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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livskvalitet och copingstrategier vid psoriasis, en litteraturstudie

Jussila, Anna, Sjöström, Sara January 2005 (has links)
Psoriasis är en av de vanligast förekommande hudsjukdomarna och mer än två procent har denna kroniska sjukdom i Sverige. Som allmänsjuksköterska är sannolikheten stor att vi kommer att stöta på patienter med sjukdomen. Syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen och fördjupa förståelsen för personer med denna sjukdom ur aspekterna livskvalitet, copingstrategier samt ta reda på om sjuksköterskan med några omvårdnadsåtgärder kan underlätta för patienter med psoriasis. Denna litteraturstudie visade tydligt att psoriasis påverkar livskvalitén. För att få fram den kunskapen använde man olika mätinstrument. Det framkom att det fysiska, psykiska och sociala livet påverkades samt ekonomin. När det gällde copingstrategier fann man att oavsett om man var frisk eller sjuk använde man samma strategier. Ingen forskning har bedrivits angående omvårdnadsåtgärder rörande psoriasis för allmänsjuksköterskan. Mer forskning behövs kring allmänsjuksköterskans vårdande roll. Denna studie har trots detta ett framtida värde då den ger värdefull information som vi kan använda oss av i omvårdnadsarbetet. / Psoriasis is one of the most common skin-diseases and more than two percent suffers from this chronic disease in Sweden. As a general nurse it is very likely that we will meet patients with this disease. We want to create a greater understanding and knowledge about how a nurse can support and make it easier for these patients. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge and deepens the understanding of patients with psoriasis regarding aspects of quality of life, copingstrategies and nursinginterventions. This literature review clearly showed that psoriasis influenced quality of life. To get these results the researchers used different kinds of instruments. It showed that physical, psychological and social life where affected and also their financial state. When it came to copingstrategies the findings showed that no matter if you were healthy or sick you used the same kind of strategies. No research has been done about nursing interventions for the general nurse. We therefore need more research about the general nurses care-giving roll. This study has though a future value as it gives us information about what we can do for patients with psoriasis in our nursing care.

Grenz ray therapy for inflammatory skin disorders

Lundqvist, Natalie January 2022 (has links)
Introduction Grenz ray therapy ( has long been used as treatment for inflammatory skindiaseases R ecent h ealth technology assessment reports have concluded that because ofinsufficient evidence of its efficacy they do not promote further use of GRT for benigndisorders. Aim T o investigate the effect, estimate remission times and summarize the outcome of the GRTseries administered over a six year period for the treatment of inflammatory diseases at theUniversity Hospital Örebro Methods A total of 204 treatment serie s were included by review of patient files spanningfrom 201 5 to 2020. Symptom scores of one to fifteen were recorded at start and end oftreatment. Data on recurrence was collected over a follow up period of 12 months after theend of treatment. Results Al l diagnoses had reduced symptom severity score s post treatment, with psoriasis ofthe scalp showing a 71.4% reduction and genital lichen showing a symptom score reductionof 25.0% Non reponse was lowest for hand dermatitis, and highest for lichen and eczema ofthe body. In patients with an initial effect post t reatment, a majority did not experience arecurrence within 12 months. Conclusion Positive effects were of GRT was indicated especially for scalp psoriasis andhand dermatitis, a ltough effect size is undetermined. The least effect was indicated for genitallichen. Hand dermatitis had the lowest recurrence rate in the follow up period. Furtherresearch of the subject is needed to determine the utility o f the method

Impact of Chronic Inflammation in Psoriasis on Bone Metabolism

Saalbach, Anja, Kunz, Manfred 26 October 2023 (has links)
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and joints associated with several comorbidities such as arthritis, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, including obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia, Crohn’s disease, uveitis and psychiatric and psychological diseases. Psoriasis has been described as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and thus patients with psoriasis should be monitored for the development of cardiovascular disease or metabolic syndrome. However, there is mounting evidence that psoriasis also affects the development of osteoporosis, an important metabolic disease with enormous clinical and socioeconomic impact. At present, there are still controversial opinions about the role of psoriasis in osteoporosis. A more in depth analysis of this phenomenon is of great importance for affected patients since, until now, bone metabolism is not routinely examined in psoriatic patients, which might have important long-term consequences for patients and the health system. In the present review, we summarize current knowledge on the impact of psoriatic inflammation on bone metabolism and osteoporosis.

Psoriasis activation of cells important in cardiovascular disease

Bridgewood, Charlie January 2017 (has links)
Psoriasis is an immune mediated inflammatory disease which affects 2-3% of the world’s population. Over the last decade, psoriasis has been acknowledged as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. The precise mechanism or mechanisms of the heightened risk is widely speculated. Endothelial cells and macrophages are central players in the immunopathological development of both diseases. Interleukin-36 cytokines (IL-36) have been heavily implicated in psoriasis immunopathology. Significant upregulation of epidermal IL-36 is a recognised characteristic of psoriatic skin inflammation. IL-36 induces inflammatory responses in dendritic cells, fibroblasts and epithelial cells. While vascular alterations are a hallmark of psoriatic lesions and dermal endothelial cells are well known to play a critical role in dermal inflammation, the effects of IL-36 on endothelial cells have not been defined. We report that endothelial cells including dermal microvascular cells express a functionally active IL-36 receptor. Adhesion molecules VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 are upregulated following IL-36γ stimulation, and this is reversed in the presence of the endogenous IL-36 receptor antagonist. IL-36γ-stimulated endothelial cells secrete the proinflammatory chemokines IL-8, CCL2 and CCL20. Chemotaxis assays showed increased migration of T-cells following IL-36γ stimulation of endothelial cells. Both resident and infiltrating inflammatory myeloid cells contribute to the immunopathology of psoriasis by promoting the IL-23/IL-17 axis. We show that IL-36γ induces the production of psoriasis-associated cytokines from macrophages (IL-23, TNFα) and that this response is enhanced in macrophages from psoriasis patients. This effect is specific for IL-36γ and could not be mimicked by other IL-1 family cytokines such as IL-1α. Furthermore, IL-36γ stimulated macrophages potently activated endothelial cells as illustrated by ICAM-1(CD54) upregulation, and led to increased adherence of monocytes, effects that were markedly more pronounced for psoriatic macrophages. Interestingly, regardless of stimulus, monocytes isolated from psoriasis patients showed increased adherence to both the stimulated and unstimulated endothelium when compared to monocytes from healthy individuals. Collectively, these findings add to the growing evidence for IL-36γ having roles in psoriatic responses, by enhancing endothelium directed leukocyte infiltration into the skin and strengthening the IL-23/IL-17 pathway. Our findings also point to a cellular response which could potentially support cardiovascular comorbidities in psoriasis. / University of Bradford and the Centre for Skin Sciences

Reduced Serum Levels of Bone Formation Marker P1NP in Psoriasis

Mentzel, Julia, Kynast, Tabea, Kohlmann, Johannes, Kirsten, Holger, Blüher, Matthias, Simon, Jan C., Kunz, Manfred, Saalbach, Anja 27 March 2023 (has links)
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and joints. More recent data emphasize an association with dysregulated glucose and fatty acid metabolism, obesity, elevated blood pressure and cardiac disease, summarized as metabolic syndrome. TNF-a and IL-17, central players in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, are known to impair bone formation. Therefore, the relation between psoriasis and bone metabolism parameters was investigated. Two serum markers of either bone formation—N-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (P1NP) or bone resorption—C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX-I)—were analyzed in a cohort of patients with psoriasis vulgaris. In patients with psoriasis, P1NP serum levels were reduced compared to gender-, age-, and body mass index-matched healthy controls. CTX-I levels were indistinguishable between patients with psoriasis and controls. Consistently, induction of psoriasis-like skin inflammation in mice decreases bone volume and activity of osteoblasts. Moreover, efficient anti-psoriatic treatment improved psoriasis severity, but did not reverse decreased P1NP level suggesting that independent of efficient skin treatment psoriasis did affect bone metabolism and might favor the development of osteoporosis. Taken together, evidence is provided that bone metabolism might be affected by psoriatic inflammation, which may have consequences for future patient counseling and disease monitoring.


Wu, Ling 13 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Abnormalities in the Adhesion and Aggregation Profiles of Circulating Monocytes in Psoriasis

Golden, Jackelyn B. 27 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.


Nattkemper, Leigh January 2015 (has links)
Chronic itch has a significant impact on quality of life for millions of patients worldwide, on a level comparable to that of chronic pain. Yet, although there are a host of effective drugs available for pain, there are no therapies that specifically target chronic itch. Current experimental approaches to investigate the pathogenesis of chronic pruritus and to test novel therapeutic agents are largely limited to rodent models. However, rodent models display significant dermatological, neurophysiological, and immunological differences from humans with chronic itch. The disadvantages of the current rodent paradigms call for the design of a valid primate model of chronic itch. For four years, we have monitored scratching behavior in a primate colony (n=35) of Cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) suffering from idiopathic chronic itch. By comparing molecular and genetic analyses of the primates’ skin to their quantified scratching behavior, we attempted to characterize the underlying mechanisms of chronic itch in this model. Furthermore, the expression of itch-related proteins was examined in both the primate model and in humans with pruritic diseases. The first aim of the study was to characterize the underlying molecular and genetic basis of chronic itch in the primate model. We were able to distinguish specific peripheral targets related to pruritus by correlating the genetic and protein expression results to the primates’ scratching severity. In Aim 1a, RNA-sequencing was performed on skin biopsies from the primates to identify differentially expressed genes in pruritic, lichenified versus non-pruritic, non-lichenified skin. These results were then correlated to the quantified primate scratching behavior. This led to the identification of over 400 genes that were differentially expressed in the skin based on scratching intensity. Many of these differentially expressed transcripts were associated with sensory nerve fibers, keratinocytes, mast cells, or lymphocytes. Selected genes that were overexpressed and correlated to itch intensity were then targeted for immunohistochemical and proteomic analysis in Aim 1b. Immunohistochemical examination of the primate skin biopsies revealed that histamine levels were not elevated in primates that exhibited increased scratching behavior. However, mast cells containing tryptase were significantly increased in the skin of primates with severe scratching as compared to primates with mild scratching. The increased levels of gastrin-releasing peptide and substance P in lichenified skin were also found to be correlated to the primates’ scratching behavior. Of note, transient receptor potential channels V1, V3, and A1 were increased in the epidermis of primate skin, but the numbers of TRPV1+ and TRPA1+ nerve fibers were not significantly different between lichenified and non-lichenified skin. Transcriptome analysis of the opioid receptors and their ligands showed that primates with severe scratching behavior had a significant imbalance between the µ- and κ-opioid receptors and ligands. The µ-opioids had upregulated gene expression, while the κ-opioids were downregulated. In Aim 2, to further characterize this primate model of chronic itch, we compared immunohistochemical results from the primate studies to human findings. Lesional and non-lesional skin biopsies from patients with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma underwent immunohistochemical analysis in order to reveal the similarities and differences between the primate model and different types of chronic itch in humans. As in the primate model, substance P was found to be increased in the skin of lesional atopic and psoriasis skin. Additionally, similar to primate skin, human atopic and psoriatic skin had high levels of tryptase and its receptor in the epidermis. While IL-31 was only slightly elevated in primates, patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma or atopic dermatitis showed a significant correlation between itch severity and IL-31 levels. In conclusion, our primate model displayed expression patterns of many endogenous pruritogens and receptors that were similar to those of humans with atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. While the primate model did not completely mimic these specific pruritic diseases, the overlap of pruritic components suggests a commonality of signaling pathways across several different chronic itch states. The similarity of this primate model to human disease offers the combined advantages of experimental modeling and long-term behavioral follow-up. / Biomedical Sciences

Der Einfluss freier Fettsäuren bei der Amplifikation einer IL-23-vermittelten Th17-Immunantwort am Beispiel einer Adipositas-assoziierten Psoriasis vulgaris

Stelzner, Kristin 07 March 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Étude de l'impact de la congélation sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des substituts cutanés et caractérisation d'un nouveau modèle de substituts cutanés psoriasiques enrichis en cellules immunitaires produit par génie tissulaire

Dubois-Declercq, Sarah 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le défi actuel des chercheurs est d’élaborer de nouveaux modèles de substituts cutanés plus perfectionnés et d’optimiser leur méthode de production afin d’améliorer leur reproductibilité. Cette étude a évalué l’impact de la congélation des substituts cutanés à -20°C pendant 2 mois via leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et leur fonctionnalité. Les analyses d’ATR-FTIR montrent que la cryopréservation n’affecte pas l’organisation des lipides de la couche cornée tandis que les analyses d’absorption percutanée montrent que la congélation affecte la perméabilité des substituts cutanés. De plus, le modèle de peau a été optimisé par l’incorporation de lymphocytes T permettant ainsi d’étudier le rôle des lymphocytes sur la différenciation cellulaire des kératinocytes et de mieux comprendre le rôle de la fractalkine dans le développement du psoriasis. Ces résultats nous incitent à penser que la fractalkine se démarque des autres cytokines inflammatoires dans le développement du psoriasis et se doit d’être mieux connue. / The current challenge for researchers is to develop new models for more advanced skin substitutes and optimize their production methods to improve reproducibility. This study evaluates the impact of the freezing of skin substitutes at -20°C for 2 months via their physicochemical properties and functionality. The ATR-FTIR analysis show that the cryopreservation did not affect the lipid organization of the stratum corneum while percutaneous absorption analysis show that the freezing of the permeability affects skin substitutes. In addition, the skin model was optimized by incorporating T lymphocytes and to study the role of lymphocytes in cell differentiation of keratinocytes and better understand the role of fractalkine in the development of psoriasis. These results lead us to believe that fractalkine differs from other inflammatory cytokines in the development of psoriasis and should be investigated.

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