and presented at the surface of the infected erythrocyte (iE) membrane. These include Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1 (PfEMP-1). PfEMP-1 is a highly polymorphic adherence receptor, variants of which have been assigned to four groups (A-E) based on their sequence homology. Semi-conserved types, defined by tandem runs of specific domains (“domain cassettes” (DC)), are also recognized. The PfEMP-1 type expressed determines the iE adherence phenotype, and is associated with the clinical outcome of infection. Parasite isolates from Beninese children or women presenting with, respectively, CM or PAM were collected along with samples from patients with uncomplicated malaria (UM). We assessed the transcript level of var genes by RT-qPCR and the expression of membrane and hypothetical proteins of Plasmodium by LC-MS/MS. Obtaining LC-MS/MS data enabled a comparison of hypothetical and membrane proteome samples from PAM and CM for comparison with UM samples. The proteomics-based identification of PfEMP-1 showed the expression of a particular PfEMP-1, VAR2CSA, in PAM isolates. These results corroborate the analysis of gene transcripts showing that var2csa is overexpressed in PAM, with transcripts found in isolates from infections both early and late in pregnancy. The PfEMP-1 variants identified in CM samples were predominantly from the Ups groups A and B/A, and most of the peptides identified by LC-MS/MS were associated with the DC8 cassette for which the transcripts were also overexpressed. Analysis using filter-based feature selection identified subsets of 13 and 14 proteins, assigned either as hypothetical or membrane proteins that were predictive of PAM and CM syndromes respectively. The presence of VAR2CSA amongst the proteins overexpressed in PAM samples validates the analytical approach. PFI1785w has previously been identified and associated with the PAM, whilst four other proteins, PFB0115w, PFF0325c, PFA_0410w and PF14_0018, appear to be also predictive of the syndrome. PfEMP-2 protein and antigen-332 were found to be specifically expressed in CM samples. Three other proteins, assigned as ‘exported’ but with unknown function, were also associated with CM samples. Obtaining and analyzing LC-MS/MS-derived data from protein extracts of field isolates represents the originality of this work and it allowed the identification of correlations between clinical and biological data. This study confirms the transcriptional data relating to the var gene family and provides evidence of new protein interactions in the context both of malaria associated with pregnancy and of cerebral malaria.
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Feature extraction with self-supervised learning on eye-tracking data from Parkinson’s patients and healthy individuals / Extrahering av särdrag med hjälp av självövervakande maskininlärning applicerad på ögonrörelsedata från parkinsonpatienter och friska försökspersoner.Bergman, Leo January 2022 (has links)
Eye-tracking is a method for monitoring and measuring eye movements. The technology has had a significant impact so far and new application areas are emerging. Today, the technology is used in the gaming industry, health industry, self-driving cars, and not least in medicine. In the latter, large research resources are invested to investigate the extent to which eye-tracking can help with disease diagnostics. One disease of interest is Parkinson’s disease, a neuro-degenerative disease in which the dopamine production in nerve cells is destroyed. This leads to detoriating nerve signal transmission, which in turn affects the motor skills. One of the affected motor functions associated with PD is the oculomotor function, affecting the eye function. The declination can be observed clinically by physicians, however eye-tracking technology has a high potential here, but it remains to investigate which methodology and which test protocols are relevant to study and to what extent the technology can be used as a diagnostic tool. A novel class of algorithms for finding representations of data is called self-supervised learning (SSL). The class of algorithms seems to have a high potential in terms of categorizing biomarkers. This thesis examines to which extent an SSL network can learn representations of eye-tracking data on Parkinson’s patients, in order to distinguish between healthy and sick, patients on and off medication. The result suggests that the network does not succeed in learning distinct differences between groups. Furthermore, no difference is observed in the result when we in the model take into account the task-specific target information that the subjects are following. Today in the UK approximately 26 percent of Parkinson’s patients are misdiagnosed. In the initial state of the disease, the misdiagnosis is even higher. Potentially, the method can be used as a complement to regular diagnosis in different stages of the disease. This would provide better conditions for the patient as well as for medical and pharmaceutical research. The method also has the potential to reduce physicians’ workload. / Eye-tracking eller ögonrörelsemätning som är den svenska termen, är en metod för att följa och mäta ögats rörelser. Tekniken har fått en betydande genomslagskraft hittills och nya applikationsområden dyker upp titt som tätt. Idag används tekniken inom spelindustrin, hälsa, i självkörande bilar och inte minst inom medicin. Inom det senare läggs idag stora forskningsresurser för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning eye-tracking kan hjälpa till att diagnosticera sjukdomar. En sjukdom av intresse är Parkinson’s sjukdom, vilket är en neurodegenerativ sjukdom där dopaminproduktionen i nervceller förstörs. Det leder till att transmissionen av nervsignaler försämras som i sin tur gör att motoriken påverkas vilket bland annat leder till en nedsättning i ögats motorik. Det är något som man idag kan observera kliniskt, eye-tracking teknik har här en hög potential men det återstår att undersöka vilken metodik och vilka testprotokoll som är relevanta att undersöka och i vilken grad tekniken kan användas som ett diagnostiskt verktyg. En ny typ av algoritmer för att hitta representationer av data kallas för self-supervised learning (SSL), dessa algoritmer verkar ha en hög potential vad gäller kategorisering av biomarkörer. I denna uppsats undersöks i vilken grad ett SSL-nätverk kan lära sig representationer av eye-tracking data på Parkinson’s patienter för att kunna särskilja mellan friska och sjuka, medicinerade och omedicinerade. Resultatet är att nätverket inte lyckas lära sig skiljaktigheter mellan dessa klasser. Vidare noteras ingen skillnad i resultatet då vi i modellen tar hänsyn till de specifika uppgifterna som försökspersonerna fått. Idag får 30 procent av parkinsonpatienterna fel diagnos. I ett initialt tillstånd av sjukdomen är feldiagnosticeringen ännu högre. Potentiellt kan metoden användas som komplement till diagnosticering i olika skeden av sjukdomen. Detta skulle ge bättre förutsättningar för såväl patienten som för den medicinska och farmaceutiska forskningen. Metoden har dessutom potential att minska läkares arbetsbörda.
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Assessment of Soil Corrosion in Underground Pipelines via Statistical InferenceYajima, Ayako 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Les routes d’invasion du criocère du lis (Lilioceris lilii) en Amérique du NordDieni, Alessandro 11 1900 (has links)
Le criocère du lis, Lilioceris lilii (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), un ravageur de lis et de
fritillaires d’origine eurasienne, a été observé pour la première fois en Amérique du Nord en
1943 sur l’Ile de Montréal au Canada. Après y avoir été confiné pendant environ 25 années,
ce coléoptère a par la suite progressé rapidement sur le territoire nord-américain.
Actuellement, on l’observe dans huit provinces canadiennes et huit états américains. Cette
étude a investigué les routes d’invasion utilisées par le criocère du lis au Canada et aux États-
Unis avec l’aide de marqueurs génétiques AFLP. Pour ce faire, 516 individus parmi 34 sites
en Amérique du Nord et en Europe ont été échantillonnés et analysés.
Le premier objectif était de déterminer, en analysant la structure génétique des populations
nord-américains, s’il y avait eu une ou plusieurs introductions en provenance d’Europe. Le
deuxième objectif était d’identifier l’origine de la ou des populations introduites en Amérique
du Nord. Finalement, le troisième objectif consistait à proposer un scénario d’invasion de L.
lilii en Amérique du Nord basé sur les données de première mention et de structure génétique
des populations échantillonnées.
Les résultats démontrent une signature génétique distincte entre les criocères du lis du Canada
et ceux des États-Unis, suggérant ainsi deux sources d’introductions indépendantes en
Amérique du Nord, soit une première introduction à Montréal, Québec, dans les années 1940
et une seconde aux États-Unis au début des années 1990 à Cambridge, Massachusetts. De
plus, les deux populations nord-américaines semblent provenir de différentes régions du nord
de l’Europe, ce qui est conséquent avec le scénario suggérant deux sources d’introductions
indépendantes. Chacune des populations aurait par la suite progressé respectivement dans leur
pays d’introduction selon une dispersion de type stratifiée. En effet, la progression continue
de L. lilii dans certaines régions suggère une dispersion naturelle de l’espèce sur le territoire
nord-américain, alors que la progression rapide sur de longues distances semble être causée
par le transport anthropique de lis contaminés. / The lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), a Eurasian pest of lilies and
fritillaries, was first observed in North America in 1943 on the Island of Montréal, Canada.
After being confined to Montréal for approximately 25 years, the beetle quickly progressed in
North America, and is currently present in eight Canadian provinces and eight American
states. During this study, we have investigated the routes of invasion followed by L. lilii in
North America, using AFLP markers. We sampled and analysed 516 individuals from 34 sites
across North America and Europe.
Our first objective was to characterize the genetic structure of North American L. lilii
populations to determine if they originated from a single or form multiple introductions from
Europe. The second objective was to identify the geographical origin of the invasive
population(s). Finally, the third objective was to trace back the geographical routes of
invasion of L. lilii in North America, using information from both the dates of first
observations and the genetic structure of sampled populations.
Our results showed clear genetic difference between individuals from Canada and the USA,
suggesting at least two different sources of introductions of L. lilii in North America. A first
episode of introduction took place in Montréal, Canada in the 1940’s while a second
introduction occurred in Cambridge, Massachusetts, around 1990. Also, both North American
populations seem to originate from different populations in northern Europe, which support
the hypothesis of two distinct sources of introduction. Each population next progressed in its
respective country following a stratified dispersal. Indeed, continuous progression of the
beetle in some regions of North America suggests a pattern of natural dispersion, while
human-mediated carrying of infected lilies seemed to be responsible for the long-range
movement of the beetle.
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Determina??o de Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn e Zn em Tainha (Mugil brasiliensis) nos estu?rios potiguaresVieira, Maria de F?tima Pereira 10 December 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-10 / Heavy metals can cause problems of human poisoning by ingestion of contaminated food, and the environment, a negative impact on the aquatic fauna and flora. And for the presence of these metals have been used for aquatic animals biomonitoramento environment. This research was done in order to assess the environmental impact of industrial and domestic sewage dumped in estuaries potiguares, from measures of heavy metals in mullet. The methods used for these determinations are those in the literature for analysis of food and water. Collections were 20 samples of mullet in several municipality of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the estuaries potiguares. Were analyzed the content of humidity, ash and heavy metals. The data were subjected to two methods of exploratory analysis: analysis of the main components (PCA), which provided a multivariate interpretation, showing that the samples are grouped according to similarities in the levels of metals and analysis of hierarchical groupings (HCA), producing similar results. These tests have proved useful for the treatment of the data producing information that would hardly viewed directly in the matrix of data. The analysis of the results shows the high levels of metallic species in samples Mugil brasiliensis collected in Estuaries /Potengi, Piranhas/A?u, Guara?ra / Papeba / Ar?s and Curimata? / Os metais pesados podem provocar problemas de intoxica??o humana pela ingest?o de alimentos contaminados e para o meio ambiente, uma repercuss?o negativa ? fauna e
flora aqu?ticas. E para detectar a presen?a destes metais t?m-se utilizado animais aqu?ticos para o biomonitoramento ambiental. Esta pesquisa foi feita com o intuito de se avaliar o
impacto ambiental de esgotos dom?sticos e industriais despejados nos estu?rios potiguares, a partir das medidas de metais pesados em tainha. Os m?todos utilizados para estas
determina??es s?o aqueles constantes da literatura para an?lise de alimentos e de ?gua. Foram coletas 20 amostras de tainha em diversos munic?pios do Estado do Rio Grande do
Norte, oriundas dos estu?rios potiguares. Foram analisados os teores de umidade, cinzas e metais pesados. Os dados foram submetidos a dois m?todos de an?lises explorat?rios:
an?lise de componentes principais (PCA), que proporcionou uma interpreta??o multivariada, mostrando que as amostras s?o agrupadas de acordo com as similaridades de teores de metais e an?lise hier?rquica de agrupamentos (HCA), produzindo resultados semelhantes. Estas an?lises mostraram-se ?teis para o tratamento dos dados produzindo informa??es que dificilmente seriam visualizados diretamente na matriz de dados. A an?lise dos resultados mostra os altos teores de esp?cies met?licas em amostras coletadas em tainhas nos Estu?rios Potengi, Piranhas/A?u, Guara?ra/Papeba/Ares e Curimata?
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Applications of Soft Computing for Power-Quality Detection and Electric Machinery Fault DiagnosisWu, Chien-Hsien 20 November 2008 (has links)
With the deregulation of power industry and the market competition, stable and reliable power supply is a major concern of the independent system operator (ISO). Power-quality (PQ) study has become a more and more important subject lately. Harmonics, voltage swell, voltage sag, and power interruption could downgrade the service quality. In recent years, high speed railway (HSR) and massive rapid transit (MRT) system have been rapidly developed, with the applications of widespread semiconductor technologies in the auto-traction system. The harmonic distortion level worsens due to these increased uses of electronic equipment and non-linear loads. To ensure the PQ, power-quality disturbances (PQD) detection becomes important. A detection method with classification capability will be helpful for detecting disturbance locations and types.
Electric machinery fault diagnosis is another issue of considerable attentions from utilities and customers. ISO need to provide a high quality service to retain their customers. Fault diagnosis of turbine-generator has a great effect on the benefit of power plants. The generator fault not only damages the generator itself, but also causes outages and loss of profits. With high-temperature, high-pressure and factors such as thermal fatigues, many components may go wrong, which will not only lead to great economic loss, but sometimes a threat to social security. Therefore, it is necessary to detect generator faults and take immediate actions to cut the loss. Besides, induction motor plays a major role in a power system. For saving cost, it is important to run periodical inspections to detect incipient faults inside the motor. Preventive techniques for early detection can find out the incipient faults and avoid outages. This dissertation developed various soft computing (SC) algorithms for detection including power-quality disturbances (PQD), turbine-generator fault diagnosis, and induction motor fault diagnosis. The proposed SC algorithms included support vector machine (SVM), grey clustering analysis (GCA), and probabilistic neural network (PNN). Integrating the proposed diagnostic procedure and existing monitoring instruments, a well-monitored power system will be constructed without extra devices. Finally, all the methods in the dissertation give reasonable and practical estimation method. Compared with conventional method, the test results showed a high accuracy, good robustness, and a faster processing performance.
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Exploring a combined quantitative and qualitative research approach in developing a culturally competent dietary behavior assessment instrumentJones, Willie Brad 22 June 2009 (has links)
Cultural competence is widely recognized as an essential strategy for reducing health disparities. As the United States' population becomes increasingly ethno-culturally diverse, these disparities are becoming even more pronounced. One particular challenge in this regard concerns overweight/obesity prevalence among American adults, as a disproportionately high number of racial and ethnic minority adults are classified as overweight or obese. Dietary behavior assessments are often utilized by health and human services professionals to obtain the data necessary to promote goals such as the reduction and elimination of overweight/obesity across all ethno-cultural groups.
The primary objective of this research study was to develop, test, and evaluate a culturally-competent dietary behavior assessment instrument by effectively synthesizing qualitative methods from Cognitive Anthropology with appropriate survey research and quantitative statistical methods. Specifically, a quantitative methods triangle of hierarchical cluster analysis, binary logistic regression, and Poisson regression in conjunction with the free listing qualitative research technique from Cognitive Anthropology was explored as a possible combined methodological approach for researchers and public health professionals wishing to develop a comprehensive understanding of dietary behaviors at the local community level.
Binary logistic regression and Poisson regression enabled the relationship between selected food categories and certain demographic/cultural indicators to be modeled, while hierarchical cluster analyses enabled modeling of the distinct patterns of food category groupings that comprise individuals' regular diet. Additionally, initial qualitative analyses of the raw data promoted an understanding of the influence that the local fast food and dine-in restaurant environment has on the dietary behaviors of the target population.
The results of this study suggest that a quantitative methods triangle of hierarchical cluster analysis, binary logistic regression analysis, and Poisson regression analysis founded upon qualitative research principles has potential for use as a combined methodological approach for researchers and public health professionals wishing to develop a comprehensive understanding of dietary behaviors at the local community level. By employing these techniques, researchers can analyze individual dietary behaviors and eating patterns from a multifaceted perspective. In turn, public health professionals can develop community-based, cross-culturally relevant programs and interventions that are equally effective across all ethno-cultural groups in their target population.
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An?lise de agrupamentos dos dados de DFA oriundos de perfis el?tricos de indu??o de po?os de petr?leo / Clustering analysis of the data of DFA profiles of eletric induction in oil wellsMata, Maria das Vit?rias Medeiros da 24 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-07-24 / The main objective of this study is to apply recently developed methods of physical-statistic to time series analysis, particularly in electrical induction s profiles of oil wells data, to study the petrophysical similarity of those wells in a spatial distribution. For this, we used the DFA
method in order to know if we can or not use this technique to characterize spatially the fields. After obtain the DFA values for all wells, we applied clustering analysis. To do these tests we used the non-hierarchical method called K-means. Usually based on the Euclidean distance, the K-means consists in dividing the elements of a data matrix N in k groups, so that the similarities among elements belonging to different groups are the smallest possible. In order to test if a dataset generated by the K-means method or randomly generated datasets form spatial patterns, we created the parameter Ω (index of neighborhood). High values of Ω
reveals more aggregated data and low values of Ω show scattered data or data without spatial correlation. Thus we concluded that data from the DFA of 54 wells are grouped and can be used to characterize spatial fields. Applying contour level technique we confirm the results obtained by the K-means, confirming that DFA is effective to perform spatial analysis / O principal objetivo do presente trabalho foi aplicar m?todos recentemente desenvolvidos em f?sica-estat?stica ?s s?ries temporais, em especial a dados de perfis el?tricos de indu??o de 54 po?os de petr?leo localizados no Campo de Namorado Bacia de Campos - RJ, para estudar a similaridade petrof?sica dos po?os numa distribui??o espacial. Para isto, utilizamos o m?todo do DFA com o intuito de saber se podemos, ou n?o, utilizar esta t?cnica para caracterizar espacialmente o campo. Depois de obtidos os valores de DFA para todos os po?os, fizemos uma an?lise de agrupamento com rela??o a estas caracter?sticas; para tanto, utilizamos o m?todo de agrupamento n?o-hier?rquico chamado m?todo K-m?dia. Geralmente baseado na dist?ncia euclidiana, o K-m?dia consiste em dividir os elementos de uma matriz n de dados
em k grupos bem definidos, de maneira que as semelhan?as existentes entre elementos pertencentes a grupos distintos sejam as menores poss?veis. Com o objetivo de verificar se um
conjunto de dados gerados pelo m?todo do K-m?dia ou gerado aleatoriamente forma padr?es espaciais, criamos o par?metro Ω (?ndice de vizinhan?a). Altos valores de Ω implicam em dados mais agregados e baixos valores de Ω em dados dispersos ou sem correla??o espacial. Com aux?lio do m?todo de Monte Carlo observamos que dados agrupados aleatoriamente apresentam uma distribui??o de Ω inferior ao valor emp?rico. Desta forma conclu?mos que os dados de DFA obtidos nos 54 po?os est?o agrupados e podem ser usados na caracteriza??o espacial de campos. Ao cruzar os dados das curvas de n?vel com os resultados obtidos pelo K-m?dia, confirmamos a efici?ncia do mesmo para correlacionar po?os em distribui??o espacial
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Tipificação de méis do estado de Sergipe através do perfil químico dos compostos voláteis obtidos por headspace dinâmico seguido por cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CG/EM)Brito, Givanilton 29 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Among the products of the hive, honey is considered the principal, standing out as natural food and for having multiple pharmacological applications. Honey can be produced
by honey bees (Apis mellifera, L.) from the nectar, fruit, plant secretions and excretions of aphids or other sweetened solutions.Their nutritive power, pharmacologic and commercial
value depends on its botanical origin, which can be obtained through classical methods as sensory evaluation, physicochemical analyses or melissopalynology. Although, these methods require much experience of the analyst and are costly.In view of the current difficulties in conducting these analyses, methods based on the study of volatile constituents have emerged as an alternative in the search for the source of compound markers of floral honeys. For the identification of these compounds, techniques such as solid in solid phase (SPME) and dynamic headspace (HSD) followed by analysis on gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometer (GC-MS) are suggested. In this work, different honeyproducing regions in the State of Sergipe were studied, as well as samples of honey originated from other states of Brazil, purchased in local supermarkets. Analyses of volatile
components were obtained by dynamic headspace using Porapak Q® and Peat in natura as adsorbent materials. For both, parameters such as amount of sample, salt addition, time and temperature of extractionhave been optimized. Optimization, made possible the identification of 112 different compounds belonging to classes of aliphatic alcohols,
aliphatic aldehydes, benzene derivatives, monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated hydrocarbons, norisoprenoids, sesquiterpenes, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, carboxylic acids
and others. Among these, a group of senior compounds were studied by principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. With these analyses was likely to
identify the components with biggest weights in the samples and cluster them into five groups with a similarity of 48% based on Euclidean distance. Among the weighty compounds are furfuraldehyde, benzaldehyde, cis-linalool oxide (furanoid), trans-linalool oxide (furanoid), linalool, hotrienol, 4-ketoisoforone, aldehyde lilac (isomer I), cis-linalool oxide (pyranoid) and -terpineol. / Dentre os produtos apícolas o mel é considerado o principal por se destacar como alimento natural e ter várias aplicações farmacológicas, podendo ser produzido por abelhas Apis mellifera a partir do néctar, secreções das plantas e frutos, excreções de afídeos e outras soluções adocicadas. Seu poder nutritivo, farmacológico e valor comercial dependem de sua origem botânica, a qual pode ser obtida através de métodos clássicos como a avaliação sensorial, a melissopalinologia ou análises físico-químicas, porém estes métodos exigem muita experiência do analista e são dispendiosas. Em virtude das dificuldades atuais em realizar essas análises os métodos baseados no estudo dos constituintes voláteis têm surgido como uma alternativa na procura de compostos marcadores da origem floral de méis. Para a identificação destes compostos, técnicas como a microextração em fase sólida (SPME) e headspace dinâmico (HSD) seguido de análise em cromatógrafo em fase gasosa/espectrômetro de massas (CG/EM) são sugeridas. Neste trabalho foram estudados méis de diferentes regiões produtoras do estado de Sergipe, bem como amostras de méis adquiridos em supermercado de Aracaju oriundas de outros estados do Brasil através da análise dos componentes voláteis
obtidos por headspace dinâmico utilizando Porapak Q® e Turfa in natura como materiais adsorventes. Para tanto foram otimizados parâmetros como quantidade de amostra, adição de sal, tempo e temperatura de extração. Nas condições otimizadas foi possível identificar 112 diferentes compostos pertencentes às classes dos álcoois alifáticos, benzenóides, aldeídos alifáticos, hidrocarbonetos lineares, monoterpenos,
monoterpenos oxigenados, sesquiterpenos, sesquiterpenos oxigenados, norisoprenóides, ácidos carboxílicos e outros. Dentre estes, um grupo de compostos majoritários foram
estudados por análise de componentes principais e análise de agrupamento hierárquico. Com estas análises foi possível identificar os componentes de maiores pesos das
amostras e agrupá-las em cinco grupos com uma similaridade de 48%, tendo como base a distância Euclidiana. Dentre os compostos de maiores pesos estão o furfural, benzaldeído, cis-óxido de linalol (furanóide), trans-óxido de linalol (furanóide), linalol, hotrienol, 4-ceto-isoforona, lilac aldeído (isômero I), cis-óxido de linalol (piranóide) e o -terpineol.
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Análise de segmentação aplicada à aquisição de clientes no setor de crédito pessoalGuidi, Carlos Eduardo Guglielme 06 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Carlos Eduardo Guidi (caduguidi@gmail.com) on 2018-06-11T20:21:42Z
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TA_CarlosEGGuidi_Junho18_vFinal.pdf: 1059734 bytes, checksum: 469d5ecca9b8556a88fcad98d932cc72 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Simone de Andrade Lopes Pires (simone.lopes@fgv.br) on 2018-06-11T23:14:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TA_CarlosEGGuidi_Junho18_vFinal.pdf: 1059734 bytes, checksum: 469d5ecca9b8556a88fcad98d932cc72 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Isabele Garcia (isabele.garcia@fgv.br) on 2018-06-12T19:27:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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TA_CarlosEGGuidi_Junho18_vFinal.pdf: 1059734 bytes, checksum: 469d5ecca9b8556a88fcad98d932cc72 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-06 / O mercado de crédito brasileiro vem atraindo, nos últimos anos, diversos novos entrantes, amplificando a concorrência e impulsionando a busca por fatores que proporcionem mais competitividade. A empresa que almeja ter sucesso nesse mercado deve possuir as competências necessárias para identificar tendências, superar os concorrentes e aproveitar as oportunidades decorrentes das transformações do setor. Dentro da área de marketing, a fragmentação da mídia e as possibilidades de micro segmentação, representam ao mesmo tempo uma ameaça e uma oportunidade para ganho de competitividade por parte das empresas. Neste estudo, focamos especificamente no processo de segmentação de clientes, como forma de aumentar a eficiência da empresa na aquisição e conversão de clientes de crédito pessoal. No desenrolar deste estudo, um ciclo completo de clusterização foi aplicado a partir de uma base de proponentes a crédito pessoal, classificando os grupos obtidos de acordo com as taxas de aprovação e conversão em contrato. Os segmentos resultantes foram analisados em relação às taxas de aprovação e conversão efetiva em contratos; esta análise irá para indicar quais deverão ser os segmentos alvo da empresa para expandir e melhorar a qualidade de sua base de clientes. A partir destes resultados, a empresa pode direcionar seus esforços de marketing e aperfeiçoar as campanhas e promoções de forma a obter melhor desempenho em seu processo de identificar, encontrar e adquirir clientes – além de priorizar o atendimento e suporte aos clientes classificados como bons. / In the last years, the credit market in Brazil received several new players, becoming an increasingly competitive sector. The company that aims to reach success in this market, should have the capabilities to overpass competitions and take advantage of the opportunities in the sector. Inside the marketing area, the media fragmentation and micro segmentations possibilities are, at the same time, a threat and an opportunity to gain market. In this research, we focused specifically in the client segmentation capability, as a way to gain efficiency in acquiring and converting personal loan clients. In the purposed model, we did a cluster analysis of a personal loans applicants data base, classifying clients according to their approval and conversions rates. The selected segments, which will have above the average conversions rates, will be the target for the company expand clients and gain quality for the data base. Focusing in these segments, the company will be able to find and acquire new clients – using media segmentation - and use for client prioritization in the sales funnel and customer care.
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