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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colorectal carcinogenesis via serrated route

Stefanius, K. (Karoliina) 22 March 2011 (has links)
Abstract Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the developed countries. Originally, development of CRC was thought to proceed by a sequence of steps known as an adenoma-carcinoma sequence. At present CRC is recognized as a disease developing through diverse pathways. Serrated adenocarcinoma represents an endpoint of tumors developing from serrated pathway. This thesis focuses on studying the molecular alterations in serrated adenocarcinoma. Microsatellite instability, hypermethylation of promoter region in DNA repair genes hMLH1 and MGMT, frequency of KRAS and BRAF mutations and mutation spectrum of PTCH1 was determined in serrated adenocarcinomas (n=42) and compared to non-serrated adenocarcinomas (n=75). MSI, particularly low level of MSI (p=0.02) and methylation of both hMLH1 and MGMT promoters (p=0.004, p=0.026) were found to be more prevalent for serrated CRC. BRAF mutation was frequent and specific to serrated adenocarcinomas (p&lt;0.001) and KRAS mutations were more frequent in serrated adenocarcinomas than in non-serrated cancers (p=0.002). A significant association between BRAF mutation, hMLH1 and MGMT methylation and MSI-H phenotype was found in serrated carcinomas. KRAS mutation was seen in association with MSS/MSI-L phenotype; in fact, if serrated adenocarcinoma presents with MSI-L there always seems to be a KRAS mutation as well. Negative immunohistochemical staining of the hMLH1 enzyme was in association with methylation of the gene and proved reliable in the detection of MSI-H phenotype (p&lt;0.0001). Sequencing analysis of the whole coding regions of the PTCH1 gene did not reveal any truncating mutation to explain the previously detected downregulation of the gene in serrated CRCs. In conclusion, serrated adenocarcinomas proved to be an independent, but heterogeneous subtype of CRCs. High combined mutation rate (79–82%) of KRAS and <I>BRAF</I> in serrated adenomas and adenocarcinomas indicates that MAPK activation is a crucial part of the serrated pathway. BRAF mutations are specific for serrated adenocarcinoma, and identify a subset of serrated adenocarcinomas with gene methylation and a tendency for MSI-H. High frequency of KRAS mutations in serrated adenocarcinomas suggests that a significant proportion of KRAS-mutated CRCs originate from serrated precursors. / Tiivistelmä Paksu- ja peräsuolisyöpä eli kolorektaalisyöpä on Suomessa kolmanneksi yleisin syöpätyyppi. Syöpää edeltävien muutosten tunnistaminen on tärkeää, jotta sen ehkäisy ja seuranta olisi tehokasta. Tavallisia adenoomapolyyppeja on pidetty tärkeimpinä kolorektaalisyövän esiastemuutoksina. 2000-luvulla on havaittu, että nk. sahalaitapolyypit edustavat tärkeää osaa esiastemuutoksista, ja näistä kehittyvää syöpää kutsutaan sahalaitaiseksi syöväksi. Sahalaitaisen syövän kehittymismekanismit eroavat huomattavasti tavallisesta kolorektaalisyövästä. Tässä väitöskirjassa keskityttiin tutkimaan sahalaitaiselle syövälle tyypillisiä morfologisia piirteitä sekä geneettisiä muutoksia. Työssä selvitettiin DNA mikrosatelliitti-instabiliteetin sekä DNA korjausgeenien hMLH1 ja MGMT promoottorialueiden hypermetylaation esiintyminen, nk. MAPK –signaalinsiirtoreitin komponenttien, KRAS ja BRAF -geenien, mutaatioiden yleisyys sekä PTCH1 geenin mutaatiokirjo sahalaitaisissa (n=42) ja tavallisissa kolorektaalisyövissä (n=75). DNA:n mikrosatelliitti-instabiliteetti, erityisesti matala-asteisena (MSI-L) (p=0.02) sekä <I>MLH1</I> ja hMGMT -geenien metylaatio (p=0.004, p=0.026) olivat yleisempiä sahalaitaisissa syövissä. <I>BRAF</I> mutaatio oli yleinen sekä spesifinen sahalaitasyöville (p&lt;0.001). Myös KRAS -mutaatiot olivat yleisempiä sahalaitaisissa syövissä (p=0.002). BRAF mutaatio, hMLH1 sekä MGMT metylaatio ja korkea-asteinen mikrosatelliitti-instabiliteetti (MSI-H) esiintyivät hyvin usein yhdessä sahalaitaisissa syövissä. Sahalaitaisissa syövissä KRAS –mutaatiot liittyivät MSI-L fenotyyppiin. hMLH1 geenin ilmentyminen tutkittiin myös immunohistokemiallisesti. Sahalaitaisissa syövissä MLH1 –proteiinin häviäiminen oli yhteydessä metylaatioon ja liittyi spesifisesti MSI-H:n esiintymiseen (p &lt; 0.0001). PTCH1 geenin sekvensointi ei paljastanut proteiinin toimintaa vahingoittavia muutoksia, eikä tuloksen perusteella pystytä selittämään aikaisemmin havaittua geenin ilmentymisen häviämistä sahalaitaisessa syövässä. Tulosten perusteella sahalaitainen syöpä on oma, mutta heterogeeninen kolorektaalisyövän alatyyppi. KRAS ja BRAF –geenien aktivoivien mutaatioiden yleisyys (79–82%) osoittaa, että MAPK -reitin aktivaatio on tärkeää sahalaitaisen syövän kehityksessä. BRAF -mutaatiot ovat spesifisiä sahalaitaisille syöville, ja yhdessä metylaation sekä MSI-H:n kanssa identifioi osan sahalaitasyövistä omaksi ryhmäkseen. <I>KRAS</I> –mutaatioiden yleisyys sahalaitaisissa syövissä antaa aiheen epäillä, että merkittävä osa KRAS –mutaation sisältävistä kolorektaalisyövistä kehittyy sahalaitapolyypeista.

Mémoire épigénétique des trajectoires pondérales maternelles préconceptionnelles au cours du développement et à long terme / Epigenetic memory of maternal preconceptional weight trajectories during development and adulthood

Panchenko, Polina 15 December 2015 (has links)
L'obésité maternelle peut prédisposer aux pathologies métaboliques à l'âge adulte. Une perte de poids préconceptionnelle est recommandée aux femmes obèses, mais ses effets sur la croissance fœto-placentaire et la santé de la descendance adulte sont encore peu connus. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient d’étudier les effets des trajectoires pondérales maternelles sur le phénotype de la descendance à terme et à l’âge adulte, ainsi que sur l’expression génique. Les descendants de mères obèses présentent une restriction de croissance fœtale, associée à des altérations d’expression des gènes de la machinerie épigénétique dans le foie fœtal et le labyrinthe placentaire. Notre étude souligne la sensibilité particulière de la machinerie d’acétylation des histones au métabolisme maternel. À l'âge adulte, les mâles nés des mères obèses développent une obésité aggravée lorsqu'ils sont exposés à un environnement obésogène. La perte de poids maternelle préconceptionnelle améliore la croissance fœtale et normalise le poids à l’âge adulte. Elle est donc bénéfique pour la descendance. Cependant, certains effets de l’obésité, corrigée par l’intervention nutritionnelle, sont conservés car le poids fœtal et l’expression d’une partie de gènes restent altérés. Ce travail apporte des premiers éléments sur les mécanismes du conditionnement développemental par les trajectoires pondérales maternelles. / Maternal obesity (OB) impacts fetal growth and adult offspring phenotype. It is still unknown whether the currently recommended preconceptional weight loss (WL) for obese women is beneficial for feto-placental growth and adult offspring health. The objectives of this thesis were to assess the effects of maternal weight trajectories on offspring phenotype at term and in adulthood, as well as gene expression in placenta and fetal liver. At E18.5, fetuses from obese females presented a fetal growth restriction (FGR); this FGR was almost completely abolished by maternal WL. Placental and hepatic expression of epigenetic machinery genes was affected by maternal OB, especially the histone acetylation pathway. Maternal WL normalized the expression of only a subset of these genes. Males born to OB mothers gained weight faster under high-fat diet than males born to control mothers; maternal WL rescued this phenotype. These results show that expression of epigenetic machinery genes and in particular histone acetylation regulators, is highly sensitive to maternal obesity. Preconceptional WL alleviates the effects of OB on fetal and adult weight but some effects of obesity cured by nutritional intervention were retained in offspring phenotype at term. This study is an important step toward understanding the mechanisms linking maternal nutrition to fetal growth and adult health.

Auxílio na prevenção de doenças crônicas por meio de mapeamento e relacionamento conceitual de informações em biomedicina / Support in the Prevention of Chronic Diseases by means of Mapping and Conceptual Relationship of Biomedical Information

Juliana Tarossi Pollettini 28 November 2011 (has links)
Pesquisas recentes em medicina genômica sugerem que fatores de risco que incidem desde a concepção de uma criança até o final de sua adolescência podem influenciar no desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas da idade adulta. Artigos científicos com descobertas e estudos inovadores sobre o tema indicam que a epigenética deve ser explorada para prevenir doenças de alta prevalência como doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes e obesidade. A grande quantidade de artigos disponibilizados diariamente dificulta a atualização de profissionais, uma vez que buscas por informação exata se tornam complexas e dispendiosas em relação ao tempo gasto na procura e análise dos resultados. Algumas tecnologias e técnicas computacionais podem apoiar a manipulação dos grandes repositórios de informações biomédicas, assim como a geração de conhecimento. O presente trabalho pesquisa a descoberta automática de artigos científicos que relacionem doenças crônicas e fatores de risco para as mesmas em registros clínicos de pacientes. Este trabalho também apresenta o desenvolvimento de um arcabouço de software para sistemas de vigilância que alertem profissionais de saúde sobre problemas no desenvolvimento humano. A efetiva transformação dos resultados de pesquisas biomédicas em conhecimento possível de ser utilizado para beneficiar a saúde pública tem sido considerada um domínio importante da informática. Este domínio é denominado Bioinformática Translacional (BUTTE,2008). Considerando-se que doenças crônicas são, mundialmente, um problema sério de saúde e lideram as causas de mortalidade com 60% de todas as mortes, o presente trabalho poderá possibilitar o uso direto dos resultados dessas pesquisas na saúde pública e pode ser considerado um trabalho de Bioinformática Translacional. / Genomic medicine has suggested that the exposure to risk factors since conception may influence gene expression and consequently induce the development of chronic diseases in adulthood. Scientific papers bringing up these discoveries indicate that epigenetics must be exploited to prevent diseases of high prevalence, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. A large amount of scientific information burdens health care professionals interested in being updated, once searches for accurate information become complex and expensive. Some computational techniques might support management of large biomedical information repositories and discovery of knowledge. This study presents a framework to support surveillance systems to alert health professionals about human development problems, retrieving scientific papers that relate chronic diseases to risk factors detected on a patient\'s clinical record. As a contribution, healthcare professionals will be able to create a routine with the family, setting up the best growing conditions. According to Butte, the effective transformation of results from biomedical research into knowledge that actually improves public health has been considered an important domain of informatics and has been called Translational Bioinformatics. Since chronic diseases are a serious health problem worldwide and leads the causes of mortality with 60% of all deaths, this scientific investigation will probably enable results from bioinformatics researches to directly benefit public health.

Identification of novel epigenetic mediators of erlotinib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer

Arpita S Pal (8612079) 16 April 2020 (has links)
<p>Lung cancer is the third most prevalent cancer in the world; however it is the leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for ~85% of the lung cancer cases. The current strategies to treat NSCLC patients with frequent causal genetic mutations is through targeted therapeutics. Approximately 10-35% of NSCLC patient tumors have activated mutations in the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) resulting in uncontrolled cellular proliferation. The standard-of care for such patients is EGFR-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs), a class of targeted therapeutics that specifically inhibit EGFR activity. One such EGFR-TKI used in this study is erlotinib. Following erlotinib treatment, tumors rapidly regress at first; however, over 50% of patients develop erlotinib resistance within a year post treatment. Development of resistance remains to be the major challenge in treatment of NSCLC using EGFR-TKIs such as erlotinib. </p> <p>In approximately 60% of cases, acquired erlotinib resistance in patients is attributed to a secondary mutation in EGFR, whereas in about 20% of cases, activation of alternative signaling pathways is the reported mechanism. For the remaining 15-20% of <a>cases</a> the mechanism of resistance remains unknown. Therefore, it can be speculated that the common methods used to identify genetic mutations in tumors post erlotinib treatment, such as histologic analysis and genetic screening may fail to identify alterations in epigenetic mediators of erlotinib resistance, also including microRNAs (miRNAs). MiRNAs are short non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally negatively regulate their target transcripts. Hence, in this study two comprehensive screens were simultaneously conducted in erlotinib sensitive cells: 1) a genome-wide knock-out screen, conducted with the hypothesis that loss of function of certain genes drive erlotinib resistance, 2) a miRNA overexpression screen, conducted with the hypothesis that certain miRNAs drive the development of erlotinib resistance when overexpressed. The overreaching goal of the study was to identify novel drivers of erlotinib resistance such as microRNAs or other epigenetic factors in NSCLC.</p><p>The findings of this study led to the identification of a tumor suppressive protein and an epigenetic regulator, SUV420H2 (KMT5C) that has never been reported to be involved in erlotinib resistance. On the other hand, the miRNA overexpression screen identified five miRNAs that contribute to erlotinib resistance that were extensively analyzed using multiple bioinformatic tools. It was predicted that the miRNAs mediate erlotinib resistance via multiple pathways, owing to the ability of each miRNA to target multiple transcripts via partial complementarity. Importantly, a correlation between the two screens was identified clearly supporting the use of two simultaneous screens as a reliable technique to determine highly significant miRNA-target interactions. Overall, the findings from this study suggest that epigenetic factors, such as histone modifiers and miRNAs function as critical mediators of erlotinib resistance, possibly belonging to the 15-20% of NSCLC cases with unidentified mechanisms involved in erlotinib resistance.</p><p></p>

Analysis of an epigenetic regulator in mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation

Lubitz, Sandra 06 December 2005 (has links)
Mammals have two orthologs, Mll and Trx2, for the Drososphila protein Trithorax (TRX), which is the founding member of the trithorax group (TrxG) of epigenetic regulators. TrxG proteins are characterized by an evolutionary conserved SET domain. A major function of all SET domain- containing proteins is to modulate gene activity, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Apparently TRX, Mll and Trx2 are histone H3 lysine 4 specific methyltransferases. So far all evidence points to roles in expression of specific target genes. However, target genes and function of the epigenetic regulator Trx2 were still unknown. Homozygous trx2 mutant embryos arrest in development because of severe and widespread defects {Glaser, 2005 #296}. Thus mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells carrying a null mutation of trx2 were used as an alternative model system to address the implication of Trx2 in differentiation. This study showed that Trx2 is redundant for ES cell self-renewal. Homozygous trx2 knockout ES cells did not exhibit cell cycle defects. However, loss of Trx2 resulted in reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis rates in trx2-/- ES cells. Due to the fact that differentiation requires an appropriate rate of population growth, trx2-/- cells were affected adversely upon in vitro differentiation. Neurogeneic differentiation of trx2 mutant cells generated fewer mature neurons than wild type cells. Moreover a temporal delay in the developmental progression to differentiation became apparent. Cardiac differentiation of trx2-/- cells confirmed the developmental defect and temporal delay. Notably differentiation of trx2-/- cells was merely delayed or impaired but it was not absent, implying that Trx2 is not required for gene expression programs specific for neurons or cardiac myocytes. We propose that differentiation of trx2-/- ES cells is impaired because apoptosis is disturbing differentiation. Apart from analyzing the phenotype of trx2 mutant cells, this work was focused on the identification of Trx2 target genes. Oligonucleotide expression arrays were used to identify genes whose expression levels were affected by the absence of Trx2. In general, loss of Trx2 function resulted in more genes with decreased than increased expression levels. This is consistent with the hypothesis that Trx2 functions as a transcriptional activator. Comparison of gene expression profiles for constitutive and conditional trx2 mutant cells enabled a distinction between direct and indirect target genes for Trx2. As a result Magoh2 was identified as the key candidate target gene for Trx2. Interaction between Trx2 and Magoh2 suggested a potential regulatory role for Trx2 in alternative splicing. Furthermore this work provided evidence that Trx2 could be involved in the maintenance of CpG island promoter gene expression, thus providing a potent regulatory mechanism for ubiquitously expressed genes.

Konstrukce modifikovaných DNA s vybranými reaktivními či chránícími skupinami / Construction of modified DNAs with selected reactive or protective groups

Vaníková, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
This PhD thesis is focused on the synthesis of DNA modified with photocleavable 2- nitrobenzyl protecting groups in major groove and its applications in the regulation of gene expression in the level of transcription. In the first part of my thesis, the synthesis of photocaged 2'-deoxyribonucleosides triphosphates and their photolysis to unprotected 5-hydroxymethylated nucleotides is described. All prepared nucleoside triphosphates were good substrates for their enzymatic incorporation into DNA. Synthesized 5-(2-nitrobenzyloxy)methyl-2'-deoxyuridine-5'- monophosphate (dUNBMP) and DNA with one 5-(2-nitrobenzyloxy)methyl- modification in the sequence were used for the detailed kinetic studies of photocleavage reactions. In the second part of the thesis, the series of modified DNAs with specific sequences were prepared by primer extension (PEX) and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A cleavage of prepared modified DNAs was studied by selected restriction endonucleases (REs). In all cases, the nitrobenzylated DNA fully resist the cleavage by REs. The deprotection/ photocleavage conditions for nitrobenzylated DNA were studied in the case of DNAs with positive restriction endonuclease digestion of hydroxymethylated DNA. The resulting photocleaved DNA was fully digested by REs, therefore 2-nitrobenzyl...

Étude des particules fines et ultrafines en suspension dans l'air au Liban : caractérisation physicochimique et évaluation des effets toxicologiques sur des cellules pulmonaires humaines BEAS-2B / The study of air suspended fine and ultrafine particles in Lebanon : physicochemical characterization and evaluation of toxicological effects on human lung cells BEAS-2B

Borgie, Mireille 15 April 2014 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de cette étude, une des premières menée au Liban, étaient d’acquérir une meilleure connaissance des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des particules atmosphériques fines (PF ou PM₂.₅₋₀.₃) et ultrafines (PUF ou PM₀.₃), et d’évaluer in vitro, leur potentiel toxique sur des cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines (BEAS-2B). L’échantillonnage de PF et de PUF a été mené au Liban à la fois sur un site urbain (Sin El-Fil, du 18 mai au 2 sept. 2011) et un site rural (Beije, du 5 sept. au 28 oct. 2011). Les PF et les PUF ont fait l’objet d’une caractérisation physico-chimique par la détermination de leur composition en éléments et ions inorganiques, carbone total et composés organiques. Ensuite, des échantillons composites de PF et de PUF ont été préparés afin d’exposer les cellules BEAS-2B et évaluer les mécanismes toxiques sous-jacents. Nos résultats ont montré une influence des sources de combustion plus notable pour les particules collectées sur le site urbain, et cela par la présence de carbone total, de composés organiques, de métaux et d’ions inorganiques secondaires à des niveaux de concentration supérieurs à ceux rencontrés sur le site rural. D’autre part, une cytotoxicité plus prononcée a été provoquée par les PUF par comparaison aux PF. Les mécanismes de génotoxicité et de modifications épigénétiques que nous avons étudiés, à savoir l’activation métabolique des composés organiques, la modification de l’expression de trois microARNs, l’activation de la télomérase et l’induction de cassures au niveau de l’ADN, ont été induits par les deux échantillons de PF, avec un effet plus prononcé pour les particules d’origine urbaine. L’exposition des cellules BEAS-2B aux PF collectées, notamment celles d’origine urbaine, pourraient donc favoriser la transformation des cellules pulmonaires en cellules immortelles, et par conséquent, l’initiation ou la promotion de la cancérogenèse broncho-pulmonaire. / The objectives of this study, one of the first conducted in Lebanon, were to acquire a better knowledge on the physico-chemical characteristics of atmospheric fine particles (FP or PM₂.₅₋₀.₃) and ultrafine ones (UFP or PM₀.₃), and to assess their potential toxicity. Particles were collected at two coastal sites between may and sept. 2011 at Sin El-Fil (urban site in Greater Beirut), and between sept. and oct. 2011 at Bejje (rural site). After sampling, FP and UFP were subjected to a physico-chemical characterization by quantifying their inorganic ions and elements, total carbon and organic compounds contents. Then, composite samples of FP and UFP were prepared in order to expose bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) in culture, and therefore to assess the underlying toxic mechanisms. Our results showed an influence of combustion sources especially for urban particles that are richer in total carbon, organic compounds, metals and secondary inorganic ions than rural ones. On the other hand, a more pronounced cytotoxicity was caused by UFP when compared to FP. In addition, epigenetic modifications and genotoxicity mechanisms, such as metabolic activation of organic compounds, changes in three microRNAs expression, telomerase activation and DNA breaks induction, which are potentially involved in the initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis, were induced by the two samples of FP, with a more pronounced effect of urban particles. Exposure of BEAS-2B cells to collected FP, especially urban ones, may therefore induce the transformation of lung cells to immortal cells, and consequently the initiation or the promotion of broncho-pulmonary carcinogenesis.

Influence de l'âge et du tabac sur les mécanismes génotoxiques et épigénétiques précoces de cancérogénèse broncho-pulmonaire en réponse à la pollution particulaire urbaine / Role of aging and smoking in the modulation of genotoxic and epigenetic events of carcinogenesis after exposure to air pollution particulate matter

Fougère, Bertrand 04 September 2014 (has links)
Récemment reconnus comme cancérogènes certains pour l'homme par l’IARC, la pollution atmosphérique et les particules fines (PM₂.₅) peuvent être inhalées et pourraient être retenues au niveau pulmonaire ou passer dans la circulation systémique. Ceci peut causer ou renforcer de nombreuses pathologies auxquelles les personnes âgées sont souvent plus sensibles. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche d’identification des processus impliqués dans la modulation du potentiel cancérogène des PM₂.₅, en lien avec l’âge ou le statut tabagique. Les particules ont été collectées à Dunkerque, agglomération présentant des influences maritimes mais également caractérisée par des activités industrielles et un trafic automobile importants. Pour évaluer l'influence de l'âge, des lymphocytes sanguins prélevés chez 90 patients issus de trois classes d'âge (25-30, 50-55 et 75-80 ans) ont été exposés ex vivo à des PM₂.₅ d’origine urbaine. Les lymphocytes isolés ont été exposés aux PM₂.₅ pendant 72 heures, avant de mesurer l'activité télomérase et la modulation d'expression de gènes tels que P16INK4A et MGMT. Les PM₂.₅ entraînent des variations de l'activité télomérase et de la longueur des télomères dans toutes les tranches d'âge indifféremment. L’expression du gène P16INK4A est significativement augmentée avec l'âge après exposition aux PM₂.₅. L'âge augmenterait l'expression du gène MGMT après exposition aux particules, en diminuant le niveau de méthylation de son promoteur uniquement dans le groupe des patients les plus âgés. Concernant le rôle du statut tabagique, 26 lavages broncho-alvéolaires ont été réalisés chez des patients fumeurs et non-fumeurs. Les macrophages issus de ces prélèvements ont été mis en culture avec des cellules épithéliales bronchiques BEAS-2B, avant exposition aux PM₂.₅ (3 et 15 µg/cm², 72 h). L’activité télomérase et la longueur des télomères varient après exposition aux PM2.5 et le statut tabagique modifie ces paramètres dans les cellules BEAS-2B et les macrophages alvéolaires. La méthylation des promoteurs et l’expression des gènes P16INK4A et MGMT ne sont pas modifiées dans les cellules BEAS-2B, alors que dans les macrophages alvéolaires les particules induisent l’expression de ces gènes par une diminution de la méthylation de leurs promoteurs. Le statut tabagique fumeur semble au contraire accroître la méthylation et limite l’expression de ces deux gènes. En conclusion, il apparaît que l’échantillon de PM₂.₅ étudié peut induire ex vivo plusieurs lésions décrites dans les étapes d’initiation et de promotion de la cancérogenèse broncho-pulmonaire. L’âge et le tabagisme sont susceptibles de moduler les effets toxiques des particules. Alors que les symptômes du cancer du poumon apparaissent seulement à une étape avancée de la maladie, nos résultats pourraient aider à la découverte de nouveaux marqueurs de diagnostic précoce permettant ainsi d’améliorer la survie. / Recently recognized as carcinogenic to human by IARC, air pollution and fine particulate matter (PM₂.₅) can be inhaled and could be retained into the lung or reach the systemic circulation. This can cause or worsen many diseases for which the elderly are often more sensitive. The PhD objective corresponds to the identification of the mechanisms of action involved in the modulation of carcinogenic potential of PM₂.₅, in connection with age or smoking status. PM₂.₅ were collected in Dunkerque, a French seaside city characterized by important industrial activities and heavy motor vehicle traffic. In order to estimate the influence of age, blood lymphocytes sampled from 90 patients from age classes (25-30, 50-55 and 75-80 years old) were ex vivo exposed to PM₂.₅ during 72 hours, before evaluation of telomerase activity and gene expression modulation of P16INK4A and MGMT. PM₂.₅ modulated telomerase activity and telomeres length in all age groups without any influence of age. P16INK4A gene expression increased significantly with age after exposure to PM₂.₅. Age could enhance MGMT gene expression after exposure to particles by decreasing the level of promoter methylation in the oldest group. Regarding the role of smoking status, 26 broncho-alveolar lavage were performed in smoker and non-smoker people. Macrophages were cultured with bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells before PM₂.₅ exposure (3 or 15µg/cm²; 72h). The telomerase activity and telomere length vary after exposure and the tobacco modify these parameters in BEAS-2B cells and alveolar macrophages. Methylation of P16INK4A and MGMT genes promoters and their expression are not modified in BEAS-2B cells. In alveolar macrophages, particles lead to a decrease of methylation of P16INK4A gene promoter. The smoking status seems also to increase methylation and to down-regulate expression of these two genes. In conclusion, it seems that the studied PM₂.₅ sample can induce ex vivo modifications described in the initiation and promotion of lung carcinogenesis. The age and smoking status may modulate the toxic effects of particles. Since lung cancer symptoms appear only at an advanced stage, our results could help in proposing new biomarkers of carcinogenesis allowing an early diagnosis to improve survival.

Étude de la régulation des profils métaboliques par la méthyltransférase Enhancer of Zeste Homologue 2 dans le cancer du sein triple négatif

St-Arnaud, Myriame 12 1900 (has links)
Les cancers du sein triple-négatifs (CSTN) présentent un taux élevé de récidive dû à la résistance aux chimiothérapies. Les adaptations du métabolisme cellulaire dans les CSTN contribuent à la résistance thérapeutique. Des changements du métabolisme de la glycolyse ou des acides aminés, peuvent permettre aux cellules de CSTN de s’adaptent rapidement en situation de stress. Toutefois, de nouvelles vulnérabilités peuvent être exposées chez les cellules du CSTN au cours de ces adaptations métaboliques. La méthyltransférase Enhancer of Zest Homologe 2 (EZH2) est connue pour son rôle dans l’identité cellulaire et la régulation de l’expression génique. Récemment, il a été montré qu’EZH2 joue un rôle dans la reprogrammation cellulaire des CSTN et contribue au développement de la résistance à la chimiothérapie. Mais les implications de cette reprogrammation sur le métabolisme des cellules CSTN, ne sont pas encore clairement identifiées. Ce projet a pour but d’étudier si les modifications épigénétiques résultant de l’activité d’EZH2 contribuent à la régulation du métabolisme cellulaire et permet les adaptations métaboliques dans les CSTN. Dans cette étude, nous utilisons les molécules UNC1999 et EPZ-4638, deux inhibiteurs sélectifs de l’activité enzymatique d’EZH2. Par des approches génomiques, transcriptomiques et métabolomiques, nous montrons que l’inhibition pharmacologique d’EZH2 induit des changements métaboliques caractérisés par une perturbation de la glycolyse et une résistance accrue à la privation de glucose. Nous observons aussi une augmentation de la dépendance à la glutamine et une utilisation accrue de la glutamine intracellulaire lors de l’inhibition d’EZH2. Ces vulnérabilités constituent des cibles potentielles pour un traitement concomitant avec le UNC1999. Finalement, nous proposons un mécanisme impliquant le facteur de transcription Estrogen Related Receptor-alpha (ERR) comme médiateur contribuant à l’effet métabolique résultant de l’inhibition d’EZH2 dans les CSTN. Les données préliminaires présentées dans ce mémoire proposent pour la première fois que les inhibiteurs d’EZH2 pourraient être utilisés pour induire des vulnérabilités métaboliques qui pourraient potentiellement être exploitées dans les CSTN. / Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) have a high rate of recurrence due to resistance to chemotherapy. Adaptations of cellular metabolism in TNBCs contribute to therapeutic resistance. Changes in glycolysis or amino acid metabolism may allow TNBC cells to adapt rapidly under stress. However, new and potentially targetable vulnerabilities may be exposed in TNBC cells during these metabolic adaptations. Methyltransferase Enhancer of Zest Homologue 2 (EZH2) is known for its role in cell identity and regulation of gene expression. Recently, EZH2 was shown to play a role in the cellular reprogramming of TNBCs and to contribute to the development of resistance to chemotherapy. But the implications of this reprogramming on the TNBC metabolism are not yet clearly identified. This project aims to investigate whether epigenetic modifications resulting from EZH2 activity contribute to the regulation of cellular metabolism and enable metabolic adaptations in TNBCs. In this study, we use the molecules UNC1999 and EPZ-4638, two selective inhibitors of the enzymatic activity of EZH2. Using genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches, we show that pharmacological inhibition of EZH2 induces metabolic changes characterized by disruption of glycolysis and increased resistance to glucose starvation. We also observe an increase in glutamine dependence and increased use of intracellular glutamine upon inhibition of EZH2. We show that these vulnerabilities are potential targets for concurrent treatment with UNC1999. Finally, we propose a mechanism proposing that the transcription factor Estrogen Related Receptor-alpha (ERR) contributes to the metabolic effect resulting from EZH2 inhibition in TNBCs. The preliminary data presented in this thesis propose for the first time that EZH2 inhibitors could be used to induce metabolic vulnerabilities that may potentially be exploited in TNBC.

Reading the Epigenetic State of Chromatin Alters its Accessibility

Gibson, Matthew D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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