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Discovery of Novel Antibacterial Agents against Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC): Identification of Molecular Targets, Assessing Impact on Gut Microbiome and Evaluating Potential as Antibiotic AdjuvantsKathayat, Dipak January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects Of Phosphatidylserine On Reaction Time And Cognitive Function Following An Exercise StressWells, Adam John 01 January 2012 (has links)
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an endogenously occurring phospholipid that has been shown to have cognition and mood enhancing properties in humans, possibly through its role as an enzyme co-factor in cellular signal transduction. Specifically, PS has been identified as activator of classical isoforms of protein kinase C, an enzyme known to be involved in the growth and differentiation of neural cells, and is therefore thought to play a role in the protection of neurons. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of supplementation with PS and caffeine on measures of cognition, reaction time and mood prior to and following an exercise stress. Twenty, healthy, resistance trained males (17) and females (3) (mean ± SD; age: 22.75 ± 3.27 yrs; height: 177.03 ± 8.44cm; weight: 78.98 ± 11.24kg; body fat%: 14.28 ± 6.6), volunteered to participate in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants were assigned to a PS group (400mg/day PS; 100mg/day caffeine, N=9) or PL (16g/day Carbs, N=11) delivered in the form of 4 candy chews identical in size, shape and color. Subjects performed an acute bout of full body resistance exercise, prior to (T1) and following 14 days of supplementation (T2). Measures of reaction time (Dynavision® D2 Visuomotor Training Device), cognition (Serial Subtraction Test, SST), and mood (Profile of Mood States, POMS) were assessed immediately before and following resistance exercise in both T1 and T2. Data was analyzed using two-way ANCOVA and repeated measures ANOVA. Supplementation with 400mg PS and 100mg caffeine did not have a significant impact upon measures of reaction time or cognition between groups at baseline or following acute resistance exercise. However, there was a non-significant trend to the attenuation of fatigue iv between groups, following acute resistance exercise (p = 0.071). Interestingly, our data suggests that acute resistance exercise alone may improve cognitive function. Although more research is necessary regarding optimal dosage and supplementation duration, the current findings suggest that supplementation 400mg/day PS with 100mg/day caffeine may attenuate fatigue following acute resistance exercise. It is possible that the lack of significance may be the result of both an inhibition of the PS activated pathway and a withdrawal effect from caffeine.
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Tracking Carbon Flow during Methane Oxidation into Methanotrophs using 13C-PLFA Labeling in Pulsing Freshwater WetlandsRoy Chowdhury, Taniya 18 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Spatial and temporal aspects of PI(4,5)P<sub>2</sub> and SNAREs in exocytosis studied using isolated membrane sheets and capacitance measurements / Spatial and temporal aspects of PI(4,5)P<sub>2</sub> and SNAREs in exocytosis studied using isolated membrane sheets and capacitance measurementsMilosevic, Ira 18 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Associations of low HDL cholesterol level and premature coronary heart disease with functionality and phospholipid composition of HDL and with plasma oxLDL antibody levelsPaavola, T. (Timo) 01 October 2019 (has links)
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis. It is a major cause of mortality and morbidity both in Finland and globally. Even after the best known treatments a significant residual risk of CHD remains. A low plasma HDL cholesterol level (HDL, high-density lipoprotein) is a common lipid abnormality in patients affected by premature CHD and also a component of the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors for atherosclerosis associated with central obesity.
In this study, a phenotype of low HDL cholesterol level and premature CHD was investigated in two Northern Finnish family populations. The aim was to find new biological factors accounting for the elevated CHD risk in the phenotype. In the subjects of family population I, plasma levels of antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA) against experimental epitopes (malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde-modified, copper-oxidized) of oxidized LDL (low-density lipoprotein) particles were measured. In the subjects of family population II, capacity of HDL fractions (total HDL, HDL2 and HDL3) to accept cholesterol from a THP-1 experimental foam cell model was assayed (cholesterol efflux). In addition, a phospholipid composition of their HDL fractions (HDL2 and HDL3) was measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
The antibody levels were not related to CHD or to HDL cholesterol level. Instead, the cholesterol efflux to HDL2 fraction was clearly impaired in CHD, which was associated with the low HDL cholesterol level of the patients. The impaired cholesterol efflux to HDL2 fraction was primarily in conjunction with the metabolic syndrome. The phospholipid composition of HDL fractions was different between the affected and the non-affected subjects. As an example, characteristic of the metabolic syndrome were elevated contents of palmitic, palmitoleic or oleic acids relative to linoleic acid in lysophosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylcholines.
In conclusion, the HDL fraction is both functionally and compositionally modified in the phenotype of low HDL cholesterol level and premature CHD. Especially the cholesterol efflux capacity of the HDL2 fraction and thus its many functional properties may be impaired. There are many characteristic features in the phospholipid composition of the HDL in the phenotype which were detected in HDL2 and HDL3 fractions. / Tiivistelmä
Sepelvaltimotauti on ateroskleroosin kliininen ilmenemismuoto. Se on merkittävimpiä kuolleisuuden ja sairastavuuden aiheuttajia niin Suomessa kuin maailmalla. Parhaillakin tunnetuilla hoidoilla sepelvaltimotaudille jää huomattava jäännösriski. Plasman matala HDL-kolesterolitaso (HDL, high-density lipoprotein) on yleinen lipidipoikkeavuus varhaista sepelvaltimotautia sairastavilla ja myös eräs metabolisen oireyhtymän, eli keskivartalolihavuuteen liittyvän ateroskleroosin riskitekijäkasauman, komponentti.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin matalan HDL-kolesterolitason ja varhaisen sepelvaltimotaudin fenotyyppiä kahdessa pohjoissuomalaisessa sukuaineistossa. Tavoitteena oli löytää uusia biologisia tekijöitä fenotyypin kohonneen sepelvatimotautiriskin taustalta. Ensimmäisen aineiston henkilöiden plasmasta mitattiin vasta-ainetasoja (IgG, IgM, IgA) LDL-hiukkasten (LDL, low-density lipoprotein) kokeellisia hapettuneita epitooppeja (malonidialdehydi-asetaldehydi-modioitu ja kuparilla hapetettu LDL) vastaan. Toisessa aineistossa mitattiin henkilöiden HDL-fraktioiden (kokonais-HDL, HDL2 ja HDL3) kykyä saada aikaan kolesterolin ulosvirtausta kokeellisesta THP-1 vaahtosolumallista. Lisäksi heidän HDL-fraktioidensa (HDL2, HDL3) fosfolipidikoostumus mitattiin nestekromatografi-massaspektrometri-laitteistolla.
Vasta-ainetasot eivät liittyneet sepelvaltimotautiin tai HDL-kolesterolitasoon. Sen sijaan kolesterolin ulosvirtaus HDL2-fraktioon oli selkeästi alentunut sepelvaltimotaudissa, mikä liittyi potilaiden pieneen HDL-kolesterolipitoisuuteen. Alentunut ulosvirtaus HDL2-fraktioon liittyikin ensisijaisesti metaboliseen oireyhtymään. HDL-fraktioiden fosfolipidikoostumus erosi terveiden ja sairaiden välillä. Esimerkiksi metabolisessa oireryhtymässä tunnusomaista oli lysofosfatidyylikoliinien ja fosfatidyylikoliinien sisältämän palmitiinihapon, palmitoleiinihapon tai oleiinihapon suurentunut määrä suhteessa niiden sisältämän linoleenihapon määrään.
Loppupäätelmä on, että matalan HDL-kolesterolitason ja varhaisen sepelvaltimotaudin fenotyypin HDL-fraktio on sekä toiminnaltaan että koostumukseltaan muuntunut. Erityisesti HDL2-fraktion kyky saada aikaan kolesterolin ulosvirtausta ja näin ollen sen monet toiminnalliset ominaisuudet voivat olla alentuneet. Fenotyypin HDL:n fosfolipidikoostumuksessa on monia tunnusomaisia piirteitä, joita havaittiin sekä HDL2- että HDL3-fraktiossa.
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Effects of cow urine and its constituents on soil microbial populations and nitrous oxide emissionsBertram, Janet January 2009 (has links)
New Zealand’s 5.3 million strong dairy herd returns approximately 106 million litres of urine to pasture soils daily. The urea in that urine is rapidly hydrolysed to ammonium (NH₄⁺), which is then nitrified, with denitrification of nitrate (NO₃⁻) ensuing. Nitrous oxide (N₂O), a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), is produced via nitrification and denitrification, which are enzyme-catalysed processes mediated by soil microbes. Thus microbes are linked intrinsically to urine patch chemistry. However, few previous studies have investigated microbial dynamics in urine patches. Therefore the objective of these four experiments was to investigate the effects on soil microbial communities of cow urine deposition. Methods used included phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses of microbial community structure and microbial stress, dehydrogenase activity (DHA) assays measuring microbial activity, and headspace gas sampling of N₂O, ammonia (NH₃) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) fluxes. Experiment 1, a laboratory study, examined the influence of soil moisture and urinary salt content on the microbial community. Both urine application and high soil moisture increased microbial stress, as evidenced by significant changes in PLFA trans/cis and iso/anteiso ratios. Total PLFAs and DHA showed a short-term (< 1 week) stimulatory effect on microbes after urine application. Mean cumulative N₂O-N fluxes were 2.75% and 0.05% of the nitrogen (N) applied, from the wet (70% WFPS) and dry (35% WFPS) soils, respectively. Experiment 2, a field trial, investigated nutrient dynamics and microbial stress with plants present. Concentrations of the micronutrients, copper, iron and molybdenum, increased up to 20-fold after urine application, while soil phosphorus (P) concentrations decreased from 0.87 mg kg ⁻¹ to 0.48 mg kg⁻¹. Plant P was also lower in urine patches, but total PLFAs were higher, suggesting that microbes had utilised the available nutrients. Microbial stress again resulted from urine application but, in contrast to experiment 1, the fungal biomass recovered after its initial inhibition. Studies published during the course of this thesis reported that hippuric acid (HA) and its hydrolysis product benzoic acid (BA) significantly reduced N₂O-N emissions from synthetic cow urine, thus experiment 3 investigated this effect using real cow urine. Cumulative N₂O-N fluxes were 16.8, 5.9 and 4.7% of N applied for urine (U) alone, U+HA and U+BA, respectively. Since NH₃-N volatilisation remained unchanged, net gaseous N emissions were reduced. Trends in total PLFAs and microbial stress were comparable to experiment 1 results. Experiment 4 studied HA effects at different temperatures and found no inhibition of N₂O-N fluxes from HA-amended urine. However, mean cumulative N₂O-N fluxes were reduced from 7.6% of N applied at 15–20°C to 0.2% at 5–10°C. Total cumulative N emissions (N₂O-N + NH₃-N) were highest at 20°C (17.5% of N applied) and lowest at 10°C (9.8% of N applied). Microbial activity, measured as potential DHA, increased with increasing temperature. This work has clearly shown that the stimulation and inhibition of the soil microbial community by urine application are closely linked to soil chemistry and have significant impacts not only on soil nutrient dynamics but also on N₂O-N emissions and their possible mitigation.
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Chromatographic Studies of Solute Interactions with Immobilized Red Blood Cells and BiomembranesGottschalk, Ingo January 2002 (has links)
<p>Specific and non-specific interactions of solutes with immobilized biomembranes were studied using chromatographic methods. Liposomes, proteoliposomes and red blood cell (RBC) membrane vesicles were immobilized by a freeze-thawing procedure, whereas whole RBCs were adsorbed in the gel beds using electrostatic interaction, binding to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) or the streptavidin-biotin interaction. </p><p>Superporous agarose gel with coupled WGA was the most promising matrix for RBC adsorption and allowed frontal chromatographic analyses of the cells for about one week. Dissociation constants for the binding of cytochalasin B and glucose to the glucose transporter GLUT1 were determined under equilibrium conditions. The number of cytochalasin B-binding sites per GLUT1 monomer was calculated and compared to corresponding results measured on free and immobilized membrane vesicles and GLUT1 proteoliposomes. This allowed conclusions about the protein´s binding state <i>in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>. </p><p>Partitioning of drugs into biomembranes was quantified and the system was suggested as a screening method to test for possible intestinal absorption of drug candidates. We also studied how membrane partitioning of drugs is affected by the presence of integral membrane proteins or of charged phospholipids.</p><p>An attempt to combine the theory for specific binding and membrane partitioning of solutes in a single equation is briefly presented. </p>
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Affinity-, Partition- and Permeability Properties of the Human Red Blood Cell Membrane and Biomembrane Models, with Emphasis on the GLUT1 Glucose TransporterLagerquist Hägglund, Christine January 2003 (has links)
<p>The human glucose transporter GLUT1 is abundant in red blood cells, the blood-brain barrier and epithelial cells, where it mediates the transport of the energy metabolite, glucose. In the present work some properties of GLUT1, including affinity binding of both substrates and inhibitors, transport rates as well as permeabilities of aromatic amino acids and drug-membrane interactions were analyzed by chromatographic methods.</p><p>Reconstitution by size-exclusion chromatography on Superdex 75 from a detergent with a low CMC that provides monomeric GLUT1 was examined regarding D-glucose- and CB binding as well as D-glucose transport. Upon steric immobilization in Superdex 200 gel beads, residual detergent could be washed away and dissociation constants in the same range as reported for binding to GLUT1 reconstituted from other detergents were obtained. The transport rate into the GLUT1 proteoliposomes was low, probably due to residual detergent. Binding to GLUT1 at different pH was analyzed and the affinity of glucose and GLUT1 inhibitors was found to decrease with increasing pH (5–8.7). The average number of cytochalasin B-binding sites per GLUT1 monomers was, in most cases, approximately 0.4. GLUT1 may work as a functional monomer, dimer or oligomer. To determine whether GLUT1 was responsible for the transport of the aromatic amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, uptake values and permeabilities of these amino acids into liposomes and GLUT1 proteoliposomes were compared to the permeabilities of D- and L- glucose in the same systems. Dihydrocytochalasin B was identified to be a new inhibitor of tyrosine and tryptophan transport into red blood cells. Ethanol turned out to inhibit the specific binding between CB and GLUT1 and also to decrease the partitioning of CB and drugs into lipid bilayers. A capacity factor for drug partitioning into membranes that allows comparison between columns with different amount of immobilized lipids was validated, and turned out to be independent of flow rate, amount of lipids and drug concentration in the ranges tested.</p>
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Affinity-, Partition- and Permeability Properties of the Human Red Blood Cell Membrane and Biomembrane Models, with Emphasis on the GLUT1 Glucose TransporterLagerquist Hägglund, Christine January 2003 (has links)
The human glucose transporter GLUT1 is abundant in red blood cells, the blood-brain barrier and epithelial cells, where it mediates the transport of the energy metabolite, glucose. In the present work some properties of GLUT1, including affinity binding of both substrates and inhibitors, transport rates as well as permeabilities of aromatic amino acids and drug-membrane interactions were analyzed by chromatographic methods. Reconstitution by size-exclusion chromatography on Superdex 75 from a detergent with a low CMC that provides monomeric GLUT1 was examined regarding D-glucose- and CB binding as well as D-glucose transport. Upon steric immobilization in Superdex 200 gel beads, residual detergent could be washed away and dissociation constants in the same range as reported for binding to GLUT1 reconstituted from other detergents were obtained. The transport rate into the GLUT1 proteoliposomes was low, probably due to residual detergent. Binding to GLUT1 at different pH was analyzed and the affinity of glucose and GLUT1 inhibitors was found to decrease with increasing pH (5–8.7). The average number of cytochalasin B-binding sites per GLUT1 monomers was, in most cases, approximately 0.4. GLUT1 may work as a functional monomer, dimer or oligomer. To determine whether GLUT1 was responsible for the transport of the aromatic amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, uptake values and permeabilities of these amino acids into liposomes and GLUT1 proteoliposomes were compared to the permeabilities of D- and L- glucose in the same systems. Dihydrocytochalasin B was identified to be a new inhibitor of tyrosine and tryptophan transport into red blood cells. Ethanol turned out to inhibit the specific binding between CB and GLUT1 and also to decrease the partitioning of CB and drugs into lipid bilayers. A capacity factor for drug partitioning into membranes that allows comparison between columns with different amount of immobilized lipids was validated, and turned out to be independent of flow rate, amount of lipids and drug concentration in the ranges tested.
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Chromatographic Studies of Solute Interactions with Immobilized Red Blood Cells and BiomembranesGottschalk, Ingo January 2002 (has links)
Specific and non-specific interactions of solutes with immobilized biomembranes were studied using chromatographic methods. Liposomes, proteoliposomes and red blood cell (RBC) membrane vesicles were immobilized by a freeze-thawing procedure, whereas whole RBCs were adsorbed in the gel beds using electrostatic interaction, binding to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) or the streptavidin-biotin interaction. Superporous agarose gel with coupled WGA was the most promising matrix for RBC adsorption and allowed frontal chromatographic analyses of the cells for about one week. Dissociation constants for the binding of cytochalasin B and glucose to the glucose transporter GLUT1 were determined under equilibrium conditions. The number of cytochalasin B-binding sites per GLUT1 monomer was calculated and compared to corresponding results measured on free and immobilized membrane vesicles and GLUT1 proteoliposomes. This allowed conclusions about the protein´s binding state in vitro and in vivo. Partitioning of drugs into biomembranes was quantified and the system was suggested as a screening method to test for possible intestinal absorption of drug candidates. We also studied how membrane partitioning of drugs is affected by the presence of integral membrane proteins or of charged phospholipids. An attempt to combine the theory for specific binding and membrane partitioning of solutes in a single equation is briefly presented.
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