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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Study of Applying Category Management on Adaptive Customer-centered Online Catalogs

Liu, Chiang-Luan 26 June 2001 (has links)
The Internet with growing electronic commerce is regarded as a new selling channel for retailers. Online catalog organization has become an important issue for e-tailing business development. While most online retailing web sites provide assistance for searchers who know exactly what they are seeking, little has been done to aid browsers who take a more open-minded and exploratory approach to navigation. Good design of online catalogs is essential for browsers to shop over the web. In this paper, we propose a two-phase approach to the design of online catalogs. In the first phase, the idea of category management that analyzes customers¡¦ purchasing behaviors is employed to construct a customer-centered online catalog. Cluster-based market segmentation helps determine the web hierarchy with clusters of products in higher levels indicating more interesting to customers. The second phase is to dynamically adjust the hierarchy when customers¡¦ preference indicated by browsing patterns is changed.'Relative access' that reflects the popularity of web pages is used as a basis to make online catalog adaptation. Finally, we apply this approach to real-world data collected at Galleze.com by Blue Martini Software. It shows that our approach can result in meaningful online catalog organization for customers to navigate. Our study therefore provides a good direction for researchers in designing online catalogs. Furthermore, e-tailing practitioners can apply our approach easily and gain benefits from such a design.


Yung-Chen, Jen 29 August 2001 (has links)

Mitigating DRAM complexities through coordinated scheduling policies

Stuecheli, Jeffrey Adam 04 June 2012 (has links)
Contemporary DRAM systems have maintained impressive scaling by managing a careful balance between performance, power, and storage density. In achieving these goals, a significant sacrifice has been made in DRAM's operational complexity. To realize good performance, systems must properly manage the significant number of structural and timing restrictions of the DRAM devices. DRAM's efficient use is further complicated in many-core systems where the memory interface has to be shared among multiple cores/threads competing for memory bandwidth. In computer architecture, caches have primarily been viewed as a means to hide memory latency from the CPU. Cache policies have focused on anticipating the CPU's data needs, and are mostly oblivious to the main memory. This work demonstrates that the era of many-core architectures has created new main memory bottlenecks, and mandates a new approach: coordination of cache policy with main memory characteristics. Using the cache for memory optimization purposes dramatically expands the memory controller's visibility of processor behavior, at low implementation overhead. Through memory-centric modification of existing policies, such as scheduled writebacks, this work demonstrates that performance-limiting effects of highly-threaded architectures combined with complex DRAM operation can be overcome. This work shows that an awareness of the physical main memory layout and by focusing on writes, both read and write average latency can be shortened, memory power reduced, and overall system performance improved. The use of the "Page-Mode" feature of DRAM devices can mitigate many DRAM constraints. Current open-page policies attempt to garner the highest level of page hits. In an effort to achieve this, such greedy schemes map sequential address sequences to a single DRAM resource. This non-uniform resource usage pattern introduces high levels of conflict when multiple workloads in a many-core system map to the same set of resources. This work presents a scheme that provides a careful balance between the benefits (increased performance and decreased power), and the detractors (unfairness) of page-mode accesses. In the proposed Minimalist approach, the system targets "just enough" page-mode accesses to garner page-mode benefits, avoiding system unfairness. This is accomplished with the use of a fair memory hashing scheme to control the maximum number of page mode hits. High density memory is becoming ever more important as many execution streams are consolidated onto single chip many-core processors. DRAM is ubiquitous as a main memory technology, but while DRAM's per-chip density and frequency continue to scale, the time required to refresh its dynamic cells has grown at an alarming rate. This work shows how currently-employed methods to schedule refresh operations are ineffective in mitigating the significant performance degradation caused by longer refresh times. Current approaches are deficient -- they do not effectively exploit the flexibility of DRAMs to postpone refresh operations. This work proposes dynamically reconfigurable predictive mechanisms that exploit the full dynamic range allowed in the industry standard DRAM memory specifications. The proposed mechanisms are shown to mitigate much of the penalties seen with dense DRAM devices. In summary this work presents a significant improvement in the ability to exploit the capabilities of high density, high frequency, DRAM devices in a many-core environment. This is accomplished though coordination of previously disparate system components, exploiting integration of such components into highly integrated system designs. / text

臉書粉絲頁超連結分析系統 / A Hyperlink Analyzer for Facebook Pages

李燕宜, Lee, Yen I Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網際網路快速發展和社群網站的盛行,社群網站已成為許多名人、明星、公司、機關團體等與一般使用者溝通的新管道,其中很常見的就是透過建立臉書(Facebook)粉絲頁的方式來發佈消息更新狀況,一般使用者可藉由臉書平台來快速獲取名人動態或產品資訊等與其他網友之評論與意見,透過網路社群經營與粉絲頁建立已成為許多名人、公司企業與團體進行行銷、發表意見與粉絲互動的重要管道。 不僅於此,當重大公共事件發生時,許多臉書粉絲頁也會成為訊息與意見傳播的重要管道,所以許多傳播研究學者紛紛投入研究粉絲頁所發佈的貼文內容與來源,其中一個重點就是粉絲頁貼文所引用的外部網站內容。本論文針對轉發超連結的貼文以及大量貼文內含的超連結作處理,透過網址擷取和網址還原技術(URL unshorten)的應用加以分析統計,以供傳播研究學者快速了解粉絲頁貼文內容分布狀況,並藉此了解在不同情境下的社交媒體策略以及與粉絲之間的互動關係。另外為優化本系統效能,對於排程分析工作中提出並導入了「排程資料處理機制」,可顯著降低重覆分析貼文的次數,以提升資料分析的效率。 / Nowadays, social networking sites have become the new media for many celebrities, groups and business to communicate in societies and worldwide. Many celebrities, groups and business post their new status through Facebook fan pages and users can get status about celebrities or product information through Facebook immediately. Creating a Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote business and build closer relationship with audiences and customers. Besides, during the outbreak a public event, many fan pages would become important sources of news and information dissemination. Thus, many Humanities and Social Sciences scholars are eager to investigate the sources and contents of posts in fan pages. In particular, many posts contain hyperlinks pointing to outside news or information sources. This thesis design and implement a fan page content analyzer, focusing on hyperlinks analysis. By parsing URLs and URL unshortening, our tool offers hyperlink analysis for scholars to get quick overview about fan page feeds and to understand how they cite news or information from various sources. In addition, our tool is equipped with an aggregated data sharing mechanism to avoid parsing redundant feeds, thus being able to improve the performance of the tool.

Development of an expression system for a dehydrogenase

Veibäck, Axel January 2010 (has links)
In recent years, biocatalytical steps in chemical synthesis are becoming increasingly important for economical and environmental-friendly production. In order to evaluate the use of enzymes in a process at Cambrex Karlskoga AB, an expression system was developed for a dehydrogenase. A synthetic gene was cloned into Escherichia coli DH5a cells, using the pTZ19R expression vector, as previously described in the literature. Protein expression was carried out at 25°C, 30°C and 37°C and results were measured using SDS-PAGE and activity assays. To improve expression, the gene was modified in three ways using PCR, yielding eight clones: It was inserted into the pSE420 expression vector, shortened to avoid inclusion body formation and a missing nucleotide was inserted into the sequence. A protocol for inclusion body screening was also developed. Finally, an assay for determining the kinetic constants of dehydrogenase was designed. It is concluded that further experiments must be done to obtain expression of the dehydrogenase and recommendations for additional work are given. / Biokatalytiska processteg har de senaste åren blivit ett allt viktigare inslag i kemisk syntes för att åstadkomma ekonomisk och miljövänlig produktion. För att utvärdera användandet av enzymer i en process hos Cambrex Karlskoga AB utvecklades ett expressionssystem för ett dehydrogenas. En syntetisk gen klonades in i Escherichia coli DH5a och uttrycktes med hjälp av expressionsvektorn pTZ19R, som tidigare finns beskrivet i litteraturen. Proteinuttrycket utfördes vid 25°C, 30°C och 37°C och resultatet mättes med hjälp av SDS-PAGE och aktivitetsmätningar. Genen för dehydrogenaset modifierades på tre sätt, vilket gav upphov till åtta varianter. Genen fördes över till expressionsvektorn pSE420, kortades för att undvika bildning av inklusionskroppar och en nukleotid som fattades från gensekvensen återinfördes. Ett protokoll utarbetades även för undersökning av inklusionskroppar. Till sist sammanställdes en metod för att undersöka de kinetiska konstanterna hos dehydrogenaset. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att fortsatta studier måste utföras för att erhålla uttryck av dehydrogenaset och rekommendationer ges för framtida undersökningar.

Försök till att lösa degraderingsproblem vid preparation av fotosystem I-subenheten PSI-N genom att använda proteasinhibitorer och olika sorters lysis / Trying to solve degradation problem when preparing PSI-N from the photosystem I complex using protease inhibitors and different kinds of lysis

Jedenheim, Linda, Eriksson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Fotosyntesen kallas den process som omvandlar ljusenergi till kemisk energi. Fotosyntesen sker i tylakoidmembranet och drivs av två stora proteinkomplex, fotosystem II (PSII) och fotosystem I (PSI) då de tillförs energi i form av fotoner. PSI-N är ett mindre protein på ca 10 kDa som ingår i PSI. På något sätt, som ännu inte är klarlagt, samverkar PSI-N med PSI-F och plastocyanin när det dockar till PSI. Det är därför av viktigt att rena fram större mängder av PSI-N för att få djupare kunskaper om proteinet samt dess struktur och funktioner. Tidigare undersökningar har utförts i ämnet och ett fusionsprotein innehållande PSI-N har uttryckts i Escherichia coli (E.coli). Problem har dock uppstått efter lysis av cellerna då det har visat sig att fusionsproteinet har degraderats. Vårt examensarbete strävar efter att rena fram intakt fusionsprotein med hjälp av, framför allt, mekanisk lysis och proteasinhibitorer. / The process where light is converted into chemical energy is called photosyntesis. The reaction takes place in the thylakoid membrane and is driven by two major protein complexes, photosystem II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI) when energy in form of photons are received. PSI-N, a subunit in PSI, is a smaller protein with a mass of approximately 10 kDa. In some way, which is not yet clarified, PSI-N collaborates with PSI-F and plastocyanin when plastocyanin is docking to PSI. It is therefore important to purify larger amounts of the protein to acquire deeper knowledge of its structure and function. In earlier research the PSI-N protein has been expressed in Escherichia coli (E.coli). The problem has been degradation of the fusion protein after lysis. Our goal with this project is to obtain the purified protein intact using mechanic lysis and protease inhibitors.

"Covetous to parley with so sweet a frontis-peece": Illustration in Early Modern English Play-Texts

Jakacki, Diane 09 September 2010 (has links)
This dissertation studies visual artifacts associated with early modern theatre and book culture, and through them examines acts of communication in the marketplace. These artifacts, illustrated play-text title pages from the period 1600 to 1660, provide scholars with an opportunity to better understand the discursive power of theatre and subjects associated with drama in seventeenth-century London. This work offers a set of case studies that demonstrate how title page imagery and its circulation can contribute to our understanding of contemporary theatre culture, and addresses questions of intention, production and distribution. As well, it offers insights into early modern modes of constructing visualization. These artifacts served not only as visual reminders or interpretations of the dramatic works they represented, but were also used as powerful marketing tools that enhanced the cultural capital of the plays throughout London. The title pages were used as posters, tacked to the walls of the booksellers’ shops; the woodcuts were also repurposed, and incorporated into other popular publications such as broadside ballads, which retold the plots of the plays in musical form and were sold on city street corners. These connections raise questions about early modern forms of marketing used by publishers, and challenge the widely accepted belief that images held little value in the society and in the culture of print of the period. In addition, the distribution of these illustrations challenges the widespread conviction that early modern English culture was iconophobic, and suggests that seventeenth-century English society embraced rather than spurned visual media. Methodologically, this study is built on the foundations laid by scholars of English theatre and print culture. Within those fields, however, it has been customary to view these title page illustrations as inferior forms of representation, especially in comparison to their continental counterparts. By using tools from visual rhetoric to expand on how and what these images communicate, I am able to show the important functions they performed, and the distinct and playful way they represent complex relationships between stage and page, audience and performance, reading and spectating. These readings, in turn, enrich our historical understanding of the cultures of print and theatre, and build upon our knowledge of the interactions between these rich and important fields. Each chapter explores theoretical and contextual questions that pertain to some aspect of each illustration, as well as examining whether individual illustrations can inform us further about early modern theatrical performance practices. The introduction surveys the relevant field and introduces the theoretical resources that will be used in the subsequent chapters. Chapter Two examines the 1633 edition of Arden of Faversham and the question of whether the action in the illustration pertains to the play or to a broadside ballad that appeared in the same year. The third chapter provides a theoretical analysis of the performance of violence in the woodcut for The Spanish Tragedy, and how emphatic elements in the image may demonstrate the influence of theatrical performance upon the artist. Chapter Four explores the relationship between the title page of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay and the concept of celebrity in relation to the Tarltonesque clown character who dominates the action of the image. Chapter Five considers the problematic relationship between theatre, politics and satire in the competing engraved title pages for A Game at Chess. The conclusion draws together the findings, and points to other aspects of early modern print and theatre cultures to which they pertain.

Žiniatinklinių tinklalapių ir DBVS analizavimas bei optimizavimas / WEB pages with dbms(database management system) analysis and optimization

Matijošius, Erikas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Aprašytos labiausiai paplitusios žiniatinklių kūrimo technologijos : ASP.NET, PHP, Python, Ruby. Išanalizuotos ir aprašytos DBVS, kurios yra dažniausiai taikomos žiniatinkliniuose tinklalapiuose. Parinkta optimaliausia žiniatinklinių tinklalapių kūrimo technologijos ir DBVS sąveika PHP+MySql. Remiantis šia sąveika sukurtas puslapis www.supermodels.lt. Nustačius žiniatinklinio puslapio struktūrą, pradėtas greičio optimizavimo procesas. Išanalizuoti ir aprašyti: „podėliavimas“, „connection pooling“ , „serijinės užklausos“, grafikos bei sukompiliuotų bitų kodų optimizavimo metodai. Naudojant stebėjimo įrankį JBlizPro 5.1 buvo taikomi visi greičio optimizavimo metodai ir analizuojant rezultatus buvo daromos optimizavimo išvados. Galiausiai nustatyti optimaliausi optimizavimo metodai vidutiniam žiniatinklio tinklalapio poreikiui. / In this paper there were described the most popular WEB development technologies: ASP.NET, PHP, Python, Ruby with different DBMS (database management systems). The WEB page www.supermodels.lt was created using the most optional interaction - PHP+MySgl. Then the page optimization process started. The page optimization process started describing and sifting speed optimization methods: “Catching”, “Connection pooling”, “Batch queries”, graphic and bite code optimizers. All these methods were implemented in www.supermodels.lt page. The speed optimization conclusions were made using JBlizPro 5.1 watchouts results. Finally the most optimal optimization methods were found to make moderate WEB page.


Murugesan, Keerthiram 01 January 2011 (has links)
A term weighting scheme measures the importance of a term in a collection. A document ranking model uses these term weights to find the rank or score of a document in a collection. We present a series of cluster-based term weighting and document ranking models based on the TF-IDF and Okapi BM25 models. These term weighting and document ranking models update the inter-cluster and intra-cluster frequency components based on the generated clusters. These inter-cluster and intra-cluster frequency components are used for weighting the importance of a term in addition to the term and document frequency components. In this thesis, we will show how these models outperform the TF-IDF and Okapi BM25 models in document clustering and ranking.

Characterization of Candida species isolated from the oral mucosa of HIV-positive African patients

Abrantes, Pedro Miguel dos Santos January 2013 (has links)
<p>&nbsp / </p> <p align="left">One of the most common HIV-associated opportunistic infections is candidiasis, caused by <i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida albicans </font></i><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">or other </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">species. In immune suppressed subjects, this commensal organism can cause an increase in patient morbidity and mortality due to oropharyngeal or systemic dissemination. Limited information exists on the prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">species in the African continent, the most HIV-affected region globally and home to new and emerging drug resistant </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">species. The mechanisms of </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">drug resistance in the African continent have also not been described. In this study, 255 </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">species isolated from the oral mucosa of HIV-positive South African and Cameroonian patients were identified using differential and chromogenic media and their drug susceptibility profiles tested using the disk diffusion method and the TREK Sensititre system, an automated broth microdilution method. </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">cell wall fractions were run on SDSPAGE and HPLC-MS with the aim of identifying peptides specifically expressed by antifungal drug resistant isolates. Comparisons between the two groups of isolates revealed differences in </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">species prevalence and drug susceptibility with interesting associations observed between specific drug resistance and duration of ARV therapy. This study showed that fluconazole, the drug of choice for the treatment of candidiasis in the African continent, is not an effective therapy for most cases of </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">infection, and suggests that regional surveillance be implemented in the continent. A multiple-drug resistant </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">strain was identified in this study, a finding that has not previously been documented. The use of proteomics tools allowed for the identification of peptides involved in drug resistance and the elucidation of </font><i><font face="TimesNewRoman,Italic">Candida </font><font lang="KO" face="TimesNewRoman">colonization mechanisms in HIV-infected African patients.</font></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></p>

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